
Configuring Cisco Networking Services

The Cisco Networking Services (CNS) feature is a collection of services that can provide remote event-driven configuring of Cisco IOS networking devices and remote execution of some command-line interface (CLI) commands.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Cisco Networking Services

  • Configure the remote device to support the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent and the Cisco Networking Services event agent.
  • Configure a transport protocol on the remote device that is compatible with the remote device’s external interface. The following table lists the supported transport protocols that can be used depending on the device interface.
  • Create the configuration template in the Cisco Networking Services configuration-engine provisioning database. (This task is best done by a senior network designer.)
Table 1 Device Interface and Transport Protocols Required by Cisco Networking Services Services

Device Interface

SLARP Transport Protocol

ATM InARP Transport Protocol

PPP (IPCP) Transport Protocol













Restrictions for Cisco Networking Services

Cisco Networking Services Configuration Engine

  • The Cisco Networking Services configuration engine must be the Cisco Intelligence Engine 2100 (Cisco IE2100) series and must be running software version 1.3.
  • The configuration engine must have access to an information database of attributes for building a configuration. This database can reside on the Cisco IE2100 itself.
  • Configuration templates must be prepared on the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine before installation of the remote device.
  • The user of Cisco Networking Services Flow-Through Provisioning and the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine must be familiar with designing network topologies, designing configuration templates, and using the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.

Remote Device

  • The remote device must run a Cisco IOS image that supports the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent and Cisco Networking Services event agent.
  • Ports must be prepared on the remote device for connection to the network.
  • You must ensure that the remote device is configured using Cisco Configuration Express.

Information About Cisco Networking Services

Cisco Networking Services

Cisco Networking Services is a foundation technology for linking users to networking services and provides the infrastructure for the automated configuration of large numbers of network devices. Many IP networks are complex with many devices, and each device must currently be configured individually. When standard configurations do not exist or have been modified, the time involved in initial installation and subsequent upgrading is considerable. The volume of smaller, more standardized, customer networks is also growing faster than the number of available network engineers. Internet service providers (ISPs) now need a method for sending out partial configurations to introduce new services. To address all these issues, Cisco Networking Services has been designed to provide “plug-and-play” network services using a central directory service and distributed agents. Cisco Networking Services features include Cisco Networking Services configuration and event agents and a Flow-Through Provisioning structure. The configuration and event agents use a Cisco Networking Services configuration engine to provide methods for automating initial Cisco device configurations, incremental configurations, and synchronized configuration updates, and the configuration engine reports the status of the configuration load as an event to which a network monitoring or workflow application can subscribe. The Cisco Networking Services Flow-Through Provisioning uses the Cisco Networking Services configuration and event agents to provide an automated workflow, eliminating the need for an on-site technician.

Cisco Networking Services EXEC Agent

The CNS EXEC agent allows a remote application to execute an EXEC mode CLI command on a Cisco device by sending an event message that contains the command. A restricted set of EXEC show commands is supported.

Cisco Networking Services Results Messages

When a partial configuration has been received by the device, each line of the configuration will be applied in the same order as it was received. If the Cisco parser has an error with one of the lines of the configuration, then all the configuration up to this point will be applied to the device, but none of the configuration beyond the error will be applied. If an error occurs, the cns config partial command will retry until the configuration successfully completes. In the pull mode, the command will not retry after an error. By default, NVRAM will be updated except when the no-persist keyword is configured.

A message will be published on the Cisco Networking Services event bus after the partial configuration is complete. The Cisco Networking Services event bus will display one of the following status messages:

  • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.complete—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent successfully applied the partial configuration.
  • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.warning—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent fully applied the partial configuration, but encountered possible semantic errors.
  • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.failure (CLI syntax)—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent encountered a command line interface (CLI) syntax error and was not able to apply the partial configuration.
  • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.failure (CLI semantic)—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent encountered a CLI semantic error and was not able to apply the partial configuration.

With the CNS Enhanced Results Messages feature, a second message is sent to the subject “cisco.cns.config.results” in addition to the appropriate message above. The second message contains both overall and line-by-line information about the configuration that was sent and the result of the action requested in the original message. If the action requested was to apply the configuration, then the information in the results message is semantic in nature. If the action requested was to check syntax only, then the information in the results message is syntactical in nature.

Cisco Networking Services Message Formats

SOAP Message Format

Using the Service-Oriented Access Protocol (SOAP) protocol provides a way to format the layout of Cisco Networking Services messages in a consistent manner. SOAP is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP uses extensible markup language (XML) technologies to define an extensible messaging framework that provides a message format that can be exchanged over a variety of underlying protocols.

Within the SOAP message structure, there is a security header that enables Cisco Networking Services notification messages to authenticate user credentials.

Cisco Networking Services messages are classified into three message types: request, response and notification. The formats of these three message types are defined below.

Request Message

The following is the format of a Cisco Networking Services request message to the Cisco device:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="0">
    <cns:cnsHeader version="1.0" xmlns:cns="">
  <SOAP:Body xmlns="">
    <config-event config-action="read" no-syntax-check="TRUE">
        <cli>access-list 1 permit any</cli>


The ReplyTo field is optional. In the absence of the ReplyTo field, the response to the request will be sent to the destination where the request originated. The body portion of this message contains the payload and is processed by the Cisco Networking Services agent mentioned in the Agent field.

Response Message

The following is the format of a Cisco Networking Services response message from the Cisco device as a response to a request:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""
wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="true"
wsse:Username infysj-7204-8 /wsse:Username
wsse:Password NTM3NTg2NzIzOTg2MTk2MjgzNQ==/wsse:Password
/wsse:UsernameToken /wsse:Security
CNS:cnsHeader Version="2.0" xmlns:CNS=""
CNS:correlationID IDENTIFIER /CNS:correlationID
CNS:Time 2005-06-23T16:27:36.185Z /CNS:Time
SOAP:Body xmlns=""
config-success config-id AAA /config-id /config-success


The value of CorrelationId is echoed from the corresponding request message.

The body portion of this message contains the response from the Cisco device to a request. If the request is successfully processed, the body portion contains the value of the response put in by the agent that processed the request. If the request cannot be successfully processed, then the body portion will contain an error response.

Notification Message

The following is the format of a Cisco Networking Services notification message sent from the Cisco device:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""
wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="true"
wsse:Username dvlpr-7200-2 /wsse:Username
wsse:Password /wsse:Password
CNS:cnsHeader version="2.0" xmlns:CNS=""
CNS:Notify /CNS:Notify
CNS:Time 2006-01-09T18:57:08.441Z/CNS:Time
SOAP:Body xmlns=""
configChanged version="1.1" sessionData="complete"
sequence lastReset="2005-12-11T20:18:39.673Z" 7 /sequence
async port con_0 /port /async
absoluteTime 2006-01-09T18:57:07.973Z /absoluteTime
context /context
cli access-list 2 permit any /cli 
cli access-list 1 permit any /cli
cli access-list 1 permit any /cli
cli access-list 2 permit any /cli 

A notification message is sent from the Cisco device without a corresponding request message when a configuration change is made. The body of the message contains the payload of the notification and it may also contain error information. If the request message sent to the Cisco device fails in XML parsing and the CorrelationId field cannot be parsed, then an error notification message will be sent instead of an error response.

Error Reporting

Error is reported in the body of the response or a notification message in the SOAP Fault element. The following is the format for reporting errors.

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""
wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="true"
wsse:Username dvlpr-7200-2 /wsse:Username
wsse:Password /wsse:Password
CNS:cnsHeader version="2.0" xmlns:CNS=""
CNS:correlationID SOAP_IDENTIFIER /CNS:correlationID
CNS:Time 2006-01-09T19:10:10.009Z /CNS:Time
SOAP:Body xmlns=""
config-id AAA /config-id
line-number 1 /line-number
error-message CNS_INVALID_CLI_CMD /error-message

Cisco Networking Services IDs

The Cisco Networking Services ID is a text string that is used exclusively with a particular Cisco Networking Services agent. The Cisco Networking Services ID is used by the Cisco Networking Services agent to identify itself to the server application with which it communicates. For example, the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent will include the configuration ID when communicating between the networking device and the configuration server. The configuration server uses the Cisco Networking Services configuration ID as a key to locate the attribute containing the Cisco CLI configuration intended for the device that originated the configuration pull.

The network administrator must ensure a match between the Cisco Networking Services agent ID as defined on the routing device and the Cisco Networking Services agent ID contained in the directory attribute that corresponds to the configuration intended for the routing device. Within the routing device, the default value of the Cisco Networking Services agent ID is always set to the hostname. If the hostname changes, the Cisco Networking Services agent ID also changes. If the Cisco Networking Services agent ID is set using the CLI, any change will be followed by a message sent to syslog or an event message will be sent.

The Cisco Networking Services agent ID does not address security issues.

Cisco Networking Services Password

The Cisco Networking Services password is used to authenticate the Cisco Networking Services device. You must configure the Cisco Networking Services password the first time a device is deployed, and the Cisco Networking Services password must be the same as the bootstrap password set on the Configuration Engine (CE). If both the device and the CE bootstrap password use their default settings, a newly deployed device will be able to connect to the CE. Once connected, the CE manages the Cisco Networking Services password. Network administrators must ensure not to change the Cisco Networking Services password. If the Cisco Networking Services password is changed, connectivity to the CE will be lost.

Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch

The Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch feature provides a zero touch deployment solution where the device contacts a Cisco Networking Services configuration engine to retrieve its full configuration automatically. This capability is made possible through a single generic bootstrap configuration file common across all service provider end customers subscribing to the services. Within the Cisco Networking Services framework, customers can create this generic bootstrap configuration without device-specific or network-specific information such as interface type, line type, or controller type (if applicable).

The Cisco Networking Services connect functionality is configured with a set of Cisco Networking Services connect templates. A Cisco Networking Services connect profile is created for connecting to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine and to implement the Cisco Networking Services connect templates on a Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) device. Cisco Networking Services connect variables can be used as placeholders within a Cisco Networking Services connect template configuration. These variables, such as the active DLCI, are substituted with real values before the Cisco Networking Services connect templates are sent to the device’s parser.

To use the zero touch functionality, the device that is to be initialized must have a generic bootstrap configuration. This configuration includes Cisco Networking Services connect templates, Cisco Networking Services connect profiles, and the cns config initial command. This command initiates the Cisco Networking Services connect function.

The Cisco Networking Services connect functionality performs multiple ping iterations through the device’s interfaces and lines, as well as any available controllers. For each iteration, the Cisco Networking Services connect function attempts to ping the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine. If the ping is successful, the pertinent configuration information can be downloaded from the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine. If connectivity to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine is unsuccessful, the Cisco Networking Services connect function removes the configuration applied to the selected interface, and the Cisco Networking Services connect process restarts with the next available interface specified by the Cisco Networking Services connect profile.

The Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch feature provides the following benefits:

  • Ensures consistent Cisco Networking Services commands.
  • Use of a channel service unit (E1 or T1 controller) is allowed.

How to Configure Cisco Networking Services

Deploying the Cisco Networking Services Device

Incremental or partial configuration allows the remote device to be incrementally configured after its initial configuration. You must perform these configurations manually through the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine. The registrar allows you to change the configuration templates, edit parameters, and submit the new configuration to the device without a software or hardware restart.

Before You Begin

Perform this task to manually install an initial Cisco Networking Services configuration.

Your remote device arrives from the factory with a bootstrap configuration. Upon initial power-on, the device automatically pulls a full initial configuration from the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine, although you can optionally arrange for this manually as well. After initial configuration, you can optionally arrange for periodic incremental (partial) configurations for synchronization purposes.

For more details on using the Cisco CNS configuration engine to automatically install the initial CNS configuration, see the Cisco CNS Configuration Engine Administrator's Guide at

Initial Cisco Networking Services Configuration

Initial configuration of the remote device occurs automatically when the device is initialized on the network. Optionally, you can perform this configuration manually.

Cisco Networking Services assigns the remote device a unique IP address or hostname. After resolving the IP address (using Serial Line Address Resolution Protocol (SLARP), ATM Inverse ARP (ATM InARP), or PPP protocols), the system optionally uses Domain Name System (DNS) reverse lookup to assign a hostname to the device and invokes the Cisco Networking Services agent to download the initial configuration from the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.

Incremental Configuration

Before you can configure an incremental configuration, Cisco Networking Services must be operational and the required Cisco Networking Services agents configured.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    cns template connect name

    4.    cli config-text

    5.    Repeat Step 4 to add all required CLI commands.

    6.    exit

    7.    cns connect name [retry-interval interval-seconds] [retries number-retries] [timeout timeout-seconds] [sleep sleep-seconds]

    8.    Do one of the following:

    • discover {line line-type | controller controller-type | interface [interface-type]}
    • template name

    9.    exit

    10.    cns config initial {host-name | ip-address} [encrypt] [port-number] [page page] [syntax-check] [no-persist] [source interface name] [status url] [event] [inventory]

    11.    exit

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.
    Step 2 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 cns template connect name

    Device(config)# cns template connect template 1

    Enters Cisco Networking Services template connect configuration mode and defines the name of a Cisco Networking Services connect template.

    Step 4 cli config-text

    Device(config-templ-conn)# cli encapsulation ppp

    Specifies commands to configure the interface.

    Step 5 Repeat Step 4 to add all required CLI commands.

    Device(config-templ-conn)# cli ip directed-broadcast

    Repeat Step 4 to add other CLI commands to configure the interface or to configure the modem lines.

    Step 6 exit

    Device(config-templ-conn)# exit

    Exits Cisco Networking Services template connect configuration mode and completes the configuration of a Cisco Networking Services connect template.


    Entering the exit command is required. This requirement was implemented to prevent accidentally entering a command without the cli command.

    Step 7 cns connect name [retry-interval interval-seconds] [retries number-retries] [timeout timeout-seconds] [sleep sleep-seconds]

    Device(config)# cns connect profile-1 retry-interval 15 timeout 90

    Enters Cisco Networking Services connect configuration mode and defines the parameters of a Cisco Networking Services connect profile for connecting to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.

    Step 8Do one of the following:
    • discover {line line-type | controller controller-type | interface [interface-type]}
    • template name

    Device(config-cns-conn)# discover interface serial

    Device(config-cns-conn)# template template-1

    (Optional) Configures a generic bootstrap configuration.

    • discover —Defines the interface parameters within a Cisco Networking Services connect profile for connecting to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.


    • template —Specifies a list of Cisco Networking Services connect templates within a Cisco Networking Services connect profile to be applied to a device’s configuration.
    Step 9 exit

    Device(config-cns-conn)# exit

    Exits Cisco Networking Services connect configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

    Step 10 cns config initial {host-name | ip-address} [encrypt] [port-number] [page page] [syntax-check] [no-persist] [source interface name] [status url] [event] [inventory]

    Device(config)# cns config initial no-persist

    Starts the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent, connects to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine, and initiates an initial configuration. You can use this command only before the system boots for the first time.


    The optional encrypt keyword is available only in images that support Secure Socket Layer (SSL).


    If you write the new configuration to NVRAM by omitting the no-persistkeyword, the original bootstrap configuration is overwritten.

    Step 11 exit

    Device(config)# exit

    Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


    Configuring Advanced Cisco Networking Services Features

    Perform this task to configure more advanced Cisco Networking Services features. After the Cisco Networking Services agents are operational, you can configure some other features. You can enable the Cisco Networking Services inventory agent--that is, send an inventory of the device’s line cards and modules to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine--and enter Cisco Networking Services inventory mode.

    Some other advanced features allow you to use the Software Developer’s Toolkit (SDK) to specify how Cisco Networking Services notifications should be sent or how to access MIB information. Two encapsulation methods can be used: either nongranular (SNMP) encapsulation or granular (XML) encapsulation.


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    cns mib-access encapsulation {snmp | xml[size bytes]}

      4.    cns notifications encapsulation {snmp | xml}

      5.    cns inventory

      6.    transport event

      7.    exit

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.
      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 cns mib-access encapsulation {snmp | xml[size bytes]}

      Device(config)# cns mib-access encapsulation snmp

      (Optional) Specifies the type of encapsulation to use when accessing MIB information.

      • Use the snmp keyword to specify that nongranular encapsulation is used to access MIB information.
      • Use the xml keyword to specify that granular encapsulation is used to access MIB information. The optional size keyword specifies the maximum size for response events, in bytes. The default byte value is 3072.
      Step 4 cns notifications encapsulation {snmp | xml}

      Device(config)# cns notifications encapsulation xml

      (Optional) Specifies the type of encapsulation to use when sending Cisco Networking Services notifications.

      • Use the snmp keyword to specify that nongranular encapsulation is used when Cisco Networking Services notifications are sent.
      • Use the xml keyword to specify that granular encapsulation is used when Cisco Networking Services notifications are sent.
      Step 5 cns inventory

      Device(config)# cns inventory

      Enables the Cisco Networking Services inventory agent and enters Cisco Networking Services inventory mode.

      • An inventory of the device’s line cards and modules is sent to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.
      Step 6 transport event

      Device(cns-inv)# transport event

      Specifies that inventory requests are sent out with each Cisco Networking Services inventory agent message.

      Step 7 exit

      Device(cns-inv)# exit

      Exits Cisco Networking Services inventory mode and returns to global configuration mode.

      • Repeat this command to return to privileged EXEC mode.

      Troubleshooting Cisco Networking Services Agents

      This section explains how to troubleshoot Cisco Networking Services agent issues.

      The show commands created for the Cisco Networking Services image agent display information that is reset to zero after a successful reload of the device. Depending on the configuration of the image distribution process, the new image may not reload immediately. When a reload is not immediate or has failed, use the Cisco Networking Services image agent show commands to determine whether the image agent has connected to the image distribution server over HTTP or whether the image agent is receiving events from an application over the Cisco Networking Services Event Bus.


        1.    enable

        2.    show cns image status

        3.    clear cns image status

        4.    show cns image connections

        5.    show cns image inventory

        6.    debug cns image [agent| all| connection| error]

        7.    show cns event connections

        8.    show cns event subject [name]

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Device> enable

        Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.
        Step 2 show cns image status

        Device# show cns image status

        (Optional) Displays information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent status.

        Step 3 clear cns image status

        Device# clear cns image status

        (Optional) Clears Cisco Networking Services image agent status statistics.

        Step 4 show cns image connections

        Device# show cns image connections

        (Optional) Displays information about Cisco Networking Services image management server HTTP or HTTPS connections.

        Step 5 show cns image inventory

        Device# show cns image inventory

        (Optional) Displays inventory information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent.

        • This command displays a dump of XML that would be sent out in response to an image agent inventory request message. The XML output can be used to determine the information requested by an application.
        Step 6 debug cns image [agent| all| connection| error]

        Device# debug cns image all

        (Optional) Displays debugging messages for Cisco Networking Services image agent services.

        Step 7 show cns event connections

        Device# show cns event connections

        (Optional) Displays the status of the Cisco Networking Services event agent connection--such as whether it is connecting to the gateway, connected, or active--and to display the gateway used by the event agent and its IP address and port number.

        Step 8 show cns event subject [name]

        Device# show cns event subject subject1

        (Optional) Displays a list of subjects of the Cisco Networking Services event agent that are subscribed to by applications.



        In the following example, status information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent is displayed using the show cns image statusprivileged EXEC command:

        Device# show cns image status
        Last upgrade started at 11:45:02.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003
        Last upgrade ended at 11:56:04.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003 status SUCCESS
        Last successful upgrade ended at 11:56:04.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003
        Last failed upgrade ended at 06:32:15.000 UTC Wed Apr 16 2003
        Number of failed upgrades: 2
        Number of successful upgrades: 6
         messages received: 12
         receive errors: 5
        Transmit Status
          TX Attempts:4
            Successes:3         Failures 2

        In the following example, information about the status of the Cisco Networking Services image management HTTP connections is displayed using the show cns image connectionsprivileged EXEC command:

        show cns image connections
        CNS Image Agent:  HTTP connections
        Connection attempts 1
        never connected:0   Abrupt disconnect:0 
        Last successful connection at 11:45:02.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003

        In the following example, information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent inventory is displayed using the show cns image inventoryprivileged EXEC command:

        show cns image inventory
        Inventory Report 
        imageInventoryReport deviceName imageID Router /imageID hostName Router /ho 
        IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Experimental Version 12.3(20030414:081500)]
        Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
        Compiled Mon 14-Apr-03 02:03 by engineer /versionString imageFile tftp://

        In the following example, debugging messages for all Cisco Networking Services image agent services are displayed using the debug cns imageprivileged EXEC command. The Cisco Networking Services image agent in this example is connecting to an image server over HTTP. After connecting, the image server asks for an inventory of the Cisco device.

        Device# debug cns image all
        All cns image debug flags are on
        Device# cns image retrieve
        May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: set EXEC lock
        May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: received message from EXEC
        May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: set session lock 1
        May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: attempting to send to destination(
        ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? cnsMessageversion="1.0" senderCredentials userName dvlpr-7200-6 /userName /senderCredentials
        messageID dvlpr-7200-6_2 /messageID sessionControl imageSessionStart version="1.0"
        initiatorInfotrigger EXEC/trigger initiatorCredentials userName dvlpr-7200-6/userName
        /initiatorCredentials /initiatorInfo /imageSessionStart /sessionControl /cnsMessage
        May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: clear EXEC lock
        May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: HTTP message sent url:
        May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: response data alloc 4096 bytes
        May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: HTTP req data free
        May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: response data freed
        May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: receive message
        ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
        cnsMessage version="1.0"
        passWord R0lGODlhcgGSALMAAAQCAEMmCZtuMFQxDS8b/passWord
        messageID dvlpr-c2600-2-476456/messageID
        serverReply /serverReply

        The following example displays the IP address and port number of the primary and backup gateways:

        Device# show cns event connections
        The currently configured primary event gateway: 
         hostname is 
         port number is 11011. 
        Event-Id is Internal test1 
        Keepalive setting: 
        Connection status: 
         Connection Established. 
        The currently configured backup event gateway: 
        The currently connected event gateway: 
         hostname is 
         port number is 11011.

        The following sample displays a list of subjects of the Cisco Networking Services event agent that are subscribed to by applications:

        Device# show cns event subject
        The list of subjects subscribed by applications. 

        Configuration Examples for Cisco Networking Services

        Example: Deploying the Cisco Networking Services Device

        The following example shows an initial configuration on a remote device. The hostname of the remote device is the unique ID. The Cisco Networking Services configuration engine IP address is

        cns template connect template1
         cli ip address negotiated
         cli encapsulation ppp
         cli ip directed-broadcast
         cli no keepalive
         cli no shutdown
        cns connect host1 retry-interval 30 retries 3
         hostname RemoteRouter
         ip route
         cns id Ethernet 0 ipaddress
         cns config initial no-persist

        Example: Using the Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch Solution

        Configuring PPP on a Serial Interface

        The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring PPP on a serial interface:

        cns template connect ppp-serial
        cli ip address negotiated
        cli encapsulation ppp
        cli ip directed-broadcast
        cli no keepalive
        cns template connect ip-route
        cli ip route ${next-hop}
        cns connect serial-ppp ping-interval 1 retries 1
        discover interface serial
        template ppp-serial
        template ip-route
        hostname 26ML
        cns config initial no-persist inventory

        Configuring PPP on an Asynchronous Interface

        The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring PPP on an asynchronous interface:

        cns template connect async
        cli modem InOut
        cns template connect async-interface
        cli encapsulation ppp
        cli ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        cli dialer rotary-group 0
        cns template connect ip-route
        cli ip route ${next-hop}
        cns connect async
        discover line Async
        template async
        discover interface
        template async-interface
        template ip-route
        hostname async-example
        cns config initial no-persist inventory

        Configuring HDLC on a Serial Interface

        The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) on a serial interface:

        cns template connect hdlc-serial
        cli ip address slarp retry 1
        cns template connect ip-route
        cli ip route ${next-hop}
        cns connect hdlc-serial ping-interval 1 retries 1
        discover interface serial
        template hdlc-serial
        template ip-route
        hostname host1
        cns config initial no-persist inventory

        Configuring Aggregator Device Interfaces

        The following examples show how to configure a standard serial interface and a serial interface bound to a controller on an aggregator device (also known as the DCE). In order for connectivity to be established, the aggregator device must have a point-to-point subinterface configured.

        Standard Serial Interface

        interface Serial0/1
         no ip address
         encapsulation frame-relay
         frame-relay intf-type dce
        interface Serial0/1.1 point-to-point
         frame-relay interface-dlci 8

        Serial Interface Bound to a Controller

        controller T1 0
         framing sf
         linecode ami
         channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
        interface Serial0:0
         no ip address
         encapsulation frame-relay
         frame-relay intf-type dce
        interface Serial0:0.1 point-to-point
         ip address ip-address mask
         frame-relay interface-dlci dlci

        Configuring IP over Frame Relay

        The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring IP over Frame Relay on a CPE device:

        cns template connect setup-frame
         cli encapsulation frame-relay
        cns template connect ip-over-frame
         cli frame-relay interface-dlci ${dlci}
         cli ip address dynamic
        cns template connect ip-route
         cli ip route ${next-hop}
        cns connect ip-over-frame
         discover interface Serial
         template setup-frame
         discover dlci
         template ip-over-frame
         template ip-route
        cns config initial

        Configuring IP over Frame Relay over T1

        The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring IP over Frame Relay over T1 on a CPE device:

        cns template connect setup-frame
         cli encapsulation frame-relay
        cns template connect ip-over-frame
         cli frame-relay interface-dlci ${dlci}
         cli ip address dynamic
        cns template connect ip-route
         cli ip route ${next-hop}
        cns template connect t1-controller
         cli framing esf
         cli linecode b8zs
         cli channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24 speed 56
        cns connect ip-over-frame-over-t1
         discover controller T1
         template t1-controller
         discover interface
         template setup-frame
         discover dlci
         template ip-over-frame
         template ip-route
        cns config initial

        Additional References

        Related Documents

        Related Topic

        Document Title

        Cisco IOS commands

        Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

        Cisco Networking Services commands: complete command syntax, command mode, command history, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples.

        Cisco IOS Cisco Networking Services Command Reference

        Cisco Networking Services Configuration Engine

        Cisco CNS Configuration Engine Administrator Guide, 1.3

        Standards and RFCs



        No new or modified standards/RFCs are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards/RFCs has not been modified by this feature.




        MIBs Link

        No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been modified by this feature.

        To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


        Technical Assistance



        The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


        Feature Information for Cisco Networking Services

        The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

        Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

        Table 2 Feature Information for Cisco Networking Services

        Feature Name


        Feature Information

        Cisco Networking Services

        Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1


        12.2(33) SRA



        The Cisco Networking Services feature is a collection of services that can provide remote event-driven configuring of Cisco IOS networking devices and remote execution of some CLI commands.

        The following commands were introduced or modified by this feature: clear cns config stats, clear cns counters, clear cns event stats, cli (cns), cns config cancel, cns config initial, cns config notify, cns config partial, cns config retrieve, cns connect, cns event, cns exec, cns id, cns template connect, cns trusted-server, debug cns config, debug cns exec, debug cns xml-parser, logging cns-events, show cns config stats, show cns event connections, show cns event stats, show cns event subject.

        Configuring Cisco Networking Services


        Configuring Cisco Networking Services

        The Cisco Networking Services (CNS) feature is a collection of services that can provide remote event-driven configuring of Cisco IOS networking devices and remote execution of some command-line interface (CLI) commands.

        Finding Feature Information

        Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

        Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

        Prerequisites for Cisco Networking Services

        • Configure the remote device to support the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent and the Cisco Networking Services event agent.
        • Configure a transport protocol on the remote device that is compatible with the remote device’s external interface. The following table lists the supported transport protocols that can be used depending on the device interface.
        • Create the configuration template in the Cisco Networking Services configuration-engine provisioning database. (This task is best done by a senior network designer.)
        Table 1 Device Interface and Transport Protocols Required by Cisco Networking Services Services

        Device Interface

        SLARP Transport Protocol

        ATM InARP Transport Protocol

        PPP (IPCP) Transport Protocol













        Restrictions for Cisco Networking Services

        Cisco Networking Services Configuration Engine

        • The Cisco Networking Services configuration engine must be the Cisco Intelligence Engine 2100 (Cisco IE2100) series and must be running software version 1.3.
        • The configuration engine must have access to an information database of attributes for building a configuration. This database can reside on the Cisco IE2100 itself.
        • Configuration templates must be prepared on the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine before installation of the remote device.
        • The user of Cisco Networking Services Flow-Through Provisioning and the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine must be familiar with designing network topologies, designing configuration templates, and using the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.

        Remote Device

        • The remote device must run a Cisco IOS image that supports the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent and Cisco Networking Services event agent.
        • Ports must be prepared on the remote device for connection to the network.
        • You must ensure that the remote device is configured using Cisco Configuration Express.

        Information About Cisco Networking Services

        Cisco Networking Services

        Cisco Networking Services is a foundation technology for linking users to networking services and provides the infrastructure for the automated configuration of large numbers of network devices. Many IP networks are complex with many devices, and each device must currently be configured individually. When standard configurations do not exist or have been modified, the time involved in initial installation and subsequent upgrading is considerable. The volume of smaller, more standardized, customer networks is also growing faster than the number of available network engineers. Internet service providers (ISPs) now need a method for sending out partial configurations to introduce new services. To address all these issues, Cisco Networking Services has been designed to provide “plug-and-play” network services using a central directory service and distributed agents. Cisco Networking Services features include Cisco Networking Services configuration and event agents and a Flow-Through Provisioning structure. The configuration and event agents use a Cisco Networking Services configuration engine to provide methods for automating initial Cisco device configurations, incremental configurations, and synchronized configuration updates, and the configuration engine reports the status of the configuration load as an event to which a network monitoring or workflow application can subscribe. The Cisco Networking Services Flow-Through Provisioning uses the Cisco Networking Services configuration and event agents to provide an automated workflow, eliminating the need for an on-site technician.

        Cisco Networking Services EXEC Agent

        The CNS EXEC agent allows a remote application to execute an EXEC mode CLI command on a Cisco device by sending an event message that contains the command. A restricted set of EXEC show commands is supported.

        Cisco Networking Services Results Messages

        When a partial configuration has been received by the device, each line of the configuration will be applied in the same order as it was received. If the Cisco parser has an error with one of the lines of the configuration, then all the configuration up to this point will be applied to the device, but none of the configuration beyond the error will be applied. If an error occurs, the cns config partial command will retry until the configuration successfully completes. In the pull mode, the command will not retry after an error. By default, NVRAM will be updated except when the no-persist keyword is configured.

        A message will be published on the Cisco Networking Services event bus after the partial configuration is complete. The Cisco Networking Services event bus will display one of the following status messages:

        • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.complete—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent successfully applied the partial configuration.
        • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.warning—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent fully applied the partial configuration, but encountered possible semantic errors.
        • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.failure (CLI syntax)—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent encountered a command line interface (CLI) syntax error and was not able to apply the partial configuration.
        • cisco.mgmt.cns.config.failure (CLI semantic)—Cisco Networking Services configuration agent encountered a CLI semantic error and was not able to apply the partial configuration.

        With the CNS Enhanced Results Messages feature, a second message is sent to the subject “cisco.cns.config.results” in addition to the appropriate message above. The second message contains both overall and line-by-line information about the configuration that was sent and the result of the action requested in the original message. If the action requested was to apply the configuration, then the information in the results message is semantic in nature. If the action requested was to check syntax only, then the information in the results message is syntactical in nature.

        Cisco Networking Services Message Formats

        SOAP Message Format

        Using the Service-Oriented Access Protocol (SOAP) protocol provides a way to format the layout of Cisco Networking Services messages in a consistent manner. SOAP is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP uses extensible markup language (XML) technologies to define an extensible messaging framework that provides a message format that can be exchanged over a variety of underlying protocols.

        Within the SOAP message structure, there is a security header that enables Cisco Networking Services notification messages to authenticate user credentials.

        Cisco Networking Services messages are classified into three message types: request, response and notification. The formats of these three message types are defined below.

        Request Message

        The following is the format of a Cisco Networking Services request message to the Cisco device:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
            <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="0">
            <cns:cnsHeader version="1.0" xmlns:cns="">
          <SOAP:Body xmlns="">
            <config-event config-action="read" no-syntax-check="TRUE">
                <cli>access-list 1 permit any</cli>


        The ReplyTo field is optional. In the absence of the ReplyTo field, the response to the request will be sent to the destination where the request originated. The body portion of this message contains the payload and is processed by the Cisco Networking Services agent mentioned in the Agent field.

        Response Message

        The following is the format of a Cisco Networking Services response message from the Cisco device as a response to a request:

        ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
        SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""
        wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="true"
        wsse:Username infysj-7204-8 /wsse:Username
        wsse:Password NTM3NTg2NzIzOTg2MTk2MjgzNQ==/wsse:Password
        /wsse:UsernameToken /wsse:Security
        CNS:cnsHeader Version="2.0" xmlns:CNS=""
        CNS:Agent CNS_CONFIG /CNS:Agent
        CNS:correlationID IDENTIFIER /CNS:correlationID
        CNS:Time 2005-06-23T16:27:36.185Z /CNS:Time
        SOAP:Body xmlns=""
        config-success config-id AAA /config-id /config-success


        The value of CorrelationId is echoed from the corresponding request message.

        The body portion of this message contains the response from the Cisco device to a request. If the request is successfully processed, the body portion contains the value of the response put in by the agent that processed the request. If the request cannot be successfully processed, then the body portion will contain an error response.

        Notification Message

        The following is the format of a Cisco Networking Services notification message sent from the Cisco device:

        ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
        SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""
        wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="true"
        wsse:Username dvlpr-7200-2 /wsse:Username
        wsse:Password /wsse:Password
        CNS:cnsHeader version="2.0" xmlns:CNS=""
        CNS:Notify /CNS:Notify
        CNS:Time 2006-01-09T18:57:08.441Z/CNS:Time
        SOAP:Body xmlns=""
        configChanged version="1.1" sessionData="complete"
        sequence lastReset="2005-12-11T20:18:39.673Z" 7 /sequence
        async port con_0 /port /async
        absoluteTime 2006-01-09T18:57:07.973Z /absoluteTime
        context /context
        cli access-list 2 permit any /cli 
        cli access-list 1 permit any /cli
        cli access-list 1 permit any /cli
        cli access-list 2 permit any /cli 

        A notification message is sent from the Cisco device without a corresponding request message when a configuration change is made. The body of the message contains the payload of the notification and it may also contain error information. If the request message sent to the Cisco device fails in XML parsing and the CorrelationId field cannot be parsed, then an error notification message will be sent instead of an error response.

        Error Reporting

        Error is reported in the body of the response or a notification message in the SOAP Fault element. The following is the format for reporting errors.

        ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
        SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""
        wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="true"
        wsse:Username dvlpr-7200-2 /wsse:Username
        wsse:Password /wsse:Password
        CNS:cnsHeader version="2.0" xmlns:CNS=""
        CNS:Agent CNS_CONFIG /CNS:Agent
        CNS:correlationID SOAP_IDENTIFIER /CNS:correlationID
        CNS:Time 2006-01-09T19:10:10.009Z /CNS:Time
        SOAP:Body xmlns=""
        config-id AAA /config-id
        line-number 1 /line-number
        error-message CNS_INVALID_CLI_CMD /error-message

        Cisco Networking Services IDs

        The Cisco Networking Services ID is a text string that is used exclusively with a particular Cisco Networking Services agent. The Cisco Networking Services ID is used by the Cisco Networking Services agent to identify itself to the server application with which it communicates. For example, the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent will include the configuration ID when communicating between the networking device and the configuration server. The configuration server uses the Cisco Networking Services configuration ID as a key to locate the attribute containing the Cisco CLI configuration intended for the device that originated the configuration pull.

        The network administrator must ensure a match between the Cisco Networking Services agent ID as defined on the routing device and the Cisco Networking Services agent ID contained in the directory attribute that corresponds to the configuration intended for the routing device. Within the routing device, the default value of the Cisco Networking Services agent ID is always set to the hostname. If the hostname changes, the Cisco Networking Services agent ID also changes. If the Cisco Networking Services agent ID is set using the CLI, any change will be followed by a message sent to syslog or an event message will be sent.

        The Cisco Networking Services agent ID does not address security issues.

        Cisco Networking Services Password

        The Cisco Networking Services password is used to authenticate the Cisco Networking Services device. You must configure the Cisco Networking Services password the first time a device is deployed, and the Cisco Networking Services password must be the same as the bootstrap password set on the Configuration Engine (CE). If both the device and the CE bootstrap password use their default settings, a newly deployed device will be able to connect to the CE. Once connected, the CE manages the Cisco Networking Services password. Network administrators must ensure not to change the Cisco Networking Services password. If the Cisco Networking Services password is changed, connectivity to the CE will be lost.

        Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch

        The Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch feature provides a zero touch deployment solution where the device contacts a Cisco Networking Services configuration engine to retrieve its full configuration automatically. This capability is made possible through a single generic bootstrap configuration file common across all service provider end customers subscribing to the services. Within the Cisco Networking Services framework, customers can create this generic bootstrap configuration without device-specific or network-specific information such as interface type, line type, or controller type (if applicable).

        The Cisco Networking Services connect functionality is configured with a set of Cisco Networking Services connect templates. A Cisco Networking Services connect profile is created for connecting to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine and to implement the Cisco Networking Services connect templates on a Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) device. Cisco Networking Services connect variables can be used as placeholders within a Cisco Networking Services connect template configuration. These variables, such as the active DLCI, are substituted with real values before the Cisco Networking Services connect templates are sent to the device’s parser.

        To use the zero touch functionality, the device that is to be initialized must have a generic bootstrap configuration. This configuration includes Cisco Networking Services connect templates, Cisco Networking Services connect profiles, and the cns config initial command. This command initiates the Cisco Networking Services connect function.

        The Cisco Networking Services connect functionality performs multiple ping iterations through the device’s interfaces and lines, as well as any available controllers. For each iteration, the Cisco Networking Services connect function attempts to ping the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine. If the ping is successful, the pertinent configuration information can be downloaded from the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine. If connectivity to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine is unsuccessful, the Cisco Networking Services connect function removes the configuration applied to the selected interface, and the Cisco Networking Services connect process restarts with the next available interface specified by the Cisco Networking Services connect profile.

        The Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch feature provides the following benefits:

        • Ensures consistent Cisco Networking Services commands.
        • Use of a channel service unit (E1 or T1 controller) is allowed.

        How to Configure Cisco Networking Services

        Deploying the Cisco Networking Services Device

        Incremental or partial configuration allows the remote device to be incrementally configured after its initial configuration. You must perform these configurations manually through the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine. The registrar allows you to change the configuration templates, edit parameters, and submit the new configuration to the device without a software or hardware restart.

        Before You Begin

        Perform this task to manually install an initial Cisco Networking Services configuration.

        Your remote device arrives from the factory with a bootstrap configuration. Upon initial power-on, the device automatically pulls a full initial configuration from the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine, although you can optionally arrange for this manually as well. After initial configuration, you can optionally arrange for periodic incremental (partial) configurations for synchronization purposes.

        For more details on using the Cisco CNS configuration engine to automatically install the initial CNS configuration, see the Cisco CNS Configuration Engine Administrator's Guide at

        Initial Cisco Networking Services Configuration

        Initial configuration of the remote device occurs automatically when the device is initialized on the network. Optionally, you can perform this configuration manually.

        Cisco Networking Services assigns the remote device a unique IP address or hostname. After resolving the IP address (using Serial Line Address Resolution Protocol (SLARP), ATM Inverse ARP (ATM InARP), or PPP protocols), the system optionally uses Domain Name System (DNS) reverse lookup to assign a hostname to the device and invokes the Cisco Networking Services agent to download the initial configuration from the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.

        Incremental Configuration

        Before you can configure an incremental configuration, Cisco Networking Services must be operational and the required Cisco Networking Services agents configured.


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    cns template connect name

          4.    cli config-text

          5.    Repeat Step 4 to add all required CLI commands.

          6.    exit

          7.    cns connect name [retry-interval interval-seconds] [retries number-retries] [timeout timeout-seconds] [sleep sleep-seconds]

          8.    Do one of the following:

          • discover {line line-type | controller controller-type | interface [interface-type]}
          • template name

          9.    exit

          10.    cns config initial {host-name | ip-address} [encrypt] [port-number] [page page] [syntax-check] [no-persist] [source interface name] [status url] [event] [inventory]

          11.    exit

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.
          Step 2 configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3 cns template connect name

          Device(config)# cns template connect template 1

          Enters Cisco Networking Services template connect configuration mode and defines the name of a Cisco Networking Services connect template.

          Step 4 cli config-text

          Device(config-templ-conn)# cli encapsulation ppp

          Specifies commands to configure the interface.

          Step 5 Repeat Step 4 to add all required CLI commands.

          Device(config-templ-conn)# cli ip directed-broadcast

          Repeat Step 4 to add other CLI commands to configure the interface or to configure the modem lines.

          Step 6 exit

          Device(config-templ-conn)# exit

          Exits Cisco Networking Services template connect configuration mode and completes the configuration of a Cisco Networking Services connect template.


          Entering the exit command is required. This requirement was implemented to prevent accidentally entering a command without the cli command.

          Step 7 cns connect name [retry-interval interval-seconds] [retries number-retries] [timeout timeout-seconds] [sleep sleep-seconds]

          Device(config)# cns connect profile-1 retry-interval 15 timeout 90

          Enters Cisco Networking Services connect configuration mode and defines the parameters of a Cisco Networking Services connect profile for connecting to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.

          Step 8Do one of the following:
          • discover {line line-type | controller controller-type | interface [interface-type]}
          • template name

          Device(config-cns-conn)# discover interface serial

          Device(config-cns-conn)# template template-1

          (Optional) Configures a generic bootstrap configuration.

          • discover —Defines the interface parameters within a Cisco Networking Services connect profile for connecting to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.


          • template —Specifies a list of Cisco Networking Services connect templates within a Cisco Networking Services connect profile to be applied to a device’s configuration.
          Step 9 exit

          Device(config-cns-conn)# exit

          Exits Cisco Networking Services connect configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

          Step 10 cns config initial {host-name | ip-address} [encrypt] [port-number] [page page] [syntax-check] [no-persist] [source interface name] [status url] [event] [inventory]

          Device(config)# cns config initial no-persist

          Starts the Cisco Networking Services configuration agent, connects to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine, and initiates an initial configuration. You can use this command only before the system boots for the first time.


          The optional encrypt keyword is available only in images that support Secure Socket Layer (SSL).


          If you write the new configuration to NVRAM by omitting the no-persistkeyword, the original bootstrap configuration is overwritten.

          Step 11 exit

          Device(config)# exit

          Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


          Configuring Advanced Cisco Networking Services Features

          Perform this task to configure more advanced Cisco Networking Services features. After the Cisco Networking Services agents are operational, you can configure some other features. You can enable the Cisco Networking Services inventory agent--that is, send an inventory of the device’s line cards and modules to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine--and enter Cisco Networking Services inventory mode.

          Some other advanced features allow you to use the Software Developer’s Toolkit (SDK) to specify how Cisco Networking Services notifications should be sent or how to access MIB information. Two encapsulation methods can be used: either nongranular (SNMP) encapsulation or granular (XML) encapsulation.


            1.    enable

            2.    configure terminal

            3.    cns mib-access encapsulation {snmp | xml[size bytes]}

            4.    cns notifications encapsulation {snmp | xml}

            5.    cns inventory

            6.    transport event

            7.    exit

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Device> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.
            Step 2 configure terminal

            Device# configure terminal

            Enters global configuration mode.

            Step 3 cns mib-access encapsulation {snmp | xml[size bytes]}

            Device(config)# cns mib-access encapsulation snmp

            (Optional) Specifies the type of encapsulation to use when accessing MIB information.

            • Use the snmp keyword to specify that nongranular encapsulation is used to access MIB information.
            • Use the xml keyword to specify that granular encapsulation is used to access MIB information. The optional size keyword specifies the maximum size for response events, in bytes. The default byte value is 3072.
            Step 4 cns notifications encapsulation {snmp | xml}

            Device(config)# cns notifications encapsulation xml

            (Optional) Specifies the type of encapsulation to use when sending Cisco Networking Services notifications.

            • Use the snmp keyword to specify that nongranular encapsulation is used when Cisco Networking Services notifications are sent.
            • Use the xml keyword to specify that granular encapsulation is used when Cisco Networking Services notifications are sent.
            Step 5 cns inventory

            Device(config)# cns inventory

            Enables the Cisco Networking Services inventory agent and enters Cisco Networking Services inventory mode.

            • An inventory of the device’s line cards and modules is sent to the Cisco Networking Services configuration engine.
            Step 6 transport event

            Device(cns-inv)# transport event

            Specifies that inventory requests are sent out with each Cisco Networking Services inventory agent message.

            Step 7 exit

            Device(cns-inv)# exit

            Exits Cisco Networking Services inventory mode and returns to global configuration mode.

            • Repeat this command to return to privileged EXEC mode.

            Troubleshooting Cisco Networking Services Agents

            This section explains how to troubleshoot Cisco Networking Services agent issues.

            The show commands created for the Cisco Networking Services image agent display information that is reset to zero after a successful reload of the device. Depending on the configuration of the image distribution process, the new image may not reload immediately. When a reload is not immediate or has failed, use the Cisco Networking Services image agent show commands to determine whether the image agent has connected to the image distribution server over HTTP or whether the image agent is receiving events from an application over the Cisco Networking Services Event Bus.

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    show cns image status

              3.    clear cns image status

              4.    show cns image connections

              5.    show cns image inventory

              6.    debug cns image [agent| all| connection| error]

              7.    show cns event connections

              8.    show cns event subject [name]

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 enable

              Device> enable

              Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC mode.

              • Enter your password if prompted.
              Step 2 show cns image status

              Device# show cns image status

              (Optional) Displays information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent status.

              Step 3 clear cns image status

              Device# clear cns image status

              (Optional) Clears Cisco Networking Services image agent status statistics.

              Step 4 show cns image connections

              Device# show cns image connections

              (Optional) Displays information about Cisco Networking Services image management server HTTP or HTTPS connections.

              Step 5 show cns image inventory

              Device# show cns image inventory

              (Optional) Displays inventory information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent.

              • This command displays a dump of XML that would be sent out in response to an image agent inventory request message. The XML output can be used to determine the information requested by an application.
              Step 6 debug cns image [agent| all| connection| error]

              Device# debug cns image all

              (Optional) Displays debugging messages for Cisco Networking Services image agent services.

              Step 7 show cns event connections

              Device# show cns event connections

              (Optional) Displays the status of the Cisco Networking Services event agent connection--such as whether it is connecting to the gateway, connected, or active--and to display the gateway used by the event agent and its IP address and port number.

              Step 8 show cns event subject [name]

              Device# show cns event subject subject1

              (Optional) Displays a list of subjects of the Cisco Networking Services event agent that are subscribed to by applications.



              In the following example, status information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent is displayed using the show cns image statusprivileged EXEC command:

              Device# show cns image status
              Last upgrade started at 11:45:02.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003
              Last upgrade ended at 11:56:04.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003 status SUCCESS
              Last successful upgrade ended at 11:56:04.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003
              Last failed upgrade ended at 06:32:15.000 UTC Wed Apr 16 2003
              Number of failed upgrades: 2
              Number of successful upgrades: 6
               messages received: 12
               receive errors: 5
              Transmit Status
                TX Attempts:4
                  Successes:3         Failures 2

              In the following example, information about the status of the Cisco Networking Services image management HTTP connections is displayed using the show cns image connectionsprivileged EXEC command:

              show cns image connections
              CNS Image Agent:  HTTP connections
              Connection attempts 1
              never connected:0   Abrupt disconnect:0 
              Last successful connection at 11:45:02.000 UTC Mon May 6 2003

              In the following example, information about the Cisco Networking Services image agent inventory is displayed using the show cns image inventoryprivileged EXEC command:

              show cns image inventory
              Inventory Report 
              imageInventoryReport deviceName imageID Router /imageID hostName Router /ho 
              IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Experimental Version 12.3(20030414:081500)]
              Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
              Compiled Mon 14-Apr-03 02:03 by engineer /versionString imageFile tftp://

              In the following example, debugging messages for all Cisco Networking Services image agent services are displayed using the debug cns imageprivileged EXEC command. The Cisco Networking Services image agent in this example is connecting to an image server over HTTP. After connecting, the image server asks for an inventory of the Cisco device.

              Device# debug cns image all
              All cns image debug flags are on
              Device# cns image retrieve
              May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: set EXEC lock
              May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: received message from EXEC
              May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: set session lock 1
              May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: attempting to send to destination(
              ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? cnsMessageversion="1.0" senderCredentials userName dvlpr-7200-6 /userName /senderCredentials
              messageID dvlpr-7200-6_2 /messageID sessionControl imageSessionStart version="1.0"
              initiatorInfotrigger EXEC/trigger initiatorCredentials userName dvlpr-7200-6/userName
              /initiatorCredentials /initiatorInfo /imageSessionStart /sessionControl /cnsMessage
              May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: clear EXEC lock
              May  7 06:11:42.175: CNS Image Agent: HTTP message sent url:
              May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: response data alloc 4096 bytes
              May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: HTTP req data free
              May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: response data freed
              May  7 06:11:42.191: CNS Image Agent: receive message
              ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
              cnsMessage version="1.0"
              passWord R0lGODlhcgGSALMAAAQCAEMmCZtuMFQxDS8b/passWord
              messageID dvlpr-c2600-2-476456/messageID
              serverReply /serverReply

              The following example displays the IP address and port number of the primary and backup gateways:

              Device# show cns event connections
              The currently configured primary event gateway: 
               hostname is 
               port number is 11011. 
              Event-Id is Internal test1 
              Keepalive setting: 
              Connection status: 
               Connection Established. 
              The currently configured backup event gateway: 
              The currently connected event gateway: 
               hostname is 
               port number is 11011.

              The following sample displays a list of subjects of the Cisco Networking Services event agent that are subscribed to by applications:

              Device# show cns event subject
              The list of subjects subscribed by applications. 

              Configuration Examples for Cisco Networking Services

              Example: Deploying the Cisco Networking Services Device

              The following example shows an initial configuration on a remote device. The hostname of the remote device is the unique ID. The Cisco Networking Services configuration engine IP address is

              cns template connect template1
               cli ip address negotiated
               cli encapsulation ppp
               cli ip directed-broadcast
               cli no keepalive
               cli no shutdown
              cns connect host1 retry-interval 30 retries 3
               hostname RemoteRouter
               ip route
               cns id Ethernet 0 ipaddress
               cns config initial no-persist

              Example: Using the Cisco Networking Services Zero Touch Solution

              Configuring PPP on a Serial Interface

              The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring PPP on a serial interface:

              cns template connect ppp-serial
              cli ip address negotiated
              cli encapsulation ppp
              cli ip directed-broadcast
              cli no keepalive
              cns template connect ip-route
              cli ip route ${next-hop}
              cns connect serial-ppp ping-interval 1 retries 1
              discover interface serial
              template ppp-serial
              template ip-route
              hostname 26ML
              cns config initial no-persist inventory

              Configuring PPP on an Asynchronous Interface

              The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring PPP on an asynchronous interface:

              cns template connect async
              cli modem InOut
              cns template connect async-interface
              cli encapsulation ppp
              cli ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
              cli dialer rotary-group 0
              cns template connect ip-route
              cli ip route ${next-hop}
              cns connect async
              discover line Async
              template async
              discover interface
              template async-interface
              template ip-route
              hostname async-example
              cns config initial no-persist inventory

              Configuring HDLC on a Serial Interface

              The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) on a serial interface:

              cns template connect hdlc-serial
              cli ip address slarp retry 1
              cns template connect ip-route
              cli ip route ${next-hop}
              cns connect hdlc-serial ping-interval 1 retries 1
              discover interface serial
              template hdlc-serial
              template ip-route
              hostname host1
              cns config initial no-persist inventory

              Configuring Aggregator Device Interfaces

              The following examples show how to configure a standard serial interface and a serial interface bound to a controller on an aggregator device (also known as the DCE). In order for connectivity to be established, the aggregator device must have a point-to-point subinterface configured.

              Standard Serial Interface

              interface Serial0/1
               no ip address
               encapsulation frame-relay
               frame-relay intf-type dce
              interface Serial0/1.1 point-to-point
               frame-relay interface-dlci 8

              Serial Interface Bound to a Controller

              controller T1 0
               framing sf
               linecode ami
               channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
              interface Serial0:0
               no ip address
               encapsulation frame-relay
               frame-relay intf-type dce
              interface Serial0:0.1 point-to-point
               ip address ip-address mask
               frame-relay interface-dlci dlci

              Configuring IP over Frame Relay

              The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring IP over Frame Relay on a CPE device:

              cns template connect setup-frame
               cli encapsulation frame-relay
              cns template connect ip-over-frame
               cli frame-relay interface-dlci ${dlci}
               cli ip address dynamic
              cns template connect ip-route
               cli ip route ${next-hop}
              cns connect ip-over-frame
               discover interface Serial
               template setup-frame
               discover dlci
               template ip-over-frame
               template ip-route
              cns config initial

              Configuring IP over Frame Relay over T1

              The following example shows the bootstrap configuration for configuring IP over Frame Relay over T1 on a CPE device:

              cns template connect setup-frame
               cli encapsulation frame-relay
              cns template connect ip-over-frame
               cli frame-relay interface-dlci ${dlci}
               cli ip address dynamic
              cns template connect ip-route
               cli ip route ${next-hop}
              cns template connect t1-controller
               cli framing esf
               cli linecode b8zs
               cli channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24 speed 56
              cns connect ip-over-frame-over-t1
               discover controller T1
               template t1-controller
               discover interface
               template setup-frame
               discover dlci
               template ip-over-frame
               template ip-route
              cns config initial

              Additional References

              Related Documents

              Related Topic

              Document Title

              Cisco IOS commands

              Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

              Cisco Networking Services commands: complete command syntax, command mode, command history, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples.

              Cisco IOS Cisco Networking Services Command Reference

              Cisco Networking Services Configuration Engine

              Cisco CNS Configuration Engine Administrator Guide, 1.3

              Standards and RFCs



              No new or modified standards/RFCs are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards/RFCs has not been modified by this feature.




              MIBs Link

              No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been modified by this feature.

              To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


              Technical Assistance



              The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


              Feature Information for Cisco Networking Services

              The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

              Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

              Table 2 Feature Information for Cisco Networking Services

              Feature Name


              Feature Information

              Cisco Networking Services

              Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1


              12.2(33) SRA



              The Cisco Networking Services feature is a collection of services that can provide remote event-driven configuring of Cisco IOS networking devices and remote execution of some CLI commands.

              The following commands were introduced or modified by this feature: clear cns config stats, clear cns counters, clear cns event stats, cli (cns), cns config cancel, cns config initial, cns config notify, cns config partial, cns config retrieve, cns connect, cns event, cns exec, cns id, cns template connect, cns trusted-server, debug cns config, debug cns exec, debug cns xml-parser, logging cns-events, show cns config stats, show cns event connections, show cns event stats, show cns event subject.