Upgrading the Cisco cBR-8 Router System to Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1

This section contains the upgrade procedures for the Cisco cBR-8 Router System.

The following table encompasses all versions that customers are required to update to support 16.8.1. All other firmware versions are either not upgradable by the customer, or not required to be upgraded for 16.8.1 support. Use the commands in the tables to verify the firmware versions.

Table 1. Firmware Versions

Internal Name

Component Name

Required Minimum Version


Supervisor CPLD



show platform

Supervisor ROMMON

CBR-CCAP-SUP-160G Rommon


show platform

Linecard CPLD



show platform

Linecard Uboot

CBR-CCAP-LC-40G Rommon


show platform

Linecard PSOC



show platform diag

Docsis 3.0 downstream module Micro

CBR-CCAP-LC-40G Gemin1 Micro


show platform diag

Docsis 3.0 downstream module FPGA

CBR-CCAP-LC-40G Gemini1 Apollo


show platform diag

Docsis 3.1 downstream module Micro

CBR-CCAP-LC-40G Gemin2 Micro


show platform diag

Docsis 3.1 downstream module FPGA

CBR-CCAP-LC-40G Gemini2 Apollo


show platform diag


Uboot and FPGA

CBR-DPIC-8X10G Firmware


show platform diag

Upgrading from Cisco IOS-XE 3.18.1aSP to Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1

Upgrading Manually

Before you begin

Before upgrading the system, make sure the following requirements are met:


Do not power cycle the cBR-8 router during the firmware upgrade process. Power cycling the chassis may corrupt the ROMMON/Uboot image.


Step 1

Copy Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 package to bootflash: and stby-bootflash:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin bootflash:  
copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin stby-bootflash:  

Step 2

Verify Cisco IOS-XE Fuji 16.8.1 package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin  
verify /md5 stby-bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin  

Step 3

Copy the special firmware programming package to harddisk: and stby-harddisk:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg harddisk:  
copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg stby-harddisk:  

Step 4

Verify the special firmware programming package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg  
verify /md5 stby-harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg  

Step 5

Check system status prior to upgrade. Save the information to compare against the system status after upgrade. For the commands to use to check the status, see the show commands at the end of this section.

Step 6

Configure the chassis to boot the system with Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 image (Consolidated Mode).

Configure terminal
no boot system
boot system bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin
write mem

Step 7

Configure config-register to manual boot. Dropping to ROMMON later on is a requirement to ensure no IOS processes are running while the Supervisor CPLD is upgraded.

Configure terminal 
config-register 0x0 

Step 8

Check line card CPLD version via show platform . If it is not the latest version 00000025, upgrade line card CPLD following the sub steps below. Otherwise skip this step.

  1. Run the following pre-upgrade commands on the SUP IOS:

    upgrade hw-programmable cable  active_SUP daggit pre-upgrade slot  LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit pre-upgrade slot 0
    Daggits pre-upgrade successful
  2. Upgrade the line card CPLD firmware using the SUP IOS command.

    Do not reboot the line card until the upgrade is complete. Upgrade takes approximately 15 minutes.
    upgrade hw-programmable cable  LC_slot_# daggit  pkg_name  firmware_pkg_location_path 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable 0 daggit pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg
  3. After the upgrade is complete (takes approximately 15 minutes), the line card moves to unknown state. Check the status of the line card using the show platform command. When the line card is in unknown state, run the following command to recover the line card:

    upgrade hw-programmable cable  active_SUP daggit lc-recovery slot  LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit lc-recovery slot 0
  4. The line card moves from booting to active state. Check the version of the line card using the show platform command to make sure version is changed to 00000025:

  5. When the line card is in active state, run the following command to verify the upgrade.

    upgrade hw-programmable cable  active_SUP daggit post-active slot  LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit post-active slot 0
    SUCCESS: Daggit_ver-37 : Booted from upgradable Image-1
Step 9

Check Docsis 3.0 downstream module and Docsis 3.1 downstream module FPGA and Micro versions via show platform diag . If it is not the latest version (See Table 1), upgrade them following the sub steps below. Otherwise skip this step.

  1. Run the following command for each installed line card that requires Micro upgrade.


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable 0 dsphy micro pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg
    Please wait - firmware download may take up to 5 minutes to complete.
  2. Wait for log message similar to the following for each line card.


    CLC0: cdman: Suggest reload the line card for new FW to take effect using CLI: hw slot <slot-id> reload
  3. Reload the line card. Execute the command hw slot <x> reload for each line card x in this step.

    hw slot <x> reload  
  4. Run the following command for each installed line card that requires FPGA upgrade.


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable 0 dsphy fpga pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg
    Please wait - firmware download may take up to 5 minutes to complete.
  5. Wait for log message similar to the following for each line card.


    CLC0: cdman: Suggest reload the line card for new FW to take effect using CLI: hw slot 0 reload

To reduce the time taken for upgrade, reloading line card in this step is combined with the powercycle of the chassis. So it is not nesessary to execute the command hw slot x reload for each line card x in this step.

Step 10

Check Supervisor 0/1 CPLD version via show platform . If it is not the latest version (See Table 1), upgrade Supervisor CPLD using the command shown below. Otherwise skip this step.

upgrade hw-programmable cable r0 viper pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg
upgrade hw-programmable cable r1 viper pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg


If there is any failure during this step, please see Upgrading to Cisco IOS XE 16.8.1 with Hardware Programmable Devices Package for Cisco IOS XE 16.8.1 to upgrade Supervisor CPLD after loading Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 package.

Step 11

Reload the cBR-8 router. Answer no to not save the configuration.

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

Step 12

Configure to automatic boot by typing following command in rommon > prompt on both Supervisors.

rommon 1 > confreg 0x2102
rommon 2 > sync
rommon 3 >

Step 13

Power cycle chassis, wait for both SUPs to auto boot to 16.8.1 image.

rommon 1 >
Initializing Hardware ...
Step 14

After cBR-8 bootup, verify the supervisor CPLD, linecard CPLD and downstream module FGPA and Micro are successfully upgraded.

Step 15

Check system status after upgrade. Compare the information against the system status prior to upgrade. For the commands to use to check the status, see the show commands at the end of this section.

What to do next

Perform verification test to determine if the upgrade is successful, include:

  • Verify the router is running the new IOS XE release using show version command.

  • Check facility alarms using show facility-alarm status command.

  • Check the status of the power supplies using show environment power command.

  • Check PS status using show platform hardware slot P<0-5> mcu status command.

  • Complete trace routes to known good off-network IP address using the source address of customer CPE blocks to verify routing is working.

  • Check logs for error messages using show log command.

These show commands may be useful in the verification test:

  • show redundancy

  • show platform

  • show platform diag

  • show environment

  • show redundancy linecard all

  • show isis neighbors

  • show ip ospf neighbor

  • show ip route rip

  • show ip mroute

  • show cops servers

  • show cable modem voice

  • show cable calls

  • show cable metering verbose

  • show cable licenses all

  • show inventory

Upgrading with Ansible

Before you begin

Before upgrading the firmware, make sure the following requirements are met:

  1. Prepare Ansible Server, operating system can be Linux/Windows/Mac, with docker service pre-installed.

    For docker installation guide, please check following link:


  2. Check if the chassis supports AAA or local authentication with username & password. If not configured, use following CLI to enable local authentication, for example:

    Cbr8#configure terminal 
    Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
    cBR8(config)#username cisco privilege 15 password 0 cisco
    cBR8(config)#enable secret cisco
    cBR8(config)#line vty 0 15
    cBR8(config)#login local
    cBR8(config)#exec-timeout 0 0
    cBR8(config)#session-timeout 0
  3. If SSH is not enabled, use following CLI to enable SSH on cBR8, skip the domain name configuration if already configured.

    cBR8(config)# ip domain-name domain.com
    cBR8(config)#crypto key generate rsa 
    The name for the keys will be: cbr8.domain.com
    Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 4096 for your
    General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
    a few minutes.
    How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024
    % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
    [OK] (elapsed time was 0 seconds)
    cBR8#copy running-config startup-config
    cBR8#show ip ssh
    SSH Enabled - version 1.99
  4. Check if there is enough bootflash disk space on both SUP (>1.8GB).

  5. Verify if the Ansible server can access cBR-8 using SSH.

    [ansible@server ~]$ ssh cisco@
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is c3:be:8f:cf:76:f4:31:4b:80:d8:2e:f0:76:6d:ff:bf.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
  6. Download three files from the following Cisco.com Software Center URL:


    • IOS XE Software Version 16.8.1: cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin

    • IOS XE Hardware Programmable Devices Version 16.8.1: cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg

    • Ansible upgrade script: cbr-8_upgrade_ansible.tar

  7. Copy IOS XE Software package and IOS XE Hardware Programmable Devices package to TFTP/FTP/SCP server or usb disk. Upload Ansible upgrade script to Ansible server.

  8. Console access for both SUPs are required.

  9. Ability to power cycle the chassis. Power cycle chassis is required to upgrade Supervisor CPLD.


Step 1

Run following CLI on the Ansible server to create the docker image.

docker import cbr-8_upgrade_ansible.tar ansible_mop  

Step 2

Start docker container with the image and enter the container shell.

docker run -it --name=mop ansible_mop /bin/bash  

Step 3

Change current directory to the playbook folder for this software and firmware upgrade.

cd /opt/cbr-8_upgrade_ansible.tar  

Step 4

Modify hosts file to add target cBR-8 ip addresses, can be multiple lines if customer wants to upgrade firmware on multiple cBR8 routers simultaneously, sample file is as below:


Step 5

Modify secrets.yaml file, change the username/password/enable password to reflect the real username/password/enable configuration for target cBR. If no enable password is set, just keep the sample cisco for auth_pass.

  username: cisco
  password: cisco
  auth_pass: cisco

Step 6

Modify upgrade_vars.yaml file to indicate the firmware package name, ios image name and source (Optional if the package files are already on cbr-8 harddisk:).

  image_name: cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin  
  pkg_name: cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01_compat_with_3.18SP.SSA.pkg
  #if the pkg file in the TB, just modify dst_dir to the pkg location
  #the four examples shows the usage
  #src_dir: "ftp://username:password@"
  #src_dir: "tftp:// "
  #src_dir: "usb0:"
  src_dir: "harddisk:"

  #slot_to_upgrade: [2,3,6,7,8,9]
  slot_to_upgrade: "ALL"

Step 7

Execute following command to start the playbook to upgrade firmware.


Step 8

Reload the system by typing reload on the active SUP and answering no to not save the configuration.

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

Step 9

From ROMMON issue the following command on both SUPs.

rommon 1 > confreg 0x2102
rommon 2 > sync
rommon 3 >

Step 10

Power cycle chassis, wait for both SUPs to auto boot to 16.8.1 image.

rommon 1>
Initializing Hardware ...


System Bootstrap, Version 16.6(2r)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1994-2016  by cisco Systems, Inc.

Current image running: Boot ROM1

Last reset cause: PowerOn

Viper version register: 0x16052011
Set Chassis Type to 13RU
Cisco cBR-8  platform with 50331648 Kbytes of main memory

Step 11

After system bootup and stable, execute following command to start the playbook to check the upgrade result.


TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
Friday 17 March 2017  14:30:25 +0800 (0:00:00.014)       0:01:10.187 ********** 
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "Mop upgrade passed!"
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************            : ok=120  changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Step 12

Exit the container if finished upgrading this time to stop the container.


Step 13

If user wants to start the container again, use following command to start the container and enter its shell.

docker start mop
docker attach mop

Step 14

All the file changes are kept in the container, user can run step 4-11 to upgrade again.

Upgrading from Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1 and Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1 to Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 with ISSU

Before you begin

Before upgrading the system, make sure the following requirements are met:


Do not power cycle the cBR-8 router during the firmware upgrade process. Power cycling the chassis may corrupt the ROMMON/Uboot image.


Step 1

Copy Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 package to bootflash: and stby-bootflash:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin bootflash:  
copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin stby-bootflash:  

Step 2

Verify Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin  
verify /md5 stby-bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin  

Step 3

Copy the hardware programmable devices upgrade package to harddisk: and stby-harddisk:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg harddisk:  
copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg stby-harddisk:  

Step 4

Verify the hardware programmable devices upgrade package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg  
verify /md5 stby-harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg  

Step 5

Check system status prior to upgrade. Save the information to compare against the system status after upgrade. For the commands to use to check the status, see the show commands at the end of this section.

Step 6

Upgrade Docsis 3.1 downstream modules in all the slots.

upgrade hw-programmable cable <slot> dsphy all pkg_name/harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg

Step 7

Wait for the system log message asking the user to reload the line card that was upgraded.

001860: Jun 15 19:05:05.904 PDT: %IOSXE-5-PLATFORM: CLC0: cdman: Suggest reload the line card for new FW to take effect using CLI: hw slot <slot-id> reload

Step 8

Before the ISSU upgrade please check and make sure:

  • The cBR-8 is in Subpackage mode.

  • Both SUPs are running same image from same path.

  • Autoboot is enabled.

  • The cBR-8 has two SUP and in SSO mode, standby SUP is in standby hot mode.

  • All linecards are in normal state in LCHA group. Use show redundancy linecard all command, active cards should be in Stdby Warm state.

  • There is enough bootflash disk space on both SUP.

Step 9

Copy 16.8.1 image in the same folder of current boot package on active SUP.

Step 10

Perform ISSU.

request platform software package install node file bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin

Step 11

To monitor the ISSU progress, use the command below.

request platform software package install node attach

Step 12

Use these CLI to check status after ISSU.

show version 
show version r0 running
show version r1 running
show version r0 provisioned
show version r1 provisioned

If both Docsis 3.1 OFDM channels and downstream load balancing are configured, then Docsis 3.1 CMs will come up in a Docsis 3.0 bonding group after ISSU from Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.x. The workaround procedure is:

  1. Admin shut all OFDM channels. This can be done from a script, or from cut and paste of the CLI. There is no need to have a delay between successive shuts. For example:

    configure terminal
        controller Integrated-Cable 2/0/0
            rf-chan 158
  2. Wait for 30 seconds.

  3. Admin perform no-shut on all OFDM channels. This may be done from a script, or from cut and paste of the CLI. There is no need to have a delay between successive no-shuts. For example:

    configure terminal
        controller Integrated-Cable 2/0/0
            rf-chan 158
                no shut
  4. Reset all Docsis 31 CMs. For example:

    clear cable modem d31-capable reset

What to do next

Perform verification test to determine if the upgrade is successful, include:

  • Verify the router is running the new IOS-XE release using show version command.

  • Check facility alarms using show facility-alarm status command.

  • Check the status of the power supplies using show environment power command.

  • Check PS status using show platform hardware slot P<0-5> mcu status command.

  • Complete trace routes to known good off-network IP address using the source address of customer CPE blocks to verify routing is working.

  • Check logs for error messages using show log command.

These show commands may be useful in the verification test:

  • show redundancy

  • show platform

  • show platform diag

  • show environment

  • show redundancy linecard all

  • show isis neighbors

  • show ip ospf neighbor

  • show ip route rip

  • show ip mroute

  • show cops servers

  • show cable modem voice

  • show cable calls

  • show cable metering verbose

  • show cable licenses all

  • show inventory

Upgrading to Cisco IOS XE 16.8.1 with Hardware Programmable Devices Package for Cisco IOS XE 16.8.1

Before you begin

Before upgrading the system, make sure the following requirements are met:


Do not power cycle the cBR-8 router during the firmware upgrade process. Power cycling the chassis may corrupt the ROMMON/Uboot image.


Step 1

Copy Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 package to bootflash: and stby-bootflash:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin bootflash:  
copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin stby-bootflash:  

Step 2

Verify Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin  
verify /md5 stby-bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin  

Step 3

Copy the hardware programmable devices upgrade package to harddisk: and stby-harddisk:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg harddisk:  
copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg stby-harddisk:  

Step 4

Verify the hardware programmable devices upgrade package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg  
verify /md5 stby-harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg  

Step 5

Check system status prior to upgrade. Save the information to compare against the system status after upgrade. For the commands to use to check the status, see the show commands at the end of this section.

Step 6

Configure the chassis to boot the system with Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 image.

Configure terminal
no boot system
boot system bootflash:cbrsup-universalk9.16.08.01.SPA.bin
write mem

Step 7

Reload the cBR-8 router.



The system will reload twice.

Step 8

Remove the secondary line card from line card redundancy group if redundancy is configured.

Configure terminal
linecard-group 0 internal-switch
no member slot 0 secondary

Step 9

Configure config-register to manual boot.

Configure terminal 
config-register 0x0 

Step 10

Upgrade Docsis 3.1 downstream modules in all the slots.

upgrade hw-programmable cable <slot> dsphy all pkg_name/harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg

Step 11

Upgrade Supervisor 0/1 CPLD.

upgrade hw-programmable cable r0 viper pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg
upgrade hw-programmable cable r1 viper pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.16.08.01.SPA.pkg

Step 12

Make sure the line card Docsis 3.1 downstream modules upgrade has completed successfully by examining the system log:

Show logging | include slot-id
001860: Jun 15 19:05:05.904 PDT: %IOSXE-5-PLATFORM: CLC0: cdman: Suggest reload the line card for new FW to take effect using CLI: hw slot <slot-id> reload

Step 13

Reload the cBR-8 router. Answer no to not save the configuration.

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

Step 14

Configure to automatic boot by typing following command in rommon > prompt.

rommon 1 > confreg 0x2102
rommon 2 > sync
rommon 3 >

Step 15

Power cycle chassis, wait for both SUPs to auto boot to 16.8.1 image.

What to do next

Perform verification test to determine if the upgrade is successful, include:

  • Verify the router is running the new IOS-XE release using show version command.

  • Check facility alarms using show facility-alarm status command.

  • Check the status of the power supplies using show environment power command.

  • Check PS status using show platform hardware slot P<0-5> mcu status command.

  • Complete trace routes to known good off-network IP address using the source address of customer CPE blocks to verify routing is working.

  • Check logs for error messages using show log command.

These show commands may be useful in the verification test:

  • show redundancy

  • show platform

  • show platform diag

  • show environment

  • show redundancy linecard all

  • show isis neighbors

  • show ip ospf neighbor

  • show ip route rip

  • show ip mroute

  • show cops servers

  • show cable modem voice

  • show cable calls

  • show cable metering verbose

  • show cable licenses all

  • show inventory

Upgrading D-PIC

Before you begin

Before upgrading the system, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Make sure the active IOS XE version is 16.8.1.

  • There are at lease 20MB free space on the harddisk.


To make use of the new features, it is recommended to upgrade the D-PIC to the latest version 1.1


Step 1

Boot up system, wait until IOS is ready.

Step 2

Check current D-PIC version.

show hw-module subslot x/1 fpd  


x/1 is D-PIC subslot number which needs upgrade.


Router#show hw-module subslot 9/1 fpd

==== ====================== ====== =============================================
                             H/W   Field Programmable   Current   Min. Required
Slot Card Type               Ver.  Device: "ID-Name"    Version      Version
==== ====================== ====== ================== =========== ==============
 9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G          1.0   46-CBR DIGI PIC        1.0         1.0
==== ====================== ====== =============================================
Step 3

Upgrade D-PIC.

upgrade hw-module subslot x/1 fpd bundled reload  


Router#upgrade hw-module subslot 9/1 fpd bundled reload

% The following FPD will be upgraded for CBR-DPIC-8X10G (H/W ver = 1.0) in subslot 9/1:

  ================== =========== =========== ============ 
  Field Programmable   Current     Upgrade   Estimated 
  Device: "ID-Name"    Version     Version   Upgrade Time 
  ================== =========== =========== ============ 
  46-CBR DIGI PIC        1.0         1.1       00:05:00
  ================== =========== =========== ============ 

  - Use 'show upgrade fpd progress' command to view the progress of the FPD
  - The target card will be automatically reloaded after the upgrade 
    operation. This reload will interrupt normal operation of the card. If 
    necessary, ensure that appropriate actions have been taken to redirect 
    card traffic before starting the FPD upgrade.

% Are you sure that you want to perform this operation? [no]: yes
% Initiating the upgrade operation on the target card ...
  (Use "show upgrade fpd progress" command to see upgrade progress)
Step 4

Check if the upgrade process is finished. Upgrade progress will take about 1 to 2 minutes.

show upgrade fpd progress  


Still ongoing:

Router#show upgrade fpd progress

FPD Image Upgrade Progress Table:

 ==== =================== ====================================================
                          Field Programmable    Time     Elapsed
 Slot Card Type           Device : "ID-Name"   Needed      Time    State
 ==== =================== ================== ========== ========== ===========
  9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G      46-CBR DIGI PIC     00:05:00   00:00:13  Updating...
 ==== =================== ====================================================

sj-104-cbr-13#show upgrade fpd progress

FPD Image Upgrade Progress Table:

 ==== =================== ====================================================
                          Field Programmable    Time     Elapsed
 Slot Card Type           Device : "ID-Name"   Needed      Time    State
 ==== =================== ================== ========== ========== ===========
  9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G      46-CBR DIGI PIC     00:05:00   00:00:26  Updating...
 ==== =================== ====================================================

Upgrade finished:

Router#show upgrade fpd progress

% There is no FPD image upgrade in progress.
Step 5

Check if the D-PIC status is ready.

show platform


Router#show platform 
Chassis type: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS

Slot      Type                State                 Insert time (ago) 
--------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- 
2/1       CBR-RF-PROT-PIC     ok                    00:08:48      
3         CBR-CCAP-LC-40G     ok                    00:12:46      
3/1       CBR-RF-PIC          ok                    00:08:48      
8/1       CBR-DPIC-8X10G      ok                    00:07:56      
9         CBR-CCAP-LC-40G     ok                    00:12:46      
9/1       CBR-DPIC-8X10G      ok                    00:07:54      
SUP0      CBR-CCAP-SUP-160G   inserted              00:12:46      
 R0                           ok, active            
 F0                           ok, active            
 4                            ok, active            
 4/1      CBR-SUP-8X10G-PIC   ok                    00:07:55      
SUP1      CBR-CCAP-SUP-160G   inserted              00:12:22      
 R1                           ok, standby           
 F1                           ok, standby           
 5                            ok, standby           
 5/1      CBR-SUP-8X10G-PIC   ok                    00:07:54      
P0        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ok                    00:09:49      
P1        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ok                    00:09:49      
P2        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ps, fail              00:09:49      
P3        Unknown             N/A                   never         
P4        Unknown             N/A                   never         
P5        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ok                    00:09:49      
P10       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P11       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P12       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P13       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P14       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      

Slot      CPLD Version        Rommon Version                          
--------- ------------------- --------------------------------------- 
3         00000025            2011.03.18                          
9         00000025            2011.03.18                          
SUP0      16052011            16.7(1r)S                           
SUP1      16052011            16.7(1r)S
Step 6

Check if the new version works.

show hw-module subslot x/1 fpd


Router#show hw-module subslot 9/1 fpd

==== ====================== ====== =============================================
                             H/W   Field Programmable   Current   Min. Required
Slot Card Type               Ver.  Device: "ID-Name"    Version      Version
==== ====================== ====== ================== =========== ==============
 9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G          1.0   46-CBR DIGI PIC        1.1         1.0      
==== ====================== ====== =============================================