Switched Digital Video Services
For ASM, the input is identified by the group IP address.
For SSM, the input is identified by the source and group IP address pair.
In both cases, the UDP ports are ignored. Both ASM and SSM can co-exist but cannot overlap in a group IP address. Hence, for a group IP address, either a single ASM, or one or more SSM can be used.
Session Cloning
Session cloning refers to the ability of forwarding an input to multiple output QAM channels. Only multicast sessions can be cloned. The output QAM channels are located on the same or different line cards. However, an input cannot be cloned on the same QAM channel. Cloning is available on session-based GQIv2 or Table-based sessions. It is applicable to re-mapped, pass-through, and data piping sessions. All cloned sessions must have the same processing type, bitrate and jitter value. For re-mapped sessions, each output copy will have a different output program number.
Redundant Multicast Sources
The redundant multicast sources feature supports up to four SSM/ASM multicast address pairs per video session. However, only multicast traffic from one source is forwarded to the output QAMs. When the active source fails, another source is chosen automatically. Multicast sources must be unique within a redundant group and cannot overlap across redundant groups.
The order of the sources is critical when multicast sessions are configured via GQI or VSRM. For a given group IP address, the source IP addresses must be specified in the same order.
For example: The group IP address used with two sessions must have the source IP addresses specified in the same order.
Session A configured with group IP source source2 source3 and session B or any session created after session A configured using group IP, must have the source IP addresses in this same order as specified for session A. That is, source source2 source3
This ensures that all sessions switch to the same source IP address when a source switch occurs. Additionally, sessions configured via GQI have up to three sources available for redundancy, whereas multicast labels configured for table-based sessions have up to four sources available for redundancy.
Multicast labels must use unique groups and S/G pairs. These pairs cannot be used by other multicast labels or by multicast sessions that use S/G pairs. For example, when one multicast session uses {[S1, G], [S2, G] and [S3, G]}, another session cannot use {[S1, G], [S4, G]}.
Multicast source change is based on the session state; INIT, IDLE, ACTIVE or OFF. A session configured for the first time is in INIT state and stays in this state for a brief time. If traffic starts before the INIT timer expires, it moves to the ACTIVE state, otherwise to the IDLE state.
When traffic starts, the session remains in ACTIVE state as long as traffic continues to flow. When traffic stops for a time longer than the IDLE timer, the session moves to IDLE state. During IDLE state, PAT and PMT of the session is retained as the output. If traffic resumes in this state, the session moves to ACTIVE state again with all its previous PSI and remapping information unaltered.
In IDLE state, if traffic does not start or resume before the OFF timer expires, the session transitions to OFF state. When traffic resumes for a session in OFF state, it is treated as a new session.
Sessions that transition from ACTIVE to IDLE have higher priority and will be moved to the backup source than those that were newly created and have changed from INIT to IDLE.
Benefits of Switched Digital Video
Switched Digital Video provides the following benefits:
Saves space, maintenance and cost.
Allows customers to oversubscribe bandwidth.
Prerequisites for Switched Digital Video
To access multicast capability, configure multicast routing.
To switch sources for table-based sessions, configure at least two sources for a multicast label and then associate with the desired session.
Restrictions for Switched Digital Video
While creating a multicast label, up to four sources can be associated with one group IP address.
Labels are used with table-based video sessions only.
Sessions created with GQI Tools do not use labels. However, they can have up to three sources associated with one group IP address.