NX-API CLI is an enhancement to the Cisco NX-OS CLI system, which supports XML output. NX-API CLI also supports JSON output format for specific commands.
On Cisco Nexus switches, command-line interfaces (CLIs) are run only on the switch. NX-API CLI improves the accessibility of these CLIs by making them available outside of the switch by using HTTP/HTTPS. You can use this extension to the existing Cisco NX-OS CLI system on the switches. NX-API CLI supports show commands, configurations, and Linux Bash.
Guidelines and Limitations
NX-API CLI spawns VSH to execute Cisco NX-OS CLIs on a switch. The VSH timeout limit is 5 minutes. If the Cisco NX-OS CLIs take longer than 5 minutes to execute, the commands fail with the message: "Back-end processing error.". This is governed by the NX-API command timeout, which governs how long a command requested via NX-API can run. It is fixed at 300s and cannot be changed.
Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 10.2(1)F, can use system server session cmd-timeout to increase the timeout.
NX-API spawns the worker processes and load balances the request between the worker processes.
The number of nginx backend worker processes is 4.
The number of nginx backend worker processes in N3k and the low memory-based platform is 2.
Each worker process maintains a pool of 5 persistent VSH sessions. Each VSH session is uniquely identified with a combination of username and remote IP from the incoming request. Whenever a new request comes, the worker process checks if a matching username and remote IP entry is already present, if yes then use the corresponding VSH session else a new VSH session is created based on the availability in the pool and a new entry is added into the pool. If a worker process is already running with the max allowed VSH sessions, then the new request will be rejected, and an appropriate error message will be returned in the response.
The number of VSH sessions per worker process is a hardcoded value and cannot be configured. The total number of sessions that can exist at any point in time is 20.
Whenever the trustpoint, certificate, or key associated with NX-API is deleted, NX-API still keeps NX-API certificate, trustpoint, or NX-API client certificate authentication configurations. Therefore, the NX-API functionality gets impacted. Though the current instance of NX-API works fine, the reconfigurations of any NX-API commands can cause breakage to it. To prevent this, it is important to delete or update the NX-API configurations also when trustpoint or certiifcate is deleted using no crypto ca trustpoint command.
Chunk mode supports only 2 concurrent sessions. If the chunk option is selected, then it can be given only in 2 parallel sessions at a time.
The maximum size of response supported for chunk mode is 200MB until the release 10.3(1)F release.
After the 10.3(1)F release, the chunk mode supports the response size, until the space is available in the volatile (which is approximately 2.0GB). The size of chunk mode response supports depends on the space in the volatile. Once volatile is 90% full, chunk mode returns failure when first the show output is collected to file. The chunk size supported for each response is 10MB.
NX-API uses HTTP/HTTPS as its transport. CLIs are encoded into the HTTP/HTTPS POST body.
NX-API is also supported through UNIX Domain Sockets for applications running natively on the host or within Guest Shell.
The NX-API backend uses the Nginx HTTP server. The Nginx process, and all its children processes, are under the Linux cgroup protection where the CPU and memory usage is capped. The NX-API processes are part of the cgroup ext_ser_nginx, which is limited to 2,147,483,648 bytes of memory. If the Nginx memory usage exceeds the cgroup limitations, the Nginx process is restarted and the NX-API configuration (the VRF, port, and certificate configurations) is restored.
Message Format
NX-API is an enhancement to the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series CLI system, which supports XML output. NX-API also supports JSON output format for specific commands.
Note |
NX-API supports HTTPS. All communication to the device is encrypted when you use HTTPS.
NX-API is integrated into the authentication system on the device. Users must have appropriate accounts to access the device through NX-API. NX-API uses HTTP basic authentication. All requests must contain the username and password in the HTTP header.
Note |
You should consider using HTTPS to secure your user's login credentials. |
You can enable NX-API by using the feature manager CLI command. NX-API is disabled by default.
NX-API provides a session-based cookie, nxapi_auth when users first successfully authenticate. With the session cookie, the username and password are included in all subsequent NX-API requests that are sent to the device. The username and password are used with the session cookie to bypass performing the full authentication process again. If the session cookie is not included with subsequent requests, another session cookie is required and is provided by the authentication process. Avoiding unnecessary use of the authentication process helps to reduce the workload on the device.
Note |
A nxapi_auth cookie expires in 600 seconds (10 minutes). This value is a fixed and cannot be adjusted. |
Note |
NX-API performs authentication through a programmable authentication module (PAM) on the switch. Use cookies to reduce the number of PAM authentications, which reduces the load on the PAM. |