

The definition of a specific object on Cisco Cloud Network Controller (CCNC), named Cloud Context Profile (cloudCtxProfile), allows you to deploy a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on AWS Cloud that is also known as Virtual Network (VNet) on Azure Cloud.

Before CCNC release 26.0(2), the creation of a Cloud Context Profile was done automatically, because of the association between a VRF instance and a specific Cloud region. This had two main implications:

  1. The name of the cloudCtxProfile object was hardcoded as VRFName-RegionName.

  2. It was only possible to deploy a single VPC (or VNet) mapped to a VRF instance in a single region.

CCNC release 26.0(2) introduces the capability of defining one or more cloud context profiles objects mapped to the same VRF instance, with the result of being able to deploy multiple VPCs (or VNet) for a given VRF instance in the same Cloud Region.


A unique name for each tenant must now be explicitly assigned to every Cloud Context Profile defined.

This new functionality can be configured directly on CCNC or, as discussed in this document, it is also offered on Cisco Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator (NDO) starting from release 4.2(2) for all the Multi-Cloud deployments where NDO interacts with multiple CCNC instances.

Figure 1.
Overview Cloud Context Profile.
Figure 1 shows the logical mapping between VRF instance, Cloud Context Profiles, VPCs, and Region in the specific example of an AWS or Azure cloud.


Before you follow the procedures described in this document, you must complete the following basic configuration tasks: