Manage Licenses

This chapter contains the following topics:

License Manager Overview

The Cisco DNA Center License Manager feature helps you visualize and manage all of your Cisco product licenses, including Smart Account licenses. In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager. The License Manager window contains tabs with the following information:

  • Overview:

    • Switch: Shows purchased and in-use license information for all switches.

    • Router: Shows purchased and in-use license information for all routers.

    • Wireless: Shows purchased and in-use license information for all wireless controllers and access points.

    • ISE: Shows purchased and in-use license information for devices managed by Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE).

  • All License: The License Summary shows the total licenses purchased from Cisco Smart Software Management (CSSM), number of licenses that are about to expire, and out-of-compliance details for all types of licenses for all Cisco devices.

  • Reporting: The Smart License Readiness shows the steps to take before devices can be updated to the simplified model. The Smart License Compliance card allows you to launch the Smart License Update work flow.

  • SLP Compliance: In a table, the Smart License Policy (SLP) compliance shows the devices and timeline graph of license usage reports sent from Cisco DNA Center to CSSM. You can filter the devices based on their status and export the compliance report in CSV or PDF format.

  • Notifications: Shows notifications such as CSSM Connectivity, Connection Mode, Device App Over Usage, Upload Usage Report, and so on.

To manage licenses, you can use the controls shown above the table listings in each tab. The following table describes each of the controls.


Not all controls are available in every tab.
Table 1. License Management Controls
Control Description


Click Filter to specify one or more filter values and then click Apply. You can apply multiple filters. To remove a filter, click the x icon next to the corresponding filter value.

Change Cisco DNA License

Select one or more licenses and choose Actions > Change Cisco DNA License to change the level of a selected Cisco DNA Center license to Essential or Advantage. You can also use this control to remove a Cisco DNA Center license. For more information, see Change License Level.

Change Virtual Account

Select one or more licenses and choose Actions > Change Virtual Account to specify the Virtual Account used to manage these licenses.

Manage Smart License > Register

Select one or more Smart License-enabled devices and choose Actions > Manage Smart License > Register to register the Smart License-enabled devices.

Manage Smart License > Deregister

Select one or more Smart License-enabled devices and choose Actions > Manage Smart License > Deregister to unregister the Smart License-enabled devices.

Manage License Reservation > Enable License Reservation

Choose the device for which you want to apply Specific License Reservation (SLR) or Permanent License Reservation (PLR), then choose Actions > Manage License Reservation > Enable License Reservation.

Manage License Reservation > Update License Reservation

The device must be in SLR registered state.

You can update the SLR applied to a wireless device or switch with a wireless controller package.

Choose the device for which you want to update SLR, then choose Actions > Manage License Reservation > Update License Reservation.

Manage License Reservation > Cancel/Return License Reservation

Choose the device and choose Actions > Manage License Reservation > Cancel/Return License Reservation to cancel or return the SLR or PLR applied to the device.

Manage License Reservation > Factory License Reservation

Choose the device and choose Actions > Manage License Reservation > Factory License Reservation to enable the factory-installed SLR on the device.

Recent Tasks

Click Recent Tasks to see a list of all 50 of the most recently performed Cisco DNA Center tasks. Use the drop-down to filter the list to show only those tasks with a status of Success, Failure, or In Progress.

License Usage

Click License Usage to see the license utilization percentage for all types of licenses.


Click Refresh to reload the window with current data.


Click Export to export the list of displayed licenses as a CSV file. For more information, see Export License Information.


Enter a search term in the Find field to find all licenses in the list that have that term in any column. Use the asterisk (*) character as a wildcard anywhere in the search string.

Show Entries

Select the total number of entries to display in each page of the table.

The Licenses table displays the information shown for each device. All of the columns support sorting. Click the column header to sort the rows in ascending order. Click the column header again to sort the rows in descending order.


Not all columns are used in every tab. Additionally, some of the columns are hidden in the default column view setting, which can be customized by clicking the More icon () at the right end of the column headings.

Table 2. License Usage Information
Column Description

Device Type: Device Series

Name of the device product series (for example, Catalyst 3850 Series Ethernet Stackable Switch). For more information, see View License Details.

Device Type: Total Devices

The total number of devices in this product series that are under active management by Cisco DNA Center.

Purchased Licenses

The total number of purchased Cisco DNA Center subscription licenses for the devices in this product series.

Purchased Licenses: Network/Legacy

The total number of purchased Network (or Legacy) perpetual licenses for the devices in this product series.

Used Licenses

The total number of Cisco DNA Center subscription licenses applied to the devices in this product series.

Used Licenses: Network/Legacy

The total number of Network perpetual licenses for the devices in this product series.

Feature Licenses (applicable only for Routers)

The number of licenses purchased for specific features such as security, AVC, and so on.

Table 3. All License Information
Column Description

Device Name

Name of the device. For more information, see View License Details.

Device Family

The category of the device, such as Switches and Hubs, as defined by Cisco DNA Center.

IP Address

IP address of the device.

Device Series

The full name of the Cisco product series to which the listed device belongs (for example, Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Ethernet Stackable Switch).

Cisco DNA License

The Cisco DNA Center license level.

Cisco DNA License Expiry

The expiration date of the Cisco DNA Center license.

License Mode

The Cisco DNA Center license mode.

Network License

The type of network license.

Virtual Account

The name of the Cisco Virtual Account managing the license for the device.


The Cisco DNA Center site where the device is located.

Registration Status

The registration status of the device.

Authorization Status

The authorization status of the device.

Reservation Status

The reservation status of the device.

Last Updated Time

The last time this entry in the table was updated.

MAC Address

The MAC address of the licensed device.


The total term during which the Cisco DNA Center subscription license is in effect.

Days to Expiry

The number of days remaining until the Cisco DNA Center license term expires.

Software Version

The version of the network operating system currently running on the device.

Integration with Cisco Smart Accounts

Cisco DNA Center supports Cisco Smart Accounts, an online Cisco service that provides simplified, flexible, automated software- and device-license purchasing, deployment, and management across your organization. You can add multiple Cisco Smart Accounts.

When there are multiple Cisco Smart Accounts, one account is designated as the default, which the License Manager uses for visualization and licensing operations (such as registration, license level changes, and so on).

After changing the default Cisco Smart Account, it takes several minutes to retrieve the data from CSSM and display it on the License Manager Overview and All License windows.

You can delete any Cisco Smart Accounts, except for the default account.

If you already have a Cisco Smart Account, you can use Cisco DNA Center to:

  • Track your license consumption and expiration

  • Apply and activate new licenses, without intervention

  • Promote each device's license level from Essentials to Advantage (or vice versa) and reboot the device with the newly changed level of feature licensing

  • Identify and reapply unused licenses

You can accomplish this automatically, without leaving Cisco DNA Center.

Set Up License Manager

You must set up access to your Cisco Smart Account before you can use the Cisco DNA Center License Manager tools.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have SUPER-ADMIN-ROLE permissions and the appropriate RBAC scope to perform this procedure.

  • Collect the Cisco user ID and password for your Smart Account.

  • If you have multiple Smart Accounts, choose the Smart Account that you want to use with Cisco DNA Center, and collect that account's user ID and password.

  • To enable a Smart Account, Cisco DNA Center must have reachability to

  • To apply licenses to a device in Cisco DNA Center, the device must be present in Inventory, must have a site assigned to it, and must have reachability to

  • Ensure that all allowed ports, FQDNs, and URLs listed in the Cisco DNA Center Installation Guide are allowed on any firewall or proxy.


Step 1

Log in using a Cisco DNA Center system administrator username and password.

Step 2

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose System > Settings > Credentials.

Step 3

Under Credentials, enter the username and password for your account.

Step 4

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose System > Settings > Smart Account.

Step 5

Under Smart Account, click Add and enter the username and password for your Smart Account.

Step 6

Click Save.

Step 7

If you have multiple Smart Accounts, click Add and enter your additional accounts.

Step 8

If you have multiple Smart Accounts, choose one account to be the default. The License Manager uses the default account for visualization and licensing operations. To change the default Smart Account:

  1. Click Change next to the selected Smart Account name.

  2. Change the active Smart Account and choose a Smart Account to be the default.

  3. Click Apply.

    After changing the default account, it takes several minutes to retrieve the data from CSSM and display it on the License Manager Overview and All License windows.

Step 9

To edit a Smart Account, click the three dots in the Actions column and choose Edit.

Step 10

To delete a nondefault Smart Account, click the three dots in the Actions column and choose Delete.

Step 11

To access your Smart Account using a virtual or subordinate Smart Account name and password, under Link Your Smart Account, choose:

  • Use user ID if your and Smart Account credentials are the same.

  • Use different credentials if your and Smart Account credentials are different, and then enter your Smart Account credentials.

Step 12

Click View all virtual accounts to view all virtual Smart License Accounts.

What to do next

Register the Cisco DNA Center controller as a controller for Cisco Plug and Play Connect in a Cisco Smart Account, for redirection services. This also allows you to synchronize the device inventory from the Cisco Plug and Play Connect cloud portal to Cisco DNA Center Plug and Play. For more information, see "Register or Edit a Virtual Account" in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.

Visualize License Usage and Expiration

Cisco DNA Center can display graphical representations of your purchased licenses, how many of them are in use (that is, assigned to devices), and their duration.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Select the type of device category whose license usage you want to see: Switches, Routers, Wireless, ISE, All Licenses, or Reporting.

The License Usage pie chart at the top of the window displays the aggregate number of purchased licenses and the number of licenses currently in use for the device category you selected. The graphs also indicate the proportion of Essentials versus Advantage licenses within each total.

Under the graphs, the License Usage table shows subtotals for used and unused licenses, listed alphabetically by product family name.

Step 3

To see detailed comparisons for a particular product family, click the name of the product family in the Device Series column.

Cisco DNA Center displays details about the product family you selected.

Step 4

To see a graphical representation of license duration, scroll down to the License Timeline section. The timeline graph for each product family is a visual representation of when the licenses in the configured Smart Account will expire for that product family.

View License Details

There are many ways to find and view license details in Cisco DNA Center. For example, you can click the license usage and term graphs displayed in the Switches, Routers, Wireless, ISE, or All Licenses tabs in the License Manager window. Each graph displays pop-ups with aggregated facts about licenses for each of these product families.

The simplest method for getting the most comprehensive license details for a single device is to use the License Manager's All Licenses table, as explained in the following steps.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager > All Licenses.

The License Manager window displays a table listing all of your discovered devices and their licenses. Information in the table includes only basic device and license information, such as device type, license expiration dates, and so on.

Step 2

Scroll through the table to find the device whose license details you want to see. If you are having trouble finding the device you want, you can:

  • Filter: Click and then enter your filter criteria in the appropriate field. (For example, enter all or part of the device name in the Device Name field.) You can enter filter criteria in multiple fields. When you click Apply, the table displays only the rows displaying information that matches your filter criteria.

    If you want to view the devices that belong to a particular site, navigate to the site in the left pane, and click the site. The devices are filtered accordingly. A site marker indicating the site hierarchy is displayed at the top of the page.

  • Find: Click in the Find field and enter the text you want to find in any of the table columns. When you press Enter, the table scrolls to the first row with text that matches your entry in the Find field.

  • Customize: Click and select the columns you want displayed in the table. For example, deselect Device Model or select Days to Expiry. When you click Apply, the table displays only the columns you selected.

Step 3

When you find the device you want, click the Device Name link in the row for that device.

Cisco DNA Center displays the License Details window with complete license details and license history for the device you selected. Actions displays actions that can be performed on the device or its licenses.

When you are finished, click to close the License Details window.

Change License Level

You can upgrade or downgrade the feature level of your device licenses. You can do this with Cisco DNA Center (subscription) licenses. Your feature level choices are either the basic Essentials level or the comprehensive Advantage level. (Note that network license conversion is available for products in the Cisco Catalyst 9000 device family only and network license conversion is handled implicitly when the Cisco DNA Center license level is changed.)

Whenever you change a device's license level, Cisco DNA Center automatically downloads and applies your licenses behind the scenes, using your Smart Account.

Because applying a license level change requires a device reboot, License Manager prompts you to confirm that you want to reboot the device as soon as the license level change is complete. You can choose not to reboot with the license change, but you will need to schedule the reboot at a later time, or your license level change will not be applied.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager > All Licenses.

The License Manager window displays a table listing all of your discovered devices and their licenses.

Step 2

Use Find or scroll through the table to find the devices whose license level you want to change. If you are having trouble finding the device you want, or want to select multiple devices, follow the tips in View License Details to change the table to display only the devices you want.

Step 3

Check the check box next to each device for which you want to change the license level, then choose Actions > Change Cisco DNA License.

Cisco DNA Center displays a Change License Level window appropriate for the license type you want to change.

Step 4

Click the license level you want for these devices: Essentials or Advantage. To remove the license from the device, click Remove.

Step 5

Click Next. Cisco DNA Center asks if you want the change to be applied right away or at a later time. You also must choose whether you want to reboot the device as soon as its license status is updated.

To continue:

  • If you are not ready to make the change: Click Back to change your License Level selection, or click to close the window and cancel the change.

  • If you are ready to make the change immediately: Click Now, then click Confirm. The device using this license will reboot as soon as the change is applied.

  • If you want the change to be applied later: Click Later, enter a name for the scheduled task, and specify the date and time when you want the change to be applied. If you want the change to take place as scheduled in the time zone of the site where the device is located, click Site Settings. When you are finished specifying the schedule parameters, click Confirm.

Export License Information

You can quickly export license information from Cisco DNA Center to backup PDF or Microsoft Excel files. These license backup files are intended to assist your organization's accounting and reporting needs.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Click All Licenses. Cisco DNA Center displays a list of all your currently assigned licenses.

Step 3

Click Export. Cisco DNA Center displays the Export Licenses window.

Step 4

Choose the destination file format.

Step 5

(Optional) Check the check box next to each type of license information that you want to exclude or include in the export. Check the check box at the bottom to save your choices as the default for later exports.

Step 6

Click Export and specify the location and filename for the exported license file.

Step 7

Click OK to complete the export.

Auto Registration of Smart License-Enabled Devices

You can enable auto registration of Smart License (SL)-enabled devices. When auto registration is enabled, any SL-enabled devices added to Cisco DNA Center are automatically registered to the chosen virtual account.


Step 1

Log in using a Cisco DNA Center system administrator username and password.

Step 2

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose System > Settings > Cisco Accounts > Smart Account.

Step 3

Click License.

Step 4

Check the Auto register smart license enabled devices check box.

Step 5

Choose a virtual account.

Step 6

Click Apply.

Day 0 Configuration for Smart License-Enabled Devices

Devices that are already added to Cisco DNA Center before enabling auto registration are not automatically registered. You can view the Smart License-enabled devices that are not registered in the All License page.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager > All License.

The License Manager window displays a banner message with the number of SL-enabled devices that are not auto registered and a table listing all of your discovered devices and their licenses with a link to set up auto registration.

Alternatively, you can filter the unregistered devices by using the Registration Status column.

Step 2

Choose the SL-enabled devices that you want to register and choose Actions > Manage Smart License > Register.

Step 3

Choose the virtual account and click Continue.

Step 4

To register the devices:

  • If you want to register the devices immediately, choose Now and click Confirm.
  • If you want to register the devices later, choose Later and specify a date and time. When you are finished specifying the schedule parameters, click Confirm.

Apply Specific License Reservation or Permanent License Reservation to Devices

Smart Licensing requires a smart device instance to regularly sync with Cisco Smart Software Management (CSSM) so that the latest license status is refreshed and compliance is reported. Some customers have devices that are within highly secured networks with limited internet access. In these types of networks, devices cannot regularly sync with CSSM and show out of compliance. To support these customer environments, Specific License Reservation (SLR) and Permanent License Reservation (PLR) have been introduced. The License Manager enables Cisco DNA Center customers to reserve licenses securely from CSSM using an API-based workflow. In Cisco DNA Center, it requires a one-time connectivity to CSSM in the staging environment, then the devices never need to connect to Cisco in SLR or PLR mode. If no connectivity to CSSM or staging is possible, you can resort to the manual SLR/PLR workflow available in CSSM.

SLR lets you install a node-locked license file (SLR authorization code) on a product instance. This license file enables individual (specific) licenses (entitlement tags).

PLR lets you install an authorization code that enables all licensed features on the product.

Both SLR and PLR require preapproval at the Smart Account level. Contact for support.

To enable SLR or PLR when both the device and Cisco DNA Center are connected to CSSM, see Enable SLR/PLR When the Devices and Cisco DNA Center Are Connected to CSSM.

To enable SLR or PLR when the device and Cisco DNA Center do not have connectivity to CSSM, see Enable SLR/PLR When the Devices and Cisco DNA Center Are Not Connected to CSSM.

Enable SLR/PLR When the Devices and Cisco DNA Center Are Connected to CSSM


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > Licenses > All Licenses.

Step 2

Select the devices for which you want to apply SLR or PLR, and choose Actions > Manage License Reservation > Enable License Reservation.

Step 3

Choose Specific License Reservation (SLR) or Permanent License Reservation (PLR) and click Continue to obtain the request codes for the selected devices.

Step 4

After the request codes are generated for the selected devices, click Continue.

Step 5

Choose a virtual account from which you want to reserve licenses and click Continue to generate the authorization codes for the selected devices.

Step 6

After the authorization codes are generated, do any of the following:

  • To apply SLR immediately, choose the devices and click Continue.

  • To apply SLR at a later time, click Apply Later.

Step 7

Click Confirm to apply SLR/PLR to the selected device.

You can now view the updated status of the devices under Reservation Status on the All Licenses page.

Enable SLR/PLR When the Devices and Cisco DNA Center Are Not Connected to CSSM

Use this procedure to enable SLR/PLR for the devices that are not connected to CSSM.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > Licenses > All Licenses.

Step 2

Select the devices for which you want to apply SLR or PLR, and choose Actions > Manage License Reservation > Enable License Reservation.

Step 3

Choose Specific License Reservation (SLR) or Permanent License Reservation (PLR) and click Continue to obtain the request codes for the selected devices.

You also can connect to the device through Telnet to obtain the request code.

Step 4

After the request codes are generated for the selected devices, click Export. This downloads the requestcodes.csv file, which contains the IP address, serial number of the device, and the request code.

Step 5

Save the file to your preferred location.

Step 6

Obtain the authorization code for each device from CSSM and update it in the CSV file. See Generate Authorization Code from CSSM.

Step 7

Click the Upload CSV link.

Step 8

Click the Select a file from your computer link to select the saved CSV file.

Step 9

Click Continue.

Step 10

Choose a virtual account from which you want to reserve licenses and click Continue. SLR or PLR is applied to the selected devices.

You can now view the updated status of the devices under Reservation Status on the All Licenses page.

Generate the Authorization Code from CSSM

Before you begin

You must have Smart Account credentials to log in to CSSM.


Step 1

Log in to CSSM.

Step 2

Choose Inventory > Licenses > License Reservation. The Smart License Reservation wizard appears.

The License Reservation button is visible on the Licenses tab only if you have specific license reservation enabled for your Smart Account.

Step 3

In the Step 1: Enter Request Code tab, enter the request code in the Reservation Request Code field and click Next.

Step 4

In the Step 2: Select Licenses tab, check the Reserve a specific license check box.

Step 5

In the Quantity to Reserve field, enter the number of licenses that you want to reserve and click Next.

Step 6

In the Step 3: Review and Confirm tab, click Generate Authorization Code.

Step 7

Obtain the authorization code from the Step 4: Authorize Code tab.

Cancel SLR or PLR Applied to Devices

You can cancel or return the SLR or PLR that is applied to a device.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > Licenses > All Licenses.

Step 2

Click the device and choose Actions > Manage License Reservation > Cancel/Return License Reservation.

Step 3

Click Cancel to return the licenses.

You can view the updated status of the devices under Reservation Status on the All Licenses page.

Install the Authorization Code and Enable the High Security License

Cisco offers a throughput of 250 Mbps be default. To increase the device throughput more than 250 Mbps, you must get the authorization code from Cisco. You can install the authorization code and enable the High Security (HSEC) license in a single workflow or in separate workflows, as required.

Before you begin

Ensure that the device is running Cisco IOS-XE software release 17.3.2 or later.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Click the Reporting tab.

Step 3

Click the Smart License Compliance card.

Step 4

In the Smart License Update window, click Let's Do It.

To skip this window in the future, check Don't show this to me again.

Step 5

In the Select Smart Account window, choose Smart Account and Virtual Account from the drop-down list.

Step 6

Click Next.

Step 7

In the Choose Sites and Devices window, choose the devices on which you want to install the authorization code and click Next.

Step 8

In the Policy Settings window, review the CSSM policies and click Next.

Step 9

In the Choose Device Features window, do the following:

  1. Choose the devices.

  2. From the Auth Codes drop-down list, choose Install.

  3. From the HSEC drop-down list, choose Enable.

  4. Click Next.

Step 10

In the Review Device Features window, click Next.

Step 11

In the Installing Device Features window, view the authorization code and HSEC installation status and click Next.

Step 12

In the Sync Data with Cisco window, click Next.

Step 13

The Summary window displays the authorization code and HSEC installation status.

Step 14

Click Finish.

Disable High Security License

You can disable the HSEC license from a device if you don't want to consume the HSEC license unnecessarily.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Click the Reporting tab.

Step 3

Click the Smart License Compliance card.

Step 4

In the Smart License Update window, click Let's Do It.

To skip this window in the future, check Don't show this to me again.

Step 5

In the Select Smart Account window, choose Smart Account and Virtual Account from the drop-down list.

Step 6

Click Next.

Step 7

In the Choose Sites and Devices window, choose the devices from which you want to disable the High Security license and click Next.

Step 8

In the Policy Settings window, click Next.

Step 9

In the Choose Device Features window, do the following:

  1. Choose the devices.

  2. From the HSEC drop-down list, choose Disable.

  3. Click Next.

Step 10

In the Review Device Features window, click Next.

Step 11

In the Installing Device Features window, view the HSEC disable operation status and click Next.

Step 12

In the Sync Data with Cisco window, click Next.

Step 13

The Summary window displays the HSEC disable operation status.

Step 14

Click Finish.

Upload Resource Utilization Details to CSSM

You can upload resource utilization details to CSSM instantly or schedule an uploading event.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Click the Reporting and Compliance tab.

Step 3

Click the Smart License Compliance card.

Step 4

In the Smart License Update window, click Let's Do It.

To skip this window in the future, check Don't show this to me again.

Step 5

In the Select Smart Account window, choose Smart Account and Virtual Account from the drop-down list.

Step 6

Click Next.

Step 7

In the Choose Sites and Devices window, choose the devices from which you want to retrieve the resource utilization details and click Next.

Step 8

To upload the resource utilization details instantly, click Next in the Modify Policy window. To modify the scheduled reporting frequency, do the following:

  1. Under Policy Settings, click Modify corresponding to the Reporting Interval field.

  2. In the Change Reporting Interval window, enter the value.

    The reporting interval (in days) denotes the frequency of scheduled upload of resource utilization details from Cisco DNA Center to CSSM. The frequency of uploads can be increased but cannot be reduced below the minimum reporting frequency.

  3. Click Save.

Step 9

In the Sync Data with Cisco window, click Next.

The Summary window shows the status of operations that are performed in this workflow.

Step 10

Click Finish.

After successful synchronization of data with CSSM, Cisco DNA Center sends an acknowledgment to the devices.

What to do next

The number of devices for which the license usage reporting has failed is shown in a separate Smart License Compliance card with the Retry option. Click the Smart License Compliance card and redo the above procedure to send the license usage reports from the failed devices to CSSM.

Change Device Throughput

You can change the throughput of Smart License-enabled routers.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Click the Reporting tab.

The Reporting window displays a table listing all your Smart License-enabled devices and their licenses.

Step 3

Choose the device that you want to change.

Step 4

Click More Actions and choose Change Throughput.

Step 5

In the Choose Throughput window, choose the throughput value and click Next.

Step 6

In the Apply Throughput window, click Next.

Step 7

Click the Recent Tasks link to launch the Recent Tasks window.

You can view the Change Throughput task status in the Recent Task window.

Transfer Licenses Between Virtual Accounts

You can transfer licenses between virtual accounts.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

The License Manager window displays a table listing all your discovered devices and their licenses.

Step 2

Click the down arrow next to Device View and choose License View.

Step 3

Choose the licenses that you want to transfer and click Transfer Licenses.

Step 4

In the Transfer Licenses window, choose the virtual account.

Step 5

Enter the Transfer License Count for each of the chosen licenses and click Transfer.

Step 6

Click the Recent Tasks link to launch the Recent Tasks window.

You can view the License Transfer task status in the Recent Task window.

Manage Customer Tags to Smart License-Enabled Devices

You can add a maximum of four customer tags to a Smart License-enabled device to help identify telemetry data for a product instance. You can also update and delete the customer tags.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Click the Reporting tab.

The Reporting window displays a table listing all Smart License-enabled devices and their licenses.

Step 3

Choose the devices on which you want to add customer tags.

Step 4

Click More Actions and choose Manage Free Form Fields to add, update, or delete customer tags.

Step 5

To add or update customer tags, do the following in the Free Form Fields window:

  1. Enter the customer tags.

  2. Click Save.

Step 6

To delete customer tags, do the following in the Free Form Fields window:

  1. Click the delete icon for the customer tags that you want to delete.

  2. Click Save.

  3. In the Warning window, click Continue.

Step 7

Click the Recent Tasks link to launch the Recent Tasks window.

You can view the Manage Customer Tags task status in the Recent Task window.

Modify License Policy

You can modify the reporting interval at which the network devices will report their feature usage to CSSM.


Step 1

In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Tools > License Manager.

Step 2

Click Reporting tab.

Step 3

In the Smart License table, click Modify Policy.

The Modify Policy window shows the policy settings and CSSM policy details.

Step 4

Under Policy Settings, click Modify.

Step 5

In the Change Reporting Interval window, enter the reporting interval value.

Step 6

Click Save.