Monitoring Operations Hub


All alerts are built based on the KPI metrics and divided into several alert groups. Each KPI metric generates one alert that belongs to a predefined alert group.

Alert Record

The Alert Management Dashboard captures all alerts that are generated in the Cisco Operations Hub cluster. This dashboard displays alert summary and detailed information about those alerts.

Viewing Alert Summary

The Alerts page displays a summary of total number of firing, pending, and warning alerts based on alert severity. You can access the alert overview page from the main menu.

  1. At the main menu, select Alerts. The Alerts page appears.

  2. View Alert Summary.

Cisco Operations Hub supports the following alert severity:

  • Critical

  • Major

  • Minor

  • Warning

Figure 1. Alerts Summary

Viewing Alert Information

You can view a list of firing alerts that are currently active and a list of resolved alerts. At the main menu, select Alerts to view the alerts.

Alerts Summary Total count of firing, pending and resolved alerts. Count of alerts are based on severity.

Figure 2. Alerts Summary

You can filter alerts on any of the following conditions:

Table 1. Filter condition
Filter condition Description Options
Focus filter List of Alert categories Cluster (default), Operations Hub Infrastructure, DB Upgrade, Internal User Password Expiration, System
Date Range Filter alerts in a specific time window All Time (default), Last 7 days, Last 24 hours
Acknowledged Filter using acknowledgement status Yes, No
Status Status of an alert Firing (default), Pending, Resolved
Severity Severity of the alerts Critical, Major, Minor, Warning
Table 2. Alerts table
Field Description Options
Date Date and Time when the alert is fired Date and Time
Acknowledged Shows whether an alert is acknowledged or not Yes, No
Status Status of the alert Firing, Pending, Resolved
Severity Severity of the alert Critical, Major, Minor, Warning
Alert Category Category of the alert Cluster, OperationsHubInfra, DbUpgrade, InternalUserPasswordExpiry, System
Type Type of the alert High CPU, High Memory
Pod Details of the pod generating an alert Pod-Details
Container Details of the container generating an alert Container-Details
Figure 3. Alerts List

You can view the details of an alert by clicking the Alert Type. The alert details panel captures the following fields:

Field Description
Status Status of the alert
Firing Time Time when alert is raised
Alert Category Category of the alert
Notify Time Displays alert notify time
Description Description of the alert
Summary A short summary of the alert
Figure 4. Alerts Details

Acknowledging Alerts

Once an alert is raised, you can acknowledge the firing alert. You have an option to put a comment before you acknowledge. You can also silence alerts for a predefined time in case you wish to ignore the alert during that time. By default, every three hours you are notified about the firing alerts by email.

Figure 5. Acknowledging Alerts

Monitoring Cluster Health

Table 3. Feature History
Feature Name Release Information Description
Cluster Health Monitoring Cisco Operations Hub 22.2 Cisco Operations Hub supports viewing and monitoring of the cluster health using the alert management feature. An alert is raised when there is an issue and you can take necessary action based on the severity of the alert. You can view the cluster health information using the Kubernetes Cluster Health dashboard.
Alert UI Cisco Operations Hub, Release 22.4 Alert UI is introduced.

Operations Hub enables you to view and monitor the cluster health using the alert management feature. For each cluster, you can map an alert-group to check the cluster health status and take required action. Each alert is categorized based on severity which helps you prioritize the action for taken for that alert. If you do not specify any alert-group for the cluster, then all available alert-groups are added to the cluster

A cluster can have the following types of health alerts:

  • Clear - Indicates that the cluster has no alerts and everything is working as expected.

  • Minor - Indicates that a few nonessential pods are not running in the cluster. If you see this alert, then rectify the problem at the earliest.

  • Critical - Indicates that the cluster has critical problems. Take immediate action before the service degrades further.

Each alert-group is independent in nature, and therefore it is important to review all the alert-groups. Ensure that you take corrective actions that are based on the overall cluster health and not just for an individual alert-group.

For example, an essential pod such as timescaledb can have high CPU usage, which causes it to raise a Critical alert. This is part of the Cluster alert-group for which the cluster health severity is Critical.

Similarly, if there are no critical alerts for the InternalUserPasswordExpiry alert-group and all the pods are running in the cluster, then the cluster health severity is Clear.

For more information regarding Operations Hub Infra Alert Management API, see Cisco Operations Hub and Smart PHY REST API Guide

  1. At the main menu, choose Dashboards. The Dashboard Gallery page appears.

  2. Click Kubernetes Cluster Health.

    The Kubernetes Cluster Health dashboard displays.

  3. At the main menu, select Alerts .

    The Alerts page displays.

Viewing and Managing System Logs

Feature History

Feature Name Release Information Description

Dedicated Application Debug Logs

Cisco Operations Hub 22.3

You can view application-specific debug logs using the Debug Dashboard.

Operations Hub provides a tool for log aggregation and management, leveraging the power of ElasticSearch-Logstash-Fluentd-Kibana (ELK) stack. The Operations Hub GUI uses Elasticsearch as the data store for logs, and Kibana provides meaningful visualization of the raw log data. You can create both macro and micro views using various visualization techniques.

Enabling Log Management using ELK stack

During deployment, the Operations Hub is configured to forward logs from all the components to ElasticSearch for aggregation and indexing, providing some default visualizations and also available for creating custom visualization, search, and analysis.

Viewing Audit Logs

This procedure enables you to view the audit logs.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Systems > Logs.

The Audit Dashboard page appears.

Step 2

You can view the preconfigured information of audit logs in the following representations:

  • Histogram—A view that displays a count of audit logs against time.

  • Audit Log Table—A table that displays the audit logs generated based on user-initiated events from UI or using API interface.

    You can view the following information in the audit log table:

    Table 4. Audit Log
    Field Description


    The time when the event is logged.


    The user who initiated the event.


    The API that is called.


    The HTTP response status code that is returned on invoking the API.

    Response Time

    The time taken by the API to execute.


    The HTTP method the API used.

    Service Host

    The application that served the request.

  1. You can also search the logs based on following options:

    • Kibana Query Language (KQL) query or fields as specified in the logs, and save the search using Save Current Query.

    • Time duration as absolute time period, relative time, and now.

    • Using filter options based on fields and operator enables you to narrow down the search. You can also edit the filter as query DSL and create custom label to the search.

  2. Click Update to update the query.

  3. Click Refresh to refresh and add a new search query.

Viewing Debug Logs

This procedure enables you to view the audit logs.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Systems > Logs.

The Debug Dashboard page appears.

Step 2

You can view the preconfigured information of audit logs in the following representations:

  • Histogram—A view that displays a count of audit logs against time.

  • Debug Log Table—A table that displays the audit logs generated based on user-initiated events from UI or using the API interface.

    You can view the following information in the debug log table:

    Table 5. Debug Log
    Field Description
    Time The time when the event is logged.
    User The user who initiated the event.
    API The API that is called.
    Status The HTTP response status code that is returned on invoking the API.
    Response Time The time taken by the API to execute.
    Method The HTTP method the API used.
    Service Host The application that served the request.

Viewing Logs Using Advanced Option

Advanced options enable you to create and customize the dashboards and visualizations as required.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Systems > Logs.

The Debug Dashboard page displays.

Step 2

At the left-side menu, click Advanced. You can view the following submenus:

  • Dashboards—The Dashboard page allows you to view available dashboards or create a new dashboard view using the Create Dashboard. To create the new dashboard, add panels from saved 'Search' or 'Visualization', or you can create a new Visualization using available visualization types. Once you save the dashboard, click the Dashboard in the left side menu, and you can view the new dashboard.

  • Discover—The Discover page allows you to find logs based on custom search definitions. You can save the search and later access, and use the saved search in the Dashboard. You can perform basic text search and advanced search using the KQL or Lucene Search.

  • Visualize—The Visualize page enables you to view available library of logs or create a new Visualization. To create a new Visualization, click Create Visualizations, and select one of the available visualization types such as Lens, Maps, TSVB, Custom Visualization, and Aggregation based in the New Visualization page. Enter required search information. Once the visualization is created, you can save and use to create panels in the Dashboard.

Dedicated Application Debug Logs

If you have installed applications such as Smart PHY on Operations Hub, you can view the application-specific debug logs.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Systems > Logs.

Step 2

At the left-side menu, click Debug Dashboard option under the application header to view application-specific debug logs.

Refreshing the Dashboard

You can set the refresh time for each dashboard, choose the time from the drop-down list on the top-right corner of the dashboard. You can select any time from 5 sec to 1 day. If you decide to avoid page refresh, selecting "off" from drop-down menu does not refresh the page.

If data is retrieved, you can choose a time range. It can be absolute time range where you can provide a time interval or you can select the range from a predefined drop down menu.