S Commands

salt (sa configuration submode)

To configure the salt for the Security Association (SA), use the key command. To delete the salt from the SA, use the no form of the command.

salt salt

no salt salt

Syntax Description


Specifies the salt for encryption. The range is from 0x0 to 0xffffffff.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration submode

Command History



NX-OS 4.2(1)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the salt for the current SA:

switch# config t
switch(config)# fcsp esp sa 257
This is a Early Field Trial (EFT) feature.  Please do not use this in a producti
on environment. Continue Y/N ? [no] y
switch(config-sa)# salt 0x0 

san-ext-tuner enable

To enable the IP Network Simulator to simulate a variety of data network conditions, use the san-ext-tuner enable command.

san-ext-tuner enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The IP Network Simulator tool is used for network simulation and is supported on the 8-port IP Storage Services (IPS-8) module and 4-port IP Storage Services (IPS-4) module only. You must also have either the SAN extension over IP package for IPS-8 modules (SAN_EXTN_OVER_IP) or SAN extension over IP package for IPS-4 modules (SAN_EXTN_OVER_IP_IPS4), so that you can enable the SAN Extension Tuner, a prerequisite for enabling and using the network simulator.

You must have a pair of Gigabit Ethernet ports dedicated for each Ethernet path requiring simulation; these ports cannot provide FCIP or iSCSI functionality while simulation occurs. The remaining ports that are not performing network simulations can run FCIP or iSCSI. Ports dedicated to network simulation must be adjacent, and always begin with an odd-numbered port. For example, GE 1/1 and GE 1/2 would be a valid pair, while GE 2/2 and GE 2/3 would not.


This command is not supported on the Cisco MDS 9124 switch, the Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem, and the Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter.


The following example shows how to enable the SAN Extension Tuner and enable a pair of ports for network simulation:

config t
san-ext-tuner enable
ips netsim enable interface gigabitethernet 2/3 gigabitethernet 2/4

santap module

To configure the mapping between the Storage Services Module (SSM) and the VSAN where the appliance is configured, use the santap module command in configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

santap module slot-number {appl-vsan vsan-id [cvt-name cvt-name] | dvt target-pwwn target-pwwn target-vsan target-vsan-id dvt-name dvt-name dvt-vsan dvt-vsan-id [dvt-port port-number] [lun-size-handling enable/ disable] [io-timeout timeout-value]}

no santap module slot-number {appl-vsan vsan-id [cvt-name cvt-name] | dvt target-pwwn target-pwwn}

Syntax Description


Specifies the slot number of the SSM where the control virtual target (CVT) is created.

appl-vsan vsan-id

Specifies the appliance VSAN identification number used to communicate with the appliance. The range is 1 to 4093.

cvt-name cvt-name

(Optional) Specifies the control virtual target (CVT) name. The maximum size is 80 characters.


Configures the data virtual target (DVT).

target-pwwn target-pwwn

Specifies the target pWWN for the DVT. The format is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh.

target-vsan target-vsan-id

Specifies the target VSAN for the DVT. The range for the real target-vsan-id is 1 through 4093.

dvt-name dvt-name

Specifies the DVT name. The maximum size is 80 characters.

dvt-vsan dvt- vsan-id

Specifies the DVT VSAN. The range for the dvt-vsan-id is 1 through 4093.

dvt-port port-number

(Optional) Specifies the DVT port. The range for the port number is 1 through 32.

lun-size-handling enable/disable

(Optional) Enables or disables LUN size handling. Specify 1 to enable or 0 to disable LUN size handling, with the default being enable.

io-timeout timeout-value

(Optional) Specifies the I/O timeout value. The range is 10 to 200 seconds, with the default being 10 seconds.

Command Default


The IO-timeout is 10 seconds.

Lun-size-handling is Enabled.

Command Modes

onfiguration mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the following options: cvt-name , dvt , target-pwwn , target-vsan , dvt-name , dvt-vsan , dvt-port , lun-size-handling , and io-timeout .

Usage Guidelines

To access this command, you must first enable the SANTap feature on the SSM using the ssm enable feature command.

When the lun-size-handling option is set (enabled), the maximum logical block addressing (LBA) for DVT LUN is set to 2 TB. As a result, there is no issue with LUN resizing.


You can delete dvt target-pwwn using the no santap module slot dvt target-pwwn command. Other dvt options are not supported by the no form of the command.


The following example shows the configuration of the SSM where the SANTap feature is enabled and the VSAN used to communicate with the appliance:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# santap module 1 appl-vsan 1

scaling batch enable

To enable scalability in the Cisco SME configuration, use the scaling batch enable command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

scaling batch enable

no scaling batch enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco SME cluster onfiguration submode

Command History



NX-OS 4.1(3)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to enable Cisco SME scalability:

switch# config t
switch(config)# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# scaling batch enable


To schedule a maintenance job, use the scheduler command. To disable a job, use the no form of the command.

scheduler {aaa-authentication [username username] password [0 | 7] password | job name job-name | logfile size filesize | schedule name schedule-name}

no scheduler {aaa-authentication [username username] password [0 | 7] password | job name job-name | logfile size filesize | schedule name schedule-name}

Syntax Description


Specifies AAA credentials for AAA authentication of a remote user.


(Optional) Specifies the remote user and specifies the username. If the username keyword is not specified in the command, the currently logged-in user's name will be used.


(Optional) Specifies the remote user username.


Specifies the password of the logged-in remote user for AAA authentication.


(Optional) Specifies that the password is in clear text.


(Optional) Specifies that the password is encrypted.


Specifies the remote user’s password. If the encryption level was not specified (0 or 7), the supplied password will be encrypted.

job name

Specifies a scheduler job.


Specifies the name of the scheduler job. The maximum length is 31 characters.

logfile size

Specifies a log file configuration.


Specifies the size of the log file. The range is 16 to 1024 KB.

schedule name

Specifies a scheduler schedule.


Specifies the name of the schedule. The maximum length is 31 characters.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History



NX-OS 4.1(3)

Deleted a note from the Usage Guidelines.

NX-OS 4.1(1b)

Added a note to the Usage Guidelines.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Scheduler job configurations may not be edited. They need to be deleted and reconfigured to make changes. Jobs may comprise of multiple commands which can be entered in a single line by using ";" as the delimiter between commands.

A user's credentials are checked by the scheduler before allowing them to create, delete or run a scheduled jobs. Use the scheduler aaa-authetication command to configure a remote user's (a user without local credentials) credentials. The scheduler uses these credentials to verify that the user account is still active on the AAA server each time before it starts the job.

To use the command scheduler. You do not need to obtain any license.


The following example shows how to enable the scheduler command:

switch# config t

switch(config)# feature scheduler


The following example shows how to specify the password for the currently logged-in remote user:

switch# config t
switch(config)# scheduler aaa-authentication password newpwd

The following example shows how to specify a clear text password for the currently logged-in remote user:

switch# config t
switch(config)# scheduler aaa-authentication password 0 X12y34Z56a 

The following example shows how to specify a name and password for a remote user:

switch# config t
switch(config)# scheduler aaa-authentication username newuser password newpwd3

The following example shows how to specify scheduler logfile size:

switch(config)# scheduler logfile size 512 switch(config)#

The following example shows how to define a name for the schedule and enters the submode for that schedule:

switch(config)# scheduler schedule name my_timetable

The following example shows how to specify a schedule to run jobs:

switch(config-schedule)# time daily 1:23

The following example shows how to define a job that uses variables:

switch(config)# scheduler job name my_job  
switch(config-job)# cli var name timestamp $(TIMESTAMP);copy running-config 
bootflash:/$(SWITCHNAME)-cfg.$(timestamp);copy bootflash:/$(SWITCHNAME)-cfg.$(timestamp) 
switch(config-job)# exit

scsi-flow distribute

To enable SCSI flow distribution through CFS, use the scsi-flow distribute command. To disable the SCSI flow distribution, use the no form of the command.

scsi-flow distribute

no scsi-flow distribute

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

SCSI flow distribution is enabled.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must enable the SCSI flow feature on the Storage Services Module (SSM) before you can configure an SCSI flow. Use the ssm enable feature module slot-number command to enable the SCSI flow feature on the SSM.


The following example enables distribution of SCSI flow services using CFS:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# scsi-flow distribute

The following example disables distribution of SCSI flow services:

switch(config)# no scsi-flow distribute

scsi-flow flow-id

To configure SCSI flow services, use the scsi-flow flow-id command. To disable the SCSI flow services, use the no form of the command.

scsi-flow flow-id flow-id {initiator-vsan vsan-id initiator-pwwn wwn target-vsan vsan-id target-pwwn wwn | statistics | write-acceleration [buffers count]}

no scsi-flow flow-id flow-id {statistics | write-acceleration}

Syntax Description


Configures the SCSI flow identification number. The range is 1 to 65535.

initiator-vsan vsan-id

Specifies the initiator VSAN identification number. The range is 1 to 4093.

initiator-pwwn wwn

Configures initiator side pWWN.

target-vsan vsan-id

Configures target VSAN identification number of the SCSI flow.

target-pwwn wwn

Configures the target side pWWN.


Enables statistics gathering.


Enables write acceleration.

buffers count

(Optional) Configures the write acceleration buffer count. The range is 1 to 40000 and the default is 1024.

Command Default

SCSI flow services are disabled.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must enable the SCSI flow feature on the Storage Services Module (SSM) before you can configure a SCSI flow. Use the ssm enable feature module slot-number command to enable the SCSI flow feature on the SSM.


The following example configures an SCSI flow with a flow identifier of 4 and the following attributes:

  • Initiator VSAN number—101
  • Initiator port WWN—21:00:00:e0:8b:05:76:28
  • Target VSAN number—101
  • Target port—WWN 21:00:00:20:37:38:67:cf

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# scsi-flow flow-id 4 initiator-vsan 101 initiator-pwwn 21:00:00:e0:8b:05:76:28 target-vsan 101 target-pwwn 21:00:00:20:37:38:67:cf

The following example disables a SCSI flow with a flow identifier of 4:

switch(config)# no scsi-flow flow-id 4

The following example configures SCSI flow 4 to gather statistics about the SCSI flow:

switch(conf)# scsi-flow flow-id 4 statistics

The following example disables the statistics gathering feature on SCSI flow 4:

switch(conf)# no scsi-flow flow-id 4 statistics

The following example configures SCSI flow 4 with write acceleration:

switch(conf)# scsi-flow flow-id 4 write-acceleration

The following example configures SCSI flow 4 with write acceleration and buffers of 1024 credits:

switch(conf)# scsi-flow flow-id 4 write-acceleration buffer 1024

The following example disables the write acceleration feature on SCSI flow 4:

switch(conf)# no
 scsi-flow flow-id 4 write-acceleration


To configure SCSI target discovery, use the scsi-target command in configuration mode. To remove SCSI target discovery, use the no form of the command.

scsi-target {auto-poll [vsan vsan-id] | discovery | ns-poll [vsan vsan-id] | on-demand [vsan vsan-id]}

no scsi-target {auto-poll [vsan vsan-id] | discovery | ns-poll [vsan vsan-id] | on-demand [vsan vsan-id]}

Syntax Description


Configures SCSI target auto polling globally or per VSAN.

vsan vsan-id

(Optional) Specifies a VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093.


Configures SCSI target discovery.


Configures SCSI target name server polling globally or per VSAN.


Configures SCSI targets on demand globally or per VSAN.

Command Default

SCSI target discovery for each option is on.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Automatic global SCSI target discovery is on by default. Discovery can also be triggered for specific VSANs using on-demand, name server polling, or auto-polling options. All options are on by default. Use the no scsi-target discovery command to turn off all discovery options. You can also turn off specific options by using the no form of the command.


The following example configures SCSI target auto-polling discovery for VSAN 1:

switch# config t
switch(config)# scsi-target auto-poll vsan 1

The following example removes SCSI target auto-polling discovery for VSAN 1:

switch# config t
switch(config)# no scsi-target auto-poll vsan 1

The following example configures an SCSI target discovery:

switch# config t
switch(config)# scsi-target discovery

The following example removes a SCSI target discovery:

switch# config t
switch(config)# no scsi-target discovery

The following example configures SCSI target ns-polling discovery for VSAN 1:

switch# config t
switch(config)# scsi-target ns-poll vsan 1

The following example removes SCSI target ns-polling discovery for VSAN 1:

switch# config t
switch(config)# no scsi-target ns-poll vsan 1

The following example configures SCSI target on-demand discovery for VSAN 1:

switch# config t
switch(config)# scsi-target on-demand vsan 1

The following example removes SCSI target on-demand discovery for VSAN 1:

switch# config t
switch(config)# no scsi-target on-demand vsan 1

sdv abort vsan

To terminate an SDV configuration for a specified VSAN, use the sdv abort vsan command in configuration mode.

sdv abort vsan vsan-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of the VSAN. The range is 1 to 4093.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must enable SDV using the sdv enable command.


The following example shows how to terminate an SDV configuration for a specified VSAN:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# sdv abort vsan 2

sdv commit vsan

To commit an SDV configuration to a specified VSAN, use the sdv commit vsan command in configuration mode. To remove the SDV configuration for a specified VSAN, use the no form of the command.

sdv commit vsan vsan-id

no sdv commit vsan vsan-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of the VSAN. The range is 1 to 4093.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must enable SDV using the sdv enable command.


The following example shows how to commit an SDV configuration to a specified VSAN:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# sdv commit vsan 2

The following example shows how to uncommit an SDV configuration from a specified VSAN:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# no sdv commit vsan 2

sdv enable

To enable SDV on the switch, use the sdv enable command in configuration mode. To disable SDV, use the no form of the command.

sdv enable

no sdv enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to enable SDV:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# sdv enable

The following example shows how to disable SDV:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# no sdv enable

sdv virtual-device name

To create a virtual device name for a specified VSAN, use the sdv virtual-device name command in configuration mode. To remove the name, use the no form of the command.

sdv virtual-device name device-name vsan vsan-id

no sdv virtual-device name device-name vsan vsan-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the device. The maximum size is 32.

vsan vsan-id

Specifies the number of the VSAN. The range is 1 to 4093.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must enable SDV using the sdv enable command.

No more than 1000 virtual targets can be created in a single VSAN.

No more than 128 devices can be defined as virtual devices.


The following example shows how to create a virtual device name for a VSAN, and then specify both the primary and secondary pWWNs:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# sdv virtual-device name vdev1 vsan 2
switch(config-sdv-virt-dev)# pwwn 21:00:00:04:cf:cf:45:40 primary
switch(config-sdv-virt-dev)# pwwn 21:00:00:04:cf:cf:38:d6

The following example shows how to remove the virtual device name:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# no sdv virtual-device name vdev1 vsan 2

secure-erase abort job

To terminate a Secure Erase job, use the secure-erase abort job command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module-id abort job job-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the desired module number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Specifies the job ID of the target.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command does not wait for the completion of current patterns. A terminated job cannot be restarted.

A job can be terminated only when it has one or more sessions in the running state.


The following example shows how to abort a Secure Erase job:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 abort job 1

secure-erase create algorithm

To configure a Secure Erase algorithm on a specific slot of the intelligent linecard where Secure Erase is provisioned, use the secure-erase module create algorithm command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module module-id create algorithm algorithm-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the desired slot number of the intelligent linecard on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Specifies the algorithm ID. The range is 0 to 9.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to create a Secure Erase algorithm:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 create algorithm 3

secure-erase create job

To create a Secure Erase job, use the secure-erase create job command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module module-id create job job-id

Syntax Description

module module-id

Specifies the desired module number of the Storage Services Module (SSM) on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Specifies a unique number to identify a Secure Erase job. The range is 1 to 9999.


You will be prompted to choose a different ID if the job ID chosen already exists.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A Secure Erase job contains the following information:

  • The target enclosure where Secure Erase needs to be performed. Multiple target ports spanning multiple VSANs can be a part of one target enclosure.
  • Multiple target ports, VIs, and Secure Erase sessions can be added. These target ports and VIs can be a part of different VSANs.


The following example shows how to create a Secure Erase job:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 create job 1

secure-erase create-vi vsan

To create a VI for a specific VSAN, use the secure-erase create-vi vsan command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module module-id create-vi vsan vsan-id

Syntax Description

module module-id

Specifies the desired slot number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Specifies the VSAN ID of the target port being added.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You do not need to provide the job ID because VIs can be used commonly across jobs.


The following example shows how to create VIs for a VSAN:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 create-vi vsan 1

secure-erase destroy algorithm

To destroy a Secure Erase algorithm, use the secure-erase destroy algorithm command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module module-id destroy algorithm algorithm-id

Syntax Description

module module-id

Displays the slot number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Displays the algorithm ID. The range is 0 to 9.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to destroy an algorithm:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 destroy algorithm 1

secure-erase destroy job

To destroy a Secure Erase job, use the secure-erase destroy job command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module-id destroy job job-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the desired module number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Specifies the job ID of the target.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command destroys a Secure Erase job. A job can be destroyed only when there are no active sessions running.


The following example shows how to validate a Secure Erase job:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 destroy job 1

secure-erase destroy-vi vsan

To destroy a VI for a specific VSAN, use the secure-erase destroy-vi vsan command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module module-id destroy-vi vsan vsan-id

Syntax Description

module module-id

Displays the slot number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Displays the VSAN-ID of the target.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to destroy a VSAN:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 destroy-vi vsan 1

secure-erase start job

To restart all sessions in a job, use the secure-erase start job command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module module-id start job job-id

Syntax Description

module module-id

Specifies the desired module number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Starts a specific job ID of the target.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command starts all sessions in a job. If the active sessions have reached the maximum limit, the remaining sessions are queued. The queued sessions start when one or more sessions are complete or terminated.

A job can be started only when it has one or more sessions in the stopped state or ready state.


The following example shows how to start a session in a Secure Erase job:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 start job 1

secure-erase stop job

To stop all sessions in a job, use the secure-erase stop job command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module-id stop job job-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the desired module number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Stops the specific job ID of the target.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command waits for the completion of the current pattern and pauses the pattern sequence. A stopped job can be restarted.

A job can be stopped only when it has one or more sessions in the running state.


The following example shows how to stop a session in a Secure Erase job:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 stop job 1

secure-erase validate job

To validate a Secure Erase job, use the secure-erase validate job command in configuration mode.

secure-erase module-id validate job job-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the desired module number of the SSM on which Secure Erase is provisioned.


Specifies the job ID of the target.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to validate a Secure Erase job:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# secure-erase module 2 validate job 1


To configure the Cisco SME security settings, use the security-mode command. To delete the security settings, use the no form of the command.

security-mode {basic | standard | advanced schema threshold threshold total total}

no security-mode {basic | standard | advanced schema threshold threshold total total}

Syntax Description


Sets the Cisco SME security level to basic.


Sets the Cisco SME security level to standard.


Sets the Cisco SME security level to advanced.


Configures the recovery schema.

threshold threshold

Configures the recovery schema threshold. The limit is 2-3.

total total

Configures the recovery schema total. The limit is 5-5.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco SME cluster configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example sets the security mode to basic:

switch# config t
switch(config)# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# security-mode basic

The following example sets the security mode to advanced:

switch# config t
switch(config)# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# security-mode advanced schema threshold 3 total 5


To send a message to all active CLI users currently using the switch, use the send command in EXEC mode.

send message-text

Syntax Description


Specifies the text of your message.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This message is restricted to 80 alphanumeric characters with spaces.


The following example sends a warning message to all active users about the switch being shut down:

switch# send Shutting down the system in 2 minutes. Please log off.
Broadcast Message from admin@excal-112
        (/dev/pts/3) at 16:50 ... 
Shutting down the system in 2 minutes. Please log off.


To create a sensor group and enter sensor group configuration mode, use the sensor-group command. To remove the sensor group, use the no form of this command.

sensor-group id

no sensor-group id

Syntax Description


Sensor group ID. Range is from 1 to 4095.

Command Default

No sensor group exists.

Command Modes

Telemetry configuration mode (config-telemetry)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Currently, only numeric sensor group ID values are supported. The sensor group defines nodes that are monitored for telemetry reporting.


This example shows how to add a sensor group:

switch# configure
switch(config)# telemetry 
switch(config-telemetry)# sensor-group 100

This example shows how to remove a sensor group:

switch# configure
switch(config)# telemetry 
switch(config-telemetry)# no sensor-group 100


To add a server to the server group, use the server command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

server ip address or DNS name

no serverip address or DNS name

Syntax Description

ipaddress or DNS name

Specifies LDAP server name.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration submode

Command History



NX-OS 5.0(1a)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This CLI is allowed to be configured multiple times for different servers. These servers will be tried sequentially in case of failure with one server. Also the same server can belong to multiple groups.


The following example shows how to configure LDAP server name:

switch(config)# aaa group server ldap a
switch(config-ldap)# server local
Error: specified LDAP server not found, first configure it using ldap-server hos
t... and then retry

server (configure session submode)

To configure a data migration session, use the server command in session configuration submode. To remove the data migration session, use then no form of the command.

server pwwn src_tgt pwwn src_lun src-lun dst_tgt pwwn dst_lun dst-lun

no server pwwn src_tgt pwwn src_lun src-lun dst_tgt pwwn dst_lun dst-lun

Syntax Description


Specifies the pWWN of the server. The format is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh, where h is a hexadecimal number.

src_tgt pwwn

Specifies the pWWN of the source target. The format is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh , where h is a hexadecimal number.

src_lun src-lun

Specifies the source LUN number in hex notation. The range is 0x0 to 0xfff.

dst_tgt pwwn

Specifies the pWWNof the destination target. The format is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh , where h is a hexadecimal number.

dst_lun dst-lun

Specifies the destination LUN in hex notation. The range is 0x0 to 0xfff.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configure session submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure a source target, source LUN, destination target, and destination LUN in a session:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# dmm module 3 job 1 session
switch(config-session)# server 12:13:1d:1c:2d:2d:3f:3a src_tgt 12:13:1d:1c:2d:2d:3f:3a src_lun 0x1 dst_tgt 12:13:1d:1c:2d:2d:3f:3a dst_lun 0x5

server (DMM job configuration submode)

To add a server HBA port to the DMM job, use the server command in DMM job configuration submode. To remove the server HBA port, use the no form of the command.

server vsan vsan-id pwwn port-wwn

no server vsan vsan-id pwwn port-wwn

Syntax Description

vsan vsan-id

Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093.

pwwn port-wwn

Specifies the port worldwide name of the server HBA port. The format is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh , where h is a hexadecimal number.

Command Default


Command Modes

DMM job configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to add server information to a DMM job:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# dmm module 3 job 1 create
Started New DMM Job Configuration.
Do not exit sub-mode until configuration is complete and committed
switch(config-dmm-job)# server vsan 3 pwwn 1d:22:3a:21:3c:44:3b:51

server (iSNS profile configuration mode)

To add a server in an Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) profile, use the server command in iSNS profile configuration submode. To delete a server from an iSNS profile, use the no form of the command.

server server-id

no server server-id

Syntax Description


Specifies the server address. The format is A.B.C.D .

Command Default


Command Modes

iSNS profile configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An iSNS profile can have only one server address. To change the server address, you must delete the current server and add the new one.


The following example shows how to add a server address to an iSNS profile:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# isns profile name UserProfile
switch(config-isns-profile)# server

The following example shows how to delete a server address from an iSNS profile:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# isns profile name AdminProfile
switch(config-isns-profile)# no server

server (radius configuration)

To configure a RADIUS server, use the server command in RADIUS configuration submode. To discard the configuration, use the no form of the command.

server [ipv4-address | ipv6-address | dns name]

no server [ipv4-address | ipv6-address | dns name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the RADIUS server IP address in the format A.B.C.D .


(Optional) Specifies the RADIUS server IP address in the format X:X::X .


(Optional) Specifies the RADIUS DNS server name. The maximum size is 255.

Command Default


Command Modes

RADIUS configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the ipv6-address argument.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows the server command in RADIUS configuration submode:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# aaa group server radius testgroup
switch(config-radius)# server myserver

server (tacacs+ configuration)

To configure a TACACS+ server, use the server command in TACACS+ configuration submode. To discard the configuration, use the no form of the command.

server [ipv4-address | ipv6-address | dns-name]

no server [ipv4-address | ipv6-address | dns-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the TACACS+ server IP address in the format A.B.C.D .


(Optional) Specifies the TACACS+ server IP address in the format X:X::X .


(Optional) Specifies the TACACS+ DNS server name. The maximum size is 255.

Command Default


Command Modes

TACACS+ configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the ipv6-address argument.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows the server command in RADIUS configuration submode:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# aaa group server tacacs+ testgroup
)# server myserver

set (IPsec crypto map configuration submode)

To configure attributes for IPsec crypto map entries, use the set command in IPsec crytpo map configuration submode. To revert to the default values, use the no form of the command.

set {peer {ip-address | auto-peer} | pfs [group1 | group14 | group2 | group5] | security-association lifetime {gigabytes number | kilobytes number | megabytes number | seconds number} | transform-set {set-name | set-name-list}}

no set {peer {ip-address | auto-peer} | pfs | security-association lifetime {gigabytes | kilobytes | megabytes | seconds} | transform-set}

Syntax Description


Specifies an allowed encryption/decryption peer.


Specifies a static IP address for the destination peer.


Specifies automatic assignment of the address for the destination peer.


Specifies the perfect forwarding secrecy.


(Optional) Specifies PFS DH Group1 (768-bit MODP).


(Optional) Specifies PFS DH Group14 (2048-bit MODP).


(Optional) Specifies PFS DH Group2 (1024-bit MODP).


(Optional) Specifies PFS DH Group5 (1536-bit MODP).

security-association lifetime

Specifies the security association lifetime in traffic volume or time in seconds.

gigabytes number

Specifies a volume-based key duration in gigabytes. The range is 1 to 4095.

kilobytes number

Specifies a volume-based key duration in kilobytes. The range is 2560 to 2147483647.

megabytes number

Specifies a volume-based key duration in megabytes. The range is 3 to 4193280.

seconds number

Specifies a time-based key duration in seconds. The range is 600 to 86400.


Configures the transform set name or set name list.


Specifies a transform set name. Maximum length is 63 characters.


Specifies a comma-separated transform set name list. Maximum length of each name is 63 characters. You can specified a maximum of six lists.

Command Default


PFS is disabled by default. When it is enabled without a group parameter, the default is group1.

The security association lifetime defaults to global setting configured by the crypto global domain ipsec security-association lifetime command.

Command Modes

IPsec crypto map configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, IPsec must be enabled using the crypto ipsec enable command.


The following example shows how to configure IPsec crypto map attributes:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# crypto map domain ipsec x 1
switch(config-crypto-map-ip)# set peer auto-peer

set interface preference-strict (fcroute-map configuration submode)

To configure a Fibre Channel or PortChannel interface strictly by preference level, use the set interface preference-strict command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of the command.

set interface preference-strict

no set interface preference-strict

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The set interface preference-strict default setting is disabled.

Command Modes

Fibre Channel route-map configuration submode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example specifies an interface with a strict preference level.

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# fcroute-map vsan 2 12
switch(config-fcroute-map)# set interface preference-strict

The following example removes the strict preference level from an interface.

switch(config-fcroute-map)# no set interface preference-strict


To enter the switch setup mode, use the setup command in EXEC mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The setup utility guides you through the basic configuration process. Type Ctrl-c at any prompt to skip the remaining configuration options and proceed with what is configured to that point.

If you do not want to answer a previously configured question, or if you want to skip answers to any questions, press Enter . If a default answer is not available (for example switch name), the switch uses what is already configured, and skips to the next question.


The following example shows how to enter switch setup mode:

switch# setup
---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of
the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management
of the system.
*Note: setup always assumes a predefined defaults irrespective
of the current system configuration when invoked from CLI.
Press Enter incase you want to skip any dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime
to skip away remaining dialogs.
Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes

setup ficon

To enter the automated FICON setup mode, use the setup ficon command in EXEC mode.

setup ficon

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The setup utility guides you through the basic configuration process. Type Ctrl-c at any prompt to skip the remaining configuration options and proceed with what is configured to that point.

If you do not want to answer a previously configured question, or if you want to skip the answers to any questions, press Enter . If a default answer is not available (for example switch name), the switch uses what is already configured, and skips to the next question.


The following example shows how to enter switch setup mode:

switch# setup ficon 
---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
--- Ficon Configuration Dialog ---
This setup utility will guide you through basic Ficon Configuration
on the system.
Press Enter if you want to skip any dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime
to skip all remaining dialogs.
Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes

setup sme

To run the basic SME setup facility, use the setup sme command.

setup sme

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the setup sme command to create the sme-admin and sme-recovery roles for Cisco SME.


The following example creates the sme-admin and sme-recovery roles:

switch# setup sme
Set up two roles necessary for SME, sme-admin and sme-recovery? (yes/no) [no] y
SME setup done


To configure the shared key mode, use the shared-keymode command. To specify the unique key mode, use the no form of the command.


no shared-keymode

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco SME cluster configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The shared-keymode command generates a single key that is used for a group of backup tapes.

The no shared-keymode generates unique or specific keys for each tape cartridge.


The shared unique key mode should be specified if you want to enable the key-ontape feature.


The following example specifies the shared key mode:

switch# config t
switch(config)# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# shared-keymode

The following example specifies the shared unique keymode:

switch# config t
switch(config)# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# no shared-keymode


To disable an interface, use the shutdown command. To enable an interface, use the no form of the command.

shutdown [force]

no shutdown [force]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Forces the shutdown of the mgmt 0 interface without a prompt message.

Command Default

All interfaces are shutdown by default except the mgmt0 interface.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you try to shut down a management interface (mgmt0), a followup prompt message confirms your action before performing the operation. Use the force option to bypass this confirmation, if required.


The following example shows how to enable an interface:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/2
switch(config-if)# no shutdown

The following example shows how to disable an interface:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface mgmt 0
switch(config-if)# shutdown
Shutting down this interface will drop all telnet sessions.
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

The following example shows how to forcefully disable the mgmt 0 interface:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface mgmt 0
switch(config-if)# shutdown force

shutdown (Cisco SME and IOA cluster configuration submode)

To disable a cluster for recovery, use the shutdown command. To enable the cluster for recovery, use the no form of the command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

SME and IOA clusters are shutdown.

Command Modes

Cisco SME and IOA cluster configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To disable operation of a cluster for the purpose of recovery, use the shutdown command. To enable the cluster for normal usage, use the no shutdown command.

The default state for clusters is no shutdown. Use the shutdown command for cluster recovery.


The following example restarts the cluster after recovery is complete:

switch# config t
switch(config)# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# no shutdown

The following example disables the SME cluster operation in order to start recovery:

switch# config t
switch(config))# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# shutdown

The following example disables the IOA cluster operation:

switch# config t
switch(config))# ioa cluster c1
switch(config-ioa-cl)# shutdown

shutdown (interface configuration submode)

To disable an Cisco SME interface, use the shutdown command. To enable the interface, use the no form of the command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The default state for Cisco SME interfaces is shutdown. Use the no shutdown command to enable the interface to carry traffic.

The show interface command shows that the Cisco SME interface is down until the interface is added to a cluster.


The following example enables a Cisco SME interface:

switch# config t
switch(config)# interface sme 4/1
switch(config-if)# no shutdown

The following example disables a Cisco SME interface:

switch# config t
switch(config)# interface sme 4/1
switch(config-if)# shutdown


To configure the site ID with the Call Home function, use the site-id command in Call Home configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

site-id site-number

no site-id site-number

Syntax Description


Identifies the unit to the outsourced throughput. Allows up to 256 alphanumeric characters in free format.

Command Default


Command Modes

Call Home configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the site ID in the Call Home configuration:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# callhome
switch(config-callhome)# site-id Site1ManhattanNY


To delay an action by a specified number of seconds, use the sleep command.

sleep seconds

Syntax Description


Specifies the delay in number of seconds. The range is 0 to 2147483647.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is useful within scripts.


The following example shows how to create a script called test-script:

switch# show file slot0:test-script
discover scsi-target remote
sleep 10
show scsi-target disk
switch# run-script slot0:test-script

When you execute the slot0:test-script, the switch executes the discover scsi-target remote command, and then waits for 10 seconds before executing the show scsi-target disk command.

The following example shows how to delay the switch prompt return:

switch# sleep 30

You will see the switch prompt return after 30 seconds.


To enable or disable the Cisco SME services, use the sme command.

sme { cluster name | transport ssl trustpoint trustpoint label }

Syntax Description


Configures the cluster.


Identifies the cluster name.


Configures the transport information.


Configures the transport SSL information.


Configures the transport SSL trustpoint.

trustpoint label

Identifies the trustpoint label.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco SME services must be enabled to take advantage of the encryption and security features.

To use this command, you must enable Cisco SME clustering using the feature cluster command.


The following example shows how to configure a cluster:

switch# config t
sw-sme-n1(config)# sme cluster clustername

snmp port

Use the snmp port command to enable SNMP control of FICON configurations. To disable the configuration or to revert to factory defaults, use the no form of the command.

snmp port control

no snmp port control

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

SNMP control of FICON configurations is enabled.

Command Modes

FICON configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default, SNMP users can configure FICON parameters through the Fabric Manager application. You can prohibit this access, if required, by using the no snmp port control command.


The following example prohibits SNMP users from configuring FICON parameters:

switch(config)# ficon vsan 2
switch(config-ficon)# no
 snmp port control

The following example allows SNMP users to configure FICON parameters (default):

switch(config-ficon)# snmp port control


To configure the SNMP server information, switch location, and switch name, use thesnmp-server command in configuration mode. To remove the system contact information, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server {community string [group group-name | ro | rw] | contact [name] | location [location] }

no snmp-server {community string [group group-name | ro | rw] | contact [name] | location [location] }

Syntax Description

community string

Specifies SNMP community string. Maximum length is 32 characters.

group group-name

(Optional) Specifies group name to which the community belongs. Maximum length is 32 characters.


(Optional) Sets read-only access with this community string.


(Optional) Sets read-write access with this community string.


Configures system contact.


(Optional) Specifies the name of the contact. Maximum length is 80 characters.


Configures system location.


(Optional) Specifies system location. Maximum length is 80 characters.

Command Default

The default community access is read-only (ro ).

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added group option.

Usage Guidelines



The following example sets the contact information, switch location, and switch name:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server contact NewUser 
switch(config)# no snmp-server contact NewUser 
switch(config)# snmp-server location SanJose
switch(config)# no snmp-server location SanJose

snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout

To configure the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) time-out value for synchronized AAA users, use the snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout command in configuration mode. To revert to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout seconds

no snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout seconds

Syntax Description


Timeout value, in seconds. The range is from 1 to 86400. The default is 60000.

Command Default

60000 seconds

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command does not require a license.


The following example shows how to configure the AAA user synchronization timeout value:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 6000

snmp-server aaa exclusive-behavior enable

To enable AAA exclusive behavior on the SNMP server, use the snmp-server aa exclusive-behavior enable command in configuration mode. To disable the exclusive behavior command, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server aaa exclusive-behavior enable

no snmp-server aaa exclusive-behavior enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command when configured will make enable exclusive behavior between local users and aaa users.

  • if testuser is local user and if aaa is on, then the queries for testuser will fail saying no such user.
  • If testuser2 is aaa user and if aaa is off, then the queries for testuser2 will fail saying no such user.
  • If testuser3 is used in both local and aaa user, then if aaa is on then queries with remote credentials succeed and queries with local credential fail saying incorrect password. If aaa is off then queries with local remote credentials succeed and queries with remote credential fail saying incorrect password.


The following example shows how to enable the aaa exclusive behavior:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server aaa exclusive-behavior enable

The following example shows how to disable the aaa exclusive behavior:

switch(config)# no snmp-server aaa exclusive-behavior enable

snmp-server community

To set the SNMP server community string, use thesnmp-server community command in configuration mode. To remove the SNMP server community string, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server community string [group group-name]

no snmp-server community string [group group-name]

Syntax Description

community string

SNMP community string.

group group-name

(Optional) Group to which the community belongs.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example sets the SNMP server community string:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server community public group network-operator
switch(config)# no snmp-server community public group network-operator

snmp-server contact

To modify server contact, use the snmp-server contact command in configuration mode. To remove the SNMP server contact, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server contact line

no snmp-server contact line

Syntax Description


(Optional) Modifies the system contact.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to modify the server contact:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server contact line
switch(config)# no snmp-server contact line

snmp-server enable traps

To enable SNMP server notifications (informs and traps), use the snmp-server enable traps command. To disable the SNMP server notifications, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server enable traps [entity [fru] | fcc | fcdomain | fcns | fdmi | fspf | license | link [cisco] | ietf [cisco] | ietf-extended [cisco] | port-security | rscn [els | ils] | snmp [authentication] | vrrp | zone [default-zone-behavior-change | merge-failure | merge-success | request-reject]]

no snmp-server enable traps [entity [fru] | fcc | fcdomain | fcns | fdmi | fspf | license | link [cisco] | ietf [cisco] | ietf-extended [cisco] | port-security | rscn [els | ils] | snmp [authentication] | vrrp | zone [default-zone-behavior-change | merge-failure | merge-success | request-reject]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables all SNMP entity notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP entity FRU notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP Fibre Channel congestion control notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP Fibre Channel domain notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP Fibre Channel name server notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP Fabric Device Management Interface notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP Fabric Shortest Path First notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP license manager notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP link traps.


(Optional) Enables Cisco cieLinkUp/cieLinkDown.


(Optional) Enables standard linkUp/linkDown trap.


(Optional) Enables standard linkUp/linkDown trap with extra varbinds.


(Optional) Enables SNMP port security notifications.


(Optional) Enables all SNMP Registered State Change Notification notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP RSCN ELS notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP RSCN ILS notifications.


(Optional) Enables all SNMP agent notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP agent authentication notifications.


(Optional) Enables SNMP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol notifications.


(Optional) Enables all SNMP zone notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP zone default zone behavior change notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP zone merge failure notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP zone merge success notifications.


(Optional) Enables only SNMP zone request reject notifications.

Command Default

All the notifications listed in the Syntax Description table are disabled by default except for the following: entity fru , vrrp , license , link , and any notification not listed (including the generic notifications such as coldstart , warmstart , and linkupdown ).

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


  • Added the link option.
  • Renamed the standard option to ietf .
  • Renamed the standard-extended option to ietf-extended .

Usage Guidelines

If the snmp-server enable traps command is entered without keywords, all notifications (informs and traps) are enabled.

As of Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.1(2), you can configure the linkUp/linkDown notifications that you want to enable on the interfaces. You can enable the following types of linkUp/linkDown notifications:

  • Cisco—Only traps (cieLinkUp, cieLinkDown) defined in CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB.my are sent for an interface, if ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (defined in IF-MIB) is enabled for that interface.
  • IETF—Only traps (linkUp, linkDown) defined in IF-MIB are sent for an interface, if ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (defined in IF-MIB) is enabled for that interface. Only the varbinds defined in the trap definition are sent with the traps.
  • IETF extended—Only traps (linkUp, linkDown) defined in IF-MIB are sent for an interface, if ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (defined in IF-MIB) is enabled for that interface. In addition to the varbinds defined in the trap definition, varbinds defined in the IF-MIB specific to the Cisco Systems implementation are sent. This is the default setting.
  • IETF cisco—Traps (linkUp, linkDown) defined in IF-MIB and traps (cieLinkUp, cieLinkDown) defined in CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB.my are sent for an interface, if ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (defined in IF-MIB) is enabled for that interface. Only the varbinds defined in the trap definition are sent with the linkUp and linkDown traps.
  • IETF extended cisco—Traps (linkUp, linkDown) defined in IF-MIB and traps (cieLinkUp, cieLinkDown) defined in CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB.my are sent for an interface, if ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (defined in IF-MIB) is enabled for that interface. In addition to the varbinds defined in the linkUp and linkDown trap definition, varbinds defined in the IF-MIB specific to the Cisco Systems implementation are sent with the linkUp and linkDown traps.


The following example enables all the SNMP notifications listed in the Syntax Description table:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server traps

The following example enables all SNMP entity notifications:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server traps entity

The following example enables (default) only standard extended linkUp/linkDown notifications:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps link

The following example enables only Cisco Systems defined cieLinkUp/cieLinkDown notifications:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps link cisco 

snmp-server enable traps fcdomain

To enable SNMP FC domain traps, use thesnmp-server enable traps fcdomain command in configuration mode. To disable FC domain trap, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server enable traps fcdomain

no snmp-server enable traps fcdomain

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History


Modification trap


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to enable SNMP FC domain traps:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps fcdomain
switch(config)# no snmp-server enable traps fcdomain

snmp-server enable traps link cisco

To enable Cisco cieLinkUp and cieLinkDown traps, use thesnmp-server enable traps link cisco command in configuration mode. To disable Cisco link trap, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server enable traps link cisco

no snmp-server enable traps link cisco

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History


Modification trap


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to enable SNMP FC domain traps:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps link cisco
switch(config)# no snmp-server enable traps link

snmp-server enable traps zone

To enable SNMP zone traps, use the snmp-server enable traps zone command in configuration mode. To disable zone trap, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server enable traps zone

no snmp-server enable traps zone

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History


Modification trap


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to enable SNMP zone traps:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps zone
switch(config)# no snmp-server enable traps zone

snmp-server globalEnforcePriv

To globally enforce privacy for all SNMP users, use the snmp-server globalEnforcePriv command in configuration mode. To disable global privacy, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server globalEnforcePriv

no snmp-server globalEnforcePriv

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example enables globally enforced privacy for all SNMP users:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# snmp-server globalEnforcePriv

snmp-server host

To specify the recipient of an SNMP notification, use the snmp-server host global configuration command. To remove the specified host, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server host {ipv4-address | ipv6-address | dns-name} [traps | informs] [version {1 | 2c | 3 [auth | noauth | priv]}] community-string [udp-port port]

no snmp-server host {ipv4-address | ipv6-address | dns-name} [traps | informs] [version {1 | 2c | 3 [auth | noauth | priv]}] community-string [udp-port port]

Syntax Description


Specifies the IPv4 address of the host (the targeted recipient).


Specifies the IPv6 address of the host (the targeted recipient).


Specifies the DNS server name of the host (the targeted recipient). SNMP hostname using DSN server name starting with 0. or 127. is not supported.


(Optional) Sends SNMP traps to this host.


(Optional) Sends SNMP informs to this host.


(Optional) Specifies the version of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) used to send the traps. Version 3 is the most secure model, as it allows packet encryption with the priv keyword.


SNMPv1 (default). This option is not available with informs.




SNMPv3 has three optional keywords (auth , no auth (default), or priv ).


(Optional) Enables Message Digest 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) packet authentication


(Optional) Specifies the noAuthNoPriv security level.


(Optional) Enables Data Encryption Standard (DES) packet encryption (privacy).


Sends a password-like community string with the notification operation.

udp-port port

(Optional) Specifies the port UDP port of the host to use. The default is 162.

Command Default

Sends SNMP traps.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you use the version keyword, one of the following must be specified: 1 , 2c , or 3 .


The following example specify the recipient of an SNMP notification:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server host traps version 2c abcddsfsf udp-port 500

snmp-server location

To modify system location, use snmp-server location command. To remove the SNMP server location, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server location

no snmp-server location

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example sets the SNMP server community string:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server location line

snmp-server tcp-session

To enable one time authentication for SNMP over a TCP session, use the snmp-server tcp-session command in configuration mode. To disable one time authentication for SNMP over a TCP session, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server tcp-session [auth]

no snmp-server tcp-session [auth]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables one time authentication for SNMP over a TCP session.

Command Default

One time authentication for SNMP over a TCP session is on.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example enables one time authentication for SNMP over a TCP session:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# snmp-server tcp-session auth

snmp-server traps entity fru

To enable SNMP entity FRU trap, use the snmp-server traps entity fru command in configuration mode. To disable entity FRU trap, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server enable traps entity fru

no snmp-server enable traps entity fru

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History


Modification trap


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to enable SNMP entity FRU trap:

switch# config t
switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps entity fru

snmp-server user

To configure SNMP user information, use the snmp-server user commandin configuration mode. To disable the configuration or to revert to factory defaults, use the no form of the command.

snmp-server user username group-name [auth {md5 | sha} password [priv [password [auto | localizedkey [auto]]] | aes-128 password [auto | localizedkey [auto] | auto | localizedkey [auto]]]]

no snmp-server user name [group-name | auth {md5 | sha} password [priv [password [auto | localizedkey [auto]]] | aes-128 password [auto | localizedkey [auto] | auto | localizedkey [auto]]]]

Syntax Description


Specifies the user name. Maximum length is 32 characters.


(Optional) Specifies role group to which the user belongs. Maximum length is 32 characters.


(Optional) Sets authentication parameters for the user.


Sets HMAC MD5 algorithm for authentication.


Uses HMAC SHA algorithm for authentication.


(Optional) Specifies user password. Maximum length is 64 characters.


(Optional) Sets encryption parameters for the user.


(Optional) Specifies whether the user is autocreated (volatile).


(Optional) Sets passwords in localized key format.


(Optional) Sets 128-byte AES algorithm for privacy.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


Added engineID options.


This command was introduced.


Added the localizedkey option.


Added the auto and aes128 options.

Usage Guidelines

The localized keys are not portable across devices as they contain information on the engine ID of the device. If a configuration file is copied into the device, the passwords may not be set correctly if the configuration file was generated at a different device. We recommend that passwords be explicitly configured to the desired passwords after copying the configuration into the device.

SNMP Version 3 is the most secure model, as it allows packet encryption with the priv keyword.

To assign multiple roles to a user, perform multiple snmp-server user username group-name commands. The group-name argument is defined by the role name command.


The following example sets the user authentication and SNMP engine ID for a notification target user:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server user notifUser network-admin auth sha abcd1234 engineID 

The following example sets the user information:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# snmp-server user joe network-admin auth sha abcd1234 engineID 
switch(config)# snmp-server user sam network-admin auth md5 abcdefgh
switch(config)# snmp-server user Bill network-admin auth sha abcd1234 priv abcdefgh
switch(config)# snmp-server user user1 network-admin auth md5 0xab0211gh priv 0x45abf342 localizedkey


To link a sensor group to a subscription node and set the data sampling interval, use the snsr-grp command. To remove the sensor group, use the no form of this command.

snsr-group id sample-interval interval

no snsr-group

Syntax Description


Sensor group ID. Range is from 1 to 4095.

sample-interval interval

Data sampling interval in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 604800000.

Command Default

No sensor group exists.

Command Modes

Telemetry subscription configuration mode (conf-tm-sub)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Currently, sensor group ID supports only numeric ID values. The interval value is specified by the user and the value is milliseconds. The minimum supported interval is 30000 milliseconds. An interval value greater than the minimum value creates a frequency-based subscription, in which telemetry data is sent periodically at the specified interval.


This example shows how to link a sensor group to a a subscription node and set the data sampling interval of 30000 milliseconds:

switch# configure
switch(config)# telemetry 
switch(config-telemetry)# subscription 100
switch(conf-tm-sub)# snsr-grp 100 sample-interval 30000

This example shows how to remove the sensor group:

switch# configure
switch(config)# telemetry 
switch(config-telemetry)# subscription 100
switch(conf-tm-sub)# no snsr-grp 100


To configure the SPAN session source, use the source command in Configuration mode. To revert to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

source { filter vsan vsan-id | interface ethernetsource | ethernet-port-channel | fc module-number | port-channel port-channel-number | sup-eth | sup-fc inband interface number | vlan vlan-id | vsan vsan-id}

{no source filter vsan vsan-id | interface ethernet | ethernet-port-channel | fc module-number | port-channel port-channel-number | sup-eth | sup-fc inband interface number | vlan vlan-id | vsan vsan-id}

Syntax Description


Configures SPAN session filter.


Specifies the VSAN.


Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is from 1 to 4093


Specifies the interface type.


Specifies the ethernet.


Specifies the ethernet port channel interface.


Specifies Fibre channel interface.


Specifies the module number. The range is from 1 to 10.


Specifies the port channel interface.


Specifies the port channel number. The range is from 1 to 256.


Specifies the ethernet inband interface.


Specifies the fibre channel inband interface.

inband interface number

Specifies the inband interface. The range is from 0 to 0.


Specifies the VLAN.


Specifies the VLAN ID. The range is from 1 to 4093.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




Added the keywords ethernet, ethernet-port-channel, sup-eth,vlan to the syntax description.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the SPAN traffic in ingress, egress and both directions:

switch# config
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# monitor session 1
switch(config-monitor)# source interface fc 1/5 rx
switch(config-monitor)# source interface fc 1/5 tx
switch(config-monitor)# source interface fc 1/5 both
switch(config-monitor)# destination interface fc 1/5

span max-queued-packets

To configure the SPAN max-queued-packets, use the span max-queued-packets command in configuration mode. To disable the SPAN drop-threshold, use the no form of the command.

span max-queued-packets id

no span max-queued-packets id

Syntax Description


Specifies the SPAN max-queued-packets threshold ID. The range is 1 to 8191.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on a ISOLA platform.


The following example shows how to configure the SPAN max-queued-packets:

switch# config
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# span max-queued-packets 1

span session

To configure a SPAN session, use the span session command. To remove a configured SPAN feature or revert it to factory defaults, use the no form of the command.

span session session-id {destination| filter| no| rate-optional| source| suspend}

no span session session-id {destination| filter| no| rate-optional| source| suspend}

Syntax Description


Specifies the SPAN session ID. The range is 1 to 16.


Specifies the destination configuration.


Specifies the filter configuration.


Specifies the default value.


Specifies the rate limit for SPAN packets on FCOE module.

IS there a variable associated with this? Does this have a range.


Specifies the source configuration.


Specifies the SPAN suspended session.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure a SPAN session:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# span session 1

The following example shows how to delete a SPAN session:

switch(config)# no
 span session 1

span session source interface

To configure the SPAN traffic in both ingress (rx) and egress (tx) directions, use the span sessionsourceinterface command in Configuration mode. To revert this command. use the no form of this command.


span sessionsession-idsource interface interface type

no span session session-id source interface interface type

Syntax Description


Specifies the SPAN session ID.


Specifies the destination interface mapped to a Fiber Channel or FC tunnel.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.


Enabled SPAN traffic in both ingress (rx) and egress (tx) directions for Generation 2 Fabric Switches.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the SPAN traffic in both ingress and egress directions:

switch# config
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# span session 1
switch(config-span)# source interface fc 1/5 rx
switch(config-span)# source interface fc 1/5 tx
switch(config-span)# destination interface fc 1/5


To enable or disable special frames for the FCIP interface, use the special-frame command. To disable the passive mode for the FCIP interface, use the no form of the command.

special-frame peer-wwn pwwn-id [profile-id profile-number]

no special-frame peer-wwn pwwn-id

Syntax Description

peer-wwn pwwn-id

Specifies the peer WWN ID for special frames.

profile-id profile-number

(Optional) Specifies the peer profile ID. The range is 1 to 255.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Access this command from the switch(config-if)# submode.

When a new TCP connection is established, an FCIP special frame (if enabled) makes one round trip from the FCIP profile and initiates the TCP connect operation to the FCIP profile receiving the TCP connect request and back. Use these frames to identify the FCIP link endpoints, to learn about the critical parameters shared by Fibre Channel and FCIP profile pairs involved in the FCIP link, and to perform configuration discovery.


The following example configures the special frames:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface fcip 1
switch(config)# special-frame peer-pwwn 11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11
switch(config)# special-frame peer-pwwn 22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 profile-id 10


To initiate a Secure Shell (SSH) session, use the ssh command in EXEC mode.

ssh { hostname | userid@hostname }

Syntax Description


Specifies the name or IP address of the host to access.

userid @ hostname

Specifies a user name on a host.

Command Default

The default user name is admin.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to initiate an SSH session using a host name:

switch# ssh host1
admin@1host1's password:

The following example shows how to initiate an SSH session using a host IP address:

switch# ssh
admin@'s password:

The following example shows how to initiate an SSH session using a user name host name:

switch# ssh user1@host1
user1@1host1's password:


The ssh command supports only AES-CTR ciphers from version 5.2(8g) and version 6.2(13) onwards, because the other ciphers are considered to be weak by Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).


To discover the fabric in DCNM with 5.2(8g) and 6.2(13) images, you must install DCNM 7.1(2); as it supports the AES-CTR ciphers.

ssh {ciphers | macs | keytypes | kexalgos| cipher-mode | login-attempts |login-gracetime |rekey } all

To enable SSH key exchange algorithms, message authentication codes (MACs), key types, and ciphers to encrypt the connections, use the ssh {ciphers | macs | keytypes | kexalgos| cipher-mode| login-attempts| login-gracetime| rekey} all command in configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable weak ciphers.

ssh { ciphers | macs | keytypes | kexalgos | | cipher-mode | | login-attempts | | login-gracetime | | rekey } { WORD | all }

no ssh { ciphers | macs | keytypes | kexalgos | | cipher-mode | | login-attempts | | login-gracetime | | rekey }

Syntax Description

ciphers Specifies ciphers to encrypt the connection
macs Specifies message authentication codes used to detect traffic modification
keytypes Specifies public key algorithms that the server can use to authenticate itself to the client
kexalgos Specifies the key exchange methods that are used to generate per-connection keys
WORD Specify the name of the algorithm to be configured.
all Includes all known weak SSH algorithms in current version of NX-OS in addition to the base set of strong algorithms

Set Cipher-mode for ssh

login-attempts value

Set maximum login attempts. Enter value in range <1 to 10>

login-gracetime time

Set login gracetime for ssh connection. Enter in seconds

rekey data size time

Renegotiate ssh key.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Supported Ciphers with ssh ciphers all command are:

  • aes128-cbc

  • aes192-cbc

  • aes256-cbc

  • aes128-ctr

  • aes192-ctr

  • aes256-ctr

  • aes256-gcm@openssh.com

  • aes128-gcm@openssh.com

Supported MACs with ssh macs all command are:

  • hmac-sha1

  • hmac-sha2-256

  • hmac-sha2-512

Supported types of public key cryptography with ssh keytypes all command are:

  • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256

  • ecdsa-sha2-nistp384

  • ecdsa-sha2-nistp521

  • ssh-dss

  • ssh-rsa

Supported Key Exchange Algorithms with ssh kexalgos all are:

  • curve25519-sha256

  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

  • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

  • diffie-hellman-group14-sha1

  • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

  • ecdh-sha2-nistp256

  • ecdh-sha2-nistp384

  • ecdh-sha2-nistp521


The following example shows how to enable all supported ciphers to encrypt the connection:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# ssh ciphers all


The following example shows how to enable all supported MACs which are the message authentication codes used to detect traffic modification.

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# ssh macs all


The following example shows how to enable all supported public key algorithms.

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# ssh keytypes all


To enable rsa, dsa and ecdsa key types corresponding SSH host keys should be generated.


  • ssh key dsa
  • ssh key rsa 2048
  • ssh key ecdsa 521


The following example shows how to enable all supported KexAlgorithms which are the key exchange methods that are used to generate per-connection keys.

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# ssh kexalgos all

ssh connect

To log in to a destination using a channel of previously established SSH session, use the ssh connect command.

ssh connect label

Syntax Description


Handle of an already established SSH session.

Command Default

No sessions are defined.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enable feature ssh and configure the ssh name command before executing the ssh connect command.


The following example shows how to connect to a destination over SSH with a local name of 'me@host'. This name has already been configured using the ssh name command.

switch# ssh connect me@host

ssh key

To generate an SSH key, use the ssh key command in configuration mode. To delete SSH keys, use the no form of the command.

ssh key {dsa | | rsa | | [rsa_mod] } [force]

no ssh key [dsa| rsa]

Syntax Description


Specifies a DSA key.


Specifies an RSA key.


(Optional) The modulus of the RSA key. The range is from 768 to 2048.

Starting from Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 8.4(1), the range is from 1024 to 4096.


(Optional) Forces the generation of DSA SSH keys even when the keys are present.

Command Default

The default key-pair modulus is 1024 bits.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


The ssh key rsa range was modified to 4096 bits.

Usage Guidelines

It is required to disable the SSH service prior to using the no form of the command to delete all SSH keys. This, in turn, requires all SSH sessions to be closed. To access the switch without SSH, either log in through the console, or enable Telnet access. Ensure to generate new keys when re-enabling the SSH service. SSH access to the switch will be denied if no SSH keys are installed.


The following example shows how to generate an RSA key-pair:

switch(config)# ssh key rsa 1024 
generating rsa key.....
generated rsa key

The following example shows how to replace an SSH server key using DSA with the force option:

switch(config)# no ssh server enable  
switch(config)# ssh key dsa force
switch(config)# ssh server enable

The following example shows how to delete all SSH key-pairs on the switch:

switch(config)# no ssh key
cleared RSA keys

ssh name

To create an SSH session from the switch to a destination for other commands to use, use the ssh name command. To close the SSH session, use the no form of the command.

ssh name label user-name destination

no ssh name label

Syntax Description


Configures a name of the SSH session.


Specifies a username to log in to the remote SSH server.


Specifies a domain name or IP address of the remote SSH server.

Command Default

No sessions are defined.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The ssh name command opens an SSH session to the destination as the named user when it is entered. If the user needs to enter a password to log in to the destination then it must be entered at this time. If the user has passwordless SSH configured then no password is required. After authentication, the user is returned to the switch prompt and the SSH session kept open in the background for use by other commands. These subsequent commands do not need to authenticate again with the destination as they use the session opened by this command.

Sessions stay open even after the user who created the sessions logs out. The sessions can be manually closed with the no form of the command or will be closed automatically when the supervisor resets (for example, during a supervisor switchover in a dual supervisor system).

This command is not stored in the switch configuration. After a reload, the command configurations are lost and you need to reconfigure the command.

Enable feature ssh before configuring the ssh name command.


The following example shows how to create an SSH session to destination as user 'ajax', and give it a name of 'me@host' that can be used later by other commands. In the following example, non-passwordless authentication is used:

switch# ssh name me@host ajax

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:4VbYNa7hJLPu/4jQEk6Ymn2KU+IMRkrX/miJIEVIP34.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
This is a Cisco managed device to be used only for authorized purposes.
Your use is monitored for security, asset protection, and policy compliance.
Outbound-ReKey for
Inbound-ReKey for

This is a Cisco managed device to be used only for authorized purposes.
Your use is monitored for security, asset protection, and policy compliance.

me@host @'s password:

ssh server enable

To enable the SSH server, use the ssh server enable command in configuration mode. To disable the SSH service, use the no form of the command.

ssh server enable

no ssh server enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was replaced with feature ssh .

Usage Guidelines



The following example enables the SSH server:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# ssh server enable

The following example disables the SSH server:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# no
 ssh server enable


To configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), use the ssl command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

ssl kmc

no ssl kmc

Syntax Description


Enables SSL for Key Management Center (KMC) communication.

Command Default


Command Modes

Cisco SME cluster configuration mode submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example enables SSL:

switch# config t
switch(config)# sme cluster c1
switch(config-sme-cl)# ssl kmc

ssm enable feature

To enable a feature on the Storage Services Module (SSM), use the ssm enable feature command. To disable the feature on the module, use the no form of the command.

ssm enable feature {dmm {force {interface fc slot-port | module slot node slot} | interface fc slot-port | module slot | invista {bootflash: uri | force module slot-number | modflash: uri | module slot-number | slot0: uri}} | interface {fc slot-port-port | module slot-number | force module slot-number | modflash: uri | module slot-number | slot0: uri} | santap {force module slot-number | interface fc slot-port-port | module slot-number} | scsi-flow {force module slot-number | interface fc slot-port-port | module slot-number}}

no ssm enable feature {dmm {force {interface fc slot-port | module slot node slot} | interface fc slot-port | module slot | invista {bootflash: uri | force module slot-number | modflash: uri | module slot-number | slot0: uri}} | interface {fc slot-port-port | module slot-number | force module slot-number | modflash: uri | module slot-number | slot0: uri} | santap {force module slot-number | interface fc slot-port-port | module slot-number} | scsi-flow {force module slot-number | interface fc slot-port-port | module slot-number}}

Syntax Description


Specifies the DMM feature on the SSM.


Forces a switching module reload.


Specifies the interface.

fc slot/port

Specifies the Fiber Channel slot and port numbers.

node slot

Specifies the node number for partial provisioning of Storage Services Node card. The range is from 0 to 3 characters.

module slot

Specifies the SSM module slot number.


Enables the Invista feature on the SSM.

bootflash: uri

Specifies the source location for internal bootflash with image name.


Forces an immediate configuration change.

module slot-number

Specifies the slot number of the SSM.

modflash: uri

Specifies the source location for internal modflash with image name.

slot0: uri

Specifies the source location for the CompactFlash memory or PC card with image name.

interface fc slot /port

Specifies the interface to be configured.

fc slot /port

Configures the Fibre Channel interface.

fc slot /port- port

Configures the Fibre Channel interface range of ports. See the Usage Guidelines for this command for a list of interface range restrictions.


Enables the SANTap feature on the SSM.


Enables the SCSI flow feature on the SSM.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History



NX-OS 5.0(1a)

Added node keyword to the syntax description.


Added dmm keyword to the syntax description.


This command was introduced.


Added emcsr, nasb, and santap options.


Changed the name of the emcsr option to invista .

Usage Guidelines

Use the ssm enable feature scsi-flow command to enable the SCSI flow feature on an SSM.

The features invista and nsp can only be provisioned on a module basis. The features nasb, santap , and scsi-flow can be provisioned on either a module or a range of interfaces.

The image must be specified when configuring the invista and nsp features.

Starting with NX-OS 4.1(1b), DMM must be enabled using the ssm enable feature dmm command before using the SLD tool.


The force option is only applicable when unprovisioning (using the no parameter). Using the force parameter without the no keyword causes the SSM to reload.

For SAN-OS Release 2.1 and later NX-OS Release 4.1 images, intelligent services can be configured on a range of interfaces with the following restrictions:

  • The minimum range is four interfaces.
  • The range of interfaces must be specified in multiples of four interfaces. For example, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32.
  • Ranges start at the following specific ports: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, and 29.


The following example shows how to enable DMM on a module with the node ID which is stored as a part of the key:

switch(config)# ssm enable feature dmm module 4 node 2
is node is 0
is force is  0
is node is 0
is force is  0
Got node information
is node is 1
is force is  0
Provisioning failed: Specified module is either not an ILC(SSM/18+4/9222i) or no
t online yet

The following example shows how to enable DMM on a module:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# ssm enable feature dmm module 1

The following example shows how to enable DMM on an interface:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# ssm enable feature dmm interface fc 1/1 - 4

The following example shows how to force a reload on some of the ports on a module:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# ssm enable feature dmm force interface fc 1/1 - 8, fc 1/13 - 16

The following example enables the Invista feature on the SSM in slot 4:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config) ssm enable feature invista module 4

The following example enables the Invista feature using the bootflash image name:

switch(config) ssm enable feature invista bootflash:image_name

The following example enables the Invista feature using the image name found on the PC card flash module in slot0:

switch(config) ssm enable feature invista slot0:image_name

The following example disables the Invista feature on the SSM in slot 4:

switch(config) no ssm enable feature invista force module 4

The following example enables the SANTap feature on the SSM in slot 4:

switch(config) ssm enable feature santap module 4

The following example enables the SCSI flow feature on the SSM in slot 4:

switch(config) ssm enable feature scsi-flow module 4

ssm upgrade delay

To configure the upgrade delay time, use the ssm upgrade delay command. To clear the already set upgrade value, use the no form of the command.

ssm upgrade delay string

no ssm upgrade delay string

Syntax Description


Specifies the delayed time in seconds. The range is from 1 to 600.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History



NX-OS 4.1(1b)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

During the upgrade, the second SSM and MSM and the subsequent SSMs and MSMs would be delayed by the configured delay value.


The following example shows how to configure the SSM upgrade delay time:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# ssm upgrade delay 500

static (iSCSI initiator configuration and iSLB initiator configuration)

To assign persistent WWNs to an iSCSI initiator or iSLB initiator, use the static command in iSCSI initiator configuration submode or iSLB initiator configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

static {nwwn | pwwn} {wwn-id | system-assign}

no static {nwwn | pwwn} {wwn-id | system-assign}

Syntax Description


Configures the initiator node WWN hex value.


Configures the peer WWN for special frames.


Specifies the pWWN or nWWN ID.


Generates the pWWN or nWWN value automatically.

Command Default


Command Modes

iSCSI initiator configuration submode

iSLB initiator configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added iSLB initiator configuration submode.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend using the system-assign option. If you manually assign a WWN, you must ensure its uniqueness. You should not use any previously-assigned WWN.

If you use system-assign option to configure WWNs for an iSLB initiator, when the configuration is saved to an ASCII file, the system-assigned WWNs are also saved. If you subsequently perform a write erase, you must manually delete the WWN configuration from the ASCII file. Failing to do so can cause duplicate WWN assignments if the ASCII configuration file is reapplied on the switch.


The following example uses the switch WWN pool to allocate the nWWN for this iSCSI initiator and to keep it persistent:

switch# config terminal 
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# iscsi ?
  authentication  Configure global iscsi authentication parameters
  enable          Enable/Disable iSCSI
  import          Configure import of FC targets to iSCSI domain
  initiator       Configure iSCSI initiator
  interface       Configure iSCSI interface property
  save-initiator  Make WWNs for initiator persistent
  virtual-target  Configure iSCSI Virtual Target
switch(config)# iscsi initiator ?
  idle-timeout  ISCSI initiator idle timeout value in seconds
  ip-address    ISCSI initiator node ip address
  name          ISCSI initiator node name
switch(config)# iscsi initiator name ?
  <WORD>  Enter Initiator node name (max 223) (Max Size - 223)
switch(config)# iscsi initiator name test ?
  <cr>  Carriage Return
switch(config)# iscsi initiator name iqn.1987-02.com.cisco.initiator
switch(config-iscsi-init)# static nWWN system-assign

The following example uses the switch WWN pool to allocate two pWWNs for this iSCSI initiator and to keep it persistent:

switch(config-iscsi-init)# static pWWN system-assign 2

The following example shows a system-assigned pWWN for an iSLB initiator:

switch# config t
switch(config)# islb initiator ip-address

switch(config-islb-init)# static pwwn system-assign 4

The following example removes the system-assigned pWWN for the iSLB initiator:

switch (config-islb-init)# no
 static pwwn system-assign 4


To stop SCSI commands in progress on a SAN tuner extension N port, use the stop command.

stop {all | command-id cmd-id}

Syntax Description


Stops all SCSI commands.

command-id cmd-id

Stops a specific SCSI command identified by the command number. The range is 0 to 2147483647.

Command Default


Command Modes

SAN extension N port configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example stops all SCSI command on a SAN extension tuner N port:

switch# san-ext-tuner
switch(san-ext)# nWWN 10:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
switch(san-ext)# nport pwwn 12:00:00:00:00:00:00:56 vsan 13 interface gigabitethernet 1/2
switch(san-ext-nport)# stop all

The following example stops a specific SCSI command on a SAN extension tuner N port:

switch# san-ext-tuner
switch(san-ext)# nWWN 10:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
switch(san-ext)# nport pwwn 12:00:00:00:00:00:00:56 vsan 13 interface gigabitethernet 1/2
switch(san-ext-nport)# stop command-id 100

storage (DMM job configuration submode)

To add a storage port to a DMM job, use the storage command in DMM job configuration submode.

storage vsan vsan-id pwwn port-wwn {existing | new}

Syntax Description

vsan vsan-id

Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093.

pwwn port-wwn

Specifies the world-wide name of the storage port. The format is hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh, where h is a hexadecimal number.


Specifies a port on the existing storage.


Specifies a port on the new storage.

Command Default


Command Modes

DMM job configuration submode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to add storage information to a DMM job:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# dmm module 3 job 1 create
Started New DMM Job Configuration.
Do not exit sub-mode until configuration is complete and committed
switch(config-dmm-job)# storage vsan 3 pwwn 1d:22:3a:21:3c:44:3b:51 existing


To configure the street address with the Call Home function, use the streetaddress command in Call Home configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

streetaddress street-address

no streetaddress street-address

Syntax Description


Specifies the customer’s street address where the equipment is located. Allows up to 256 alphanumeric characters in free format for the street number, city, state, and zip (combined).

Command Default


Command Modes

Call Home configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the street address in the Call Home configuration:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# callhome
switch(config-callhome)# streetaddress 1234 Picaboo Street, AnyCity, AnyState, 12345


To create a subscription node and enter subscription node configuration mode, use the subscription command. To remove the subscription node, use the no form of this command.

subscription id

no subscription id

Syntax Description


Sensor subscription ID. Range is from 1 to 4095.

Command Default

No subscription node exists.

Command Modes

Telemetry configuration mode (config-telemetry)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Currently, subscription ID supports only numeric ID values.


This example shows how to create a subscription node and enter subscription node configuration mode:

switch# configure
switch(config)# telemetry 
switch(config-telemetry)# subscription 100

This example shows how to remove the subscription node:

switch# configure
switch(config)# telemetry 
switch(config-telemetry)# no subscription 100


To suspend a switched port analyzer (SPAN) session, use the suspend command in SPAN session configuration submode. To disable the suspension, use the no form of the command.


no suspend

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

SPAN session configuration submode

Command History




This command was deprecated.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to suspend a SPAN session:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# span session 1
switch(config-span)# suspend
switch(config-span)# do show span session 1
Session 1 (admin suspended)
   Destination is not configured
   No session filters configured
   Ingress (rx) sources are 
   Egress (tx) sources are 

The following example shows how to disable the suspension of the SPAN session:

switch(config-span)# no suspend


To change the name of the switch, use the switchname command in configuration mode. To revert the switch name to the default name, use the no form of the command.

switchname name

no switchname name

Syntax Description


Specifies a switch name. Maximum length is 32 characters.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example changes the name of the switch to myswitch1:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# switchname myswitch1

The following example changes the name of the switch to the default:

myswitch1(config)# no switchname

switchport auto-negotiate

To enable autonegotiation on an Ethernet-based SAN extension interface, use the switchport auto-negotiate command. To disable autonegotiation, use the no form of this command.

switchport auto-negotiate

no switchport auto-negotiate

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.1(1)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only on Ethernet-based SAN extension interfaces, specifically Gigabit Ethernet and IPS type interfaces. It is not available on FCoE Ethernet interfaces or the management interface.


The following example shows how to enable autonegotiation on a Gigabit Ethernet interface:

switch# configure terminal 
switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet 2/2
switch(config-if)# switchport auto-negotiate 

switchport beacon

To enable the beacon LED on an interface, use the switchport beacon command. To disable the beacon LED on the interface, use the no form of this command.

switchport beacon

no switchport beacon

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to enable the beacon LED on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport beacon

switchport description

To specify the description for an interface, use the switchport description command. To delete the interface description, use the no form of this command.

switchport description text

no switchport description text

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface description. Maximum length is 254 characters.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to add a description to an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport description Host Linux4943 port 2

switchport duplex

To specify the Ethernet duplex mode as full, half, or autonegotiate on a management interface, use the switchport duplex command. To return the interface to the default mode, use the no form of this command.

switchport duplex {auto | full | half}

no switchport duplex {auto | full | half}

Syntax Description


Specifies the duplex mode as autonegotiate.


Specifies the duplex mode as full.


Specifies the duplex mode as half.

Command Default

The default duplex of the management interface is full.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 4.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to set the duplex mode to auto on a management interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface mgmt 0
switch(config-if)# switchport duplex auto

switchport encap

To send SPAN traffic through the fabric to a remote switch the SD port must be connected to a neighbor switch and the egress traffic encapsulated in EISL encapsulation to conform to the interswitch frame format. To configure EISL encapsulation on an interface, use the switchport encap command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport encap eisl

no switchport encap eisl

Syntax Description


Specifies extended ISL (EISL) encapsulation on an interface.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets the egress frame format of an interface in the SD port mode. When enabled, all egress frames are encapsulated in the EISL frame format.


The following example shows how to configure EISL encapsulation on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport encap eisl

switchport fcbbscn

Credit recovery on Fibre Channel links is facilitated by the buffer to buffer state change notification feature. This allows loss of credits on a link to be detected and recovered. To enable buffer to buffer state change notification on an interface, use the switchport fcbbscn command. To disable notification, use the no form of this command.

switchport fcbbscn value value

no switchport fcbbscn

Syntax Description

value value

Specifies the buffer-to-buffer state change number (BB_SC_N). The range is 1 to 15.

Command Default

The default value for switchport fcbbscn is enabled for E ports in all releases. Starting with Cisco MDS NX-OS 8.2(1), it is enabled by default for F ports. Starting with Cisco MDS NX-OS 8.4(1), it is enabled by default for NP ports.

The default BB_SC_N value for all port types is 14. A BB_SC_N value of 14 results in buffer to buffer credit recovery primitives being sent in a interval of 16,384 frames/credits.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History




The value keyword and value variable were introduced.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The BB_SC_N value is the value negotiated between the two sides of the link in the Exchange Link Parameters (ELP) for E ports and in the FLOGI and ACC (FLOGI) for F or NP ports. This value determines the interval for which buffer to buffer recovery primitives are sent and is the exponent of the base of 2. The value negotiated is the larger of the values of the two sides.


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.


The following example shows how to enable buffer to buffer credit recovery on an interface and set the BB_SC_N to the default value of 14:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport fcbbscn


The following example shows how to specify the BB_SC_N to 7:


A BB_SC_N value of 7 results in buffer to buffer credit recovery primitives being sent in a interval of 128 frames/credits.

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport fcbbscn value 7


The following example shows how to disable buffer to buffer credit recovery on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# no switchport fcbbscn

switchport fcrxbbcredit

Each Fibre Channel interface may be assigned receive buffer to buffer credits from 3 types of buffer pools. To configure receive buffer to buffer credits on an interface, use the switchport fcrxbbcredit command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport fcrxbbcredit {std_bufs [mode {E | Fx}] | default | performance-buffers {default | perf_bufs} | extended ext_bufs}

no switchport fcrxbbcredit {std_bufs [mode {E | Fx}] | default | performance-buffers {default | | perf_bufs} | extended ext_bufs}

Syntax Description


Specifies count of standard B2B credits. The range is 1 to 500.


(Optional) Restricts the standard receive B2B credit to the specified port mode.


Specifies Inter-Switch Link port mode.


Specifies fixed F and F-loop port modes.


Configures receive performance buffer allocation on the port.


Specifies to use the default credits depending on the port type and capabilities.


Specifies performance receive B2B credits. The range is 1 to 145.


Configures extended B2B credits.


Specifies count of extended receive B2B credits. The range is 256 to 4095.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 2.0(1b)

Added the extended keyword to the syntax.

NX-OS 1.1(1)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.

Configure the feature fcrxbbcredit extended command to enable access to the switchport fcrxbbcredit command. The switchport fcrxbbcredit command will not be available until the extended credit feature is enabled.

Extended buffer to buffer credits are intended for long haul links where a high RTT causes more frames to be in flight than normal at linerate. They are advertised to the link peer and require an ENTERPRISE_PKG license.

Performance buffers are intended to absorb short bursts on higher speed ingress interfaces destined for lower speed or mildly congested egress interfaces. They are internal to the switch and are not advertised to the link peer. They are only available in 12-port 4-Gbps and 4-port 10 Gbps switching modules.


The following example shows how to configure default credits on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport fcrxbbcredit default

switchport fcrxbufsize

To configure the maximum size of the receive data buffer on an interface, use the switchport fcrxbufsize command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport fcrxbufsize buffer-size

no switchport fcrxbufsize buffer-size

Syntax Description


Specifies maximum frame size for the interface. The range is 256 to 2112 bytes.

Command Default

The default receive data buffer size is 2112 bytes.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.


The following example shows how to set the frame size for an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport fcrxbufsize 256

switchport fec

To configure the Forward Error Correction (FEC) on an interface, use the switchport fec command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport fec

no switchport fec

Syntax Description


Configures the FEC state on an interface.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History




Both Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Transmitter Training Signal (TTS) must be configured on Cisco MDS 48-Port 64-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module (DS-X9748-3072K9) to use FEC at 16-Gbps speed. A warning message is displayed in the switchport fec command output when only FEC is configured.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.


This command is only accepted on ports with the speed fixed to 16 Gbps and FEC already enabled.

Use the switchport fec command in the interface configuration mode to configure FEC on an interface.


FEC TTS is supported on the DS-X9448-768K9 Generation 5 module in Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.2(11c) and later 6.2(11x) releases, and Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.2(15) and later releases. It is not supported in Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.2(13).


The following example shows how to configure FEC on a Fibre Channel interface:

switch# config t 
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport fec

The following example shows a warning message that TTS must be configured on the Cisco MDS 48-Port 64-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module (DS-X9748-3072K9) to use FEC at 16-Gbps speed:

switch# config t 
switch(config)# interface fc7/1
switch(config-if)# switchport speed 16000 
switch(config-if)# switchport fec 
fc7/1: (warning) FEC on this module requires TTS to function at 16 Gbps. Please configure 'switchport fec tts'.

To resolve this error, configure the switchport fec tts command on the interface.

switchport fec tts

To configure the Forward Error Correction (FEC) and the Transmitter Training Signal (TTS) on an interface, use the switchport fec tts command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport fec [tts]

no switchport fec [tts]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables Transmitter Training Signal (TTS) allowing negotiation of FEC capability.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 6.2(11c)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.


This command is only accepted on ports with the speed fixed to 16 Gbps and FEC already enabled.

Use the switchport fec tts command only after configuring FEC using the switchport fec command.

The TTS is not used by 4 and 8-Gbps Fibre Channel ports. From 32 Gbps and higher, its use is mandatory. For 16 Gbps Fibre Channel ports, EA variants must transmit the TTS during the link speed negotiation, but the use of it by the receiver is optional, and EL variants must not use TTS.


FEC TTS is supported on the DS-X9448-768K9 Generation 5 module in Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.2(11c) and later 6.2(11x) releases and Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.2(15) and later releases. It is not supported in Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.2(13).


The following example show how to configure FEC with TTS on an interface:

switch# configure terminal 
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport fec
switch(config-if)# switchport fec tts

switchport fill-pattern

To configure the link fill pattern on an interface, use the switchport fill-pattern command.

switchport fill-pattern {IDLE | ARBFF} speed 8000

Syntax Description


Configures the fill pattern as IDLE.


Configures the fill pattern as ARBff.


Select speed to apply setting to.


Specifies 8-Gbps link speed.

Command Default

The default setting for the link fill pattern is ARBff.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 5.2(6)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.


The following example shows how to configure the fill pattern as ARBff on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport fill-pattern ARBFF speed 8000

switchport ignore

To prevent the detection of certain error events from disabling Fibre Channel interfaces, use the switchport ignore command. To revert to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

switchport ignore {bit-errors | interrupt-thresholds}

no switchport ignore {bit-errors | interrupt-thresholds}

Syntax Description


Ignore the bit errors.


Ignore interrupt thresholds.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 6.2

The interrupt-thresholds keyword was added.

NX-OS 2.1(1a)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The bit error rate threshold is used by the switch to detect an increased error rate before performance degradation seriously affects traffic.

Bit errors can occur for the following reasons:

  • Faulty or bad cable

  • Faulty or bad GBIC or SFP

  • GBIC or SFP is specified to operate at 1 Gbps, but is used at 2 Gbps

  • Short haul cable is used for long haul or long haul cable is used for short haul

  • Momentary sync loss

  • Loose cable connection at one or both ends

  • Improper GBIC or SFP connection at one or both ends

A bit error rate threshold is detected when 15 error bursts occur in a 5-minute period. By default, the switch disables the interface when the threshold is reached. After fixing the source of the bit errors, an affected interface should be re-enabled with the shutdown and no shutdown command sequence.

Interrupts thresholds are used by the switch to detect excessive internal interrupts before they affect switch performance.

Interrupt thresholds can occur because of continuous primitive sequence (NOS/OLS/LR/LRR).


Regardless of the setting of the switchport ignore bit-errors command, the switch generates a syslog message when bit error threshold events are detected.


The following example shows how to prevent the detection of bit error events from disabling an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport ignore bit-errors

switchport ingress-rate

To configure the port rate limit for a specified interface, use the switchport ingress-rate command in interface configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to delete the configured switch port information.

switchport ingress-rate limit

no switchport ingress-rate limit

Syntax Description


Specifies the ingress rate limit as a percentage. The range is 1 to 100.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Access this command from the switch(config-if)# submode. This command is only available if the following conditions are true:

  • The QoS feature is enabled using the qos enable command.
  • The command is entered in a Cisco MDS 9100 series switch.


The following example configures the ingress rate limit on a Fibre Channel interface:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 2/5
switch(config-if)# switchport ingress-rate 5

switchport initiator id

To configure the iSCSI initiator ID mode, use the switchport initiator id command in interface configuration submode. To delete the iSCSI initiator ID mode, use the no form of the command.

switchport initiator id {ip-address | name}

no switchport initiator id {ip-address | name}

Syntax Description


Identifies initiators using the IP address.


Identifies initiators using the specified name.

Command Default

The iSCSI initiator ID mode is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode under the iscsi interface x/x command

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example configures the iSCSI initiator ID mode for an iSCSI interface:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface iscsi 2/5
switch(config-if)# switchport initiator id ip-address 
switch(config-if)# switchport initiator name

switchport link-diag

To enable the link diagnostic mode on a diagnostic port, use the switchport link-diag command in interface configuration mode. To exit the link diagnostic mode, use the no form of this command.

switchport link-diag

no switchport link-diag

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration mode (config-if)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The diagnostic port must be in admin shutdown status to enter the link diagnostic mode.


The following example shows how to configure the link diagnostic mode on a diagnostic port:

configure terminal
	interface fc 1/1
		switchport link-diag
		no shutdown


The following example shows how to unconfigure the link diagnostic mode on a diagnostic port:

configure terminal
	interface fc 1/1
		no switchport link-diag
		no shutdown

switchport max-npiv-limit

To configure the maximum number of logins that are allowed on a nontrunking interface, use the switchport max-npiv-limit command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport max-npiv-limit max-npivs

no switchport max-npiv-limit max-npivs

Syntax Description


Specifies the maximum logins for the interface. The range is from 1 to 256.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 6.2(7)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


Both switchport max-npiv-limit and switchport trunk-max-npiv-limit commands can be configured on a port or Port Channel. The current port mode determines the type of configuration used. If the port is nontrunking, the max-npiv-limit setting is used. If the port is trunking, the trunk-max-npiv-limit setting is used.

If a login limit is reached on a port and it receives a login request, then a syslog message is logged and the login rejected.


The following example shows how to configure the maximum number of logins on an F-port to 4:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport max-npiv-limit 4

switchport mode

To configure the Fibre Channel mode of an interface, use the switchport mode command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport mode {E | F | FL | Fx | NP | SD | ST | auto}

no switchport mode {E | F | FL | Fx | NP | SD | ST | auto}

Syntax Description


Configures fixed Inter-Switch Link port mode.


Specifies fixed F port mode.


Specifies fixed F-loop port mode.


Specifies fixed F and F-loop port modes.


Specifies fixed N port virtualizer mode.


Specifies fixed SPAN destination port mode.


Specifies fixed trunked SPAN port mode.


Specifies autosense mode.

Command Default

The default port mode is auto.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 4.1(3)

Added the F and NP port mode.

NX-OS 3.0(1)

Added the ST option to the syntax.

NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.

A port must be in dedicated mode before it can be set to E mode.


The following example shows how to configure fixed Inter-Switch Link mode on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport mode E


switchport mtu

To configure the Ethernet layer maximum transmission unit (MTU) on an Ethernet-based SAN extension interface, use the switchport mtu command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport mtu size

no switchport mtu size

Syntax Description


Specifies the MTU size in bytes. The range is 576 to 9216.

Command Default

The default size is 1500 bytes.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only on Ethernet-based SAN extension interfaces, specifically Gigabit Ethernet and IPS type interfaces. It is not available on FCoE Ethernet interfaces or the management interface.


The following example shows how to configure the Ethernet MTU to 3000 bytes on a Gigabit Ethernet interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet 2/2
switch(config-if)# switchport mtu 3000

switchport owner

To configure a descriptive owner string on an interface, use the switchport owner command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport owner owner

no switchport owner

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the owner. The maximum length of the string is 80 characters.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 4.1(3)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the owner string on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch (config)# interface fc1/1
Switch (config-if)# switchport owner StorageOps

switchport promiscuous-mode

To enable promiscuous mode on an Ethernet-based SAN extension interface, use the switchport promiscuous-mode command. To disable the promiscuous mode, use the no form of this command.

switchport promiscuous-mode {off | on}

no switchport promiscuous-mode {off | on}

Syntax Description


Disables promiscuous mode on an interface.


Enables promiscuous mode on an interface.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.1(1)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only on Ethernet-based SAN extension interfaces, specifically Gigabit Ethernet and IPS type interfaces. It is not available on FCoE Ethernet interfaces or the management interface.


The following example enables promiscuous mode on a Gigabit Ethernet interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet 2/2
switch(config-if)# switchport promiscuous-mode on

switchport proxy-initiator

To configure the iSCSI proxy initiator mode on an iSCSI interface, use the switchport proxy-initiator command in interface configuration submode. To delete the iSCSI proxy initiator mode, use the no form of the command.

switchport proxy-initiator [nwwn wwn pwwn wwn]

no switchport proxy-initiator [nwwn wwn pwwn wwn]

Syntax Description

nwwn wwn

(Optional) Specifies the node WWN.

pwwn wwn

(Optional) Specifies the port WWN.

Command Default

The iSCSI proxy initiator mode is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode under the iscsi interface x/x command

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you do not include the WWNs in the command, the IPS port dynamically assigns a pWWN and nWWN to the proxy initiator.


Enabling proxy initiator mode on an iSCSI interface that is part of an iSLB VRRP group impacts load balancing on the interface.


The following example configures the iSCSI proxy initiator mode for a iSCSI interface using WWNs:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface iscsi 2/5
switch(config-if)# switchport proxy-initiator nwwn 11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 pwwn 22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22

The following example configures the iSCSI proxy initiator mode for a iSCSI interface without WWNs:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface iscsi 2/5
switch(config-if)# switchport proxy-initiator

The following example deletes the iSCSI proxy initiator mode for a iSCSI interface:

switch(config-if)# switchport proxy-initiator


To configure the switch priority with the Call Home function, use the switch-priority command in Call Home configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

switch-priority priority-value

no switch-priority priority-value

Syntax Description


Specifies the priority level. 0 is the highest priority and 7 the lowest.

Command Default


Command Modes

Call Home configuration submode

Command History




Added usage guidelines.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The Call Home switch priority is specific to each switch in the fabric. It is set by the switch administrator to guide the operations personnel who receive the Call Home messages as to which messages should be serviced first. For example, the switch priority of a trading floor switch may be set higher than that of a switch in a tape backup network because the trading floor users may not be able to tolerate as much service interruption as the backup network.


The following example shows how to configure the switch priority in the Call Home configuration:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# callhome
switch(config-callhome)# switch-priority 0

switchport rate-mode

Each interface belongs to a port group and each port group has access to a preallocated subset of the backplane bandwidth. On full bandwidth modules, all interfaces have access to the backplane bandwidth at maximum interface speed. On oversubscribed modules, the total of the maximum interface speeds exceeds the allocated backplane bandwidth of the port group. To configure the port group bandwidth-allocation mode of an interface, use the switchport rate-mode command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport rate-mode {dedicated | shared}

no switchport rate-mode {dedicated | shared}

Syntax Description


Specifies dedicated bandwidth for the interface.


Specifies shared bandwidth for the interface.

Command Default

For oversubscribed modules, the default port group mode is shared. For full bandwidth modules, the only available mode is dedicated.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 3.0(1)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.

The maximum port speed of an interface, combined with the rate mode, determines the amount of shared resources available to the ports in the port group. In the case of dedicated rate mode, the port group resources are reserved even though the bandwidth is not used. For oversubscribed port groups, if an interface is configured for autosensing (auto ) then bandwidth equal to the maximum supported speed of the interface is reserved, even if the link comes up at a lower speed. If the autosensing maximum speed is configured (for example, auto max 8000 ) then only that much bandwidth is reserved and the remaining possible bandwidth is available for other interfaces in the port group.

Table 1. Default Speed and Buffer Configuration

Switching Module


Port Mode

Rate Mode

Receive Credits (min/max/default)

DS-X9304-18K9, Cisco MDS 9000 18/4-Port Multiservice Module (MSM-18/4)

1, 2, or 4 Gbps










DS-C9222i-K9, Cisco MDS 9222i Switch

1, 2, or 4 Gbps










DS-X9704, Cisco MDS 9000 Family 4-Port 10-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module

10 Gbps










DS-X9248-48K9, Cisco MDS 9000 4/44-Port Host-Optimized 8-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module

1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps










DS-X9248-96K9, Cisco MDS 9000 48-Port 8-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module

1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps










DS-X9224-96K9, Cisco MDS 9000 24-Port 8-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module

1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps










DS-C9148-K9, Cisco MDS 9148 48-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch

1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps










DS-C9134-K9, Cisco MDS 9134 34-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch

1, 2, or 4 Gbps










DS-C9124-K9, Cisco MDS 9124 24-Port Multilayer Fabric Switch

1, 2, or 4 Gbps










DS-C9134-K9, Cisco MDS 9134 32-Port Fabric Switch

1, 2, or 4 Gbps










DS-C9124, Cisco MDS 9124 24-Port Fabric Switch

1, 2, or 4 Gbps










DS-C9222i-K9, Cisco MDS 9222i 18-Port Multiservice Modular Switch

1, 2, or 4 Gbps










DS-X9248-256K9, Cisco MDS 9000 48-Port Advanced Fibre Channel Module

1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps







DS-X9232-256K9, Cisco MDS 9000 32-Port Advanced Fibre Channel Module

1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps







When configuring port modes, observe the following guidelines:

  • Auto port mode and E port mode cannot be configured in the shared rate mode.

  • The 4-port 10-Gbps module does not support the FL port mode.

  • Generation 2 modules do not support the TL port mode.

  • Shared to dedicated ports must be configured in the following order: speed, rate mode, port mode, and credit.

  • Dedicated to shared ports must be configured in the following order: credit, port mode, rate mode, and speed.

When configuring port channels, observe the following guidelines:

  • When an interface is out of service, it cannot be part of a port channel.

  • The 24-port module and the 48-port module support making ports out of service. In a shared resource configuration, an out-of-service port reverts to its default values when it comes back into service.

  • The maximum number of port channels for Generation 2 modules is 256.

  • The number of port channels is independent of the type of supervisor module.

  • When using the force option to add a port channel to a configuration that uses Generation 2 modules, the force addition can fail for a Generation 2 interface if resources are unavailable.


The following example reserves shared (default) bandwidth for an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport rate-mode shared

switchport speed

To configure the speed of an interface, use the switchport speed command. To return to the default speed, use the no form of this command.

switchport speed {1000 | 2000 | 4000 | 8000 | 10000 | 16000 | auto [max {2000 | 4000 | 8000 | 16000}]}

no switchport speed {1000 | 2000 | 4000 | 8000 | 10000 | 16000 | auto [max {2000 | 4000 | 8000 | 16000}]}

Syntax Description


Configure the link speed to be fixed at 1-Gbps speed.


Configure the link speed to be fixed at 2-Gbps speed.


Configure the link speed to be fixed at 4-Gbps speed.


Configure the link speed to be fixed at 8-Gbps speed.


Configure the link speed to be fixed at 10-Gbps speed.


Configure the link speed to be fixed at 16-Gbps speed.


Configures autosense speed.

max 2000

(Optional) Limits maximum link speed to 2 Gbps.

max 4000

(Optional) Limits maximum link speed to 4 Gbps.

max 8000

(Optional) Limits maximum link speed to 8 Gbps.

max 16000

(Optional) Limits maximum link speed to 16 Gbps.

Command Default

The default speed mode is auto.

The default maximum autosense speed is the maximum port speed.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 3.0(1)

Added the 4000 option to the speed keyword.

NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example configures the speed of a Fibre Channel interface to be fixed at 16 Gbps:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport speed 16000

switchport trunk allowed vsan

To configure the list of allowed VSANs on a trunk link, use the switchport trunk allowed vsan command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport trunk allowed vsan {add vsan-id | all | vsan-id [no-warning]}

Syntax Description


Configure additional allowed VSANs to the existing list.


Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093.


Adds all VSANs to the allowed VSAN list.

Command Default

All VSANs are allowed.

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the allowed VSANs on a trunk are a set of noncontiguous VSANs, use the switchport trunk allowed vsan vsan-id command first and then use the switchport trunk allowed vsan add command to complete the set of desired VSANs. The commands in the configuration are automatically rebuilt in numerical order by NX-OS.


The following example shows how to limit the VSANs on an interface to VSAN 10 to 20 and 50:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vsan 10-20
switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vsan add 50

switchport trunk-max-npiv-limit

To configure the maximum number of logins that are allowed on a trunking interface, use the switchport trunk-max-npiv-limit command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport trunk-max-npiv-limit max-npivs

no switchport trunk-max-npiv-limit max-npivs

Syntax Description


Specifies the maximum NPVI logins per trunk interface. The range is from 1 to 512.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 6.2(7)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Both switchport max-npiv-limit and switchport trunk-max-npiv-limit commands can be configured on a port or Port Channel. The current port mode determines the type of configuration used. If the port is nontrunking, the max-npiv-limit setting is used. If the port is trunking, the trunk-max-npiv-limit setting is used.

If a login limit is reached on a port and it receives a login request, then a syslog message is logged and the login rejected.


The following example shows how to configure the maximum number of allowed logins on a trunking interface to 500:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport trunk-max-npiv-limit 500

switchport trunk mode

To specify the trunk mode for an interface, use the switchport trunk mode command. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

switchport trunk mode {auto | off | on}

no switchport trunk mode {auto | off | on}

Syntax Description


Specifies the trunk mode to be auto.


Disables trunking mode.


Enables trunking mode.

Command Default

The default trunk mode is on .

Command Modes

Interface configuration submode (config-if)

Command History



NX-OS 1.0(2)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command causes traffic disruption on the specified interface.


During ISSU, the admin trunk mode is set to off for up and operationally non trunking ports to avoid network disruption due to misbehaving peer devices.

By default, trunk mode is enabled on all Fibre Channel interfaces (modes E, F, FL, Fx, ST, and SD) on non-NPV switches. On NPV switches, by default, trunk mode is disabled. You can configure trunk mode as on (enabled), off (disabled), or auto (automatic). The trunk mode configuration at the two ends of an ISL, between two switches, determine the trunking state of the link and the port modes at both ends.

Table 2. Trunk Mode Status Between Switches

Configured Trunk Mode

Resulting State and Port Mode

Port Type

Switch 1

Switch 2

Trunking State

Port Mode

E ports


Auto or on

Trunking (EISL)

TE port


Auto, on, or off

No trunking (ISL)

E port



No trunking (ISL)

E port

Port Type

Core Switch

NPV Switch

Trunking State

Link Mode

F and NP ports


Auto or on


TF-TNP link




TF-TNP link


Auto, on, or off

No trunking

F-NP link


The following example shows how to set the trunk mode to auto on an interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface fc 1/1
switch(config-if)# switchport trunk mode auto


To configure a switch WWN in an autonomous fabric ID (AFID) database, use the switch-wwn command in AFID database configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

switch-wwn wwn-id {autonomous-fabric-id fabric-id vsan-ranges vsan-range | default-autonomous-fabric-id fabric-id vsan-ranges vsan-range}

no switch-wwn wwn-id {autonomous-fabric-id fabric-id vsan-ranges vsan-range | default-autonomous-fabric-id fabric-id vsan-ranges vsan-range}

Syntax Description


Specifies the port WWN, with the format hh: hh: hh: hh: hh: hh: hh: hh.

autonomous-fabric-id fabric-id

Specifies the fabric ID for the IVR topology.

vsan-ranges vsan-range

Specifies the IVR VSANs or range of VSANs. The range of values for a VSAN ID is 1 to 4093.

default-autonomous-fabric-id fabric-id

Specifies the default fabric ID for the IVR topology.

Command Default


Command Modes

AFID database configuration submode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the default-autonomous-fabric-id keyword configures the default AFID for all VSANs not explicitly associated with an AFID.


The following example adds a switch WWN, an AFID, and a range of VSANs to the AFID database:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# ivr vsan-topology ?
  activate  Activate VSAN topology database for inter-VSAN routing
  auto      Enable discovery of VSAN topology for inter-VSAN routing
  database  Configure VSAN topology database for inter-VSAN routing
switch(config)# ivr vsan-topology auto
switch(config)# autonomous-fabric-id database
AFID database is used only when VSAN Topology is in AUTO mode
switch(config-afid-db)# ?
autonomous-fabric-id cfg. cmd:
  do          EXEC command
  exit        Exit from this submode
  no          Negate a command or set its defaults
  switch-wwn  Enter Switch WWN of a switch
switch(config-afid-db)# switch ?
  <hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh>  Enter a WWN in dotted hex notation
switch(config-afid-db)# switch 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea ?
  autonomous-fabric-id          Enter Autonomous Fabric ID
  default-autonomous-fabric-id  Enter default Autonomous Fabric ID
switch(config-afid-db)# switch 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea autonomous-fabric-id ?
  <1-64>  Enter an autonomous fabic ID
switch(config-afid-db)# switch 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea autonomous-fabric-id 14 ?
  vsan-ranges  Enter VSANs in this autonomous-fabric-id at this switch
switch(config-afid-db)# switch 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea autonomous-fabric-id 14 v
san-ranges ?
  <1-4093>  Enter upto 5 ranges of VSAN identifiers
switch(config-afid-db)# switch 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea autonomous-fabric-id 14 vsan-ranges 1-4 ?
  ,     Comma
  <cr>  Carriage Return
switch(config-afid-db)# switch-wwn 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea autonomous-fabric-id 14 vsan-ranges 1-4

The following example adds a switch WWN and the default AFID to the AFID database:

switch(config-afid-db)# ?
autonomous-fabric-id cfg. cmd:
  do          EXEC command
  exit        Exit from this submode
  no          Negate a command or set its defaults
  switch-wwn  Enter Switch WWN of a switch
switch(config-afid-db)# switch-wwn ?
  <hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh>  Enter a WWN in dotted hex notation
switch(config-afid-db)# switch-wwn 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea ?
  autonomous-fabric-id          Enter Autonomous Fabric ID
  default-autonomous-fabric-id  Enter default Autonomous Fabric ID
switch(config-afid-db)# switch-wwn 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea default-autonomous-fabric-id ?
  <1-64>  Enter a default autonomous fabic ID
switch(config-afid-db)# switch-wwn 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea default-autonomous-fabric-id 16 ?
  <cr>  Carriage Returnswitch(config-afid-db)# switch-wwn 28:1d:00:05:30:00:06:ea default-autonomous-fabric-id 16

system cores

To enable copying the core and log files periodically, use the system cores command in configuration mode. To revert the switch to factory defaults, use the no form of the command.

system cores {slot0: | tftp: }

no system cores

Syntax Description


Selects the destination file system.


Selects the destination file system.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Create any required directory before entering this command. If the directory specified by this command does not exist, the switch software logs a syslog message each time a copy cores is attempted.


The following example enables periodic copying core and log files:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system cores slot0:coreSample

The following example disables periodic copying core and log files:

switch(config)# no
 system cores

system counter

To include interface Fibre Channel(FC) transmitted abort counts in the output of the show interface commands, use the system counter fc-aborts command. Abort frames (FC ABTS) can be sent by both initiators and targets when when an FC exchange times out. The Tx FC-Aborts counter counts the number of FC ABTS frames transmitted by the interface. Use the no form to disable the command.

[no]system counter fc-aborts

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example enables counting of transmitted FC abort frames:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system counter fc-aborts

The following example disables counting of transmitted FC abort frames:

switch # configure terminal
switch(config)# no system counter fc-aborts 


The following example verifies if the system counter fc-aborts command is enabled:

switch# show running-config all | grep aborts
system counter fc-aborts

system default interface congestion mode

To configure the default interface congestion mode, use the system default interface congestion mode command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

system default interface congestion mode {core | edge}

no system default interface congestion mode {core | edge}

Syntax Description


Specifies the core port type.


Specifies the edge port type.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the default interface congestion mode for the core port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default interface congestion mode core

The following example shows how to disable the default interface congestion mode for the edge port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# no system default interface congestion mode edge

system default interface congestion timeout

To configure the default timeout value for a congestion timeout, use the system default interface congestion timeout command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

system default interface congestion timeout milliseconds mode {core | edge}

no system default interface congestion timeout milliseconds mode {core | edge}

Syntax Description


Number of milliseconds. The range is from 100 to 1000 milliseconds.


Specifies the mode.


Specifies the core port type.


Specifies the edge port type.

Command Default

500 milliseconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you set a smaller timeout on the edge ports such as 100 or 200 milliseconds the congestion on the edge port is reduced by making the packets on that port time out sooner when they see the pause condition.


You should use the default configuration for core ports and a value that does not exceed 500 ms (100 to 200 ms preferably) for fabric edge ports.


The following example shows how to configure the default value for a congestion timeout for the core port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default interface congestion timeout 100 mode core

The following example shows how to disable the default value for a congestion timeout for the edge port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default interface congestion timeout 100 mode edge

system default interface pause mode

To configure the default timeout value for a pause frame, use the system default interface pause mode command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

system default interface pause mode {core | edge}

no system default interface pause mode {core | edge}

Syntax Description


Specifies the core port type.


Specifies the edge port type.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the default timeout value for a pause frame for the core port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default interface pause mode core

The following example shows how to disable the timeout default value for a pause frame for the edge port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default interface pause mode edge

system default interface pause timeout

To configure the default timeout value for a pause frame, use the system default interface pause timeout command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

system default interface pause timeout milliseconds mode {core | edge}

no system default interface pause timeout milliseconds mode {core | edge}

Syntax Description


Number of milliseconds. The range is from 100 to 500 milliseconds.


Specifies the mode.


Specifies the core port type.


Specifies the edge port type.

Command Default

500 milliseconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When the port is in the state for the configured period, pause frame timeout can be enabled on that port. All frames that are sent to that port are dropped in the egress. This action frees up the buffer space in the ISL link (which carries traffic for this port) and helps to reduce congestion on other unrelated flows that use the same link.


The following example shows how to configure the timeout value pause frame for the core port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default interface pause timeout 100 mode core

The following example shows how to disable the timeout value pause for the edge port type:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default interface pause timeout 100 mode edge

system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny

To configure the default behavior for an Internet protocol over Fibre Channel (IPFC) Multicast frame, use the system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny command in global configuration mode. To disable/remove the default configurations, use the no form of the command.

system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny

no system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Disabled. The system will allow the IPFC multicast traffic on F-ports.

Command Modes

Global Configuration mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny command can be used only when the host devices are registered as IPFC type to the switch.


The following example shows how to enable the system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny command:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny

The following example shows how to view the status of the system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny command:

switch# show system default rib

switch# system default rib ipfc-mcast-deny enabled

system default switchport

To configure port attributes, use thesystem default switchport command in configuration mode. To disable port attributes, use the no form of the command.

system default switchport {shutdown | trunk mode {auto | off | on} | mode { auto-sw-3 | F } }

no system default switchport {shutdown | trunk mode {auto | off | on} | mode { auto-sw-3 | F } }

Syntax Description


Disables or enables switch ports by default.


Configures the trunking parameters as a default.


Configures the trunking mode.


Enables autosense trunking.


Disables trunking.


Enables trunking.

mode auto-sw-3

Sets the error detection timeout value to 6 seconds. By default, this value is 2 seconds.

mode F

Sets the administrative mode of Fibre Channel ports to mode F.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




Added the auto-sw-3 option.


Added the mode F option.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Attributes configured using this command are applied globally to all future switch port configurations, even if you do not individually specify them at that time.

This command changes the configuration of the following ports to administrative mode F:

  • All ports that are down.

  • All F ports that are up, whose operational mode is F, and whose administrative mode is not F.

This command does not affect non-F ports that are up; however, if non-F ports are down, this command changes the administrative mode of those ports.


The following example shows how to configure port shutdown:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default switchport shutdown

The following example shows how to configure the trunk mode:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default switchport trunkmode auto

The following example shows how to set the administrative mode of Fibre Channel ports to mode F:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default switchport mode F

The following example shows how to set the administrative mode of Fibre Channel ports to the default:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# no system default switchport mode F

The following example shows how to set the error detection timeout value to 6 seconds:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default switchport mode auto-sw-3


To configure TX credit queue as double queue, use the system default tx-credit double-queue command. To revert to the default TX credit queue, use the no form of this command.

system default tx-credit double-queue

Command Default

TX credit queue is configured as single queue.

Command Modes

Configuration mode (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example displays how to configure the TX credit queue as double queue:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# system default tx-credit double-queue

The following example displays how to return to the default TX credit queue:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# no system default tx-credit double-queue

system default zone default-zone permit

To configure default values for a zone, use the system default zone default-zone permit command in configuration mode. To revert to the defaults, use the no form of the command.

system default zone default-zone permit

no system default zone default-zone permit

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default values for zones.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command defines the default values for the default zone for all VSANs. The default values are used when you initially create a VSAN and it becomes active. If you do not want to use the default values, use the zone default-zone permit vsan command to define the operational values for the default zone.

The system default zone default-zone permit command should only be used in conjunction with VSANs that have not yet been created; it has no effect on existing VSANs.


Because VSAN 1 is the default VSAN and is always present, this command has no effect on it.


The following example sets the default zone to use the default values:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default zone default-zone permit

The following example restores the default setting:

switch(config)# no
 system default zone default-zone permit

system default zone distribute full

To configure default values for distribution to a zone set, use the system default zone distribute full command in configuration mode. To revert to the defaults, use the no form of the command.

system default zone distribute full

no system default zone distribute full

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Distribution to active zone sets only.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command distributes the default values for the default zone to all VSANs. The default values are used when you initially create a VSAN and it becomes active. If you do not want to use the default values, use the zoneset distribute full vsan command to distribute the operational values for the default zone.

The system default zone distribute full command should only be used in conjunction with VSANs that have not yet been created; it has no effect on existing VSANs.


Because VSAN 1 is the default VSAN and is always present, this command has no effect on it.


The following example distributes default values to the full zone set:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default zone distribute full

The following example distributes default values to the active zone set only:

switch(config)# no
 system default zone distribute full

system default zone gs

To configure default value for zone generic service permission, use the system default zone gs command in the configuration mode. To set the default value for zone generic service permission as none (deny), use the no form of the command.

system default zone gs {read | read-write}

no system default zone gs {read | read-write}

Syntax Description


Specifies the default zone generic service permission as read.


Specifies the default zone generic service permission as read-write.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History



3. 2(1)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Setting write only as the default value for zone generic service permission is not supported.


The following example shows how to configure the default value for zone generic service permission as read only for new VSANs:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default zone gs read

The following example shows how to configure the default value for zone generic service permission as read-write for new VSANs:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system default zone gs read-write

The following example shows how to configure the default value for zone generic service permission as none (deny) for new VSANs:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# no system default zone gs read-write

system default zone mode enhanced

To configure the zone mode default value as enhanced, use the system default zone mode enhanced command in the configuration mode. To configure the zone mode default value as basic, use the no form of the command.

system default zone mode enhanced

no system default zone mode enhanced

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the default value of zoning mode as basic or enhanced. The default value of zoning mode is used when a VSAN is newly created. If the VSAN is deleted and recreated, the value of the zoning mode defaults to the value specified by the configuration.


The following example shows how to configure the zone mode default value as enhanced:

switch# config
switch# system default zone mode enhanced

The following example shows how to configure the zone mode default value as basic:

switch# config
switch# no system default zone mode enhanced

system default zone smart-zone

To configure the default values for smart zone, use the system default zone smart-zone command in the configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

system default zone smart-zone enable

no system default zone smart-zone enable

Syntax Description


Specifies the default smart zone enable or disable.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the default values for smart-zone :

switch# config
switch(config)# no system default zone smart-zone enable

system delayed-traps enable mode

To configure the system-delayed trap state, use the system delayed-traps enable mode command. To disable the system-delayed trap state, use the no form of the command.

system delayed-traps enable mode FX

no system delayed-traps enable mode FX

Syntax Description


Enables or disables delayed traps for operationally up FX (F/FX) mode interfaces.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History



NX-OS 4.1(1b)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to configure the system-delayed trap state:

switch(config)# system delayed-traps enable mode FX

system delayed-traps timer

To configure the system-delayed trap timeout values, use the system delayed-traps timer command. To disable the system-delayed trap timeout values, use the no form of the command.

system delayed traps-timer number

no system delayed traps-timer number

Syntax Description


Indicates the delayed trap timer in minutes. The range is from 1 to 60.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History



NX-OS 4.1(1b)

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

System delayed traps timer is optional. If the user does not provide the timer value, default value of 4 is applied.


The following example shows how to configure system-delayed trap values:

switch(config)# system delayed-traps timer 30

system hap-reset



show system default zone

Displays the default value of zone mode as basic and enhanced.

To configure the HA reset policy, use the system hap-reset command in EXEC mode. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

system hap-reset

system no hap-reset

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can disable the HA policy supervisor reset feature (enabled by default) for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.


The following example enables the supervisor reset HA policy:

switch# system hap-reset

system health (configuration mode)

To configure Online Health Management System (OHMS) features for a specified interface or for the entire switch, use the system health command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

system health [failure-action | interface {fc slot/port | iscsi slot/port} | loopback {frame-length { bytes | auto} | frequency seconds}]

no system health [failure-action | interface {fc slot/port | iscsi slot/port}]


On a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem and on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter, the syntax differs as follows:interface bay port | ext port }

Syntax Description


(Optional) Prevents the NX-OS software from taking any OHMS action for the entire switch.


(Optional) Configures an interface.

fc slot /port

(Optional) Specifies the Fibre Channel interface to configure by slot and port number on an MDS 9000 Family switch.

iscsi slot /port

(Optional) Specifies the iSCSI interface to configure by slot and port number on an MDS 9000 Family switch.

bay port | ext port

(Optional) Configures the Fibre Channel interface on a port on a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem or on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter. The range is 0 to 48.


(Optional) Configures the OHMS loopback test.

frame-length bytes

(Optional) Specifies the frame-length in bytes ranging from 0 to 128 bytes for the loopback test.


(Optional) Configures the frame-length to auto for the loopback test.

frequency seconds

(Optional) Specifies the loopback frequency in seconds ranging from 5 seconds (default) to 255 seconds.

Command Default


Frame-length is auto-size, which could range from 0 to 128.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the frame-length and auto options to the loopback keyword.


Added the interface bay | ext option.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not configure the loopback frequency value, the default frequency of 5 seconds is used for all modules in the switch.


The no form of the command is not supported for the frame-length , auto , and frequency options.


The following example disables OHMS in this switch:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# no system health
System Health is disabled.

The following example enables (default) OHMS in this switch:

switch(config)# system health
System Health is enabled.

The following example enables OHMS in this interface:

switch(config)# no system health interface fc8/1
System health for interface fc8/13 is enabled.

The following example disables OHMS in this interface:

switch(config)# system health interface fc8/1
System health for interface fc8/13 is disabled. 

The following example configures the loopback frequency to be 50 seconds for any port in the switch:

switch(config)# system health loopback frequency 50
The new frequency is set at 50 Seconds.
The following example configures the loopback frame-length to auto:
switch(config)# system health loopback frame-length auto
Loopback frame-length auto-size mode is now enabled.

The following example prevents the switch from taking any failure action:

switch(config)# system health failure-action
System health global failure action is now enabled. 

The following example prevents the switch configuration from taking OHMS action (default) in case of a failure:

switch(config)# no system health failure-action
System health global failure action now disabled.

system health cf-crc-check

To run the CompactFlash CRC checksum test on demand, use the system health cf-crc-check command in EXEC mode.

system health cf-crc-check module slot

Syntax Description

module slot

Specifies the module slot number.

Command Default

Enabled to automatically run in the background every 7 days.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Run the CompactFlash CRC checksum test on demand to determine if the CompactFlash firmware is corrupted and needs to be updated.

The CRC checksum test can be run on demand on the following modules:

  • DS-X9016
  • DS-X9032
  • DS-X9302-14K9
  • DS-X9308-SMIP
  • DS-X9304-SMIP
  • DS-X9530-SF1-K9


The following example shows how to run the CRC checksum test on demand:

switch# system health cf-crc-check module 4

system health cf-re-flash

To update the CompactFlash firmware on demand, use the system health cf-re-flash command in EXEC mode.

system health cf-re-flash module slot

Syntax Description

module slot

Specifies the module slot number.

Command Default

Enabled to automatically run in the background every 30 days.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The CRC checksum test and the firmware update can be enabled on the following modules:

  • DS-X9016
  • DS-X9032
  • DS-X9302-14K9
  • DS-X9308-SMIP
  • DS-X9304-SMIP
  • DS-X9530-SF1-K9


The following example shows how to update firmware on demand:

switch# system health cf-re-flash module 4

system health clear-errors

To clear previous error conditions stored in the Online Health Management System (OHMS) application’s memory, use the system health clear-errors command.

system health clear-errors interface {fc slotport | iscsi slotport}

system health clear-errors module slot [battery-charger | bootflash | cache-disk | eobc | inband | loopback | mgmt]


On a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem and on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter, the syntax differs as follows:interface bay port | ext port }

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface to be configured.

fc slot /port

Configures the Fiber Channel interface on a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch.

iscsi slot /port

Selects the iSCSI interface to configureon a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch.

bay port | ext port

(Optional) Configures the Fibre Channel interface on a port on a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem or on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter.

module slot

Specifies the required module in the switch,


(Optional) Configures the OHMS battery-charger test on the specified module


(Optional) Configures the OHMS bootflash test on the specified module.


(Optional) Configures the OHMS cache-disk test on the specified module.


(Optional)Configures the OHMS EOBC test on the specified module.


(Optional) Configures the OHMS inband test on the specified module.


(Optional) Configures the OHMS loopback test on the specified module.


(Optional) Configures the OHMS management port test on the specified module.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the interface bay | ext option.

Usage Guidelines

You can clear the error history for Fibre Channel interfaces, iSCSI interfaces, for an entire module, or one particular test for an entire module. The battery-charger , the bootflash , the cache-disk , the eobc , the inband , the loopback , and the mgmt test options can be individually specified for a given module.

The management port test cannot be run on a standby supervisor module.


The following example clears the error history for the specified Fibre Channel interface:

switch# system health clear-errors interface fc 3/1

The following example clears the error history for the specified module:

switch# system health clear-errors interface module 3

The following example clears the management port test error history for the specified module:

switch# system health clear-errors module 2 mgmt

system health external-loopback

To explicitly run an external Online Health Management System (OHMS) loopback test on demand (when requested by the user) for a specified interface or module, use the system health external-loopback command.

system health external-loopback {interface fc slot/port | source interface fc slot/port destination fc slot/port} [frame-length bytes [frame-count number] | frame-count number] [force]


On a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem and on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter, the syntax differs as follows:interface bay port | ext port }

Syntax Description


Configures an interface.

fc slot /port

Configures the Fibre Channel interface specified by the slot and port on an MDS 9000 Family switch.


Specifies the source Fibre Channel interface.


Specifies the destination Fibre Channel interface.

bay | ext port

(Optional) Configures the Fibre Channel interface on a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem or on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter . The range is 0 to 48.

frame-length bytes

(Optional) Configures the specified length of the loopback test frame in bytes. The range is 0 to 128 bytes.

frame-count number

(Optional) Configures the specified number of frames for the loopback test. The number of frames can range from 1 to 32.


(Optional) Directs the software to use the non-interactive loopback mode.

Command Default

The loopback is disabled.

The frame-length is 0. The frame-count is 1.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the source and destination keywords and the frame-count and frame-length options.


Added the interface bay | ext option.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to run this test on demand for the external devices connected to a switch that are part of a long haul network.


The following example displays an external loopback command for a Fibre Channel interface:

switch# system health external-loopback interface fc 3/1
This will shut the requested interfaces Do you want to continue (y/n)? [n] y
External loopback test on interface fc3/1 was  successful.

The following example displays the effect of the force option when implementing a forced loopback:

switch# system health external-loopback interface fc 3/1 force
External loopback test on interface fc3/1 was  successful.

system health internal-loopback

To explicitly run an internal Online Health Management System (OHMS) loopback test on demand (when requested by the user) for a specified interface or module, use the system health internal-loopback command.

system health internal-loopback interface {fc slot/port | iscsi slot/ port} [frame-length bytes [frame-count number] | frame-count number]


On a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem and on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter, the syntax differs as follows:interface [bay port | ext port]

Syntax Description


Configures an interface.

fc slot /port

Configures the Fibre Channel interface specified by the slot and port on an MDS 9000 Family switch.

iscsi slot /port

Specifies the iSCSI interface to configure by slot and port on an MDS 9000 Family switch.

bay port | ext port

(Optional) Configures the Fibre Channel interface on a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem or on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter . The range is 0 to 48.

frame-length bytes

(Optional) Configures the specified length of the loopback test frame in bytes. The range is 0 to 128 bytes.

frame-count number

(Optional) Configures the specified number of frames for the loopback test. The number of frames can range from 1 to 32.

Command Default

The loopback is disabled.

The frame-length is 0. The frame-count is 1.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the frame-count and frame-length options.


Added the interface bay | ext option.

Usage Guidelines

Internal loopback tests send and receive FC2 frames to and from the same ports and provide the round trip time taken in microseconds for the Fibre Channel interface.


The following example performs the internal loopback test for a Fibre Channel interface:

switch# system health internal-loopback interface iscsi 8/1
Internal loopback test on interface iscsi 8/1 was successful.
Round trip time taken is 79 useconds

system health module

To configure Online Health Management System (OHMS) features for a specified module, use the system health module command. To disable these features, use the no form of this command.

system health module slot [battery-charger [failure-action | frequency seconds] | bootflash [failure-action | frequency seconds] | cache-disk [failure-action | frequency seconds] | cf-crc-check [failure-action | frequency frequency] | cf-re-flash [failure-action | frequency frequency] | eobc [failure-action | frequency seconds] | failure-action | inband [failure-action | frequency seconds] | loopback [failure-action] | mgmt [failure-action | frequency seconds]]

no system health module slot [battery-charger [failure-action | frequency seconds] | bootflash [failure-action | frequency seconds] | cache-disk [failure-action | frequency seconds] | cf-crc-check [failure-action | frequency frequency] | cf-re-flash [failure-action | frequency frequency] | eobc [failure-action | frequency seconds] | failure-action | inband [failure-action | frequency seconds] | loopback [failure-action] | mgmt [failure-action | frequency seconds]]

Syntax Description


The module slot number.


(Optional) Configures the battery-charger test on the specified module.


(Optional) Controls the software from taking any action if a CompactFlash failure is determined while running the CRC checksum test.

frequency seconds

(Optional) Specifies the frequency in seconds. The range for the bootflash frequency option is 10 to 255. The range for the cf-crc-check frequency option is 1 to 30. The range for the cf-re-flash frequency option is 30 to 90. For all other options, the range is 5 to 255.


Configures the bootflash test on the specified module.


Configures the cache-disk test on the specified module.


Configures the CRC checksum test.


Configures the firmware update.


Configures the EOBC test on the specified module.


Configures the inband test on the specified module.


Configures the loopback test on the specified module.


Configures the management port test on the specified module.

Command Default

The default for OHMS is enabled.

The CRC Checksum test is enabled to automatically run in the background every 7 days.

The firmware update is enabled to automatically run in the background every 30 days.

The failure-action feature is enabled.

Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the cf-crc-check and cf-reflash options.

Usage Guidelines

The CRC checksum test and the firmware update can be enabled on the following modules:

  • DS-X9016
  • DS-X9032
  • DS-X9302-14K9
  • DS-X9308-SMIP
  • DS-X9304-SMIP
  • DS-X9530-SF1-K9

If you do not configure the loopback frequency value, the default frequency of 5 seconds is used for all modules in the switch.


The following example enables the battery-charger test on both batteries in the CSM module. If the switch does not have a CSM, this message is issued:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system health module 6 battery-charger
battery-charger test is not configured to run on module 6.

The following example enables the cache-disk test on both disks in the CSM module. If the switch does not have a CSM, this message is issued:

switch(config)# system health module 6 cache-disk
cache-disk test is not configured to run on module 6.

The following example enables the bootflash test:

switch(config)# system health module 6 bootflash
System health for module 6 Bootflash is already enabled.

The following example enables you to prevent the NX-OS software from taking any action if any component fails:

switch(config)# system health module 6 bootflash failure-action
System health failure action for module 6 Bootflash test is now enabled.

The following example enables an already-enabled bootflash test:

switch(config)# system health module 6 bootflash failure-action
System health failure action for module 6 Bootflash test is already enabled.

The following example disables the bootflash test configuration:

switch(config)# no system health module 6 bootflash failure-action
System health failure action for module 6 Bootflash test is now disabled.

The following example sets the new frequency of the bootflash test to 200 seconds:

switch(config)# system health module 6 bootflash frequency 200
The new frequency is set at 200 Seconds.

The following example enables the EOBC test:

switch(config)# system health module 6 eobc
System health for module 6 EOBC is now enabled.

The following example enables the inband test:

switch(config)# system health module 6 inband
System health for module 6 EOBC is now enabled.

The following example enables the loopback test:

switch(config)# system health module 6 loopback
System health for module 6 EOBC is now enabled.

The following example enables the management test:

switch(config)# system health module 6 management
System health for module 6 EOBC is now enabled.

The following example shows how to set the CompactFlash CRC test interval:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# system health module 6 cf-crc-check frequency 10

The following example shows how to set the CompactFlash CRC test failure-action feature:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# system health module 6 cf-crc-check failure-action

The following example shows how to set the CompactFlash reflash update interval:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# system health module 6 cf-reflash frequency 10

The following example shows how to set the CompactFlash reflash failure-action feature:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# system health module # cf-re-flash failure-action

system health serdes-loopback

To explicitly run an internal Online Health Management System (OHMS) Serializer/Deserializer (Serdes) loopback test on demand (when requested by the user) for a Fibre Channel interface, use the system health serdes-loopback command.

system health serdes-loopback interface fc slot/port [frame-length bytes [frame-count number] | frame-count number] [force]

Syntax Description


On a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem and on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter, the syntax differs as follows:interface bay port | ext port }


Configures an interface.

fc slot /port

(Optional) Configures the Fiber Channel interface specified by the slot and port on an MDS 9000 Family switch.

bay port | ext port

(Optional) Configures the Fibre Channel interface on a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem or on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter. The range is 0 to 48.


Directs the software to use the non-interactive loopback mode.

frame-length bytes

(Optional) Configures the specified length of the loopback test frame in bytes. The range is 0 to 128 bytes.

frame-count number

(Optional) Configures the specified number of frames for the loopback test. The number of frames can range from 1 to 32.

Command Default

Loopback is disabled.

The frame-length is 0. The frame-count is 1.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added the interface bay | ext option.

Usage Guidelines



The following example performs a Serdes loopback test within ports for an entire module:

switch# system health serdes-loopback interface fc 4/1
This will shut the requested interfaces Do you want to continue (y/n)? [n] y

Serdes loopback test on interface fc 4/1 was successful.

The following example performs a Serdes loopback test within ports for the entire module and overrides the frame count configured on the switch:

switch# system health serdes-loopback interface fc 3/1 frame-count 10
This will shut the requested interfaces Do you want to continue (y/n)? [n] y
Serdes loopback test passed for module 3 port 1

system heartbeat

To enable system heartbeat checks, use the system heartbeat command in EXEC mode. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

system heartbeat

no system heartbeat

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can disable the heartbeat checking feature (enabled by default) for debugging and troubleshooting purposes such as attaching a GDB to a specified process.


The following example enables the system heartbeat checks:

switch# system heartbeat 

system kernel core

To enable kernel core logging, use the system kernel core command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

system kernel core

no system kernel core

Command Default

Kernel core logging is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Kernel core logging is supported only on Cisco MDS 9718, MDS 9710, and MDS 9706 switches.


This example shows how to enable kernel core logging:

switch# configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# system kernel core

This example shows how to disable kernel core logging:

switch# configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# no system kernel core

system memlog

To collect system memory statistics, use the system memlog command in EXEC mode.

system memlog

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.


The following example enables system memory logging:

switch# system memlog 

system port pacer mode F interface-login-threshold

To enable the pacer mode for F port threshold limit, use the system port pacer mode F

interface -login-threshold command.

system port pacer mode F interface-login-threshold port-threshold limit concurrent-ports port-number

Syntax Description

mode F

Specifies the F mode.


port-threshold limit

Specifies the per port threshold limit. The range is from 0 to 256.



Specifies the maximum number of concurrent port bring up allowed. The range is from 1 to 16. Preferred value is 1.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


Concurrent-ports port-number needs to be set depending upon customers topology and tune this value onto how many F ports can be brought up simultaneously.


Fx or FL or E ports are not supported.


The following example shows how to enable the pacer mode F for port threshold limit:

system port pacer mode F interface-login-threshold 10 concurrent-ports 1

system startup-config

To release a system startup configuration lock, use the system startup-configsystem startup config command in EXEC mode.

system startup-config unlock lock-id

Syntax Description

unlock lock-id

Configures the system startup-config unlock ID number. The range is 0 to 65536.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The system startup-config command allows you to unlock or release the rr_token lock. To determine the lock-id, use the show system internal sysmgr startup-config locks command.


The following example releases the system configuration lock with identifier 1:

switch# system ?
  hap-reset       Enables resetting of local or remote sup on ha failures
  health          System health exec commands
  heartbeat       Enables heartbeat
  memlog          Generate memory log in bootflash
  no              Negate a command or set its defaults
  pss             PSS commands
  standby         System standby manual boot
  startup-config  System startup-config commands
  statistics      Changes statistics configuration
  switchover      Switchover now
  watchdog        Enables watchdog
switch# system startup-config ?
  unlock  Unlock startup-config
switch# system startup-config unlock ?
  <0-65536>  Startup-config lock id
switch# system startup-config unlock 1 ?
  <cr>  Carriage Return
switch# system startup-config unlock 1

system statistics reset

To reset the high availability statistics collected by the system, use the system statistics reset command in EXEC mode.

system statistics reset

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can disable the system statistics reset feature (enabled by default) for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.


The following example resets the HA statistics:

switch# system statistics reset 

system switchover (configuration mode)

To enable a switchover for the system, use the system switchover command in configuration mode. To revert to the factory default setting, use the no form of the command.

system switchover {ha | warm}

no system switchover

Syntax Description


Specifies an HA switchover.


Specifies a warm switchover.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



The following example enables a HA switchover from an active supervisor module to a standby supervisor module:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system switchover ha

system switchover (EXEC mode)

To specifically initiate a switchover from an active supervisor module to a standby supervisor module, use thesystem switchover command in EXEC mode.

system switchover bypass-standby-mgmt0

Syntax Description


Specifies to bypass the standby supervisor's mgmt0 interface status check before performing a switchover.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




The bypass-standby-mgmt0 keyword was introduced.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Starting with Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 9.2(1), the system switchover command checks the status of the mgmt0 link on the standby supervisor of the Cisco MDS 9700 directors with dual supervisors. If the standby supervisor is not up, then the system switchover will not proceed and displays an error. This is to prevent the switch from losing out of band management access. To bypass this check use the bypass-standby-mgmt0 option that is also available from Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 9.2(1).


The following example initiates a HA switchover from an active supervisor module to a standby supervisor module:

switch# system switchover

The following message is displayed when you try to perform a switchover to the standby supervisor when the bypass-standby-mgmt0 option was not used and the standby supervisor's mgmt0 interface was down:

System switchover not allowed when standby supervisor mgmt0 link is down. Use the bypass-standby-mgmt0 parameter to bypass this check and force switchover to standby supervisor.

system timeout congestion-drop

To configure the system timeout values for congestion drop, use the system timeout congestion-drop command.

system timeout congestion-drop number logical-type { core | edge} | default logical-type { core | edge}

Syntax Description


Number in milliseconds. The range is from 200 ms to 500 ms. The congestion timeout value should be in multiples of 10.


Specifies the default timeout values for congestion drop.


Specifies the logical type for a port.


Specifies the core mode.


Specifies the edge mode.

Command Default

The default system timeout congestion-drop value is 500 ms.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




  • mode keyword was change to logical-type keyword, E keyword was changed to core keyword, and F keyword was changed to edge keyword.

  • The system timeout congestion-drop value range was changed from 100-500 ms to 200-500 ms.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Each packet received by the MDS is timestamped. This timer determines hold long the MDS holds packets to transmit. If the timer expires then the packet is discarded as a timeout frame.


The following example shows how to configure the system timeout values for congestion drop core mode:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# system timeout congestion-drop 210 logical-type core

The following example shows how to configure the default timeout values for congestion drop core mode:

switch(config)# system timeout congestion-drop default logical-type core

system timeout no-credit-drop

To configure the system timeout values for no credit drop, use the system timeout no-credit-drop command. To disable the system timeout values, use the no form of this command.

{system timeout no-credit-drop number logical-type edge | default logical-type edge} {no system timeout no-credit-drop number logical-type edge | default logical-type edge}

Syntax Description


Number in milliseconds. The range is from 1 to 500 milliseconds.


Specifies the default timeout values for no credit drop. The default value is 500 milliseconds.


Specifies the logical type for a port.


Specifies the edge mode.

Command Default

By default, frame dropping is disabled and the frame timeout value is 500 ms for all port types.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




mode keyword was change to logical-type keyword, and F keyword was changed to edge keyword.


Changed the no-credit-drop timeout value.


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This timer, when enabled, determines how long an interface is at zero Tx buffer to buffer credits before it starts dropping packets immediately and not waiting for the congestion-drop timeout.


no-credit- drop timeout value has been changed from 100 to 500 in multiples of 100 milliseconds. Current range changes from 1 to 500 in multiples of 1 milliseconds.


The following example shows how to configure the system timeout values for no credit drop edge mode:

switch(config)# system timeout no-credit-drop 100 logical-type edge

The following example shows how to configure the default timeout values for no credit drop edge mode:

switch(config)# system timeout no-credit-drop default logical-type edge

The following example shows how to disable the system timeout value for no credit drop edge mode:

switch(config)# no system timeout no-credit-drop default logical-type edge

system timeout slowport-monitor

To configure the system timeout values for hardware slowport monitoring, use the system timeout slowport-monitor command. To remove this feature, use the no form of this command.

system timeout slowport-monitor number default mode E/ F

no system timeout slowport-monitor number default mode E/ F(explicit id )

Syntax Description


Number in milliseconds. The range is from 1 to 500 milliseconds.


Specifies the default timeout value for the hardware slowport monitoring. The default value is 50 milliseconds.


Specifies the Port mode.


Specifies the E port mode.


Specifies the F port mode.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This timer, when enabled, starts the slowport monitoring of ports and collects the statistics information like average credit delay and the number of times slowport event detected count.

This command is applicable for the platforms that support hardware slowport monitoring (MDS 9710, 9706,9250i,9148S).


The following example shows how to configure the system timeout values for hardware slowport monitoring:

switch(config)# system timeout slowport-monitor 10 mode F

The following example shows how to configure the default timeout values for hardware slowport monitoring:

switch(config)# system timeout slowport-monitor default mode F

system timestamp format

To configure the uniform logging timestamp format, use the system timestamp format command. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.

system timestamp format rfc5424

Syntax Description


Specifies RFC 5424 compliant timestamps.

Command Default

Events are logged with mixed timestamp formats.

Command Modes

Configuration mode (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The Uniform Timestamps feature affects:

  • onboard syslog

  • onboard accounting log

  • various internal logs of NX-OS features

The rfc5424 option specifies to use RFC 5424 compliant timestamps for logging. RFC 5424 defines the format of the complete syslog message, but part of it is the syslog timestamp format which is used by this option.

RFC 5424 compliant timestamps have the following structure:

    yyyy is the 4-digit year 
    mm is the 2-digit month of the year 
    dd is the 2-digit date of the month 
    T is a literal T 
    hh is the 2-digit hour of the day 
    mm is the 2-digit minute of the hour 
    .mmm is the 3-digit millisecond (optional) 
    uuu is the 3-digit microsecond (optional) 
    Z is a literal Z, used if UTC timezone is set (optional) 
    + is a literal +, used if the timezone offset from UTC is positive (optional) 
    - is a literal -, used if the timezone offset from UTC is negative (optional) 
    hh is the 2-digit hour component of the timezone offset from UTC (optional) 
    mm is the 2-digit minute component of the timezone offset from UTC (optional)

Some software features log messages with timestamps that cannot be converted between formats. In the logs of such features, it is possible to have a mixture of timestamp formats. Thus, messages logged before and after the timestamp format change will have the format that was configured at the time the log message was generated.

Not all logs support all the optional fields.

This command does not change the format of syslogs that are exported to an external syslog server via the syslog protocol.


The following example displays how to configure RFC 5424 compliant timestamps:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# system timestamp format rfc5424

The following example displays how to return to the original NX-OS timestamp format:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# no system timestamp format rfc5424

The following example displays the original timestamp format in syslog:

switch# show logging logfile
2019 Mar  8 09:52:04 switch last message repeated 3 times

The following example shows RFC 5424 compliant timestamp with the default switch timezone (UTC timezone, which is shown as Z):

switch# show accounting log
2019-05-28T16:39:36Z:type=update:id= terminal ; logging level all 7 (SUCCESS)

The following example shows RFC 5424 compliant timestamp with a timezone offset of +1 hour:

switch# show accounting log
2019-05-30T07:17:51+01:00:type=update:id= terminal ; interface mgmt0 ; ipv6 enable (SUCCESS)

The following example displays the original timestamp format of an FCNS internal log:

switch# show fcns internal event-history 
1) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 104710 usecs after Fri May 31 07:56:23 2019
    Src:0x00000501/7442, Dst:0x00000501/19, Flags:None
    HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x031AF189, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:216
    0x0000:  01 00 2f 74 6d 70 2f 64 62 67 64 75 6d 70 34 39

The following example displays the timestamp format of an FCNS internal log when RFC 5424 compliant timestamping is enabled:

switch# show fcns internal event-history
1) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 2019-05-15T07:54:19.129048-07:00
    Src:0x00000501/14615, Dst:0x00000501/19, Flags:None
    HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x003CE5D3, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:216
    0x0000:  01 00 2f 74 6d 70 2f 64 62 67 64 75 6d 70 32 38

system trace

To configure the system trace level, use the system trace command in configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

system trace bit-mask

no system trace

Syntax Description


Specifies the bit mask to change the trace level.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used for debugging purposes.


The following example shows how to configure the system trace level:

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# system trace 0xff

system watchdog

To enable watchdog checks, use the system watchdog command in EXEC mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.

system watchdog

no system watchdog

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If a watchdog is not logged at every 8 seconds by the software, the supervisor module reboots the switch.

You can disable the watchdog checking feature (enabled by default) for debugging and troubleshooting purposes such as attaching a GDB or a kernel GDB (KGDB) to a specified process.


The following example enables the system watchdog:

switch# system watchdog