Preparing to Install a SIP, SSC, or SPA

This chapter describes the general equipment, safety, and site preparation requirements for installing SIPs, SSCs, and SPAs. This chapter contains the following sections:

Required Tools and Equipment

Safety Guidelines

Laser/LED Safety

Required Tools and Equipment

You need the following tools and parts to install SIPs and SPAs. If you need additional equipment, contact a service representative for ordering information.

Shared port adapter interface processor (SIP)

Shared port adapter (SPA)

SPA Services Card (SSC)

Number 1 Phillips and a 3/16-inch flat-blade screwdriver

Number 2 Phillips screwdriver

Torque screwdriver with range from 8 to 12 inch-pounds (90 to 135 Newton-centimeters)

Your own electrostatic discharge (ESD)-prevention equipment or the disposable grounding wrist strap supplied with the SIP or SPA

Antistatic mat

Antistatic container

Safety Guidelines

This section provides safety guidelines that you should follow when working with any equipment that connects to electrical power or telephone wiring. This section contains the following topics:

Safety Warnings

Electrical Equipment Guidelines

Telephone Wiring Guidelines

Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage

Safety Warnings

Safety warnings appear throughout this publication in procedures that may harm you if performed incorrectly. A warning symbol precedes each warning statement. The warnings below are general warnings that are applicable to the entire publication.

Warning Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment. Statement 1030

Warning During this procedure, wear grounding wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the card. Do not directly touch the backplane with your hand or any metal tool, or you could shock yourself. Statement 94

Electrical Equipment Guidelines

Follow these basic guidelines when working with any electrical equipment:

Before beginning any procedures requiring access to the chassis interior, locate the emergency power-off switch for the room in which you are working.

Disconnect all power and external cables before moving a chassis.

Do not work alone when potentially hazardous conditions exist.

Never assume that power has been disconnected from a circuit; always check.

Do not perform any action that creates a potential hazard to people or makes the equipment unsafe; carefully examine your work area for possible hazards such as moist floors, ungrounded power extension cables, and missing safety grounds.

Caution This equipment is suitable for intrabuilding wiring only.

Telephone Wiring Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when working with any equipment that is connected to telephone wiring or to other network cabling:

Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.

Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.

Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.

Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.

Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage, which can occur when electronic cards or components are improperly handled, results in complete or intermittent failures. SIPs, SPAs, and processor modules comprise printed circuit boards that are fixed in metal carriers. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding and connectors are integral components of the carrier. Although the metal carrier helps to protect the board from ESD, use a preventive antistatic strap during handling.

Following are guidelines for preventing ESD damage:

Always use an ESD wrist or ankle strap and ensure that it makes good skin contact.

Connect the equipment end of the strap to an unfinished chassis surface.

When installing a component, use any available ejector levers or captive installation screws to properly seat the bus connectors in the backplane or midplane. These devices prevent accidental removal, provide proper grounding for the system, and help to ensure that bus connectors are properly seated.

When removing a component, use any available ejector levers or captive installation screws to release the bus connectors from the backplane or midplane.

Handle carriers by available handles or edges only; avoid touching the printed circuit boards or connectors.

Place a removed board component-side-up on an antistatic surface or in a static shielding container. If you plan to return the component to the factory, immediately place it in a static shielding container.

Avoid contact between the printed circuit boards and clothing. The wrist strap only protects components from ESD voltages on the body; ESD voltages on clothing can still cause damage.

Never attempt to remove the printed circuit board from the metal carrier.

Caution For safety, periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap. The measurement should be between 1 and 10 megohms (Mohms).

Laser/LED Safety

An optical single-mode transmitter uses a small laser to transmit the light signal to the network ring. Keep the transmit port covered whenever a cable is not connected to it. Although multimode transceivers typically use LEDs for transmission, it is good practice to keep open ports covered and avoid staring into open ports or apertures. The single-mode aperture port contains a laser warning label, as shown in Figure 4-1. The multimode aperture contains a Class 1 LED warning label, as shown in Figure 4-1. These warnings apply to SPAs and SFP modules that transmit signals via an optical carrier signal.

Figure 4-1 Class 1 Laser Warning Labels for Single-Mode Port



Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from disconnected fibers or connectors. Do not stare into beams or view directly with optical instruments. Statement 1051


Losgekoppelde of losgeraakte glasvezels of aansluitingen kunnen onzichtbare laserstraling produceren. Kijk niet rechtstreeks in de straling en gebruik geen optische instrumenten rond deze glasvezels of aansluitingen.


Irrotetuista kuiduista tai liittimistä voi tulla näkymätöntä lasersäteilyä. Älä tuijota säteitä tai katso niitä suoraan optisilla välineillä.


Les fibres ou connecteurs débranchés risquent d'émettre des rayonnements laser invisibles à l'œil. Ne regardez jamais directement les faisceaux laser à l'œil nu, ni d'ailleurs avec des instruments optiques.


Unterbrochene Fasern oder Steckerverbindungenkönnen unsichtbare Laserstrahlung abgeben. Blicken Sie weder mit bloßem Auge noch mit optischen Instrumenten direkt in Laserstrahlen.


Le fibre ottiche ed i relativi connettori possono emettere radiazioni laser. I fasci di luce non devono mai essere osservati direttamente o attraverso strumenti ottici.


Det kan forekomme usynlig laserstråling fra fiber eller kontakter som er frakoblet. Stirr ikke direkte inn i strålene eller se på dem direkte gjennom et optisk instrument.


Radiação laser invisível pode ser emitida de conectores ou fibras desconectadas. Não olhe diretamente para os feixes ou com instrumentos ópticos.


Es posible que las fibras desconectadas emitan radiación láser invisible. No fije la vista en los rayos ni examine éstos con instrumentos ópticos.


Osynlig laserstrålning kan avges från frånkopplade fibrer eller kontaktdon. Rikta inte blicken in i strålar och titta aldrig direkt på dem med hjälp av optiska instrument.


Radiação laser invisível pode ser emitida a partir de fibras ou conectores desconectados. Não fixe o olhar nos feixes e nem olhe diretamente com instrumentos ópticos.


Usynlig laserstråling kan forekomme fra brugte fibre eller stik. Stir ikke ind i stråler eller direkte med optiske instrumenter.

Class 1 laser product. Statement 1008



Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from disconnected fibers or connectors. Do not stare into beams or view directly with optical instruments. Statement 1051


Class 1 LED product. Statement 1027