Upgrading a Cisco StadiumVision Director Server from Release 2.4 SP1 to Release 3.0

First Published: May 29, 2012
Revised: August 2, 2012

This module describes how to upgrade a Cisco StadiumVision Director server previously installed with a minimum of Release 2.4.0-168 Service Pack 1 to Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0.

It includes the following topics:

Best Practices


Upgrade Tasks

Verifying the Upgrade

What to Do Next

Best Practices

Before you begin upgrading a Cisco StadiumVision Director server from Release 2.4.0-168 Service Pack 1 to Release 3.0.0-333 software, consider the following best practices:

Choose an appropriate down time to perform the upgrade on the Cisco StadiumVision Director server when there is adequate time to complete and verify the upgrade before any scheduled events and to allow time to resolve any unexpected issues that might occur.

Refer to the Release Notes for Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0 for the latest information about hardware and software requirements, changes, important notes, and caveats for your software release.

Pay particular attention to the required hardware and software versions for other devices supporting your Cisco StadiumVision solution and be sure that you upgrade those devices as needed. For example, generally only certain firmware versions are supported for the DMP hardware, or a new firmware version is needed to provide additional functionality supported by the Cisco StadiumVision Director software.

Perform a backup and restore of the primary and secondary servers:

Perform a backup of the currently active primary server.

Restore the backup data onto the standby secondary server.

Promote the secondary server to active.

Access the promoted secondary server to perform the upgrade.

For more information about performing a backup and restore on a Cisco StadiumVision Server running release 2.4, see the Backing Up and Restoring StadiumVision Director, Release 2.4 guide.

For more information about promoting a secondary server to active, see the Cisco StadiumVision Director Server Redundancy, Release 2.4 guide.


Be sure that the following requirements are met before you upgrade your server:

Be sure that your existing Cisco StadiumVision server software is at the minimum release level of Release 2.4.0-168 Service Pack 1. If the server is not at the minimum release level, see the "Using the TUI Upgrade Utility to Update an Existing Release 2.4 Server" module of the Cisco StadiumVision Director Software Installation and Upgrade Guide, Release 2.4.

Replace any playlists and scripts that use DMP 4305 templates and devices with supported DMP 4310G templates and devices.

Process any outstanding Proof of Play reports. For more information, see the Cisco StadiumVision Director Proof of Play module.

Be sure that you have compatible Cisco Digital Media Player (DMP) models and firmware versions installed.

Note The Cisco DMP 4305 is not supported beginning in release 3.0. All support and references to the DMP 4305 will be removed from Cisco StadiumVision Director when you upgrade to release 3.0.

For more information about DMP hardware and software requirements, see the Release Notes for Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0.

The only supported firmware in Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0 on the Cisco DMP 4310G is DMP-4310 Version 5.3.4.

Note To avoid upgrade issues, be sure to leave all DMPs with firmware Version 2.2.2 Build 2744 when you upgrade from Release 2.4 to 3.0, before you upgrade the DMP firmware.

In Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0, once you create a device and specify that it's a 4310 DMP, the Dashboard retrieves the firmware version running on the DMP and updates the DMP device in the Cisco StadiumVision Director database. The firmware version is used by the Dashboard when processing commands and other operations for that DMP. You do not need to specify the firmware version.

For information about performing the firmware upgrade, see the "Upgrading the DMP Firmware" section.

Verify that a monitor and keyboard are connected to the Cisco StadiumVision Director server, or that you have a laptop computer connected to the same network as the Cisco StadiumVision Director server with an SSH client (such as PuTTY) to log in as installer and upgrade an existing server.

Be sure that you have a secure FTP (SFTP) application to transfer any necessary software files to the Cisco StadiumVision Director server, such as backup files when doing server migration.

Contact your Cisco Systems representative to obtain the required scripts:



Upgrade Tasks

To upgrade your Cisco StadiumVision Director server from Release 2.4 to 3.0, complete the following tasks:

Running Proof of Play Reports (as required)

Migrating Cisco StadiumVision Director Servers to Platform 2 (as required)

Verifying and Upgrading the CIMC/BIOS Version (required)

Verifying Duplicate Table Entries in Cisco StadiumVision Director (required)

Replacing the Backup Script (required if migration task not performed)

Upgrading the Software From Release 2.4 to Release 3.0 (required)

Upgrading the DMP Firmware (required)

Disabling Failover on all DMPs (required)

Running Proof of Play Reports

Before you perform the upgrade from Release 2.4 to 3.0, be sure that you have processed any outstanding Proof of Play reports. If you do not run these reports before the upgrade, the data will be lost.

For more information, see the Cisco StadiumVision Proof of Play module.

Migrating Cisco StadiumVision Director Servers to Platform 2

Note The Cisco ADE 2140 Series server is no longer supported in release 3.0.

You must migrate your Cisco StadiumVision Director data from the Cisco ADE 2140 (32-bit) server environment, to the Platform 2 (64-bit) server environment to prepare for upgrade to Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0.

For more information about how to perform this migration, see the "Migrating the Cisco StadiumVision Director Server Environment to Platform 2 from the Cisco ADE 2140 Series Appliance" module in this guide.

Verifying and Upgrading the CIMC/BIOS Version

Platform 2 of the Cisco StadiumVision Director Server requires installation of the Unified Computing System (UCS) Server Firmware Version 1.4(2) to avoid problems powering off the server hardware.

For more information about how to verify and upgrade, see the "Upgrading the CIMC and BIOS Firmware on a Cisco StadiumVision Director Platform 2 Server" module in this guide.

Verifying Duplicate Table Entries in Cisco StadiumVision Director

Note This task requires that you have obtained the "checkdups.sh" script from your Cisco Systems representative.

To successfully upgrade from Release 2.4 to Release 3.0, you need to download and run a script that will screen your system for any duplicate entities. Duplicate table entries could prevent the update SQL scripts for those areas from successfully completing, but the Cisco StadiumVision Director software upgrade will still complete.

The following areas are verified for duplicates:

Luxury suite names

Device specifications

Channel guide names

Channel names

Channel numbers

Group names

Zone names

Playlist names

Script names

To identify duplicate table entries in Cisco StadiumVision Director, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Using an SFTP application and SNE TAC account login credential for the Cisco StadiumVision Director server, transfer the checkdups.sh file to the Cisco StadiumVision Director server.

Step 2 Log into Cisco StadiumVision Director using a SNE TAC account login credential.

Step 3 Change the permissions for the checkdups.sh script using the following command:

sudo chmod 777 checkdups.sh

Step 4 Run the checkdups.sh script.

Figure 1 shows an example where duplicates are found on the Cisco StadiumVision Director, and Figure 2 shows an example where the system does not have duplicates.

Figure 1 Duplicates Found by checkdups.sh Script

Figure 2 No Duplicates Found by checkdups.sh Script

Step 5 If duplicates are found by the script, do the following:

a. Log into Cisco StadiumVision Director as an administrator.

b. From the main menu, click Control Panel.

c. Go to the area where duplicate entries were identified by the script and remove the duplicate.

Figure 3 shows an example where duplicate groups are configured in Cisco StadiumVision Director, that were identified by the checkdups.sh script in Figure 1.

Figure 3 Duplicate Groups in Control Panel Setup

Replacing the Backup Script

NoteThis task requires that you have obtained the "backup.cgi" script from your Cisco Systems representative.

This task should be performed before you upgrade from Release 2.4 to Release 3.0 and should only be performed if you did not need to perform the "Migrating Cisco StadiumVision Director Servers to Platform 2" section—the migration process includes completion of this task.

To replace the backup script and modify the timeout value, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Log into the Cisco StadiumVision Director primary server using a SNE TAC account login credential.

Step 2 Go to the folder where the current backup script file is stored using the following command:

cd /var/www/cgi-bin/

Step 3 Rename the original backup.cgi file in this folder to another name using the following command:

sudo mv backup.cgi old_backup.cgi

Step 4 Using an SFTP client on the PC or laptop where you downloaded the new backup.cgi file, transfer the file to the "/tmp" folder.

Step 5 Move the backup.cgi file to the "/var/www/cgi-bin" folder on the primary Cisco StadiumVision Director server using the following command:

sudo mv /tmp/backup.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin

Step 6 After transferring the script, verify that the permissions and ownership of the backup.cgi script matches the rest of the scripts in the folder. To change the permissions, use the following commands:

sudo chown apache:apache backup.cgi
sudo chmod 755 backup.cgi

Step 7 Change the HTTPD timeout value from 120 to 5400 using the following commands:

cd /etc/httpd/conf/
sudo vi httpd.conf

Search for "Timeout" and increase the value from 120 to 5400.

Step 8 Restart HTTPD using the following command:

sudo service httpd restart

Step 9 Repeat this task on the secondary server.

Upgrading the Software From Release 2.4 to Release 3.0

The upgrade from Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 2.4 to Release 3.0 is performed as an ISO upgrade using the Text Utility Interface (TUI).

For more information about how to perform the ISO upgrade, see the "Using the TUI Upgrade Utility" module in this guide.

Upgrading the DMP Firmware

Caution When upgrading from Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 2.4.0-168 to Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0.0-333, an upgrade of required DMP 4310G firmware between these releases is also required.

Therefore, a transition window will occur during the upgrade where firmware Version 2.2.2 Build 2744 for Release 2.4 is not currently supported in Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0, which requires firmware Version 5.3.4.

To avoid issues during upgrade, perform the upgrade in the following order:

1. Upgrade from Release 2.4 to 3.0, leaving all DMPs with firmware Version 2.2.2 Build 2744.

2. Once the Cisco StadiumVision Director upgrade is complete, existing Release 2.4 features can be expected—but not guaranteed—to work with the Release 3.0/Version 2.2.2 Build 2744 combination.

Be sure that the following guidelines are met while in transition between supported firnware versions:

Do not attempt to use any new 3.0 features, such as SSC or External Content Integration.

Do not use the system for any public events during the upgrade window.

Do not use the system with a mix of DMPs with firmware Version 2.2.2/b2744 and Version 5.3.4 deployed.

3. Complete the upgrade by upgrading all DMP 4310G models to Version 5.3.4 using the steps described in the "Firmware Upgrade Procedure" section.

Firmware Upgrade Procedure

This section provides a summary of the steps to perform to upgrade your DMP firmware. For more detailed information, see the related documentation.

To upgrade your DMP firmware, complete the following steps on each DMP as needed:

Step 1 To download the DMP-4310 Version 5.3.4 firmware (filename 5.3.4_FCS_4310.fwimg), go to the Cisco Digital Media Players product page, click the Download Software link, and navigate to the Cisco Digital Media Player 4310G:


Note Version 5.3.4 is not the latest available version shown on the download site. Be sure to navigate to All Releases > 5 > 5.3.4 to display the supported firmware download for Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0.

Step 2 Go to the Management Dashboard > DMP and TV Controls > DMP Install > Firmware Upgrade.

Step 3 Upload the firmware file to the server and upgrade the firmware for the DMP 4310Gs.

For more information, see the "Upgrading the Firmware Image" section of the Cisco StadiumVision Management Dashboard Device Configuration Commands guide.

Step 4 Go to the Management Dashboard > SV Director Configuration > System Configuration > Auto Registration Settings. Confirm or set the following values as required:

Enable_Auto_Registration = true

Enable_Auto_Provisioning = true

Firmware image to use = 5.3.4 (select from the dropdown box)

init.version = 5.3.4

init.build = Mon Jan 16 11:33:38 PST 2012 [b3125]

Step 5 Go to the Management Dashboard > SV Director Configuration > Global DMP Settings and confirm the firmware version and build date in the 4310 v5.x.x and 4310 Settings as shown in Figure 4.

Note Be sure that both the 4310 Settings section and the 4310 v5.x.x Settings have the same values for init.build and init.version.

Figure 4 Global DMP Settings in Management Dashboard

Step 6 Configure the Assigned VLAN property under both the 4310 v5.x.x and 4310 Settings as $svd_ignore or the actual VLAN number on which your DMPs reside. Do not leave blank.

Note DMP auto-registration support requires that the VLAN value is correctly set or "$svd_ignore" is used.

Figure 4 shows how to configure the Assigned VLAN property under the 4310 Settings for DMPs that are not located on the same VLAN using the "$svd_ignore" string.

You will also need to set this Assigned VLAN property value for the 4310 v5.x.x Settings:

Figure 5 Assigned VLAN Property Configuration for DMPs

Step 7 Go to Management Dashboard > DMP and TV Controls > DMP Install > Firmware Upgrade.

Select All Devices and click the Play (>) icon to run the command.

Step 8 Go to Management Dashboard > DMP and TV Controls > Global Settings > Global DMP Settings.

Select All Devices and click the Play (>) icon to run the command.

Step 9 Go to Management Dashboard > DMP and TV Controls > Monitoring > Get Status.

Select All Devices and click the Play (>) icon to run the command.

Disabling Failover on all DMPs

Sometimes when a DMP is in failover mode during an event and should be displaying content, but the video content is not staged, the TV screen is black. Therefore in Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0, Cisco Systems recommends that failover for DMPs is disabled.

To disable failover on all DMPs, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Log into Cisco StadiumVision Director as an administrator.

Step 2 Click Management Dashboard.

Step 3 Go to DMP and TV Controls > DMP Commands.

Step 4 Select Update MIB.

Step 5 Click 4310 Parameters tab.

Step 6 In the name cell, type failover.on.

Step 7 In the value cell, type false.

Step 8 In the Select Devices box, select all DMPs.

Step 9 Press the Play button to execute on selected devices.

Step 10 Turn off failover in the global MIB settings by completing the following steps:

a. From the Management Dashboard, go to SV Director Configuration > System Configuration > Global DMP Settings > 4310 v5.x.x Settings.

b. Find the Enable failover property.

c. Set the value to false.

d. Click Save changes.

Verifying the Upgrade

Complete the verification tasks as described in the "Using the TUI Upgrade Utility" module in this guide.

What to Do Next

Use the "Appendix A: Post-Upgrade Checklist" to be sure that you have completed the required verification steps, which includes steps to failback to the primary server and upgrade it to the same version of software that you validated on your secondary server and reconfigure the backup and restore environment.