Downloading and Mass Deploying Applications

Use of this product requires additional applications that must be downloaded to your users' computers. You can download and mass deploy these applications using tools available to you on the Administration site. These applications include the following:

  • Cisco WebEx Meetings (Windows)
  • Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools (Windows)
  • Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player (Windows)

To get these applications installed on your users' computers, you can use the Administration site to configure automatic downloads, enable users to download the applications themselves, push applications to your users' computers, or download the installation files and manually install them on your users' computers.

This product can be used on computers whose users have administrator privileges and on those that do not. Automatic downloads, user-enabled download and installation, and pushing applications to your users' computers works when your users have administrator privileges. If your company does not give your users administrator privileges then you must use an alternative approach to install the applications on their computers.

On PCs with administrator privileges:
  • Users can download and install the Cisco WebEx Meetings application, Productivity Tools, and Network Recording Player from the end-user download pages. No additional administrator action is required.
  • Users are advised to install the Productivity Tools the first time they sign in.
  • The Cisco WebEx Meetings application is downloaded on-demand the first time a user joins a meeting and is installed silently on the user's PC.

On PCs without administrator privileges:

  • We recommend that you push the Cisco WebEx Meetings application and Productivity Tools to end-user desktops offline before you inform end-users that user accounts have been created for them. This ensures that your users can start and join meetings from their web browsers and Windows desktops the first time they sign in.
  • You can acquire the .MSI installers for each from the Admin > Settings > Downloads page. See "Configuring Your Download Settings" section in the "Configuring Settings" chapter of the Cisco WebEx Meetings Server Configuration Guide for more information.
  • If you decide against pushing the applications to your users, they can still access these applications from the end-user download pages. However, if their PCs prohibit installation of downloaded applications, they will not be able to complete the installation process.
  • When users join meetings by using their web browser (the Cisco WebEx Meetings application can still be downloaded on demand) they can join meetings successfully. In addition, the Cisco WebEx Meetings application attempts to perform an installation to speed up the process of starting or joining future meetings. This fails because their PCs do not have administrator privileges.

Downloading Applications from the Administration Site

You can configure your system so that administrators can manually download Cisco WebEx desktop applications to users or you can enable users to perform their own downloads.

    Step 1   Sign in to the Administration site.
    Step 2   Select Settings > Downloads.
    Step 3   Select the Auto update WebEx Productivity Tools check box to configure periodic automatic updates. (Default: checked.)
    Step 4   Select your download method:
    • Permit users to download WebEx desktop applications
    • Manually push WebEx desktop applications to user's desktop

    If you select Permit users to download WebEx desktop applications, you can select Save to finish your Download configuration. No further action is necessary. If you select Manually push WebEx desktop applications to user’s desktop, proceed to the next step.

    Use the Manually push WebEx desktop applications to user’s desktop option to enable conferencing for users who do not have administrator permissions.

    If you select Manually push WebEx desktop applications to user’s desktop, the Cisco WebEx Meetings, Productivity Tools, and Network Recording Player sections appear on the page.

    Step 5   In the WebEx Meetings section select Download and then select Save to save the ZIP file to your system.

    The ZIP file contains installers for the Windows platform in all available languages. After you open the ZIP file, select the installer for your platform and language. The installer for Windows systems is an MSI file.

    Step 6   In the Productivity Tools section, select Download and then select Save to save the ZIP file to your system.

    The ZIP file contains installers for all available languages. After you open the ZIP file, select the installer for your language. The installer is an MSI file.

    Step 7   In the WebEx Network Recording Player section select Download and then select Save to save the ZIP file to your system.

    The ZIP file contains installers for the Windows platform in all available languages. After you open the ZIP file, select the installer for your platform and language. The installer for Windows systems is an MSI file.

    Step 8   Select Save to save your download settings.

    You can unzip the downloaded file and deploy the MSI files to user's desktops with the mass deployment software used by your enterprise. This ensures that the clients are ready for operation when a user wants to schedule or join meetings or view recordings.

    What to Do Next

    For more information about deploying the clients in a Windows environment, refer to the following sections:

    Each ZIP file contains the application installer for all 13 supported languages. See Contents of the Application ZIP Files for information on determining which installer to use in each ZIP file.

    Contents of the Application ZIP Files

    This section describes the installer applications contained in each of the ZIP files that you download from the Administration site. The ZIP files contain one installer application per language. This section also provides a key to help you determine the language of each installer. Windows installer applications are provided in 13 languages.

    Application Language Key

    The English application installer file in each ZIP file is titled without a language suffix. For example, the WebEx Meetings client is titled onpremmc.msi (Windows). The application installer file for each of the other 12 languages contains an abbreviation in its title that indicates the language of the application it contains. See the following table for the abbreviation used for each language:

    Abbreviation Language
    B5 Traditional Chinese
    DE German
    ES Latin American Spanish
    FR French
    GB Simplified Chinese
    IT Italian
    JP Japanese
    KO Korean
    NL Dutch
    PT Portuguese
    RU Russian
    SP Spanish

    Productivity Tools ZIP File Contents

    The Productivity Tools ZIP file contains the following files. Use the key in the table above to determine the language of each file. Note that there is no Mac version of the Productivity Tools.

    • ptools.msi
    • ptools_B5.msi
    • ptools_DE.msi
    • ptools_ES.msi
    • ptools_FR.msi
    • ptools_GB.msi
    • ptools_IT.msi
    • ptools_JP.msi
    • ptools_KO.msi
    • ptools_NL.msi
    • ptools_PT.msi
    • ptools_RU.msi
    • ptools_SP.msi

    WebEx Meetings Client ZIP File Contents

    The WebEx Meetings client ZIP file contains the following files. Use the key in the table above to determine the language of each file.

    • onpremmc.msi
    • onpremmc_B5.msi
    • onpremmc_DE.msi
    • onpremmc_ES.msi
    • onpremmc_FR.msi
    • onpremmc_GB.msi
    • onpremmc_IT.msi
    • onpremmc_JP.msi
    • onpremmc_KO.msi
    • onpremmc_NL.msi
    • onpremmc_PT.msi
    • onpremmc_RU.msi
    • onpremmc_SP.msi

    Network Recording Player ZIP File Contents


    Network Recording Player is only available for download and mass deployment if you have selected "Permit users to download WebEx desktop applications" on the Downloads page. Refer to "Configuring Your Download Settings" in the Cisco WebEx Meetings Server Administration Guide for more information.

    The Network Recording Player ZIP file contains the following files. Use the key in the table above to determine the language of each file.

    • nbr2player_onprem.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_B5.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_DE.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_ES.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_FR.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_GB.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_IT.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_JP.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_KO.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_NL.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_PT.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_RU.msi
    • nbr2player_onprem_SP.msi

    Mass Deployment of Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools

    This section is designed to help your organization understand the tasks involved in installing Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools. This section is a comprehensive guide that covers various types of installations, including a single-computer installation and large-scale installations using Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS). Cisco WebEx Meetings Server supports integration for Outlook which is contained in the ptools.msi package.

    Silent Installation by the Administrator Using the Command Line

    Administrators can sign in to a user’s computer and install Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools using silent mode.

    Before You Begin

    Before you install a maintenance release or upgrade your system to a newer release, your users must uninstall Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools running on their desktops.

      Step 1   Sign in to the user's computer.
      Step 2   Download the MSI package to the computer's hard drive and then open the Windows Command Prompt.

      On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you must use “run as administrator” to open it.

      Step 3   Run the MSI command to install Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools silently.

      Example:msiexec.exe /q /i "ptools.msi" SITEURL="" OI=1
      Parameter Name Value Description
      OI 1 Enable Outlook Integration
      0 (default) Disable Outlook Integration
      Step 4   Restart the computer.

      Silent Uninstallation by the Administrator Using the Command Line

      Administrators can sign in to a user’s computer and uninstall Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools using silent mode.

        Step 1   Sign in to the user's computer.
        Step 2   Download the MSI package to some location and then open the Windows Command Prompt.

        On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you must use “run as administrator” to open it.

        Step 3   Uninstall all components of the MSI package ptools.msi by entering the following command:

        Example:msiexec.exe /q /x "ptools.msi"

        Silent Installation Using SMS

        The following limitations apply when you perform a silent installation using SMS:

        • SMS per-user mode cannot be supported.
        • If the SMS administrator wants to add a feature for WebEx Productivity Tools, the administrator must run the REMOVE command first and then run the ADDSOURCE command, even though the feature has not been installed before.
        • If a user logs on to a computer with remote desktop while their administrator advertises the package, he must restart the computer to make sure WebEx Productivity Tools will work normally.
        • Mass deployment is possible but each user must enter credential information.

        Advertising Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program

        If you are the SMS administrator, perform the following procedure to advertise the Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools using the SMS per-system unattended program.

        Before You Begin

        Before you install a maintenance release or upgrade your system to a newer release, your users must uninstall Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools running on their desktops. After the upgrade, you can use the Administration site to manually push the Productivity Tools to your users or users can download Productivity Tools from the end-user Downloads page.

        Sign in to the Administration site and manually push the Productivity Tools to the user's desktop. Refer to the "Configuring Your Download Settings" section of the Cisco WebEx Meetings Server Administration Guide for more information.

          Step 1   Create a package from the definition. See Creating a Package from a Definition for more information.
          Step 2   Change the program options for “Per-system unattended” before advertisement:
          1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools 2.80 English > Programs.
          2. Right-click the Per-system unattended option and then select Properties to open the Per-system unattended Program Properties dialog box.
          3. Select the Environment tab.
            • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.
            • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program.)
          4. Select the General tab.
          5. Append an additional parameter to the command line option to specify some options for Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools:
            • Append SITEURL=″″ to specify the WebEx Site URL used by your company.
            • Append Productivity Tools flags to specify which component is enabled for WebEx Productivity Tools. The parameters should be uppercase and the default value is 0 (Disabled). In the following example, the initial command line is msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIZWPBY /i "ptools.msi".
            • Append Productivity Tools flags and parameters to the command line: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIZWPBY /i "ptools.msi" SITEURL="" OI=1 .

              See the parameters table in Silent Installation by the Administrator Using the Command Line for parameter definitions.

          Step 3   Now you can advertise the program.
          1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools 2.80 English > Programs.
          2. Right-click Per-system unattended.
          3. Select All Tasks > Distribute Software.
          4. Select Next in the Distribute Program Wizard.
          5. Select the SMS Server and select Next.
          6. Select the collection and select Next.
          7. Enter the advertisement name in the Name field and select Next.
          8. Specify whether the advertisement should apply to subcollections and select Next.
          9. Specify when the program will be advertised and select Next.
          10. Specify whether to assign the program and select Next.
          11. Select Finish on the Completing the Distribute Program Wizard page.
          12. Navigate to the \Site Database\System Status\Advertisement Status directory and check the advertisement status.

            If you enable notification, the user will see a message indicating that the assigned program is going to run after the program has been advertised. The assigned program will run silently.

          Removing Productivity Tools Components by Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program

          Perform the following procedure to remove Productivity Tools:

            Step 1   Create a new program and copy all the options from the “per-system unattended program” as described in Advertising Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program, and then update the command line:
            1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools 2.80 English > Programs.
            2. Right-click the blank area and then select New > Program.
            3. Enter the program name and default command line.
            4. In the Properties dialog box, select the Environment tab.
              • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.
              • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program).
            5. Update the command-line on the General tab.
            6. Append REMOVE to the command line and specify the features that need to be removed.

              Example:If you want to remove OI, enter the following command: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "ptools.msi" REMOVE="OI"
            Step 2   Advertise the program to the specified collection of work machines in the domain. See Silent Installation Using SMS for more information.

            Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools will be updated on these machines silently.

            Adding Productivity Tools Components by Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program

            For an administrator to add a component to the Productivity Tools, he must run REMOVE first and then run ADDSOURCE, even though the component has not been installed before.

              Step 1   Create a new program named “Add-phase1” and copy all the options from the “per-system unattended program,” and then update the command line:
              1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools 2.80 English > Programs.
              2. Right-click the blank area and then select New > Program.
              3. Enter the program name and default command line.
              4. On the properties dialog and select the Environment tab.
                • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.
                • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program).
              5. Update the command-line on the General tab.
              6. Append REMOVE to the command line and specify the features that need to be added.

                Example:If you want to add OI , you must REMOVE them first, even if they are not already installed: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "ptools.msi" REMOVE="OI"
              Step 2   Advertise the program to the specified collection of work machines in the domain. See Silent Installation Using SMS for more information.
              Step 3   Create a second program name, “Add-phrase2”, and copy all the options from the “per-system unattended program” and then update the command line:
              1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools 2.80 English > Programs.
              2. Right-click the blank area and then select New > Program.
              3. Enter the program name and default command line.
              4. On the properties dialog box select the Environment tab.
                • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.
                • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. (Do not turn on Allow users to interact with this program).
              5. On the properties dialog box select the Advanced tab.
              6. Turn on Run another program first and select program Add-phase1.
              7. Update the command-line on the General tab.
              8. Append ADDSOURCE to the command line and specify the features that need to be added.

                Example:If you want to add OI, use this sample command: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "ptools.msi" ADDSOURCE="OI" OI=1
              Step 4   Advertise the program to the specified collection of work machines in the domain. See Silent Installation Using SMS for more information.

              Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools will be updated on these machines silently.

              Uninstalling Productivity Tools Using the SMS Per-System Uninstall Program

              The SMS administrator can uninstall Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools using the SMS per-system uninstall program by performing the following procedure.

                Step 1   Use the SMS Installation package created in Creating a Package from a Definition.
                Step 2   Advertise the per-system uninstall program to uninstall Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools.

                Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools will be uninstalled on these machines silently.

                Advertising the Program to Update the New Version of WebEx Productivity Tools

                Perform the following procedure to advertise the program to update to the new version of Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools.

                Before You Begin

                Before you install a maintenance release or upgrade your system to a newer release, your users must uninstall Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools running on their desktops. After the upgrade, you can use the Administration site to manually push the Productivity Tools to your users or users can download Productivity Tools from the end-user Downloads page.

                Sign in to the Administration site, select Settings > Downloads and disable the following settings:

                • Auto update Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools
                • Permit users to download WebEx desktop applications
                  Step 1   Create a new SMS installation package using the WebEx Productivity Tools MSI package. See Creating a Package from a Definition for more information.
                  Step 2   Change the program options for Per-system unattended before advertisement. See Adding Productivity Tools Components by Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program for more information.
                  Step 3   Advertise the program. See Adding Productivity Tools Components by Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program for more information.

                  The old Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools are removed and the new Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools are installed silently.

                  Creating a Package from a Definition

                  Perform the following procedure to create a package from a definition.

                    Step 1   Open the SMS Administrator Console and select Site Database > Package.
                    Step 2   Right-click Package.
                    Step 3   Select New > Package From Definition.
                    Step 4   On the Create Package from Definition wizard, select Next .
                    Step 5   Select Browse to locate and select the WebEx Productivity Tools MSI package and then select Next.
                    Step 6   Select Always obtain files from a source directory and then select Next.
                    Step 7   Select Source directory location. The directory path is the folder where contains the install package. Then select Next.
                    Step 8   Select Finish.
                    Step 9   Select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Productivity Tools 2.80 English > Programs. There are six default programs available.

                    Mass Deployment of the Meetings Application

                    This section is designed to help your organization understand the tasks involved in installing Cisco WebEx Meetings application. This section is a comprehensive guide that covers various types of installations, including a single-computer installation and large-scale installations using Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS).


                    "Silent installation" means the application can be deployed silently but end-user configuration is necessary.

                    Installing Cisco WebEx Meetings

                    Before You Begin

                    The following pre-requisites apply to the Cisco WebEx Meetings installer:

                    • Installing the Cisco WebEx MSI package requires administrator privileges. The MSI package is installed to the default OS Programs folder which requires administrator privileges to access.
                    • The Cisco WebEx MSI package is developed for Windows Installer Service 2.0 or higher. If the local machine is configured with an older version, an error message will be displayed informing the user that in order to install this MSI package, a newer version of the Windows Installer Service is required. Upon executing the MSI package, the user will be prompted with a basic MSI interface.
                      Step 1   Launch the installer on the user's computer.

                      The installation wizard appears with an introductory message.

                      Step 2   Select Next on the following few dialogue boxes until you reach the installation dialogue box.
                      Step 3   Select Install.
                      Step 4   Select Finish after the installation is complete.

                      Uninstall Cisco WebEx Meetings Locally

                      You can sign in to a user's computer and uninstall the Cisco WebEx Meetings application from the Control Panel or the WebEx folder on the local hard drive.

                      Before You Begin

                      The Cisco WebEx Meetings application is installed on a user's computer.

                        Step 1   Sign in to the user's computer.
                        Step 2   Delete the Cisco WebEx Meetings application using one of the following methods:
                        • Select Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features. From the list of programs, select Cisco WebEx Meetings and then Uninstall/Change.
                        • Select Start > Computer > System (C:) > ProgramData folder > WebEx folder. Right-click atcliun.exe and select Delete.

                        When you uninstall atcliun.exe from the WebEx folder, both the on-premises and cloud versions of the Cisco WebEx Meetings application are removed, if both versions of the application were saved on the user's local hard drive. However, when you uninstall the application using the Control Panel, only the on-premises version of the application is uninstalled.

                        The Cisco WebEx Meetings application is unistalled from the user's computer.

                        Silent Installation by the Administrator Using the Command Line

                        You can sign in to a user's computer and install the Cisco WebEx Meetings application using silent mode.

                          Step 1   Sign in to the user's computer.
                          Step 2   Download the MSI package to the computer's hard drive and then open the Windows Command Prompt.

                          On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you must use "run as administrator" to open it.

                          Step 3   Enter the MSI command to install Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications silently.

                          Example:Enter msiexec /i onpremmc.msi /qn.
                          Step 4   Restart the computer.

                          Silent Uninstallation by the Administrator Using the Command Line

                          You can sign in to a user's computer and uninstall the Cisco WebEx Meetings application using silent mode.

                            Step 1   Sign in to the user's computer.
                            Step 2   Uninstall all components of the MSI package onpremmc.msi by entering the following command: msiexec/x onpremmc.msi/qn.

                            Silent Installation Using SMS

                            Before You Begin

                            The following limitations apply when you perform a silent installation using SMS:

                            • SMS per-user mode cannot be supported.
                            • If a user logs on to a computer with remote desktop while their administrator advertises the package, he must restart the computer to make sure the WebEx Meetings application works normally.

                            Advertising Cisco WebEx Meetings Application Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program

                            If you are the SMS administrator, perform the following procedure to advertise the Cisco WebEx Meetings application using the SMS per-system unattended program.

                            Before You Begin

                            Sign in to the Administration site and configure your Download settings to manually push the WebEx desktop applications to the user's desktop. Refer to the "Configuring Your Download Settings" section of the Cisco WebEx Meetings Server Administration Guide for more information.

                              Step 1   Create a package from the definition. See Creating a Package from a Definition for more information.
                              Step 2   Change the program options for "Per-system unattended" before advertisement:
                              1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Meeting Application English > Programs.
                              2. Right click the Per-system unattended option and select Properties to open the Per-system unattended Program Properties dialog box.
                              3. Select the Environment tab.
                                • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.
                                • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. Do not select Allow users to interact with this program.
                              4. Select the General tab.
                              5. Append an additional parameter to the command line option to specify some options for the WebEx Meetings application:

                                Example: For example, the initial command line is: msiexec /i "onpremmc.msi" /qn
                              Step 3   Now you can advertise the program.
                              1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Meeting Application English > Programs.
                              2. Right-click Per-system unattended.
                              3. Select All Tasks > Distribute Software.
                              4. Select Next in the Distribute Program Wizard.
                              5. Select the SMS Server and select Next.
                              6. Select the collection and select Next.
                              7. Enter the advertisement name in the Name field and select Next.
                              8. Specify whether the advertisement should apply to subcollections and select Next.
                              9. Specify when the program will be advertised and select Next.
                              10. Specify whether to assign the program and select Next.
                              11. Select Finish on the Completing the Distribute Program Wizard page.
                              12. Navigate to the \Site Database\System Status\Advertisement Status directory and check the advertisement status.

                                If you enable notification, the user will see a message indicating that the assigned program is going to run after the program has been advertised. The assigned program will run silently.

                              Uninstalling the Cisco WebEx Meetings Application Using the SMS Per-System Uninstall Program

                              The SMS administrator can uninstall the Cisco WebEx Meetings application using the SMS per-system uninstall program by performing the following procedure.

                                Step 1   Use the SMS Installation package created in Creating a Package from a Definition.
                                Step 2   Advertise the per-system uninstall program to uninstall the Cisco WebEx Meetings application.

                                The Cisco WebEx Meetings application will be uninstalled on the specified machines silently.

                                Mass Deployment of the Network Recording Player

                                This section is designed to help your organization understand the tasks involved in installing Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player. This section is a comprehensive guide that covers various types of installations, including a single-computer installation and large-scale installations using Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS).

                                Installing Network Recording Player

                                Before You Begin

                                The following pre-requisites apply to the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player installer:

                                • Installing the Cisco WebEx MSI package requires administrator privileges. The MSI package is installed to the default OS Programs folder which requires administrator privileges to access.
                                • The Cisco WebEx MSI package is developed for Windows Installer Service 2.0 or higher. If the local machine is configured with an older version, an error message will be displayed informing the user that in order to install this MSI package, a newer version of the Windows Installer Service is required. Upon executing the MSI package, the user will be prompted with a basic MSI interface.
                                  Step 1   Launch the installer on the user's computer.

                                  The installation wizard appears with an introductory message.

                                  Step 2   Select Next on the following few dialogue boxes until you reach the installation dialogue box.
                                  Step 3   Select Install.
                                  Step 4   Select Finish after the installation is complete.

                                  Silent Installation by the Administrator Using the Command Line

                                  You can sign in to a user's computer and install the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player using silent mode.

                                    Step 1   Sign in to the user's computer.
                                    Step 2   Download the MSI package to the computer's hard drive and then open the Windows Command Prompt.

                                    On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you must use "run as administrator" to open it.

                                    Step 3   Enter the MSI command to install Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player silently.

                                    Example:Enter msiexec/i nbr2player_onprem.msi/qn.
                                    Step 4   Restart the computer.

                                    Silent Uninstallation by the Administrator Using the Command Line

                                    You can sign in to a user's computer and uninstall the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player using silent mode.

                                      Step 1   Sign in to the user's computer.
                                      Step 2   Download the MSI package to some location and then open the Windows Command Prompt.

                                      On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you must use "run as administrator" to open it.

                                      Step 3   Uninstall all components of the MSI package onpremmc.msi by entering the following command: msiexec/i nbr2player_onprem.msi/qn.

                                      Silent Installation Using SMS

                                      Before You Begin

                                      The following limitations apply when you perform a silent installation using SMS:

                                      • SMS per-user mode cannot be supported.
                                      • If a user logs on to a computer with remote desktop while their administrator advertises the package, he must restart the computer to make sure the WebEx Meetings application works normally.

                                      Advertising Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player Using the SMS Per-System Unattended Program

                                      If you are the SMS administrator, perform the following procedure to advertise the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player using the SMS per-system unattended program.

                                      Before You Begin

                                      Sign in to the Administration site and configure your Download settings to manually push the WebEx desktop applications to the user's desktop. Refer to the "Configuring Your Download Settings" section of the Cisco WebEx Meetings Server Administration Guide for more information.

                                        Step 1   Create a package from the definition. See Creating a Package from a Definition for more information.
                                        Step 2   Change the program options for "Per-system unattended" before advertisement:
                                        1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player English > Programs.
                                        2. Right click the Per-system unattended option and select Properties to open the Per-system unattended Program Properties dialog box.
                                        3. Select the Environment tab.
                                          • For the Program can run option, select Only when a user is logged on.
                                          • For the Run mode option, select Run with administrative rights. Do not select Allow users to interact with this program.
                                        4. Select the General tab.
                                        5. Append an additional parameter to the command line option to specify some options for the WebEx Meetings application:

                                          Example: For example, the initial command line is: msiexec /i "nbr2player_onprem.msi" /qn
                                        Step 3   Now you can advertise the program.
                                        1. Open the SMS administrator console and select Site Database > Packages > Cisco WebEx LLC Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player English > Programs.
                                        2. Right-click Per-system unattended.
                                        3. Select All Tasks > Distribute Software.
                                        4. Select Next in the Distribute Program Wizard.
                                        5. Select the SMS Server and select Next.
                                        6. Select the collection and select Next.
                                        7. Enter the advertisement name in the Name field and select Next.
                                        8. Specify whether the advertisement should apply to subcollections and select Next.
                                        9. Specify when the program will be advertised and select Next.
                                        10. Specify whether to assign the program and select Next.
                                        11. Select Finish on the Completing the Distribute Program Wizard page.
                                        12. Navigate to the \Site Database\System Status\Advertisement Status directory and check the advertisement status.

                                          If you enable notification, the user will see a message indicating that the assigned program is going to run after the program has been advertised. The assigned program will run silently.

                                        Uninstalling the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player Using the SMS Per-System Uninstall Program

                                        The SMS administrator can uninstall the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player using the SMS per-system uninstall program by performing the following procedure.

                                          Step 1   Use the SMS Installation package created in Creating a Package from a Definition.
                                          Step 2   Advertise the per-system uninstall program to uninstall the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player.

                                          The Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player will be uninstalled on the specified machines silently.

                                          Reconfiguring Your Settings After Performing an Update


                                          Your network recording player application automatically upgrades the first time it is used to play a recording after an update is performed.

                                          After you perform an update of your Cisco WebEx Meetings Server software, you must update the paths to your mass-deployed applications.

                                          For Mac systems the path is /Users/(Local User)/Library/Application Support/WebEx Folder/.

                                          For Windows systems, your path depends on the version, download type , and web browser type:

                                          • Windows XP, Windows 2000
                                            • <SystemDisk>\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\WebEx (general administrative users)
                                            • <SystemDisk>\Program Files\WebEx (MSI installation of WebEx client)
                                            • <SystemDisk>\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\ WebEx (general users)
                                            • <SystemDisk>\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\WebEx (for Java downloads)
                                            • <SystemDisk>\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\webexmc (.exe solution)
                                            • <SystemDisk>\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Local Settings\Temp\WebEx (write <Username\WebEx fail)
                                            • <Folder name registered by ieatgpc.dll>\WebEx (if you have built ieatpgc.dll into your system)
                                            • <FireFoxDir>\plugins\WebEx (for Mozilla Firefox)
                                          • Windows 7 and Windows Vista: <SystemDisk>\ProgramData\WebEx
                                          • From Productivity Tools or WebEx Connect, use your Productivity Tools or WebEx Connect path.
                                          • If you are using MSI installation always use a unique path. Your system will ignore the pre-existing file.
                                          • If you are using the download type with Windows 7, your system will use a unique path. In Windows XP, if the GPC can find the registered table value, your system will use a pre-existing folder. Otherwise the system will use its own path as described above.

                                          Your client applications on both Windows and Mac systems are automatically updated to maintain compatibility with your updated system.

                                          In a locked down environment, you must perform your updates manually for Windows systems but not for Mac systems.