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Cisco ACI Concepts: A Refresher
The cost of hypothetical renaming
The case of interface descriptions
Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) does not offer the option to rename objects after they have been created. Therefore, choosing a sensible naming convention for objects is of paramount importance to ensure smooth operation of ACI fabrics. Cisco provides guidelines to that effect[1] in the form of best practices. However, not everybody adheres to those best practices and as such, it is not uncommon for Cisco's technical staff to meet the dreadful "How can I rename objects in ACI?" question. This document explains why renaming objects is not possible and presents alternative options to alleviate an ill-fitted naming convention.
Cisco ACI Concepts: A Refresher
Under the covers, Cisco ACI relies on an object-oriented design based on an object model. Every aspect of ACI is stored as an object in a configuration database. Configuration items, faults, statistics, events, and logs are all objects defined in the object model. Each object belongs to a specific class, which broadly identifies the category (such as security and routing) to which it belongs. For example when you configure a tenant in ACI, you actually instruct the system to instantiate an object of class fvTenant (fv stands for fabric virtualization) and store that object somewhere in the configuration database. After an object is instantiated (a fancy word to indicate an object of a given type has been created), it receives a distinguished name (dn). For example when you create tenant Foo, its dn is uni/tn-Foo. That is valid for every ACI fabric in the world. The dn of tenant Foo is always uni/tn-Foo. You can determine the dn of most objects by right-clicking on an object in the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) user interface and choosing Share.
A key concept to understand is that each and every dn is unique in the entire configuration database of ACI. Duplicates never exist. Furthermore, looking at any dn reveals its place in that configuration database. Looking at tenant Foo, we observe its dn is uni/tn-Foo. The uni prefix indicates a higher-level object. That higher-level object is the parent of tn-Foo, and tn-Foo is therefore a child of uni. If you create VRF instance main under tenant Foo, the dn of VRF instance main is uni/tn-Foo/ctx-main (ctx stands for context). The VRF instance is a child of tn-Foo which is itself a child of uni. The concept of parent-child entities is very common in database systems design. Because each dn clearly indicates the position of a given object in the entire configuration database, readers familiar with databases have probably realized ACI stores objects using a tree, as shown in Figure 3.
Different techniques exist to store objects configured as a tree, each offering pros and cons. The next sections explore further relations between objects and discusses the implications of the ACI architectural model.
Continuing our journey into the ACI object model, let's now create a bridge domain called primary and attach it to VRF instance main. Intuitively, you might think the dn of that bridge domain is going to be uni/tn-Foo/ctx-main/BD-primary. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The dn of the bridge domain is actually uni/tn-Foo/BD-primary! However, it is linked to VRF instance main, as show in Figure 4.
If the dn of the bridge domain does not indicate the relation to VRF instance main, then what does? As seen with tenant Foo and VRF instance main, children can themselves have children. But, they can also point to other objects to indicate a relation to that object! That is precisely how bridge domain primary expresses its relation to VRF instance main. If we look at the object model explorer (right-click on an object in the GUI and choose Open in Object Store Browser), we can see bridge domain primary has children of its own.
Clicking View children MOs (MOs stands for managed objects, meaning any object stored in the configuration database) reveals one interesting child called fvRsCtx. Rs here indicates "relation source" and Ctx as seen previously refers to a VRF instance. Here is what the entire child looks like:
Bridge domain primary points to VRF instance main through a child object! That child object has itself a class and a dn of course. Every managed object possesses a series of attributes as shown in Figure 6: dn, annotation, childAction, and so on are all attributes of a given managed object. In this particular fvRsCtx example, attribute tDn is of particular interest. It is the target dn attribute. It points to the dn of the object this bridge domain wants to establish a relation with. Attribute tCl represents the class of the target relation, a fvCtx object in this case, which is therefore a VRF instance.
It is interesting to know that a target object always knows which objects are pointing to it! If we explore VRF instance main in the Object Store Browser, we notice a child called fvRtCtx where Rt stands for relation target this time.
Look at the tDn attribute: it points to bridge domain primary. We have essentially a linked list of objects, each aware of relation targets and relation sources. Relations are all established using distinguished names. Every single possible relation to and from a given object is documented in detail in the object model reference guide[2]. Some objects may contain dozens and dozens of relation targets and/or sources. Figure 8 represents a mere overview of the fvTenant object.
The entire ACI object model contains tens of thousands of objects. If you are curious and want to explore the object model of your ACI fabric, download the PyACI project[3] and run the utility, pointing it to the fabric of your choice. After a few minutes, you will have an entire representation of the object model in the ~/.aci-meta directory. A quick Python script reveals the number of objects in an ACI fabric running software release 6.0(1) in a lab environment:
This ACI fabric's configuration contains 17,080 distinct classes of objects! When you consider that figure, it is easy to imagine there are thousands and thousands of relation targets and sources formed between managed objects in this fabric. Picking just one simple object (the default LLDP interface policy – uni/infra/lldpIfP-default), we can see it contains 25 "Rt" children, indicating 25 managed objects point to that interface policy:
The cost of hypothetical renaming
Imagine that you could modify the name of that default LLDP interface policy. The immediate implication is that 25 objects must immediately be updated to point to the new dn resulting from this hypothetical renaming. Conversely, the LLDP interface policy itself now must update all its Rt children to reflect its new complete dn.
You probably recall that that the dn of every single managed object contains the name of the object itself. So, if you rename lldpIfP-default to lldpIfP-somethingNew, the dn of the policy reflects that change. Therefore, any managed object relying on the previous dn must update its corresponding attribute or attributes accordingly. Furthermore, while the renaming process walks through the configuration tree, no other changes to the LLDP interface policy can occur to ensure data consistency. This effectively means locking entire portions of the configuration tree for an unknown duration. Repeat this with the many potential simultaneous name changes and the result is an APIC busy primarily with patching relation sources, relation targets, and distinguished names. What happens in case of failure? Does APIC roll back all changes? How does it keep track of changes successfully executed versus those pending? Readers should also know that APIC is a distributed cluster replicating all information in three shards. This means renaming operations must also be replicated within the APIC cluster. This hypothetical renaming can turn out to be very computationally expensive!
You might be wondering why Cisco ACI stores information this way. Why use relation targets and sources as children of managed objects? Why refer to distinguished names in object attributes? Why not generate a UUID per object and build a relational database using primary and foreign keys? One immediate benefit of this tree or graph structure is that looking at any given object directly reveals the other objects it either depends on, or the objects that depend on this object. Accessing a managed object using its dn is computationally inexpensive. It's similar to fetching an object using its primary key in a relational database. This is quite practical when rendering the configuration database in the User Interface for example. If you want to find out all bridge domains pointing to a VRF instance, there is no need to perform complex SQL joins with lookups in multiple tables. Likewise, determining how many bridge domains this VRF instance is the parent of is trivial: one simple lookup does the job. It also allows the APIC API to offer backend support for advanced queries such as "return all objects of class fvTenant and their children, only if the name of the bridge domain contains production" without requiring advanced SQL knowledge. Because ACI is built around objects related to other objects, this tree or graph structure lends itself well to the job at hand. The model trades flexibility for performance. You cannot rename objects, but you get very rapid navigation through a potentially enormous configuration tree.
To err is human. Despite the best planning, everybody makes mistakes. Introducing a typo in the name of an object is just a keyboard stroke away. If the typo is not immediately caught and corrected, you risk being stuck with objects pointing to a name you did not mean to enter, thereby making operations of the fabric more difficult.
Cisco realizes these conditions and provides several ways to alleviate that burden:
1. Aliases
2. Annotations
Aliases come in two forms:
1. Name Aliases
2. Global API Aliases
Name aliases, or simply aliases in the GUI (Graphical User Interface), are an attribute several managed objects possess. When configured, the GUI renders the values of the alias attribute in place of the object's real name. You can see several examples in Figure 11.
The GUI places the original name of the managed object between parentheses and highlights the alias attribute. In Figure 11, the actual name of the tenant is mitogen while its alias is Peptide. Likewise for all bridge domains and the VRF instance. This is a very convenient way to correct a mis-named object. Now, this does not rename objects; it simply modifies an attribute of the object. The GUI is instructed to act upon seeing a non-empty alias attribute.
Even though most objects contain the alias attribute, not every managed object does. Also, the GUI does not render the alias attribute of every single managed object; it focuses primarily on tenant-related managed objects. Aliases need not be unique across the configuration though. They serve a purely cosmetic function.
Global aliases are only relevant in the context of API-driven operations. When configured, a global alias becomes a child (tagAliasInst) of the object it is attached to. The original managed object can then be accessed using its global alias. Suppose you create global alias foo for uni/tn-Foo/ap-one/epg-web. You can now perform API operations against EPG web using https://<apic>/api/alias/foo.json.
Annotations (object class tagAnnotation) follow the industry-standard key:value pair metadata format. An arbitrary number of annotations can be attached to any managed objects in the configuration database. Annotations become children of the managed object they qualify. The GUI renders annotations for a certain number of managed objects as shown in Figure 12 with a tenant:
The GUI lets you query annotations in a central location as shown in Figure 13.
The case of interface descriptions
A common pain point brought forward by customers due to the inability to rename objects is how to pick the best interface naming convention. Customers are not sure which naming convention is going to work best for their environment and sometimes determine months into the deployment that another naming convention would have been more suitable. Most of the times, an ill-suited interface naming convention can be alleviated by using better interface descriptions. The easiest way to create a description for an interface in ACI is to go to the Fabric > Inventory > Pod > Interfaces > Physical Interfaces section of the GUI as shown in Figure 14.
Behind the scenes, the GUI configures an interface override policy, which you can find here:
The interface description is now reflected in the GUI and on the command line as shown in Figure 16.
Programmatic access to interface descriptions is made simple with Ansible as shown in Figure 17.
Considering how and why Cisco ACI stores runtime and configuration data, renaming objects is not implemented due to the enormous computational cost and configuration lock nuisances that would ensue. Renaming an object is only possible if the original object is destroyed and replaced by a new one. Adopting a sensible naming convention is of critical importance. Should you make small mistakes despite solid planning efforts, aliases and annotation can provide relief. If your use case revolves around naming of interfaces, configuring suitable interface descriptions is just a simple task in the user interface or easily done through programmatic access.
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