Autoprovisioned ATM PVCs are not created until there is activity on the virtual path identifier (VPI)/virtual channel identifier
(VCI) pair. When the interface is disabled and reenabled using the shutdown and no shutdown commands, autoprovisioned PVCs that are part of a PVC range or infinite range are removed upon shutdown and are not reestablished
until the first incoming packet triggers PVC creation. During router reload, autoprovisioned PVCs are created when there is
activity on the connection.
The total number of VCs that can be configured on an ATM port adapter is limited by the capacity of the port adapter. In cases
of ATM link oversubscription, where a PVC range or infinite range is configured to provision more PVCs than the port adapter
allows, the PVCs can be configured with a timeout so that they can be dynamically brought down as needed. When the timeout
expires, the idle PVCs are removed, allowing the PVC range or infinite range of PVCs to share system resources.
ATM PVC local autoprovisioning supports the following applications: PPP over ATM, ATM routed bridge encapsulation, and routed
RFC 1483.
The Local Template-Based ATM Provisioning feature enables ATM PVCs to be created automatically as needed from a local configuration,
making the provisioning of large numbers of digital subscriber line (DSL) subscribers easier, faster, and less prone to error.