
Configuring the Cisco IOS Software Activation Feature

This document describes the tasks used to activate software by using the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature, license keys, and Cisco EXEC commands. When you activate software from a Cisco device, you can license software without the need for additional application software.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Restrictions for Cisco IOS Software Activation

Not all Cisco hardware platforms can use the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature. Use the Cisco Feature Navigator at http:/​/​​go/​cfn and the table in the Feature Information for Cisco IOS Software Activation section to determine which platforms and images support the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature.

For the stackable switches that support the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature, one switch must act as primary and the others as secondaries. The primary switch performs management and administrative operations on itself as well as on the secondary switches.

Information About the Cisco IOS Software Activation

License Activation MIB Support

The Cisco IOS Software Activation feature introduces the CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB to allow SNMP-based license management and administrative tasks. A description of this MIB can be found by using tools at this URL: http:/​/​​ITDIT/​MIBS/​servlet/​index

Use the MIB Locator tool and the Search for MIB selection box to select CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB .

The unique device identifier (UDI) is also associated with the Entity Name and Product Description data elements for the management information base (MIB) system. The MIB nomenclature for Entity Name is entPhysicalName and for Product Description is entPhysicalDescr.

How to Activate Software from a Cisco IOS Device

Installing and Upgrading Licenses by Using Software Activation Commands

Before You Begin

Read and understand the license activation process concepts in the in the “Cisco IOS Software Activation Conceptual Overview” module.

To install or upgrade a license by using the license install command, you must have already received the license file from the Cisco Product License Registration portal at http:/​/​​go/​license (or you already backed up the license by using the license save command).

If you use Microsoft Entourage and receive the license file from Cisco in an e-mail attachment, the license file will contain UTF-8 marking. These extra bytes in the license file cause it to be unusable during license installation. To work around this issue, you can use a text editor to remove the extra characters and then install the license file. For more information about UTF-8 encoding, go to this URL: http:/​/​​International/​questions/​qa-utf8-bom.


The installation process does not install duplicate licenses. This message appears when duplicate licenses are detected:



A standby device reboots twice when there is a mismatch of licenses.

    1.    Obtain the PAK.

    2.    enable

    3.    show license udi

    4.    Convert the PAK to a license by entering the PAK and the UDI into the Cisco Product License Registration portal: http:/​/​​go/​license.

    5.    license install stored-location-url

    6.    configure terminal

    7.    license boot level {metroaggrservices}

    8.    write memory

    9.    reload

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 Obtain the PAK.  

    The PAK is provided to you when you order or purchase the right to use a feature set for a particular platform.

    • The PAK serves as a receipt and is used as part of the process to obtain a license.
    Step 2 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.
    Step 3 show license udi

    Device# show license udi

    Displays all the UDI values that can be licensed in a system.

    • You need the UDI of the device as part of the process to obtain a license.
    Step 4 Convert the PAK to a license by entering the PAK and the UDI into the Cisco Product License Registration portal: http:/​/​​go/​license.  

    After entering the appropriate information, you will receive an e-mail containing the license information that you can use to install the license:

    • Copy the license file received from the Cisco Product License Registration portal to the appropriate file system on the device.


    • Click the Install button on the web page.
    Step 5 license install stored-location-url

    Device# license install tftp://infra-sun/<user>/license/5400/38a.lic

    Installs the license.

    • Accept the end-user license agreement if prompted.
    Step 6 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters the global configuration mode.

    Step 7 license boot level {metroaggrservices}

    Device(config)# license boot level metroaggrservices

    Activates the metroaggrservices license on the device upon the next reload.

    Step 8 write memory

    Device# write memory

    Saves the running configuration to NVRAM.

    Step 9 reload

    Device# reload

    (Optional) Restarts the device to enable the new feature set.


    A reload is not required when moving from an evaluation license to a permanent license of the same license level on ASR 903 routers.


    Managing Licenses by Using Software Activation Commands

    Adding a Comment to a License File


      1.    enable

      2.    license comment add feature-name comment [switch switch-num]

      3.    show license file [switch switch-num]

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.
      Step 2 license comment add feature-name comment [switch switch-num]

      Device# license comment add gsmamrnb-codec-pack “Use this permanent license”

      Adds or deletes information about a specific license.

      • (Only on Cisco Catalyst 3750-E switch platforms) If a switch number is specified, this command is executed on the specified switch.
      • When the license is present in license storage and multiple license lines are stored, you are prompted to select a license line. To select the license, type the number at the Select Index to Add Comment prompt.
      Step 3 show license file [switch switch-num]

      Device# show license file

      Displays comments added to a Cisco software license file.

      • If the device is a switch, this command obtains statistics from the specified switch.

      Saving All Licenses to a Specified Storage Area


        1.    enable

        2.    license save file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Device> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.
        Step 2 license save file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

        Device# license save flash:all_licenses.lic

        Saves copies of all licenses in a device and stores them in a format required by the command in the specified storage location. Saved licenses are restored by using the license install command.

        • lic-location : The license storage location can be a directory or a URL that points to a file system. Use the ? command to see the storage locations supported by your device.
        • (Optional) switch switch-num: sends this request to a specific switch in a switch stack.

        Saving License Credential Information Associated with a Device to a Specified Storage Area

        Before You Begin

        Before you can start the rehost or resend process, a device credential is required. Cisco software licensing requires that the license files generated by the Cisco back-end licensing system for its devices be secure and tamper-resistant. Security features are in place to authenticate a license by means of encrypted license credentials. If it becomes necessary to transfer a license from one device to another (which is called rehosting), a permission ticket is required. To generate the permission ticket, the Cisco back-end licensing system requires the device credential information.


          1.    enable

          2.    license save credential file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.
          Step 2 license save credential file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

          Device# license save credential flash:cred.lic

          Saves credential information associated with a device to a specified URL.

          • lic-location : The license storage location can be a directory or a URL that points to a file system. Use the ? command to see the storage locations supported by your device.
          • (Optional)switch switch-num: sends this request to a specific switch in a switch stack.

          Displaying All Licenses in a Device


            1.    enable

            2.    show license all

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Device> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.
            Step 2 show license all

            Device# show license all

            Displays information about all licenses in the device.


            Displaying Detailed Information about Licensed Features

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    show license detail [feature-name]

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 enable

              Device> enable

              Enables privileged EXEC mode.

              • Enter your password if prompted.
              Step 2 show license detail [feature-name]

              Device# show license detail

              Displays detailed information about all licensed features or the specified licensed feature.


              Displaying Licensed Feature Sets Available in an Image

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    enable

                2.    show license feature

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 enable

                Device> enable

                Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                • Enter your password if prompted.
                Step 2 show license feature

                Device# show license feature

                Displays a list of licensed features available in an image.


                Removing Licenses by Using Software Activation Commands

                Removing a License Entry from a Permanent License File


                • The license clear command lists all licenses, but some licenses, such as built-in licenses, cannot be cleared.
                • Only licenses that have been added by using the license install command are removed. Evaluation licenses are not removed.
                • If a license is not in use, the license clear command displays all the licenses related to this feature and prompts you to make a selection. Different prompts are displayed, depending upon whether single or multiple licenses are available in the device. The selected licenses are removed from the device.
                • If a license is in use, the license clear command might fail. However, depending on the application policy using the license, some licenses might be cleared.
                • When a switch is specified, the license clear command is issued on that switch. When a mixed stack platform is used, the primary switch must have installed the minimum licensing features required to support the licensing operations of the secondary switches. When this command is issued from a primary switch, the switch number is required to clear a license on that switch.

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    enable

                  2.    license clear feature-name [switch switch-num]

                  3.    show license detail

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1 enable

                  Device> enable

                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                  • Enter your password if prompted.
                  Step 2 license clear feature-name [switch switch-num]

                  Device# license clear gsmamrnb-codec-pack

                  Removes a license entry from license storage once it has been verified that the license line is valid and was explicitly installed.

                  • The optional switch switch-num keyword and argument send this request to a specific switch in a switch stack.
                  • You must select the index number of the license to clear. Enter the number at the Select Index to Clear prompt.
                  Step 3 show license detail

                  Device# show license detail

                  Verifies that the license has been cleared.


                  Rehosting (Revoking and Transferring) a License

                  Before You Begin

                  Read and understand the license transfer between devices concepts in the “Cisco IOS Software Activation Conceptual Overview” module.

                  Cisco software licensing requires that the license files generated by the Cisco back-end licensing system for its devices be secure and tamper-resistant. Security features are in place to authenticate a license by means of encrypted license credentials. Rehosting requires a permission ticket. To generate the permission ticket, the Cisco back-end licensing system requires the device credential information. Use the license save credential command to save device credential information to a specified file system.

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    enable

                    2.    license revoke revoke permission-file-url output-rehost-ticket-url

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 enable

                    Device> enable

                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                    • Enter your password if prompted.
                    Step 2 license revoke revoke permission-file-url output-rehost-ticket-url

                    Device# license revoke tftp://infra-sun/ramanp/pt.lic flash:rt.lic

                    Revokes and transfers a license by using the permission ticket provided by the Cisco back-end licensing system. It removes the original, permanent license from the device and provides a license for the new device.

                    • An end-user license agreement is displayed for all grace-period licenses in the permission ticket.
                    • You must read and accept the agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, the rehost operation stops.

                    Troubleshooting License Operations by Using Software Activation Commands

                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    enable

                      2.    show license file [switch switch-num]

                      3.    show license statistics

                      4.    show license status [switch switch-num]

                      5.    debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                      6.    no debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                    DETAILED STEPS
                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1 enable

                      Device> enable

                      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                      • Enter your password if prompted.
                      Step 2 show license file [switch switch-num]

                      Device# show license file

                      Displays license entries and license details stored in a Cisco software license file. If the device is a switch, this command obtains statistics from the specified switch.

                      Step 3 show license statistics

                      Device# show license statistics

                      Displays license statistics information. The display includes relevant statistics for error counts and is useful for troubleshooting licensing-related problems.

                      Step 4 show license status [switch switch-num]

                      Device# show license status

                      Displays the status of licenses in the system. If the device is a switch, this command obtains status from the specified switch.

                      Step 5 debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                      Device# debug license errors

                      Enables controlled software license debugging activity on a device.

                      Step 6 no debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                      Device# no debug license errors

                      Disables license debugging activity on a device.


                      Configuring Examples for Software Licensing

                      Example: Installing and Upgrading Licenses

                      The following example shows how to use the license install command to install a license saved in TFTP on the device. The display is truncated for easier readability:

                      Device# license install tftp://infra-sun/<user>/license/5400/38a.lic
                      Installing licenses from "tftp://infra-sun/<user>/license/5400/38a.lic"
                      Loading <user>/license/5400/38a.lic from (via GigabitEthernet0/0): !
                      [OK - 1192 bytes]
                      Extension licenses are being installed in the device with UDI "AS54XM-AC-RPS:JAE0948QXKD" for the following features: 
                      	Feature Name: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                      ACCEPT? [yes/no]: yes
                      Issue 'license feature gsmamrnb-codec-pack' command to enable the license

                      Example: Adding a Comment to a License File

                      The following example shows how to use the license comment command to add or delete information about a specific license. The command checks that a license associated with the specified feature is present in license storage. If a switch number is specified, this command is executed on the specified switch.

                      As the example shows, when the license is present and multiple license lines are stored, you are prompted to select a license line. This action helps to distinguish licenses. Type the number at the Select Index to Add Comment prompt to select the license.

                      Device# license comment add gsmamrnb-codec-pack “Use this permanent license”
                      Feature: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                          1 	License Type: Evaluation
                      	License State: Inactive
                      	    Evaluation total period: 20 hours 0  minute  
                      	    Evaluation period left: 20 hours 0  minute  
                      	License Addition: Additive
                      	Store Index: 0
                      	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                          2 	License Type: Permanent
                      	License State: Active, Not in Use
                      	License Addition: Exclusive
                      	Store Index: 1
                      	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                      Select Index to Add Comment [1-2]: 2
                      % Success: Adding comment "Use this permanent license" succeeded
                      Device# show license file
                      License Store: Primary License Storage
                        Store Index: 0
                          License: 11 gsmamrnb-codec-pack 1.0 LONG TRIAL DISABLED 20 DISABLED STANDA
                                   ND_LCK NiL *1YCHJRBMWKZAED2400 NiL NiL NiL 5_MINS <UDI><PID>AS54X
                                   M-AC-RPS</PID><SN>JAE0948QXKD</SN></UDI> ,Jx8qaVf:iXWaH9PsXjkVnmz
                          Comment: Use this permanent license.
                             Hash: E1WjIQo4qsl9g8cpnpoogP/0DeY=

                      Example: Saving All Licenses to a Specified Storage Area

                      The following example shows how to use the license save command to save copies of all licenses to the flash file system:

                      Device# license save flash:all_licenses.lic
                      license lines saved ..... to flash:all_licenses.lic

                      Example: Removing Licenses

                      The following examples shows how to use the license clear command to remove a license entry from license storage once it has been verified that the license line is valid and was explicitly installed.

                      You must select the index number of the license to clear. Type the number at the Select Index to Clear prompt as shown in this example.

                      Device# license clear standard
                      Feature: standard
                          1 	License Type: Evaluation
                      	License State: Inactive
                      	    Evaluation total period: 20 hours 0  minute  
                      	    Evaluation period left: 20 hours 0  minute  
                      	License Addition: Additive
                      	Store Index: 0
                      	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                          2 	License Type: Permanent
                      	License State: Active, Not in Use
                      	License Addition: Exclusive
                      	Store Index: 1
                      	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                      Select Index to Clear [1-2]: 1
                      Are you sure you want to clear? (yes/[no]): yes
                      Device# show license detail
                      Feature: premium                Period left:  1 hour   0 minute  
                      Index:  1       Feature: premium                           Version: 1.0
                              License Type: Evaluation
                              License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
                                  Evaluation total period:  1 hour   0 minute  
                                  Evaluation period left:  1 hour   0 minute  
                              License Count: Non-Counted
                              License Priority: None
                              Store Index: 0
                              Store Name: Evaluation License Storage

                      Example: Rehosting (Revoking and Transferring) a License

                      The following example shows how to use the license revoke command to revoke a license stored in TFTP and how to transfer it to a license stored in flash memory. You might need to read and accept the terms and conditions of the license type being transferred. The following example is truncated for readability:

                      Device# license revoke tftp://infra-sun/ramanp/pt.lic flash:rt.lic
                      Following Permanent license(s) will be revoked from this device
                      	Feature Name: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                      Following Extension license(s) will be installed in this device
                      	Feature Name: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                      ACCEPT? [yes/no]: yes
                      Issue 'license feature gsmamrnb-codec-pack' command to enable the license
                      Rehost ticket saved ..... to flash:rt.lic

                      Example: Generic Command Enhanced with Licensing Information

                      The generic commands described in the following sections are enhanced with licensing information:


                      The reload command shows the expired licenses, followed by expiring licenses sorted by the period left and end date:

                      Device# reload
                      The following license(s) are expiring or have expired.
                      Features with expired licenses may not work after Reload.
                      Feature: uc,Status: expiring, Period Left: 7  wks 5  days
                      Proceed with reload? [confirm]

                      show running-config

                      The show running-config command displays the unique device identifier (UDI) of a device. If the configuration file was copied from a different device, a warning is displayed upon reload. A UDI mismatch warning is also displayed during reload if the startup-config file has a different UDI than the platform UDI.

                      Device# show running-config
                      Building configuration...
                      Current configuration : 4772 bytes
                      version 12.4
                      no service pad
                      service timestamps debug datetime msec 
                      service timestamps log datetime msec
                      no service password-encryption
                      service internal
                      hostname csl-xfr-enhance-2951
                      license udi pid CISCO2951 sn FHH1211P037
                      license boot module c2951 technology-package securityk9 disable
                      license boot module c2951 technology-package uc
                      license boot module c2951 technology-package data
                      license call-home url
                      license agent listener http plaintext /lic-agent authenticate none
                       log config

                      show tech-support

                      The show tech-support command displays the output of the show license udi, show license file, show license detail, show license status, and the show license statistics commands.

                      Device# show tech-support
                      ------------------ show license udi ------------------
                      Device#   PID                   SN              UDI
                      *0        CISCO2951             FHH1211P037     CISCO2951:FHH1211P037
                      ------------------ show license feature ------------------
                      Feature name             Enforcement  Evaluation  Subscription   Enabled
                      ipbasek9                 no           no          no             no
                      securityk9               yes          yes         no             no
                      uc                       yes          yes         no             yes
                      data                     yes          yes         no             no
                      gatekeeper               yes          yes         no             no
                      LI                       yes          no          no             no
                      SSL_VPN                  yes          yes         no             no
                      ios-ips-update           yes          yes         yes            no
                      SNASw                    yes          yes         no             no
                      ------------------ show license file ------------------
                      License Store: Primary License Storage
                      License Store: Evaluation License Storage
                        Store Index: 0
                          License: 11 securityk9 1.0 LONG TRIAL DISABLED 1440 DISABLED STANDALONE AD
                                   iL Ni NiL NiL 5_MINS NiL GT5YVbrMAdt0NY50UcKGfvLTjQ17P2o3g84hE8Tq
                             Hash: CLWUVZgY84BMRTO3JIlYmIqwAQA=
                      ------------------ show license detail ------------------
                      Index: 1        Feature: SNASw                             Version: 1.0
                              License Type: Evaluation
                              License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
                                  Evaluation total period: 8  weeks 4  days
                                  Evaluation period left: 8  weeks 4  days
                              Lock type: Non Node locked
                              Vendor info:
                              License Addition: Additive
                              License Generation version: 0x8100000
                              License Count: Non-Counted
                              License Priority: None
                              Store Index: 5
                              Store Name: Evaluation License Storage
                      ------------------ show license status ------------------
                                      License Type Supported
                              permanent               Non-expiring node locked license
                              extension               Expiring node locked license
                              evaluation              Expiring non node locked license
                              paid subscription       Expiring node locked subscription license
                                                      with valid end date
                              extension subscription  Expiring node locked subscription license
                              evaluation subscription Expiring node locked subscription license
                      ------------------ show license statistics ------------------
                                      Administrative statistics
                              Install success count:   0
                              Install failure count:   0
                              Install duplicate count: 0
                              Comment add count:       0
                              Comment delete count:    0
                              Clear count:             0
                              Save count:              0
                              Save cred count:         1
                                      Client statistics
                              Request success count:   1
                              Request failure count:   3
                              Release count:           0
                              Global Notify count:     4

                      show version

                      The show version command displays the license UDI information:

                      Device> show version
                      Cisco IOS Software, C2951 Software (C2951-UNIVERSALK9-M), Experimental Version 12.4(20090326:052343)
                       [rifu-xformers_3_25 130]
                      Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
                      Compiled Thu 26-Mar-09 21:49 by rifu
                      ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(20090303:092436) [BLD-xformers_dev.XFR_20090303-20090303_0101-53
                       107], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE
                      csl-xfr-enhance-2951 uptime is 3 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes
                      System returned to ROM by reload at 18:48:45 PST Mon Nov 26 1956
                      System image file is "flash0:c2951-universalk9-mz.SSA"
                      Last reload reason: Reload Command
                      Cisco C2951 (revision 1.0) with 1005568K/43008K bytes of memory.
                      Processor board ID FHH1211P037
                      3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
                      1 terminal line
                      1 cisco Special Services Engine(s)
                      DRAM configuration is 72 bits wide with parity enabled.
                      255K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
                      250880K bytes of ATA System CompactFlash 0 (Read/Write)
                      License Info:
                      License UDI:
                      Device#   PID                   SN
                      *0        CISCO2951             FHH1211P037
                      Technology Package License Information for Module:'c2951'
                      Technology    Technology-package          Technology-package
                                    Current       Type          Next reboot
                      ipbase        ipbasek9      None          ipbasek9
                      security      disable       None          disable
                      uc            uc            Evaluation    uc
                      data          None          None          None
                      Configuration register is 0x0

                      Additional References

                      Related Documents

                      Related Topic

                      Document Title

                      Cisco License Manager application

                      User Guide for Cisco License Manager

                      Software activation conceptual overview

                      “Cisco IOS Software Activation Conceptual Overview” module

                      Software activation commands

                      Software Activation Command Reference

                      Cisco IOS commands

                      Master Commands List, All Releases

                      Integrated Services Routers licensing

                      Software Activation on Cisco Integrated Services Routers



                      MIBs Link


                      To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


                      Technical Assistance



                      The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


                      Feature Information for Cisco IOS Software Activation

                      The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

                      Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

                      Table 1 Feature Information for Cisco IOS Software Activation

                      Feature Name


                      Feature Information

                      Cisco IOS Software Activation





                      Cisco IOS Software Activation EXEC commands support basic licensing processes.

                      This feature is platform-independent.

                      These commands were introduced or modified by this feature: debug license, license clear, license comment, license install, license revoke, license save, license save credential, show license all, show license detail, show license feature, show license file, show license statistics, show license status, show license udi

                      In Cisco IOS Release 15.4(1)S, support was added for the Cisco ASR 901S series router.

                      CISL-SNMP support (MIB)



                      SNMP support for the CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB was added.

                      These commands were introduced or modified by this feature: snmp-server enable traps, snmp-server host

                      Configuring the Cisco IOS Software Activation Feature


                      Configuring the Cisco IOS Software Activation Feature

                      This document describes the tasks used to activate software by using the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature, license keys, and Cisco EXEC commands. When you activate software from a Cisco device, you can license software without the need for additional application software.

                      Finding Feature Information

                      Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

                      Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

                      Restrictions for Cisco IOS Software Activation

                      Not all Cisco hardware platforms can use the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature. Use the Cisco Feature Navigator at http:/​/​​go/​cfn and the table in the Feature Information for Cisco IOS Software Activation section to determine which platforms and images support the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature.

                      For the stackable switches that support the Cisco IOS Software Activation feature, one switch must act as primary and the others as secondaries. The primary switch performs management and administrative operations on itself as well as on the secondary switches.

                      Information About the Cisco IOS Software Activation

                      License Activation MIB Support

                      The Cisco IOS Software Activation feature introduces the CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB to allow SNMP-based license management and administrative tasks. A description of this MIB can be found by using tools at this URL: http:/​/​​ITDIT/​MIBS/​servlet/​index

                      Use the MIB Locator tool and the Search for MIB selection box to select CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB .

                      The unique device identifier (UDI) is also associated with the Entity Name and Product Description data elements for the management information base (MIB) system. The MIB nomenclature for Entity Name is entPhysicalName and for Product Description is entPhysicalDescr.

                      How to Activate Software from a Cisco IOS Device

                      Installing and Upgrading Licenses by Using Software Activation Commands

                      Before You Begin

                      Read and understand the license activation process concepts in the in the “Cisco IOS Software Activation Conceptual Overview” module.

                      To install or upgrade a license by using the license install command, you must have already received the license file from the Cisco Product License Registration portal at http:/​/​​go/​license (or you already backed up the license by using the license save command).

                      If you use Microsoft Entourage and receive the license file from Cisco in an e-mail attachment, the license file will contain UTF-8 marking. These extra bytes in the license file cause it to be unusable during license installation. To work around this issue, you can use a text editor to remove the extra characters and then install the license file. For more information about UTF-8 encoding, go to this URL: http:/​/​​International/​questions/​qa-utf8-bom.


                      The installation process does not install duplicate licenses. This message appears when duplicate licenses are detected:



                      A standby device reboots twice when there is a mismatch of licenses.
                      SUMMARY STEPS

                        1.    Obtain the PAK.

                        2.    enable

                        3.    show license udi

                        4.    Convert the PAK to a license by entering the PAK and the UDI into the Cisco Product License Registration portal: http:/​/​​go/​license.

                        5.    license install stored-location-url

                        6.    configure terminal

                        7.    license boot level {metroaggrservices}

                        8.    write memory

                        9.    reload

                      DETAILED STEPS
                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1 Obtain the PAK.  

                        The PAK is provided to you when you order or purchase the right to use a feature set for a particular platform.

                        • The PAK serves as a receipt and is used as part of the process to obtain a license.
                        Step 2 enable

                        Device> enable

                        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                        • Enter your password if prompted.
                        Step 3 show license udi

                        Device# show license udi

                        Displays all the UDI values that can be licensed in a system.

                        • You need the UDI of the device as part of the process to obtain a license.
                        Step 4 Convert the PAK to a license by entering the PAK and the UDI into the Cisco Product License Registration portal: http:/​/​​go/​license.  

                        After entering the appropriate information, you will receive an e-mail containing the license information that you can use to install the license:

                        • Copy the license file received from the Cisco Product License Registration portal to the appropriate file system on the device.


                        • Click the Install button on the web page.
                        Step 5 license install stored-location-url

                        Device# license install tftp://infra-sun/<user>/license/5400/38a.lic

                        Installs the license.

                        • Accept the end-user license agreement if prompted.
                        Step 6 configure terminal

                        Device# configure terminal

                        Enters the global configuration mode.

                        Step 7 license boot level {metroaggrservices}

                        Device(config)# license boot level metroaggrservices

                        Activates the metroaggrservices license on the device upon the next reload.

                        Step 8 write memory

                        Device# write memory

                        Saves the running configuration to NVRAM.

                        Step 9 reload

                        Device# reload

                        (Optional) Restarts the device to enable the new feature set.


                        A reload is not required when moving from an evaluation license to a permanent license of the same license level on ASR 903 routers.


                        Managing Licenses by Using Software Activation Commands

                        Adding a Comment to a License File

                        SUMMARY STEPS

                          1.    enable

                          2.    license comment add feature-name comment [switch switch-num]

                          3.    show license file [switch switch-num]

                        DETAILED STEPS
                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1 enable

                          Device> enable

                          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                          • Enter your password if prompted.
                          Step 2 license comment add feature-name comment [switch switch-num]

                          Device# license comment add gsmamrnb-codec-pack “Use this permanent license”

                          Adds or deletes information about a specific license.

                          • (Only on Cisco Catalyst 3750-E switch platforms) If a switch number is specified, this command is executed on the specified switch.
                          • When the license is present in license storage and multiple license lines are stored, you are prompted to select a license line. To select the license, type the number at the Select Index to Add Comment prompt.
                          Step 3 show license file [switch switch-num]

                          Device# show license file

                          Displays comments added to a Cisco software license file.

                          • If the device is a switch, this command obtains statistics from the specified switch.

                          Saving All Licenses to a Specified Storage Area

                          SUMMARY STEPS

                            1.    enable

                            2.    license save file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

                          DETAILED STEPS
                             Command or ActionPurpose
                            Step 1 enable

                            Device> enable

                            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                            • Enter your password if prompted.
                            Step 2 license save file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

                            Device# license save flash:all_licenses.lic

                            Saves copies of all licenses in a device and stores them in a format required by the command in the specified storage location. Saved licenses are restored by using the license install command.

                            • lic-location : The license storage location can be a directory or a URL that points to a file system. Use the ? command to see the storage locations supported by your device.
                            • (Optional) switch switch-num: sends this request to a specific switch in a switch stack.

                            Saving License Credential Information Associated with a Device to a Specified Storage Area

                            Before You Begin

                            Before you can start the rehost or resend process, a device credential is required. Cisco software licensing requires that the license files generated by the Cisco back-end licensing system for its devices be secure and tamper-resistant. Security features are in place to authenticate a license by means of encrypted license credentials. If it becomes necessary to transfer a license from one device to another (which is called rehosting), a permission ticket is required. To generate the permission ticket, the Cisco back-end licensing system requires the device credential information.

                            SUMMARY STEPS

                              1.    enable

                              2.    license save credential file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

                            DETAILED STEPS
                               Command or ActionPurpose
                              Step 1 enable

                              Device> enable

                              Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                              • Enter your password if prompted.
                              Step 2 license save credential file-sys://lic-location [switch switch-num]

                              Device# license save credential flash:cred.lic

                              Saves credential information associated with a device to a specified URL.

                              • lic-location : The license storage location can be a directory or a URL that points to a file system. Use the ? command to see the storage locations supported by your device.
                              • (Optional)switch switch-num: sends this request to a specific switch in a switch stack.

                              Displaying All Licenses in a Device

                              SUMMARY STEPS

                                1.    enable

                                2.    show license all

                              DETAILED STEPS
                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                Step 1 enable

                                Device> enable

                                Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                                • Enter your password if prompted.
                                Step 2 show license all

                                Device# show license all

                                Displays information about all licenses in the device.


                                Displaying Detailed Information about Licensed Features

                                SUMMARY STEPS

                                  1.    enable

                                  2.    show license detail [feature-name]

                                DETAILED STEPS
                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                  Step 1 enable

                                  Device> enable

                                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                                  • Enter your password if prompted.
                                  Step 2 show license detail [feature-name]

                                  Device# show license detail

                                  Displays detailed information about all licensed features or the specified licensed feature.


                                  Displaying Licensed Feature Sets Available in an Image

                                  SUMMARY STEPS

                                    1.    enable

                                    2.    show license feature

                                  DETAILED STEPS
                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                    Step 1 enable

                                    Device> enable

                                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                                    • Enter your password if prompted.
                                    Step 2 show license feature

                                    Device# show license feature

                                    Displays a list of licensed features available in an image.


                                    Removing Licenses by Using Software Activation Commands

                                    Removing a License Entry from a Permanent License File


                                    • The license clear command lists all licenses, but some licenses, such as built-in licenses, cannot be cleared.
                                    • Only licenses that have been added by using the license install command are removed. Evaluation licenses are not removed.
                                    • If a license is not in use, the license clear command displays all the licenses related to this feature and prompts you to make a selection. Different prompts are displayed, depending upon whether single or multiple licenses are available in the device. The selected licenses are removed from the device.
                                    • If a license is in use, the license clear command might fail. However, depending on the application policy using the license, some licenses might be cleared.
                                    • When a switch is specified, the license clear command is issued on that switch. When a mixed stack platform is used, the primary switch must have installed the minimum licensing features required to support the licensing operations of the secondary switches. When this command is issued from a primary switch, the switch number is required to clear a license on that switch.

                                    SUMMARY STEPS

                                      1.    enable

                                      2.    license clear feature-name [switch switch-num]

                                      3.    show license detail

                                    DETAILED STEPS
                                       Command or ActionPurpose
                                      Step 1 enable

                                      Device> enable

                                      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                                      • Enter your password if prompted.
                                      Step 2 license clear feature-name [switch switch-num]

                                      Device# license clear gsmamrnb-codec-pack

                                      Removes a license entry from license storage once it has been verified that the license line is valid and was explicitly installed.

                                      • The optional switch switch-num keyword and argument send this request to a specific switch in a switch stack.
                                      • You must select the index number of the license to clear. Enter the number at the Select Index to Clear prompt.
                                      Step 3 show license detail

                                      Device# show license detail

                                      Verifies that the license has been cleared.


                                      Rehosting (Revoking and Transferring) a License

                                      Before You Begin

                                      Read and understand the license transfer between devices concepts in the “Cisco IOS Software Activation Conceptual Overview” module.

                                      Cisco software licensing requires that the license files generated by the Cisco back-end licensing system for its devices be secure and tamper-resistant. Security features are in place to authenticate a license by means of encrypted license credentials. Rehosting requires a permission ticket. To generate the permission ticket, the Cisco back-end licensing system requires the device credential information. Use the license save credential command to save device credential information to a specified file system.

                                      SUMMARY STEPS

                                        1.    enable

                                        2.    license revoke revoke permission-file-url output-rehost-ticket-url

                                      DETAILED STEPS
                                         Command or ActionPurpose
                                        Step 1 enable

                                        Device> enable

                                        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                                        • Enter your password if prompted.
                                        Step 2 license revoke revoke permission-file-url output-rehost-ticket-url

                                        Device# license revoke tftp://infra-sun/ramanp/pt.lic flash:rt.lic

                                        Revokes and transfers a license by using the permission ticket provided by the Cisco back-end licensing system. It removes the original, permanent license from the device and provides a license for the new device.

                                        • An end-user license agreement is displayed for all grace-period licenses in the permission ticket.
                                        • You must read and accept the agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, the rehost operation stops.

                                        Troubleshooting License Operations by Using Software Activation Commands

                                        SUMMARY STEPS

                                          1.    enable

                                          2.    show license file [switch switch-num]

                                          3.    show license statistics

                                          4.    show license status [switch switch-num]

                                          5.    debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                                          6.    no debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                                        DETAILED STEPS
                                           Command or ActionPurpose
                                          Step 1 enable

                                          Device> enable

                                          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                                          • Enter your password if prompted.
                                          Step 2 show license file [switch switch-num]

                                          Device# show license file

                                          Displays license entries and license details stored in a Cisco software license file. If the device is a switch, this command obtains statistics from the specified switch.

                                          Step 3 show license statistics

                                          Device# show license statistics

                                          Displays license statistics information. The display includes relevant statistics for error counts and is useful for troubleshooting licensing-related problems.

                                          Step 4 show license status [switch switch-num]

                                          Device# show license status

                                          Displays the status of licenses in the system. If the device is a switch, this command obtains status from the specified switch.

                                          Step 5 debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                                          Device# debug license errors

                                          Enables controlled software license debugging activity on a device.

                                          Step 6 no debug license {all | core | errors | events}

                                          Device# no debug license errors

                                          Disables license debugging activity on a device.


                                          Configuring Examples for Software Licensing

                                          Example: Installing and Upgrading Licenses

                                          The following example shows how to use the license install command to install a license saved in TFTP on the device. The display is truncated for easier readability:

                                          Device# license install tftp://infra-sun/<user>/license/5400/38a.lic
                                          Installing licenses from "tftp://infra-sun/<user>/license/5400/38a.lic"
                                          Loading <user>/license/5400/38a.lic from (via GigabitEthernet0/0): !
                                          [OK - 1192 bytes]
                                          Extension licenses are being installed in the device with UDI "AS54XM-AC-RPS:JAE0948QXKD" for the following features: 
                                          	Feature Name: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                                          PLEASE  READ THE  FOLLOWING TERMS  CAREFULLY. . .
                                          ACCEPT? [yes/no]: yes
                                          Issue 'license feature gsmamrnb-codec-pack' command to enable the license

                                          Example: Adding a Comment to a License File

                                          The following example shows how to use the license comment command to add or delete information about a specific license. The command checks that a license associated with the specified feature is present in license storage. If a switch number is specified, this command is executed on the specified switch.

                                          As the example shows, when the license is present and multiple license lines are stored, you are prompted to select a license line. This action helps to distinguish licenses. Type the number at the Select Index to Add Comment prompt to select the license.

                                          Device# license comment add gsmamrnb-codec-pack “Use this permanent license”
                                          Feature: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                                              1 	License Type: Evaluation
                                          	License State: Inactive
                                          	    Evaluation total period: 20 hours 0  minute  
                                          	    Evaluation period left: 20 hours 0  minute  
                                          	License Addition: Additive
                                          	Store Index: 0
                                          	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                                              2 	License Type: Permanent
                                          	License State: Active, Not in Use
                                          	License Addition: Exclusive
                                          	Store Index: 1
                                          	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                                          Select Index to Add Comment [1-2]: 2
                                          % Success: Adding comment "Use this permanent license" succeeded
                                          Device# show license file
                                          License Store: Primary License Storage
                                            Store Index: 0
                                              License: 11 gsmamrnb-codec-pack 1.0 LONG TRIAL DISABLED 20 DISABLED STANDA
                                                       LONE ADD INFINITE_KEYS INFINITE_KEYS NEVER NEVER NiL SLM_CODE CL_
                                                       ND_LCK NiL *1YCHJRBMWKZAED2400 NiL NiL NiL 5_MINS <UDI><PID>AS54X
                                                       M-AC-RPS</PID><SN>JAE0948QXKD</SN></UDI> ,Jx8qaVf:iXWaH9PsXjkVnmz
                                              Comment: Use this permanent license.
                                                 Hash: E1WjIQo4qsl9g8cpnpoogP/0DeY=

                                          Example: Saving All Licenses to a Specified Storage Area

                                          The following example shows how to use the license save command to save copies of all licenses to the flash file system:

                                          Device# license save flash:all_licenses.lic
                                          license lines saved ..... to flash:all_licenses.lic

                                          Example: Removing Licenses

                                          The following examples shows how to use the license clear command to remove a license entry from license storage once it has been verified that the license line is valid and was explicitly installed.

                                          You must select the index number of the license to clear. Type the number at the Select Index to Clear prompt as shown in this example.

                                          Device# license clear standard
                                          Feature: standard
                                              1 	License Type: Evaluation
                                          	License State: Inactive
                                          	    Evaluation total period: 20 hours 0  minute  
                                          	    Evaluation period left: 20 hours 0  minute  
                                          	License Addition: Additive
                                          	Store Index: 0
                                          	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                                              2 	License Type: Permanent
                                          	License State: Active, Not in Use
                                          	License Addition: Exclusive
                                          	Store Index: 1
                                          	Store Name: Primary License Storage
                                          Select Index to Clear [1-2]: 1
                                          Are you sure you want to clear? (yes/[no]): yes
                                          Device# show license detail
                                          Feature: premium                Period left:  1 hour   0 minute  
                                          Index:  1       Feature: premium                           Version: 1.0
                                                  License Type: Evaluation
                                                  License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
                                                      Evaluation total period:  1 hour   0 minute  
                                                      Evaluation period left:  1 hour   0 minute  
                                                  License Count: Non-Counted
                                                  License Priority: None
                                                  Store Index: 0
                                                  Store Name: Evaluation License Storage

                                          Example: Rehosting (Revoking and Transferring) a License

                                          The following example shows how to use the license revoke command to revoke a license stored in TFTP and how to transfer it to a license stored in flash memory. You might need to read and accept the terms and conditions of the license type being transferred. The following example is truncated for readability:

                                          Device# license revoke tftp://infra-sun/ramanp/pt.lic flash:rt.lic
                                          Following Permanent license(s) will be revoked from this device
                                          	Feature Name: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                                          Following Extension license(s) will be installed in this device
                                          	Feature Name: gsmamrnb-codec-pack
                                          PLEASE  READ THE  FOLLOWING TERMS  CAREFULLY. . .
                                          ACCEPT? [yes/no]: yes
                                          Issue 'license feature gsmamrnb-codec-pack' command to enable the license
                                          Rehost ticket saved ..... to flash:rt.lic

                                          Example: Generic Command Enhanced with Licensing Information

                                          The generic commands described in the following sections are enhanced with licensing information:


                                          The reload command shows the expired licenses, followed by expiring licenses sorted by the period left and end date:

                                          Device# reload
                                          The following license(s) are expiring or have expired.
                                          Features with expired licenses may not work after Reload.
                                          Feature: uc,Status: expiring, Period Left: 7  wks 5  days
                                          Proceed with reload? [confirm]

                                          show running-config

                                          The show running-config command displays the unique device identifier (UDI) of a device. If the configuration file was copied from a different device, a warning is displayed upon reload. A UDI mismatch warning is also displayed during reload if the startup-config file has a different UDI than the platform UDI.

                                          Device# show running-config
                                          Building configuration...
                                          Current configuration : 4772 bytes
                                          version 12.4
                                          no service pad
                                          service timestamps debug datetime msec 
                                          service timestamps log datetime msec
                                          no service password-encryption
                                          service internal
                                          hostname csl-xfr-enhance-2951
                                          license udi pid CISCO2951 sn FHH1211P037
                                          license boot module c2951 technology-package securityk9 disable
                                          license boot module c2951 technology-package uc
                                          license boot module c2951 technology-package data
                                          license call-home url
                                          license agent listener http plaintext /lic-agent authenticate none
                                           log config

                                          show tech-support

                                          The show tech-support command displays the output of the show license udi, show license file, show license detail, show license status, and the show license statistics commands.

                                          Device# show tech-support
                                          ------------------ show license udi ------------------
                                          Device#   PID                   SN              UDI
                                          *0        CISCO2951             FHH1211P037     CISCO2951:FHH1211P037
                                          ------------------ show license feature ------------------
                                          Feature name             Enforcement  Evaluation  Subscription   Enabled
                                          ipbasek9                 no           no          no             no
                                          securityk9               yes          yes         no             no
                                          uc                       yes          yes         no             yes
                                          data                     yes          yes         no             no
                                          gatekeeper               yes          yes         no             no
                                          LI                       yes          no          no             no
                                          SSL_VPN                  yes          yes         no             no
                                          ios-ips-update           yes          yes         yes            no
                                          SNASw                    yes          yes         no             no
                                          ------------------ show license file ------------------
                                          License Store: Primary License Storage
                                          License Store: Evaluation License Storage
                                            Store Index: 0
                                              License: 11 securityk9 1.0 LONG TRIAL DISABLED 1440 DISABLED STANDALONE AD
                                                       D INFINITE_KEYS INFINITE_KEYS NEVER NEVER NiL SLM_CODE DEMO NiL N
                                                       iL Ni NiL NiL 5_MINS NiL GT5YVbrMAdt0NY50UcKGfvLTjQ17P2o3g84hE8Tq
                                                 Hash: CLWUVZgY84BMRTO3JIlYmIqwAQA=
                                          ------------------ show license detail ------------------
                                          Index: 1        Feature: SNASw                             Version: 1.0
                                                  License Type: Evaluation
                                                  License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
                                                      Evaluation total period: 8  weeks 4  days
                                                      Evaluation period left: 8  weeks 4  days
                                                  Lock type: Non Node locked
                                                  Vendor info:
                                                  License Addition: Additive
                                                  License Generation version: 0x8100000
                                                  License Count: Non-Counted
                                                  License Priority: None
                                                  Store Index: 5
                                                  Store Name: Evaluation License Storage
                                          ------------------ show license status ------------------
                                                          License Type Supported
                                                  permanent               Non-expiring node locked license
                                                  extension               Expiring node locked license
                                                  evaluation              Expiring non node locked license
                                                  paid subscription       Expiring node locked subscription license
                                                                          with valid end date
                                                  extension subscription  Expiring node locked subscription license
                                                  evaluation subscription Expiring node locked subscription license
                                          ------------------ show license statistics ------------------
                                                          Administrative statistics
                                                  Install success count:   0
                                                  Install failure count:   0
                                                  Install duplicate count: 0
                                                  Comment add count:       0
                                                  Comment delete count:    0
                                                  Clear count:             0
                                                  Save count:              0
                                                  Save cred count:         1
                                                          Client statistics
                                                  Request success count:   1
                                                  Request failure count:   3
                                                  Release count:           0
                                                  Global Notify count:     4

                                          show version

                                          The show version command displays the license UDI information:

                                          Device> show version
                                          Cisco IOS Software, C2951 Software (C2951-UNIVERSALK9-M), Experimental Version 12.4(20090326:052343)
                                           [rifu-xformers_3_25 130]
                                          Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                          Compiled Thu 26-Mar-09 21:49 by rifu
                                          ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(20090303:092436) [BLD-xformers_dev.XFR_20090303-20090303_0101-53
                                           107], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE
                                          csl-xfr-enhance-2951 uptime is 3 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes
                                          System returned to ROM by reload at 18:48:45 PST Mon Nov 26 1956
                                          System image file is "flash0:c2951-universalk9-mz.SSA"
                                          Last reload reason: Reload Command
                                          Cisco C2951 (revision 1.0) with 1005568K/43008K bytes of memory.
                                          Processor board ID FHH1211P037
                                          3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
                                          1 terminal line
                                          1 cisco Special Services Engine(s)
                                          DRAM configuration is 72 bits wide with parity enabled.
                                          255K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
                                          250880K bytes of ATA System CompactFlash 0 (Read/Write)
                                          License Info:
                                          License UDI:
                                          Device#   PID                   SN
                                          *0        CISCO2951             FHH1211P037
                                          Technology Package License Information for Module:'c2951'
                                          Technology    Technology-package          Technology-package
                                                        Current       Type          Next reboot
                                          ipbase        ipbasek9      None          ipbasek9
                                          security      disable       None          disable
                                          uc            uc            Evaluation    uc
                                          data          None          None          None
                                          Configuration register is 0x0

                                          Additional References

                                          Related Documents

                                          Related Topic

                                          Document Title

                                          Cisco License Manager application

                                          User Guide for Cisco License Manager

                                          Software activation conceptual overview

                                          “Cisco IOS Software Activation Conceptual Overview” module

                                          Software activation commands

                                          Software Activation Command Reference

                                          Cisco IOS commands

                                          Master Commands List, All Releases

                                          Integrated Services Routers licensing

                                          Software Activation on Cisco Integrated Services Routers



                                          MIBs Link


                                          To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


                                          Technical Assistance



                                          The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


                                          Feature Information for Cisco IOS Software Activation

                                          The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

                                          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

                                          Table 1 Feature Information for Cisco IOS Software Activation

                                          Feature Name


                                          Feature Information

                                          Cisco IOS Software Activation





                                          Cisco IOS Software Activation EXEC commands support basic licensing processes.

                                          This feature is platform-independent.

                                          These commands were introduced or modified by this feature: debug license, license clear, license comment, license install, license revoke, license save, license save credential, show license all, show license detail, show license feature, show license file, show license statistics, show license status, show license udi

                                          In Cisco IOS Release 15.4(1)S, support was added for the Cisco ASR 901S series router.

                                          CISL-SNMP support (MIB)



                                          SNMP support for the CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB was added.

                                          These commands were introduced or modified by this feature: snmp-server enable traps, snmp-server host