Upgrading the Cisco cBR-8 Router System to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z


Starting from Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1a, CBR-CCAP-LC-G2-R can only protect CBR-CCAP-LC-G2-R for linecard HA.


If you are using TACACS authentication, the TACACS configuration will be automatically updated to the new version after upgrading to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z. This is a fix to CSCvu62273 and you do not need to take any action regarding the TACACS configuration in the cBR-8 prior to the upgrade.

This section contains the upgrade procedures for the Cisco cBR-8 Router System.

By default, telnet is disabled on Cisco cBR-8. If you are going to use telnet to access the device, make sure the value of line vty transport is correct and save the configuration in order to enable telnet.

Router# show run | begin line vty
line vty 0 4
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 password 7 104D081B094410055F
 exec prompt timestamp
 transport input all
line vty 5 98
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 password 7 02050D480809
 transport input all
line vty 99
 transport input all

The following table encompasses all versions that customers are required to update to support Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z. All other firmware versions are either not upgradable by the customer, or not required to be upgraded for Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z support. Use the commands in the tables to verify the firmware versions. If you need to upgrade firmware first, refer to the steps in Upgrading the Cisco cBR-8 Router Firmware.


If you want to upgrade Supervisor CPLD firmware, refer to Upgrading Supervisor CPLD Firmware.

Table 1. Firmware Versions

Internal Name

Component Name

Required Minimum Version


Supervisor CPLD



show platform



show platform

Supervisor ROMMON



show platform

Line Card CPLD



show platform diag

Docsis 3.1 downstream module Micro

CBR-CCAP-LC-40G Gemini2 Micro


show platform diag

Docsis 3.1 downstream module FPGA

CBR-CCAP-LC-40G Gemini2 Apollo


show platform diag

DPIC Uboot and FPGA

CBR-DPIC-8X10G Firmware


show platform diag

DPIC 100G Uboot and FPGA

CBR-DPIC-2X100G Firmware


show platform diag


If the user wants to upgrade Supervisor CPLD to version 19071712 and 190717E1, the chassis must be running with Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1w or later releases.


Cisco recommends that operators upgrade their On-Premise SSM Satellite software versions to v7.x or later releases, to ensure the compatibility with cBR-8.

Verify max-carrier value

Currently in Remote PHY system, max-carrier value can be configured in the downstream controller profile as well as in RPD configuration for Cisco Remote PHY Shelf 300/600/7200. This may lead to inconsistent max-carrier value configurations.

Starting from Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1f, max-carrier value configured in the cable rpd mode is removed and RPD will use the max-carrier value configured in the controller-profile mode for the power calculation.

Before upgrading to Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1f or later releases, verify if the max-carrier values configured in the RPD shelf configuration and downstream controller profile(s) associated to RPD downstream port are the same. If they are different, update the cBR-8 configuration prior to upgrade.

Below is an example of correct configuration before upgrade.

cable downstream controller-profile 1
 max-carrier 128
 max-ofdm-spectrum 384000000
 rf-chan 0 3
  type DOCSIS
  qam-profile 1
  frequency 381000000
  rf-output NORMAL
  docsis-channel-id 1

cable downstream controller-profile 2
 max-carrier 158
 max-ofdm-spectrum 384000000
 rf-chan 158
  docsis-channel-id 159
  ofdm channel-profile 20 start-frequency 579000000 width 48000000 plc 600000000

cable rpd test
 identifier 0001.0001.0001
 type shelf
 rpd-ds 0 max-carrier 128
 rpd-ds 0 base-power 33
 rpd-ds 1 max-carrier 158
 rpd-ds 1 base-power 25
 core-interface Te9/1/0
  rpd-ds 0 downstream-cable 9/0/3 profile 1
  rpd-ds 0 downstream-cable 9/0/4 profile 2
  rpd-us 0 upstream-cable 9/0/3 profile 1
 r-dti 1
 rpd-event profile 0
 rpd-55d1-us-event profile 0


It is highly recommended to follow this example to check and update configuration if necessary because max-carrier value is used to compute the base power. Otherwise, after upgrade the expected base power value can be different which may affect cable modem coming online.


If you upgrade from a version lower than Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.1, base power range may be changed on the port with OFDM channel configured. So be aware of the potential base power change before and after the upgrade.

Upgrading from Cisco IOS XE 16.x and later releases to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z

If you are upgrading from Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.x or Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.7.x to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z, perform the following steps to upgrade SUP ROMMON manually. Otherwise proceed with the IOS upgrade.

  1. Download hardware programmable devices upgrade package file cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg from the following Cisco.com Software Center URL: https://software.cisco.com/download/home/286283913/type

  2. Copy the package file to harddisk:.

    copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg harddisk:
  3. Verify the hardware programmable devices upgrade package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

    verify /md5 harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg
  4. Upgrade SUP ROMMON.

    Router#Upgrade rom-mon file harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg r0
    Wait for the following output on the console:
    ROMMON upgrade complete.
    To make the new ROMMON permanent, you must restart the RP
    Router#Upgrade rom-mon file harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg r1
    Wait for the following output on the console:
    ROMMON upgrade complete.
    To make the new ROMMON permanent, you must restart the RP


    Do not restart the SUPs currently, you can combine reloading the SUP with the IOS upgrade process.

If you are using cBR CCAP 8x10G Remote PHY Digital Physical Interface Card (D-PIC) with CBR-CCAP-LC-G2-R linecards, before upgrading to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z, contact your local Cisco representative to get the python tool and perform the following steps in order to predict and avoid downtime. This python tool is developed by Cisco, it is used to analyze the cBR-8 configuration file to determine if the configuration file includes non-compliant TenGigabitEthernet interface to downstream controller mappings, and update the configuration file to be compliant with the latest Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z.

  1. Collect the following information from the target cBR-8 to upgrade.

    Router#show cable rpd sum
    Router#show cable modem sum
    Router#show cable video session all sum
  2. Save the running configuration to the harddisk of the cBR-8.

    Router#copy running-config harddisk:SavedConfig.txt
  3. Copy the saved running configuration from harddisk: to an offline server for editing using SCP.

    Router#copy harddisk:SavedConfig.txt scp:<path>
  4. Run the python tool to modify the controllers in the saved configuration.

    • Option 1 - Renumber Downstream-Cable controllers only

      1. Execute python script kobol_ph2_controller_migration.py. This script is intended for customers who do not immediately intend to take advantage of the Downstream-Video controllers and expanded SG capacity on CBR-CCAP-LC-G2-R.

        $ python kobol_ph2_controller_migration.py
        Enter the name of the configuration file: SavedConfig.txt
      2. Output file appends _remap_controller to the file name.

        Output file name: SavedConfig.txt_remap_controller
      3. Check to ensure that the script completed successfully. If no output file is created or the size of the output file is 0 byte, then check script output for error messages.

    • Option 2 - Renumber Downstream-Cable and utilize Downstream-Video controllers

      1. Execute python script kobol_ph2_controller_migration_video.py. This script is intended for customers who wish to utilize the new Downstream-Video controllers to free up existing Downstream-Cable controllers for expanded DOCSIS service groups.

        $ python kobol_ph2_controller_migration_video.py
        Enter the name of the configuration file: SavedConfig.txt
      2. Output file appends _remap_controller_video to the file name.

        Output file name: SavedConfig.txt_remap_controller_video
      3. Check to ensure that the script completed successfully. If no output file is created or the size of the output file is 0 byte, then check script output for error messages.

  5. Modify the remapped configuration file to specify the Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z image in the boot parameter.

    boot system harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin
  6. Copy the final remapped configuration file back to the cBR-8 harddisk.

    Router#copy scp:<path>/SavedConfig.txt_remap_controller harddisk:


    Router#copy scp:<path>/SavedConfig.txt_remap_controller_video harddisk:
  7. Copy remapped configuration file to startup of the cBR-8.

    Router#copy harddisk:SavedConfig.txt_remap_controller startup-config


    Router#copy harddisk:SavedConfig.txt_remap_controller_video startup-config

Upgrading using reload

Before you begin


If you are upgrading from Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.x or Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.7.x to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z, perform pre-upgrade steps 1 to 4 to upgrade SUP ROMMON manually before proceeding with IOS upgrading.

Before upgrading the system, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Download two files from the following Cisco.com Software Center URL:


    • IOS XE Software Version 17.6.1z: cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin

    • IOS XE Hardware Programmable Devices Version 17.6.1z: cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg


Step 1

Copy Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z package to harddisk: and stby-harddisk:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin harddisk: 
copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin stby-harddisk: 

Step 2

Verify Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin 
verify /md5 stby-harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin 

Step 3

Copy the hardware programmable devices upgrade package to harddisk: if the file has not been copied already.

copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg harddisk: 

Step 4

Verify the hardware programmable devices upgrade package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg 

Step 5

Configure the chassis to boot the system with Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z image.

  1. Use the following steps if you do not use cBR CCAP 8x10G Remote PHY Digital Physical Interface Card (D-PIC) with CBR-CCAP-LC-40G-R linecards.

    configure terminal
    no boot system
    boot system harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin
    config-register 0x2102
    write mem
  2. Use the following steps if you use cBR CCAP 8x10G Remote PHY Digital Physical Interface Card (D-PIC) with CBR-CCAP-LC-40G-R linecards.

    configure terminal
    config-register 0x2102
Step 6

Check line card CPLD version via show platform . If it is not the minimum version 00000026, upgrade line card CPLD following the sub steps below. Otherwise skip this step.


To upgrade the line card CPLD to version 00000026, the cBR-8 must be running Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1 or later releases.

This procedure will trigger a reload of the linecard and will cause an outage if the system is not backed up with LCHA.

Do not power cycle the cBR-8 router during the firmware upgrade process. Power cycling the chassis may corrupt the ROMMON/Uboot image.

  1. Run the following pre-upgrade commands on the SUP IOS:

    upgrade hw-programmable cable active_SUP daggit pre-upgrade slot LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit pre-upgrade slot 0
    Daggits pre-upgrade successful
  2. Upgrade the line card CPLD firmware using the SUP IOS command.

    Do not reboot the line card until the upgrade is complete. Upgrade takes approximately 15 minutes.
    upgrade hw-programmable cable LC_slot_# daggit pkg_name firmware_pkg_location_path 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable 0 daggit pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg
  3. After the upgrade is complete (takes approximately 15 minutes), the line card moves to unknown state. Check the status of the line card using the show platform command. When the line card is in unknown state, run the following command to recover the line card:

    upgrade hw-programmable cable active_SUP daggit lc-recovery slot LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit lc-recovery slot 0
  4. The line card moves from booting to active state. Check the version of the line card using the show platform command to make sure version is changed to 00000026.


    Router#show platform
    Slot      CPLD Version        Rommon Version
    --------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
    0         00000026            2011.03.18
  5. When the line card is in active state, run the following command to verify the upgrade.

    upgrade hw-programmable cable active_SUP daggit post-active slot LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit post-active slot 0
    SUCCESS: Daggit_ver-38 : Booted from upgradable Image-1
Step 7

Check the firmware version of the Docsis 3.1 downstream modules in all slots, if it is different with the version listed in Table 1, update the firmware using the following command. Otherwise skip this step.

upgrade hw-programmable cable slot dsphy all pkg_name firmware_pkg_location_path 


Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable 0 dsphy all pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg

Step 8

Wait for the system log message asking the user to reload the line card that was upgraded.

001860: Jun 15 19:05:05.904 PDT: %IOSXE-5-PLATFORM: CLC0: cdman: Suggest reload the line card for new FW to take effect using CLI: hw slot <slot-id> reload
Step 9

Reload the system.


During reload, monitor the chassis for any of the following errors, and update the configuration accordingly.

Mismatches TE interface. DS controller should be */*/0~7, configuration failed.
Mismatches TE interface. DS controller should be */*/8~15, configuration failed.
Mismatches TE interface. DS controller should be */*/16~23, configuration failed.
Mismatches TE interface. DS controller should be */*/24~31, configuration failed.
Step 10

If the system is running with SUP250, perform no shut on 100G interface after the system comes up for the first time.

What to do next

Perform verification test to determine if the upgrade is successful, include:

  • Verify the router is running the new IOS-XE release using show version command.

  • Check facility alarms using show facility-alarm status command.

  • Check the status of the power supplies using show environment power command.

  • Check PS status using show platform hardware slot P<0-5> mcu status command.

  • Complete trace routes to known good off-network IP address using the source address of customer CPE blocks to verify routing is working.

  • Check logs for error messages using show log command.

These show commands may be useful in the verification test:

  • show redundancy

  • show platform

  • show platform diag

  • show environment

  • show redundancy linecard all

  • show isis neighbors

  • show ip ospf neighbor

  • show ip route rip

  • show ip mroute

  • show cops servers

  • show cable modem voice

  • show cable calls

  • show cable metering verbose

  • show cable licenses all

  • show inventory

Upgrading with ISSU for I-CCAP Systems

Before you begin


ISSU is not supported for Remote PHY systems.


ISSU to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z is supported only from Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1g and later releases. If you are upgrading from an earlier release, you must upgrade the cBR-8 system following the steps in Upgrading using reload.

Before upgrading the system, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • The cBR-8 has two SUPs installed.

    Router# show redundancy | include Location|state
                   Active Location = slot 4
            Current Software state = ACTIVE
           Uptime in current state = 2 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes
                  Standby Location = slot 5
            Current Software state = STANDBY HOT 
           Uptime in current state = 2 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes
  • Standby SUP must be in hot standby state.

    Router# show redundancy | include Location|state
                   Active Location = slot 4
            Current Software state = ACTIVE
           Uptime in current state = 2 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes
                  Standby Location = slot 5
            Current Software state = STANDBY HOT 
           Uptime in current state = 2 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes
  • Line card redundancy is in stable state with state Active and Stdby warm.

    Router# show redundancy linecard all 
    Load for five secs: 14%/1%; one minute: 8%; five minutes: 8%
    Time source is NTP, 15:23:26.697 PST Thu Jan 17 2019
                  LC     My         Peer       Peer     Peer                       
    Slot Subslot  Group  State      State      Slot     Subslot  Role     Mode     
     1   -        0      Active     Stdby Warm 0        -        Active   Primary  
     2   -        0      Active     Stdby Warm 0        -        Active   Primary  
     3   -        0      Active     Stdby Warm 0        -        Active   Primary  
     6   -        0      Active     Stdby Warm 0        -        Active   Primary  
     0   -        0      -          -          Multiple None     Standby  Secondary
  • Auto-boot is enabled.

    Router# show bootvar
    Load for five secs: 14%/0%; one minute: 14%; five minutes: 10%
    Time source is NTP, 15:46:59.837 PST Thu Jan 17 2019
    BOOT variable = harddisk:IOSXE/packages.conf,12;
    CONFIG_FILE variable = 
    BOOTLDR variable does not exist
    Configuration register is 0x2102
    Standby BOOT variable = harddisk:IOSXE/packages.conf,12;
    Standby CONFIG_FILE variable = 
    Standby BOOTLDR variable does not exist
    Standby Configuration register is 0x2102
  • Both SUPs are in the sub-package mode, running the same image from the same path.

    Router# show bootvar
    Load for five secs: 14%/0%; one minute: 14%; five minutes: 10%
    Time source is NTP, 15:46:59.837 PST Thu Jan 17 2019
    BOOT variable = harddisk:IOSXE/packages.conf,12;
    CONFIG_FILE variable = 
    BOOTLDR variable does not exist
    Configuration register is 0x2102
    Standby BOOT variable = harddisk:IOSXE/packages.conf,12;
    Standby CONFIG_FILE variable = 
    Standby BOOTLDR variable does not exist
    Standby Configuration register is 0x2102
  • The free space on boot device on both SUPs must be greater than 2GB.

    Router# dir harddisk: | include bytes total                                                
    7804653568 bytes total (5691174912 bytes free)
  • Download two files from the following Cisco.com Software Center URL:


    • IOS XE Software Version 17.6.1z: cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin

    • IOS XE Hardware Programmable Devices Version 17.6.1z: cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg

  • Copy the target consolidated image cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin to the active SUP in the same directory of the packages.conf file that the system is booted up with.


Step 1

Copy Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z package to harddisk:.

copy <location>/cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin harddisk:<sub-pkg-dir>/ 

Step 2

Verify Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 harddisk:<sub-pkg-dir>/cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin 

Step 3

Copy the hardware programmable devices upgrade package to harddisk: if the file has not been copied already.

copy <location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg harddisk: 

Step 4

Verify the hardware programmable devices upgrade package against the md5 hash as provided in the Cisco.com Software center.

verify /md5 harddisk:cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg 

Step 5

Check system status prior to upgrade. Save the information to compare against the system status after upgrade. For the commands to use to check the status, see the show commands at the end of this section.

Step 6

Check line card CPLD version via show platform . If it is not the minimum version 00000026, upgrade line card CPLD following the sub steps below. Otherwise skip this step.


To upgrade the line card CPLD to version 00000026, the cBR-8 must be running Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1 or later releases.

This procedure will trigger a reload of the linecard and will cause an outage if the system is not backed up with LCHA.

Do not power cycle the cBR-8 router during the firmware upgrade process. Power cycling the chassis may corrupt the ROMMON/Uboot image.

  1. Run the following pre-upgrade commands on the SUP IOS:

    upgrade hw-programmable cable active_SUP daggit pre-upgrade slot LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit pre-upgrade slot 0
    Daggits pre-upgrade successful
  2. Upgrade the line card CPLD firmware using the SUP IOS command.

    Do not reboot the line card until the upgrade is complete. Upgrade takes approximately 15 minutes.
    upgrade hw-programmable cable LC_slot_# daggit pkg_name firmware_pkg_location_path 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable 0 daggit pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg
  3. After the upgrade is complete (takes approximately 15 minutes), the line card moves to unknown state. Check the status of the line card using the show platform command. When the line card is in unknown state, run the following command to recover the line card:

    upgrade hw-programmable cable active_SUP daggit lc-recovery slot LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit lc-recovery slot 0
  4. The line card moves from booting to active state. Check the version of the line card using the show platform command to make sure version is changed to 00000026.


    cBR8#show platform
    Slot      CPLD Version        Rommon Version
    --------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
    0         00000026            2011.03.18
  5. When the line card is in active state, run the following command to verify the upgrade.

    upgrade hw-programmable cable active_SUP daggit post-active slot LC_slot_# 


    Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 daggit post-active slot 0
    SUCCESS: Daggit_ver-38 : Booted from upgradable Image-1
Step 7

Check the firmware version of the Docsis 3.1 downstream modules in all slots, if it is different with the version listed in Table 1, update the firmware using the following command. Otherwise skip this step.

upgrade hw-programmable cable slot dsphy all pkg_name firmware_pkg_location_path 


Router# upgrade hw-programmable cable 0 dsphy all pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg

Step 8

Wait for the system log message asking the user to reload the line card that was upgraded. But do not reload the line card at this time.

001860: Jun 15 19:05:05.904 PDT: %IOSXE-5-PLATFORM: CLC0: cdman: Suggest reload the line card for new FW to take effect using CLI: hw slot <slot-id> reload
Step 9

Perform ISSU.

request platform software package install node file harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin

Step 10

To monitor the ISSU progress, use the command below.

request platform software package install node attach

Step 11

Use these CLI to check status after ISSU.

show version 
show version r0 running
show version r1 running
show version r0 provisioned
show version r1 provisioned

What to do next

Perform verification test to determine if the upgrade is successful, include:

  • Verify the router is running the new IOS-XE release using show version command.

  • Check facility alarms using show facility-alarm status command.

  • Check the status of the power supplies using show environment power command.

  • Check PS status using show platform hardware slot P<0-5> mcu status command.

  • Complete trace routes to known good off-network IP address using the source address of customer CPE blocks to verify routing is working.

  • Check logs for error messages using show log command.

These show commands may be useful in the verification test:

  • show redundancy

  • show platform

  • show platform diag

  • show environment

  • show redundancy linecard all

  • show isis neighbors

  • show ip ospf neighbor

  • show ip route rip

  • show ip mroute

  • show cops servers

  • show cable modem voice

  • show cable calls

  • show cable metering verbose

  • show cable licenses all

  • show inventory

Upgrading Supervisor CPLD Firmware

Before you begin


If the supervisor SO CPLD version is lower than 1511_1401 (SUP 160) or 15111401 (SUP 250), or, if the supervisor SIO CPLD version is lower than 1511_1301 (SUP 160) or 15111301 (SUP 250), physically power cycle the chassis when upgrading the supervisor CPLD.

Before upgrading the firmware, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Cisco cBR-8 router is running with Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1w or later releases.

  • 2 supervisors are running in the Cisco cBR-8 router and the redundancy is enabled.

  • Download the file from the following Cisco.com Software Center URL:


    • IOS XE Hardware Programmable Devices Version 17.6.1z: cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg

  • Console access for both supervisors are required.

  • Copy the new firmware package to the cBR-8 using FTP.

    copy ftp://<location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg harddisk:
    copy ftp://<location>/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg stby-harddisk:


When upgrading SUP0, run the CLI with the R0 setting while controlling SUP0. And when upgrading SUP1, run the CLI with the R1 setting.


This guide assumes SUP0 is in active state and SUP1 is in standby hot state at the beginning.

Perform step 1 to 4 using console connection of active SUP0:


Step 1

Set the config register.

configure terminal
config-register 0x2102
write memory

Step 2

Run the following command to prepare for R0 upgrade.

upgrade hw-programmable cable R0 viper pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg

On SUP 250, you will see one of the following outputs:

  • It takes 10~20 minutes to upgrade. Console would hung. Please don't do any operation during the upgrade.
    You are upgrading Viper firmware using harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg image on SUP0, SUP0 is active.
    Upgrade from assigned pkg file harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg
    Using viper firmware /tmp/viper/mount/supve_viper_fpga_psirt.bin
    Size of Viper Upgrade image: 16777216 bytes
    No.of parts: 65536
    Upgrading golden image...
    65536+0 records in
    65536+0 records out
    16777216 bytes (17 MB, 16 MiB) copied, 688.873 s, 24.4 kB/s
    Upgrading primary image...
    65536+0 records in
    65536+0 records out
    16777216 bytes (17 MB, 16 MiB) copied, 675.19 s, 24.8 kB/s
    Viper upgrade clean up 0
    Upgrade successfully. Please make sure Rommon version is matched.
    Please power cycle the chassis to let the new firmware take effect
  • It takes 10~20 minutes to upgrade. Console would hung. Please don't do any operation during the upgrade.
    You are upgrading Viper firmware using harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg image on SUP0, SUP0 is active.
    Upgrade from assigned pkg file harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg
    The golden viper is not compatible with assigned firmware /tmp/viper/mount/supve_viper_fpga_psirt.bin, no upgrade will be performed
    Viper upgrade clean up 2

    This output means the SUP already has the latest version it can support, skip the rest of the steps.

On SUP 160, you will see one of the following outputs:

  • It takes about 10 minutes to upgrade. Console would hung. Please don't do any operation during the upgrade.
    You are upgrading Viper firmware using harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg image
    Upgrade from assigned pkg file /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg
    Using viper firmware /tmp/viper/mount/viper_fpga.bin
    Size of Viper Upgrade image: 16777216 bytes
    No.of parts: 65536
    65536+0 records in
    65536+0 records out
    Viper upgrade clean up 0
    Upgrade successfully. Please make sure Rommon version is matched.
    Please power cycle the chassis to let the new firmware take effect
  • It takes 10~20 minutes to upgrade. Console would hung. Please don't do any operation during the upgrade.
    You are upgrading Viper firmware using harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg image on SUP0, SUP0 is active.
    Upgrade from assigned pkg file harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg
    The golden viper is not compatible with assigned firmware /tmp/viper/mount/supve_viper_fpga_psirt.bin, no upgrade will be performed
    Viper upgrade clean up 2

    This output means the SUP already has the latest version it can support, skip the rest of the steps.


Do not power cycle the chassis in this step.

Step 3

Run the following command to prepare for R1 upgrade.

upgrade hw-programmable cable R1 viper pkg_name /harddisk/cbrsup-programmable_firmware.17.06.01z.SPA.pkg

You will see the similar output as the one in Step 2.


Do not power cycle the chassis in this step.

Step 4

If the supervisor ViperSO CPLD version is 15111401 and the supervisor ViperSIO CPLD version is 15111301 on both supervisors, follow step 5 - 11 to do the upgrade. Otherwise proceed to step 12.

Router#show platform diag 
Load for five secs: 6%/1%; one minute: 7%; five minutes: 8%
Time source is NTP, 16:05:43.546 PST Thu Feb 8 2018
Chassis type: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS
        Physical insert detect time : 00:01:58 (1d03h ago)
        CPLD version                : 16052011
        ViperSO CPLD version        : 15111401
        ViperSIO CPLD version       : 15111301
        Rommon version              : 16.7(1r)S
        Blackbird version           : 00000112
        Raptor ESI version          : 0001003b
        Raptor MAC version          : 00010031
        SUP-PIC CPLD version        : 14071504
        SUP-DC CPLD version         : 14072207
        DTI Client FPGA version     : 00000005
        DTI Firmware version        : 00000A03
        Cortina PHY version         : 201402061607
        SUP PSOC 0 version          : v4.0.9         
        SUP PSOC 1 version          : v4.0.8         
        SUP PSOC 2 version          : v4.1.0_IVB     
        SUP PSOC 3 version          : v4.0.6         
        SUP-DC PSOC 0 version       : v4.0.8        
        SUP-DC PSOC 1 version       : v4.0.5         
        SUP-PIC PSOC 0 version      : V2.0.6         
        SUP-PIC PSOC 1 version      : V2.0.6         
        Physical insert detect time : 00:02:26 (1d03h ago)
        CPLD version                : 16052011
        ViperSO CPLD version        : 15111401
        ViperSIO CPLD version       : 15111301
        Rommon version              : 16.7(1r)S
        Blackbird version           : 00000112
        Raptor ESI version          : 0001003b
        Raptor MAC version          : 00010031
        SUP-PIC CPLD version        : 14071504
        SUP-DC CPLD version         : 14072207
        DTI Client FPGA version     : 00000005
        DTI Firmware version        : 00000A03
        Cortina PHY version         : 201402061607
        SUP PSOC 0 version          : v4.0.9         
        SUP PSOC 1 version          : v4.0.8         
        SUP PSOC 2 version          : v4.1.0_IVB     
        SUP PSOC 3 version          : v4.0.6         
        SUP-DC PSOC 0 version       : v4.0.9        
        SUP-DC PSOC 1 version       : v4.0.5         
        SUP-PIC PSOC 0 version      : V3.0.0         
        SUP-PIC PSOC 1 version      : V3.0.0         
Step 5

Set SUP0 to ROMMON using the following command.

redundancy force-switchover

Perform the following steps 6 to 7 using console connection of current active SUP1.

Step 6

Power cycle the SUP0 to set it to ROMMON.

test platform hardware slot R0 oir power-cycle

This command will reset and re-initialize the ROMMON. The new version of the supervisor CPLD will now take effect. Verify if it matches the following new version.

SUP 160 new version: 0x19071712

SUP 250 new version: 0x190717E1

Step 7

Boot SUP0 into IOS XE using SUP0 console connection.

dir harddisk:
boot harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin

Wait utill SUP0 is in standby hot.

Step 8

Set SUP1 to ROMMON using the following command.

redundancy force-switchover

Perform the following steps 9 to 11 using console connection of current active SUP0.

Step 9

Power cycle the SUP1 to set it to ROMMON.

test platform hardware slot R1 oir power-cycle

This command will reset and re-initialize the ROMMON. The new version of the supervisor CPLD will now take effect. Verify if it matches the following new version.

SUP 160 new version: 0x19071712

SUP 250 new version: 0x190717E1

Step 10

Boot SUP1 into IOS XE using SUP1 console connection.

dir harddisk:
boot harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin

Wait utill SUP1 is in standby hot.

Step 11

Wait for the chassis to become SSO and settled down. Then go to step 16. If you skipped step 5 to 10, perform step 12 to 15.


You need physical access to the chassis to power cycle the chassis.

Step 12

Reload the system by issuing reload command on the active SUP.


Step 13

Power cycle both supervisors.

Step 14

Verify if the new version matches the following on both SUPs.

SUP 160 new version: 0x19071712

SUP 250 new version: 0x190717E1

Step 15

Boot both SUP0 and SUP1 into IOS XE using SUP0 and SUP1 console.

dir harddisk:
boot harddisk:cbrsup-universalk9.17.06.01z.SPA.bin

Wait till SUP0 become standby hot.

Step 16

Once the system is up and running, perform the following checks.

  • Set config register to normal boot.

    configure terminal
    config-register 0x2102
    write memory
  • Execute show redundancy command to ensure both SUPs are listed, one is active and the other is standby hot.

  • Execute show proc CPU sorted | ex 0.00 command.

  • Execute show platform diag command.

Upgrading cBR CCAP 8x10G Remote PHY Digital Physical Interface Card

Before you begin

Before upgrading the system, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Make sure the latest available IOS XE version is active in Cisco cBR-8 router.

  • There are at lease 20MB free space on the harddisk.


To make use of the new features, it is recommended to upgrade the cBR CCAP 8x10G Remote PHY Digital Physical Interface Card (D-PIC) to the latest version 1.1.


Step 1

Boot up system, wait until IOS is ready.

Step 2

Check current D-PIC version.

show hw-module subslot x/1 fpd 


x/1 is D-PIC subslot number which needs upgrade.


Router#show hw-module subslot 9/1 fpd

==== ====================== ====== =============================================
                             H/W   Field Programmable   Current   Min. Required
Slot Card Type               Ver.  Device: "ID-Name"    Version      Version
==== ====================== ====== ================== =========== ==============
 9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G          1.0   46-CBR DIGI PIC        1.0         1.0
==== ====================== ====== =============================================
Step 3

Upgrade D-PIC.

upgrade hw-module subslot x/1 fpd bundled reload 


Router#upgrade hw-module subslot 9/1 fpd bundled reload

% The following FPD will be upgraded for CBR-DPIC-8X10G (H/W ver = 1.0) in subslot 9/1:

  ================== =========== =========== ============ 
  Field Programmable   Current     Upgrade   Estimated 
  Device: "ID-Name"    Version     Version   Upgrade Time 
  ================== =========== =========== ============ 
  46-CBR DIGI PIC        1.0         1.1       00:05:00
  ================== =========== =========== ============ 

  - Use 'show upgrade fpd progress' command to view the progress of the FPD
  - The target card will be automatically reloaded after the upgrade 
    operation. This reload will interrupt normal operation of the card. If 
    necessary, ensure that appropriate actions have been taken to redirect 
    card traffic before starting the FPD upgrade.

% Are you sure that you want to perform this operation? [no]: yes
% Initiating the upgrade operation on the target card ...
  (Use "show upgrade fpd progress" command to see upgrade progress)
Step 4

Check if the upgrade process is finished. Upgrade progress will take about 1 to 2 minutes.

show upgrade fpd progress 


Upgrade still ongoing:

Router#show upgrade fpd progress

FPD Image Upgrade Progress Table:

 ==== =================== ====================================================
                          Field Programmable    Time     Elapsed
 Slot Card Type           Device : "ID-Name"   Needed      Time    State
 ==== =================== ================== ========== ========== ===========
  9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G      46-CBR DIGI PIC     00:05:00   00:00:13  Updating...
 ==== =================== ====================================================

Router# show upgrade fpd progress

FPD Image Upgrade Progress Table:

 ==== =================== ====================================================
                          Field Programmable    Time     Elapsed
 Slot Card Type           Device : "ID-Name"   Needed      Time    State
 ==== =================== ================== ========== ========== ===========
  9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G      46-CBR DIGI PIC     00:05:00   00:00:26  Updating...
 ==== =================== ====================================================

Upgrade finished:

Router#show upgrade fpd progress

% There is no FPD image upgrade in progress.
Step 5

Check if the D-PIC status is ready.

show platform


Router#show platform 
Chassis type: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS

Slot      Type                State                 Insert time (ago) 
--------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- 
2/1       CBR-RF-PROT-PIC     ok                    00:08:48      
3         CBR-CCAP-LC-40G     ok                    00:12:46      
3/1       CBR-RF-PIC          ok                    00:08:48      
8/1       CBR-DPIC-8X10G      ok                    00:07:56      
9         CBR-CCAP-LC-40G     ok                    00:12:46      
9/1       CBR-DPIC-8X10G      ok                    00:07:54      
SUP0      CBR-CCAP-SUP-160G   inserted              00:12:46      
 R0                           ok, active            
 F0                           ok, active            
 4                            ok, active            
 4/1      CBR-SUP-8X10G-PIC   ok                    00:07:55      
SUP1      CBR-CCAP-SUP-160G   inserted              00:12:22      
 R1                           ok, standby           
 F1                           ok, standby           
 5                            ok, standby           
 5/1      CBR-SUP-8X10G-PIC   ok                    00:07:54      
P0        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ok                    00:09:49      
P1        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ok                    00:09:49      
P2        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ps, fail              00:09:49      
P3        Unknown             N/A                   never         
P4        Unknown             N/A                   never         
P5        PWR-3KW-AC-V2       ok                    00:09:49      
P10       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P11       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P12       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P13       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      
P14       CBR-FAN-ASSEMBLY    ok                    00:09:39      

Slot      CPLD Version        Rommon Version                          
--------- ------------------- --------------------------------------- 
3         00000025            2011.03.18                          
9         00000025            2011.03.18                          
SUP0      16052011            16.7(3r)S                           
SUP1      16052011            16.7(3r)S
Step 6

Check if the new version works.

show hw-module subslot x/1 fpd


Router#show hw-module subslot 9/1 fpd

==== ====================== ====== =============================================
                             H/W   Field Programmable   Current   Min. Required
Slot Card Type               Ver.  Device: "ID-Name"    Version      Version
==== ====================== ====== ================== =========== ==============
 9/1 CBR-DPIC-8X10G          1.0   46-CBR DIGI PIC        1.1         1.0      
==== ====================== ====== =============================================