Manage Devices

Add Devices through GUI

If you have many devices to add to the Inventory Manager, you may find it more efficient to put the information in a CSV file and import the file.


Step 1

Choose Inventory > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Inventory section, click the add icon (Add icon).

Step 3

Choose a Core Type: Managed or Unmanaged

Step 4

Enter the values for the Cisco cBR-8 device.

  • Managed: The following fields are mandatory:
    • Device Key Type: IP address

    • Management IP Address: Management IP address on the Cisco cBR-8 router that can reach the Cisco Smart PHY application

    • Product Type: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS

    • Credential Profile: Specify the credential profile. Devices with the same credentials can use the same credential profile

  • Unmanaged: The following fields are mandatory:
    • CIN IP Address: IP address on the unmanaged Core that provides services to RPDs

    • Product Type: UNMANAGED (The field is not editable.)

Add inventory
Step 5

Click Save.

Step 6

(Optional) Repeat to add more devices.

Create CSV File for Importing Devices

To add information for multiple devices to Inventory Manager, create a CSV file. Inventory Manager contains a sample template CSV file. The GUI for adding individual devices contains field information that also applies to the contents of the CSV files that you create for device import.


Step 1

Choose Inventory > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Inventory section, click the import icon (Import icon).

(Optional) Click the link Download sample 'Inventory template (*.csv)' file to download the sample CSV file .

Step 3

Edit the CSV file and save it as a CSV file on your system. Upload this CSV file to import devices.

The mandatory fields are:

  • Key Type

  • IP Address

  • Product Type

  • Credential Profile

Import Device Information in Bulk

Before starting this procedure, create a CSV file that contains the device information.


Step 1

Choose Inventory > Inventory.

Step 2

Click the import icon (Import icon).

Step 3

In the Import CSV File window, click Browse, select the CSV file, and click Import.

The Import dialog box also has a link to a sample CSV file which you can download for reference. Make sure you save the edited file in CSV format.

Set the following values for a Cisco cBR-8 device.

  • Key Type: IP address

  • IP Address: IP address on the Cisco cBR-8 router that can reach the Cisco Smart PHY application.

  • Product Type: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS

  • Credential Profile: Specify the credential profile

Import CSV file

If any primary keys are duplicates with existing device records, Inventory Manager alerts you.

Export Device Information to a CSV File

When you export the device list to a file, all device information is exported into a CSV file.


The CSV file lists all the credentials for the exported devices. Handle the CSV file with care. Ensure that only users with special privileges can perform a device export.


Step 1

Choose Inventory > Inventory.

Step 2

(Optional) In the Inventory section, filter the device list by entering text in the Search field or filtering specific columns.

Step 3

Check the check boxes for the devices you want to export.

Step 4

Click the export icon (Export icon).

Delete a Device from the Inventory


Step 1

Choose Inventory > Inventory.

Step 2

(Optional) In the Inventory section, filter the device list by entering text in Search or filtering specific columns.

Step 3

Check the check boxes for the devices you want to delete.

Step 4

Click delete icon (Delete icon).

Step 5

In the confirmation dialog box, click Delete.

Deleting an RPD from the Inventory does not delete the corresponding RPD Assignment from the RPD Assignment table. Similarly deleting an RPD Assignment does not delete an RPD from the Inventory.

Fetch SSH Keys from Cisco cBR-8

Cisco Smart PHY can fetch new SSH keys either in bulk or by choosing an individual Cisco cBR-8 router using the user interface or API.

Cisco Smart PHY 3.1.4 and later, supports fetching SSH keys from online and offline Cisco cBR-8 routers. Cisco Smart PHY 3.1.3 and earlier, supports fetching SSH keys only from online Cisco cBR-8 routers.

In the Inventory window, choose Cisco cBR-8 routers and click the SSH key icon (Fetch SSH key icon). The following pop-up message appears when the fetching process starts:
Successfully fetched SSH keys from the selected cBR-8(s)

When the fetching process is in progress or the status of the Cisco cBR-8 router is Unknown, you cannot do another key fetch.

To view the status of the fetch operation, click the Details button.

The following statuses appear for the SSH key fetching process:

  • SSHKEYFETCH_PROGRESS: When fetching the SSH keys is in progress.

  • ONLINE_WITH_EXCEPTION: When fetching of SSH keys fails.

When the fetch operation is successful, the status of the router updates to Online.

Fetch SSH Keys Using REST API

Use the following asynchronous API to Fetch the SSH keys:
To fetch the SSH keys for all Cisco cBR-8 routers in the Cisco Smart PHY application, set the allCore parameter to true in the request message of the rpd-service-manager/rpdorch/v1/core-topology/fetch-ssh-key.
"allCore": true,
"ipAddressList": [
"", ""
Check the status of fetching the SSH keys using the following API:

Disable Southbound Communication to Cisco cBR-8 Router

You can enable or disable Cisco Smart PHY southbound communications with a Cisco cBR-8 router or a group of Cisco cBR-8 routers.

Disabling the southbound communications allows the selected Cisco cBR-8 routers to undergo maintenance without interference from Cisco Smart PHY checking for liveliness or configuration sync.

When you disable southbound communication:

  • Cisco Smart PHY does not allow you to make any configuration changes through the user interface or API to those Cisco cBR-8 routers.

  • GCP does not redirect RPDs associated with those Cisco cBR-8 routers.

To resume normal operation, choose an under maintenance Cisco cBR-8 router and click the Resume normal operation icon and confirm it.

Resuming normal operation may take some time based on your network connectiovity, as it checks the state of the router. When this check happens, the router is in the transient state of NORMALOPS_PROGRESS. After the check is complete, the state of the router updates to reflect the results: Online or Offline

You can see the status change by clicking the Details button.


The version 1 (V1) RPD-pairing REST API is not blocked when the Cisco Smart PHY application disables the southbound communication to a Cisco cBR-8 router by moving the router into maintenance mode. Only the V2 API is blocked.

Restricted Cisco Smart PHY Operations

When Cisco Smart PHY detects a Cisco cBR-8 router as offline, Cisco Smart PHY does not allow you to do the following:

  • Provision RPDs

  • Fetch Details

  • Import

However, you can edit, export, or delete the devices from the Inventory page.