Configuring Virtual Machine Tracker

This chapter contains the following sections:

Information About Virtual Machine Tracker

Guidelines and Limitations for VM Tracker

VM Tracker has the following guidelines and limitations:

  • show commands with the internal keyword are not supported.

  • For all ports on which VM Tracker is enabled, you must not perform any Layer 2 or Layer 3 configuration that is related to switchports and VLANs.

  • VM Tracker supports up to four vCenter connections.

  • VM Tracker supports high availability and the fault tolerance features of vCenter.

  • You must connect a host directly to the port of a Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switch. Host connectivity through fabric interconnect, another switch, or chassis is not supported.


    Connecting a host through a fabric extender (FEX) is supported by a Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switch.

  • When VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) is enabled, VMTracker cannot immediately detect when the VM is powered on. However when VMTracker later performs a full sync with VMware VCenter, the VM becomes recognized by VMTracker. Disabling VMware DRS avoids this issue.

Enabling Virtual Machine Tracker

By default, the VM Tracker feature is enabled on all interfaces.


  1. switch# configure terminal
  2. switch(config)# [no] feature vmtracker


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

switch# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

switch(config)# [no] feature vmtracker

Enables the VM Tracker feature on all interfaces.

The no form of the command disables the VM Tracker feature on all interfaces.


This example shows how to enable VM Tracker:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature vmtracker

Creating a New Connection to vCenter


  1. switch# configure terminal
  2. switch(config)# [no] vmtracker connection connection-name
  3. switch(config-vmt-conn)# [no] remote {ip address ip_address | port port_number | vrf}
  4. switch(config-vmt-conn)# username username password password
  5. switch(config-vmt-conn)# [no] connect


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

switch# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

switch(config)# [no] vmtracker connection connection-name

Enters VM Tracker connection configuration mode for the connection name specified.

The no form of the command disables the connection.

Step 3

switch(config-vmt-conn)# [no] remote {ip address ip_address | port port_number | vrf}

Configures remote IP parameters.

Step 4

switch(config-vmt-conn)# username username password password

Verifies the username and password to connect to vCenter.

Step 5

switch(config-vmt-conn)# [no] connect

Connects to vCenter.

The no form of the command disconnects VM Tracker from vCenter.


This example shows how to create a new connection to VMware vCenter:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vmtracker connection conn1
switch(config-vmt-conn)# remote ip address port 80 vrf management
switch(config-vmt-conn)# username user1 password abc1234
switch(config-vmt-conn)# connect

Synchronizing Information with VMware vCenter

By default, VM Tracker tracks all asynchronous events from VMware vCenter and updates the switchport configuration immediately. Optionally, you can also configure a synchronizing mechanism that synchronizes all host, VM, and port group information automatically with VMware vCenter at a specified interval.



[no] set interval find-new-host val

Sets the interval, in seconds, for finding hosts that are newly connected to vCenter. The no form of the command disables the previously configured interval.

The default duration is 3600 seconds.

[no] set interval sync-full-info val

Sets the interval, in seconds, for synchronizing all host, VM, and port group related information with vCenter. The no form of the command disables the previously configured interval.

The default duration is 3600 seconds.

vmtracker connection connection-name refresh

Synchronizes all host, VM, and port group related information with vCenter immediately for the specified connection.


This example shows how to set an interval for finding hosts that are newly connected to vCenter:

switch(config-vmt-conn)# set interval find-new-host 300

This example shows how to set an interval for synchronizing all host, VM, and port group information with vCenter:

switch(config-vmt-conn)# set interval sync-full-info 120

This example shows how to immediately synchronize all host, VM, and port group information with vCenter:

switch# vmtracker connection conn1 refresh

Compatibility Checking on a VPC Topology

On a VPC topology, VM Tracker performs a Type 2 compatibility checking. The checking ensures that for a particular connection name, the following fields match across the VPC peers:

  • The vCenter IP address that VM Tracker should connect to.

  • The vCenter port number that VM Tracker should connect on.

  • The allowed VLAN range for that particular connection.

  • The username/password combination that VM Tracker should use to connect to the vCenter Server.

To determine if the VPC checking was successful, use the show vpc consistency-parameters global command.

The following is an example of VPC checking:

switch# show vpc  consistency-parameters global 

        Type 1 : vPC will be suspended in case of mismatch

Name                        Type  Local Value            Peer Value             
-------------               ----  ---------------------- -----------------------
Vlan to Vn-segment Map      1     No Relevant Maps       No Relevant Maps      
STP Mode                    1     Rapid-PVST             Rapid-PVST            
STP Disabled                1     None                   None                  
STP MST Region Name         1     ""                     ""                    
STP MST Region Revision     1     0                      0                     
STP MST Region Instance to  1                                                  
 VLAN Mapping                                                                  
STP Loopguard               1     Disabled               Disabled              
STP Bridge Assurance        1     Enabled                Enabled               
STP Port Type, Edge         1     Normal, Disabled,      Normal, Disabled,     
BPDUFilter, Edge BPDUGuard        Disabled               Disabled              
STP MST Simulate PVST       1     Enabled                Enabled               
Interface-vlan admin up     2     1-8                    1-8                   
Interface-vlan routing      2     1-8                    1-8                   
vmtracker connection        2     conn1,, conn1,,
params                             80, 1-4094             80, 1-4094           
Allowed VLANs               -     1-100                  1-100                 
Local suspended VLANs       -     -                      -                     

Verifying the Virtual Machine Tracker Configuration

Use the following commands to display and verify VM Tracker configuration information:



show running-config vmtracker [all]

Displays the VM Tracker configuration.

show vmtracker [connection conn_name] {{info [interface intf_id ]{summary | detail | host | vm | port-group}} | event-history}
Displays the VM Tracker configuration based on the following:
  • Connection
  • Interface
  • Event history
show vmtracker [connection conn_name] status

Displays the IP address and connection status of the vCenter connection specified.

show logging level vmtracker

Displays the logging level of the syslog messages for VM Tracker.

Enabling Virtual Machine Tracker on Specific Interfaces

When VM Tracker is enabled by using the [no] feature vmtracker command, it is enabled on all interfaces by default. You can optionally disable and enable it on specific interfaces by using the [no] vmtracker enable command.


  1. switch# configure terminal
  2. switch(config)# interface type slot/port
  3. switch(config-if)# [no] vmtracker enable


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

switch# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

switch(config)# interface type slot/port

Enters the interface configuration mode for the specified interface.

Step 3

switch(config-if)# [no] vmtracker enable

Enables the VM Tracker feature on the specified interface.

The no form of the command disables the VM Tracker feature on the specified interface.


This example shows how to enable VM Tracker on a specified interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/3/1
switch(config-if)# vmtracker enable

Configuring Dynamic VLAN Creation

Enabling Dynamic VLAN Creation

Dynamic creation and deletion of VLANs globally is enabled by default. When dynamic VLAN creation is enabled, if a VM is moved from one host to another and the VLAN required for this VM does not exist on the switch, the required VLAN is automatically created on the switch. You can also disable this capability. However, if you disable dynamic VLAN creation, you must manually create all the required VLANs.

Before you begin

Ensure that the VM Tracker feature is enabled.


  1. switch# configure terminal
  2. switch(config)# vmtracker connection connection-name
  3. switch(config-vmt-conn)# [no] autovlan enable


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

switch# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

switch(config)# vmtracker connection connection-name

Enters VM Tracker connection configuration mode for the connection name specified.

Step 3

switch(config-vmt-conn)# [no] autovlan enable

Enables dynamic VLAN creation and deletion.

The no form of the command disables dynamic VLAN creation and deletion.


This example shows how to enable dynamic VLAN creation:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vmtracker connection conn1
switch(config-vmt-conn)# autovlan enable

Configuring an Allowed VLAN List

By default, all VLANs can be configured dynamically on interfaces. You can also define a restricted list of such VLANs.

Before you begin

Ensure that the VM Tracker feature is enabled.


  1. switch# configure terminal
  2. switch(config)# vmtracker connection connection-name
  3. switch(config-vmt-conn)# allowed-vlans {allow-vlans | add add-vlans | except except-vlans | remove remove-vlans | all}


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

switch# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

switch(config)# vmtracker connection connection-name

Enters VM Tracker connection configuration mode for the connection name specified.

Step 3

switch(config-vmt-conn)# allowed-vlans {allow-vlans | add add-vlans | except except-vlans | remove remove-vlans | all}

Configures a list of VLANs that can be dynamically configured on interfaces.


This example shows how to configure a list of allowed VLANs:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vmtracker connection test
switch(config-vmt-conn)# allowed-vlans 100-101

Example Configuration for Virtual Machine Tracker

This example shows how to create a connection with vCenter:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature vmtracker
switch(config)# vmtracker connection test
switch(config-vmt-conn)# remote ip address port 80 vrf management
switch(config-vmt-conn)# username user1 password abc@123
switch(config-vmt-conn)# connect
switch(config-vmt-conn)# show vmtracker status

Connection           Host/IP                             status
test                             						Connected

switch(config-vmt-conn)# show vmtracker info detail
Interface       Host            VMNIC   VM         State PortGroup  VLAN-Range
Ethernet1/3/1  						vmnic4  No-OS1     on    PGroup100  100


switch(config-vmt-conn)# show running-config vmtracker
!Command: show running-config vmtracker
!Time: Mon Mar 10 09:07:47 2014
version 6.0(2)U3(1)
feature vmtracker
vmtracker connection test
remote ip address port 80
username user1 password abc@123

switch(config-vmt-conn)# show running-config interface ethernet 1/3/1
!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet1/3/1
!Time: Mon Mar 10 09:09:13 2014
version 6.0(2)U3(1)
interface Ethernet1/3/1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,100


VLAN 1 is the native VLAN on interface Ethernet1/3/1.

This example shows how to verify VM Tracker information after you power off the VM on vCenter:

switch(config-vmt-conn)# show vmtracker info detail
Interface       Host            VMNIC   VM         State PortGroup  VLAN-Range
Ethernet1/3/1  						vmnic4  No-OS1     off   PGroup100  100


switch(config-vmt-conn)# show running-config interface ethernet 1/3/1
!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet1/3/1
!Time: Mon Mar 10 09:09:13 2014
version 6.0(2)U3(1)
interface Ethernet1/3/1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1, 100

This example shows how to verify VM Tracker information after you add a new VLAN through vCenter:

switch(config-vmt-conn)# show vmtracker info detail
Interface       Host            VMNIC   VM         State PortGroup  VLAN-Range
Ethernet1/3/1  						vmnic4  No-OS1     on    PGroup100  100
Ethernet1/3/1  						vmnic4  No-OS1     on    PGroup103  103


switch(config-vmt-conn)# show running-config interface ethernet 1/3/1
!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet1/3/1
!Time: Mon Mar 10 09:11:06 2014
version 6.0(2)U3(1)
interface Ethernet1/3/1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,100,103

This example shows how verify VM Tracker event-history information:

switch(config-vmt-conn)# show vmtracker event-history
Event History (Connection:test NumEv:6 IP:
EventId    Event Msg
77870      Reconfigured No-OS1 on in N3K-VM
77867      No-OS1 on in N3K-VM is powered on
77863      Reconfigured No-OS1 on in N3K-VM
77858      No-OS1 on in N3K-VM is powered off

This example shows how to disconnect from vCenter:

switch(config)# vmtracker connection test
switch(config-vmt-conn)# no connect
switch(config-vmt-conn)# show vmtracker status
Connection           Host/IP                             status
test       						                      No Connect

switch(config-vmt-conn)# sh running-config interface ethernet 1/3/1
!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet1/3/1
!Time: Mon Mar 10 09:15:43 2014
version 6.0(2)U3(1)
interface Ethernet1/3/1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1

switch(config-vmt-conn)# show vmtracker info detail
Interface       Host            VMNIC   VM         State PortGroup  VLAN-Range
