Observe Network Trends and Gain Insights

About Network Trends and Insights

Cisco AI Network Analytics uses machine learning algorithms and AI techniques to provide the following:

  • Trends and Insights: Determine global patterns (trends) and deviations to provide system-generated insights.

  • AP Performance Advisories: Detect APs that have a consistently poor client experience, and provide a root cause and suggested actions.

  • Comparative Analytics, which includes:

    • AI-Driven AP Comparisons in Network Heatmaps: Compare all of the APs in your network for a given month in a heatmap to spot trends and gain insights.

    • AI-Driven Peer Comparisons: Determine how your network is performing in comparison to your peer networks for a selected Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

    • AI-Driven Network Comparisons: View, compare, and identify performance improvement opportunities for objects in your network (buildings, AP model families, wireless endpoints) across selected KPIs.

View Wireless Access Point Performance Advisories

Cisco AI Network Analytics uses machine learning algorithms to identify wireless APs with a potentially poor client experience. APs are continually analyzed over long periods and those suspected of providing a suboptimal client experience are grouped by underlying root cause and suggested improvements. Insights are generated, which consist of a set of radio and network features that can be used to diagnose any underlying issue that can be rectified. Insights have the following main components:

  • Discover underperforming APs via various client experience KPIs.

  • Find appropriate features that can discriminate between APs with a poor or good client experience that is both significant and actionable by the customer as a basis of root-cause analysis (RCA).

APs are analyzed on separate frequency bands of 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6GHz. Poor client experience is detected using statistical analysis of different KPIs, such as SNR, RSSI, link speed, packet retries, and packet failures.

Use this procedure to view AP performance advisories that highlight the most active APs with poor client experience based on analysis of four weeks of data.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Assurance > Trends and Insights > AP Performance Advisories.

Step 2

Click the AP Performance Advisories tab, which provides a summary of the number of different types of insights with common root-cause analysis category and affected radios.

Figure 1. Access Points Performance Advisories

The following are the possible occurrences of insights with common root-cause analysis:

  • External RF load

  • External RF load with high client activity

  • Frequent channel change

  • High RF load

  • High channel utilization

  • High client activity

  • High client load

  • High AP deployment density

  • Low AP deployment density

  • Low AP deployment density and external interference

  • Low AP deployment density and high load

Step 3

Use the AP Performance Advisories dashboard for the following insights summary:

Network Overview Window
Item Description

Insights Summary

Displays the name of the insight (Low AP Density, High Client Activity, and so on) and problem definition for a particular frequency band.


Displays the number of impacted Radios and Endpoints for each insight.

Top 3 APs Affecting Client Experience

Displays the top three impacted APs for a particular frequency band. These are hyperlinks to the detailed page, shown in Step 5.

Step 4

Click each insight dashlet for the following information, where a common root-cause analysis is provided with the suggested actions for all radios in this category.

Figure 2. Insights Summary Dashboard for Impacted Radios
Insight Dashboard
Item Description


Displays the total number of radios analyzed over four weeks, the number of buildings, and the top three impacted APs.

KPI charts

Displays multiple KPI charts depending on the RCA category, which indicates the distribution of the KPI across all the radios. The charts can be used to compare and contrast the performance of radios with this common RCA, against reference radios that have no detected client experience problem.

Radios Impacting Client Experience table

Contains Insights Details, Impact (low, medium, or severe), AP Model, Location, # of Clients Affected, and KPIs Impacting Client Experience.


Click Export to export the table data to a CSV file.

Step 5

In the Radios Impacting Client Experience table, click the hyperlinked AP to view the following detailed insights summary for a specific AP.

Figure 3. Insight Summary for Access Point
Insight Dashboard
Item Description

Top bar

Provides information such as AP model, location, impacted clients, and additional AP details hyperlinked to the Assurance Device window. Also provides suggested actions that are specific to the identified root cause and anomalous KPIs to improve the client experience.

Client Experience KPIs

  • The histogram shows the distribution of the different KPIs that impact client experience, facilitating a comparison between the individual AP and the reference AP across the customer’s network (APs without observed client experience problems).

  • By default, only KPIs with detected anomalies are shown. You can add more numbers of KPIs that display the distribution of KPIs, including the SNR, RSSI, link speed, packet retries, and packet failures.

  • You can hover your cursor over the histogram bin value to view additional details of the observed occurrence rate in the selected AP, versus the reference set of APs.

Radio Specific Root-Cause Context

  • The histogram shows the distribution of the different root-cause analysis KPIs that impact radios. By default, only KPIs with detected anomalies are shown.

  • You can add more numbers of KPIs that display the distribution of RCA KPIs, including the SNR, RSSI, link speed, packet retries, and packet failures.

  • You can hover your cursor over the histogram bin value to view additional details of the observed occurrence rate in the selected radio, versus the reference set of radios.

View Network Trends and Obtain Insights

Trends are long-term evolutions of behavior in your network observed over a time period. These trends provide insights about the performance of your network (represented in beeswarm charts). The following types of insights are provided:

  • Intra-Site: Cisco AI Network Analytics looks into a single site or building and highlights the outlier device only within that building. In this case, the entity in the beeswarm chart is a radio and it is represented by a circle.

  • Inter-Site: Cisco AI Network Analytics looks at the global network and identifies an outlier building with respect to the selected KPI. In this case, the entity in the beeswarm chart is a building and it is represented by a polygon.

Use this procedure to view trends in your network.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Assurance > Trends and Insights > Trend Deviations.

The Network Insights window appears with filters: Capacity, Coverage, and Throughput. Click the appropriate filter to refresh the data in the table. The Capacity filter is selected by default.



The filters are dynamic. If there are no insights available for a filter, that filter is not displayed.

Insights Table
Item Description


Time duration when this trend was observed, such as May 27 - June 03 2019.

Insight Type

List the insight types that are named as Daily and Weekly


List of all the AI-driven insights that were observed during a specific time period.


Category under which the insight was observed. Insight KPIs are grouped under the following categories:

  • Capacity: Radio Client Count, Channel Change Count

  • Coverage: Interference, Avg Client SNR, Avg Client RSSI, Traffic, Utilization

  • Throughput: Total Radio Throughput

Frequency band

Band frequency used on the AP on which the insight was observed.

Values are 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6GHz or all the band frequencies.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for that specific insight.


Allows you to customize the columns that you want displayed in the Insights table. Click the icon, uncheck the check box for the column that you do not want displayed, and then click Apply.

Step 2

From the Insight column, click an insight to open a slide-in pane, which provides the following information:

Insight Details Slide-In Pane
Item Description

Cisco AI

Provides information about how the insights are computed.

Click Learn More to get an overview of Artificial Intelligence.

Insight Summary

A brief summary about the trend that is observed in the beeswarm chart. The summary provides information such as the name of the site or AP, client count, radio band frequency, and time period during which the deviation was observed.

Weekly Client Load

Client load per week.


Provides links that allow you to troubleshoot and fix the trend before it becomes a critical issue:

  • Network Heatmap opens the heatmap and provides information about the AP or building that is highlighted in the beeswarm chart. The heatmap that displays is for the specific month in which the trend was observed.

    • Intra-Site: The heatmap launches with the specific AP highlighted and prioritized in the list.

    • Inter-Site: The heatmap launches with the filtered view of the APs in the building (site).

  • AP_Name opens the Device 360 page for that AP.

Issue Count

Issue count gradient.


The beeswarm chart displays the performance of the client devices in your network in a 4-day (daily insights) and week (weekly insights) time interval as shown in the following figure. If there is a systematic deviation of network behavior over a time period, that trend is displayed by arrows in the chart.

Figure 4. Beeswarm Chart

Daily Insights

Weekly Insights


  • Each circle in the beeswarm chart represents the following:

    • Intra-Site: The circle represents a radio.

    • Inter-Site: The polygon represents a building.

  • The size of the circle represents the number of clients in the AP. A small circle has a lower client count; a large circle has a higher client count.

Step 3

Hover your cursor over a circle in the chart for information, such as the name and MAC address of the AP, the band frequency, the AP group, the location of the AP, issue count, client count, and the KPI value.



For Global sites, when you hover your cursor over a circle in the chart, you see information about the building in which the trend was observed and the client count.

Compare Access Points and Switches in Network Heatmaps

Use the Network Heatmap to visually compare all of the APs in your network for a given month to spot trends and gain insights. You can choose to compare APs across different KPIs and band frequencies. The insights you gain provide information about the most congested KPIs, the most congested APs, and within those APs, which APs are being used. This information allows you to further drill down to the site or building in which the trend has been observed. After you have pinpointed your AP or a group of APs, you can determine how those APs are behaving historically: per day, per week, and during the entire month.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Assurance > Network Heatmap.

The Network Heatmap window appears with the following information:
Figure 5. Network Heatmap Window
Network Heatmap Window




Display the heatmap information based on the device type that you choose from the drop-down list. You can choose Access Points or Swithces. Default is Acces Points.

KPI drop-down list

Displays information in the heatmap for the KPI you choose from the drop-down list.

For Access Points, the default KPI is Client Count.

For Switches, the default KPI is Temperature: All Sensors.

Swtich Family drop-down list

Displays information in the heatmap based on the switch family you choose from the drop-down list.

This drop-down list is displayed only when you choose the device type Switches from the Show drop-down.

Time Range

Click the Time Range drop-down to choose Month or Day radio button to display information in the heatmap for a specific month or a day.


Displays information in the heatmap for your entire global network or for a specific site and building that you choose from the drop-down list. Default is Global.


Displays information in the heatmap for the band frequency you choose. Options are: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz. By default all the three band frequencies are selected.

View By

Allows you to view the information in the heatmap based on the option you choose.

Based on the KPI you choose, the options displayed in the View By list vary.

Some KPIs allow you to sort by Avg, Min, or Max, some by Avg or Max, while other KPIs do not provide any options.

Summary area

Displays a summary of the insight gained from the heatmap analysis. Provides the following type of information:

  • The day of the month that was the busiest.

  • Number of APs or Swithes that had no clients per radio.

  • Number of APs or Swicthes that had more than 50 clients per radio.

Feedback icon

Click the icon to provide your comments on whether the information on this page was helpful, and then click Submit.

KPI gradient

Depending on the KPI you choose from the KPI drop-down list, this area provides information about the performance of the KPI in a color gradient. The darker color block indicates a significant KPI score. For example, a lower RSSI score is more significant than a higher RSSI score. A higher client count score is more significant than a lower client count score.

Search AP drop-down list

Allows you to search for and select an AP. Do the following:

  1. Click the Search AP drop-down list and enter the AP name in the search filter.

    The AP that you searched for is highlighted in the drop-down list.

  2. Click the highlighted AP to select it.

    The individual radios of the AP are displayed separately on the heatmap.

Network Daily Avg, Min, or Max graph

Depending on the View By option you chose, the appropriate graph is displayed

  • If you chose Avg, the graph shows the daily average value and highlights the highest daily average.

  • If you chose Min or Max, the graph shows minimum or maximum daily value, and highlights accordingly.

Hover your cursor over the bar on the graph to view the KPI value for each day.

Showing Radios heatmap

Provides a compressed view of the heatmap.

By default, this area displays the heatmap for the first 100 radios. To view the heatmap data for additional radios, scroll down to the bottom of the compressed heatmap, and then choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

AP Heatmap area

Contains the following:

  • Radios in Your Network: Displays the name of the AP and the band frequency that was used by the client. Click on the icon next to the AP to open the Device 360 page for that AP.

    Depending on the band frequency you choose from the Band options, this area lists the APs in the corresponding chosen band.

  • AP Heatmap: Allows you to determine how the APs are behaving historically: per hour, per day, per week, and during the entire month. The intensity of the color in the blocks indicates its significance. The darker color block is more significant than the lighter color block. Each row in the heatmap represents one AP.

    Hover your cursor over a color block in the Heatmap to get information about the AP, such as its name and MAC address, band frequency, location, and daily average KPI score.

  • AP Daily Average or AP Daily Max: Depending on what you choose in the Sort By option, this area displays the average KPI score or the max KPI score for each AP during the month. The AP with the highest score is listed on top.

    Hover your cursor over the AP Daily Average or the AP Daily Max area to determine the average or max KPI value for an AP during the month.

Click Export to export the heatmap data to a CSV file.

AP's and Filters applied to the heatmaps are applied to the exported data. Export is enabled only on the daily view and not on the hourly view.

Step 2

To view the heatmap data for additional radios, scroll down to the bottom of the window and choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

Compare KPI Values with Peers in Your Network

Use this procedure to determine how your network is performing compared to your peer networks for a selected Key Performance Indicators (KPI).


The peer networks that are used for comparison are of similar network size.

For computations, peer comparison uses a couple of months data from the date of onboarding.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Assurance > Peer Comparison.

The Peer Comparison window appears with the following information:

Peer Comparison Window
Item Description

KPI drop-down list

Choose a KPI from the drop-down list. Options are: Radio Throughput, Cloud Apps Throughput, Radio Resets, Packet Failure Rate, Interference, Onboarding Error Source, Roaming Error Source and RSSI. Default is Radio Throughput.


Choose the day for which you want to compare the KPI values between your network and your peer networks. Default is All.


AI Network Analytics analyzes the bar graphs and provides a brief summary about the findings:

  • 2.4 GHz: Summary of the Network and Peer values for the 2.4-GHz band frequency.

  • 5 GHz: Summary of the Network and Peer values for the 5-GHz band frequency.

Highlight Peers toggle button

Allows you to toggle between your network and the peer network graphs.

Peer Comparison Bar Graph

By default, highlights the KPI values for your network in the Band 2.4 GHz and Band 5 GHz graphs, as shown in the following figure.

To highlight the KPI values for the peer networks, click the Highlight Peers button.

Figure 6. Peer Comparison Bar Graph

The colors in the graph represent the following:

  • Blue: Your network.

  • Pink: Peer networks.

Step 2

To display the KPI values for your network and your peer networks for a specific day, choose the appropriate day from the Show area.

Compare Buildings, AP Model Families, and Wireless Endpoint Types

Use this procedure to view, compare, and identify performance improvement opportunities for objects in your network (buildings, AP model families, wireless endpoints) across selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Assurance > Network Comparison.

The Network Comparison window appears with the following information:

Figure 7. Network Comparison Window
Network Comparison Window
Item Description
Compare drop-down list

Choose the object in your network that you want to compare. Options are: Buildings (sites), AP Model Families, or Wireless Endpoints (Android device, Android phone, IOS tablet, IOS phone, Linux workstation, and so on).

By KPI drop-down list

Choose a KPI that you want to use to compare the objects in your network.

For Buildings, the options are:

  • Radio Throughput

  • Channel Utilization

  • Average Client RSSI

  • Average Client SNR

  • Average Onboarding Time

  • Average Authorization Time

  • Average DHCP Time

  • Cloud Throughput

  • Media Throughput

  • Social Throughput

  • Interference

For AP Model Families, the options are:

  • Radio Throughput

  • Interference

  • Media Apps Throughput

  • Average Client RSSI

  • Channel Utilization

  • Average Client SNR

  • Cloud Throughput

  • Social Throughput

For Wireless Endpoints, the options are:

  • Average AAA Time

  • Average Onboarding Time

  • Average DHCP Time


AP Model Families


Wireless Endpoints drop-down list

Choose the first network object (building, AP model family, or wireless endpoint), for which you want to compare the KPI values. The first network object is represented in blue color.

Choose the second network object whose KPI values you want to compare with the first network object. The second network object is represented in pink/purple color.


Choose the band frequency. Options are: Band 2.4 GHz and Band 5 GHz.


Displays the average KPI performance for each day of the week, for each network object.

Client Count gradient


Device Count


For certain KPIs, such as Radio Throughput and Average Client RSSI, this area provides the client count per radio for each of the sites.

For certain KPIs, such as Onboarding Time, this area provides the number of devices for each of the sites.

The intensity of the color in the blocks indicates the client count or device count. The darker color block has more clients or devices than the lighter color block.

AP Clusters


Device Type Clusters

This area displays two sets of clusters, one for each network object. From this area you can visually compare the performance of the two network objects. It provides the following information:

  • KPI performance, as a percentage.

  • How the objects in your network are clustered in each site.

  • Objects in your network that are experiencing low, medium, and high KPI values.

For certain KPIs, such as Onboarding Time and Authorization Time, this area displays the following:

  • The types of devices that the client's onboarded in each site. For example, Windows workstation, OS X workstation, Linux workstation, Android phone, IOS device, and so on.

  • The number of each device type.

  • The number of devices that are experiencing slow, medium, and fast KPI time.

Step 2

Hover your cursor over a color block in the cluster to get information about the AP, such as the date, the building in which the AP resides, the model number of the AP, radio protocol, and the radio client count. A darker color block has more clients than a lighter color block.

View and Monitor Network Performance Using Baselines

Cisco AI Network Analytics uses the most advanced machine learning techniques to define the baseline that is relevant to your specific network and sites. With this information Cisco AI Network Analytics is able to define what is normal for each network and site at a specific moment, and identify the most important issues.

Use this procedure to explore and monitor the network performance using machine learning algorithm derived baselines.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Assurance > Baselines.

The Baselines dashboard appears.

Figure 8. Baselines Dashboard

Step 2

Use the Network Overview window to view the following information:

Network Overview Window
Item Description


Displays the total number of buildings, buildings impacted with issues and wireless controllers in your network.

AI Driven Issues

Displays the issues detected by Cisco AI Network Analytics, triggered based on deviations from the predicted baseline for your specific network environment.

Location drop-down list

Click the location icon to open the slide in pane to select a site or building. The information is refreshed in the dashboard based on your selection.

Time Range setting

Enables you to display data within a specified time range on the dashboard. Do the following:

  • From the drop-down menu, choose the length of the range: 24 Hours, or the custom range

  • Specify the Start Date and the End Date.

  • Click Apply

KPI drop-down list

Choose a KPI from the drop-down list. Options are: Onboarding Time, Onboarding Failures, DHCP Time, Authentication Time, and Association Failures. Default is Onboarding Time.

Map View

Click this toggle button to display the health of all the network sites on a geographic location-oriented map view of your network.

List View

Click this toggle button to display the sites and buildings from your network in a list format.

Beeswarm Chart

Click this toggle button to view the beeswarm chart which provides the insights about the performance of the client devices of your network with respect to the selected KPI.

In this case, the entity in the beeswarm chart is a building and it is represented in a circles.

Each circle in the beeswarm chart represents the following:

  • Blue color: The circle represents a building. Hover your cursor over a circle in the chart to get information, such as location, KPI, SSID, wireless controllers and client count.

  • Red color: The circle represents a building impacted with issues. Hover your cursor over a circle in the chart to get information, such as location, KPI value, SSID, wireless controllers, client count, and AI-driven issues.

  • The size of the circle represents the number of clients connected. A small circle has a lower client count and the large circle has a higher client count.

Step 3

From the beeswarm chart, click a circle to display the building view for the following information:

Building View

Displays the specific information of a site or building. You can select the KPIs, SSID, and wireless controller from the respective drop down list to view the data.

Use the timeline slider to specify a more granular time range. You can click and drag the timeline boundary lines to specify the time range.

Use the color-coded charts below the timeline slider to determine how your network is performing. View issues based on the deviations from the predicted baseline for a selected KPI within the specified time period. Hover and move your cursor over the charts to view synchronized tooltips that display duration, predicted upper, and predicted lower range at a selected point in time.

The color codes represent the following:

  • Red represents AI-driven issues

  • Blue represents the average KPI duration

  • Green represents the predicted KPI

Click View Details to open a slide-in pane with additional details, depending on the KPI you choose from the KPI charts. In the slide-in pane, the color-coded charts are displayed for Average KPI Duration(s) (such as Onboarding Time, DHCP Time, Onboarding Failures, and Authentication Time) and Unique Clients.

Sankey charts are displayed to emphasize the major flow between floors and device type (client devices). Below the charts, you can see the AP name, onboardings, failed onboardings, percentage of failed onboardings, client count, and so on.



The client count shown in the table is an average of chosen time interval over the individual client count readings observed in the 30-minute window.

View the RF Network Using the Enhanced RRM Dashboard

Cisco AI Network Analytics uses machine learning algorithms to define the behavior of a radio frequency (RF) network within a building enabled with enhanced Radio Resource Management (RRM).

Before you begin

  • You must assign a location to an AI RF profile to view the enhanced RRM dashboard. For more information, see Assign Location to an Existing AI RF Profile in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.

  • You must provision the devices across the AI RF profile assigned locations to access AI-enhanced RRM insights. For more information, see Provision Wireless Devices in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.

  • Cisco AI-enhanced RRM is supported only on Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controllers and Cisco IOS XE Release 17.7.1 or later.

  • To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Network Admin.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose Assurance > Enhanced RRM.

Step 2

In the left pane, you can either search for a site by entering its name in the Find Hierarchy field or expand Global to choose the sites.

The Enhanced RRM dashboard is displayed.

Figure 9. Enhanced RRM Dashboard

Step 3

Use the Enhanced RRM dashboard top-menu bar for the following functionality:

Item Description

Time Range

Enables you to display data within a specified time range on the dashboard. The available time ranges are 24 Hours, 7 Days, or 14 Days.


Enables you to toggle between the 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz band to display the data for a particular band.

AI RF Profile

Displays the current AI RF profile assigned to the building.

Next RRM Run

AI-enhanced RRM computation occurs every 30 minutes. RRM decisions are updated and pushed to the device after the computation.

Step 4

Click the Insights icon to view the Cisco recommended insights.

  1. Check the Channel List check box to choose the channel list which is currently on the AI RF profile list.

  2. Check the Channel Width check box and click Apply to set the recommended Dynamic Bandwidth Selection.

  3. Click Now or Later to indicate when you want to apply the recommendations.

  4. Click Run Simulation to view the simulation result.

Step 5

Use the Summary dashlet to view the following information:

Item Description
Summary Displays the total number of AP counts and Clients in your network.
  • RRM Performance: Shows a composite metric based on several KPIs, such as co-channel interference, noise, SNR, and radio utilization.

  • APs with High CCI: Shows the lower performance of the wireless network provided by the AP and neighbor.

  • RRM Changes: Shows the total number of RRM channel changes, channel bandwidth changes, and Tx power change events by time of the day.

  • AP Density: Shows the density of APs as low, medium, or high in RF coverage.

  • Connectivity: Shows the connectivity of APs in RF coverage

Step 6

Use the Insights dashlet to review the insights generated by the AI-enhanced RRM. The insights are configuration recommendations that can be applied to the AI RF profile.

The Insights dashlet displays the following possible insights:

  • Busy Hours

  • TPC Threshold

  • Channel Width

  • Enable FRA

Step 7

Under AI RF Profile Simulator, click Run RRM Simulation to simulate RF configurations, visualize the impact, and create a new profile.

The AI RF Profile Simulator allows you to simulate changes to the current RF profile and visualize the projected outcomes against the enhanced RRM dashlets. The RRM simulation runs based on the radio band that you selected on the AI RF profile and cannot be modified in the simulator.



Run RRM Simulation is not supported for the 6-GHz radio band.

  1. In the Welcome to RRM Simulator window, click Create Simulation.

    The current AI RF Profile information appears.

  2. You can modify the attributes under 5 GHz, as needed to see the metrics.


    Attributes such as busy hour, data rates, client limit, and RX SOP are not considered for simulation.
  3. Click Reset to change the AI RF profile attribute value to the corresponding base AI RF profile value.

  4. Click Run Simulation.

    A message stating that the Simulation in Progress appears.

  5. In the Simulation Result window, review the simulation configured on the AI profile for the 5-GHz radio band. To edit any details, click the Edit option that is displayed in the corresponding area of the window.

    • Simulation Name

    • Profile Details

    • RF Performance

    • RF Coverage

  6. Click Upgrade AI RF Profile.

    The Upgrading AI RF Profile dialog box appears.

  7. In the Upgrading AI RF Profile dialog box, you can edit the profile name.

    Click Now or Later to indicate when you want to apply the recommendations and click Apply.

  8. In the Review Cisco AI Recommendations for RRM window, review and check the check box of the configurations for the AI RF Profile from the available recommendations for the selected site and click Apply.

  9. Click Ok in the AI RF Profile Successfully Updated dialog box.

  10. In the Simulation Result window, review the simulation result for the configured AI supported RF profile.

Step 8

Expand RF Performance for the following functionality:

Item Description

RRM Changes dashlet

Includes the following tabs:

  • LATEST: Shows the total number of RRM channel changes, channel bandwidth changes, Tx power change and band or role change events in the last 30 minutes.

  • TREND: Shows the channel changes, channel bandwidth change, and Tx power change of APs for the events and selected time in the time range.

Click either color segment in the graph or click the View Details link to open the RRM Changes slide-in pane.

  1. Hover your cursor over the color segment in the graph to view the Change Category and Total Affected APs.

  2. Click the color segment in the graph to view the device data in the Access Points table that is displayed below the chart:

    • Access Point

    • Change Category

  3. Click the radio button next to the AP to view the Event Reasoning of change categories managed by RRM.



    In the Access Points table, hover your cursor over the i icon to view more details.

  4. Click Export to download the AP table data to your local machine.

RRM Health dashlet

Includes the following tabs:

  • LATEST: Shows the total number of APs contributing to Poor, Fair, and Good AP health scores in the last 30 minutes.

  • TREND: Shows the Poor, Fair, and Good RRM health score of APs for the percentage of AP count and selected time in the time range.

Click either a color segment in the graph or the View Details link to open the RRM Health slide-in pane.

  1. Hover your cursor over the color segment in the graph to view the Fair, Poor, and Good RF performance score of the AP and its radio.

  2. Click the color segment in the graph to view the following device data in the Access Points table that is displayed below the chart:

    • Access Point

    • Health Score

    • Co-Channel Overlapping

    • Co-Channel Neighbor Utilization

    • Low RSSI Client Score

    • Noise Same Channel

    • Interference Same Channel



    In the Access Points table, hover your cursor over the i icon to view more details.

  3. Click Export to download the AP table data to your local machine.

Co-Channel Interference dashlet

Includes the following tabs:

  • LATEST: Shows the total number of APs experiencing Low, Medium, and High co-channel interference in the last 30 minutes.

  • TREND: Shows the percentage of Low, Medium, and High co-channel interference of APs for the percentage of AP count and selected time in the time range.

Click either a color segment in the graph or the View Details link to open the Co-Channel Interference slide-in pane.

  1. Hover your cursor over the color segment in the graph to view the Low, Medium, and High co-channel interference of APs.

  2. Click the color segment in the graph to view the following device data in the Access Points table that is displayed below the chart:

    • Access Point

    • Channel

    • Impact Score

    • CCI (dBm)

    • Duty Cycle


    In the Access Points table, hover your cursor over the i icon to view more details.
  3. Click Export to download the AP table data to your local machine.

Utilization Per Channel dashlet

Displays the utilization chart.

For the 6-GHz band, the utilization chart is based on the UNII level that you choose in the View by drop-down list. The UNII levels are PSC, UNII 5, UNII 6 & 7, and UNII 8. The default view is PSC.

The LATEST tab shows the total number of APs experiencing Low, Medium, and High co-channel interference in the last 30 minutes.

Hover your cursor over the chart to view the following details:

  • Number of channels

  • Tx/Rx utilization

  • Interference

The TREND tab displays the utilization per channel details for the percentage of utilization and selected time in the time range.



The Select Channel drop-down list allows you to search a channel by entering its name or choose a channel from the list to display the details.

AP and Radar per Channel dashlet

The LATEST tab displays the AP and radar per channel details in the chart for APs and channels in the last 30 minutes.

Hover your cursor over the chart to view the following details:

  • Number of channels

  • Tx/Rx utilization

  • Interference

The TREND tab displays the AP, rogue, and radar per channel details in the chart for the AP or radar and selected time in the time range.

Step 9

Expand RF Coverage for the following functionality:

Item Description

AP Spatial Density dashlet

The AP spatial density value represents the number of APs that are the neighbors of a selected AP in your infrastructure at or above -70 dBm. The density of APs affects the optimal effective values of channels, channel width, and Tx power.

  • LATEST: Shows the number of APs that are the neighbors of a selected AP in your infrastructure for the percentage of radio count, AP neighbor density, and percentage of client count in the last 30 minutes.

    Hover your cursor over the chart to view the following:

    • AP Neighbor Density

    • AP Count

    • End Point Count

  • TREND: Shows the average neighbor density number and AP count for the AP count and selected time in the time range.

    Average neighbor density ranges are <5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25, and >=25.

Under the LATEST tab, click either a color segment in the graph or the View Details link to open the AP Spatial Density Details slide-in pane.

  1. Hover your cursor over the chart to view the AP Neighbor Density, AP Count, and Clients Count in the selected building.

  2. Click a color segment in the graph to view the Top APs graph by lower/higher neighbor density and the following device data in the Access Points table:

    • Access Point

    • Neighbor Density Metric

    • Total Rx Neighbors

    • Highest on Channel Neighbor RSSI

    • Total on Channel Neighbors



    In the Access Points table, hover your cursor over the i icon to view more details.

  3. In the Top APs area, click the drop-down list to choose top APs by lowest neighbor density or highest neighbor density.

  4. Hover your cursor over the Top APs chart to view the Min, Max, and Latest APs in the chart for AP and neighbor count.

  5. Click Export to download the AP table data to your local machine.

Power Distribution dashlet

The power distribution chart helps you visualize the physical Wi-Fi coverage areas in your environment. It also allows you to identify the APs that are operating at maximum and minimum power levels.

For the 6-GHz band, you can display the data based on Power Level or Power dBm that you choose in the Filter drop-down list.

  • LATEST: Shows the number of APs that are operating at different power level along with radio count percentage and neighbor count percentage in the last 30 minutes.

  • Hover your cursor over the chart to view the following:

    • Operating Power Level (for power level view for the 6-GHz band)

    • Operating Power dBm for the 6-GHz band (for power dBm view)

    • Radio Count

    • Neighbor Count

  • TREND: Shows the number of APs that are operating at different power levels along with radio count percentage and selected time in the time range.

    Hover your cursor over the trend chart to view the radio count percentage operating at different power levels.

    The power levels calculations are from Level 1 (maximum power level) to Level 8 (minimum power level).

Under the LATEST tab, click either a color segment in the graph or the View Details link to open the Power Distribution Details slide-in pane.

  1. Hover your cursor over the graph to view the Operating Power Level, Radio Count, and Neighbor Count in the selected building.

  2. Click a color segment in the graph to view the Top APs graph by lower/higher neighbor density and the following device data in the Access Points table:

    • Access Point

    • Coverage Hole Count

    • Tx Power (dBm)

    • Tx Power Level (%)

    • Neighbor Density Metric

    • Delta Average Neighbor Tx power (dB)



    In the Access Points table, hover your cursor over the i icon to view more details.

  3. Click Export to download the AP table data to your local machine.

Step 10

Expand Additional Site Level Information to download a service bundle.

Step 11

In the Service Bundle area, click the Request a Latest Service Bundle link to download a service bundle for the selected building.

Step 12

To download service bundle data for the last hour, in the SELECT A PERIOD TO DOWNLOAD area, specify the Start Date and Start Time; and End Date and End Time.

Step 13

Click Download Service Bundle.

A service bundle is saved to your local machine that contains configuration parameters and RRM telemetry used for RRM algorithms at the selected time period. This service bundle can be used to troubleshoot and analyze the RF environments of the building for better RRM service.