Managing RPDs

Smart PHY provides a single pane of glass to easily onboard Remote PHY Devices (RPDs). See:

Managing RPD Associations

Table 1. Feature History

Feature Name

Release information


Modernized and Refreshed UI for RPD Association

Cisco Smart PHY 22.2

Modifications in the RPD Association Smart PHY UI:

  • Filtering based on all, provisioned and unprovisioned RPDs

  • Status for assigned RPDs

  • Import or export the database from/to local operations hub cluster or remote server.

  • (Optional) Password protect the database files (following password creation rules) during import and export operations.

  • Ability to view the history of Operations in a table format.

  • Enhanced search facility to search based on imported or exported RPD data.

  • Export the history of operations information.

US Port Description

Cisco Smart PHY 22.3

Smart PHY can be used to set a description for the Upstream Port level. Description can be set while creating and editing RPD operations. RPD-US Port Description can be set at Port 0, Port 1 or both Port 0 and Port 1 based on RPD segmentation (1x1, 1x2 and 2x2). RPD US Port Description can be Imported & Exported. US Port Description is not a service impacting change.

Shelf and Base Power Enhancements

Cisco Smart PHY 22.3

When RPD is provisioned as a "SHELF", the ‘type shelf’ CLI is pushed to both Principal and Aux Core(s). Along with Base-power, if Tilt Pivot Freq and Tilt Slope are configured, then they are also be pushed to all the cores.

Configure US RF base-power level

Cisco Smart PHY 22.4

You can configure Upstream RF Base Power level. The valid range is -20 to 40 (dBmV).

The RPD Associations page enables you to add, organize, and update information about CMTS and RPD devices in the network. For more information, see:

Once an RPD is provisioned, the RPD may undergo state transitions as shown in the following table:

Table 2. RPD State Summary
RPD Summary RPD State Description
ERRORED ConfigNotFound RPD assignment is incomplete or not specified in the Cisco Smart PHY application.
ERRORED ConfigPushError Unable to push the RPD configuration to the CCAP core.
ERRORED ConfigReadError Unable to obtain the existing CCAP core configuration.
ERRORED ConfigurationError Assigned incorrect RPD in the Cisco Smart PHY application.
ERRORED GcpRedirectError Received an error from the RPD when redirecting to the CCAP core.
ERRORED NotProvisioned Cisco cBR-8 router is not provisioned with the RPD configuration. RPD configuration is not pushed to the Cisco cBR-8 router.
ERRORED Offline RPD is offline. However, RPD configuration is pushed to the CCAP core.
ERRORED ResourceAllocationError Unable to allocate resources to an RPD for the assigned CCAP core or interface.
ERRORED SSHKEYFETCH_FAILED Unable to obtain the SSH key.
GCP GcpRedirected Received an ACK from the RPD for the CCAP core redirect message. This redirect message captures the result of the redirect request, which is initiated by the Cisco Smart PHY application, along with the hostname, the IP address, and the interface of the redirected core.
GCP GcpRedirectedWithException Received an ACK from the RPD for the CCAP core redirect message. However, one of the following errors occurred:
  • RouterVersionIncompatible

  • StaticRouteNotConfigured

GCP GcpRedirectStarted RPD configuration is pushed to the CCAP core and the RPD is redirected to that core.
GCP GcpRedirectStartedWithException RPD configuration is pushed to the CCAP core and the process of redirecting the RPD to that core starts. However, one of the following errors occurs:
  • RouterVersionIncompatible

  • StaticRouteNotConfigured

GCP GcpUp Received GCP message from the RPD.
ONLINE Online RPD is online for the CCAP core.
PROCESSING ConfigPush Configuration push to CCAP is in progress.
PROCESSING DeletePending RPD pairing deletion is pending.
PROCESSING NORMALOPS_PROGRESS The CCAP is returning to Normal Operation.
PROCESSING SSHKEYFETCH_IN_PROGRESS The process of obtaining the SSH key is in progress.
WARNING OnlineWithException RPD is online, but NDF or NDR fails.
WARNING PartialOnline Partial services are available.
WARNING RouterVersionIncompatible RPD software version is incompatible with the CCAP core version.
WARNING StaticRouteNotConfigured Static route is not configured.

Remote PHY Device Association

The remote PHY device association feature enables you to create either a remote PHY device or in bulk using CSV upload.

Use the following table to configure the fields under Create Remote PHY Device Association:

Table 3. Creating Remote PHY Device Association
Field Description
RPD Device Name Enter the RPD name. Smart PHY uses this name in the cable rpd command.
RPD MAC Enter the MAC address of the RPD.
Description Enter the RPD Description. The maximum limit is 80 characters
Tags You can select one or more of the existing tags or create new tags and add it to the RPD Association.
Node Segmentation Select one of the following Node segmentation options:
  • 1x1

  • 1x2

  • 2x2

  • 2x4

Service Definition Select the Service Definition as created in the Service Definitions page. If Cisco Smart PHY does not manage the principal CCAP core and if the Principal Core field is empty, then the Service Definition field is optional.
RPD Association Policies
Allow Shelf Specific Configurations Select the check box to configure Cisco Remote PHY Shelf 7200, Cisco Remote PHY Shelf 300, or Cisco Remote PHY Shelf 600. Cisco cBR-8 routers running Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1z or later support this feature. Select this check box to enable the following fields:
  • Base Power (dBmV)

  • Tilt Pivot Freq (Hz)

  • Tilt Slope (dBmV)



When RF parameters and Auxiliary cores are configured for Shelf RPDs, Base Power, Tilt Pivot Frequency and Tilt Slope values are automatically configured for Aux Cores. These values are derived from DOCSIS Principal Core. RPD does not restart after updating these parameters.

Enforce Compatibility with Cisco IOS XE 17.6.1 If you select this check box, then Smart PHY generates Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1 compatible controller configurations for Cisco cBR-8 routers running versions of Cisco IOS XE earlier than 17.6.1.
Service Definition Overrides
Do not Apply Network Delay If you select this check box, then Smart PHY does not apply the selected Service Definition's Network Delay configuration to this Association. If the Network Delay is configured in the selected Service Definition, checking this box impacts the service.
Override DSG Tunnel Group IDs If you select this check box, Smart PHY overrides the selected Service Definition's DOCSIS Set-Top Gateway (DSG) Tunnel Group (TG) identifications list with the entries entered here. Seperate the entries must with a semicolon.
CCAP Cores & RF Parameters
DOCSIS Principal Core
Device Name Select the name of the managed cBR-8 router or the unmanaged CCAP Core, which is the Principal CCAP Core for the RPD. If you choose a managed Principal Core, then the Core must provide the RPD with data and narrowband digital forward (NDF)/narrowband digital return (NDR) services. This core may also provide the following services:
  • Out-of-band (OOB) SCTE 55–1

  • Video services: If there is no separate auxiliary Video Core.

Interface If the Principal Core is a managed Cisco cBR-8 router, then select the DPIC interface used to deliver the data service. Leave this field empty if there is no Principal Core or if the Principal Core is unmanaged.
First and Second Logical DS/US Pairing
RPD DS Port (Downstream Physical Port) Select the Downstream RPD port of the logical pairing. The two options are 0 or 1. Select 0 for the first pairing. This is not applicable to the second pairing for 1x1 or 1x2 node segmentation. You can select 0 or 1 for 2x2 and 2x4 node segmentation.
RPD US Port (Upstream Physical Port) Select the Upstream RPD Port of the logical pairing. Depending on RPD Node segmentation (1x1, 1x2, 2x2, 2x4), the possible options are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
DS Service Group Enter the name of the Downstream Service Group. All RPDs with the same data service group share the downstream controller for Data Service (Virtual Splitting for Data). This is not applicable to second pairing for 1x1 or 1x2 node segmentation.
US Service Group Enter the name of the Upstream Service Group. Upstream data service group allows multiple RPDs to share the same upstream controller for upstream data traffic. Not applicable to second pairing for 1x1 node segmentation.

US Port Description

Enter a brief description for US Port, while creating and editing RPD operations. Based on RPD segmentation (1x1, 1x2, 2x2, 2x4), description can be set for all the upstream ports.

Out-of-band Core
Device Name Enter the name of the Cisco cBR-8 router which is the CCAP core for the RPD that provides out-of-band (OOB) SCTE 55–1 service and NDF/NDR services. This field must match either the DOCSIS Principal Core or the auxiliary Video Core. Leave this field empty if the OOB 55–1 and NDF/NDR services are not used.
Interface Select the DPIC interface to be used for out-of-band 55–1 and NDF/NDR service. If the OOB 55–1 and NDF/NDR services are not used, then leave this field empty.
Override OOB VOM & VARPD IDs If you select this check box, then Smart PHY overrides the selected Service Definition's OOB Downstream & Upstream parameters (VOM ID, VOM Profile, VARPD ID, and VARPD Profile) with the values entered here.
Downstream VOM ID OOB 55–1 Downstream Virtual out-of-band Modulator (VOM) Identification (ID). If you populate this field, it overrides the value in the Service Definition. Enter a value from 1 through 20.
Downstream VOM Profile OOB 55–1 Downstream VOM profile. If you populate this field, it overrides the value in the Service Definition. Enter a value from 1 through 4294967295.
Upstream VARPD ID OOB 55–1 Upstream Virtual Advanced Return Path Demodulator (VARPD) ID. If you populate this field, it overrides the value in the Service Definition. Enter a value from 1 through 32.
Upstream VARPD Profile OOB 55–1 Upstream VARPD profile for first logical Downstream or Upstream (DS/US) pairing. If you populate this field, it overrides the value in the Service Definition. The upstream VARPD profile (upstreamVarpdProfile) and the second upstream VARPD profile (secondUpstreamVarpdProfile) can have the same value. For more details, see Common OOB 55-1 US Profile for Cisco RPD 1x2/2x2. Enter a value from 1 through 4294967295.
Second Upstream VARPD Profile OOB 55–1 Upstream VARPD profile for second logical Downstream or Upstream (DS/US) pairing. If you populate this field, it overrides the value in the Service Definition. The upstream VARPD profile (upstreamVarpdProfile) and the second upstream VARPD profile (secondUpstreamVarpdProfile) can have the same value. For more details, see Common OOB 55-1 US Profile for Cisco RPD 1x2/2x2. Enter a value from 1 through 4294967295.
Video Core
Device Name Enter the name of the Cisco cBR-8 router, which is the auxiliary CCAP core for the RPD that provides video services. Leave this field empty if the principal core provides the video services.
Interfaces Select the DPIC interfaces to be used for Video Services.
Video Service Groups Video service group (VSG) names. Video is forwarded only in the downstream direction. Not applicable to second pairing for 1x1 or 1x2 node segmentation. Important:Cisco Smart PHY does not allow you to configure a VSG on a Downstream Port 1 (ds1) with broadcast keyword through the Cisco cBR-8 CLI. If you try to configure a VSG on a Downstream Port 1 (ds1) with broadcast keyword, then the CLI shows an error.Cisco Smart PHY maps a VSG to a video interface based on the order of the VSGs and interfaces if a VSG can map to more than one interface:
  • A VSG can map to more than one video interface if the video interface list includes both ports 0 and 2 or both ports 4 and 6 of one Cisco cBR-8 Series 8x10G Remote PHY Digital Physical Interface Card (CBR-DPIC-8X10G).

  • Cisco Smart PHY maps the first VSG to a matching Principal Core interface if present; otherwise, it maps the first VSG to the first matching video interface.

  • Cisco Smart PHY maps second, third, and fourth VSGs to the highest numbered matching video interfaces.

Cisco Smart PHY reorders video interfaces and VSGs, so that a video interface that matches the Principal Core interface and the associated VSGs are listed first.
RF Parameters
Base Power (dBmV) Configure the base channel power level. Enter the value based on the type of RPD.
  • Node RPDs: 20–22

  • Shelf RPDs: 24–61

    If base power isn't provided by the Smart PHY, then application for Shelf RPDs, then a default value of 25 dBmV is set by cBR-8.

Tilt Pivot Freq (Hz) Configure the frequency of the tilt pivot point. The valid range is 0–121800000. Tilt pivot point is the maximum frequency point where the Tilt Slope is applicable.
Tilt Slope (dBmV) Configure the tilt slope. The valid range is 0–8.
RF Power Adjust Profile You can override the RF Power Adjust Profile. This is optional. For more information, see RF Power Adjust Profile.
US Base Power RX (dBmV) Configure Upstream RF Base Power level. The valid range is -20 to 40 dBmV.
Additional Cores
Device Name You can add additional unmanaged Cores to the GCP Redirect list by selecting them here. You can select multiple additional cores. You can configure multiple unmanaged Cores. If an unmanaged core is already selected as the DOCSIS Principal Core, it can't be configured again as an additional core. Thus, the unmanaged Principal Core and the unmanaged Additional Core fields are mutually exclusive. If a DOCSIS Principal Core supports dynamic addition of more Cores, then you can configure it through Smart PHY Global Configuration and avoid RPD reboot.
RPD Software
Principal Core SSD Profile If the Principal Core is a managed cBR-8 router, then you can use this option to set the Secure Software Download (SSD) profile ID. If the Principal Core is unmanaged or you do not wish to set the SSD profile ID, leave this field empty.
Figure 1. RPD Associations

RPD Associations

Creating an RPD Association

You can create Remote PHY Devices Associations from Smart PHY's RPD Associations page.

Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > RPD Associations.

Step 2

Click Create to add a single RPD Association.

The Creating Remote PHY Device Association page displays.

Step 3

Enter the values to the fields as seen in Creating Remote PHY Device Association.

Step 4

Click Save.

Once created, you can quickly view RPD details by clicking on the RPD Name or View 360° action. In case of a config push and config read error while provisioning the RPD, you can select the Try Again option to retry the same operation without filling in the RPD provisioning parameters.

Meta data about an RPD Association including the date that the association was created, the user who created it, the date of its last modification, and the user who last modified it can be seen in the Meta Data section of the Associations tab on the Device 360° view panel.


  • Starting with Cisco IOS XE Dublin 17.12.1w, the latitude, longitude, and location information (configured for an RPD using the Smart PHY Inventory page), gets pushed to the CCAP Core automatically during the RPD association process. The CLI format can be seen in the RPD 360° view > RPD Config History tab.

  • Smart PHY does not automatically push the latitude, longitude, and location information for RPDs which are already configured, when corresponding c-BR8/CCAP is upgraded to Cisco IOS XE Dublin 17.12.1w or higher.

Clearing an RPD Association

You can clear one or multiple Remote PHY Device association records from Smart PHY’s RPD Associations page.

When you perform the clear operation, all provisioning related configuration parameters (Node Segmentation, Service Definition, CCAP Cores, etc.) are removed from the association record. Additionally, Smart PHY removes all relevant CLI configuration commands from CCAP cores previously associated with the now cleared record. The only values retained in a cleared association record are: RPD Name, MAC Address, and Description.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > RPD Associations.

Step 2

Check the box that corresponds to your RPD association record, then click Clear.

Step 3

Review the warning message, then click Clear to proceed.

Deleting an RPD Association

You can delete one or multiple Remote PHY Devices Associations from Smart PHY’s RPD Association page. When you perform the delete operation, Smart PHY removes all relevant CLI configuration commands from CCAP cores associated with the record before permanently deleing the association record. The only value that remains in the RPD Associations page after deletion is the RPD MAC Address.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > RPD Associations.

Step 2

Check the box that corresponds to your RPD association record, then click Delete.

Step 3

Review the warning message, then click Delete to proceed.


  • If you delete an RPD association record when one or more of its associated CCAP Cores is in maintenance or offline mode, Smart PHY deletes the record. Smart PHY doesn't remove relevant CLI configuration commands from the associated CCAP Cores. At the end of the delete operation, we recommend that you manually review the CLI configuration of the relevant CCAP Cores. Any CLI configuration pertaining to the RPD in question should be manually removed.

  • Once an RPD is added or modified, Smart PHY updates Creation Time, Last Modified Time, and information about the user who created or modified the RPD. The meta data is visible in RPD 360° page.

Refreshing RPD Status

You can refresh the status of Remote PHY Device from Smart PHY's RPD Associations page.

Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > RPD Associations.

Step 2

Select an RPD and click Refresh RPD Status to refresh its status from the associated CCAP device.

Applying Latest SD Version

YYou can apply the latest version of Service Definitions to one or multiple Remote PHY Devices from Smart PHY's RPD Associations page.

Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > RPD Associations.

Step 2

Select one or multiple RPDs.

Step 3

Click Apply Latest SD Version.

Creating RPD Associations in Bulk Through CSV Import

You can provision RPDs in bulk, using the Import option available in the RPD Associations page.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > RPD Associations.

Step 2

Click Import.

Step 3

Choose a CSV file containing RPD Association records. Ensure that all the provisioning parameters are present in the CSV file.

Step 4




When you attempt to provision Data and Auxiliary services such as Video or OOB on two different cores, Smart PHY considers the operation as atomic. RPD is provisioned successfully when both Data and Auxiliary services are configured successfully. If it fails even in one of the cores, the entire operation is rolls back.

Task Viewer

Table 4. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


Task Viewer Panel Enhancement

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.3

In the Task Viewer Panel, you can click an RPD in either the Queued Tasks tab or Completed Tasks tab to open the RPD Panel. The RPD Panel shows additional information about the selected RPD.

Task Viewer Panel

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.2

You can view the status of both queued and completed provisioning operations by opening Smart PHY’s Task Viewer panel.

While most provisioning operations submitted to Smart PHY execute quickly, in some circumstances it may take Smart PHY several minutes, or even tens of minutes, to execute all pending operations. This is due to the asynchronous nature of RPD provisioning, which requires generating and then pushing CLI configuration commands to one, or more, managed cBR-8 routers.

Users can view the status of both queued and completed provisioning operations by opening Smart PHY’s Task Viewer panel. To open the Task Viewer panel, click the Task List icon located in the top right corner of the Smart PHY WebUI, immediately to the left of the Support icon. By default, the Task Viewer panel opens with the Queued Tasks tab selected.

Queued Tasks

The Queued Tasks tab shows an ordered list of queued tasks that Smart PHY is either preparing to execute or actively executing.

The list includes the following information about each task:

  • Date Initiated

  • Task ID

  • Operation (type)

  • RPD Name

  • CCAP Core Name

  • Status (Preparing or Executing)

The user can filter the list by:

  • Operation Type (Add, Remove, Modify)

  • Status (Preparing, Executing)

A search field and export action are also available to the user. Once a task is executed, its result can be seen by clicking the Completed Tasks tab.

Completed Tasks


The Completed Tasks tab shows a sorted list of completed tasks.

The list includes the following information about each task:

  • Date Initiated

  • Result

  • Task ID

  • Operation (type)

  • RPD Name

  • CCAP Core Name

The user can filter completed tasks by:

  • Operation Type (Add, Remove, Modify)

  • Result (Success, Fail)

  • Date Initiated (Last 24hr, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, All Time)

A search field and export action are also available in the panel.

Task Details

Clicking a Task ID in either the Queued Tasks tab or Completed Tasks tabs opens the Task Details panel. The Task Details panel shows additional information about the selected task.

Depending on the operation type and result, the additional information could include:

  • Initiator Username

  • Initiator Method

  • Operation Type

  • RPD Name

  • CCAP Core Name

  • Date & Time Initiated

  • Duration

  • Result

  • Reason (in case of an error)

  • Pushed CLI Configuration (in case of success)

RPD Details

Clicking an RPD in either the Queued Tasks tab or Completed Tasks tabs opens the RPD Panel. The RPD Panel shows additional information about the selected RPD.

Depending on the operation type and result, the additional information could include:

  • Description

  • MAC address

  • Vendor & Model

  • RPD type

  • Software Version

  • Tags

  • Status

  • CCAP Core Summary

  • Location

Service Definitions

Feature History

Table 5. Feature History
Feature Name Release information Description

Support for 2x4 RPD

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 24.1

Cisco Smart PHY supports 2x4 RPD configurationsin addition to 1x1, 1x2, and 2x2 RPD configurations.

Service Definition Enhancement

Cisco Smart PHY 22.2

  • Service Definition Versions: Service definition now provides versioning and enables you to track the Service Definition changes. This identifys the RPDs running specific versions of a Service Definition.

  • Forced Config Push: You can edit Service Definitions and push service impacting changes to RPD(s) using the Force Config push option. Smart PHY deletes and re-adds the RPDs automatically.

  • RF Profile Overwrite: You can overwrite the RF Power Adjust Profile during RPD provisioning.

Modernized and Refreshed Service Definition UI

Cisco Smart PHY 22.2

  • Support to create, edit, and clone service definitions.

  • Support to bulk delete the service definitions.

  • Filter based on with assigned and without assigned RPDs.

  • Ability to view device information, configuration, and version details in the Service definition name link. Ease to edit or clone from Service Definitions Details page.

    Enhanced Search option based on service definitions configured.

  • Export service definitions from GUI.

  • Import a maximum of 500 service definition using CSV file.

  • Enhancement in table settings to edit the table columns and table appearance, and arrange the table columns as per requirement.

Apply Latest Service Definition Version

Cisco Smart PHY 22.3

You can assign the latest service definition to one or more RPDs in RPD Association page. Smart PHY handles service affecting changes smartly and reprovisions the RPDs in case service affecting changes are applicable in the latest version of the Service Definition.

Service Definitions are a logical grouping of the various configuration parameters that are needed to complete the RPD provisioning. You can manage Service Definitions on Smart PHY's Service Definition page.

When an RPD Association is created, or modified, the parameters that are configured in the selected Service Definition, are applied to the RPD.

Figure 2. Service Definitions

Creating Service Definitions


Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > Service Definitions.

The Service Definitions page appears.

Step 2

Click Create. The Create Service Definition page displays.

Step 3

Fill the Name, Description, and Tags fields. If you have multiple Service Definitions, then enter concise, informative, and detailed descriptions for these fields.

Step 4

Check the Default check box to make this the default Service Definition for Smart PHY. This is optional.

Step 5

Enter the remaining Service Definition parameters listed in the following table. All fields that are not marked as optional, are mandatory. Cisco Smart PHY supports unique downstream (DS) and upstream (US) configurations for each port of RPD 2x2.

Table 6. Service Definition Parameters
Field Description Service Affecting Parameter
Name Name of the Service Definition. No
Description A brief description about the Service Definition No
Tags New or previously created user-defined tags can be assigned to the Service Definition. No
General Parameters
Event Profile ID RPD Event Profile Set. No
Remote DOCSIS Timing Interface ID Remote DOCSIS Timing Interface (R-DTI) Set. No
Pilot Tone Profile ID Pilot tone profile. Yes
Cable DSG TGs DSG tag IDs. Yes
Logical Pairings
Split the MAC Domain Check this box to have Smart PHY split the MAC Domain between two fiber nodes that share the same downstream controller. See Provisioning RPDs with MAC Domain Split. Yes
First Logical DS/US Pairing
Service Group Profile Pre-existing Cable Service Profile-Group on the Cisco cBR-8 router. Yes
Downstream Controller Profile Primary downstream CCAP controller profile. Yes
RF Power Adjust Profiles You can adjust the power for the downstream RF channels using RF Power Profiles. No
Upstream Controller Profile Primary upstream CCAP controller profile. Yes
Second Logical DS/US Pairing
Toggle Switch Use this option to enable the second logical DS/US pairing. The Cisco Smart PHY application supports different controller profiles and fiber node configurations for second logical pairing in 2x2 and 2x4 RPDs. Yes
Service Group Profile Pre-existing Cable Service Profile-Group on the Cisco cBR-8 router. Yes
Downstream Controller Profile Secondary downstream CCAP controller profile. Yes
RF Power Profiles It allows you to adjust power for downstream RF channels using RF Power Profiles. For more information, see RF Power Adjust Profiles. No
Upstream Controller Profile Secondary upstream CCAP controller profile. Yes
Network Delay
Type: Two options are available:
  • DEPI Latency Measurement—The cBR-8 router periodically measures the network latency between itself and the RPD, and dynamically updates the cable map advance. Range is the interval that is measured in seconds. The valid range for measuring DLM is 1–420 seconds.Measure only—Choose to measure network latency between the CCAP core and the RPD. This option is not for updating the cable map advance. You can select this option for a service definition in use, but cannot uncheck it.

  • Static—The cable map advance is adjusted by a fixed amount. The valid range is 30–100,000 microseconds.This range is the Converged Interconnect Network (CIN) delay in microseconds. CIN is the network between the CCAP core and RPD.

For more information, see DEPI Latency Measurement in the Service Template section in this document.
Out Of Band
Out Of Band Downstream
Virtual out-of-band Modulator ID OOB 55–1 Downstream Virtual out-of-band Modulator (VOM) identification (ID). No
Virtual out-of-band Profile OOB 55–1 Downstream VOM profile. No
Out Of Band Upstream
Virtual Advanced Return Path Demodulator ID OOB 55–1 Upstream Virtual Advanced Return Path Demodulator (VARPD) ID. No
Port 0 Virtual Advanced Return Path Demodulator Profile OOB 55–1 Upstream VARPD profile for first logical downstream/upstream (DS/US) pairing.The upstream VARPD profile (upstreamVarpdProfile) and the second upstream VARPD profile (secondUpstreamVarpdProfile) can have the same value. For more details, see Common OOB 55-1 US Profile for Cisco RPD 1x2/2x2. No
Port 1 Virtual Advanced Return Path Demodulator Profile OOB 55–1 Upstream VARPD profile for second logical downstream/upstream (DS/US) pairing.The upstream VARPD profile (upstreamVarpdProfile) and the second upstream VARPD profile (secondUpstreamVarpdProfile) can have the same value. For more information, see Common OOB 55-1 US Profile for Cisco RPD 1x2/2x2. No
Narrowband Digital Forward & Return
Port Choose Port 0, or Port 1. No
Pseudowire Name ForwardNarrowband digital forward pseudowire name.Supports up to three pseudowire names and profile ID sets per DS port. ReturnNarrowband digital return pseudowire name. Supports up to three pseudowire names and profile ID sets per US port. No
Profile ID
  • NDF—NDF profile ID corresponding to the above NDF pseudowire.

  • NDR—NDR profile ID corresponding to above NDF pseudowire.

Load Balancing
Text Field Use the Cisco NSO Ntool to create a Load Balance group config-template encoded in XML. Enter the template in the text entry field. No

Step 6

Click Save to save the information to Smart PHY or click Save & Assign to save the information and assign this Service Definition to one or more RPDs.



Once Service Definition is created, you can see more parameters such as Service Definition Version, Create, Update timestamp and Owner information which is the user who created this Service Definition in the Service Definition page.

Viewing and Editing Service Definitions

Once you create a Service Definition, you can view and edit it anytime. You can view the Service Definition information after a service is created and associated with the RPDs.

  • You can view the Service Definition information after a service is created and associated with the RPDs. For more information, see Viewing Service Definitions.

  • You can dynamically edit the parameters of a Service Definition including its name even when the RPDs are associated to service definitions. For more information, see Editing Service Definitions.

Applying Latest Version of a Service Definition

Once a Service Definition is edited, you can apply its latest version to one or multiple RPDs from 'Assigned RPDs' tab of Service Definition Details panel. To assign the latest version:

  1. At the main menu, select Smart PHY > Service Definitions and click a Service Definition name. The Service Definition Details panel.

  2. Select Assigned RPDs from the Service Definition Details panel.

  3. Identify and select the RPDs where the latest version needs to be configured.

  4. Click Apply Latest SD Version to apply the latest Service Definition version.

Once the operation is successful, you can see the LATEST tag in the version column, confirming that the RPD running the latest Service Definition version.

Viewing Service Definitions

The procedure enables you to view service definition details in the Service Definitions page.

  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

At the main menu, click Smart PHY > Service Definitions.

The Service Definitions page appears.

Step 2

Click any Service Definition to view the following details:

Table 7. Service Definition Fields
Field Name Details
Overview Displays the overview of the Service Definition and contains the version, description, tags, create time, last modification details, and RPDs Assigned.
Configurations Displays the details of the various configuration parameters that are used in the Service Definition.
Assigned RPDs Displays the list of RPDs assigned to that Service Definition.
Version History Displays the history of the changes for a Service Definition in chronological order.

Editing Service Definitions

You can dynamically edit the parameters of a Service Definition including its name even when the RPDs are associated to service definitions. You can then apply the changes to one or more RPDs that are already running that specific service definition. If a Service Definition is edited, then its version gets updated and is visible in the Service Definition page.

Editing a Service Definition may affect the service particularly, when you want to apply the changes to RPDs. On the Smart PHY UI, if a flag is visible next to a Service Definition parameter, it signifies that it is a service impacting field. You may get config push error from the Cisco cBR-8 router and may have to reprovision the RPD. However, if you don't want to reprovision the RPDs, you can use the updated service definition parameters to provision new RPDs in the network. For more details, see Service Definitions.

Also, if the Cisco cBR-8 router is in maintenance mode, you cannot propagate these changes to the RPDs. In these scenarios, configuration error messages appear in the RPD 360 page.

This procedure edits a Service Definition.


Step 1

At the main menu, click Smart PHY > Service Definitions.

The Service Definitions page appears.

Step 2

Select the service definition which you wish to update and click Edit.

Step 3

Update the required fields.

Step 4

Click Save or Save & Assign.


  • Save allows you to save the changes to the Cisco Smart PHY database.

  • Save & Assign allows you to save the changes to the Cisco Smart PHY database and then recommends that you to apply the changes to one or more RPDs.

Once a service definition is updated, its version is incrementally updated and the changes are captured under Version History.

Cloning Service Definitions

You can create a new Service Definition by cloning an existing Service Definition. Cloning creates a copy of selected Service Definition, which you can edit. Cloning saves time if you only intend to make minor changes to an existing Service Definition.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

At the main menu, click Smart PHY > Service Definitions.

The Service Definitions page appears.

Step 2

Select the check boxes of the Service Definitions that you wish to clone.

Step 3

Click Clone.

The Clone Service Definition panel displays. The name of the cloned Service Definition is prefixed with Copy-.

Step 4

Edit the parameters that you wish to change and rename the Service Definition.

Step 5

Click Clone.

Provisioning RPDs with MAC Domain Split

Table 8. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


MAC Domain Split and US Bonding Group Enhancements

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 24.1.1

In this release, we have updated the MAC Domain Split functionality in Smart PHY. The Modification affects the validations for US Bonding Groups in a Service Group Profile, where additional validations for US Channels are included in Service Group Profile.

You can enable MAC Domain Split from the Service Definition page if you want to split a Mac Domain between two Fiber Nodes that share the same downstream controller. See Creating Service Definitions.

During RPD provisioning, when Mac Domain Split is enabled, Smart PHY Application fetches the upstream Channels that are not shut from the US Controller Profile, validates the US Channels that are associated with the Service Group Profile and then generates the Fiber Nodes and attaches those to a Remote PHY Device (RPD).


All Upstream Channels are not fetched, only validated Upstream Channels are fetched. Smart PHY validates and fetches the required Upstream Channels from US Controller Profile and maps them according to the service group profile definition.

Considerations and Expectations

  1. Smart PHY considers docsis-mode to differentiate OFDMA and ATDMA channels.

  2. Smart PHY considers the shutdown tag to detect whether a US channel is shutdown or not. Smart PHY does not perform any additional checks. For example, US frequency.

  3. Smart PHY fetches the (validated) US Channels that are configured in the Upstream Controller Profile (except channels that are in shut down state). It filters and maps the same against the channels that are configured in the Service Group Profile.

  4. Mapping between SG Channels in service-group profile and US Channels in US Controller profile does not exist in Smart PHY. The service group profile channel numbering must therefore adhere to the following rules:

    • The MAC Domain split must be at a controller level: 0–7 for one Fiber Node and 8–15 for another Fiber Node.

    • If the rule is not followed, an error displays.

  5. MAC Domain split must be correct across the bonding groups. Ensure US Channels 0–7 stay on one Fiber Node and US Channels 8–15 stay on its peer Fiber Node. The US channels that are used in a bonding group can’t cross the 0–7 and 8–15 channel boundary anytime.

  6. RPD provisioning fails with a Config Push Error in a cBR-8 router, if there is a numbering mismatch for the SG Channels (including peer-node-us) in two Fiber Nodes that are shared between the same Downstream Cable.

Smart PHY Validations

  1. Upstream Bonding Group is optional. If an Upstream Bonding Group exists, then the number of US Bonding Groups must be even.

  2. The number of upstream channels in the Service Group Profile must be even.

  3. One half of the US Channels present in the Service Group Profile can't be more than the number of "unshut" upstream Channels present in the US Controller Profile.

Provisioning an RPD for Video Support

Table 9. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


Multi Core Atomic Provisioning

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 22.2

  • Atomic transactions when multiple cores are involved.

  • Automatic rollback on transaction failure.

Support for two Video Core Chassis Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.1 Smart PHY supports the configuration of Video Services from more than one source chassis.

Cisco Smart PHY can be configured to use distinct Cisco cBR-8 routers as the DOCSIS Principal core and auxiliary video core.

The DOCSIS configuration is pushed to the Principal core and the video configuration is pushed to one or multiple Video Auxiliary cores. You can configure the OOB core to be either the Principal core or one of the Video Auxiliary cores. The OOB 55-1 and NDF/NDR configurations are pushed to the OOB core through the OOB core interface. You can configure only the Pilot tone, SSD, and DLM on the Principal core.


When integrating Viavi with RPD, NDF or NDR must be configured on the Principal Core. Viavi communicates with the core using SNMP MIBs that are only available on the Principal Core.

Cisco Smart PHY can also provision an RPD for supporting video using a standalone Cisco cBR-8 router or some other Core that is not managed by Cisco Smart PHY, as the Principal core.

If the principal core is not managed by Cisco Smart PHY and you do not have OOB 55–1 configuration on the auxiliary video core, the RPD Assignment does not require Service Definition configuration.


  • When you provision data and video services on two different cores simultaneously, Smart PHY considers it as an atomic transaction. In other words, an RPD is provisioned successfully when both data and video services are configured successfully. If the configuration of either core fails, then the entire operation is rolled back.

  • When you provision data and video services on different cores at different point of time, each provisioning operation is considered as an independent transaction.

    • If RPD is online with both Principal Core and separate Video Auxiliary Core, and you remove the Video Core configuration, the RPD reboots and becomes online with only the Principal Core.

    • If the RPD is online with only the Principal Core, and later if you configure a separate Video Auxiliary Core, the RPD does not reboot automatically. You must manually reboot the RPD to get it to redirect to the new Video Core. After the RPD reboots, it becomes online with both cores.


When you use the REST API to provision an RPD with separate video cores, you must use only version 2 (V2) RPD-pairing REST API. If you use V1 RPD-pairing API to provision an RPD with separate video cores, it may lead to data corruption. Also, version 1 (V1) of the RPD-pairing REST API does not support features such as 1x2 node segmentation, 2x2 node segmentation, OOB override, DLM, or separate video cores.

Common OOB 55-1 US Profile for Cisco RPD 1x2/2x2

The Cisco cBR-8 router supports configuring the same profile to both upstream physical RF ports in an RPD. Service providers can expand the OOB 55–1 service group on to the second US port without the need for extra hardware.

This feature is available only in the following versions of Cisco cBR-8 series routers:

  • Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 and earlier

  • Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1x and later


When you provision data and OOB services on two different cores, Smart PHY considers it as an atomic transaction.

identifier 2222.5555.2323
core-interface Te6/1/2
rpd-ds 0 downstream-cable 6/0/1 profile 1
rpd-us 0 upstream-cable 6/0/1 profile 1
rpd-us 1 upstream-cable 6/0/2 profile 1
core-interface Te6/1/2
rpd-ds 0 downstream-oob-vom 1 profile 100
rpd-us 0 upstream-oob-varpd 1 profile 101
rpd-us 1 upstream-oob-varpd 1 profile 101
r-dti 1
rpd-event profile 0
cable fiber-node 2
downstream Downstream-Cable 6/0/1
downstream sg-channel 0 23 downstream-Cable 6/0/1 rf-channel 0 23
upstream Upstream-Cable 6/0/1
upstream sg-channel 0 1 upstream-Cable 6/0/1 us-channel 0 1
upstream sg-channel 2 3 peer-node-us
service-group managed md 0 Cable 6/0/1
service-group profile ram_SG1
cable fiber-node 3
downstream Downstream-Cable 6/0/1
downstream sg-channel 0 23 downstream-Cable 6/0/1 rf-channel 0 23
upstream Upstream-Cable 6/0/2
upstream sg-channel 2 3 upstream-Cable 6/0/2 us-channel 0 1
upstream sg-channel 0 1 peer-node-us
service-group managed md 0 Cable 6/0/1
service-group profile ram_SG1

In REST API, the following restrictions are applicable:

  • OOB is enabled only if the following four parameters are configured within the specified range:

    • downstreamVomId

    • downstreamVomProfile

    • upstreamVarpdId

    • upstreamVarpdProfile

  • The NDF configuration is independent of the OOB downstream and upstream configurations.

  • NDR configuration is independent of OOB downstream and upstream configurations.

REST set-service-template
  "autoAccept": false,
  "defaultFlag": false,
  "dlmMeasureOnly": false,
  "dsgTunnelGroupIDs": "1",
  "elementsList": [
      "description": "Service profile with 1.5Gbps Data Service. 16x4 DS/US SG channels",
      "downstreamControllerProfile": 0,
      "downstreamVomId": 1,
      "downstreamVomProfile": 1,
      "eventProfile": 0,
      "mdSplitting": false,
      "rdtiConfig": 0,
      "serviceGroupName": "SGProfile",
      "serviceType": "Data",
      "svcNdfProfiles": [
          "portNum": 0,
          "profileId": 100,
          "pwName": "name1"
      "svcNdrProfiles": [
          "portNum": 0,
          "profileId": 100,
          "pwName": "name1"
      "upstreamControllerProfile": 0,
      "upstreamVarpdId": 1,
      "upstreamVarpdProfile": 1
  "loadBalanceXml": "XML String",
  "name": "Gold",
  "networkDelayDlm": 10,
  "networkDelayStatic": "null",
  "pilotToneProfile": 0,
  "secondUpstreamVarpdProfile": 1
REST  get-service-template Response Content Type
  "autoAccept": false,
  "defaultFlag": false,
  "dlmMeasureOnly": false,
  "dsgTunnelGroupIDs": "1",
  "elementsList": [
      "description": "Service profile with 1.5Gbps Data Service. 16x4 DS/US SG channels",
      "downstreamControllerProfile": 0,
      "downstreamVomId": 1,
      "downstreamVomProfile": 1,
      "eventProfile": 0,
      "mdSplitting": false,
      "rdtiConfig": 0,
      "serviceGroupName": "SGProfile",
      "serviceType": "Data",
      "svcNdfProfiles": [
          "portNum": 0,
          "profileId": 100,
          "pwName": "name1"
      "svcNdrProfiles": [
          "portNum": 0,
          "profileId": 100,
          "pwName": "name1"
      "upstreamControllerProfile": 0,
      "upstreamVarpdId": 1,
      "upstreamVarpdProfile": 1
  "error": {
    "errorCode": "RecordNotFound",
    "errorMessage": "Record not found : <Record type> <identifier>",
    "errorTag": "Record not found",
    "errorType": "User"
  "loadBalanceXml": "XML String",
  "name": "Gold",
  "networkDelayDlm": 10,
  "networkDelayStatic": "null",
  "pilotToneProfile": 0,
  "rpdsAssigned": 0,
  "rpdsProvisioned": false,
  "secondUpstreamVarpdProfile": 1,
  "status": "Success or Failure. If Failure check Error field for error details."

Configuring Video Services

You can configure video service in a Cisco cBR-8 router using Cisco Smart PHY by wiring the video interfaces and video service groups (VSG).

Cisco Smart PHY provides a clear mapping between VSG and video interfaces. RPD node segmentation determines the number of VSGs that you can choose for a video interface.


Create video service groups (VSG) in the Cisco cBR-8 router, before you configure a video service for each RPD. There are two ways to create VSGs:

  • Manual method(Recommended): Provide a logical name for the VSG. Example: cable virtual-service-group 18528 downstream-video 1/0/8 profile 101

  • Automatic method: When you assign a controller to a Cisco cBR-8 router profile that has video services, Cisco cBR-8 creates a VSG with a random name.

For more information, see Cisco cBR Converged Broadband Routers Video Configuration Guide for Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.9.

Adding a New Video Interface

Use the following task to add a new video interface.

  1. Click the main menu at the top-left of the home page, and select > Smart PHY > RPD Associations. The Remote PHY Device Associations page displays.

  2. Click the Create button. The Create Remote PHY Device Association page displays.

  3. Add single or multiple entries in the Video Core Interface and Video Service Group fields.

  4. Click the Save button.

You can also import CSV files from the previous versions of the Cisco Smart PHY application which have video configurations. You can also import a database that is exported from a previous version of the Cisco Smart PHY application.

Configuring VSG Using API

You can configure VSG using the Cisco Smart PHY API setrpdpairinglist.

This API is backward compatible. It has an extra videointerfaces field under port-config. The existing video service group mapping with the video interfaces, remains without any changes.

Example: Sample RPD Pairing API
  "setrpdpairinglist": [
      "name": "rpd03",
      "previousname": "rpd03",
      "macaddress": "00049f320825",
      "description": null,
      "approvalstate": "approved",
      "servicetemplate": "d8-sg-split-rdti1",
      "gpslocation": {
        "genericlocation": "",
        "latitude": "",
        "longitude": ""
      "ssdprofileid": 1,
      "disablenetworkdelay": false,
      "preconfigure": true,
      "nodesegmentation": "rpd_1x1",
      "additionalcores": [
      "assignedcores": [
          "servicetype": "data",
          "mgmtcore": "",
          "rpdconnectioninterface": "tengigabitethernet9/1/0",
          "servicetype": "video",
          "mgmtcore": "",
          "rpdconnectioninterface": "tengigabitethernet9/1/0",
          "servicetype": "video",
          "mgmtcore": "",
          "rpdconnectioninterface": "tengigabitethernet9/1/6",
          "servicetype": "oob",
          "mgmtcore": "",
          "rpdconnectioninterface": "tengigabitethernet9/1/0",
      "portconfigs": [
          "dsport": 0,
          "usport": 0,
          "dsservicegroup": "sg-9-0-0",
          "usservicegroup": "sg-upstream-9-0-0",
          "videoservicegroups": [
            "vsg1",  // Index 0 is read along with video interface index 0
            "vsg2",  // Index 1 is read along with video interface index 1
            "vsg3"  // Index 2 is read along with video interface index 2
            "tengigabitethernet9/1/0”, // Index 0 is read along with vsg index 0
            "tengigabitethernet9/1/6”, // Index 1 is read along with vsg index 1
            "tengigabitethernet9/1/6” // Index 2 is read along with vsg index 2


  • If you use the setrpdpairinglist API without the videoInterfaces attribute under port-configs, Cisco SmartPHY performs an ambiguity resolution. This process does not provide a clear one-to-one mapping.

  • If two or more VSGs are configured under the same interface, the videointerfaces must repeat to match the one-to-one mapping.

  • If you do not add the video interfaces under port-config and the assigned-cores, then the application shows an error.

  • The size of the list of video interfaces and the VSGs must be the same.

  • You can only map a VSG to a single interface. However, you can map the VSG to the same interface in a different port.

  • If you configure a video interface without mapping to a VSG, then the application ignores the video interface.

Secure Software Download for RPD

Table 10. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


Support for Using a Wildcard Character in the RPD Vendor and RPD Model Names

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 24.1

When you create an SSD Profile, you can use a Wildcard character when you input the RPD Vendor and RPD Model names.

RPD Secure Software Upgrade Enhancements

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.3

In this release:

  • Smart PHY SSD Profiles support the inclusion of an RPD Model. In previous Smart PHY releases, only the RPD Vendor is supported.

  • Software Compatibility Policies support attaching more than one Smart PHY SSD Profile.

  • The History tab in the Secure Software Download page is enhanced to include more information about each Smart PHY initiated SSD operation.

RPD Secure Software Upgrade

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.2

You can upgrade Remote PHY Device (RPD) from Smart PHY using the Secure Software Download (SSD) mechanism.

You can upgrade Remote PHY Device (RPD) from Smart PHY using the Secure Software Download (SSD) mechanism. To configure RPD software upgrades or downgrades, create SSD profiles and Software Compatibility Policies in Smart PHY. During RPD boot up phase (that is, GCP initialization), Smart PHY refers to these policies and triggers RPD upgrade using SSD IRA.

Creating SSD Profiles

You can control the RPD software that is deployed in the network by creating SSD profiles. Use the following steps to create a profile:

  1. At the Main Menu, select on Smart PHY > Secure Software Download.

  2. Click Create SSD Profile An SSD profile captures the following information.

Table 11. Create SSD Profile Fields
Name Description
SSD Profile Name* Name of the SSD profile
Make this a catch-all profile check box A Catch-all SSD profile is used to ensure RPDs, that wouldn’t otherwise be eligible for Smart PHY initiated SSD operations, are running a specific software image
Enforce this catch-all profile switch This switch only applies to Catch-all SSD profiles. By default, the switch is off. When the switch is on, eligible RPDs that match the Catch-all SSD profile’s criteria are instructed to execute an SSD operation
RPD Vendor* Name of the RPD Vendor. You may use a wildcard (*) character in the input. For Example: Cisc, Cisc*, NewVendor, NewVendor*
RPD Model Model of the RPD. You may use a wildcard (*) character in the input. For Example: EN, EN-*, 7306, GSK*
Transport* TFTP or HTTP used to download RPD software image.
File Server IP Address or Hostname Hostname or Server where the RPD Software (image) is available
File Path Directory path to the image file
File Name* Name of the File
Manufacturer CVC Manufacturer CVC chain to enable the RPD to download the code file from the download server.
Cosigner CVC Cosigner CVC chain to enable the RPD to download the code file from the download server


* indicates a mandatory field.

Editing and Deleting SSD Profiles

Once an SSD profile is created, you can edit and delete the SSD profile anytime. However, a profile which is associated with a Software Compatibility policy cannot be deleted till it is removed from the associated policy.

Rules for Upgrading RPD

Table 12. Rules for Upgrading RPD
Priority Rule Upgrade RPD
1 cBR-8 SSD Profile added for RPD No
2 Exempt Flag set for RPD in Smart PHY Inventory page No
3 Smart PHY SSD Profile added for RPD Yes, when the condition is met
4 Smart PHY SSD Compatibility Policy applied to RPD’s DOCSIS Principal Core Yes, when the condition is met
5 Smart PHY SSD Profile marked as “Catch-All” Yes, when the condition is met
6 None of the previous conditions are met No

Creating Software Compatibility Policies

Once an SSD profile is created, it must be enforced to control the RPD software being deployed. Multiple SSD profiles can be attached to a Software Compatibility Policy. In a Smart PHY cluster, multiple policies can be active at any given point.


  • Catch-all SSD profiles cannot be attached to a Software Compatibility Policy.

  • SSD Profiles with matching RPD vendor names, but differing RPD software images cannot be attached to the same Software Compatibility Policy.

  • SSD Profiles with matching RPD vendor names and RPD models, but differing RPD software images cannot be attached to the same Software Compatibility Policy.

A Software Compatibility policy contains the following information.

Table 13. Software Compatibility Policy



Policy Name Name of the Policy.
Enforce Flag To enforce a policy. Can be enforced during creation time or at a later time.
Cisco IOS-XE Software Version Version of a CCAP core.
SSD Profile Name The SSD profile which must be enforced.

Editing & Deleting Software Compatibility Policy

Once a Software Compatibility Policy is created, you can edit, enforce, and delete the SSD policy, anytime.

SSD History

The SSD History tab captures the list of RPDs upgraded from Smart PHY.

Exempting Smart PHY Initiated SSD Operation

You can exempt RPDs from Smart PHY initiated SSD operations by editing the RPD's Inventory record.

  1. At the Main Menu, select on Smart PHY > Inventory.

  2. Select the RPD to be exempted.

  3. Click the check box, Exempt from Smart PHY Initiated SSD Operations.

As long as an RPD is marked as exempt, Smart PHY never instructs it to perform an SSD operation.

cBR-8 Configuration Reconciliation

Feature History

Table 14. Feature History
Feature Name Release information Description

cBR-8 Configuration Reconciliation Enhancements and Reporting Enhancements

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 24.1

Smart PHY’s cBR-8 configuration reconciliation logic is enhanced. You can trigger reconciliation for multiple cBR-8 simultaneously and perform reconciliation on one or more selected RPDs for a cBR-8 router. You can also reconcile 2x4 RPDs.

We have added enhanced reporting functionalities to review deviation and reconciliation actions offline.

cBR-8 Configuration Reconciliation Logic Enhancements

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.3

Smart PHY’s cBR-8 configuration reconciliation logic has been enhanced to include: Downstream RF Power Adjust values and RPD MAC Address. Additionally, Smart PHY’s reconciliation error handling is improved and new reporting capabilities are added.

Enhanced Config Reconciliation Logic

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.2

In this release, we have enhanced reconcile logic to include additional parameters for Principal, OOB, and Video cores.

cBR-8 Configuration Reconciliation enhancements

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 23.1

You can perform Smart PHY Reconciliation using Smart PHY WebUI.

cBR-8 Configuration Reconciliation

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 22.2

You can now detect the configuration mismatches between the cBR-8 router and Smart PHY cluster. This helps in reconciling the configuration between both the entities so that the configuration set are in sync with each other and eliminates the need of reprovisioning of RPDs effectively and saves time.

Post upgrading the software on CBR-8 router, the CBR-8 software automatically converts its earlier CLI configuration syntax into a new form on the CBR-CCAP-LC-G2-R line card. Ambiguity and differences may be seen between the actual configuration in the cBR-8 router and the corresponding configuration that is stored in the Smart PHY cluster.

Manual changes to the RPD Association configuration directly performed on a cBR-8 device, can also result in configuration differences.

The Smart PHY reconciliation feature intelligently detects such configuration mismatches and updates its internal configuration. This reconciliation helps in maintaining the cBR-8 and Smart PHY configuration to be in sync and avoids reprovisioning of RPDs. During such reconciliation process, which can be triggered when cBR-8 transitions from maintenance to normal mode, Smart PHY takes care of the following aspects:

  1. Detects the configuration differences and prepares a report of the configuration difference between cBR-8 and Smart PHY.

  2. Updates the Resource Allocation information and CLI details in Smart PHY when there is any discrepancy.

  3. Ensures that existing RPDs are not reprovisioned and the new RPDs use the correct set of resources.


In Smart PHY, the reconciliation feature assumes that the RPDs are configured with the same name in both Smart PHY and the cBR-8 router.

Smart PHY Reconciliation Operation

Use the following procedure to perform a Smart PHY Reconciliation Operation.

  1. At the main menu, select Smart PHY > Inventory. The Remote PHY Devices & CCAP Cores page displays.

  2. Select one or multiple CCAP routers, and from the Managed CCAP Actions drop-down list, click Check for Config Deviation. Smart PHY triggers a check to detect config deviation. This process may take few minutes to complete.

  3. If a config deviation is found, you can view the configuration difference and get an option to reconcile the data.

  4. Click Save to Smart PHY to reconcile the Smart PHY database. During reconciliation, the Smart PHY database is updated with the configuration data from the selected CCAP.

  5. You can download the reconciliation report by clicking the Download Deviation Report button.

Smart PHY Reconciliation using Maintenance Mode

Use the following procedure to perform Smart PHY Reconciliation using Maintenance Mode

  1. At the main menu, select Smart PHY > Inventory. The Remote PHY Devices & CCAP Cores page displays.

  2. Select the check boxes of one or more cBR-8 routers that are in the maintenance mode.

  3. From the Managed CCAP Actions drop-down list, click Resume Maintenance Mode.

  4. Review the Warning message and select the Reconcile cBR-8 configuration check box. The reconciliation operation takes place. The CCAP core is moved out of the maintenance state and reconciliation is performed.

  5. Click Resume Normal Operation.

Reconciliation can be performed only for a single cBR-8. The following table shows the RPD Attributes that are reconciled.

Attribute Reconciliation Status
RPD Device Name Not Applicable as this attribute is the identifier for reconciliation
RPD Description Reconciled
RPD MAC Reconciled
Tags Not Applicable as this attribute isn't a cBR-8 or RPD property
Node Segmentation Reconciled
Service Definition Not reconciled
Principal Core
Device name for principal core Not reconciled as we're triggering from cBR-8
Principal core interface Reconciled
Downstream port 0 Reconciled
Upstream port 0 Reconciled
Downstream port 1 Reconciled
Upstream port 1 Reconciled
US Service Group for both ports Reconciled
DS Service Group for both ports Reconciled
US port 0 Description Reconciled
US port 1 description Reconciled
US base power for port 0 Reconciled
US base power for port 1 Reconciled
1st pairing downstream RF Pwr Adj profile Reconciled
1st pairing DS base power Reconciled
1st pairing tilt freq Reconciled
1st pairing tilt slope Reconciled
2nd pairing downstream RF Pwr Adj profile Reconciled
2nd pairing DS base power Reconciled
2nd pairing tilt freq Reconciled
2nd pairing tilt slope Reconciled
SSD Profile Reconciled
Video Core Interface
Video core Interface Reconciled
VSG Reconciled
OOB interface Reconciled
OOB parameters if overwritten Reconciled
OOB parameters if overwritten for port 2 Reconciled


Once a cBR-8 router is reconciled, Smart PHY automatically updates the Last Modified Date and Last Modified By (user) meta data values.

Smart PHY Reconciliation Reports

When you perform configuration reconciliation, you have an option to view reports. Reports are available during the check for config deviation phase and as part of post config reconciliation action. Reports are useful when you want to review and compare details offline.

Use the following steps to download Reconciliation Reports

  1. At the main menu, click Smart PHY > Inventory. The Remote PHY Devices & CCAP Cores page displays.

  2. Select the check box for an RPD for which you must check the configuration deviation. Click Check for Config Deviation under Managed CCAP Actions. A banner displays the status of the deviation from Spart PHY. The status can indicate if the Smart PHY's configuration is reconciled, partially reconciled or if the configuration deviates from Smart PHY.

  3. If the RPD's configuration, deviates from Smart PHY, Click Reconcile. The Configuration Reconciliation panel displays.

  4. At the bottom right you can either click Download only Deviations(if you only need the deviation report) or click Download Full Report (if you only need the full report). The full report contains all the RPDs under the span of the control of the selected CCAP Core.

  5. The report (in PDF format) is downloaded.

Once the reconcile action is performed and the Smart PHY database is updated with the latest configuration from the CCAP core, you can download four different types of reports.

  1. Full reconcile report, capturing all the RPDs for the selected CCAP core along with the result of the reconciliation action.

  2. Success report capturing RPDs where reconcile performed successfully.

  3. Failure report capturing RPDs where reconcile action was executed but failed. The failure reason would be mentioned in this report.

  4. Report capturing RPDs where reconcile action was skipped. Smart PHY skips reconciliation when RPDs are not configured properly end to end or not available either on Smart PHY or in CCAP Cores.

For More information about the RPD attributes, see Remote PHY Device Association.

Viewing RPD History


Step 1

Click the main menu at the top-left of the home page, and select Smart PHY > RPD Associations. The Remote PHY Device Associations page displays.

Step 2

Click the desired RPD Name to view the RPD information.

Step 3

Click Status History and RPD Config History to view the historical information.

Managing RF Power Adjust Profiles

Feature History

Feature Name Release information Description

RF Power Adjust Profile Enhancement

Cisco Smart PHY, Release 22.2

You can overwrite the RF Power Adjust Profile during RPD provisioning.

Smart PHY allows you to adjust the power levels for a single or a group of downstream RF channels using an RF Power Adjust Profile. An RF Power Adjust Profile consists of a profile name, an RF channel identifier (or identifiers), and a power adjust value. You can manage RF Power Adjust Profiles from Smart PHY's RF Power Adjust Profiles page.

RF channel power adjustment does not affect the service of the RPDs.

Limitations for RF Power Adjust Profile

  • You cannot delete an RF Power Adjust Profile that is already used in a Service Definition.

  • If you modify an RF Profile, the updated configuration is not applied to the RPDs that have already been provisioned. You can access the appropriate Service Definition page, select Save & Assign, select the specific RPD, and click Assign to apply the modified RF Power Adjust Profile parameters.

Creating an RF Power Adjust Profile

This procedure creates an RF power adjust profile.


Step 1

At the main menu, select Smart PHY > Profile > RF Power Adjust Profiles.

The RF Power Adjust Profiles page displays.

Step 2

Click Create.

The RF Power Adjust Profiles page appears.

Step 3

Enter values for the following fields in the RF Power Adjust Profiles page.

Table 15. RF Power Adjust Profiles
Field Value
Profile Name Profile name can be up to 21 alphanumeric characters
Power Adjust (dBmV) The Power Adjust range is from –10 to 10 dBmV
RF Channel The RF Channel ID can be:
  • A single RF channel (for example: 6)

  • Multiple RF channels (for example: 6, 12, or 14)

  • Multiple consecutive RF channels (for example: 15–20)

  • A combination of the previous items (for example: 6.12, or 15–20)

Step 4

Click Create.