Crosswork Change Automation and Health Insights is available as an add-on license to the purchase of Cisco Crosswork Network
Controller. It can no longer be ordered separately.
One Right-To-Manage (RTM) license is required for each managed physical device.
Also, licenses are required to use Crosswork Change Automation and Crosswork Health Insights. The licenses come in separate
KPI and Playbook license packs:
KPI license packs cover all the KPIs you intend to deploy. One KPI pack includes a set of five KPIs.
Playbook license packs cover all of the built-in and custom plays you plan to run. One Playgroup pack includes a set of five
plays which can be combined in multiple Playbooks. The system only counts unique Plays even if they are included in one or
more Playbooks.
Crosswork Change Automation increments the license count for each Play that is run (whether successful or not) including dry
runs. Creating a new Play without running it does not use a license. Crosswork Health Insights licenses are based on the number
of KPIs enabled through a KPI Profile and the license count increments for each enabled KPI.
If additional KPI packs or Playbook packs are required, contact your Cisco account representative (sales) or the partner from
whom the product was purchased.
For demonstrations and field trials, Crosswork Change Automation and Crosswork Health Insights can be used without license
for up to 90 days. After this 90-day evaluation period, the product will be out of compliance. All the existing tasks will
still continue as is but enabling new Plays or KPIs is not allowed. To find out the total and used number of licenses, check
the Smart Licensing site. For more information, see Smart Software Manager Guide.
For more information about licensing, see the Cisco Crosswork Network Automation Product Data Sheets.