Implement Disaster Recovery


Disaster recovery adds another layer of redundancy to safeguard against network downtime. It responds to a cluster failure by handing off network management duties to a connected cluster (referred to as a site going forward). Disaster recovery implementation on Cisco DNA Center consists of three components: the main site, the recovery site, and the witness site. At any given time, the main and recovery sites are operating in either the active or standby role. The active site manages your network while the standby site maintains a continuously updated copy of the active site's data and managed services. Whenever an active site goes down, Cisco DNA Center automatically initiates a failover, completing the tasks necessary to designate the former standby site as the new active site.

The following topics provide information about how to set up and use disaster recovery in your production environment.

Key Terms

The following terms are key for understanding disaster recovery implementation on Cisco DNA Center:

  • Main Site: The first site you configure when setting up your disaster recovery system. By default, it operates as the active site that manages your network. For information about how to configure the sites in your system, see Configure Disaster Recovery.

  • Recovery Site: The second site you configure when setting up your disaster recovery system. By default, it acts as your system's standby site.

  • Witness Site: The third site you configure when setting up your disaster recovery system. This site, which resides on a virtual machine or separate server, is not involved with the replication of data or managed services. Its role is to give the current active site the quorum it needs to carry out disaster recovery tasks. If a site fails, this site prevents the split brain scenario from taking place. This scenario can occur in a two-member system when the sites cannot communicate with each other. Each site believes that it should become active, creating two active sites. Cisco DNA Center uses the witness site to arbitrate between the active and standby sites, allowing only one active site at any given time. For information about witness site requirements, see Prerequisites.

  • Register: To add a site to a disaster recovery system, you must first register it with the system by providing information such as your main site's VIP. When registering your recovery or witness site, you will also need to provide the token that is generated when you register your main site. For more information, see Configure Disaster Recovery.

  • Configure Active: The process of establishing a site as the active site, which involves tasks such as exposing the appropriate managed service ports.

  • Active site: The site that is currently managing your network. Cisco DNA Center continuously replicates its data to your standby site.

  • Configure Standby: The process of establishing a site as the standby site, which involves tasks such as configuring the replication of the active site's data and disabling the services which manage the network on the standby site.

  • Standby Ready: When an isolated site meets the prerequisites to become a standby site, Cisco DNA Center moves it to this state. To establish this site as your system's standby site, click Rejoin in the Action area.

  • Standby site: The site that maintains an up-to-date copy of your active site's data and managed services. If your active site goes down, your system initiates a failover and your standby site takes over as the active site.


    A message will indicate when you are currently viewing your system's standby site. You need to initiate all disaster recovery tasks from the active site.

  • Failover: Cisco DNA Center supports two types of failover:

    • System-triggered: As soon as Cisco DNA Center recognizes that your active site has gone down, it automatically carries out the tasks required to establish your standby site as the new active site. You can monitor these tasks from the Event Timeline.

    • Manual: You can initiate a manual failover to designate the current standby site as the new active site. For more information, see Initiate a Manual Failover.


    • After a failover, Assurance restarts and processes a fresh set of data on the new active site. Historical Assurance data from the former active site is not migrated over.

    • After a failover, the Cisco DNA Center inventory service triggers a full device sync. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the number of devices that are managed. As is the case when Cisco DNA Center's normally scheduled device sync is running, you will not be able to provision devices on the newly activated cluster until the device sync triggered by a failover completes.

  • Isolate: During a failover, the former active site is separated from the disaster recovery system. Cisco DNA Center suspends its services and stops advertising its virtual IP address (VIP). From here, Cisco DNA Center completes the tasks necessary to establish the former standby site as the new active site.

  • Pause: Temporarily suspend your disaster recovery system in order to separate the sites that make up your system and stop data and service replication. For more information, see Pause Your Disaster Recovery System.

  • Rejoin: From the Disaster Recovery > Monitoring tab, click this button in the Action area in order to add a Standby Ready or Paused site back into a disaster recovery system as the new standby site (after a failover has taken place). You would also click this button in order to restart a disaster recovery system that is currently paused.

  • Activate DR: User-initiated operation that creates your system's active and standby sites. This operation entails setting up intracluster communication, verifying that the sites meet disaster recovery prerequisites, and replicating data between the two sites.

  • Deregister: Click this button in the Action area to remove the three sites you have configured for your disaster recovery system. You must do so in order to make changes to any of the site settings you have entered previously.

  • Retry: In the Action area, click this button in order to reinitiate any action that failed previously.

Data Replication Overview

The data replication process syncs data between your disaster recovery system’s main site and recovery site. Its duration depends on a few factors: the amount of data that needs to be replicated, your network’s effective bandwidth, and the amount of latency that exists between the main and recovery sites. When disaster recovery is active for your Cisco DNA Center deployment, data replication will not impact any operations or application use on the current active site (which is managing your network).


After a failover takes place, Assurance data from the site that failed is not replicated. The site that takes over as your system's active site will collect a new set of Assurance data.

Either a full or incremental replication of data takes place, depending on which of the following scenarios is applicable:

  • After initial activation: After the initial configuration and activation of your disaster recovery system, the recovery site does not have any data. In this scenario, a full replication of data between the main and recovery sites happens.

  • After a failover: Whenever the current active site fails, the disaster recovery system triggers a failover. In this scenario, a full data replication between the main and recovery sites occurs after the failed site rejoins the system.

  • During normal operation: This scenario will typically apply to your system. During its day-to-day operation, changes that take place on the current active site are continuously synced with the current standby site.

Navigate the Disaster Recovery GUI

The following table describes the components that make up Cisco DNA Center's disaster recovery GUI and their function.

The disaster recovery GUI, including an icon legend.
Callout Description


Monitoring tab: Click to do the following:

  • View a topology of the sites that make up your system.

  • Determine the current status of your system.

  • Perform disaster recovery tasks.

  • View a listing of the tasks that have been completed to date.


Show Detail Information link: Click to open the Disaster Recovery System slide-in pane. See View Disaster Recovery System Status for more information.


Topology: Displays either a logical or physical topology of your system that indicates the current status of your sites and their members.

  • In both the logical and physical topologies, a blue box indicates the site that's currently acting as your system's active site.

  • In the logical topology, a blue line indicates that the IPSec tunnel connecting two sites is operational, and a red line indicates that the tunnel is currently down.

  • To view a description of the possible site states, see System and Site States.


Event Timeline: Lists every disaster recovery task that is currently in progress or has been completed for your system. For more information, see Monitor the Event Timeline.


Configure tab: Click to enter the settings necessary to establish a connection between your disaster recovery system's sites. See Configure Disaster Recovery for more information.


Logical and Physical tabs: Click the appropriate tab to toggle between a logical and physical topology of your system.


Status area: Indicates the current status of your system. To view a description of the possible system states, see System and Site States.


Legend: Indicates what the topology icons represent. To view the legend, click in the bottom right corner of the Disaster Recovery window.


Interactive Help button: Click to open a slide-in pane that provides links to walkthroughs that provide on-screen guidance to help you complete specific tasks in Cisco DNA Center.


Action area: Displays the disaster recovery tasks that are currently available for you to initiate. The tasks you can choose from vary, depending on whether you have configured your sites and your system's status.

View Disaster Recovery System Status

The topology provides a graphical representation of your disaster recovery system's current status. If you want to view this information in a tabular format, you can do so in the Disaster Recovery System slide-in pane. To open this pane, do one of the following:

  • Click the Show Detail Information link. Then expand the site for which you want to view the status in the slide-in pane.

  • In the topology, place your cursor over a site's Enterprise virtual IP address or a particular node's icon. In the dialog box that opens, click the link in the bottom-right corner of the window.

    The main site dialog box that displays the main site details link in the bottom-right corner.

    The slide-in pane opens and displays the relevant site information.

    The Disaster Recovery System slide-in pane that displays the site information.


Before you enable disaster recovery in your production environment, ensure that the following prerequisites have been met.


General Prerequisites

  • Cisco DNA Center supports two disaster recovery setups:

    • 1+1+1 setup: One Cisco DNA Center appliance functions as your Main Site, a second appliance serves as your Recovery Site, and a third system (residing on a virtual machine) acts as your Witness Site. The following appliances and versions support this setup:

      • DN1-HW-APL/DN2-HW-APL (44-Core appliance): Cisco DNA Center 2.2.2.x and later

      • DN2-HW-APL-L (56-Core appliance): Cisco DNA Center 2.2.1.x and later

      • DN2-HW-APL-XL (112-Core appliance): Cisco DNA Center 2.2.1.x and later

    • 3+3+1 setup: One three-node Cisco DNA Center cluster functions as your Main Site, a second three-node cluster serves as your Recovery Site, and a third system (residing on a virtual machine) acts as your Witness Site. The following appliances and versions support this setup:

      • DN1-HW-APL/DN2-HW-APL (44-Core appliance): Cisco DNA Center 2.2.2.x and later

      • DN2-HW-APL-L (56-Core appliance): Cisco DNA Center 2.1.2.x and later

      • DN2-HW-APL-XL (112-Core appliance): Cisco DNA Center 2.1.2.x and later

  • You have configured a VIP for the Enterprise port interface on your Cisco DNA Center appliances. This is required because disaster recovery uses the Enterprise network for intrasite communication. In the Cisco DNA Center Second-Generation Appliance Installation Guide, refer to the following:

    • For more information about the Enterprise port, see the "Interface Cable Connections" topic.

    • For more information about Enterprise port configuration, see either the "Configure the Primary Node Using the Maglev Wizard" or "Configure the Primary Node Using the Advanced Install Configuration Wizard" topic.

  • You have assigned a super-admin user to carry out disaster recovery tasks. Only users with this privilege level can access this functionality.

  • You have confirmed that the links connecting the following sites are 1 Gbps with at most 350 ms RTT latency.

    • Main and recovery sites

    • Main and witness sites

    • Recovery and witness sites


    Although a one Gbps link is recommended for connections with the witness site, the actual bandwidth the witness site uses is 50 Mbps. As long as the link speed is faster than this, you should not encounter any issues.

  • You have opened all of the ports listed in the Cisco DNA Center Security Best Practices Guide's "Disaster Recovery Ports" topic.

  • If you are using an FQDN-only certificate, ensure that the same cluster_hostname—that is, the FQDN for Cisco DNA Center (set in the Cisco DNA Center configuration wizard)—is configured on both the main and recovery sites, as well as Disaster Recovery's VIP.

Main and Recovery Site Prerequisites

  • Both your main and recovery site must consist of the same number of nodes. Cisco DNA Center will not allow you to register and activate a disaster recovery system that does not meet this requirement.

  • Both your main and recovery site must consist of Cisco DNA Center appliances that have the same number of cores. This means that one site cannot consist of 56-core second-generation appliances while the other site consists of 112-core appliances. The following table lists the appliances that support disaster recovery and their corresponding Cisco part number:

    Supported Cisco DNA Center Appliances Cisco Part Numbers

    First and second generation 44-core appliance

    • DN1-HW-APL

    • DN1-HW-APL-U

    • DN2-HW-APL

    • DN2-HW-APL-U

    Second generation 56-core appliance

    • DN2-HW-APL-L

    • DN2-HW-APL-L-U

    Second generation 112-core appliance

    • DN2-HW-APL-XL

    • DN2-HW-APL-XL-U

    Also ensure that your main and recovery site are running the same Cisco DNA Center version.

  • You have configured and enabled high availability (HA) on both your main and recovery site. Otherwise, the registration of these sites will fail. For more information, see the latest Cisco DNA Center High Availability guide.


    This is applicable to three-node setups only.

  • You have generated one third-party certificate and installed the same certificate on both the main and recovery sites. Otherwise, site registration will fail.


    Cisco DNA Center copies this certificate to the witness site automatically during the registration process.

  • The main site's Enterprise VIP is reachable from the recovery site's Cisco DNA Center cluster.

  • The recovery site's Enterprise VIP is reachable from the main site's Cisco DNA Center cluster.

  • Ensure that all of the IP addresses (especially the Enterprise port's virtual IP address) and fully qualified domain names (FQDN) that the main and recovery sites use are included in this certificate. Also ensure that digitalSignature is specified for the certificate's keyUsage parameter. For a description of how to generate a third-party certificate, see Generate a Certificate Request Using Open SSL in the Cisco DNA Center Security Best Practices Guide.

  • Ensure that the main and recovery site have the same Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode setting. If FIPS mode is enabled on one site and disabled on the other, the registration of your disaster recovery system will fail due to a validation error. For more information on FIPS mode, see the description of the IP addressing mode used for the services screen (located in the Cisco DNA Center Second-Generation Appliance Installation Guide's "Configure the Primary Node Using the Maglev Wizard" topic).

  • If you want to use Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to advertise your system's virtual IP address routes, you need to configure your system's Enterprise virtual IP address on each of the main and recovery site's neighbor routers. The configuration you need to enter will look similar to one the following examples:

    Interior BGP (iBGP) Configuration Example

    router bgp 64555
     bgp router-id
     neighbor remote-as 64555
     neighbor update-source
     neighbor next-hop-self


    • 64555 is the neighbor router's local and remote AS number.

    • is the neighbor router's IP address.

    • is your system's Enterprise virtual IP address.

    Exterior BGP (eBGP) Configuration Example

    router bgp 62121
     bgp router-id
     neighbor remote-as 64555
     neighbor update-source
     neighbor next-hop-self
     neighbor ebgp-multihop 255


    • 62121 is the neighbor router's local AS number.

    • 64555 is the neighbor router's remote AS number.

    • is the neighbor router's IP address.

    • is your system's Enterprise virtual IP address.

  • If you enable BGP route advertisement (as described in the previous bullet), we recommend that you filter routes towards Cisco DNA Center in order to improve its performance. To do so, enter the following configuration:

    neighbor system's-Enterprise-virtual-IP-address route-map DENY_ALL out
    ip prefix-list DENY_ALL seq 5 deny le 32
    route-map DENY_ALL permit 10
    match ip address prefix-list DENY_ALL

Witness Site Prerequisites

  • You have confirmed that the virtual machine that hosts your witness site is running (at a minimum) VMware ESXi hypervisor version 7.0 or later with a 2.1-GHz core and two virtual CPUs, 4 GB of RAM, and 10 GB of hard drive space.

  • Witness site deployment in a public cloud is not supported.

  • You have set up your witness site in a different location than your main and recovery sites and confirmed that it is reachable from both of these sites.

  • You have configured an NTP server that is accessible by the witness site. You must synchronize this NTP server with the NTP servers that are used by the main and recovery sites.

  • The witness site utilizes approximately 50 Mbps of actual bandwidth. This bandwidth is used primarily for monitoring the connections (WAN, LAN, private circuits) between the witness site and the primary/standby sites.

Configure Disaster Recovery on an Upgraded Cisco DNA Center Appliance

To successfully configure disaster recovery after upgrading your system to the latest Cisco DNA Center version, complete the following steps:


Step 1

Install the Witness Site.

Step 2

Configure Disaster Recovery.

Add the Disaster Recovery Certificate

Cisco DNA Center supports the import and storage of an X.509 certificate and private key into Cisco DNA Center. The disaster recovery certificate is used for intracluster communications.

You must obtain a valid X.509 certificate that is issued by your internal CA and the certificate must correspond to a private key in your possession.


  • If you want your disaster recovery system to use the same certificate that Cisco DNA Center uses, you can skip this procedure. When you configure the certificate, make sure that you check the Use system certificate for Disaster Recovery as well check box (see Update the Cisco DNA Center Server Certificate).

  • For more information about the disaster recovery certificate requirements, reference the Security Best Practices Guide.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose System > Settings > Trust & Privacy > Certificates > Disaster Recovery.

Step 2

In the Add Certificate area, choose the file format type for the certificate that you are importing into Cisco DNA Center:

  • PEM: Privacy-enhanced mail file format

  • PKCS: Public-Key Cryptography Standard file format

Step 3

If you chose PEM, perform the following tasks:

  1. Import the certificate by dragging and dropping the PEM file into the highlighted area.



    A PEM file must have a valid PEM format extension (.pem). The maximum file size for the certificate is 10 MB.

    After the upload succeeds, the system certificate is validated.

  2. In the Private Key area, import the private key by dragging and dropping it into the highlighted area.



    Private keys must have a valid private key format extension (.key). The maximum file size for the private key is 10 MB.

    After the upload succeeds, the private key is validated.

  3. Specify whether the private key will be encrypted by clicking the appropriate radio button.

  4. If the private key will be encrypted, enter its password in the Password field.

Step 4

If you chose PKCS, perform the following tasks:

  1. Import the certificate by dragging and dropping the PKCS file into the highlighted area.



    A PKCS file must have a valid PKCS format extension (.pfx or .p12). The maximum file size for the certificate is 10 MB.

    After the upload succeeds, the system certificate is validated.

  2. In the Password field, enter the certificate's password (a PKCS requirement).

  3. Specify whether the private key will be encrypted by clicking the appropriate radio button.

  4. If the private key will be encrypted, enter its password in the Password field.

Step 5

Click Save.

After the Cisco DNA Center server’s SSL certificate is replaced, you are automatically logged out and you must log in again.

Install the Witness Site

Complete the following procedure to set up the virtual machine that will serve as the witness site for your disaster recovery system.


Step 1

Download the OVF package that's specific to the Cisco DNA Center version that the witness site is running:

  1. Open



    You need a account to access this URL. See the following page for a description of how to create an account:

  2. In the Select a Software Type area, click the Cisco DNA Center software link.

    The Software Download page updates, listing the software that's available for the latest Cisco DNA Center release.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If the OVF package (*.ova) you need is already listed, click its Download icon.

    • Enter the relevant version number in the Search field, click its link in the navigation pane, and then click the Download icon for that version's OVF package.

Step 2

Copy this package to a local machine running VMware vSphere 7.0 or later.

Step 3

From the vSphere client, choose File > Deploy OVF Template.

Step 4

Complete the Deploy OVF Template wizard:

  1. Do the following in the wizard's Source screen:

    1. Click Browse.

    2. Navigate to the witness site's OVF package (.ova).

    3. Click Open.

    4. In the Deploy from a file or URL field, verify that the package's path is displayed and then click Next.

      The wizard's OVF Template Details screen opens.

  2. Click Next >.

  3. Do the following in the wizard's Name and Location screen:

    • In the Name field, enter the name you want to set for the package.

    • In the Inventory Location field, select the folder that you want the package to reside in.

    • Click Next >.

    The wizard's Host/Cluster screen opens.

  4. Click the host or cluster on which you want to run the deployed template and then click Next >.

    The wizard's Storage screen opens.

  5. Click the storage drive that the virtual machine files will reside on and then click Next >.

    The wizard's Disk Format screen opens.

  6. Click the Thick Provision radio button and then click Next .

  7. Do the following in the wizard's Network Mapping screen and then click Next :

    1. Click the IP address that is listed in the Destination Networks column.

    2. In the resulting drop-down list, choose the network that the deployed template should use.

    The wizard's Ready to Complete screen opens, displaying all of the settings that you have entered.

  8. Check the Power on after deployment check box and then click Finish.

  9. When the Deployment Completed Successfully dialog box opens, click Close.

Step 5

Enter the network settings for your witness site:

  1. Open a console to the virtual machine you just created by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click the virtual machine from the vSphere Client list and choose Open Console.

    • Click the Open Console icon in the vSphere Client menu.

    The Witness User Configuration window opens.

  2. Enter and confirm the desired password for the admin user (maglev), then press N to proceed.

  3. Enter the following settings, then press N to proceed:

    • Its IP address

    • The netmask associated with the virtual machine's IP address

    • The IP address of your default gateway

    • (Optional) The IP address of the preferred DNS server

  4. Enter one or more NTP server addresses or hostnames (separated by spaces), then press S to submit your settings and begin the configuration of the witness site.

    At least one NTP address or hostname is required.

  5. Verify that configuration has completed by using SSH port 2222 to log in to the IP address you configured for the witness site.



Later, if you need to change the password configured for the maglev user on the witness site's VM, use the standard Linux passwd utility. You don't need to pause the disaster recovery system before doing this, and the password change will have no functional impact on disaster recovery operation.

Configure Disaster Recovery

To configure your disaster recovery system for use, complete the tasks described in the following procedure.


When configuring your system, you have a couple of options:

  • You can specify a virtual IP address that uses Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route advertising.

  • You can choose to not configure a virtual IP address. If you choose this option, you must enable device controllability so that a site's virtual IP address can be reconfigured after a failover occurs. For more information, see Device Controllability.

Before you begin

Assurance data (Elasticsearch), as well as your deployment's backup schedule and proxy configuration, are not replicated between your disaster recovery system's sites. As a result, they will not be available on the standby site when it takes over as the active site after a failover.

For the clusters where the main and recovery sites will reside, do the following before configuring your system:

  • Configure a separate NFS device for each site.

  • Configure the same backup schedule.

  • Configure the same proxy server.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose System > Disaster Recovery to open the Disaster Recovery page.

The Disaster Recovery window in Cisco DNA Center.

The Monitoring tab is selected, by default.

Step 2

Register your main site:

  1. Click the Configure tab.

    The Main Site radio button should already be selected.

    The Configure tab in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window.
  2. In the Convert the cluster VIPs to the disaster recovery VIPs area, click one of the following radio buttons:

    • Click Yes to set up a cluster as the main site and automatically propagate virtual IP address changes to the devices that are connected to this cluster. This is accomplished by promoting the virtual IP addresses that are currently configured for the cluster and assigning them as your disaster recovery system's global virtual IP addresses. We recommend choosing this option if you are enabling disaster recovery on a cluster that has a lot of connected devices. Otherwise, these devices will need to be reconfigured to communicate with the new disaster recovery virtual IP address. If you choose this option, do the following:

      1. In the New main site enterprise VIP field, enter a new virtual IP address for the site's Enterprise network. This will replace the address that is going to be promoted. Ensure that it is a unique address that is not already used and that it resides in the same subnet as the previous virtual IP address.

      2. (Optional) Check the Turn the cluster management VIP, <IP-address>, to the disaster recovery management VIP check box.

      3. (Optional) In the New main site management VIP field, enter a new virtual IP address for the site's Management network. This will replace the address that is going to be promoted. Ensure that it is a unique address that is not already used and that it resides in the same subnet as the previous virtual IP address.

    • Click No to set up a cluster as the main site without propagating virtual IP address changes to connected devices. We recommend this option for a brand-new cluster that isn't connected to any devices yet or is only connected to a few devices. If you choose this option, skip ahead to Step 2f.

  3. In the Action area, click Promote.

    The Disaster Recovery VIP Promotion dialog opens.

  4. Click Continue.

    Cisco DNA Center validates the virtual IP addresses you entered.

  5. In the Details area, view the validation status:

    • If any of the addresses you entered are invalid (likely because it doesn't reside in the same subnet as the address it's replacing), make the necessary corrections and repeat Step 2c.

    • If the addresses you entered are successfully validated, the Details area lists all of the virtual IP addresses that will be configured for your disaster recovery system. Proceed to the next step.

  6. Enter the following information in the Site VIP/IPs area:

    • Main Site VIP: The virtual IP address that manages traffic between the active site's cluster nodes and your Enterprise network. Cisco DNA Center prepopulates this field, based on your system's information.

    • Recovery Site VIP: The Enterprise virtual IP address that manages traffic between the recovery site's cluster nodes and your Enterprise network.

    • Witness Site IP: The IP address that manages traffic between the witness site's virtual machine and your Enterprise network.



    Ensure that the addresses that you enter are currently reachable. Otherwise, the registration of your system's sites will fail.



    At any point between Steps 2f and Step 2j, you can click Reset to clear all of the settings that you have entered. You will then need to repeat Step 2f and enter the correct settings before you register the main site.

  7. Click one of the following radio buttons in the Route advertisement area:

    • Border Gateway Protocol (BGP): This option, which is recommended for most disaster recovery systems, is selected by default. BGP route advertisement ensures that you can access your system's current active site, which is critical after a failover takes place.

    • Disaster recovery VIPs without route advertisement: Choose this option if you want to configure virtual IP addresses for your system whose routes are not advertised using BGP. This option is suitable for data centers where both the main and recovery sites can access the subnet that the system's global virtual IP addresses reside within.

    • No disaster recovery VIPs: When this option is selected, the virtual IP addresses that are configured for a site are automatically configured on the devices that belong to that site. Each time a failover takes place, these virtual IP addresses are reconfigured on the devices. Skip ahead to Step 2k.

  8. If you clicked either of the first two radio buttons in the previous step, enter a value in the Enterprise VIP for Disaster Recovery field.

    When configured, this floating virtual IP address automatically moves to and operates on the site that is currently acting as your network's active site. This address manages traffic between your disaster recovery system and your Enterprise network.


    • If you clicked the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) radio button and don't want to configure a Management virtual IP address, skip ahead to Step 2j.

    • If you clicked the Disaster recovery VIPs without route advertisement radio button and don't want to configure a Management virtual IP address, skip ahead to Step 2k.

  9. (Optional) Enter a value in the Management VIP for Disaster Recovery field.

    When configured, this floating virtual IP address automatically moves to and operates on the site that is currently acting as your network's active site. This address manages traffic between your disaster recovery system and your Management network.

  10. If you clicked the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) radio button, enter the information required to enable route advertisement:

    • In the Border Gateway Protocol Type area, specify whether your BGP peers will establish exterior (Exterior BGP (eBGP)) or interior (Interior BGP (iBGP)) sessions with one another.

    • In the Main Site Router Settings for Enterprise Network and Recovery Site Router Settings for Enterprise Network areas, enter the IP address of the remote router that Cisco DNA Center will use to advertise the Enterprise virtual IP address that's configured for the disaster recovery system's Main and Recovery sites. Also enter the router's remote and local AS numbers.

      Note the following points:

      • Click the Add (+) icon if you want to configure an additional remote router. You can configure a maximum of two routers for each site.

      • When entering an AS number, ensure that it's a 32-bit unsigned number that falls within the 1–4,294,967,295 range.

      • When the iBGP option is selected, Cisco DNA Center will automatically set the local AS number to the value you enter as the remote AS number.

      • If you configured a Management virtual IP address in the previous step, the Main Site Router Settings for Management Network and Recovery Site Router Settings for Management Network areas are also displayed. Enter the appropriate information for the remote router that Cisco DNA Center will use to advertise this virtual IP address.

  11. From the Action area, click Register.

    The Disaster Recovery Registration dialog opens.

  12. Click Continue.

    The token that your recovery and witness sites need to use in order to register with your main site is generated.

Step 3

In the Details area, click Copy Token.

The Monitoring tab in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Details area.

Step 4

Register your recovery site:



At any point before Step 4d, you can click Reset to clear all of the settings that you have entered. You will then need to repeat Step 4 and enter the correct settings before you register the recovery site.

  1. From the Details area, right-click the Recovery Site link and open the resulting page in a new browser tab.

  2. If necessary, enter the appropriate username and password to log in to your recovery site.

    The Disaster Recovery page's Configure tab opens, with the Recovery Site radio button already selected.

    The Configure tab in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Recovery Site radio button selected.
  3. Enter the following information:

    • Main Site VIP: The virtual IP address that manages traffic between the active site's cluster nodes and your Enterprise network.

    • Recovery Site VIP: The virtual IP address that manages traffic between the recovery site's cluster nodes and your Enterprise network. Cisco DNA Center prepopulates this field, based on your system's information.



      After a IPSec tunnel has been configured between the main and recovery sites, Enterprise traffic on the node(s) hosting the VIP will be sourced via the Enterprise VIP (UDP/TCP/ICMP).

    • The registration token that you generated in Step 2.

    • The username and password configured for your active site's super-admin user.

  4. From the Action area, click Register.

    The Disaster Recovery Registration dialog opens.

  5. Click Continue.

    The topology updates the status for the main and recovery sites after they have been connected.

Step 5

Register your witness site:

  1. Return to the main site's browser tab.

    The Monitoring tab in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the main site details.
  2. From the Details area, click Copy Witness Login Cmmd.

  3. Open an SSH console to the witness site, paste the command you just copied, and then run it to log in.

  4. When prompted, enter the default (maglev) user's password.

  5. Return to the Details area and click Copy Witness Register Cmmd.

  6. In the SSH console, paste the command you just copied.

  7. Replace <main_admin_user> with the super-admin user's username and then run the command.

  8. When prompted, enter the super-admin user's password.

Step 6

Verify that your main, recovery, and witness sites have been registered successfully:

  1. Return to the main site's browser tab and click Monitoring to view the Disaster Recovery Monitoring tab.

    The Monitoring tab in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays registration status of the main, recovery, and witness sites.
  2. In the Logical Topology area, confirm that the three sites are displayed and their status is Registered.

  3. In the Event Timeline area, confirm that the registration of each site is listed as an event and that each task completed successfully.

    The Monitoring tab in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Event Timeline area.

Step 7

In the Action area, click Activate.

A dialog box opens, indicating that all the data that currently resides in your recovery site will be erased.

Step 8

To begin the configuration of your disaster recovery system and the replication of your main site's data to the recovery site, click Continue.



The activation process may take some time to complete. View the Event Timeline in order to monitor its progress.

Step 9

After Cisco DNA Center has completed the necessary tasks, verify that your system is operational:

  1. View its topology and confirm that the following status is displayed for your respective sites:

    The topology area in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the status of main, recovery, and standby sites. Main site is in active state, recovery site is in standby state, and witness site is in Up state.
  2. View the Event Timeline and confirm that the Activate Disaster Recovery System task completed successfully.

    The Monitoring tab in the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Event Timeline area. The event timeline indicates that the disaster recovery system activation task is successful.
  3. Verify that your sites are reachable by pinging them from the main site.

Replace the Current Witness Site

Complete the following procedure if you need to upgrade or replace your current witness site.


Step 1

Log in to the current witness site:

  1. Open an SSH console to the witness site and run the ssh -p 2222 maglev@witness-site's-IP-address command.

  2. Enter the default (maglev) user's password.



Before you proceed to the next step, note the witness site's IP address. You'll need to configure the same address after you upgrade the witness site. Otherwise, the witness site won't work as expected.

Step 2

Run the witness reset command.

Step 3

Delete the current witness site's virtual machine.

Step 4

Install the new witness site's virtual machine, as described in Install the Witness Site.

Step 5

Log in to the new witness site:

  1. Open an SSH console to the witness site and run the ssh -p 2222 maglev@witness-site's-IP-address command.

  2. Enter the default (maglev) user's password.

Step 6

Run the witness reconnect -w witness-site's-IP-address -m main-site's-Enterprise-virtual-IP-address -u admin-username command.

Note the following points:

  • Regardless of the main site's current disaster recovery status, use the main site's Enterprise VIP when reconnecting the witness site.

  • To verify that the witness site is operational after running this command, do the following:

    1. From the Disaster Recovery Topology, click the Show Detail Information link to open the Disaster Recovery System slide-in pane.

    2. In the Witness Site section, confirm that the status for the witness site and configured IPSec links is Up.

  • To view all of the available options for this command, run the witness reconnect --help command.

Deregister Your System

After your disaster recovery system is activated, you may need to update the settings that you entered for a particular site. If you find yourself in this situation, complete the following procedure.


When you deregister your system, the settings that are currently set for all the sites in your system will be cleared.


Step 1

From the Action area, click Pause to suspend the operation of your system.

For more information, see Place Your System on Pause.

Step 2

From the Action area, click Deregister.

Cisco DNA Center deletes all the settings that you configured previously for your system's sites.

Step 3

Complete the tasks described in Configure Disaster Recovery to enter the appropriate settings for your sites, reregister them, and reactivate your system.

Monitor the Event Timeline

From the Event Timeline, you can track the progress of disaster recovery tasks that are currently running and confirm when these tasks have completed. To view the timeline, do the following:

  1. Click the menu icon () and choose System > Disaster Recovery to open the Disaster Recovery page.

    The Monitoring tab is selected, by default.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Every task that is in progress or has completed for your system is listed here (in descending order based on their completion timestamp), starting with the most recent task. Cisco DNA Center indicates whether each task was initiated by the system (Icon to indicate a task initiated by the system) or a user (Icon to indicate that the task was initiated by a user).

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Event Timeline with the list of tasks that are in progress or complete.

Say you want to monitor the restoration of your system after it was paused. Cisco DNA Center updates the Event Timeline as each task in the restoration process is started and then completed. To view a summary of what took place during a particular task, click >.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Event Timeline with the summary of changes in a particular task.

If the View Details link is displayed for a task, click it to view a listing of the relevant subtasks that were completed.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Event Timeline with the View Details link clicked.

As with tasks, you can click > to view summary information for a particular subtask.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Event Timeline with the summary of changes in a particular subtask.

See Troubleshoot Your Disaster Recovery System for a description of the issues that you may encounter while monitoring the Event Timeline and how to remedy them.

System and Site States

In the disaster recovery GUI, the Status area indicates the current state of your system. The following tables explain the various states that you may see for the individual sites in your system Topology.

Table 1. Active Site States
State Description


Newly installed site. Disaster recovery information is not available yet.


The site is preparing to transmit the data required by the other sites in order to set up the disaster recovery cluster during the registration process.


The site has successfully prepared the data that it will transmit to the other sites in order to set up the disaster recovery cluster during the registration process.

Failed to Initialize

The site encountered an error while preparing to transmit the data required by the other sites in order to set up the disaster recovery cluster during the registration process.

Connecting Recovery

The main site is contacting the recovery site to retrieve the initialized data required to set up secure communication with the main site.

Connecting Witness

The main site is contacting the witness site to retrieve the initialized data required to set up secure communication with the main site.

Recovery Site Connected

The main site successfully established secure communication with the recovery site.

Failed to Connect Recovery

The main site encountered an error while establishing a secure channel with the recovery site.

Failed to Connect Witness

The main site encountered an error while establishing a secure channel with the witness site.


The active site successfully established secure communication with the other two sites.


Removing the current disaster recovery configuration from the system.

Deregister Failed

An error occurred while removing the current disaster recovery configuration from the system.


Validating the state of the system before starting the disaster recovery configuration.


Successfully validated the state of the system before starting the disaster recovery configuration.

Validation Failed

An error occurred while validating the state of the system before starting the disaster recovery configuration.

Configuring Active

Executing the workflows to establish this site as the active site.

Failed to Configure

An error occurred while running the workflows to enable disaster recovery on this site.

Syncing Config Data

Syncing the data required from the other sites to set up the disaster recovery system.

Config Data Synced

Successfully synced the data required from the other sites to set up the disaster recovery system.

Active Sync Failed

An error occurred while the pending active site was syncing the data required from the other sites to set up the disaster recovery system.

Waiting Standby Configuration

Successfully completed the workflows to establish this site as the active site; waiting for the standby site's workflows to complete.


The site is successfully managing the network as the active site.

Failed to Configure

The site failed to execute some of the workflows that would enable itself as the active site in the disaster recovery cluster.


The site is executing the workflows to isolate itself because it either lost connectivity with the other two sites or is preparing to become standby-ready (as part of a manual failover).


The site has successfully executed the workflows to isolate itself because it either lost connectivity with the other two sites or is preparing to become standby-ready (as part of a manual failover).

Failed to Isolate

The site encountered an error while executing the workflows to isolate itself because it either lost connectivity with the other two sites or is preparing to become standby-ready (as part of a manual failover).

Configuring Active

Configuring a previous standby site as the active site (as part of a system-triggered or manual failover).

Failed during Failover

An error occurred while executing the workflows to establish this site as the active site (as part of a failover or recovery from a two-system failure).

Pausing Active

Executing the workflows that disable disaster recovery operations on the active site (in order to prepare for an administrative operation or a planned outage).

Active Paused

Successfully disabled disaster recovery operations on the active site.

Failed to Pause Active

An error occurred while disabling disaster recovery operations on the active site.

Active Stand Alone

Executing the workflows to establish a previous active site that lost connectivity with the other two sites as an independent system by removing all disaster recovery configurations.


The active site has lost connectivity with the other two sites.

Table 2. Standby Site States
State Description


Newly installed site. Disaster recovery information is not available yet.


The site is preparing to transmit the data required by the other sites in order to set up the disaster recovery cluster during the registration process.


The site has successfully prepared the data that it will transmit to the other sites in order to set up the disaster recovery cluster during the registration process.

Failed to Initialize

The site encountered an error while preparing to transmit the data required by the other sites in order to set up the disaster recovery cluster during the registration process.

Connecting Main

The recovery site is contacting the main site to retrieve the initialized data required to set up secure communication with the main site.

Connecting Witness

The recovery site is contacting the witness site to retrieve the initialized data required to set up secure communication with the main site.

Main Site Connected

The recovery site successfully established secure communication with the main site.

Failed to Connect Main

The recovery site encountered an error while establishing a secure channel with the main site.

Failed to Connect Witness

The recovery site encountered an error while establishing a secure channel with the witness site.


The standby site successfully established secure communication with the other two sites.


Removing the current disaster recovery configuration from the system.

Deregister Failed

An error occurred while removing the current disaster recovery configuration from the system.


Validating the state of the system before starting the disaster recovery configuration.


Successfully validated the state of the system before starting the disaster recovery configuration.

Validation Failed

An error occurred while validating the state of the system before starting the disaster recovery configuration.

Configuring Standby

Executing the workflows to establish this site as the standby site.

Failed to Configure

An error occurred while running the workflows to enable disaster recovery on this site.

Syncing Config Data

Syncing the data required from the other sites to set up the disaster recovery system.

Config Data Synced

Successfully synced the data required from the other sites to set up the disaster recovery system.

Standby Sync Failed

An error occurred while the pending standby site was syncing the data required from the other sites to set up the disaster recovery system.

Waiting Active Configuration

Successfully completed the workflows to establish this site as the standby site; waiting for the active site's workflows to complete.


The site is successfully configured as the standby site in the disaster recovery cluster.

Failed to Configure

The site failed to execute some of the workflows that would enable itself as the standby site in the disaster recovery cluster.


The site is executing the workflows to isolate itself because it lost connectivity with the other two sites.


The site has successfully executed the workflows to isolate itself because it lost connectivity with the other two sites.

Failed to Isolate

The site encountered an error while executing the workflows to isolate itself because it lost connectivity with the other two sites.

Configuring Standby

Configuring a previous active site as the standby-ready site (as part of a manual failover).

Standby Ready

A previous active system is ready to be configured as a standby system (as a result of a failover).

Pausing Standby

Executing the workflows that disable disaster recovery operations on the standby site (in order to prepare for an administrative operation or a planned outage).

Standby Paused

Successfully disabled disaster recovery operations on the standby site.

Failed to Pause Standby

An error occurred while disabling disaster recovery operations on the standby site.

Standby Stand Alone

Executing the workflows to establish a previous standby site that lost connectivity with the other two sites as an independent system by removing all disaster recovery configurations.


The site has lost connectivity with the other two sites.

Table 3. Witness Site States
State Description


Newly installed site. Disaster recovery information is not available yet.


This site has been designated as the witness site and the validation checks have completed successfully.


Configuration of the witness site has completed successfully.


The site has lost connectivity with the other two sites.

Upgrade a Disaster Recovery System

In this scenario, the first Cisco DNA Center version installed on your appliances was an earlier 2.1.x version and now you want to upgrade to the latest version. Also, disaster recovery is enabled and operational on these appliances. Complete the following steps to complete the upgrade:


Step 1

Place Your System on Pause.

Step 2

Upgrade the appliances at your main and recovery sites to the latest Cisco DNA Center version (see the Cisco DNA Center Upgrade Guide).

Step 3

Replace the Current Witness Site.

Step 4

Rejoin Your System.



After upgrading to Cisco DNA Center 2.3.5 from version 2.3.4 or earlier, data migration takes place the first time a Rejoin operation is initiated. As a result, it will take longer for this operation to complete. The migration may add minutes or even hours to the completion time, depending on the amount of Cisco DNA Center data that's present. Keep in mind that this data migration only happens after an upgrade. This will not impact subsequent Rejoin operations.

Failovers: An Overview

A failover takes place when your disaster recovery system's standby site takes over the responsibilities of the former active site and becomes the new active site. Cisco DNA Center supports two types of failover:

  • System-triggered: Occurs when your system's active site experiences an issue that brings it offline (such as a hardware failure or network outage). When Cisco DNA Center recognizes that the active site has not been able to communicate with the rest of the Enterprise network (and the standby and witness sites) for seven minutes, it completes the tasks necessary for your standby site to assume its role so that network operations can continue without interruption.

  • Manual: Occurs when a super-admin user instructs Cisco DNA Center to swap the roles that are currently held by your system's active and standby sites. You would typically do this before you update the Cisco DNA Center software that is installed on a site's appliances or perform routine site maintenance.

After either type of failover has taken place and the former active site has come back online, your disaster recovery system automatically moves the site to the Standby Ready state. To establish this site as the new standby site, click Rejoin in the Action area of the Monitoring tab.

Initiate a Manual Failover

When you manually initiate a failover, you instruct Cisco DNA Center to swap the roles that are currently assigned to your disaster recovery system's main and recovery site. Manual failover is useful if you know that the current active site is experiencing issues and you want to proactively designate the standby site as the new active site. Complete the following procedure to initiate a manual failover.


You cannot initiate a manual failover from your witness site. You can only do so from the current active site.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose System > Disaster Recovery to open the Disaster Recovery page.

The Monitoring tab is selected, by default, and displays your disaster recovery system's topology. In the following example, the user is logged in to the current active site.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the system topology.

Step 2

In the Action area, click Manual Failover.

The Disaster Recovery Manual Failover dialog opens, indicating that the standby site will assume the Active role.

Step 3

Click Continue to proceed.

A message is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the page, indicating that the failover process has started. The site previously acting as the active site is isolated from the system and enters the Standby Ready state.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the site previously acting as the active site in the Standby Ready state.

At this point, the main and recovery sites are not connected and data replication is not taking place. If the former active site is experiencing issues, now is a good time to resolve those issues.

A subsequent failover (initiated by either the system or a user) cannot take place until you add the former active site back to your disaster recovery system.

Step 4

Reconnect the main and recovery sites and reconfigure your disaster recovery system:

  1. Log in to your recovery site.

  2. In the Action area, click Rejoin.

A dialog opens, indicating that data on the standby site will be erased.

Step 5

Click Continue to proceed and restart data replication.

After Cisco DNA Center completes the relevant workflows, the manual failover completes. The main site, which was currently serving as the active site, is now the standby site.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the site previously acting as the active site in the standby state.

Step 6

Confirm that your disaster recovery system is operational again:

  1. In the top-right corner of the Monitoring tab, verify that its status is listed as Up and Running.

  2. In the Event Timeline, verify that the Rejoin task completed successfully.

    The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Event Timeline with the Rejoin task completed successfully.

Pause Your Disaster Recovery System

By pausing your main and recovery sites, you are effectively breaking up your disaster recovery system. The sites will no longer be connected and instead will act as standalone clusters. You would want to pause your system to temporarily disable the replication of data from the active site to the standby site if you plan to break up your system for an extended period of time. You would also pause the disaster recovery system to do one of the following:

  • Complete any administrative tasks, such as upgrade the clusters or install additional packages.

  • Replace the system or disaster recovery certificate.

  • Perform maintenance on the main, recovery, or witness site clusters.

  • Prepare for a planned network or power outage.

Place Your System on Pause

To pause your disaster recovery system temporarily, which you would typically do before performing maintenance on a system component, complete the following procedure:


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose System > Disaster Recovery to open the Disaster Recovery page.

The Monitoring tab is selected, by default, and displays your disaster recovery system's topology.

Step 2

In the Action area, click Pause.

Step 3

In the resulting dialog, click Continue to proceed.

A message is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the page, indicating that the process to pause your system has started. To pause your system, Cisco DNA Center disables data and service replication. It also reinstates the services that were suspended on your recovery site. As this is taking place, the status for your main and recovery sites is set to Pausing in the topology.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the system topology. The main and recovery sites are in Pausing state.

After Cisco DNA Center completes the necessary tasks, the topology updates and sets the status for your main, recovery, and witness sites as Paused.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the system topology. The main and recovery sites are in Paused state.

Step 4

Confirm that your disaster recovery system has been paused:

  1. In the top right corner of the Monitoring tab, verify that its status is listed as Paused.

  2. In the Event Timeline, verify that the Pause Disaster Recovery System task completed successfully.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the Even Timeline with the Pause Disaster Recovery System task completed successfully.

Rejoin Your System

Complete the following procedure to restart a disaster recovery system that is currently on pause.


Step 1

Click the menu icon () and choose System > Disaster Recovery to open the Disaster Recovery page.

The Monitoring tab is selected, by default, and displays your disaster recovery system's topology.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the system topology. The main and recovery sites are in Paused state.

Step 2

In the Action area, click Rejoin.

A dialog opens, indicating that all the data on your standby site will be erased.

Step 3

Click Continue to proceed.

A message is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the page, indicating that the process to reconnect your main, recovery, and witness sites has started. As this is taking place, the status for your main and recovery sites is set to Configuring in the topology.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the system topology. The main and recovery sites are in Configuring state.

After Cisco DNA Center completes the necessary tasks, the topology updates the status for your main, recovery, and witness sites.

The Monitoring tab of the Cisco DNA Center Disaster Recovery window displays the system topology after rejoining.

Step 4

Confirm that your disaster recovery system is operational again by verifying that its status is listed as Up and Running in the top-right corner of the Monitoring tab.

Disaster Recovery System Considerations

This section describes things to be aware of when managing your disaster recovery system.

Backup and Restore Considerations

  • A backup can only be scheduled from your system's active site.

  • You cannot restore a backup file when disaster recovery is enabled. You must first pause your system temporarily. For more information, see Place Your System on Pause.

  • You should only restore a backup file on the site that was the active site prior to pausing your system. After you restore the backup file, you then need to rejoin your system's sites. Doing so will reinstate disaster recovery and initiate the replication of the active site's data to the standby site. For more information, see Rejoin Your System.

  • You can only restore a backup file on cluster nodes that have the same Cisco DNA Center version installed as the other nodes in your system.

  • After a failover takes place, your deployment's backup and restore settings and schedule are not replicated to the new active site. You will need to configure them again.

  • If applicable to your deployment, we recommend that you upgrade the TLS version for incoming TLS connections to Cisco DNA Center. In the Cisco DNA Center Security Best Practices Guide, see the "Change the Minimum TLS Version and Enable RC4-SHA (Not Secure)" topic. If you have already upgraded your main site, we recommend that you also upgrade your recovery site (ideally before you activate your disaster recovery system or after a failover occurs).

For more information on backing up and restoring your disaster recovery system, see Backup and Restore.

Node or Cluster Replacement Considerations

You cannot do either of the following without breaking your disaster recovery system's configuration:

  • Replace one of the nodes in a 1+1+1 setup.

  • Replace all of one site's nodes in a 3+3+1 setup.

If you need to do so, ensure that you then complete the steps described in Deregister Your System to get your system up and running again.

Reconfiguration Considerations

  • Any data present on the appliances that reside at the recovery site will be deleted in the following scenarios:

    • When setting up your disaster recovery system for the first time and you activate the system.

    • When the recovery site is the current active site, you pause your system, deregister it, and then reregister it as the recovery site.

  • When you reconfigure an existing disaster recovery system, make sure you know which site is the current active site and register it as your system's main site. Alternatively, you can make a backup of the recovery site's data (if it's currently active) and restore this data on your system's main site prior to the system's reconfiguration.

  • The following changes cannot be made without reconfiguring your system:

    • Changing the IP addresses and static/default routes configured for your disaster recovery system's Enterprise and Management interfaces.

    • Updating a site's cluster_hostname setting.

    Complete the steps described in Deregister Your System to configure new IP addresses and routes. If you updated the cluster_hostname value, complete these same steps after doing so.

HA Considerations

You cannot convert the main and recovery sites from single-node clusters to HA clusters without breaking your disaster recovery system's configuration. If you need to do so, do the following:

  1. Deregister Your System.

  2. Convert both sites to HA clusters.

  3. Reregister and reactivate disaster recovery (see Configure Disaster Recovery).

Site Failure Considerations

By default, the disaster recovery system waits seven minutes before recognizing that a site has failed and taking one of the following actions:

  • When the active site goes down, it starts the failover process.

  • When either the standby or witness site goes down, the system marks that site as down and disables the ability to start any tasks from the Action area.

If you try to initiate a task before the seven minutes have passed, the Details area will display a message that indicates why it cannot be completed.

VLAN Mode Considerations

  • For a description of VLAN Mode, see Steps 7 and 8 in the Cisco DNA Center Installation Guide's "Configure the Primary Node Using the Maglev Wizard" topic.

  • VLAN Mode:

    • Can only be enabled when you configure a Cisco DNA Center appliance using the Maglev Configuration wizard.

    • Can't be enabled using any of the browser-based configuration wizards.

    • Can't be disabled without reimaging the appliance.

  • The following items are not supported by Cisco DNA Center deployments that have VLAN Mode enabled:

    • Cisco DNA Center in an ACI fabric

    • Disaster recovery

Disaster Recovery Event Notifications

You can configure Cisco DNA Center to send a notification whenever a disaster recovery event takes place. See the "Work with Event Notifications" topic in the Cisco DNA Center Platform User Guide for a description of how to configure and subscribe to these notifications. When completing this procedure, ensure that you select and subscribe to the SYSTEM-DISASTER-RECOVERY event in the Platform > Developer Toolkit > Events table.

After you subscribe, Cisco DNA Center sends a notification indicating that the IPsec session is down because the system's certificate has expired. Do the following to update this certificate:

  1. Place Your System on Pause.

  2. On both your main and recovery site, replace the current system certificate. Click the menu icon () and choose System > Settings > Trust & Privacy > System Certificates.

  3. Rejoin Your System.

Supported Events

The following table lists the disaster recovery events that Cisco DNA Center generates notifications for when they take place.

System Health Status




The disaster recovery system is operational.

Activate DR (Disaster Recovery Setup Successful)


Failover to either the main or recovery site has completed successfully.

Failover Successful


Registration of the main site has completed successfully.

Successfully Registered Main Site


Registration of the recovery site has completed successfully.

Successfully Registered Recovery Site


Registration of the witness site has completed successfully.

Successfully Registered Witness Site


The disaster recovery system has been paused successfully.

DR Pause Success


The standby site is operational.

Standby Site Up


The witness site is operational.

Witness Site Up


The disaster recovery system has been unregistered successfully.

Unregister Success


Failover to either the main or recovery site has failed.

Failover Failed


Automated failover is not available because the standby site is currently down.

Standby Cluster Down


Automated failover is not available because the witness site is currently down.

Witness Cluster Down


Unable to place the disaster recovery system on pause.

Pause Failure


BGP route advertisement failed.

BGP Failure


The IPsec tunnel connecting your system's sites is operational.

IPsec Up


The IPsec tunnel connecting your system's sites is currently down.

IPsec Down


Disaster recovery system configuration failed.

Activate DR Failure


The site that is currently in the Standby Ready state is unable to rejoin the disaster recovery system.

Activate DR Failure


Unregistration of the disaster recovery system failed.

Unregistration Failed


Registration of the main site failed.

Main Registration Failed


Registration of the recovery site failed.

Recovery Registration Failed


Registration of the witness site failed.

Witness Registration Failed

Troubleshoot Your Disaster Recovery System

The following table describes the issues that your disaster recovery system may present and how to deal with them.


If a disaster recovery operation fails or times out, click Retry to perform the operation again. If the problem persists and its solution is not provided in the following table, contact Cisco TAC for assistance.

Table 4. Disaster Recovery System Issues
Error Code Message Solution


Token does not match.

The token provided during recovery site registration does not match the token generated during main site registration. From the main site's Disaster Recovery > Configuration tab, click Copy Token to ensure that you copy the correct token.


Packages (package names) are mandatory and not installed on the main site.

Install the listed packages before registering the system.


Invalid credentials.

Confirm that you entered the correct credentials for the main site during recovery and witness site registration.


() site is trying to () with invalid IP address. Expected is (); actual is ().

The main site IP address provided during recovery and witness site registration is different from the IP address that was provided during main site registration.


Unable to connect to (recovery or witness site).

Verify that the main site is up.


All the nodes are not up for (main or recovery site).

Check whether all three of the site's nodes are up.


High availability should be enabled on (main or recovery) site cluster.

Enable high availability (HA):

  1. Log in to the site you need to enable HA on.

  2. Click the menu icon () and choose System > Settings > System Configuration > High Availability.

  3. Click Activate High Availability.


(Main or recovery) site has no third party certificate.

Replace the default certificate that Cisco DNA Center is currently using with a third-party certificate. See Update the Cisco DNA Center Server Certificate for more information.


Save cluster metadata failed.

Contact Cisco TAC for help with completing the appropriate recovery procedure.


Appliance mismatch between main () and recovery ().

Different appliances are used by the main and recovery sites. To successfully register disaster recovery, both sites must use the same 56 or 112 core appliance.


Failed to advertise BGP. Reason: ().

See Troubleshoot BGP Route Advertisement Issues for more information.


Failed to stop BGP advertisement. Reason: ().

See Troubleshoot BGP Route Advertisement Issues for more information.


Failed to establish secure connection between main () and ()().

No solution is available for this issue. Contact Cisco TAC for assistance.


Cannot ping VIP: (main, recovery, or witness site's VIP or IP address).

Do the following:

  • Verify that the address specified is correct.

  • Check whether the address is reachable from the other addresses.


Unable to reach main site. ()

Check whether the Enterprise virtual IP address configured for the main site is reachable from the recovery and witness sites.


Unable to check IP addresses are on the same interface. Retry the operation. ()

Retry the operation you just attempted.


The disaster recovery enterprise VIP () and the IP addresses () are not configured or reachable via the same interface. Check the gateway or static routes configuration.

Communication between a disaster recovery system's sites relies on the Enterprise network. The main and recovery site's Enterprise virtual IP address, and the witness site's IP address, need to be reachable via the Enterprise interface.

This error indicates that the IP address/virtual IP address configured for one or multiple sites uses an interface other than the Enterprise interface for communication.


The disaster recovery management VIP (VIP address) and the IPs (IP addresses) are configured/reachable via same interface. It should be configured/reachable via management interface. Check the gateway or static routes' configuration.

The disaster recovery system's Management virtual IP address needs to be configured on the Management interface. This error indicates that the virtual IP address is currently configured on an interface where the Management cluster's virtual IP address has not been configured.

Add a /32 static route to the Management virtual IP address that's configured on the Management interface.


Certificates required to establish IPsec session not found.

From the System Certificate page (System > Settings > Trust & Privacy > System Certificates), try uploading the third-party certificate again and then retry registration. If the problem persists, contact Cisco TAC for assistance.


Self-signed certificate is not allowed. Upload a third-party certificate and retry.


Disaster recovery requires first non-wildcard DNS name to be same in main and recovery. {} in {} site certificate is not same as {} in {} site certificate.

The third-party certificate installed on your main and recovery sites has different DNS names specified for your disaster recovery system. Generate a third-party certificate that specifies a DNS name for your system and upload this certificate to both sites.



Ensure that the DNS name does not use a wildcard.


Disaster recovery requires at least one non-wildcard DNS name. No DNS name found in certificate.

The third-party certificate installed on your main and recovery sites does not specify a DNS name for your disaster recovery system. Cisco DNA Center uses this name to configure the IPsec tunnel that connects your system's sites. Generate a third-party certificate that specifies a DNS name for your system and upload this certificate to both sites.



Ensure that the DNS name does not use a wildcard.

When all three of your system's sites are not connected due to network partitioning or another condition, Cisco DNA Center sets the status of the sites to Isolated. Contact Cisco TAC for help with completing the appropriate recovery procedure.

External postgres services does not exists to check service endpoints.

Do the following:

  1. Log in to the site that the error occurred on.

  2. Run the following commands:

    • Kubectl get sep -A

    • kubectl get svc -A | grep external

  3. In the resulting output, search for external-postgres.

  4. If present, run the following command: kubectl delete sep external-postgres -n fusion

  5. Retry the operation that failed previously.

Success with errors.

If you see this message after initiating a failover or pausing your disaster recovery system, it indicates that the operation completed successfully even though one or multiple services encountered minor errors. You can go ahead and click Rejoin to restart your system. These errors will be resolved after you do so.


This message indicates that a disaster recovery operation failed because one or multiple services encountered a critical error. To troubleshoot the failure, we recommend that you view the Event Timeline and drill down to the relevant error. When you see this message, click Retry to perform the operation again.

Cannot ping VIP: (VIP address).

Verify that the Enterprise VIP address configured for your system is reachable.

VIP drop-down list is empty.

Confirm that your system's VIP addresses and intracluster link are configured properly.

Cannot perform (disaster recovery operation) due to ongoing workflow: BACKUP. Please try again at a later time.

A disaster recovery operation was triggered while a scheduled backup was running. Retry the operation after the backup finishes.

The GUI indicates that the standby site is still down after it has come back online.

If the standby site goes down and Cisco DNA Center's first attempt to isolate it from your disaster recovery system fails, it may not automatically initiate a second attempt. When this happens, the GUI will indicate that the site is down, even if it is operational again. In addition, you will not be able to restart your system as the standby site is stuck in maintenance mode.

To restore the standby site, do the following:

  1. In an SSH client, log in to the standby site.

  2. Run the maglev maintenance disable command to take the site out of maintenance mode.

  3. Log in to Cisco DNA Center.

  4. Click the menu icon () and choose System > Disaster Recovery.

    The Monitoring tab is selected by default.

  5. In the Action area, click Rejoin in order to restart your disaster recovery system.

Multiple services exists for MongoDB to check node-port label.

For debugging, the MongoDB node port is exposed as a service. Run the following commands to identify this port and hide it:

  • kubectl get svc --all-namespaces | grep mongodb

  • magctl service unexpose mongodb <port-number>

Multiple services exist for Postgres to check node-port label.

For debugging, the Postgres node port is exposed as a service. Run the following commands to identify this port and hide it:

  • kubectl get svc --all-namespaces | grep postgres

  • magctl service unexpose postgres <port-number>

Two-Site Failure Scenarios

A two-site failure occurs when at least two of your disaster recovery system's three sites go down at the same time or the sites have been partitioned. Refer to the following table for a description of how Cisco DNA Center responds to the various failure scenarios and any user actions that need to be taken.

Failure Scenario System and User Response

Scenario 1: Two of your system's sites go down.

  1. The system isolates the site that's still online.



    Even if this operation fails, complete the first task described in Step 3 if you plan to operate this site as a standalone site.

  2. Log in to this site.

  3. If you want the site to operate as a standalone site, click Standalone and then click Continue in the resulting dialog box.

    If you choose this option and want to reestablish your disaster recovery system later, you'll need to do the following:

    1. Reset the witness site by running the witness reset command.

    2. Log in to the other site that failed and click Standalone so that it also operates as a standalone site for the time being.

    3. Log in to the site that's still online and reconfigure your disaster recovery system. When you set this site to operate in standalone mode, the VIP configured for your system is deleted from the sites that went down. This step is key since it will reconfigure your system's VIP on these sites.

    If you don't want the site to operate as a standalone site, first bring the two sites that went down back up. Then do one of the following:

    • If the witness site remains offline, refer to the Scenario 3 system and user response.

    • If the standby site remains offline, refer to the Scenario 4 system and user response.

    • If the active site remains offline, refer to the Scenario 5 system and user response.

When a site enters standalone mode, the system automatically configures its virtual IP address for that site. It also advertises its virtual IP address routes to prevent network reprovisioning.

Scenario 2: The active, standby, and witness sites go down and come back online about the same time.

  1. The system isolates the active and standby sites.

  2. The system restores the active site and the standby site enters the Standby Ready state.

  3. You are notified that the system has recovered from a two-system failure.

    For confirmation, refer to the Event Timeline.

  4. Configure Disaster Recovery.

Scenario 3: The active, standby, and witness sites go down. The active and standby sites come back online while the witness site remains offline.

  1. The system isolates the active and standby sites.

  2. The system restores the active site and the standby site enters the Standby Ready state.

  3. You are notified that the system has recovered from a two-system failure.

    For confirmation, refer to the Event Timeline.

  4. Do one of the following:

Scenario 4: The active, standby, and witness sites go down. The active and witness sites come back online while the standby site remains offline.

  1. The system isolates and then restores the active site.

  2. You are notified that the system has recovered from a two-system failure.

    For confirmation, refer to the Event Timeline.

  3. After the former active site comes back online and enters the Standby Ready state, Configure Disaster Recovery.

    If you've determined that you need to replace the nodes at the standby site, do the following instead:

    1. Log in to the witness site and run the witness reset command.

    2. Log in to the active site, click Standalone, and then click Continue.

    3. Replace the nodes at the standby site.

    4. If the witness site will use a virtual machine that's newer than the one that was used previously, complete the steps described in Install the Witness Site. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

    5. Configure Disaster Recovery.

Scenario 5: The active, standby, and witness sites go down. The standby and witness sites come back online while the active site remains offline.

  1. The system isolates the standby site and then establishes it as the new active site.

  2. You are notified that the system has recovered from a two-system failure.

    For confirmation, refer to the Event Timeline.

  3. After the former active site comes back online and enters the Standby Ready state, Configure Disaster Recovery.

    If you've determined that you need to replace the nodes at the standby site, do the following instead:

    1. Log in to the witness site and run the witness reset command.

    2. Log in to the active site, click Standalone, and then click Continue.

    3. Replace the nodes at the standby site.

    4. If the witness site will use a virtual machine that's newer than the one that was used previously, complete the steps described in Install the Witness Site. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

    5. Configure Disaster Recovery.

Troubleshoot BGP Route Advertisement Issues

If you receive a BGP route advertisement error, complete the following procedure to troubleshoot the cause.


Step 1

From the Cisco DNA Center cluster, validate the BGP session's status:

  1. In the Event Timeline, confirm whether the Starting BGP advertisement task completed successfully (Activate Disaster Recovery System > View Details > Configure active > View Details).

    If the task failed, do the following before proceeding to Step 1b:

    1. Check whether the neighbor router indicated in the error message is up.

    2. Confirm whether the neighbor router has connectivity with Cisco DNA Center. If it doesn't, restore connectivity and then retry activating the new disaster recovery system or restarting an existing system that was paused.

  2. In the Cisco DNA Center GUI, view the disaster recovery system's Logical Topology and determine whether the neighbor router is currently active.

    If it's down, check whether the Cisco DNA Center cluster is configured as a BGP neighbor from the router's perspective. If it's not, configure the cluster as a neighbor and then retry activating the new disaster recovery system or restarting an existing system that was paused.

  3. Run the following commands to view the bgpd and bgpmanager log files:

    • sudo vim /var/log/quagga/bgpd.log

    • magctl service logs -rf bgpmanager | lql

    When viewing the log files, look for error messages. If you can't find any, this indicates that the BGP session is functioning properly.

  4. Check the status of the BGP session between Cisco DNA Center and its neighbor router by running the following command: echo admin-password| sudo VTYSH_PAGER=more -S -i vtysh -c 'show ip bgp summary'

    In the command output, look for the neighbor router's IP address. At the end of the same line, confirm that the router's connection state is listed as 0. If this is the case, this indicates that the BGP session is active and functioning properly.

Step 2

From the neighbor router indicated in the error message, validate the BGP session's status:

  1. Run the show ip bgp summary command.

  2. In the command output, look for the Cisco DNA Center cluster's virtual IP address. At the end of the same line, confirm that the cluster's connection state is listed as 0. If this is the case, this indicates that the BGP session is active and functioning properly.

  3. Run the show ip route command.

  4. View the command's output and confirm whether the disaster recovery system’s Enterprise virtual IP address is being advertised.

    For example, say your system's Enterprise virtual IP address is If this is the first IP address that you see in the output, this confirms that it is being advertised.