Access Interfaces

About Access Interfaces

In Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), interface configurations are performed by associating an interface policy group, which is a group of interface policies such as interface speed or link layer discovery protocol (LLDP), to an interface on a switch node. Cisco ACI uses four objects (switch profile, switch selector, interface profile, and interface selector) to select a certain interface on a certain switch node. This document refers to this mode of operations as the "profiles and selectors configuration." The following figure illustrates this configuration:

Figure 1. Interface configuration based on profiles and selectors

The Cisco ACI 6.0(1) release adds the "per-port configuration" configuration option (also known as the "interface configuration" or infraPortConfig, which is the name of the object for this configuration) that simplifies the interface configuration. This option presents the four objects as a single object and has the object specify an interface on a switch node. As a result, you do not need to use nor maintain switch profiles, switch selectors, interface profiles, and interface selectors.

Figure 2. Per-port interface configuration

You can access the per-port configuration in the following ways in the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI:

  • Fabric > Access Policies > Interface Configurations

  • Fabric > Access Policies > Quick Start > Configure Interfaces

  • Fabric > Inventory > pod_ID > switch_name > Interface tab > Configure Interfaces

You can configure a switch using switch profiles and selectors and interface profiles and selectors at the same locations as before in the Cisco APIC GUI:

  • Fabric > Access Policies > Switches > Leaf Switches > Profiles

  • Fabric > Access Policies > Switches > Spine Switches > Profiles

  • Fabric > Access Policies > Interfaces > Leaf Interfaces > Profiles

  • Fabric > Access Policies > Interfaces > Spine Interfaces > Profiles

However, we recommend that you use the per-port configuration.

When using the interface configuration option, the Cisco APIC creates and maintains switch profiles and selectors and interface profiles and selectors as read-only with as few objects as possible. For example, if you configure two contiguous ports identically, the Cisco APIC automatically creates a range in the configuration. You configure the ports individually and you do not have to worry about these optimizations; the Cisco APIC takes care of them. These objects that the Cisco APIC creates automatically are called "system-generated profiles" and you do not need to maintain them.

The system-generated profiles are still visible under Fabric > Access Policies > Interfaces > {Leaf | Spine} {Switches | Interfaces} > Profiles in the GUI along with any user-defined profiles.

If you configure an interface using the interface configuration option and you previously configured the interface with profiles and selectors, the Cisco APIC automatically removes the interface from the existing profiles and moves the interface to the system-generated profiles seamlessly. If the pre-existing switch and interface profiles contain other interfaces, the Cisco APIC does not delete them; you can keep using them in the traditional way. If the pre-existing profiles no longer contain any interfaces, the Cisco APIC automatically removes those profiles because they are no longer needed.

If you already configured an interface using a multinode selector, meaning that you assigned the port selector to a profile with multiple leaf switches, you must simultaneously configure the same interface for each node that belongs to the multinode selector for the Cisco APIC to remove those nodes automatically from the existing profile. Otherwise, a validation failure blocks the migration.

Physical Ports Configuration

There are multiple ways to configure Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf switch interfaces:

  • By using the selector and profile-based configuration model. From Fabric > Access Policies > Switches > Leaf Switches > Profiles, you can configure a switch profile that selects a leaf node with a leaf selector and the associated interface profiles to select the interface profiles (Fabric > Access Policies > Interfaces > Leaf Interfaces > Profiles), which in turn select one or more interfaces and associate them to interface policy groups.

  • By using the interface configuration beginning with the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) 6.0(1) release. Go to Fabric > Access Policies > Interface Configurations. This configuration option simplifies the configuration workflow by reducing the number of configuration steps from four to one.

  • By using the inventory view from Fabric > Inventory > pod_ID > switch_name. Beginning with the Cisco APIC 6.0(1) release, the inventory view configuration also uses the interface configuration.

  • By using the Fabric > Access Policies > Quick Start wizard. Beginning with the Cisco APIC 6.0(1) release, the inventory view configuration also uses the interface configuration.

Configuring Leaf Switch Physical Ports Using the Interface Configuration Model Using the GUI

This procedure uses either the Fabric > Access Policies > Quick Start > Configure Interfaces or the Fabric > Access Policies > Interface Configuration page to attach a server to a Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf switch interface. The steps would be the same for attaching other kinds of devices to a Cisco ACI leaf switch interface.

Figure 3. Switch Interface Configuration for Bare Metal Server

Before you begin

  • The Cisco ACI fabric is installed, Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the Cisco APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • A Cisco APIC fabric administrator account is available that will enable creating the necessary fabric infrastructure configurations.

  • The target leaf switches are registered in the Cisco ACI fabric and available.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Quick Start or Interface Configuration.

Step 3

In the Work pane, click Configure Interfaces. of the Quick Start wizard, click Configure Interfaces, or in the Work pane of Interface Configuration choose Actions > Configure Interfaces.

Step 4

In the Configure Interfaces dialog, perform the following actions:

  1. For Node Type, click Leaf.

  2. For Port Type, click Access.

  3. For Interface Type, choose the desired type.

  4. For Interface Aggregation Type, choose Individual.

  5. For Node, click Select Node, put a check in the box for the desired switch (node), then click OK. You can select multiple switches.

  6. For Interfaces For All Switches, enter the range of desired interfaces.

  7. For Leaf Access Port Policy Group, click Select Leaf Access Port Policy Group.

  8. In the Select Leaf Access Port Policy Group dialog, click Create Leaf Access Port Policy Group.

    The interface policy group is a named policy that specifies the group of interface policies you will apply to the selected interfaces of the switch. Examples of interface policies include link level policy (for example, 1gbit port speed) and storm control interface policy.

  9. In the Create Leaf Access Port Policy Group dialog, choose or create the desired policies.

  10. Click Save.

What to do next

This completes the basic leaf switch interface configuration steps.


While this configuration enables hardware connectivity, no data traffic can flow without a valid application profile, EPG, and contract that is associated with this hardware configuration.

Migrating Interfaces From the Selector and Profile to Interface Configuration Using the GUI

You can convert the configuration of an existing interface from the selector- and profile-based model to the interface configuration model by using this procedure.


The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) does not automatically migrate interfaces with an active policy group override. You must migrate these ports manually.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Configuration.

Step 3

In the table, select the interface that you want to migrate and click the three dots at the right.

Step 4

In the pop-up menu, choose Edit Interface Configuration.

The following a message displays:

This interface is configured using interface selectors. We recommend migrating it to newer way of configuring interfaces. Clicking on Save will migrate this interface.

Step 5

Click Save.

The Cisco APIC converts the interface to the new configuration model.

Step 6

Perform one of the following sets of substeps depending on your Cisco APIC release and what you want to do:

To migrate a single interface:

  1. In the table, select the interface that you want to migrate and click the three dots at the right.

  2. In the pop-up menu, choose Edit Interface Configuration.

    The following a message displays:

    This interface is configured using interface selectors. We recommend migrating it to newer way of configuring interfaces. Clicking on Save will migrate this interface.

  3. Click Save.

    The Cisco APIC converts the interface to the new configuration model.

In the 6.0(2) release and later, Cisco APIC simplifies the task of migrating existing configurations based on the selector- and profile-based model to the interface configuration model. You can migrate the selector-based configuration for all the ports of a node by selecting multiple nodes. This capability is useful if a selector spans across multiple nodes. To migrate multiple interfaces:

  1. In the table, select the interfaces that you want to migrate.

  2. Choose Actions > Configure Interfaces.

    The following a message displays:

    This interface is configured using interface selectors. We recommend migrating it to newer way of configuring interfaces. Clicking on Save will migrate this interface.

  3. Click Save.

    The Cisco APIC converts the interfaces to the new configuration model.

Modifying the Interface Configuration Using the GUI

You can modify the configuration of an interface as follows:


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Configuration.

Step 3

In the table, select the interface that you want to migrate and click the three dots at the right.

Step 4

In the pop-up menu, choose Edit Interface Configuration.

A window appears with the policy group associated to this interface.

Step 5

If there is an existing policy group, you can remove it by clicking the x next to the group.

Step 6

Click Select Leaf Access Port Policy Group to assign a new policy group.

Step 7

Choose an existing policy group or click Create Leaf Access Port Policy Group to create a new one.

Step 8

Click Save.

Viewing the Interface Configuration Using the GUI

The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI offers a unified view of the interface configuration regardless of whether the interfaces have been configured using the selector and profile model or the interface configuration model.

Choose Fabric > Access Policies > Interface Configuration and navigate the table on the right to see all the leaf nodes and interfaces.

Click a leaf node to view the leaf node's information, such as the admin state, the IP address of the TEP, the ID number, the hardware model, the serial number, and the software version.

Click an interface to view the interface's information. This view is called the "Infra Port Summary." Click the middle icon on the top right for a full screen view of the interface's information. The full screen view contains the following tabs that show additional information: Overview, Operational, Deployed EPGs, VLANs, Statistics, QoS stats, and Event Analytics. Click the x in the top right to close this full screen view.

Click the policy group name of a given interface to view information about the policy group, such as the 802.1X configuration, attachable entity profile, CDP configuration, and LLDP configuration.

Configuring Physical Ports in Leaf Nodes and FEX Devices Using the NX-OS CLI

The commands in the following examples create many managed objects in the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) policy model that are fully compatible with the REST API/SDK and GUI. However, the CLI user can focus on the intended network configuration instead of Cisco ACI model internals.

Example of leaf node ports and FEX ports in Cisco ACI shows examples of Ethernet ports directly on leaf nodes or FEX modules attached to leaf nodes and how each is represented in the CLI. For FEX ports, the fex-id is included in the naming of the port itself as in ethernet 101/1/1 . While describing an interface range, the ethernet keyword need not be repeated as in NX-OS. Example: interface ethernet 101/1/1-2, 102/1/1-2 .

Figure 4. Example of leaf node ports and FEX ports in Cisco ACI
  • Leaf node ID numbers are global.

  • The fex-id numbers are local to each leaf node.

  • Note the space after the keyword ethernet .


Step 1


Enters global configuration mode.


apic1# configure

Step 2

leaf node-id

Specifies the leaf nodes to be configured. The node-id can be a single node ID or a range of IDs, in the form node-id1- node-id2 , to which the configuration will be applied.


apic1(config)# leaf 102

Step 3

interface type

Specifies the interface that you are configuring. You can specify the interface type and identity. For an Ethernet port, use “ethernet slot / port.”


apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/2

Step 4

(Optional) fex associate node-id

If the interface or interfaces to be configured are FEX interfaces, you must use this command to attach the FEX module to a leaf node before configuration.



This step is required before creating a port channel using FEX ports.


apic1(config-leaf-if)# fex associate 101

Step 5

speed speed

The speed setting is shown as an example. At this point you can configure any of the interface settings shown in the table below.


apic1(config-leaf-if)# speed 10G

The following table shows the interface settings that can be configured at this point:



[no] shut

Shut down physical interface

[no] speed speedValue

Set the speed for physical interface

[no] link debounce time time

Set link debounce

[no] negotiate auto

Configure negotiate

[no] cdp enable

Disable/enable Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

[no] mcp enable

Disable/enable Mis-cabling Protocol (MCP)

[no] lldp transmit

Set the transmit for physical interface

[no] lldp receive

Set the LLDP receive for physical interface

spanning-tree {bpduguard | bpdufilter} {enable | disable}

Configure spanning tree BPDU

[no] storm-control level percentage [ burst-rate percentage ]

Storm-control configuration (percentage)

[no] storm-control pps packets-per-second burst-rate packets-per-second

Storm-control configuration (packets-per-second)


Configure one port in a leaf node. The following example shows how to configure the interface eth1/2 in leaf 101 for the following properties: speed, cdp, and admin state.

apic1# configure
apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# speed 10G
apic1(config-leaf-if)# cdp enable
apic1(config-leaf-if)# no shut

Configure multiple ports in multiple leaf nodes. The following example shows the configuration of speed for interfaces eth1/1-10 for each of the leaf nodes 101-103.

apic1(config)# leaf 101-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface eth 1/1-10
apic1(config-leaf-if)# speed 10G

Attach a FEX to a leaf node. The following example shows how to attach a FEX module to a leaf node. Unlike in NX-OS, the leaf node port Eth1/5 is implicitly configured as fabric port and a FEX fabric port channel is created internally with the FEX uplink port(s). In Cisco ACI, the FEX fabric port channels use default configuration and no user configuration is allowed.


This step is required before creating a port channel using FEX ports, as described in the next example.

apic1(config)# leaf 102
apic1(config-leaf)# interface eth 1/5
apic1(config-leaf-if)# fex associate 101

Configure FEX ports attached to leaf nodes. This example shows configuration of speed for interfaces eth1/1-10 in FEX module 101 attached to each of the leaf nodes 102-103. The FEX ID 101 is included in the port identifier. FEX IDs start with 101 and are local to a leaf node.

apic1(config)# leaf 102-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface eth 101/1/1-10
apic1(config-leaf-if)# speed 1G

Port Channels

PC Host Load Balancing Algorithms

The following table provides the default hash algorithm and symmetric hash algorithm options used in port channel load balancing across Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf node downlinks. The symmetric hash algorithm options were introduced in Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) release 2.3(1e).

Table 1. PC Host Load Balancing Algorithms
Traffic Type Hashing Data Points

End Host PC (default)

For Layer 2 traffic:

  • Source MAC address

  • Destination MAC address

  • Segment ID (VXLAN VNID) or VLAN ID

For IP Traffic:

  • Source MAC address

  • Destination MAC address

  • Source IP address

  • Destination IP address

  • Protocol type

  • Source Layer 4 port

  • Destination Layer 4 port

  • Segment ID (VXLAN VNID) or VLAN ID

PC symmetric hash (configurable)

Choose one option:

  • Source IP address

  • Destination IP address

  • Source Layer 4 port

  • Destination Layer 4 port

When there is more than one port channel on a leaf switch, such as Po1 and Po2, then the following scenario is supported:

  • Po1: Enable symmetric hash with SIP only.

  • Po2: Do not enable symmetric hash. Use default hashing.

However, the following scenario is not supported because the second port channel Po2 has a different hash parameter:

  • Po1: Enable symmetric hash with SIP only.

  • Po2: Enable symmetric hash with DIP only.

That is, on a single leaf switch, all port channels that require symmetric hashing should use the same hash policy/parameter or use the default hashing.

Symmetric hashing is not supported on the following switches:

  • Cisco Nexus 93128TX

  • Cisco Nexus 9372PX

  • Cisco Nexus 9372PX-E

  • Cisco Nexus 9372TX

  • Cisco Nexus 9372TX-E

  • Cisco Nexus 9396PX

  • Cisco Nexus 9396TX


Port channel hash algorithms are applied at each individual leaf node independently. The algorithms do not have influence on load balancing within the fabric, such as load balancing to leaf nodes in a vPC pair. Thus, symmetrical hashing is not supported on a vPC.

Cisco ACI Leaf Switch Port Channel Configuration Using the GUI

This procedure uses either the Fabric > Access Policies > Quick Start > Configure Interfaces or the Fabric > Access Policies > Interface Configuration page to attach a server to a Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf switch interface with a port channel. The steps would be the same for attaching other kinds of devices to a Cisco ACI leaf switch interface.

Figure 5. Switch Port Channel Configuration

Before you begin

  • The Cisco ACI fabric is installed, APIC controllers are online, and the APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • An APIC fabric administrator account is available that will enable creating the necessary fabric infrastructure configurations.

  • The target leaf switches are registered in the Cisco ACI fabric and available.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

Use one of the following methods to open the Configure Interfaces dialog:

Method 1:

  1. In the Navigation pane, choose Quick Start.

  2. In the Work pane, click Configure Interfaces.

Method 2:

  1. In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Configuration.

  2. In the Work pane, choose Actions > Configure Interfaces.

Step 3

In the Configure Interfaces dialog, perform the following actions:

  1. For Node Type, click Leaf.

  2. For Port Type, click Access.

  3. For Interface Type, choose the desired type.

  4. For Interface Aggregation Type, choose PC.

  5. For Node, click Select Node, put a check in the box for the desired switch (node), then click OK.

  6. For Interfaces For All Switches, enter the range of desired interfaces.

  7. For PC/vPC Interface Policy Group, click Select PC/vPC Interface Policy Group, then select an existing port channel policy group or create new one.

  8. For Port Channel Member Policy, click Select Port Channel Member Policy, then select an existing port channel member policy or create new one.

  9. In the Select PC/vPC Interface Policy Group dialog, choose an existing policy group or click Create PC/vPC Interface Policy Group to create a new one.

  10. Click Save.

What to do next

This completes the port channel configuration steps.


While this configuration enables hardware connectivity, no data traffic can flow without a valid application profile, EPG, and contract that is associated with this hardware configuration.

Configuring Port Channels in Leaf Nodes and FEX Devices Using the NX-OS CLI

Port channels are logical interfaces in NX-OS used to aggregate bandwidth for multiple physical ports and also for providing redundancy in case of link failures. In NX-OS, port channel interfaces are identified by user-specified numbers in the range 1 to 4096 unique within a node. Port channel interfaces are either configured explicitly (using the interface port-channel command) or created implicitly (using the channel-group command). The configuration of the port channel interface is applied to all the member ports of the port channel. There are certain compatibility parameters (speed, for example) that cannot be configured on the member ports.

In the ACI model, port channels are configured as logical entities identified by a name to represent a collection of policies that can be assigned to set of ports in one or more leaf nodes. Such assignment creates one port channel interface in each of the leaf nodes identified by an auto-generated number in the range 1 to 4096 within the leaf node, which may be same or different among the nodes for the same port channel name. The membership of these port channels may be same or different as well. When a port channel is created on the FEX ports, the same port channel name can be used to create one port channel interface in each of the FEX devices attached to the leaf node. Thus, it is possible to create up to N+1 unique port channel interfaces (identified by the auto-generated port channel numbers) for each leaf node attached to N FEX modules. This is illustrated with the examples below. Port channels on the FEX ports are identified by specifying the fex-id along with the port channel name (interface port-channel foo fex 101 , for example).

Figure 6. Example with port channels on leaf switches and FEX ports
  • N+1 instances per leaf of port channel foo are possible when each leaf is connected to N FEX nodes.

  • Leaf ports and FEX ports cannot be part of the same port channel instance.

  • Each FEX node can have only one instance of port channel foo.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



apic1# configure

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

template port-channel channel-name


apic1(config)# template port-channel foo

Creates a new port channel or configures an existing port channel (global configuration).

Step 3

[no] switchport access vlan vlan-id tenant tenant-name application application-name epg epg-name


apic1(config-po-ch-if)# switchport access vlan 4 tenant ExampleCorp application Web epg webEpg

Deploys the EPG with the VLAN on all ports with which the port channel is associated.

Step 4

channel-mode active


apic1(config-po-ch-if)# channel-mode active



To enable symmetric hashing, enter the lacp symmetric-hash command:

apic1(config-po-ch-if)# lacp symmetric-hash



The channel-mode command is equivalent to the mode option in the channel-group command in NX-OS. In ACI, however, this is supported for the port channel (not on a member port).

Symmetric hashing is not supported on the following switches:

  • Cisco Nexus 93128TX

  • Cisco Nexus 9372PX

  • Cisco Nexus 9372PX-E

  • Cisco Nexus 9372TX

  • Cisco Nexus 9372TX-E

  • Cisco Nexus 9396PX

  • Cisco Nexus 9396TX

Step 5



apic1(config-po-ch-if)# exit

Returns to configure mode.

Step 6

leaf node-id


apic1(config)# leaf 101

Specifies the leaf switches to be configured. The node-id can be a single node ID or a range of IDs, in the form node-id1- node-id2 , to which the configuration will be applied.

Step 7

interface type


apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/1-2

Specifies the interface or range of interfaces that you are configuring to the port channel.

Step 8

[no] channel-group channel-name


apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo

Assigns the interface or range of interfaces to the port channel. Use the keyword no to remove the interface from the port channel. To change the port channel assignment on an interface, you can enter the channel-group command without first removing the interface from the previous port channel.

Step 9

(Optional) lacp port-priority priority


apic1(config-leaf-if)# lacp port-priority 1000
apic1(config-leaf-if)# lacp rate fast


This setting and other per-port LACP properties can be applied to member ports of a port channel at this point.



In the ACI model, these commands are allowed only after the ports are member of a port channel. If a port is removed from a port channel, configuration of these per-port properties are removed as well.

The following table shows various commands for global configurations of port channel properties in the ACI model. These commands can also be used for configuring overrides for port channels in a specific leaf in the (config-leaf-if) CLI mode. The configuration made on the port channel is applied to all member ports.

CLI Syntax


[no] speed <speedValue>

Set the speed for port channel

[no] link debounce time <time>

Set Link Debounce for port channel

[no] negotiate auto

Configure Negotiate for port channel

[no] cdp enable

Disable/Enable CDP for port channel

[no] mcp enable

Disable/Enable MCP for port channel

[no] lldp transmit

Set the transmit for port channel

[no] lldp receive

Set the lldp receive for port channel

spanning-tree <bpduguard | bpdufilter> <enable | disable>

Configure spanning tree BPDU

[no] storm-control level <percentage> [ burst-rate <percentage> ]

Storm-control configuration (percentage)

[no] storm-control pps <packet-per-second> burst-rate <packets-per-second>

Storm-control configuration (packets-per-second)

[no] channel-mode { active | passive | on| mac-pinning }

LACP mode for the link in port channel l

[no] lacp min-links <value>

Set minimum number of links

[no] lacp max-links <value>

Set maximum number of links

[no] lacp fast-select-hot-standby

LACP fast select for hot standby ports

[no] lacp graceful-convergence

LACP graceful convergence

[no] lacp load-defer

LACP load defer member ports

[no] lacp suspend-individual

LACP individual Port suspension

[no] lacp port-priority

LACP port priority

[no] lacp rate

LACP rate


Configure a port channel (global configuration). A logical entity foo is created that represents a collection of policies with two configurations: speed and channel mode. More properties can be configured as required.


The channel mode command is equivalent to the mode option in the channel group command in NX-OS. In ACI, however, this supported for the port channel (not on member port).

apic1(config)# template port-channel foo
apic1(config-po-ch-if)# switchport access vlan 4 tenant ExampleCorp application Web epg webEpg
apic1(config-po-ch-if)# speed 10G
apic1(config-po-ch-if)# channel-mode active

Configure ports to a port channel in a FEX. In this example, port channel foo is assigned to ports Ethernet 1/1-2 in FEX 101 attached to leaf node 102 to create an instance of port channel foo. The leaf node will auto-generate a number, say 1002 to identify the port channel in the switch. This port channel number would be unique to the leaf node 102 regardless of how many instance of port channel foo are created.


The configuration to attach the FEX module to the leaf node must be done before creating port channels using FEX ports.

apic1(config)# leaf 102
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 101/1/1-2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo

In Leaf 102, this port channel interface can be referred to as interface port channel foo FEX 101.

apic1(config)# leaf 102
apic1(config-leaf)# interface port-channel foo fex 101
apic1(config-leaf)# shut

Configure ports to a port channel in multiple leaf nodes. In this example, port channel foo is assigned to ports Ethernet 1/1-2 in each of the leaf nodes 101-103. The leaf nodes will auto generate a number unique in each node (which may be same or different among nodes) to represent the port channel interfaces.

apic1(config)# leaf 101-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/1-2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo

Add members to port channels. This example would add two members eth1/3-4 to the port channel in each leaf node, so that port channel foo in each node would have members eth 1/1-4.

apic1(config)# leaf 101-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/3-4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo

Remove members from port channels. This example would remove two members eth1/2, eth1/4 from the port channel foo in each leaf node, so that port channel foo in each node would have members eth 1/1, eth1/3.

apic1(config)# leaf 101-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface eth 1/2,1/4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# no channel-group foo

Configure port channel with different members in multiple leaf nodes. This example shows how to use the same port channel foo policies to create a port channel interface in multiple leaf nodes with different member ports in each leaf. The port channel numbers in the leaf nodes may be same or different for the same port channel foo. In the CLI, however, the configuration will be referred as interface port channel foo. If the port channel is configured for the FEX ports, it would be referred to as interface port channel foo fex <fex-id>.

apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/1-2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config-leaf)# exit
apic1(config)# leaf 102
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/3-4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config-leaf)# exit
apic1(config)# leaf 103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/5-8
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 101/1/1-2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo

Configure per port properties for LACP. This example shows how to configure member ports of a port channel for per-port properties for LACP.


In ACI model, these commands are allowed only after the ports are member of a port channel. If a port is removed from a port channel, configuration of these per-port properties would be removed as well.

apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/1-2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo
apic1(config-leaf-if)# lacp port-priority 1000
apic1(config-leaf-if)# lacp rate fast

Configure admin state for port channels. In this example, a port channel foo is configured in each of the leaf nodes 101-103 using the channel-group command. The admin state of port channel(s) can be configured in each leaf using the port channel interface. In ACI model, the admin state of the port channel cannot be configured in the global scope.

// create port-channel foo in each leaf
apic1(config)# leaf 101-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/3-4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo

// configure admin state in specific leaf
apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface port-channel foo
apic1(config-leaf-if)# shut

Override config is very helpful to assign specific vlan-domain, for example, to the port channel interfaces in each leaf while sharing other properties.

// configure a port channel global config
apic1(config)# interface port-channel foo
apic1(config-if)# speed 1G
apic1(config-if)# channel-mode active

// create port-channel foo in each leaf
apic1(config)# leaf 101-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/1-2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo

// override port-channel foo in leaf 102
apic1(config)# leaf 102
apic1(config-leaf)# interface port-channel foo
apic1(config-leaf-if)#  speed 10G
apic1(config-leaf-if)#  channel-mode on
apic1(config-leaf-if)#  vlan-domain dom-foo

This example shows how to change port channel assignment for ports using the channel-group command. There is no need to remove port channel membership before assigning to other port channel.

apic1(config)# leaf 101-103
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/3-4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group foo
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group bar

Port channel dynamic load balancing

Port channel static load balancing

When a switch forwards a packet to a server or another switch through a port channel with multiple bundled links, it uses a hashing algorithm to choose the link for that packet. The hashing algorithm considers parameters such as the source and destination IP addresses, source and destination port numbers, and occasionally protocol type.

In port channel static load balancing, traffic is consistently hashed to the same link in the port channel, irrespective of the load on each link. The egress member link is statically selected based on a 5-tuple hash.

Disadvantage of port channel static load balancing

Port channel static load balancing approach can result in uneven traffic distribution on the links of a port channel, with some links being highly utilized while others remain underutilized.

Port channel dynamic load balancing

Port channel dynamic load balancing (DLB) is a networking technique that distributes traffic across multiple links in a port channel based on the load of each link. Port channel DLB adjusts traffic distribution on the links of a port channel based on the current load of the links. The switch monitors the egress traffic load on each link and selects the link with the least utilization to distribute the traffic.


A flowlet is a group of consecutive packets, or a burst, within the same flow, separated by an idle interval. Each flowlet can be forwarded independently without causing packet reordering.

Flowlet aging time

The flowlet table maintains information about flowlets and uses aging to identify flowlet gaps and prevent packet reordering. For example, the flowlet aging time is set to x microseconds. If traffic is not received for an existing flowlet for x microseconds, the flowlet entry will be marked for deletion. After one additional x microseconds, this flowlet entry will be permanently removed.

When the burst gap is less than the configured flowlet aging time, packets are sent on the same link as the flowlet entry still exists in the flowlet table. When the burst gap exceeds the configured flowlet aging time, packets are sent on different links as the flowlet entry for these packets is removed.

Benefits of port channel dynamic load balancing

Port channel DLB has these benefits.

  • Efficient traffic distribution: balances traffic based on real-time link utilization, preventing network congestion.

  • Improved network performance: reduces the impact of long-lived bursty flows on network congestion.

  • Faster convergence: adapts to changes in port status without requiring software intervention.

Limitations of port channel dynamic load balancing

Port channel DLB has these limitations.

  • Port channel DLB can be applied only to the front panel ports configured as Layer 2 port channels.

  • Port channel DLB on a Layer 2 port channel for an L3Out SVI VLAN is not qualified, and therefore it is not supported.

  • FEX HIF, NIF, and FC ports are not supported.

  • SAN and fibre channel port channels are not supported.

  • The number of port channel member ports with DLB supported is 32 in each slice and 64 in each switch.


    The number of fabric links with Uplink Port Fast Link Failover enabled is also included in the maximum port capacity in each switch, which is 64.


    A switch consists of one or more slices. Each slice is a self-contained switching subsystem. The ports in the switch are distributed among the slices.
  • BUM (Broadcast, Unknown Unicast, and Multicast traffic) is not supported.

  • LEM-based chassis such as Cisco Nexus 9400 is not supported.

Create port channel dynamic load balancing policy using the GUI

Follow these steps to create a port channel dynamic load balancing policy using the GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, expand Policies > Switch , right-click Dynamic Load Balancing, and choose Create Dynamic Load Balancing Policy.

The Create Dynamic Load Balancing Policy dialog box appears.

Step 3

Enter the name and description of the policy.

Step 4

Enter the aging time, in microseconds, in the Flowlet Aging Time field.

The range of Flowlet Aging Time is from 1 to 2000000 microseconds. The default value is 500 microseconds. The recommended value is twice the maximum Round Trip Time (RTT) observed in the traffic flows.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Associate port channel dynamic load balancing policy to a switch policy group using the GUI

Follow these steps to associate a port channel dynamic load balancing policy to a switch policy group using the GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, expand Switches > Leaf Switches > Policy Groups and choose a switch policy group.

The Access Switch Policy Group pane appears.

Step 3

In the Dynamic Load Balancing Policy drop-down list, choose a DLB policy.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Enable dynamic load balancing on the port channel using the GUI

Follow these steps to enable dynamic load balancing on the port channel using the GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, expand Interfaces > Leaf Interfaces > Profiles and expand an access profile.

Step 3

Choose a port channel from the access profile.

The Access Port Selector pane appears.

Step 4

In the Policy Group drop-down list, perform one of the following:

  • Choose an exisitng policy group and click the icon next to the Policy Group drop-down list. The PC/vPC Interface Policy Group dialog box appears.
  • Choose Create PC Interface Policy Group. The Create PC Interface Policy Group dialog box appears. Enter the name of the policy group.
  • Choose Create VPC Interface Policy Group. The Create VPC Interface Policy Group appears. Enter the name of the policy group.

Step 5

In the Port Channel Policy drop-down list, perform one of the following:

  • Choose an exisitng port channel policy and click the icon next to the Port Channel Policy drop-down list. The Port Channel Policy dialog box appears.
  • Choose Create Port Channel Policy. The Create Port Channel Policy dialog box appears. Enter the name of the port channel policy.

Step 6

In the Port Channel Policy dialog box or Create Port Channel Policy dialog box, click the Dynamic toggle button to enable dynamic load balancing on the port channel.

Step 7

Click Submit.

View port channel dynamic load balancing configurations using the GUI

Follow these steps to view the port channel dynamic load balancing configurations using the GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, expand Pod > Leaf.

Step 3

Choose Dynamic Load Balancing and Fast Link Failover.

The Port-Channel Dynamic Load Balancing and Uplink Port Fast Link Failover pane appears.

Step 4

Click the Policy tab to view the flowlet aging time of the port channel DLB policy.

Step 5

Click the Operational > Per Switch Usage tabs to view the number of ports that currently use DLB or Uplink Port Fast Link Failover and the maximum number of ports supported at the switch level.

The number of ports activated with DLB or Uplink Port Fast Link Failover must not exceed the switch capacity.

Step 6

Click the Operational > Per Slice Usage (DLB Only) tabs to view the number of ports that currently use DLB and the maximum number of ports supported at the slice level.

The number of ports in each slice activated with DLB must not exceed the slice capacity.

Step 7

In the Navigation pane, expand Pod > Node and click the Summary > DLB Interfaces pane to view the number of ports that currently use DLB or Uplink Port Fast Link Failover and the maximum number of ports supported at the node level.

View port channel dynamic load balancing statistics using the GUI

Follow these steps to view the port channel dynamic load balancing statistics using the GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, expand Pod > Leaf.

Step 3

Choose Dynamic Load Balancing and Fast Link Failover.

The Port-Channel Dynamic Load Balancing and Uplink Port Fast Link Failover pane appears.

Step 4

Click the Stats tab to view the DLB statistics information.

Table 2. Description of DLB Statistics

DLB Statistics


Total DLB Ingress Packets

Total packets received in DLB

Total Flowlets with Collision

Number of occurrences of flowlet collisions

Total Flowlets Created

Number of new flowlet entries created

Total Flowlets Hit

Number of times an incoming packet matched an existing flowlet entry

Verify port channel dynamic load balancing configurations using the CLI

Follow these steps to verify the port channel dynamic load balancing configurations using the CLI.


Step 1

Run the show port-channel dlb usage command to verify the DLB resources used by all the port channels.


node# show port-channel dlb usage
Dynamic load balancing resource usage for port-channel1

                    Interface         Configured                 Operational               State
    Port-channel:   port-channel1     dynamic                    dynamic                   (SU)                 
    Members:        Ethernet1/31      dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/32      dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/33      dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/34      dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/35      dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 

DLB resources utilized by port-channel1: 5

Dynamic load balancing resource usage for port-channel2

                    Interface         Configured                 Operational               State
    Port-channel:   port-channel2     static                     static                    (SU)                 
    Members:        Ethernet1/1       static                     static                    (up)                 

DLB resources utilized by port-channel2: 0

Dynamic load balancing resource usage for port-channel3

                    Interface         Configured                 Operational               State
    Port-channel:   port-channel3     static                     static                    (SU)                 
    Members:        Ethernet1/3       static                     static                    (up)                 

DLB resources utilized by port-channel3: 0

Dynamic load balancing resource usage for port-channel4

                    Interface         Configured                 Operational               State
    Port-channel:   port-channel4     dynamic                    dynamic                   (SU)                 
    Members:        Ethernet1/7       dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/8       dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/9       dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/10      dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 

DLB resources utilized by port-channel4: 4

Dynamic load balancing resource usage for port-channel5

                    Interface         Configured                 Operational               State
    Port-channel:   port-channel5     static                     static                    (RU)                 
    Members:        Ethernet1/4       static                     static                    (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/5       static                     static                    (up)                 

DLB resources utilized by port-channel5: 0

Dynamic Load Balance Resource Summary for above port-channels

Total DLB configured port-channels:                2
Total DLB operational port-channels:               2
Total DLB non operational port-channels:           0
Total DLB not supported port-channels:             0
Total DLB resources utilized by port-channels:     9

Step 2

Run the show port-channel dlb usage interface port-channel command to verify the DLB resources used by a specific port channel.


node# show port-channel dlb usage interface port-channel 4
Dynamic load balancing resource usage for port-channel4

                    Interface         Configured                 Operational               State
    Port-channel:   port-channel4     dynamic                    dynamic                   (SU)                 
    Members:        Ethernet1/7       dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/8       dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/9       dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 
                    Ethernet1/10      dynamic                    dynamic                   (up)                 

DLB resources utilized by port-channel4: 4

Dynamic Load Balance Resource Summary for above port-channels

Total DLB configured port-channels:                1
Total DLB operational port-channels:               1
Total DLB non operational port-channels:           0
Total DLB not supported port-channels:             0
Total DLB resources utilized by port-channels:     4

Step 3

Run the show port-channel internal info command to verify the DLB status of ports of the port channel.


node# show port-channel internal info interface port-channel 4

channel    : 4
bundle     : 65535
ifindex    : 0x16000003
admin mode : active
oper mode  : active
nports     : 4
active     : 4
pre cfg    : 0
ltl        : 0x2006 (8198)
lif        : 0x0
iod        : 0x150 (336)
global id  : 4
flag       : 0
lock count : 0
num. of SIs: 0
ac mbrs    : 0 0
lacp graceful conv disable   : 0 
lacp suspend indiv disable   : 0 
pc min-links                 : 1 
pc max-bundle                : 16 
pc max active members        : 16 
pc is-suspend-minlinks       : 0 
port load defer enable       : 0 
port-channel bfd config enabled     : 0 
port-channel bfd config complete: 0 
port-channel bfd destination: null 
port-channel bfd start timeout: 0 
port-channel bfd distinguished name (dn): 

port-channel dlb admin mode: dynamic
port-channel dlb operational mode: dynamic
lacp fast-select-hot-standby disable   : 0 
port-channel port hash-distribution    : adaptive
ethpm bundle lock count : 0
Ethernet1/7 [bundle_no = 0]     is_ltl_programmed = 1
    is_pixm_ltl_programmed = 1
Port BFD session state: 5 (none)
dlb operational mode: dynamic
Ethernet1/8 [bundle_no = 1]     is_ltl_programmed = 1
    is_pixm_ltl_programmed = 1
Port BFD session state: 5 (none)

dlb operational mode: dynamic
Ethernet1/9 [bundle_no = 2]     is_ltl_programmed = 1
    is_pixm_ltl_programmed = 1
Port BFD session state: 5 (none)

dlb operational mode: dynamic

Ethernet1/10 [bundle_no = 3]     is_ltl_programmed = 1
    is_pixm_ltl_programmed = 1
Port BFD session state: 5 (none)

dlb operational mode: dynamic
port-channel external lock: 
Lock Info: resource [eth-port-channel 4] 
  type[0] p_gwrap[(nil)]
      FREE @ 2024-10-14T17:07:22.364638000+05:30
  type[1] p_gwrap[(nil)]
      FREE @ 2024-10-14T17:10:05.142954000+05:30
  type[2] p_gwrap[(nil)]
      FREE @ 2024-10-14T17:10:04.493453000+05:30
internal (ethpm bundle) lock: 
Lock Info: resource [eth-port-channel 4] 
  type[0] p_gwrap[(nil)]
      FREE @ 2024-10-14T17:07:22.364616000+05:30
  type[1] p_gwrap[(nil)]
      FREE @ 2024-10-14T17:10:11.300577000+05:30
  type[2] p_gwrap[(nil)]
      FREE @ 2024-10-14T17:10:11.300369000+05:30

Step 4

Run the show dlb statistics command to verify the DLB statistics.


node# show dlb statistics
dlb statistics:
    Flowlet Hit          = 0
    Flowlet Create       = 156
    Flowlet Collision    = 0
    Flowlet DLB Rx pkts  = 3734297752

Virtual Port Channels in Cisco ACI

A virtual port channel (vPC) allows links that are physically connected to two different Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf nodes to appear as a single port channel (PC) to a third device, such as a network switch, server, any other networking device that supports link aggregation technology. vPCs consist of two Cisco ACI leaf switches designated as vPC peer switches. Of the vPC peers, one is primary and one is secondary. The system formed by the switches is referred to as a vPC domain.

Figure 7. vPC Domain

The following behavior is specific to the Cisco ACI vPC implementation:

  • No dedicated peer-link between the vPC peers. Instead, the fabric itself serves as the Multi-Chassis Trunking (MCT).

  • Peer reachability protocol: Cisco ACI uses the Zero Message Queue (ZMQ) instead of Cisco Fabric Services (CFS).

    • ZMQ is an open-source, high-performance messaging library that uses TCP as the transport.

    • This library is packaged as libzmq on the switch and linked into each application that needs to communicate with a vPC peer.

  • Peer reachability is not handled using a physical peer link. Instead, routing triggers are used to detect peer reachability.

    • The vPC manager registers with Unicast Routing Information Base (URIB) for peer route notifications.

    • When IS-IS discovers a route to the peer, URIB notifies the vPC manager, which in turn attempts to open a ZMQ socket with the peer.

    • When the peer route is withdrawn by IS-IS, the vPC manager is again notified by URIB, and the vPC manager brings down the MCT link.

  • When creating a vPC domain between two leaf switches, the following hardware model limitations apply:

    • Generation 1 switches are compatible only with other generation 1 switches. These switch models can be identified by the lack of "EX," "FX, "FX2," "GX," or later suffix at the end of the switch name. For example, N9K-9312TX.

    • Generation 2 and later switches can be mixed together in a vPC domain. These switch models can be identified by the "EX," "FX, "FX2," "GX," or later suffix at the end of the switch name. For example N9K-93108TC-EX or N9K-9348GC-FXP.

    Examples of compatible vPC switch pairs:

    • N9K-C9312TX and N9K-C9312TX

    • N9K-C93108TC-EX and N9K-C9348GC-FXP

    • N9K-C93180TC-FX and N9K-C93180YC-FX

    • N9K-C93180YC-FX and N9K-C93180YC-FX

    Examples of incompatible vPC switch pairs:

    • N9K-C9312TX and N9K-C93108TC-EX

    • N9K-C9312TX and N9K-C93180YC-FX

  • Port channels and virtual port channels can be configured with or without LACP.

    If you configure a virtual port channel with LACP, LACP sets a port to the suspended state if it does not receive an LACP PDU from the peer. This can cause some servers to fail to boot up as they require LACP to bring up the port logically. You can tune the behavior to individual use by disabling LACP suspend individual. To do so, create a port channel policy in your vPC policy group, and after setting the mode to LACP active, remove Suspend Individual Port. Afterward, the ports in the vPC will stay active and continue to send LACP packets.

  • Adaptive load balancing (ALB), based on ARP negotiation, across virtual port channels is not supported in Cisco ACI.

Cisco ACI Virtual Port Channel Workflow

Figure 8. Virtual port channel configuration

The configuration workflow for virtual port channels (vPCs) is as follows:

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have read/write access privileges to the infra security domain.

  • Ensure that the target leaf switches with the necessary interfaces are available.

  • Ensure that the hardware of the two leaf switches that are going to be part of the same vPC pair is compatible. For more information, see Virtual Port Channels in Cisco ACI.


Step 1

Configure the VLAN pools, domain, AAEP, access leaf port policy group of type vPC.

Step 2

Configure the vPC switch pairs.

Step 3

Configure the vPC interfaces.

Step 4

Configure the application profile.

  1. On the menu bar, choose Tenants > All Tenants.

  2. In the Work pane, double-click a tenant.

  3. In the Navigation pane, choose tenant_name > Quick Start.

  4. Configure the endpoint groups (EPGs), contracts, bridge domain, subnet, and context.

  5. Associate the application profile EPGs with the virtual port channel switch profile that you created previously.

Defining a vPC Using the GUI

This procedure defines a vPC using the GUI. We recommend that you keep the leaf switch peer group names simple as shown in the following example:

  • Leaf201_202

  • Leaf203_204

  • Leaf205_206

For naming and numbering best practices, see the Cisco ACI Object Naming and Numbering: Best Practices document:

Before you begin

Ensure that the hardware of the two leaf switches that are going to be part of the same vPC pair is compatible. For more information, see Virtual Port Channels in Cisco ACI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Policies > Switch > Virtual Port Channel default.

Step 3

In the Explicit vPC Protection Groups table, click + and fill out the fields as follows:

  1. In the Name field, enter the vPC pair name.

    Example name: Leaf201_202. A name similar to the example easily identifies which two fabric nodes are vPC peers.

  2. In the ID field, enter the vPC pair ID (logical peer ID).

    Example ID: 201. The example uses the first node ID number of the pair to make it easier to correlate the ID with the vPC pair.

  3. In the Switch 1 and Switch 2 fields, choose the leaf switches for the vPC switch pair.

  4. Click Submit.

The vPC pair gets added to the Explicit vPC Protection Groups table. The Virtual IP value is an auto-generated IP address from the system tunnel endpoint (TEP) pool, and represents the virtual shared (Anycast) TEP of the vPC switch pair. That is, packets destined to vPC-connected endpoints of the vPC pair will use this Anycast VTEP to send the packets.

Configuring Virtual Port Channels in Leaf Nodes and FEX Devices Using Profiles and Selectors

vPC With the Same Leaf Switch Interfaces Across Two Leaf Switches With Combined Profiles

For the example of this use case, you define the following things:

  • A combined switch profile called Leaf201_202_SwProf (node 201 and node 202).

  • A combined interface profile called Leaf201_202_IntProf (node 201 and node 202).

  • An access port selector called Eth1_1 (under the Leaf201_202 interface profile) is pointing toward a vPC interface policy group.

  • The vPC interface policy group is pointing toward an AAEP called Customer_AEP.

  • The AEP (Customer_AEP) has an association with the Customer_PhysDom.

  • The Customer_PhysDom has an association with a VLAN pool called Customer_Static_VLPool.

Figure 9. vPC With the Same Leaf Switch Interfaces Across Two Leaf Switches With Combined Profiles

What This Configuration Does

On switches Leaf201 and Leaf202, configure port Eth1/1 to be part of a vPC. This vPC interface will have access to VLANs 1201 through 1299. Depending on the interface policy group, you can enable LACP Active and other interface specific policy configurations.

When to Use This Configuration

If you have dedicated pairs of compute leaf switches with nothing but vPC-connected servers, for example, this would be a solid use case for using combined-switch/interface profiles under your fabric access policies for those switches. You could preconfigure your switch, interface, access port selector, and vPC interface policy groups in such a way that allowed you to plug in 48 chassis-type servers with minimal effort.

vPC With the Same Leaf Switch Interfaces Across Two Leaf Switches with Individual Profiles

For the example of this use case, you define the following things:

  • Individual switch profiles called Leaf201_SwProf and Leaf202_SwProf (node 201 and node 202).

  • Individual interface profiles called Leaf201_IntProf and Leaf202_IntProf (node 201 and node 202)

  • Access port selectors called Eth1_1 (under the Leaf201 and Leaf202 interface profiles) is pointing toward the same vPC interface policy group.

  • The vPC interface policy group is pointing toward an AAEP called Customer_AEP.

  • The AEP (Customer_AEP) has an association with the Customer_PhysDom.

  • The Customer_PhysDom has an association with a VLAN pool called Customer_Static_VLPool.

Figure 10. vPC With the Same Leaf Switch Interfaces Across Two Leaf Switches with Individual Profiles

What This Configuration Does

On switches Leaf201 and Leaf202, configure port Eth1/1 to be a part of a vPC. This vPC interface will have access to VLANs 1201 through 1299. Depending on the interface policy group, you can enable LACP active and other interface specific policy configurations.

When to Use This Configuration

Use this configuration when you have leaf switches that support mixed workloads, such as compute, services, or Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs). In this case, having individual interface profiles allows for the most amount of flexibility, while allowing you to keep your Fabric > Access Policies configuration as clean and manageable as possible.

Configuring a Cisco ACI Leaf Switch Virtual Port Channel Using the Interface Configuration Model Using the GUI

This procedure uses the "Interface Configuration" methodology to attach a trunked switch to a Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf switch virtual port channel. The steps are the same for attaching other kinds of devices to an Cisco ACI leaf switch interface.

Figure 11. Switch Virtual Port Channel Configuration

Before you begin

  • The Cisco ACI fabric is installed, the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the Cisco APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • A Cisco APIC fabric administrator account is available that will enable creating the necessary fabric infrastructure configurations.

  • The target leaf switches are registered in the Cisco ACI fabric and available.


When creating a vPC domain between two leaf switches, ensure that the hardware of the two leaf switches that are going to be part of the same vPC pair is compatible. For more information, see Virtual Port Channels in Cisco ACI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

Use one of the following methods to open the Configure Interfaces dialog:

Method 1:

  1. In the Navigation pane, choose Quick Start.

  2. In the Work pane, click Configure Interfaces.

Method 2:

  1. In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Configuration.

  2. In the Work pane, choose Actions > Configure Interfaces.

Step 3

In the Configure Interfaces dialog, perform the following actions:

  1. For Node Type, click Leaf.

  2. For Port Type, click Access.

  3. For Interface Type, click Ethernet.

  4. For Interface Aggregation Type, choose vPC.

  5. For vPC Leaf Switch Pair, click Select vPC Leaf Switch Pair, put a check in the box for the desired switch pair, then click Select. You can select multiple switches. Optionally, click Create vPC Leaf Switch Pair and fill out the fields as desired, then select the pair and click Select.

  6. For Interfaces For All Switches, enter the range of desired interfaces.

  7. For PC/vPC Interface Policy Group, click Select PC/vPC Interface Policy Group.

  8. In the Select PC/vPC Interface Policy Group dialog, choose an existing vPC policy group and click Select. Optionally, click Create PC/vPC Interface Policy Group to create a new vPC policy group, fill out the fields, and click Save, then choose that policy group and click Select.

  9. For Port Channel Member Policy, click Select Port Channel Member Policy, then choose a policy and click Select. Optionally, click Create Port Channel Member Policy, fill out the fields as desired, and click Save, then choose that policy and click Select..

  10. Click Save.

Verification: Use the CLI show int command on the leaf switches where the external switch is attached to verify that the vPC is configured accordingly.

What to do next

This completes the switch virtual port channel configuration steps.


While this configuration enables hardware connectivity, no data traffic can flow without a valid application profile, EPG, and contract that is associated with this hardware configuration.

Configuring Virtual Port Channels in Leaf Nodes and FEX Devices Using the NX-OS CLI

A virtual port channel (vPC) is an enhancement to port-channels that allows connection of a host or switch to two upstream leaf nodes to improve bandwidth utilization and availability. In NX-OS, vPC configuration is done in each of the two upstream switches and configuration is synchronized using peer link between the switches.

The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) model does not require a peer link and vPC configuration can be done globally for both the upstream leaf nodes. A global configuration mode called vpc context is introduced in Cisco ACI and vPC interfaces are represented using a type interface vpc that allows global configuration applicable to both leaf nodes.

Two different topologies are supported for vPC in the Cisco ACI model: vPC using leaf ports and vPC over FEX ports. It is possible to create many vPC interfaces between a pair of leaf nodes and similarly, many vPC interfaces can be created between a pair of FEX modules attached to the leaf node pairs in a straight-through topology.

vPC considerations include:

  • The vPC name used is unique between leaf node pairs. For example, only one vPC 'corp' can be created per leaf pair (with or without FEX).

  • Leaf ports and FEX ports cannot be part of the same vPC.

  • Each FEX module can be part of only one instance of vPC corp.

  • vPC context allows configuration

  • The vPC context mode allows configuration of all vPCs for a given leaf pair. For vPC over FEX, the fex-id pairs must be specified either for the vPC context or along with the vPC interface, as shown in the following two alternative examples.

    (config)# vpc context leaf 101 102
    (config-vpc)# interface vpc Reg fex 101 101


    (config)# vpc context leaf 101 102 fex 101 101
    (config-vpc)# interface vpc Reg

In the Cisco ACI model, vPC configuration is done in the following steps (as shown in the examples below).


A VLAN domain is required with a VLAN range. It must be associated with the port-channel template.

  1. VLAN domain configuration (global config) with VLAN range

  2. vPC domain configuration (global config)

  3. Port-channel template configuration (global config)

  4. Associate the port channel template with the VLAN domain

  5. Port-channel configuration for vPC (global config)

  6. Configure ports to vPC in leaf nodes

  7. Configure Layer 2, Layer 3 for vPC in the vPC context

Before you begin

Ensure that the hardware of the two leaf switches that are going to be part of the same vPC pair is compatible. For more information, see Virtual Port Channels in Cisco ACI.


Step 1


Enters global configuration mode.


apic1# configure

Step 2

vlan-domainname[dynamic] [type domain-type]

Configures a VLAN domain for the virtual port-channel (here with a port-channel template).


apic1(config)# vlan-domain dom1 dynamic

Step 3


Configures a VLAN range for the VLAN domain and exits the configuration mode. The range can be a single VLAN or a range of VLANs.


apic1(config-vlan)# vlan 1000-1999
apic1(config-vlan)# exit

Step 4

vpc domain explicit domain-id leaf node-id1 node-id2

Configures a vPC domain between a pair of leaf nodes. You can specify the vPC domain ID in the explicit mode along with the leaf node pairs.

Alternative commands to configure a vPC domain are as follows:

  • vpc domain [consecutive | reciprocal]

    The consecutive and reciprocal options allow auto configuration of a vPC domain across all leaf nodes in the Cisco ACI fabric.

  • vpc domain consecutive domain-start leaf start-node end-node

    This command configures a vPC domain consecutively for a selected set of leaf node pairs.


apic1(config)# vpc domain explicit 1 leaf 101 102

Step 5

peer-dead-interval interval

Configures the time delay the Leaf switch waits to restore the vPC before receiving a response from the peer. If it does not receive a response from the peer within this time, the Leaf switch considers the peer dead and brings up the vPC with the role as a master. If it does receive a response from the peer it restores the vPC at that point. The range is from 5 seconds to 600 seconds. The default is 200 seconds.


apic1(config-vpc)# peer-dead-interval 10

Step 6


Returns to global configuration mode.


apic1(config-vpc)# exit

Step 7

template port-channel channel-name

Creates a new port-channel or configures an existing port-channel (global configuration).

All vPCs are configured as port-channels in each leaf pair. The same port-channel name must be used in a leaf pair for the same vPC. This port-channel can be used to create a vPC among one or more pairs of leaf nodes. Each leaf node will have only one instance of this vPC.


apic1(config)# template port-channel corp

Step 8

vlan-domain membervlan-domain-name

Associates the port channel template with the previously configured VLAN domain.


vlan-domain member dom1

Step 9

switchport access vlan vlan-id tenant tenant-name application application-name epg epg-name

Deploys the EPG with the VLAN on all ports with which the port-channel is associated.


apic1(config-po-ch-if)# switchport access vlan 4 tenant ExampleCorp application Web epg webEpg

Step 10

channel-mode active



A port-channel must be in active channel-mode for a vPC.


apic1(config-po-ch-if)# channel-mode active

Step 11


Returns to configure mode.


apic1(config-po-ch-if)# exit

Step 12

leaf node-id1 node-id2

Specifies the pair of leaf switches to be configured.


apic1(config)# leaf 101-102

Step 13

interface typeleaf/interface-range

Specifies the interface or range of interfaces that you are configuring to the port-channel.


apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/3-4

Step 14

[no] channel-group channel-name vpc

Assigns the interface or range of interfaces to the port-channel. Use the keyword no to remove the interface from the port-channel. To change the port-channel assignment on an interface, you can enter the channel-group command without first removing the interface from the previous port-channel.



The vpc keyword in this command makes the port-channel a vPC. If the vPC does not already exist, a vPC ID is automatically generated and is applied to all member leaf nodes.


apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group corp vpc

Step 15



apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit

Step 16



apic1(config-leaf)# exit

Step 17

vpc context leaf node-id1 node-id2

The vPC context mode allows configuration of vPC to be applied to both leaf node pairs.


apic1(config)# vpc context leaf 101 102

Step 18

interface vpc channel-name


apic1(config-vpc)# interface vpc blue fex 102 102

Step 19

(Optional) [no] shutdown

Administrative state configuration in the vPC context allows changing the admin state of a vPC with one command for both leaf nodes.


apic1(config-vpc-if)# no shut


This example shows how to configure a basic vPC.

apic1# configure
apic1(config)# vlan-domain dom1 dynamic
apic1(config-vlan)# vlan 1000-1999
apic1(config-vlan)# exit
apic1(config)# vpc domain explicit 1 leaf 101 102
apic1(config-vpc)# peer-dead-interval 10
apic1(config-vpc)# exit
apic1(config)# template port-channel corp
apic1(config-po-ch-if)# vlan-domain member dom1
apic1(config-po-ch-if)# channel-mode active
apic1(config-po-ch-if)# exit
apic1(config)# leaf 101-102
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/3-4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group corp vpc
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config)# vpc context leaf 101 102

This example shows how to configure vPCs with FEX ports.

apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 101/1/1-2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group Reg vpc
apic1(config)# vpc context leaf 101 102
apic1(config-vpc)# interface vpc corp
apic1(config-vpc-if)# exit
apic1(config-vpc)# interface vpc red fex 101 101
apic1(config-vpc-if)# switchport
apic1(config-vpc-if)# exit
apic1(config-vpc)# interface vpc blue fex 102 102
apic1(config-vpc-if)# shut

Reflective Relay (802.1Qbg)

Reflective relay is a switching option beginning with Cisco APIC Release 2.3(1). Reflective relay—the tagless approach of IEEE standard 802.1Qbg—forwards all traffic to an external switch, which then applies policy and sends the traffic back to the destination or target VM on the server as needed. There is no local switching. For broadcast or multicast traffic, reflective relay provides packet replication to each VM locally on the server.

One benefit of reflective relay is that it leverages the external switch for switching features and management capabilities, freeing server resources to support the VMs. Reflective relay also allows policies that you configure on the Cisco APIC to apply to traffic between the VMs on the same server.

In the Cisco ACI, you can enable reflective relay, which allows traffic to turn back out of the same port it came in on. You can enable reflective relay on individual ports, port channels, or virtual port channels as a Layer 2 interface policy using the APIC GUI, NX-OS CLI, or REST API. It is disabled by default.

The term Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA) is also used to describe 802.1Qbg functionality.

Reflective Relay Support

Reflective relay supports the following:

  • IEEE standard 802.1Qbg tagless approach, known as reflective relay.

    Cisco APIC Release 2.3(1) release does not support the IEE standard 802.1Qbg S-tagged approach with multichannel technology.

  • Physical domains.

    Virtual domains are not supported.

  • Physical ports, port channels (PCs), and virtual port channels (vPCs).

    Cisco Fabric Extender (FEX) and blade servers are not supported. If reflective relay is enabled on an unsupported interface, a fault is raised, and the last valid configuration is retained. Disabling reflective relay on the port clears the fault.

  • Cisco Nexus 9000 series switches with EX or FX at the end of their model name.

Enabling Reflective Relay Using the GUI

Reflective relay is disabled by default; however, you can enable it on a port, port channel, or virtual port channel as a Layer 2 interface policy on the switch. You first configure a policy and then associate the policy with a policy group.

Before you begin

This procedure assumes that you have set up the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric and installed the physical switches.


Step 1

Choose Fabric > External Access Policies > > Interface Policies and then open the Policies folder.

Step 2

Right-click the L2 Interface folder and choose Create L2 Interface Policy.

Step 3

In the Create L2 Interface Policy dialog box, enter a name in the Name field.

Step 4

In the Reflective Relay (802.1Qbg) area, click enabled.

Step 5

Choose other options in the dialog box as needed.

Step 6


Step 7

In the Policies navigation pane, open the Policy Groups folder and click the Leaf Policy Groups folder.

Step 8

In the Leaf Policy Groups central pane, expand the ACTIONS drop-down list, and choose Create Leaf Access Port Policy Group, Create PC Interface Policy Group, Create vPC Interface Policy Group, or Create PC/vPC Override Policy Group.

Step 9

In the policy group dialog box, enter a name in the Name field.

Step 10

From the L2 Interface Policy drop-down list, choose the policy that you just created to enable Reflective Relay.

Step 11

Click Submit.

Enabling Reflective Relay Using the NX-OS CLI

Reflective relay is disabled by default; however, you can enable it on a port, port channel, or virtual port channel as a Layer 2 interface policy on the switch. In the NX-OS CLI, you can use a template to enable reflective relay on multiple ports or you can enable it on individual ports.

Before you begin

This procedure assumes that you have set up the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric and installed the physical switches.


Enable reflective relay on one or multiple ports:


This example enables reflective relay on a single port:
apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/2
apic1(config-leaf-if)# switchport vepa enabled
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config-leaf)# exit


This example enables reflective relay on multiple ports using a template:
apic1(config)# template policy-group grp1
apic1(config-pol-grp-if)# switchport vepa enabled
apic1(config-pol-grp-if)# exit
apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/2-4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# policy-group grp1


This example enables reflective relay on a port channel:
apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface port-channel po2                 
apic1(config-leaf-if)# switchport vepa enabled
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config-leaf)# exit


This example enables reflective relay on multiple port channels:
apic1(config)# template port-channel po1
apic1(config-if)# switchport vepa enabled
apic1(config-if)# exit
apic1(config)# leaf 101
apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/3-4
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group po1 
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config-leaf)# exit


This example enables reflective relay on a virtual port channel:
apic1(config)# vpc domain explicit 1 leaf 101 102
apic1(config-vpc)# exit
apic1(config)# template port-channel po4
apic1(config-if)# exit
apic1(config)# leaf 101-102
apic1(config-leaf)# interface eth 1/11-12
apic1(config-leaf-if)# channel-group po4 vpc
apic1(config-leaf-if)# exit
apic1(config-leaf)# exit
apic1(config)# vpc context leaf 101 102
apic1(config-vpc)# interface vpc po4
apic1(config-vpc-if)# switchport vepa enabled

Configuring Port, PC, and vPC Connections to FEX Devices

FEX connections and the profiles used to configure them can be created using the GUI, NX-OS-style CLI, or the REST API. Interface profiles for configuring FEX connections are supported since the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) 3.0(1k) release.

The configuration consists of two key steps:

  • Defining the connectivity between the FEX and the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf switch

  • Configuring the FEX ports connected to the servers

After you configure the FEX connectivity to the Cisco ACI leaf switch, the configuration of the FEX host-facing ports is no different than the configuration of Cisco ACI leaf switch ports as individual interfaces, port channels, or vPCs.

For information on how to configure ports, PCs, and vPCs using the GUI, the NX-OS-style CLI, or the REST API, see the following sections:

ACI FEX Guidelines

Observe the following guidelines when deploying a FEX:

  • Assuming that no leaf switch front panel ports are configured to deploy and EPG and VLANs, a maximum of 10,000 port EPGs are supported for being deployed using a FEX.

  • For each FEX port or vPC that includes FEX ports as members, a maximum of 20 EPGs per VLAN are supported.

  • A vPC with FEX interfaces ignores the minimum and maximum number of links configured in its port-channel policy. The vPC remains up even if the number of links is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum.

FEX Virtual Port Channels

The ACI fabric supports Cisco Fabric Extender (FEX) server-side virtual port channels (vPC), also known as an FEX straight-through vPC.


When creating a vPC domain between two leaf switches, ensure that the hardware of the two leaf switches that are going to be part of the same vPC pair is compatible. For more information, see Virtual Port Channels in Cisco ACI.

Figure 12. Supported FEX vPC Topologies

Supported FEX vPC port channel topologies include the following:

  • Both VTEP and non-VTEP hypervisors behind a FEX.

  • Virtual switches (such as AVS or VDS) connected to two FEXs that are connected to the ACI fabric (vPCs directly connected on physical FEX ports is not supported - a vPC is supported only on port channels).


When using GARP as the protocol for notification of IP-to-MAC binding changes to different interfaces on the same FEX, you must set the bridge domain mode to ARP Flooding and enable EP Move Detection Mode: GARP-based Detection, on the L3 Configuration page of the bridge domain wizard. This workaround is only required with Generation 1 switches. With Generation 2 switches or later, this is not an issue.

Configuring a FEX Connection to the ACI Leaf Switch Using the GUI

This procedure provides the steps for attaching a server to the FEX. The steps would be the same for attaching any device to a Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)-attached FEX.

Figure 13. Basic FEX Configuration


Configuring FEX connections with FEX IDs 165 to 199 is not supported in the APIC GUI. To use one of these FEX IDs, configure the profile using the NX-OS style CLI. For more information, see Configuring FEX Connections Using Interface Profiles with the NX-OS Style CLI.

Before you begin

  • The Cisco ACI fabric is installed, Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) are online, and the Cisco APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • An Cisco APIC fabric administrator account is available that will enable creating the necessary fabric infrastructure configurations.

  • The target leaf switches, interfaces, and protocols are configured and available.

  • The FEX is powered on and connected to the target leaf switch interfaces


A maximum of eight members are supported in fabric port channels connected to FEXs.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Configuration.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Fabric Extender.

Step 4

In the Fabric Extender dialog, perform the following actions:

  1. For Node, click Select Node, put a check in the box for the desired node, then click OK. You can select multiple nodes.

  2. For Interfaces For All Switches, enter the range of desired interfaces.

  3. For Connected FEX ID, enter the ID of the FEX.

    You must configure FEX IDs 165 - 199, using the NX-OS-style CLI. See Configuring FEX Connections Using Interface Profiles with the NX-OS Style CLI.

  4. Click Save.

    The Cisco APIC auto-generates the necessary FEX profile (switch-policy-name_FexPFEX-ID) and selector (switch-policy-name_ifselctor).

Verification: Use the CLI show fex command on the switch where the FEX is attached to verify that the FEX is online.

Step 5

You can now configure FEX interfaces, such as regular Cisco ACI leaf switch interfaces by using Fabric > Fabric Access > Interface Configuration.

What to do next


While this configuration enables hardware connectivity, no data traffic can flow without a valid application profile, EPG, and contract that is associated with this hardware configuration.

Configuring FEX Connectivity to an ACI leaf switch Using Profiles with the NX-OS-Style CLI

Use this procedure to configure FEX connections to leaf nodes using the NX-OS style CLI.


Configuring FEX connections with FEX IDs 165 to 199 is not supported in the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI. To use one of these FEX IDs, configure the profile using the following commands.


Step 1


Enters global configuration mode.


apic1# configure

Step 2

leaf-interface-profile name

Specifies the leaf interface profile to be configured.


apic1(config)# leaf-interface-profile fexIntProf1

Step 3

leaf-interface-group name

Specifies the interface group to be configured.


apic1(config-leaf-if-profile)# leaf-interface-group leafIntGrp1

Step 4

fex associate fex-id [template template-typefex-template-name]

Attaches a FEX module to a leaf node. Use the optional template keyword to specify a template to be used. If it does not exist, the system creates a template with the name and type you specified.


apic1(config-leaf-if-group)# fex associate 101


This merged example configures a leaf interface profile for FEX connections with ID 101.

apic1# configure
apic1(config)# leaf-interface-profile fexIntProf1
apic1(config-leaf-if-profile)# leaf-interface-group leafIntGrp1
apic1(config-leaf-if-group)# fex associate 101

Configuring Port Profiles

Uplink and downlink conversion is supported on Cisco Nexus 9000 series switches with names that end in EX or FX, and later (for example, N9K-C9348GC-FXP or N9K-C93240YC-FX2). A FEX connected to converted downlinks is also supported.

For information about the supported supported Cisco switches, see Port Profile Configuration Summary.

When an uplink port is converted to a downlink port, it acquires the same capabilities as any other downlink port.


  • Fast Link Failover policies and port profiles are not supported on the same port. If port profile is enabled, Fast Link Failover cannot be enabled or vice versa.

  • The last 2 uplink ports of supported leaf switches cannot be converted to downlink ports (they are reserved for uplink connections).

  • Dynamic breakouts (both 100Gb and 40Gb) are supported on profiled QSFP ports on the N9K-C93180YC-FX switch. Breakout and port profile are supported together for conversion of uplink to downlink on ports 49-52. Breakout (both 10g-4x and 25g-4x options) is supported on downlink profiled ports.

  • The N9K-C9348GC-FXP does not support FEX.

  • Breakout is supported only on downlink ports, and not on fabric ports that are connected to other switches.

  • A Cisco ACI leaf switch cannot have more than 56 fabric links.

  • Reloading a switch after changing a switch's port profile configuration interrupts traffic through the data plane.

  • If a port profile is configured on any LEM type and you want to replace that LEM, the replacement LEM type must match the LEM type you removed.


In converting uplinks to downlinks and downlinks to uplinks, consider these guidelines.



Port profile guidelines for N9K-X9400-8D

These guidelines apply for this LEM:

  • This LEM has 8 ports with a default of 4 downlinks and 4 uplinks.

  • Port profile conversion is supported on the first 6 ports.

  • This LEM does not have a port group dependency.

Port profile guidelines for N9K-X9400-16W

These guidelines apply for this LEM:

  • This LEM has 16 ports, with a default of 12 downlinks and 4 uplinks.

  • Port profile conversion is supported on the first 6 ports.

  • This LEM has a port group dependency of 2 ports for port profile conversion. Which means that ports 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 have a port group dependency. For example, if port 2 is to be converted as an uplink, port 1 should also be converted to an uplink.

Port profile guidelines for N9K-X9400-22L

The 6.1(2) release adds support for this LEM. These guidelines apply:

  • This LEM has 22 ports with a default of 14 downlinks and 8 uplinks.

  • Port profile conversion is supported on the first 18 ports.

  • This LEM has a port group dependency of 4 ports for port profile conversion, except port 9 and 10. This means that ports 1-4, 5-8, 11-14, and 15-18 are part of a port group. For example, if port 2 is to be converted to an uplink, ports 1-4 all need to be converted.

  • Port 9 and 10 are a port group of 2. If port 10 is to be converted as an uplink, port 9 must become an uplink, also.

LEM Mismatch

On the N9K-C9400-SUP-A, if you have an N9K-X9400-22L LEM with its port profile configured on ports 7-18 and you replace it with another LEM type, like the N9K-X9400-8D or N9K-X9400-16W, the 8D or 16W module will show module status: LEM type mismatch. The failure occurs because the port profile conversions do not match. For the 8D and 16W modules, the port profile conversion is ports 1-6 only.

To recover the 8D or 16W LEMs from mismatch, remove the port-profile configurations present on all the ports on the previous LEM (i.e., the N9K-X9400-22L LEM). There should not be any port profile configuration. After this process, do a clean reload to recover the LEMs.

Decommissioning nodes with port profiles

If a decommissioned node has the Port Profile feature deployed on it, the port conversions are not removed even after decommissioning the node.

It is necessary to manually delete the configurations after decommission, for the ports to return to the default state. To do this, log onto the switch, run the script, and wait for it to run. Then, enter the reload command. Optionally, you can specify -k with the script to allow the port-profile setting to persist across the reload, making an additional reboot unnecessary.

Beginning with 6.0(5), the port-profile setting persists across the reload when running the script with no option, -k or --keep-port-profile. To manually delete the configuration, run the script with -d or --delete-profiles.

Maximum uplink port limit

When the maximum uplink port limit is reached and ports 25 and 27 are converted from uplink to downlink and back to uplink on Cisco 93180LC-EX switches:

On Cisco N9K-93180LC-EX switches, ports 25 and 27 are the original uplink ports. Using the port profile, if you convert port 25 and 27 to downlink ports, ports 29, 30, 31, and 32 are still available as four original uplink ports. Because of the threshold on the number of ports (which is maximum of 12 ports) that can be converted, you can convert 8 more downlink ports to uplink ports. For example, ports 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 are converted to uplink ports and ports 29, 30, 31 and 32 are the 4 original uplink ports (the maximum uplink port limit on Cisco 93180LC-EX switches).

When the switch is in this state and if the port profile configuration is deleted on ports 25 and 27, ports 25 and 27 are converted back to uplink ports, but there are already 12 uplink ports on the switch (as mentioned earlier). To accommodate ports 25 and 27 as uplink ports, 2 random ports from the port range 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 are denied the uplink conversion and this situation cannot be controlled by the user.

Therefore, it is mandatory to clear all the faults before reloading the leaf node to avoid any unexpected behavior regarding the port type. It should be noted that if a node is reloaded without clearing the port profile faults, especially when there is a fault related to limit-exceed, the port might not be in an expected operational state.

Breakout Limitations





Cisco APIC 3.1(1) and later

  • 40Gb and 100Gb dynamic breakouts are supported on ports 1 through 24 on odd numbered ports.

  • When the top ports (odd ports) are broken out, then the bottom ports (even ports) are error disabled.

  • Port profiles and breakouts are not supported on the same port. However, you can apply a port profile to convert a fabric port to a downlink, and then apply a breakout configuration.


Cisco APIC 5.2(4) and later

  • 40Gb and 100Gb dynamic breakouts are supported on ports 1 through 34.

  • A port profile cannot be applied to a port with breakout enabled. However, you can apply a port profile to convert a fabric port to a downlink, and then apply a breakout configuration.

  • All 34 ports can be configured as breakout ports.

  • If you want to apply a breakout configuration on 34 ports, you must configure a port profile on the ports to have 34 downlink ports, then you must reboot the leaf switch.

  • If you apply a breakout configuration to a leaf switch for multiple ports at the same time, it can take up to 10 minutes for the hardware of 34 ports to be programmed. The ports remain down until the programming completes. The delay can occur for a new configuration, after a clean reboot, or during switch discovery.


Cisco APIC 4.2(4) and later

  • 40Gb and 100Gb dynamic breakouts are supported on ports 1 through 34.

  • A port profile cannot be applied to a port with breakout enabled. However, you can apply a port profile to convert a fabric port to a downlink, and then apply a breakout configuration.

  • All 34 ports can be configured as breakout ports.

  • If you want to apply a breakout configuration on 34 ports, you must configure a port profile on the ports to have 34 downlink ports, then you must reboot the leaf switch.

  • If you apply a breakout configuration to a leaf switch for multiple ports at the same time, it can take up to 10 minutes for the hardware of 34 ports to be programmed. The ports remain down until the programming completes. The delay can occur for a new configuration, after a clean reboot, or during switch discovery.


Cisco APIC 3.2(1) up through, but not including, 4.2(4)

  • 40Gb and 100Gb dynamic breakouts are supported on ports 1 through 30.

  • Port profiles and breakouts are not supported on the same port. However, you can apply a port profile to convert a fabric port to a downlink, and then apply a breakout configuration.

  • A maximum of 20 ports can be configured as breakout ports.


Cisco APIC 3.2(1) and later

  • 40Gb and 100Gb dynamic breakouts are supported on ports 49 though 52, when they are on profiled QSFP ports. To use them for dynamic breakout, perform these steps:

    • Convert ports 49-52 to front panel ports (downlinks).

    • Perform a port-profile reload, using one of these methods:

      • In the Cisco APIC GUI, navigate to Fabric > Inventory > Pod > Leaf, right-click Chassis and choose Reload.

      • In the iBash CLI, enter the reload command.

    • Apply breakouts on the profiled ports 49-52.

  • Ports 53 and 54 do not support either port profiles or breakouts.


Cisco APIC 4.0(1) and later

Breakout is not supported on converted downlinks.

Port Profile Configuration Summary

The following table summarizes supported uplinks and downlinks for the switches that support port profile conversions from uplink to downlink and downlink to uplink.

Switch Model

Default Links

Max Uplinks (Fabric Ports)

Max Downlinks (Server Ports)

Release Supported



48 x 100M/1G BASE-T downlinks

4 x 10/25 Gbps SFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

48 x 100M/1G BASE-T downlinks

4 x 10/25 Gbps SFP28 uplinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

Same as default port configuration




24 x 40 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks (ports 1-24)

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks (ports 25, 27)

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks (ports 29-32)


12 x 100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks (odd number ports from 1-24)

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks (ports 25, 27)

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks (ports 29-32)

18 x 40 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks (from 1-24)

6 x 40 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(from 1-24)

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(25, 27)

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(29-32)


6 x 100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks(odd number from 1-24)

6 x 100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(odd number from 1-24)

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(25, 27)

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(29-32)

24 x 40 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks(1-24)

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks(25, 27)

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(29-32)


12 x 100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks(odd number from 1-24)

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks (25, 27)

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks(29-32)





48 x 10/25 Gbps fiber downlinks

6 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

Same as default port configuration

48 x 10/25 Gbps fiber downlinks

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks


48 x 10/25 Gbps fiber uplinks

6 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks






48 x 10GBASE-T downlinks

6 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

Same as default port configuration

48 x 10/25 Gbps fiber downlinks

4 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks





30 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

6 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

18 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

18 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

Same as default port configuration


18 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

18 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

34 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks


36 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

34 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks



30 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

6 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

36 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

34 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks



48 x 10/25 Gbps fiber downlinks

12 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

Same as default port configuration

48 x 10/25 Gbps fiber downlinks

10 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks


48 x 10/25 Gbps fiber uplinks

12 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks



96 x 10G BASE-T downlinks

12 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

Same as default port configuration

96 x 10G BASE-T downlinks

10 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks



96 x 10/25 Gbps SFP28 downlinks

12 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

44 x 10/25Gbps SFP28 downlinks

52 x 10/25Gbps SFP28 uplinks

12 x 40/100Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

96 x 10/25 Gbps SFP28 downlinks

10 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks



28 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks (ports 1-28)

8 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks (ports 29-36)

28 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

8 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks

28 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

6 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks

2 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks



48 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks (ports 1-48)

16 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks (ports 49-64)

56 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks

62 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 downlinks

2 x 40/100 Gbps QSFP28 uplinks



12 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks (ports 1-12)

4 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks (ports 13-16)

16 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks

14 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks



2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks (ports 33-34)

24 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks (ports 1-24)

8 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks (ports 25-32)

2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks

32 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks

2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks

30 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks

2 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks



2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks (ports 49-50)

36 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks (ports 1-36)

12 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks (ports 37-48)

2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks

48 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks

2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks

46 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks

2 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks



2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks (ports 65-66)

48 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks (ports 1-48)

16 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks (ports 49-64)

2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks

56 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks

2 x 1/10 Gbps SFP+ downlinks

62 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks

2 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks


N9K-C9408 with N9K-X9400-8D3

6 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD downlinks

2 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks

8 x 40/100/400 Gbps QSFP-DD uplinks

Same as default port configuration


N9K-C9408 with N9K-X9400-16W3

12 x 100/200 Gbps QSFP56 downlinks

4 x 100/200 Gbps QSFP56 uplinks

6 x 100/200 Gbps QSFP56 uplinks (ports 1-6)

6 x 100/200 Gbps QSFP56 downlinks (ports 7-12)

4 x 100/200 Gbps QSFP56 uplinks (ports 13-16)

Same as default port configuration


1 Does not support FEX.

2 Only uplink to downlink conversion is supported.

3 Only ports 1 through 6 support port profile conversion.

4 The 6.0(2) release does not support 200 Gbps.

Changing an Uplink to a Downlink or Downlink to an Uplink Using the GUI

This procedure explains how to configure a port profile, which determines the port type: uplink or downlink. You can configure ports as uplinks or downlinks by using Fabric > Access Policies > Interface Configuration > Actions > Convert Interfaces. You can also use Fabric > Inventory > Topology > Convert Interfaces. The two methods provide the same workflow.

Before you begin

  • The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric is installed, Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) are online, and the Cisco APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • An Cisco APIC fabric administrator account is available that will enable creating or modifying the necessary fabric infrastructure configurations.

  • The target leaf switches are registered in the Cisco ACI fabric and available.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Configuration.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Convert Interfaces.

Step 4

In the Interface Configuration Support Type drop-down list, choose Convert to Uplink or Convert to Downlink.

Step 5

For the Node field, click Select Node and select the nodes

Step 6

In the Interfaces for All Switches field, enter the desired interfaces.

After converting a downlink to uplink or uplink to downlink, you must reload the switch using the GUI or CLI reload command. Power cycling the switch will not work.

Changing an Uplink to a Downlink or Downlink to an Uplink Using the NX-OS-Style CLI

To configure a port profile using the NX-OS-style CLI, perform the following steps:

Before you begin

  • The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric is installed, Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) are online, and the Cisco APIC cluster is formed and healthy.

  • An Cisco APIC fabric administrator account is available that will enable creating or modifying the necessary fabric infrastructure configurations.

  • The target leaf switches are registered in the Cisco ACI fabric and available.


Step 1


Enters global configuration mode.


apic1# configure

Step 2

leaf node-id

Specifies the leaf switches to be configured.


apic1(config)# leaf 102

Step 3

interface type

Specifies the interface that you are configuring. You can specify the interface type and identity. For an Ethernet port, use ethernet slot / port.


apic1(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/2

Step 4

port-direction {uplink | downlink}

Determines the port direction or changes it. This example configures the port to be a downlink.

On the N9K-C9336C-FX switch, changing a port from uplink to downlink is not supported.


apic1(config-leaf-if)# port-direction downlink

Step 5

Log on to the leaf switch where the port is located and enter the reload command.

Verifying Port Profile Configuration and Conversion Using the NX-OS Style CLI

You can verify the configuration and the conversion of the ports using the show interface brief CLI command.


Port profile can be deployed only on the top ports of a Cisco N9K-C93180LC-EX switch, for example, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, and 23. When the top port is converted using the port profile, the bottom ports are hardware disabled. For example, if Eth 1/1 is converted using the port profile, Eth 1/2 is hardware disabled.


Step 1

This example displays the output for converting an uplink port to downlink port. Before converting an uplink port to downlink port, the output is displayed in the example. The keyword routed denotes the port as uplink port.


switch# show interface brief
Eth1/49          --      eth  routed  down   sfp-missing              100G(D)   --
Eth1/50          --      eth  routed  down   sfp-missing              100G(D)   --

Step 2

After configuring the port profile and reloading the switch, the output is displayed in the example. The keyword trunk denotes the port as downlink port.


switch# show interface brief
Eth1/49          0       eth  trunk   down   sfp-missing              100G(D)   --
Eth1/50          0       eth  trunk   down   sfp-missing              100G(D)   --

Editing an Interface Configuration

This procedure describes how to edit the configuration of an interface that you previously configured, which enables you to change the port policy group or description of the interface.

Before you begin

You must have at least one interface configured.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Configuration.

Step 3

In the work pane, click the ... at the right end of the row for the interface whose configuration you want to edit, then choose Edit Interface Configuration.

Step 4

In the Edit Policy Group for interface-name dialog, change the configuration as required.

Step 5

Click Save.



For any existing configurations done using the node or port profile, you can migrate the entire FEX configuration using the APIC REST API Configuration Procedures.