Step 1 |
Log in to the Cisco APIC.
Step 2 |
On the menu bar, click .
Step 3 |
In the Policies Navigation pane, lick Quick Start, and then in the central pane, click Configure Interfaces, PC, and VPC.
Step 4 |
In the Configure Interfaces, PC, and VPC dialog box, expand Configured Switch Interfaces, click the green + icon, and then perform the following steps:
In the Select Switches to Configure Interfaces area, make sure that the Quick radio button is selected.
From the Switches drop-down list, choose the appropriate leaf ID.
In the Switch Profile Name field, the switch profile name automatically appears.
Click the green + icon again.
The Configure Interfaces, PC, and VPC dialog box displays a wizard that enables you to configure vCenter domain, interface, and switch profiles.
Step 5 |
In the wizard, perform the following actions:
In the Interface Type area, choose the appropriate radio button.
In the Interfaces field, enter the interface or interface range for your vSphere hosts.
Once you enter the interface or interface range, the wizard enters a name in the Interface Selector Name field.
In the Interface Policy Group area, choose the Create One radio button.
This procedure assumes that you are creating interface and switch policies and creating a vCenter domain rather than using
existing ones. If you choose the Choose One radio button, you will not be able to create policies in the wizard.
From the CDP Policy or the LLDP Policy drop-down list, create a policy.
If you use a Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) server, create two policies. Create one policy to enable a Cisco Discovery
Protocol (CDP) policy and a second policy to disable Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).
CDP and LLDP policies are disabled by default. You can enable them in the configuration wizard. Enable CDP or LLDP policies
in the Interface Policy Group area to enable them on Cisco ACI Virtual Edge and other switches in the fabric. If you want to enable CDP or LLDP only on Cisco ACI Virtual Edge, enable them in the vSwitch Policy area of the configuration wizard.
From the Link Level Policy drop-down list, choose a link level policy or create one.
The link level policy specifies the speed of the physical interface. If you do not choose a link level policy, the speed defaults
to 10 Gbps.
In the Port Channel Policy drop-down list, choose Create Port Channel Policy.
In the Create Port Channel Policy dialog box, enter a name for the policy, choose a mode, and then click Submit.
Choose the same policy mode that is on the ESXi server. For example, if the server does not support LACP, you can choose Static Channel - Mode On or MAC Pinning. Other fields in the dialog box are optional.
In the Attached Device Type area, choose AVE VLAN Hosts or AVE VXLAN Hosts.
If the hypervisors are directly connected to leaf switches, you can use either VLAN or VXLAN. (Cisco UCS blade servers, where
Fabric Interconnects are connected to the fabric, are considered to be directly connected.) However, if the hypervisors are
not directly connected to leaf switches, you must use VXLAN. For more information, see the Cisco ACI Virtual Edge section.
In the Domain area, make sure that the Create One radio button is chosen.
Use the Create One option to create a new VMM domain for an interface or switch profile, as you do in this procedure. Use the Choose One button to create an interface or switch profile for a new host that you want to make part of an existing VMM domain.
In the Domain Name field, enter the domain name.
When you create the VMM domain, you choose VLAN or VXLAN encapsulation, depending on the attached device type that you chose
in Step 5 h. However, you can configure a single VMM domain to use VLAN and VXLAN encapsulation. After you finish installing
the Cisco ACI Virtual Edge, you can enable mixed encapsulation mode. See the section "Mixed-Mode Encapsulation Configuration" in the Cisco ACI Virtual Edge Configuration Guide.
Complete one of the following series of steps:
Mandatory: If you use Cisco ACI Virtual Edge and you deploy it in mixed-mode or VLAN mode, create a single VLAN pool with two VLAN encapsulation blocks. One will be used
for primary encapsulation, and one will be used for private VLAN implementation.
If in Step 5 h you chose...
In the VLAN area, make sure that the Create One radio button is chosen.
In the VLAN Range field, enter the VLAN range as appropriate.
Do not define a range that includes the reserved VLAN ID for the infrastructure network because that VLAN is for internal
The VLAN range is for external or on-the-wire encapsulations. It is used for allocating VLANs for each EPG assigned to the
domain. The VLANs are used when packets are sent to or from leafs.
In the Internal VLAN Range field, enter a range.
The internal VLAN range is used for private VLAN allocations in the internal vSwitch by the Cisco ACI Virtual Edge. The VLANs
are not seen outside the ESX host or on the wire.
If you use Cisco ACI Virtual Edge and you deploy it in mixed-mode or VLAN mode, create a single VLAN pool with two VLAN encapsulation blocks. One will be used
for primary encapsulation, and one will be used for private VLAN implementation.
In the VLAN area, make sure that the Create One radio button is chosen.
In the Internal VLAN Range field, enter a range.
In the Fabric Multicast Address field, enter a multicast address, such as
In the Pool of Multicast Address Ranges field, create a new multicast pool or choose an existing one.
The multicast address that is configured in Step 3 must not overlap with the ranges that are configured in Step 4.
In the Local Switching area, choose True or False.
With local switching, traffic within an EPG does not go to the leaf. So if you choose local switching, you may not see some
traffic counters. If you want to see all intra-EPG traffic, choose.False See the section What Cisco ACI Virtual Edge Is for additional information about Local Switching and No Local switching modes.
(Optional) From the Security Domains drop-down list, choose or create a security domain.
In the vCenter Login Name field, enter the vCenter Administrator/root username.
In the Password field, enter the vCenter Administrator/root password.
In the Confirm Password field, reenter the password.
Step 6 |
Click the + icon to expand vCenter, and in the Create vCenter Controller dialog box, perform the following actions:
You can create multiple vCenter controllers in the same domain. If you want to create more vCenter controllers, repeat the
substeps for step 6 for each new vCenter controller.
In the Name field, enter a name to refer to the vCenter domain.
The name does not need to be the same as the vCenter domain name; you can use the vCenter hostname.
In the Host Name (or IP Address) field, enter the host name or IP address.
If you use the hostname, you must already have configured a DNS policy on Cisco APIC. If you do not have a DNS policy configured,
enter the IP address of the vCenter server.
From the DVS Version drop-down list, choose a DVS version.
The DVS version that you choose represents the minimum ESXi version of the host that you can add to the virtual switch. So
if you choose DVS version 6.0, you can add or manage hosts of ESXI version 6.0 and later.
Cisco ACI Virtual Edge supports DVS and ESXi versions 6.0 and later.
In the Datacenter field, enter the data center name.
The name that you enter for Datacenter must match exactly the name in vCenter. The name is case-sensitive.
Click OK.
For the following three steps, if you do not specify port channel, vSwitch, or interface control policies, the same interface
policy that you configured earlier in this procedure will take effect for the vSwitch.
Step 7 |
In the Configure Interface, PC, And VPC dialog box, from the Port Channel Mode drop-down list, choose a mode.
Choose MAC Pinning if you have a Unified Computing System (UCS) Fabric Interconnect (FI) between the top-of-rack switch and the Cisco ACI Virtual Edge.
Do not use MAC pinning with a direct connection to a VPC leaf pair. Instead, use Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
or enhanced LACP to provide redundancy and reliability. Using MAC pinning with a direct connection leads to traffic loss when
peer leaf switches are rebooted. Use MAC Pinning only where virtual port channel (VPC) cannot be supported, such as for Cisco
UCS Fabric Interconnects with southbound interfaces.
Step 8 |
In the vSwitch Policy area, choose a policy.
Step 9 |
In the Interface Controls area, choose BPDU Guard, BPDU Filter, or both.
Step 10 |
From the Firewall drop-down list, choose Learning, Enabled or Disabled mode.
Learning mode, the default, should be used only when upgrading to Cisco ACI Virtual Edge from a version of Cisco AVS that does not support Distributed Firewall. Otherwise, Distributed Firewall should be in Enabled
mode. You can change the Distributed Firewall mode later. See the chapter "Distributed Firewall" in the Cisco ACI Virtual Edge Configuration Guide.
Step 11 |
Disregard the NetFlow Exporter Policy option.
Step 12 |
Click Save, click Save again, and then click Submit.
Step 13 |
Verify the new domain and profiles, by performing the following actions:
On the menu bar, choose .
In the navigation pane, expand , and then choose the vCenter.
In the work pane, under Properties, view the virtual machine manager (VMM) domain name to verify that the controller is online. In the work pane, the vCenter
properties are displayed including the operational status. The displayed information confirms that connection from the Cisco
APIC to the vCenter server is established, and the inventory is available.