NX-API Developer Sandbox

This chapter contains the following topics:

About the NX-API Developer Sandbox

The NX-API Developer Sandbox is a web form hosted on the switch. It translates NX-OS CLI commands into equivalent XML or JSON payloads, and converts NX-API REST payloads into their CLI equivalents.

The web form is a single screen with three panes — Command (top pane), Request, and Response — as shown in the figure.

Figure 1. NX-API Developer Sandbox with Example Request and Output Response

Controls in the Command pane allow you to choose a message format for a supported API, such as NX-API REST, and a command type, such as XML or JSON. The available command type options vary depending on the selected message format.

When you type or paste one or more CLI commands into the Command pane, the web form converts the commands into an API payload, checking for configuration errors, and displays the resulting payload in the Request pane. If you then choose to post the payload directly from the Sandbox to the switch, using the POST button in the Command pane, the Response pane displays the API response.

Conversely, when you type an NX-API REST designated name (DN) and payload into the Command pane and select the NXAPI-REST (DME) Method format and the model Input type, Developer Sandbox checks the payload for configuration errors, then the Response pane displays the equivalent CLIs.

Guidelines and Limitations

Following are the guidelines and limitations for the Developer Sandbox:

  • Clicking Send in the Sandbox commits the command to the switch, which can result in a configuration or state change.

  • Some feature configuration commands are not available until their associated feature has been enabled.

  • Using Sandbox to convert with DN is supported only for finding the DN of a CLI config. Any other workflow, for example, using DME to convert DN for CLI configuration commands is not supported.

  • The Command pane (the top pane) supports a maximum of 10,000 individual lines of input.

Enabling and Accessing the Developer Sandbox

By default, NX-API is disabled on the switch, as is the Sandbox. This procedure shows you how to enable both and how to access the Sandbox with a browser.

Before you begin

Configure the management port of the switch.


Step 1

Enable the NX-API nxapi feature and the sandbox using the following commands.

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature nxapi

Step 2

(Optional) To change the HTTP or HTTPS port number, enter the nxapi http[s] port port-number command.


switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# nxapi http port 80
switch(config)# nxapi https port 443

Step 3

Open a browser and enter http[s]://management-ip-address (or http[s]://management-ip-address:port-number , if you configured with a specific port number in the previous step) to launch the NX-API Developer Sandbox.


If the management IP address of the switch is, browse to

Cisco recommends that you use the Chrome browser, release 69.0.3497.100 (64-bit), or later, to access the NX-API Developer Sandbox.

Configuring the Message Format and Input Type

The Method, Message format, and Input type are configured in the upper right corner of the Command pane (the top pane). For Method, choose the format of the API protocol that you want to use. The Developer Sandbox supports the following API protocols:

Table 1. NX-OS API Protocols




Cisco NX-API proprietary protocol for delivering NX-OS CLI or bash commands in an XML or a JSON payload.


Cisco NX-API proprietary protocol for manipulating and reading managed objects (MOs) and their properties in the internal NX-OS data management engine (DME) model. For more information about the Cisco Nexus 3400-S Series NX-API REST SDK, see Cisco Nexus NX-API References.


The YANG ("Yet Another Next Generation") data modeling language for configuration and state data.

When the Method has been chosen, a set of Message format and Input type options are presented. The Message format setting can constrain the input CLI and can determine the Request and Response format. The options vary depending on the Method selection.

For each Message format, the following table describes the Input type options:

Table 2. Command Types


Message format

Input type



  • cli — show or configuration commands

  • cli-ascii — show or configuration commands, output without formatting

  • cli-array — show or configuration commands. Similar to cli, but with cli_array, data is returned as a list of one element, or an array, within square brackets, [ ].



  • cli_show — show commands. If the command does not support XML output, an error message will be returned.

  • cli_show_array — show commands. Similar to cli_show, but with cli_show_array, data is returned as a list of one element, or an array, within square brackets [ ].

  • cli_show_ascii — show commands, output without formatting

  • cli_conf — configuration commands. Interactive configuration commands are not supported.

  • bash — bash commands. Most non-interactive bash commands are supported.

    The bash shell must be enabled in the switch.



  • cli_show — show commands. If the command does not support XML output, an error message will be returned.

  • cli_show_ascii — show commands, output without formatting

  • cli_conf — configuration commands. Interactive configuration commands are not supported.

  • bash — bash commands. Most non-interactive bash commands are supported.

    The bash shell must be enabled in the switch.


  • cli — configuration commands

  • model — DN and corresponding payload.


  • json — JSON structure is used for payload

  • xml — XML structure is used for payload

Output Chunking

In order to handle large show command output, some NX-API message formats support output chunking for show commands. In this case, an Enable chunk mode checkbox appears below the Command Type control along with a session ID (SID) type-in box.

When chunking is enabled, the response is sent in multiple "chunks," with the first chunk sent in the immediate command response. In order to retrieve the next chunk of the response message, you must send an NX-API request with SID set to the session ID of the previous response message.

Using the Developer Sandbox

You can use the Developer Sandbox to make multiple conversions, including the following:

Using the Developer Sandbox to Convert CLI Commands to Payloads


Online help is available by clicking Quick Start in the upper right corner of the Sandbox window.

Additional details, such as response codes and security methods, can be found in the chapter "NX-API CLI".

Only configuration commands are supported.


Step 1

Configure the Method, Message Format, and Input Type for the API protocol you want to use.

For detailed instructions, see Configuring the Message Format and Input Type.

Step 2

Type or paste NX-OS CLI configuration commands, one command per line, into the text entry box in the top pane.

You can erase the contents of the text entry box (and the Request and Response panes) by clicking Reset at the bottom of the top pane.

Step 3

Click the Convert at the bottom of the top pane.

If the CLI commands contain no configuration errors, the payload appears in the Request pane. If errors are present, a descriptive error message appears in the Response pane.

Step 4

When a valid payload is present in the Request pane, you can click Send to send the payload as an API call to the switch.

The response from the switch appears in the Response pane.

Clicking Send commits the command to the switch, which can result in a configuration or state change.
Step 5

You can copy the contents of the Request or Response pane to the clipboard by clicking Copy in the pane.

Step 6

You can also convert the request into the following formats by clicking on the appropriate tab in the Request pane:

  • Python

  • Python3

  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • Go-Lang

Using the Developer Sandbox to Convert from REST Payloads to CLI Commands


Online help is available by clicking Quick Start in the upper right corner of the Sandbox window.

Additional details, such as response codes and security methods, can be found in the chapter "NX-API CLI".

Click on the DME Documentation link in the upper right corner of the Sandbox window to go to the NX-API DME Model Reference page.

Click on the Model Browser link in the upper right corner of the Sandbox window to access Visore, the Model Browser. Note that you might have to manually enter the IP address for your switch to access the Visore page:



Step 1

Select NXAPI-REST (DME) as the Method and model as the Input Type.


Step 2

Enter a DN and payload into the text entry box in the top pane. Then click on the Convert button below the top pane.


For this example, the DN is /api/mo/sys.json and the NX-API REST payload is:
  "topSystem": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "REST2CLI"
When you click on the Convert button, the CLI equivalent appears in the CLI pane as shown in the following image.

The Developer Sandbox cannot convert all payloads into equivalent CLIs, even if the Sandbox converted the CLIs to NX-API REST payloads. The following is a list of possible sources of error that can prevent a payload from completely converting to CLI commands:

Table 3. Sources of REST2CLI Errors

Payload Issue


The payload contains an attribute that does not exist in the MO.

  "topSystem": {
    "children": [
        "interfaceEntity": {
          "children": [
              "l1PhysIf": {
                "attributes": {
                  "id": "eth1/1",
                  "fakeattribute": "totallyFake"

The Error pane will return an error related to the attribute.



Error unknown attribute 'fakeattribute' in element 'l1PhysIf'

The payload includes MOs that aren't yet supported for conversion:

  "topSystem": {
    "children": [
        "dhcpEntity": {
          "children": [
              "dhcpInst": {
                "attributes": {
                  "SnoopingEnabled": "yes"

The Error Pane will return an error related to the unsupported MO.



Error The entire subtree of "sys/dhcp" is not converted.

Using the Developer Sandbox to Convert from RESTCONF to json or XML


Online help is available by clicking Quick Start in the upper right corner of the Sandbox window.

Click on the Yang Documentation link in the upper right corner of the Sandbox window to go to the Model Driven Programmability with Yang page.

Click on the Yang Models link in the upper right corner of the Sandbox window to access the YangModels GitHub site.


Step 1

Select RESTCONF (Yang) as the Method and either json or xml as the Message format.


Step 2

Enter a command into the text entry box in the top pane, choose a message format, then click on the Convert button below the top pane.


For this example, the command is logging level netstack 6 and the message format is json:


For this example, the command is logging level netstack 6 and the message format is xml:
Step 3

You can also convert the request into the following formats by clicking on the appropriate tab in the Request pane:

  • Python

  • Python3

  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • Go-Lang


The Java-generated script does not work if you choose the PATCH option from the drop-down menu in the area above the Request tab. This is a known limitation with Java and is expected behavior.