Configuring Priority Flow Control

About Priority Flow Control

Priority flow control (PFC; IEEE 802.1Qbb), which is also referred to as Class-based Flow Control (CBFC) or Per Priority Pause (PPP), is a mechanism that prevents frame loss that is due to congestion. PFC is similar to 802.3x Flow Control (pause frames) or link-level flow control (LFC). However, PFC functions on a per class-of-service (CoS) basis.

When a buffer threshold is exceeded due to congestion, LFC sends a pause frame to its peer to pause all data transmission on the link for a specified period of time. When the congestion is mitigated (traffic comes under the configured threshold), a resume frame is generated to restart data transmission on the link.

In contrast, during congestion, PFC sends a pause frame that indicates which CoS value needs to be paused. A PFC pause frame contains a 2-octet timer value for each CoS that indicates the length of time that the traffic needs to be paused. The unit of time for the timer is specified in pause quanta. A quanta is the time that is required for transmitting 512 bits at the speed of the port. The range is from 0 to 65535. A pause frame with a pause quanta of 0 indicates a resume frame to restart the paused traffic.


Only certain classes of service of traffic can be flow controlled while other classes are allowed to operate normally.

PFC asks the peer to stop sending frames of a particular CoS value by sending a pause frame to a well-known multicast address. This pause frame is a one-hop frame that is not forwarded when received by the peer. When the congestion is mitigated, PFC can request the peer to restart transmitting frames.

Prerequisites for Priority Flow Control

PFC has the following prerequisites:

  • You must be familiar with using modular QoS CLI.

  • You are logged on to the device.

Guidelines and Limitations for Priority Flow Control

PFC on the Nexus 3500 platform has the following configuration guidelines and limitations:

  • PFC is supported only on the network-qos class matching qos-group 2 and qos-group 3. Configuring it on other qos-group matching classes results in an error.

  • When configuring PFC in the network-qos policy, use the pause pfc-cos variant of the pause command.

  • The pause no-drop variant of the pause command is used exclusively for configuring LLFC.

  • We recommend not configuring LLFC and PFC together on the same switch. Choose only one of the following configurations for flow control:

    PFC Configuration: only pause pfc-cos variant in network-qos config and enabling priority-flow-control on the port.

    LLFC Configuration: only pause no-drop variant in network-qos policy and flow control send/receive on the port.

  • For PFC to function correctly, the participating entities in a PFC enabled network should honor PFC frames, as per standard. When a peer honors PFC frames, PFC frames are generated only for the queue that is congested.

    However, when a peer does not honor PFC frames, there is no provision to immediately drop the packets that have exceeded the buffer threshold. As a result, the entire no-drop buffer becomes exhausted and PFC frames are sent to other non-congested/no-traffic no-drop queues.

  • PFC frames are generated for congested traffic that hit the multicast queue.

  • The pause buffer threshold is configured in the network-qos policy.

  • Adding pause buffer size threshold configuration is optional for cable lengths that are less than 100 meters and it need not be configured.

  • For cable lengths that are greater than 100m, the pause buffer size threshold configuration is mandatory and it is required as part of the network QoS policy configuration.

  • If PFC is enabled on a port or a port channel, it does not cause a port flap.

  • PFC configuration enables PFC in both the send (Tx) and receive (Rx) direction.

  • Configuration time quanta of the pause frames is not supported.

  • The configuration does not support pausing selected streams that are mapped to a particular traffic-class queue. All flows that are mapped to the class are treated as no-drop. It blocks out scheduling for the entire queue, which pauses traffic for all the streams in the queue. To achieve lossless service for a no-drop class, Cisco recommends that you have only the no-drop class traffic on the queue.

  • When a no-drop class is classified based on 802.1p CoS x and assigned a internal priority value (qos-group) of y, Cisco recommends that you use the internal priority value x to classify traffic on 802.1p CoS only, and not on any other field. The packet priority assigned is x if the classification is not based on CoS, which results in packets of internal priority x and y to map to the same priority x.

  • The PFC feature supports up to two no-drop classes of any maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. However, there is a limit on the number of PFC-enabled interfaces based on the following factors:

    • MTU size of the no-drop class

    • Buffer-size of the pause threshold

    • Number of 10G and 40G ports

    • When configuring the pause threshold, with the default MTU and 10G ports, the maximum number of interfaces that can be enabled with PFC is approximately 20 interfaces.

  • You can define the upper limit of any MTU in the system using the systemjumbomtu command. The MTU range is from 1500 to 9216 bytes, and the default is 9216 bytes.

  • The interface QoS policy takes precedence over the system policy. PFC priority derivation also happens in the same order.

  • Ensure that you apply the same interface-level QoS policy on all PFC-enabled interfaces for both ingress and egress.


    Irrespective of the PFC configuration, Cisco recommends that you stop traffic before applying or removing a queuing policy that has strict priority levels at the interface level or the system level.

  • To achieve end-to-end lossless service over the network, Cisco recommends that you enable PFC on each interface through which the no-drop class traffic flows (Tx/Rx).

  • Cisco recommends that you change the PFC configuration when there is no traffic. Otherwise, packets already in the Memory Management Unit (MMU) of the system might not get the expected treatment.

  • Cisco recommends that you use default buffer sizes for no-drop classes or configure different network QoS policies suitable to 10G and 40G interfaces and the no-drop class MTU size. If the buffer size is specified through the CLI, it allocates the same buffer size for all ports irrespective of the link speed and MTU size. Applying the same pause buffer-size on 10G and 40G interfaces is not supported.

  • Do not enable WRED on a no-drop class because it results in egress queue drops.

  • For VLAN-tagged packets, priority is assigned based on the 802.1p field in the VLAN tag and takes precedence over the assigned internal priority (qos-group). DSCP or IP access-list classification cannot be performed on VLAN-tagged frames.

  • For non VLAN-tagged frames, priority is assigned based on the set qos-group action given by the ingress QoS policy. Classification is based on a QoS policy-allowed match condition such as precedence, DSCP, or access-list. You must ensure that the pfc-cos value provided in the network-qos policy for this class is the same as the qos-group value in this case.

Default Settings for Priority Flow Control

Table 1. Default PFC Setting





Configuring Priority Flow Control

You can configure PFC on a per-port basis to enable the no-drop behavior for the CoS as defined by the active network QoS policy. PFC can be configured in one of these modes:

  • on—Enables PFC on the local port regardless of the capability of the peers.

  • off—Disables PFC on the local port.


  1. configure terminal
  2. interface type slot/port
  3. priority-flow-control mode [ | off |on]
  4. show interface priority-flow-control


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


switch# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

interface type slot/port


switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/5

Enters interface mode on the interface specified.

Step 3

priority-flow-control mode [ | off |on]


switch(config-if)# priority-flow-control mode on

Sets PFC to the on mode.

Step 4

show interface priority-flow-control


switch# show interface priority-flow-control

(Optional) Displays the status of PFC on all interfaces.

Enabling Priority Flow Control on a Traffic Class

You can enable PFC on a particular traffic class.


  1. configure terminal
  2. class-map type qos class-name
  3. match cos cos-value
  4. exit
  5. policy-map type qos policy-name
  6. class type qos class-name
  7. set qos-group qos-group-value
  8. exit
  9. exit
  10. class-map type network-qos match-any class-name
  11. match qos-group qos-group-value
  12. exit
  13. policy-map type network-qos policy-name
  14. class type network-qos class-name
  15. pause pfc cos-value
  16. exit
  17. exit
  18. system qos
  19. service-policy type network-qos policy-name


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


switch# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

class-map type qos class-name


switch(config)# class-map type qos c1

Creates a named object that represents a class of traffic. Class-map names can contain alphabetic, hyphen, or underscore characters, are case sensitive, and can be up to 40 characters.

Step 3

match cos cos-value


switch(config-cmap-qos)# match cos 2

Specifies the CoS value to match for classifying packets into this class. You can configure a CoS value in the range of 0 to 7.

Step 4



switch(config-cmap-qos)# exit

Exits class-map mode and enters global configuration mode.

Step 5

policy-map type qos policy-name


switch(config)# policy-map type qos p1

Creates a named object that represents a set of policies that are to be applied to a set of traffic classes. Policy-map names can contain alphabetic, hyphen, or underscore characters, are case sensitive, and can be up to 40 characters.

Step 6

class type qos class-name


switch(config-pmap-qos)# class type qos c1

Associates a class map with the policy map and enters the configuration mode for the specified system class.



The associated class map must be the same type as the policy map type.

Step 7

set qos-group qos-group-value


switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# set qos-group 2

Configures one or more qos-group values to match on for classification of traffic into this class map. There is no default value.

Step 8



switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# exit

Exits the system class configuration mode and enters policy-map mode.

Step 9



switch(config-pmap-qos)# exit

Exits policy-map mode and enters global configuration mode.

Step 10

class-map type network-qos match-any class-name


switch(config)# class-map type network-qos match-any c1

Creates a named object that represents a class of traffic. Class-map names can contain alphabetic, hyphen, or underscore characters, are case sensitive, and can be up to 40 characters.

Step 11

match qos-group qos-group-value


switch(config-cmap-nqos)# match qos-group 2

Configures the traffic class by matching packets based on a list of QoS group values. Supported on QoS group 2 and QoS group 3.

Step 12



switch(config-cmap-nqos)# exit

Exits class-map mode and enters global configuration mode.

Step 13

policy-map type network-qos policy-name


switch(config)# policy-map type network-qos p1

Creates a named object that represents a set of policies that are to be applied to a set of traffic classes. Policy-map names can contain alphabetic, hyphen, or underscore characters, are case sensitive, and can be up to 40 characters.

Step 14

class type network-qos class-name


switch(config-pmap-nqos)# class type network-qos c1

Associates a class map with the policy map, and enters the configuration mode for the specified system class.



The associated class map must be the same type as the policy map type.

Step 15

pause pfc cos-value


switch(config-pmap-nqos-c)# pause pfc-cos 2

PFC sends a pause frame that indicates which CoS value needs to be paused. (CoS value range is 0-7.)



Nexus 3500 does not support the receive option of the pause command. An error occurs when the receive option is configured.

Step 16



switch(config-pmap-nqos-c)# exit

Exits configuration mode and enters policy-map mode.

Step 17



switch(config-pmap-nqos)# exit

Exits policy-map mode and enters global configuration mode.

Step 18

system qos


switch(config)# system qos

Enters system class configuration mode.

Step 19

service-policy type network-qos policy-name


switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type network-qos p1

Applies the policy map of type network-qos at the system level or to the specific interface.

Configuring Pause Buffer Thresholds

Pause buffer thresholds are configured in the network-qos policy. It is shared by all the ports in the system.


Configuring pause thresholds in the ingress queuing policy is not supported for the Nexus 3500.


  1. configure terminal
  2. policy-map type queuing policy-map-name
  3. class-map type network-qos class-map-name
  4. pause buffer-size buffer-size pause threshold xoff-size resume threshold xon-size pfc-cos pfc-cos-value
  5. no pause buffer-size buffer-size pause threshold xoff-size resume-threshold xon-size pfc-cos pfc-cos-value


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

policy-map type queuing policy-map-name

Enters policy-map queuing class mode and identifies the policy map assigned to the type queuing policy map.

Step 3

class-map type network-qos class-map-name

Attaches the class map of type network-qos and then enters class network-qos mode.

Step 4

pause buffer-size buffer-size pause threshold xoff-size resume threshold xon-size pfc-cos pfc-cos-value

Specifies the buffer threshold settings for pause and resume.

Step 5

no pause buffer-size buffer-size pause threshold xoff-size resume-threshold xon-size pfc-cos pfc-cos-value

Removes the buffer threshold settings for pause and resume.



switch(config-cmap-nqos)# class type network-qos nc2
switch(config-cmap-nqos)# match qos-group 2
switch(config-cmap-nqos)# policy-map type network-qos n1
switch(config-pmap-nqos)# class type network-qos nc2 
switch(config-pmap-nqos-c)# pause buffer-size 30000 pause-threshold 29000 resume-threshold 12480 pfc-cos 2

Configuring Queue Limits

The queue-limit is configured with the network-qos policy.


A queue-limit is configurable under a no-drop (PFC) enabled network-qos class. However, a queue-limit is not effective on such classes.


  1. configure terminal
  2. policy-map type network-qos policy-map-name
  3. class-map type network-qos class-map-name
  4. queue-limit queue-size bytes


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

policy-map type network-qos policy-map-name

Enters network-qos queuing class mode and identifies the policy map assigned to the type network-qos policy map.

Step 3

class-map type network-qos class-map-name

Attaches the class map of type network-qos and then enters network-qos class queuing mode.

Step 4

queue-limit queue-size bytes

Specifies the queue-limit. (Range is 20480 to 6000000.)

Verifying the Priority Flow Control Configuration

To display the PFC configuration, perform the following task:



show interface priority-flow-control {module [number]}

Displays the status of PFC on all interfaces or on specific modules.

show interface priority-flow-control [detail] module [number]

Displays the detail status of PFC on all interfaces or on specific modules.

show interface Ethernet {mod-number | port-number} priority-flow-control [detail]

Displays the PFC status per interface.

Configuration Examples for Priority Flow Control

The following example shows how to configure PFC:

configure terminal
interface ethernet 1/1
priority-flow-control mode on

The following example shows how to enable PFC on a traffic class:

switch(config)# class-map type qos c2
switch(config-cmap-qos)# match cos 2
switch(config-cmap-qos)# exit

switch(config)# policy-map type qos p1
switch(config-pmap-qos)# class type qos c2
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# set qos-group 2
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# exit
switch(config-pmap-qos)# exit

switch(config)# class-map type queuing cq2
switch(config-cmap-que)# match qos-group 2
switch(config-cmap-que)# exit

switch(config)# policy-map type queuing pq1
switch(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing cq2 
switch(config-pmap-c-que)# bandwidth percent 20
switch(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
switch(config-pmap-que)# exit

switch(config)# class-map type network-qos cn1
switch(config)# class-map type network-qos n2
switch(config-cmap-nqos)# match qos-group 2
switch(config-cmap-nqos)# exit

switch(config)# policy-map type network-qos pn1
switch(config-pmap-nqos)# class type network-qos n2
switch(config-pmap-nqos-c)# pause pfc-cos 2
switch(config-pmap-nqos-c)# exit
switch(config-pmap-nqos)# exit

switch(config)# system qos
switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type network-qos pn1
switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type qos input p1
switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type queuing output pq1


When there is an issue with priority-flow-control functionality, collect the output from the following commands for troubleshooting:

  • show tech-support module 1

    • Displays internal QoS hardware buffer/configuration information.

  • show tech-support aclqos

    • Displays PFC configuration/status commands.

  • show tech-support

    • Displays show running config output along with other QoS internal commands.