debug iapp through debug ip ftp

debug iapp

Use the debug iapp privileged EXEC command to begin debugging of IAPP operations. Use the noform of this command to stop the debug operation.

[no] debug iapp { packets | event | error }

Syntax Description


Displays IAPP packets sent and received by the access point. Link test packets are not displayed


Displays significant IAPP events


Displays IAPP software and protocol errors

Command Default

This command has no default setting.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This example shows how to begin debugging of IAPP packets:

SOAP-AP# debug iapp packet

This example shows how to begin debugging of IAPP events:

SOAP-AP# debug iapp events

This example shows how to begin debugging of IAPP errors:

SOAP-AP# debug iapp errors

Related Commands



show debugging

Displays all debug settings

debug idmgr

To enable debugging for the identity manager (IDMGR), use the debug idmgr command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging for the IDMGR, use the no form of this command.

debug idmgr { core | data | db | elog | flow local }

Syntax Description


Specifies debugging for the Layer 2 (L2) access core process flow.


Specifies debugging for data handling.


Specifies debugging for database interaction.


Specifies debugging for event logging.

flow local

Specifies debugging for remote and local interaction.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the debug idmgr command to debug errors such as missing or incorrect attributes in a session or Accounting, Authentication, and Authorization (AAA) records.

Usage Guidelines

The following is sample output from the debug idmgr command:

Router# debug idmgr core
IDMGR core process flow debugging is on
Router# debug idmgr data
IDMGR data handling debugging is on
Router# debug idmgr db
IDMGR database interaction debugging is on
R1# debug idmgr elog
IDMGR event logging debugging is on
R1# debug idmgr flow local
IDMGR local process flow debugging is on
2w6d: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
2w6d: IDMGR: Enabled core flow debugging
2w6d: IDMGR: Enabled local flow debugging
2w6d: IDMGR: Enabled DB interaction debugging
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) got an Session Assert Request
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Local processing Session Assert Request
2w6d: IDMGR: Set field session-handle 2281701385(88000009) in idmgr db record
2w6d: IDMGR: Set field aaa-unique-id 16(00000010) in idmgr db record
2w6d: IDMGR: Set field composite-key in idmgr db record
2w6d: IDMGR: Set field idmgr-data in idmgr db record
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Adding new record 07640138 for session handle 88000009 to Session DB
2w6d: IDMGR: Enabled core flow debugging
2w6d: IDMGR: Enabled local flow debugging
2w6d: IDMGR: Enabled DB interaction debugging
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) got an Session Update Event
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Local processing Session Update Event
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Search for session record
2w6d: IDMGR: Set field session-handle 2281701385(88000009) in search record
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Found match for session handle 88000009
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Found record in search get, returning 07640138
2w6d: IDMGR: releasing memory for search record field with type session-handle
2w6d: IDMGR: Set field idmgr-mask 4294967295(FFFFFFFF) in search record
2w6d: IDMGR: releasing memory for search record field with type idmgr-mask
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Updating attribute authen-status in datalist
2w6d: IDMGR:(07EC4890) Updated record 07640138 for 88000009 to Session DB

Related Commands



show subscriber session

Displays information about subscriber sessions on an ISG.

debug if-mgr efp-ext

To enable debugging for the interface manager (IF-MGR) Ethernet flow point (EFP) extension, use the debug if-mgr efp-extcommand in privileged EXEC mode. To turn off debugging for the IF-MGR EFP extension, use the noform of this command.

debug if-mgr { errors | trace } efp-ext

no debug if-mgr { errors | trace } efp-ext

Syntax Description


Specifies debugging for IF-MGR EFP extension errors.


Specifies debugging for IF-MGR EFP extension traces.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before you issue the debug if-mgr efp-extcommand, consider the high volume of output that debug commands usually generate and the amount of time the debugging operation may take.


The following example shows how to enable debugging for IF-MGR EFP extension errors:

Router> enable
Router# debug if-mgr errors efp-ext

debug ima

To display debugging messages for inverse multiplexing over AMT (IMA) groups and links, use the debug imacommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ima

no debug ima

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging for IMA groups is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following example shows output when you enter the debug ima command while adding two ATM links to an IMA group. Notice that the group has not yet been created with the interface atm slot /ima group-number command, so the links are not activated yet as group members. However, the individual ATM links are deactivated.

Router# debug ima
IMA network interface debugging is on
Router# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# interface atm1/0
Router(config-if)# ima-group 1
01:35:08:IMA shutdown atm layer of link ATM1/0
01:35:08:ima_clear_atm_layer_if ATM1/0
01:35:08:IMA link ATM1/0 removed in firmware
01:35:08:ima_release_channel:ATM1/0 released channel 0.
01:35:08:Bring up ATM1/4 that had been waiting for a free channel.
01:35:08:IMA:no shut the ATM interface.
01:35:08:IMA allocate_channel:ATM1/4 using channel 0.
01:35:08:IMA config_restart ATM1/4
adding link 0 to Group ATM1/IMA1ATM1/0 is down waiting for IMA group 1 to be activated
01:35:08:Link 0 was added to Group ATM1/IMA1
01:35:08:ATM1/0 is down waiting for IMA group 1 to be created.
01:35:08:IMA send AIS on link ATM1/0
01:35:08:IMA Link up/down Alarm:port 0, new status 0x10, old_status 0x1.
01:35:10:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface ATM1/4, changed state to up
01:35:10:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface ATM1/0, changed state to down
01:35:11:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface ATM1/4, changed state to up
01:35:11:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface ATM1/0, changed state to down
Router(config-if)# int atm1/1
Router(config-if)# ima-group 1
01:37:19:IMA shutdown atm layer of link ATM1/1
01:37:19:ima_clear_atm_layer_if ATM1/1
01:37:19:IMA link ATM1/1 removed in firmware
01:37:19:ima_release_channel:ATM1/1 released channel 1.
01:37:19:Bring up ATM1/5 that had been waiting for a free channel.
01:37:19:IMA:no shut the ATM interface.
01:37:19:IMA allocate_channel:ATM1/5 using channel 1.
01:37:19:IMA config_restart ATM1/5
01:37:19:IMA adding link 1 to Group ATM1/IMA1ATM1/1 is down waiting for IMA group 1 to be activated
01:37:19:Link 1 was added to Group ATM1/IMA1
01:37:19:ATM1/1 is down waiting for IMA group 1 to be created.
01:37:19:IMA send AIS on link ATM1/1
01:37:19:IMA Link up/down Alarm:port 1, new status 0x10, old_status 0x1.
01:37:21:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface ATM1/5, changed state to up
01:37:21:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface ATM1/1, changed state to down
01:37:22:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface ATM1/5, changed state to up
01:37:22:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface ATM1/1, changed state to down

Related Commands



debug backhaul-session-manager set

Displays debugging messages for ATM errors, and reports specific problems such as encapsulation errors and errors related to OAM cells.

debug events

Displays debugging messages for ATM events, and reports specific events such as PVC setup completion, changes in carrier states, and interface rates.

debug installer

To enable debugs in the installer, use the debug installer command in Privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging use the no form of the command.

debug installer [ all | process | issu | common ]

Syntax Description


Enables all installer debugs


Enables all the debugs inside Installer process


Enables all the debugs inside the installer's Bash provisioning scripts


Enables all the debugs inside the installer common code

Command Default

No debugs enabled

Command Modes

        Privileged EXEC

Command History



IOS XE 3.2.0 SE

Command introduced.

        Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

The debug output for the above commands is displayed to the console and/or the IOS logging buffer.

It's always a good idea to turn on debug installer all when troubleshooting installer related problems


To enable all installer debugs, perform the following:

        infra-p2-3#debug installer all
All installer debugging is on

Related Commands



show version

To display information about the currently loaded software along with hardware and device information, use the show version command.

debug interface

To display interface descriptor block debugging messages, use the debug interfacecommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the debugging messages, use the no form of this command.

debug interface type number

no debug interface type number

Syntax Description

type number

Interface type and number. In the case of an ATM interface, you get the following options once you enter the interface type and number:

  • vc --Displays information about the virtual circuit.

  • [vpi /]vci--Specifies the virtual channel identifier (VCI) or virtual path identifier/virtual channel identifier (VPI/VCI) pair, if the interface to be debugged is an ATM-encapsulated interface. Valid values for vpi are 0 to 255. Valid values for vci are 1 to 65535.

Command Default

By default, debugging messages are not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(26)S.


The following is sample output from the debug interface command:

Router# debug interface ATM 1/0 vc 0/5
Condition 1 set
*Jan 31 19:36:38.399: ATM VC Debug: Condition 1, atm-vc 0/5 AT1/0 triggered, count 1

Related Commands



debug interface counters exceptions

Displays a message when a recoverable exceptional condition happens during the computation of the interface packet and data rate statistics.

debug interface counters protocol memory

Displays the memory operations (create and free) of protocol counters on interfaces and debugging messages during memory operations.

debug interface counters exceptions

To display a message when a recoverable exceptional condition happens during the computation of the interface packet and data rate statistics, use the debug interface counters exceptions command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug interface counters exceptions

no debug interface counters exceptions

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

By default, the debugging messages are not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(26)S.

Usage Guidelines

Use the debug interface counters exceptions command to debug problems where the packet counter values or rates have unexpected values. The command helps to flag interfaces whose packet counter values have decreased in number. This condition can occur if a packet is counted and then dropped. This command helps you to determine if the input and output rate statistics are adjusted to display a zero value versus an unexpected value. It is also possible for zero values to be displayed if an interface is running at or close to its maximum capacity due to interface statistics being viewed as negative values.

This message is rate limited to one message per minute. If multiple interfaces are having unexpected counter statistic issues, then a message is displayed only for the first interface that experiences a problem within a minute.


The following is sample output from the debug interface counters exceptions command when backward-going counters are detected. The output is self-explanatory.

Router# debug interface counters exceptions
IF-4-BACKWARD_COUNTERS: Corrected for backward rx_bytes counters (561759 -> 526385) on Multilink1
IF-4-BACKWARD_COUNTERS: Corrected for backward tx_bytes counters (288114 -> 268710) on Multilink1
IF-4-BACKWARD_COUNTERS: Corrected for backward tx_bytes counters (2220 -> 0) on Virtual-Access4 

Related Commands



debug interface

Displays the interface descriptor block debugging messages.

debug interface counters protocol memory

Displays the memory operations (create and free) of protocol counters on interfaces and debugging messages during memory operations.

debug interface counters protocol memory

To display the memory operations (create and free) of protocol counters on interfaces and debugging messages during memory operations, use the debug interface counters protocol memorycommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug interface counters protocol memory

no debug interface counters protocol memory

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

By default, the debugging messages are not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(26)S.


The following is sample output from the debug interface counters protocol memorycommand. The output is self-explanatory.

Router# debug interface counters protocol memory
interface counter protocol memory operations debugging is on
*Jan 11 11:34:08.154: IDB_PROTO: Ethernet0/0 created CDP
*Jan 11 11:35:08.154: IDB_PROTO: Ethernet0/0 reset CDP

Related Commands



debug interface

Displays the interface descriptor block debugging messages.

debug interface counters exceptions

Displays a message when a recoverable exceptional condition happens during the computation of the interface packet and data rate statistics.

debug interface states

To display intermediary messages when an interface's state transitions, use the debug interface states command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug interface states

no debug interface states

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(44)S.

Usage Guidelines

This command helps to debug interface state transition problems and includes the following interface state related message outputs:

  • BRIDGE_ADJ--bridging database and Spanning tree protocol (STP) port state adjustment

  • CSTATE_REQ--carrier state change request

  • CSTATE_TMR--carrier timer state change

  • LSTATE_REQ--line protocol state change request

  • LSTATE_TMR--line protocol timer state change

  • ROUTE_ADJ--route adjustment

  • TRANS_ADJ--state transition adjustment

The debug information can be restricted to display state transitions on an interface basis using the debug condition interface command.


Because the debug interface states command is a global debug command for all the interfaces in the router, in some cases such as with online insertion and removal (OIR) this command generates a substantial amount of output, depending on the number of interfaces hosted on the shared port adapter (SPA) or the line card. Use the debug condition interface command instead for debugging an interface state transition problem.


The following is sample output from the debug interface statescommand when the shutdown command is executed on an interface. The output is self-explanatory.

Router# debug interface states
interface state transitions debugging is on
Router# debug condition interface fast0/0
Condition 1 set
Router# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
*Sep  1 12:24:46.294: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:46.294: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] LSTATE_REQ: timers not running
*Sep  1 12:24:46.294: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Exit
Router(config)# interface fast0/0
Router(config-if)# shut
*Sep  1 12:24:56.294: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:56.294: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] LSTATE_REQ: timers not running
*Sep  1 12:24:56.294: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] CSTATE_REQ: Entry, requested
state: A
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 UARUYY] CSTATE_REQ: starting ctimer (2000)
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] CSTATE_REQ: state assign
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] CSTATE_REQ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] CSTATE_REQ: Entry, requested
state: A
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] CSTATE_REQ: state assign
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] LSTATE_REQ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:57.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUYY] CSTATE_REQ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:57.166: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnY] TRANS_ADJ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:57.166: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] TRANS_ADJ: propagating change
to subifs
*Sep  1 12:24:57.170: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] TRANS_ADJ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:57.170: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] ROUTE_ADJ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:57.170: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] ROUTE_ADJ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:57.170: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] BRIDGE_ADJ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:57.170: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] BRIDGE_ADJ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] CSTATE_TMR: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] CSTATE_TMR: netidb=Fa0/0,
linestate: n
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_REQ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_REQ: timers not running
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_REQ: starting lineproto
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_REQ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] CSTATE_TMR: transition detected
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: %ENTITY_ALARM-6-INFO: ASSERT INFO Fa0/0 Physical
Port Administrative State Down
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] TRANS_ADJ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] TRANS_ADJ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:24:59.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] CSTATE_TMR: Exit
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_TMR: Entry
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_TMR: not spoofing,
current state: n
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_TMR: informing line
state transitions
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] TRANS_ADJ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] TRANS_ADJ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] ROUTE_ADJ: Entry
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] ROUTE_ADJ: Exit
*Sep  1 12:25:00.162: [IDB Fa0/0 AURUnn] LSTATE_TMR: Exit

Related Commands



debug condition interface

Limits output for some debug commands on the basis of the interface, VC, or VLAN.

debug interface(vasi)

To display debugging information for the VRF-Aware Service Infrastructure (VASI) interface descriptor block, use the debug interface command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug interface { vasileft | vasiright } number

no debug interface { vasileft | vasiright } number

Syntax Description


Displays information about vasileft interface.


Displays information about vasiright interface.


Identifier of the VASI interface. The range is from 1 to 256.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the debug interfacecommand:

Router# debug interface vasileft 100
Condition 1 set

Related Commands

interface (vasi)

Configures a VASI virtual interface.

debug adjacency (vasi)

Displays debugging information for the VASI adjacency.

debug vasi

Displays debugging information for the VASI.

show vasi pair

Displays the status of a VASI pair.

debug iosd issu

To enable all the debugs inside the IOS issu_iosd and iosvrp_issu_upgrade subsystems, use the debug iosd issu command in Privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging use the no form of the command.

debug iosd issu

Command Default

Debugs not enabled.

Command Modes

        Privileged EXEC

Command History



IOS XE 3.2.0 SE

Command introduced.

        Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

No command variables

It's always a good idea to turn on debug iosd issu when troubleshooting installer related problems

Related Commands



show version

To display information about the currently loaded software along with hardware and device information, use the show version command.

debug ip access-list hash-generation

To display debugging information about access control list (ACL) hash-value generation (for ACL Syslog entries), use the debug ip access-list hash-generation command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip access-list hash-generation

no debug ip access-list hash-generation

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when configuring an access control entry (ACE) to view the router-generated hash values for the ACE.

This command displays the input and output for the hash-generation mechanism. The input is the ACE text and ACL name. The output is an MD5 algorithm-derived, 4-byte value.


The following example shows sample debug output displayed when configuring ACL hash-value generation.


The example in this section shows sample output for a numbered access list. However, you can configure ACL hash-value generation for both numbered and named access lists, and for both standard and extended access lists.

*Aug 9 00:24:31.765: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router# debug ip access-list hash-generation
Syslog hash code generation debugging is on
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# ip access-list logging hash-generation
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp host host log
*Aug 9 00:25:31.661: %IPACL-HASHGEN: Hash Input: 101 extended permit 6 host host Hash Output: 0xA363BB54
Router(config)# exit

Related Commands



ip access-list logging hash-generation

Enables the generation of hash-values for access control entries in the system messaging logs.

show ip access-list

Displays the contents of all current access lists.

debug ip access-list intstats

To display information about whether or not the interface-level statistics of an access list were created, updated, cleared or deleted successfully, use the debug ip access-list intstatscommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip access-list intstats

no debug ip access-list intstats

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behaviors or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the debug ip access-list intstatscommand:

Router# debug ip access-list intstats
Router# enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)#interface e0/0
Router(config-if)#ip access-group 100 in
*Oct 29 08:52:16.763: IPACL-INTSTATS: ACL swsb created
*Oct 29 08:52:16.763: IPACL-INTSTATS: ACL header stats structure created
*Oct 29 08:52:16.763: IPACL-INTSTATS: I/P stats table created
*Oct 29 08:52:16.763: IPACL-INTSTATS: Statsid bitmap created
*Oct 29 08:52:16.763: IPACL-INTSTATS: Done with static ACEs
Router(config-if)#ip access-group 100 out
*Oct 29 08:52:19.435: IPACL-INTSTATS: O/P stats table created
*Oct 29 08:52:19.435: IPACL-INTSTATS: Done with static ACEs

debug ip access-list turboacl

To display debugging information about turbo access control lists (ACLs), use the debug ip access-list turboaclcommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip access-list turboacl

no debug ip access-list turboacl

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behaviors or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified to include support for turbo ACLs.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

The debug ip access-list turboaclcommand is useful for debugging problems associated with turbo ACLs. Turbo ACLs compile the ACLs into a set of lookup tables, while maintaining the first packet matching requirements. Packet headers are used to access these tables in a small, fixed, number of lookups, independent of the existing number of ACL entries.


The following is sample output from the debug ip access-list turboaclcommand:

Router# debug ip access-list turboacl
*Aug 20 00:41:17.843 UTC:Miss at index 73, 19
*Aug 20 00:41:17.843 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.843 UTC:Miss at index 21, 39
*Aug 20 00:41:17.847 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.847 UTC:Miss at index 116, 42
*Aug 20 00:41:17.851 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.851 UTC:Miss at index 119, 28
*Aug 20 00:41:17.851 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.855 UTC:Miss at index 116, 42
*Aug 20 00:41:17.855 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.855 UTC:Miss at index 92, 20
*Aug 20 00:41:17.855 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.855 UTC:Miss at index 119, 28
*Aug 20 00:41:17.855 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.855 UTC:Miss at index 56, 29
*Aug 20 00:41:17.859 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:17.859try, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:19.959 UTC:Miss at index 29, 41
*Aug 20 00:41:19.959 UTC:Adding dynamic entry, update = 1
*Aug 20 00:41:19.959 UTC:Miss at index 29, 38

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 1 debug ip access-list turboacl Field Descriptions



Aug 20 00:41:17.843 UTC

Date and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) the command was used to debug the turbo ACL.

Miss at index 73, 19

Location in the compiled access list tables where a new packet lookup does not match an existing entry.

Adding dynamic entry, update = 1

Action taken to add a new entry in the compiled access list tables as a result of a packet being processed.

debug ip admission consent

To display authentication proxy consent page information on the router, use the debug ip admission consent command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip admission consent [ events | errors | messages ]

no debug ip admission consent

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays only error messages.


(Optional) Displays only event-related messages.


(Optional) Displays only packet-related messages.

Command Default

If an option is not selected, all debug messages are displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


Router# debug ip admission consent errors
IP Admission Consent Errors debugging is on 
Router# debug ip admission consent events
IP Admission Consent Events debugging is on 
Router# debug ip admission consent messages
IP Admission Consent Messages debugging is on 
Router# show debugging
IP Admission Consent: 
IP Admission Consent Errors debugging is on 
IP Admission Consent Events debugging is on 
IP Admission Consent Messages debugging is on

debug ip admission eapoudp

To display information about Extensible Authentication Protocol over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) (EAPoUDP) network admission control events, use the debug ip admission eapoudpcommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip admission eapoudp

no debug ip admission eapoudp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC #

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.


The following sample output from the debug ip admission eapoudp command shows information about network admission control using EAPoUDP. In the command output, the term “posture” refers to the credentials (for example, antivirus state or version of Cisco IOS software) of the host system.

Router# debug ip admission eapoudp
Posture validation session created for client mac= 0001.027c.f364 ip=
Total Posture sessions= 1 Total Posture Init sessions= 1 
*Apr  9 19:39:45.684: %AP-6-POSTURE_START_VALIDATION: IP=|
*Apr  9 19:40:42.292: auth_proxy_posture_parse_aaa_attributes:  
CiscoDefined-ACL name= #ACSACL#-IP-HealthyACL-40921e54
Apr  9 19:40:42.957: %AP-6-POSTURE_POLICY: Apply access control list
(xACSACLx-IP-HealthyACL-40921e54) policy for host (

The fields in the display are self-explanatory.

Related Commands



show ip admission

Displays IP admission control cache entries or the running admission control configuration.

debug ip auth-proxy

To display the authentication proxy configuration information on the router, use the debug ip auth-proxycommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip auth-proxy { detailed | ftp | function-trace | object-creation | object-deletion | telnet | timers }

no debug ip auth-proxy

Syntax Description


Displays details of the TCP events during an authentication proxy process. The details are generic to all FTP, HTTP, and Telnet protocols.


Displays FTP events related to the authentication proxy.


Displays the authentication proxy functions.


Displays additional entries to the authentication proxy cache.


Displays deletion of cache entries for the authentication proxy.


Displays Telnet-related authentication proxy events.


Displays authentication proxy timer-related events.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The detailed keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Use the debug ip auth-proxy command to display authentication proxy activity.


The function-trace debugging information provides low-level software information for Cisco technical support representatives. No output examples are provided for this keyword option.


The following examples illustrate the output of the debug ip auth-proxy command. In these examples, debugging is on for object creations, object deletions, HTTP, and TCP.

In this example, the client host at is attempting to make an HTTP connection to the web server located at The HTTP debugging information is on for the authentication proxy. The output shows that the router is setting up an authentication proxy entry for the login request:

00:11:10: AUTH-PROXY creates info:
cliaddr -, cliport - 36583
seraddr -, serport - 80

Following a successful login attempt, the debugging information shows the authentication proxy entries created for the client. In this example, the client is authorized for SMTP (port 25), FTP data (port 20), FTP control (port 21), and Telnet (port 23) traffic. The dynamic access control list (ACL) entries are included in the display.

00:11:25:AUTH_PROXY OBJ_CREATE:acl item 61AD60CC
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_CREATE:create acl wrapper 6151C7C8 -- acl item 61AD60CC
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Src Port [0]
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Dst Port [25]
00:11:25:AUTH_PROXY OBJ_CREATE:acl item 6151C908
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_CREATE:create acl wrapper 6187A060 -- acl item 6151C908
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Src Port [0]
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Dst Port [20]
00:11:25:AUTH_PROXY OBJ_CREATE:acl item 61A40B88
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_CREATE:create acl wrapper 6187A0D4 -- acl item 61A40B88
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Src Port [0]
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Dst Port [21]
00:11:25:AUTH_PROXY OBJ_CREATE:acl item 61879550
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_CREATE:create acl wrapper 61879644 -- acl item 61879550
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Src Port [0]
00:11:25:AUTH-PROXY Dst Port [23]

The next example shows the debug output following a clear ip auth-proxy cache command to clear the authentication entries from the router. The dynamic ACL entries are removed from the router.

00:12:36:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_DELETE:delete auth_proxy cache 61AD6298
00:12:36:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_DELETE:delete create acl wrapper 6151C7C8 -- acl item 61AD60CC
00:12:36:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_DELETE:delete create acl wrapper 6187A060 -- acl item 6151C908
00:12:36:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_DELETE:delete create acl wrapper 6187A0D4 -- acl item 61A40B88
00:12:36:AUTH-PROXY OBJ_DELETE:delete create acl wrapper 61879644 -- acl item 61879550

The following example shows the timer information for a dynamic ACL entry. All times are expressed in milliseconds. The first laststart is the time that the ACL entry is created relative to the startup time of the router. The lastref is the time of the last packet to hit the dynamic ACL relative to the startup time of the router. The exptime is the next expected expiration time for the dynamic ACL. The delta indicates the remaining time before the dynamic ACL expires. After the timer expires, the debugging information includes a message indicating that the ACL and associated authentication proxy information for the client have been removed.

00:19:51:first laststart 1191112
00:20:51:AUTH-PROXY:delta 54220 lastref 1245332 exptime 1251112
00:21:45:AUTH-PROXY:ACL and cache are removed 

The following example is sample output with the detailed keyword enabled:

00:37:50:AUTH-PROXY:proto_flag=5, dstport_index=1
00:37:50: SYN SEQ 245972 LEN 0
00:37:50:dst_addr src_addr dst_port 21 src_port 4347
00:37:50:AUTH-PROXY:auth_proxy_half_open_count++ 1
00:37:50:AUTH-PROXY:proto_flag=5, dstport_index=1
00:37:50: ACK 1820245643 SEQ 245973 LEN 0
00:37:50:dst_addr src_addr dst_port 21 src_port 4347
00:37:50:clientport 4347 state 0
00:37:50:AUTH-PROXY:incremented proxy_proc_count=1
00:37:50:AUTH-PROXY:proto_flag=5, dstport_index=1
00:37:50: ACK 1820245674 SEQ 245973 LEN 0
00:37:50:dst_addr src_addr dst_port 21 src_port 4347
00:37:50:clientport 4347 state 0
00:37:57:AUTH-PROXY:proto_flag=5, dstport_index=1
00:37:57: PSH ACK 1820245674 SEQ 245973 LEN 16
00:37:57:dst_addr src_addr dst_port 21 src_port 4347
00:37:57:clientport 4347 state 0
00:37:57:AUTH-PROXY:proto_flag=5, dstport_index=1
00:37:57: ACK 1820245699 SEQ 245989 LEN 0
00:37:57:dst_addr src_addr dst_port 21 src_port 4347
00:37:57:clientport 4347 state 0
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:proto_flag=5, dstport_index=1
00:38:01: PSH ACK 1820245699 SEQ 245989 LEN 16
00:38:01:dst_addr src_addr dst_port 21 src_port 4347
00:38:01:clientport 4347 state 0
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Authenticating user ryan
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Session state is INIT.Not updating stats
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Session state is INIT.Not updating stats
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Sent AAA request successfully
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Sent password successfully
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:processing authorization data
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Sending accounting start.unique-id 2
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Session state is INIT.Not updating stats
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:Session state is INIT.Not updating stats
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:wait complete on watched boolean stat=0
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:src ip addr is, dstaddr=
00:38:01: SYN ACK 2072458992 SEQ 4051022445 LEN 0
00:38:01:AUTH-PROXY:src ip addr is, dstaddr=
00:38:01: PSH ACK 2072458992 SEQ 4051022446 LEN 49
00:38:02:AUTH-PROXY:src ip addr is, dstaddr=
00:38:02: ACK 2072459003 SEQ 4051022495 LEN 0
00:38:02:AUTH-PROXY:src ip addr is, dstaddr=
00:38:02: PSH ACK 2072459003 SEQ 4051022495 LEN 33
00:38:02:AUTH-PROXY:src ip addr is, dstaddr=
00:38:02: ACK 2072459014 SEQ 4051022528 LEN 0
00:38:02:AUTH-PROXY:src ip addr is, dstaddr=
00:38:02: PSH ACK 2072459014 SEQ 4051022528 LEN 26
00:38:03:AUTH-PROXY:proto_flag=5, dstport_index=1
00:38:03: ACK 1820245725 SEQ 246005 LEN 0
00:38:03:dst_addr src_addr dst_port 21 src_port 4347
00:38:03:clientport 4347 state 3

Related Commands



show debug

Displays the debug options set on the router.

debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn

To display information related to proxy authentication behavior for web-based activation, use the debug ip auth-proxy ezvpncommand in privileged EXEC mode. To turn off debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn

no debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging is not turned on.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS 12.2SX family of releases. Support in a specific 12.2SX release is dependent on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines


Using this command may result in considerable output if simultaneous authentications are taking place.


The following is output from the debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn command. The output displays the proxy authentication behavior of a web-based activation.

Router# debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn
*Dec 20 20:25:11.006: AUTH-PROXY: New request received by EzVPN WebIntercept from
*Dec 20 20:25:17.150: AUTH-PROXY:GET request received
*Dec 20 20:25:17.150: AUTH-PROXY:Authentication scheme is 401
*Dec 20 20:25:17.362: AUTH-PROXY:Authorization information not present in GET request
*Dec 20 20:25:17.362: AUTH-PROXY: Allocated on credinfo for connect at 0x81EF1A84
*Dec 20 20:25:17.362: AUTH-PROXY: Posting CONNECT request to EzVPN
Dec 20 20:25:17.362: EZVPN(tunnel22): Received CONNECT from!
*Dec 20 20:25:17.366: EZVPN(tunnel22): Current State: CONNECT_REQUIRED
*Dec 20 20:25:17.366: EZVPN(tunnel22): Event: CONNECT

The output in the display is self-explanatory.

Related Commands



xauth userid mode

Specifies how the Cisco Easy VPN Client handles Xauth requests or prompts from the server.

debug ip bgp

To display information related to processing of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), use the debug ip bgp command inprivileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp [ ip-address | addpath | dampening | events | in | keepalives | out | updates | vpnv4 | mpls ]

no debug ip bgp [ ip-address | addpath | dampening | events | in | keepalives | out | updates | vpnv4 | mpls ]

Cisco 10000 Series Router

debug ip bgp [ ip-address | dampening | events | in | keepalives | out | updates | vpnv4 | mpls | all | groups | import | ipv4 | ipv6 ]

no debug ip bgp [ ip-address | dampening | events | in | keepalives | out | updates | vpnv4 | mpls | all | groups | import | ipv4 | ipv6 ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The BGP neighbor IP address.


(Optional) Displays BGP additional path events.


(Optional) Displays BGP dampening.


(Optional) Displays BGP events.


(Optional) Displays BGP inbound information.


(Optional) Displays BGP keepalives.


(Optional) Displays BGP outbound information.


(Optional) Displays BGP updates.


(Optional) Displays Virtual Private Network version 4 (VPNv4) Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI).


(Optional) Displays Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) information.


(Optional) Displays all address family information.


(Optional) Displays BGP configuration and update groups information.


(Optional) Displays BGP import routes to a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance across address family information.


(Optional) Displays BGP IPv4 address family information.


(Optional) Displays BGP IPv6 address family information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC(#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(21)ST. The mpls keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(22)S.


The mpls keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17b)SXA.


The command output was modified to show explicit-null label information.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was modified. The addpath keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with the updates and mpls keywords to display explicit-null label information. The optional arguments in, out, keepalives, updates, and events provide verbose output to the debug ip bgp command. The sequence in which the optional arguments are provided affects the behavior of the command. The non peer specific commands override the peer-specific commands.


Following is the sample output from the debug ip bgp command used with vpnv4 keyword:

Router# debug ip bgp vpnv4
03:47:14:vpn:bnettable add:100:2:
03:47:14:vpn:bestpath_hook route_tag_change for vpn2:
03:47:14:vpn:bnettable add:100:2:
03:47:14:vpn:bestpath_hook route_tag_change for vpn2:
03:47:14:vpn:bnettable add:100:2:
03:47:14:vpn:bestpath_hook route_tag_chacle ip bgp *nge for vpn2:

The following example shows sample output, including the explicit-null label, from the debug ip bgp updates and the debug ip bgp mpls commands:

Router# debug ip bgp updates 
BGP updates debugging is on
Router# debug ip bgp mpls
BGP MPLS labels debugging is on

01:33:53: BGP(0): route up
01:33:53: BGP(0): nettable_walker route sourced locally
01:33:53: BGP: adding MPLS label to
01:33:53: BGP: check on in LDP - ok
01:33:53: BGP: label imp-null allocated via LDP
01:33:53: BGP-IPv4: send exp-null label for
01:33:53: BGP-IPv4: Send prefix, label exp-null    !explicit-null label being sent
01:33:53: BGP(0): send UPDATE (format), next, metric 0, path , mpls label 0 !label value is 0
01:33:53: BGP(0): updgrp 1 - enqueued 1 updates, average/maximum size (bytes) 61/61

Following example shows a sample output from the debug ip bgp command when various arguments are provided in a particular sequence:

Router# debug ip bgp
Router# debug ip bgp updates
Router# debug ip bgp keepalives
Router# debug ip bgp events
Router# debug ip bgp in
Router# debug ip bgp out

Router# show debug 
IP routing:
  BGP debugging is on (outbound) for address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP events debugging is on
  BGP keepalives debugging is on
  BGP updates debugging is on (outbound) for address family: IPv4 Unicast

The behavior of the command changes when the arguments are provided in a different sequence

Router# debug ip bgp keepalives
Router# debug ip bgp events
Router# debug ip bgp in
Router# debug ip bgp out
Router# debug ip bgp
Router# debug ip bgp updates

Router# show debug
IP routing:
  BGP debugging is on for neighbor for address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP events debugging is on for neighbor
  BGP keepalives debugging is on for neighbor for address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP updates debugging is on for neighbor for address family: IPv4 Unicast

debug ip bgp groups

To display information related to the processing of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) update-groups, use the debug ip bgp update privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp groups [ index-group | ip-address ]

no debug ip bgp groups

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies that update-group debugging information for the corresponding index number will be displayed. The range of update-group index numbers is from 1 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Specifies that update-group debugging information for a single peer will be displayed.

Command Default

No information about BGP update-groups is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

The output of this command displays information about update-group calculations and the addition and removal of update-group members. Information about peer-groups, peer-policy, and peer-session templates will also be displayed in the output of this command as neighbor configurations change.


The output of this command can be very verbose. This command should not be deployed in a production network unless you are troubleshooting a problem.

When a change to outbound policy occurs, the router automatically recalculates update-group memberships and applies the changes by triggering an outbound soft reset after a 1-minute timer expires. This behavior is designed to provide the network operator with time to change the configuration if a mistake is made. You can manually enable an outbound soft reset before the timer expires by entering the clear ip bgp ip-address soft out command.


In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(25)S, 12.3(2)T, and prior releases the update group recalculation delay timer is set to 3 minutes.


The following sample output from the debug ip bgp groups command shows that peering has been established with neighbor and update-group calculations are occurring for this member:

Router# debug ip bgp groups
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Comparing neighbor flags 0x0 cap 0x0 and updgrp 1 fl0
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Created update-group(0) flags 0x0 cap 0x0 from neighbor 10.4.0
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Adding  neighbor flags 0x0 cap 0x0, to update-group 0
5w4d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up 

The following sample output from the debug ip bgp groups command shows the recalculation of update-groups after the clear ip bgp groups command was issued:

Router# debug ip bgp groups
5w4d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Down User reset
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Comparing neighbor flags 0x0 cap 0x0 and updgrp 2 fl0
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Update-group 2 flags 0x0 cap 0x0 policies same as fl0
5w4d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Down User reset
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Comparing neighbor flags 0x0 cap 0x0 and updgrp 2 fl0
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Update-group 2 flags 0x0 cap 0x0 policies same as fl0
5w4d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Down User reset
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Comparing neighbor flags 0x0 cap 0x0 and updgrp 1 f0
5w4d: BGP-DYN(0): Update-group 1 flags 0x0 cap 0x0 policies same as f0
5w4d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up 
5w4d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up 
5w4d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 2 debug ip bgp groups Field Descriptions




A BGP neighbor has come Up or gone Down. The IP address of the neighbor is specified in the output string.


This line is displayed when a neighbor adjacency is established. The BGP dynamic update group algorithm analyzes the policies of the new neighbor and then adds the neighbor to the appropriate BGP update group.

Related Commands



clear ip bgp

Resets a BGP connection or session.

clear ip bgp update-group

Clears BGP update-group member sessions.

show ip bgp replication

Displays BGP update-group replication statistics.

show ip bgp update-group

Displays information about BGP update-groups.

debug ip bgp igp-metric ignore

To display information related to the system ignoring the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) metric during best path selection, use the debug ip bgp igp-metric ignorecommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable such debugging output, use the no form of the command.

debug ip bgp igp-metric ignore

no debug ip bgp igp-metric ignore

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You might use this command if the path you expected to be chosen as the best path at the shadow RR was not chosen as such. That could be because the bgp bestpath igp-metric ignore command makes the best path algorithm choose the same best path as the primary RR if they are not co-located.


The following example turns on debugging of events related to the system ignoring the IGP metric during bestpath selection:

Router# debug ip bgp igp-metric ignore

Related Commands



bgp bestpath igp-metric ignore

Specifies that the system ignore the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) metric during best path selection.

debug ip bgp import

To display debugging information related to importing IPv4 prefixes from the BGP global routing table into a VRF table or exporting from a VRF table into the BGP global table, use the debug ip bgp import command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of such debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp import { events | updates [ access-list | expanded-access-list ] }

no debug ip bgp import { events | updates [ access-list | expanded-access-list ] }

Syntax Description


Displays messages related to IPv4 prefix import events.


Displays messages related to IPv4 prefix import updates.


(Optional) Number of the access list used to filter debugging messages. The range is from 1 to 199.


(Optional) Number of the expanded access list used to filter debugging messages. The range is from 1300 to 2699.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was modified. The output now includes information for the BGP Support for IP Prefix Export from a VRF to the Global Table feature.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was modified. The output now includes information for the BGP Support for IP Prefix Export from a VRF to the Global Table feature.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display debugging information related to the BGP Support for IP Prefix Import from Global Table into a VRF Table feature or the BGP Support for IP Prefix Export from a VRF Table into Global Table feature. The former feature provides the capability to import IPv4 unicast prefixes from the global routing table into a Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing/forwarding (VRF) instance table using an import route map. The latter feature provides the capability to export IPv4 or IPv6 prefixes from a VRF table into the global table using an export route map.


The following example configures IPv4 prefix import debugging messages for both import events and import updates to be displayed on the console of the router:

Router# debug ip bgp import events
BGP import events debugging is on
Router# debug ip bgp import updates
BGP import updates debugging is on for access list 3
00:00:50: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up 
00:01:06: BGP: reevaluate IPv4 Unicast routes in VRF academic
00:01:06: BGP: 0 routes available (limit: 1000)
00:01:06: BGP: import IPv4 Unicast routes to VRF academic
00:01:06: BGP(2)-VRF(academic): import pfx 100:1: via
00:01:06: BGP: accepted 8 routes (limit: 1000)
00:01:06: BGP: reevaluate IPv4 Multicast routes in VRF multicast
00:01:06: BGP: 0 routes available (limit: 2)
00:01:06: BGP: import IPv4 Multicast routes to VRF multicast
00:01:06: %BGP-4-AFIMPORT: IPv4 Multicast prefixes imported to multicast vrf reached the 
limit 2
00:01:06: BGP: accepted 2 routes (limit: 2)
00:01:06: BGP: reevaluate IPv4 Unicast routes in VRF BLUE 
00:01:06: BGP: 0 routes available (limit: 1000)
00:01:06: BGP: import IPv4 Unicast routes to VRF BLUE 
00:01:06: BGP: accepted 3 routes (limit: 1000)

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 3 debug ip bgp import Field Descriptions



BGP: accepted 2 routes (limit: 2)

Number of routes imported into the VRF, and the default or user-defined prefix import limit.

BGP: reevaluate IPv4 Unicast routes in VRF BLUE

Prefix was imported during BGP convergence and is being reevaluated for the next scan cycle.

BGP: 0 routes available (limit: 1000)

Number of routes available from the import source, and the default or user-defined prefix import limit.

BGP: import IPv4 Unicast routes to VRF BLUE

Import map and prefix type (unicast or multicast) that is being imported into the specified VRF.

The following is a sample debug message for the IP prefix export from a VRF table to global table:

Device# debug ip bgp import events
*Jul 12 10:06:48.357: BGP GBL-IMP: vpn1:VPNv4 Unicast:base 1:1:
-> global:IPv4 Unicast:base Creating importing net. (metric 11) from (
   Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
   Extended Community: RT:1:1
   mpls labels in/out nolabel/16

Related Commands



clear ip bgp

Resets a BGP connection.

export map (VRF table to global table)

Exports IP prefixes from a VRF table to the global routing table based on a route map.

import map

Imports IP prefixes from the global routing table to a VRF table based on a route map.

debug ip bgp range

To display debugging information related to Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) dynamic subnet range neighbors, use the debug ip bgp range command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp range [detail]

no debug ip bgp range

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies that detailed debugging information about BGP dynamic subnet range neighbors will be displayed.

Command Default

No debugging information about BGP dynamic subnet range neighbors is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)S.

Usage Guidelines

The output of this command displays information about the identification and creation of BGP dynamic subnet range neighbors. BGP dynamic neighbors are configured using a range of IP addresses and BGP peer groups. After a subnet range is configured for a BGP peer group, and a TCP session is initiated for an IP address in the subnet range, a new BGP neighbor is dynamically created as a member of that group. The new BGP neighbor will inherit any configuration or templates for the group.


The following output shows that the debug ip bgp range command has been entered and a BGP neighbor at has been dynamically created using the subnet range This new neighbor is a member of the peer group named group192.

Router# debug ip bgp range
bgprange_debug = 1, sense = 1
BGP dynamic Range debugging is on
*Mar 26 20:05:13.251: BGP:DN: Created a new neighbor *
in range, peer-group group192,count = 1

The following sample output from the debug ip bgp range detail command shows more detailed debugging of the addition of dynamic BGP neighbors:

Router# debug ip bgp range detail
bgprange_debug = 1, sense = 1
BGP dynamic Range debugging is on with detail (Dynamic Range neighbors details only)
*Mar 26 20:09:12.311: BGP:DN: ACCEPT an OPEN from valid range
0x32123D8:,tcb 0x32114C0 
*Mar 26 20:09:12.331: BGP: passive open to
*Mar 26 20:09:12.331: BGP:DN: ACCEPTED an OPEN from valid range
0x32123D8:,tcb 0x3494040 
*Mar 26 20:09:12.331: BGP:DN: Created a new neighbor *
in range, peer-group group192,count = 2

The table below describes the significant field shown in the display.

Table 4 debug ip bgp range Field Descriptions




A potential dynamic BGP neighbor has been identified as opening a TCP session with an IP address in a subnet associated with a BGP peer group. BGP accepts the session and creates a new neighbor. The new neighbor becomes a member of the peer group associated with its subnet range.

Related Commands



bgp listen

Configures BGP dynamic neighbor parameters.

clear ip bgp peer-group

Clears BGP peer group member sessions.

show ip bgp peer-group

Displays information about BGP peer groups.

debug ip bgp sso

To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)-related stateful switchover (SSO) events or debugging information for BGP-related interactions between the active Route Processor (RP) and the standby RP, use the debug ip bgp ssocommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp sso { events | transactions } [detail]

no debug ip bgp sso { events | transactions } [detail]

Syntax Description


Displays BGP-related SSO failures.


Displays debugging information for failed BGP-related interactions between the active RP and the standby RP.


(Optional) Displays detailed debugging information about successful BGP-related SSO operations and successful BGP-related interactions between the active and the standby RP.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug ip bgp ssocommand is used to display BGP-related SSO events or debugging information for BGP-related interactions between the active RP and the standby RP. This command is useful for monitoring or troubleshooting BGP sessions on a provider edge (PE) router during an RP switchover or during a planned In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU).


The following is sample output from the debug ip bgp sso command with the events keyword. The following output indicates that the BGP session is no longer SSO capable.

*Mar 28 02:29:43.526: BGPSSO: reset SSO and decrement count


Use the show ip bgp vpnv4 all neighborscommand to display the reason that the SSO-capable BGP session has been disabled.

The following is sample output from the debug ip bgp sso command with the transactions keyword. The following output shows an SSO notification indicating that the SSO capability is pending for 602 BGP neighbors. This notification is generated as the state between the active and standby RP is being synchronized during the bulk synchonization phase of SSO initialization. During this phase, the Transmission Control Blocks (TCBs) must be synchronized with the TCBs on the standby RP before SSO initialization is complete.

*Mar 28 02:32:12.102: BGPSSO: tcp sso notify pending for 602 nbrs

debug ip bgp updates

To display information about the processing of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) updates, use the debug ip bgp updates command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of BGP update information, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp updates [ access-list | expanded-access-list ] [ in | out ] [events] [refresh]

no debug ip bgp updates [ access-list | expanded-access-list ] [ in | out ] [events] [refresh]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of access list used to filter debugging messages. The range that can be specified is from 1 to 199.


(Optional) Number of expanded access lists used to filter debugging messages. The range that can be specified is from 1300 to 2699.


(Optional) Specifies debugging messages for inbound BGP update information.


(Optional) Specifies debugging messages for outbound BGP update information.


(Optional) Specifies debugging messages for BGP update events.


(Optional) Specifies debugging messages for BGP update refresh.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was modified. The refresh keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip bgp updates command. The output shows that the BGP session was cleared between neighbor and the local router There are no field description tables for this command because the debugging output from this command depends on the subsequent commands that are entered.

Router# debug ip bgp updates
5w2d: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
5w2d: BGP: went from Idle to Active
5w2d: BGP: open active, delay 7032ms
5w2d: BGP: open active, local address
5w2d: BGP: went from Active to OpenSent
5w2d: BGP: sending OPEN, version 4, my as: 101
5w2d: BGP: send message type 1, length (incl. header) 45
5w2d: BGP: rcv message type 1, length (excl. header) 26
5w2d: BGP: rcv OPEN, version 4
5w2d: BGP: rcv OPEN w/ OPTION parameter len: 16
5w2d: BGP: rcvd OPEN w/ optional parameter type 2 (Capability) len 6
5w2d: BGP: OPEN has CAPABILITY code: 1, length 4
5w2d: BGP: OPEN has MP_EXT CAP for afi/safi: 1/1
5w2d: BGP: rcvd OPEN w/ optional parameter type 2 (Capability) len 2
5w2d: BGP: OPEN has CAPABILITY code: 128, length 0
5w2d: BGP: OPEN has ROUTE-REFRESH capability(old) for all address-fams
5w2d: BGP: rcvd OPEN w/ optional parameter type 2 (Capability) len 2
5w2d: BGP: OPEN has CAPABILITY code: 2, length 0
5w2d: BGP: OPEN has ROUTE-REFRESH capability for all address-families
5w2d: BGP: went from OpenSent to OpenConfirm
5w2d: BGP: went from OpenConfirm to Established
5w2d: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up 
5w2d: BGP(0): computing updates, afi 0, neighbor version 0, table ver0
5w2d: BGP(0): update run completed, afi 0, ran for 0ms, neighbor vers1
5w2d: BGP(0): initial update completed 

The following is sample output from the debug ip bgp updates outcommand. The output shows that the local router is sending updates with the cost community:

Router# debug ip bgp updates out
*Mar 15 01:41:23.515:BGP(0): computing updates, afi 0, neighbor version 0, table
version 64, starting at
*Mar 15 01:41:23.515:BGP(0): send UPDATE (format), next, metric
0, path , extended community Cost:igp:1:100
*Mar 15 01:41:23.515:BGP(0): send UPDATE (format), next,
metric 0, path 10, extended community Cost:igp:8:22
*Mar 15 01:41:23.515:BGP(0): send UPDATE (format), next,
metric 0, path

The following is sample output from the debug ip bgp updates incommand. The output shows that the local router is receiving updates with the cost community:

Router# debug ip bgp updates in
*Jan  6 01:27:09.111:BGP(2): rcvd UPDATE w/ attr:nexthop, origin ?,
localpref 100, metric 0, path 10, extended community RT:100:1 Cost:igp:10:10

debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint

To display the events for the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) checkpointing system between the active and standby Route Processors, use the debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of these events, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint

no debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


The following example shows command output on the active Route Processor:

Router# debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint
3d18h: %HA-5-SYNC_NOTICE: Config sync started.
3d18h: vrf-nsf: vrf vpn2 tableid 1 send OK
3d18h: vrf-nsf: vrf tableid bulk sync complete msg send OK
3d18h: vrf-nsf: CF send ok
3d18h: vrf-nsf: CF send ok
3d18h: %HA-5-SYNC_NOTICE: Config sync completed.
3d18h: %HA-5-SYNC_NOTICE: Standby has restarted.
3d18h: %HA-5-MODE: Operating mode is sso, configured mode is sso.

Related Commands



debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf

Displays the nonstop forwarding events for the VRF table-id synchronization subsystem between the active and standby route processors.

debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf

To display the nonstop forwarding events for the VRF table-id synchronization subsystem between the active and standby Route Processors, use the debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of these events, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf

no debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


The following example shows the command output on the active Route Processor:

Router# debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf
MPLS VPN NSF Processing debugging is on
Router(config)# ip vrf vpn3
3d18h: vrf-nsf: vrf vpn3 tableid 2 send rpc OK
Router(config-vrf)# no ip vrf vpn3
% IP addresses from all interfaces in VRF vpn3 have been removed
3d18h: vrf-nsf:  rx vrf tableid delete complete msg, tid = 2, name = vpn3

The following example shows the command output on the standby Route Processor:

Router# debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf
MPLS VPN NSF Processing debugging is on
00:05:21: vrf-nsf: rx vrf tableid rpc msg, tid = 2, name = vpn3
% IP addresses from all interfaces in VRF vpn3 have been removed
00:06:22: vrf-nsf: vrf vpn3 tableid 2 , delete complete, send OK

Related Commands



debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint

Display the events for the VRF checkpointing system between the active and standby Route Processors.

debug ip bgp vpnv4 unicast

To display debugging messages for Virtual Private Network version 4 (VPNv4) unicast routes, use the debug ip bgp vpnv4 unicast command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp vpnv4 unicast { checkpoint | csc | import | keepalives | labelmode | updates }

no debug ip bgp vpnv4 unicast { checkpoint | csc | import | keepalives | labelmode | updates }

Syntax Description


Displays virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) nonstop forwarding (NSF) checkpoint messages and events.


Displays VRF processing messages for a Carrier Supporting Carrier (CSC) VPN.


Displays VRF import processing messages.


Displays Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) keepalives.


Displays VRF label mode processing.


Displays BGP updates processing for Unicast VPNv4 address family.

Command Default

Debugging of VPNv4 unicast routes is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

XE Release 2.2

The labelmode keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRD.


The following example enables debugging of MPLS VPN label mode processing:

Router# debug ip bgp vpnv4 unicast labelmode
MPLS VPN Label mode processing debugging is on
Router# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# mpls label mode all-vrfs protocol bgp-vpnv4 per-vrf
% This command is an unreleased and unsupported feature
*Oct 18 11:35:01.159: vpn: changing the label mode (Enable: per-vrf) for all-vrfs
*Oct 18 11:35:01.459: vpn: label mode change, bnet walk complete.
*Oct 18 11:35:01.459: BGP: VPNv4 Unicast label mode changed
*Oct 18 11:35:21.995: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router# show debug
Tag VPN:
  MPLS VPN Label mode processing debugging is on

Related Commands



show ip vrf detail

Displays assigned label mode for the VRF.

debug ip bgp vpnv6 unicast

To display debugging messages for Virtual Private Network version 6 (VPNv6) unicast routes, use the debug ip bgp vpnv6 unicast command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip bgp vpnv6 unicast { csc | import | keepalives | labelmode | topology | updates }

no debug ip bgp vpnv6 unicast { csc | import | keepalives | labelmode | topology | updates }

Syntax Description


Displays VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) processing messages for a Carrier Supporting Carrier (CSC) VPN.


Displays VRF import processing messages.


Displays Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) keepalives.


Displays VRF label mode processing.


Displays the routing topology instance.


Displays BGP updates processing for the unicast VPNv6 address family.

Command Default

Debugging of VPNv6 unicast routes is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example enables debugging of MPLS VPN label mode processing:

Router# debug ip bgp vpnv6 unicast labelmode 
MPLS VPN Label mode processing debugging is on
Router# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# mpls label mode vrf vpn1 protocol bgp-vpnv6 per-vrf
% Command accepted but obsolete, unreleased or unsupported; see documentation.
6d03h: vpn: changing the label mode (Enable: per-vrf) for vrf vpn1, address family ipv6
6d03h: vpn: setting pervrfaggr label 18 for vrf vpn1:2001:DB8:1:2::/96
6d03h: vpn: setting pervrfaggr label 18 for vrf vpn1:2001:DB8:2::1/128
6d03h: vpn: pervrfaggr, withdraw and free local label 19 for vpn1:2001:DB8:CE1::1/128
6d03h: vpn: setting pervrfaggr label 18 for vrf vpn1:2001:DB8:CE1::1/128
6d03h: vpn: label mode change, bnet walk complete.
6d03h: BGP: VPNv6 Unicast label mode changed
Router(config)# end

Related Commands



show vrf detail

Displays assigned label mode for the VRF.

debug ip casa affinities

To display debugging messages for affinities, use the debug ip casa affinitiescommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip casa affinities

no debug ip casa affinities

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging for affinities is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip casa affinitiescommand:

Router# debug ip casa affinities
16:15:36:Adding fixed affinity:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:Updating fixed affinity:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    flags = 0x2, appl addr =, interest = 0x5/0x100
16:15:36:    int ip:port =, sequence delta = 0/0/0/0
16:15:36:Adding fixed affinity:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:Updating fixed affinity:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    flags = 0x2, appl addr =, interest = 0x3/0x104
16:15:36:    int ip:port =, sequence delta = 0/0/0/0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 5 debug ip casa affinities Field Descriptions



Adding fixed affinity

Adding a fixed affinity to affinity table.

Updating fixed affinity

Modifying a fixed affinity table with information from the services manager.


Bit field indicating actions to be taken on this affinity.

fwd addr

Address to which packets will be directed.


Services manager that is interested in packets for this affinity.

int ip:port

Services manager port to which interest packets are sent.

sequence delta

Used to adjust TCP sequence numbers for this affinity.

debug ip casa packets

To display debugging messages for packets, use the debug ip casa packetscommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip casa packets

no debug ip casa packets

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging for packets is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip casa packetscommand:

Router# debug ip casa packets
16:15:36:Routing CASA packet - TO_MGR:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    Interest Addr:   Port:1638
16:15:36:Routing CASA packet - FWD_PKT:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    Fwd Addr:
16:15:36:Routing CASA packet - TO_MGR:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    Interest Addr:   Port:1638
16:15:36:Routing CASA packet - FWD_PKT:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    Fwd Addr:
16:15:36:Routing CASA packet - TICKLE:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    Interest Addr:   Port:1638  Interest Mask:SYN 
16:15:36:    Fwd Addr:
16:15:36:Routing CASA packet - FWD_PKT:
16:15:36: -> proto = 6
16:15:36:    Fwd Addr:

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 6 debug ip casa packets Field Descriptions



Routing CASA packet - TO_MGR

Forwarding Agent is routing a packet to the services manager.

Routing CASA packet - FWD_PKT

Forwarding Agent is routing a packet to the forwarding address.

Routing CASA packet - TICKLE

Forwarding Agent is signaling services manager while allowing the packet in question to take the appropriate action.

Interest Addr

Services manager address.

Interest Port

Port on the services manager where packet is sent.

Fwd Addr

Address to which packets matching the affinity are sent.

Interest Mask

Services manager that is interested in packets for this affinity.

debug ip casa wildcards

To display debugging messages for wildcards, use the debug ip casa wildcardscommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip casa wildcards

no debug ip casa wildcards

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging for wildcards is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip casa wildcardscommand:

Router# debug ip casa wildcards
16:13:23:Updating wildcard affinity:
16:13:23: -> proto = 6
16:13:23:    src mask =, dest mask =
16:13:23:    no frag, not advertising
16:13:23:    flags = 0x0, appl addr =, interest = 0x8107/0x8104
16:13:23:    int ip:port =, sequence delta = 0/0/0/0
16:13:23:Updating wildcard affinity:
16:13:23: -> proto = 6
16:13:23:    src mask =, dest mask =
16:13:23:    no frag, advertising
16:13:23:    flags = 0x0, appl addr =, interest = 0x8107/0x8102
16:13:23    int ip:port =, sequence delta = 0/0/0/0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 7 debug ip casa wildcards Field Descriptions



src mask

Source of connection.

dest mask

Destination of connection.

no frag, not advertising

Not accepting IP fragments.


Bit field indicating actions to be taken on this affinity.

fwd addr

Address to which packets matching the affinity will be directed.


Services manager that is interested in packets for this affinity.

int ip: port

Services manager port to which interest packets are sent.

sequence delta

Used to adjust sequence numbers for this affinity.

debug ip cef

To troubleshoot various Cisco Express Forwarding events, use the debug ip cef command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip cef { drops [ rpf [access-list] ] [access-list] | receive [access-list] | events [access-list] | interface | dialer }

no debug ip cef { drops [ rpf [access-list] ] [access-list] | receive [access-list] | events [access-list] | interface | dialer }

Specific to Interprocess Communication (IPC) Records

debug ip cef { ipc | interface-ipc | prefix-ipc [access-list] }

no debug ip cef { ipc | interface-ipc | prefix-ipc [access-list] }

Cisco 10000 Series Routers Only

debug ip cef { drops [ rpf [access-list] ] [access-list] | receive [access-list] | events [access-list] }

no debug ip cef { drops [ rpf [access-list] ] [access-list] | receive [access-list] | events [access-list] }

Cisco 10000 Series Routers Only--Specific to IPC Records

debug ip cef ipc

no debug ip cef ipc

Syntax Description


Records dropped packets.


(Optional) Records the result of the Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) check for packets.


(Optional) Limits debugging collection to packets that match the list.


Records packets that are ultimately destined to the router and packets destined to a tunnel endpoint on the router. If the decapsulated tunnel is IP, the packets are Cisco Express Forwarding switched; otherwise the packets are process switched.


Records general Cisco Express Forwarding events.


Records IP Cisco Express Forwarding interface events.


Records IP Cisco Express Forwarding interface events for dialer interfaces.


Records information related to IPC in Cisco Express Forwarding. Possible types of events are the following:

  • IPC messages received out of sequence

  • Status of resequenced messages

  • Status of buffer space for IPC messages

  • Transmission status of IPC messages

  • Throttle requests sent from a line card to the Route Processor


Records IPC updates related to interfaces. Possible reporting includes an interface coming up or going down and updates to fibhwidb and fibidb.


Records updates related to IP prefix information. Possible updates include the following:

  • Debugging of IP routing updates in a line card

  • Reloading of a line card with a new table

  • Updates related to exceeding the maximum number of routes

  • Control messages related to Forwarding Information Base (FIB) table prefixes

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


Support for multiple platforms was added.


The rpf keyword was added.


The dialer keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command gathers additional information for the handling of Cisco Express Forwarding interface, IPC, or packet events.


For packet events, we recommend that you use an access control list (ACL) to limit the messages recorded.


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef rpfcommandfor a packet that is dropped when it fails the RPF check. IP address is the source address, and Ethernet 2/0/0 is the input interface.

Router# debug ip cef drops rpf
IP CEF drops for RPF debugging is on
00:42:02:CEF-Drop:Packet from via Ethernet2/0/0 -- unicast rpf check

The following is sample output for Cisco Express Forwarding packets that are not switched using information from the FIB table but are received and sent to the next switching layer:

Router# debug ip cef receive
IP CEF received packets debugging is on
00:47:52:CEF-receive:Receive packet for

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 8 debug ip cef receive Field Descriptions



CEF-Drop:Packet from via Ethernet2/0/0 -- unicast rpf check

A packet from IP address is dropped because it failed the RPF check.

CEF-receive:Receive packet for

Cisco Express Forwarding has received a packet addressed to the router.

The following is sample output from the debug ip cef dialercommandfor a legacy dialer:

Router# debug ip cef dialer
00:19:50:CEF-Dialer (legacy):add link to via Dialer1 through BRI0/0:1
00:19:50:CEF-Dialer:adjacency added:0x81164850
00:19:50:CEF-Dialer:adjacency found:0x81164850; fib->count:1
00:19:50:CEF-Dialer:setup loadinfo with 1 paths

The following is sample output from the debug ip cef dialer command for a dialer profile:

Router# debug ip cef dialer
00:31:44:CEF-Dialer (profile dynamic encap (not MLP)):add link to via Dialer1 through Dialer1
00:31:44:CEF-Dialer:adjacency added:0x81164850
00:31:44:CEF-Dialer:adjacency found:0x81164850; fib->count:1

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 9 debug ip cef dialer Field Descriptions



CEF-Dialer (legacy):add link to via Dialer1 through BRI0/0:1

A link was added to IP address for legacy Dialer1 through physical interface BRI0/0:1.

CEF-Dialer (profile dynamic encap (not MLP)):add link to via Dialer1 through Dialer1

A link was added to IP address for dialer profile Dialer1 through Dialer1.

Related Commands



ip cef

Enables Cisco Express Forwarding on the RPC card.

show ip cef

Displays entries in the FIB or displays a summary of the FIB.

debug ip cef accounting non-recursive

To troubleshoot Cisco Express Forwarding accounting records, use the debug ip cef accounting non-recursivecommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip cef accounting non-recursive

no debug ip cef accounting non-recursive

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command records accounting events for nonrecursive prefixes when the ip cef accounting non-recursive command is enabled in global configuration mode.


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef accounting non-recursive command:

Router# debug ip cef accounting non-recursive
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:Beginning generation of tmstats 
ephemeral file (mode binary)
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF2000
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1EA0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF17C0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1D40
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1A80
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF0740
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF08A0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF0B60
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF0CC0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF0F80
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF10E0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1240
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF13A0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1500
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1920
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF0E20
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1660
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF05E0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF0A00
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF1BE0
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF0480
03:50:19:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:aggregation complete, duration 0 seconds
03:50:21:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:24:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:24:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:27:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:29:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:32:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:35:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:38:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:41:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:45:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:48:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:49:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:52:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:55:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes
03:50:57:CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:tmstats file written, status 0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 10 debug ip cef accounting non-recursive Field Descriptions



Beginning generation of tmstats ephemeral file (mode binary)

Tmstats file is being created.

CEF-Acct:snapshoting loadinfo 0x63FF2000

Baseline counters are being written to the tmstats file for each nonrecursive prefix.

CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:aggregation complete, duration 0 seconds

Tmstats file creation is complete.

CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:writing 45 bytes

Nonrecursive accounting statistics are being updated to the tmstats file.

CEF-Acct:tmstats_binary:tmstats file written, status 0

Update of the tmstats file is complete.

Related Commands



debug ip cef

Troubleshoots various Cisco Express Forwarding events.

ip cef accounting

Enables Cisco Express Forwarding network accounting.

show ip cef

Displays entries or a summary of the FIB table.

debug ip cef fragmentation

To report fragmented IP packets when Cisco Express Forwarding is enabled, use the debug ip cef fragmentationcommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command:

debug ip cef fragmentation

no debug ip cef fragmentation

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to troubleshoot fragmentation problems when Cisco Express Forwarding switching is enabled.


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef fragmentationcommand:

Router# debug ip cef fragmentation
00:59:45:CEF-FRAG:no_fixup path:network_start 0x5397CF8E datagramstart 0x5397CF80 data_start 0x397CF80 data_block 0x397CF40 mtu 1000 datagramsize 1414 data_bytes 1414
00:59:45:CEF-FRAG:send frag:datagramstart 0x397CF80 datagramsize 442 data_bytes 442
00:59:45:CEF-FRAG:send frag:datagramstart 0x38BC266 datagramsize 1006 data_bytes 1006
00:59:45:CEF-FRAG:no_fixup path:network_start 0x5397C60E datagramstart 0x5397C600 data_start 0x397C600 data_block 0x397C5C0 mtu 1000 datagramsize 1414 data_bytes 1414
00:59:45:CEF-FRAG:send frag:datagramstart 0x397C600 datagramsize 442 data_bytes 442
00:59:45:CEF-FRAG:send frag:datagramstart 0x38BC266 datagramsize 1006 data_bytes 1006

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 11 debug ip cef fragmentation Field Descriptions



no_fixup path

A packet is being fragmented in the no_fixup path.

network_start 0x5397CF8E

Memory address of the IP packet.

datagramstart 0x5397CF80

Memory address of the encapsulated IP packet.

data_start 0x397CF80

For particle systems, the memory address where data starts for the first packet particle.

data_block 0x397C5C0

For particle systems, the memory address of the first packet particle data block.

mtu 1000

Maximum transmission unit of the output interface.

datagramsize 1414

Size of the encapsulated IP packet.

data_bytes 1414

For particle systems, the sum of the particle data bytes that make up the packet.

send frag

Fragment is being forwarded.

Related Commands



debug ip cef

Troubleshoots various Cisco Express Forwarding events.

debug ip cef hash

To record Cisco Express Forwarding load sharing hash algorithm events, use the debug ip cef hashcommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip cef hash

no debug ip cef hash

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB. This command is not supported on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.This command is not supported on the Cisco 7600 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when changing the load sharing algorithm to display the hash table details.


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef hashcommand with IP Cisco Express Forwarding load algorithm tunnel information:

Router# debug ip cef hash
01:15:06:%CEF:ip cef load-sharing algorithm tunnel 0
01:15:06:%CEF:Load balancing algorithm:tunnel
01:15:06:%CEF:Load balancing unique id:1F2BA5F6
01:15:06:%CEF:Destroyed load sharing hash table
01:15:06:%CEF:Sending hash algorithm id 2, unique id 1F2BA5F6 to slot 255

The following lines show IP Cisco Express Forwarding load algorithm universal information:

01:15:28:%CEF:ip cef load-sharing algorithm universal 0
01:15:28:%CEF:Load balancing algorithm:universal
01:15:28:%CEF:Load balancing unique id:062063A4
01:15:28:%CEF:Creating load sharing hash table
01:15:28:%CEF:Hash table columns for valid max_index:
01:15:28:12: 9  7  7 4  4 10  0  7 10  4  5  0  4  7  8  4
01:15:28:15: 3 10 10  4 10  4  0  7  1  7 14  6 13 13 11 13
01:15:28:16: 1  3  7 12  4 14  8  7 10  4  1 12  8 15  4  8
01:15:28:%CEF:Sending hash algorithm id 3, unique id 062063A4 to slot 255

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 12 debug ip cef hash Field Descriptions



ip cef load-sharing algorithm tunnel 0

Echo of the user command.

Load balancing algorithm:tunnel

Load sharing algorithm is set to tunnel.

Load balancing unique id:1F2BA5F6

ID field in the command is usually 0. In this instance, the router chose a pseudo random ID of 1F2BA5F6.

Destroyed load sharing hash table

Purge the existing hash table.

Sending hash algorithm id 2, unique id 1F2BA5F6 to slot 255

Algorithm is being distributed.

Creating load sharing hash table

Hash table is being created.

Hash table columns for valid max_index:

Generated hash table.

Related Commands



debug ip cef

Troubleshoots various Cisco Express Forwarding events.

debug ip cef rrhash

Records Cisco Express Forwarding removal of receive hash events.

debug ip cef rrhash

To record Cisco Express Forwarding removal of receive hash events, use the debug ip cef rrhashcommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip cef rrhash

no debug ip cef rrhash

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB. This command is not supported on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. This command is not supported on the Cisco 7600 routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to verify the removal of receive hash events when you are shutting down or deleting an interface.


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef rrhashcommand:

Router# debug ip cef rrhash
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]
00:27:15:CEF:rrhash/check:found on down idb [ok to delete]

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 13 debug ip cef rrhash Field Descriptions




Verify address is on the receive list.

found on down idb [ok to delete]

Found a valid address on the receive list for a shutdown interface that can be deleted.

Related Commands



debug ip cef

Troubleshoots various Cisco Express Forwarding events.

debug ip cef hash

Records Cisco Express Forwarding removal of receive hash events.

debug ip cef subblock

To troubleshoot Cisco Express Forwarding subblock events, use the debug ip cef subblockcommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip cef subblock [ id { all | hw hw-id | sw sw-id } ] [ xdr { all | control | event | none | statistic } ]

no debug ip cef subblock [ id { all | hw hw-id | sw sw-id } ] [ xdr { all | control | event | none | statistic } ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Subblock types.


(Optional) All subblock types.

hw hw-id

(Optional) Hardware subblock and identifier.

sw sw-id

(Optional) Software subblock and identifier.


(Optional) Exernal Data Representation (XDR) message types.


(Optional) All XDR message types.


(Optional) Event XDR messages only.


(Optional) No XDR messages.


(Optional) Statistic XDR messages.

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to record Cisco Express Forwarding subblock messages and events.


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef subblockcommand:

Router# debug ip cef subblock
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Creating unicast RPF subblock for FastEthernet6/0
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Linked unicast RPF subblock to FastEthernet6/0.
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Encoded unit of unicast RPF data (length 16) for FastEthernet6/0
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Sent 1 data unit to slot 6 in 1 XDR message


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef subblockcommand:

Router# debug ip cef subblock
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Creating unicast RPF subblock for FastEthernet6/0/0
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Linked unicast RPF subblock to FastEthernet6/0/0.
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Encoded unit of unicast RPF data (length 16) for FastEthernet6/0/0
00:28:12:CEF-SB:Sent 1 data unit to slot 6 in 1 XDR message

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 14 debug ip cef subblock Field Descriptions



Creating unicast RPF subblock for FastEthernet6/0/0

Creating an Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (Unicast RPF) interface descriptor subblock.

Linked unicast RPF subblock to FastEthernet6/0/0

Linked the subblock to the specified interface.

Encoded unit of unicast RPF data (length 16) for FastEthernet6/0/0

Encoded the subblock information in an XDR.

Sent 1 data unit to slot 6 in 1 XDR message

Sent the XDR message to a line card through the IPC.

Related Commands



debug ip cef

Troubleshoots various Cisco Express Forwarding events.

debug ip cef table

To enable the collection of events that affect entries in the Cisco Express Forwarding tables, use the debug ip cef tablecommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip cef table [ access-list | consistency-checkers ]

no debug ip cef table [ access-list | consistency-checkers ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Controls collection of consistency checker parameters from specified lists.


(Optional) Sets consistency checking characteristics.

Command Default

This command is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


Support was added for multiple platforms.


The consistency-checkers keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to record Cisco Express Forwarding table events related to the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) table. Possible types of events include the following:

  • Routing updates that populate the FIB table

  • Flushing of the FIB table

  • Adding or removing of entries to the FIB table

  • Table reloading process


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef table command:

Router# debug ip cef table
01:25:46:CEF-Table:Event up, (rdbs:1, flags:1000000)
01:25:46:CEF-IP:Checking dependencies of
01:25:47:CEF-Table:attempting to resolve
01:25:47:CEF-IP:resolved via to Ethernet2/0/0
01:26:02:CEF-Table:Event up, default, (rdbs:1, flags:400001)
01:26:02:CEF-IP:Prefix exists - no-op change


The following is sample output from the debug ip cef table command:

Router# debug ip cef table
01:25:46:CEF-Table:Event up, (rdbs:1, flags:1000000)
01:25:46:CEF-IP:Checking dependencies of
01:25:47:CEF-Table:attempting to resolve
01:25:47:CEF-IP:resolved via to  GigabitEthernet2/0/0
01:26:02:CEF-Table:Event up, default, (rdbs:1, flags:400001)
01:26:02:CEF-IP:Prefix exists - no-op change

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 15 debug ip cef table Field Descriptions




Indicates a table event.

Event up,

IP prefix is being added.


Event is from routing descriptor block 1.


Indicates the network descriptor block flags.


Indicates a Cisco Express Forwarding IP event.

Checking dependencies of

Resolves the next hop dependencies for

attempting to resolve

Resolves the next hop dependencies.

resolved via to Ethernet2/0/0

Next hop to IP prefix is set and is added to the table.

Event up, default, Prefix exists - no-op change

Indicates no table change is necessary for

Related Commands



cef table consistency-check

Enables Cisco Express Forwarding consistency checker table values by type and parameter.

clear cef table

Clears the Cisco Express Forwarding tables.

clear ip cef inconsistency

Clears Cisco Express Forwarding inconsistency statistics and records found by the Cisco Express Forwarding consistency checkers.

debug cef

Enables the display of information about Cisco Express Forwarding events.

debug ip cef

Troubleshoots various Cisco Express Forwarding events.

show cef table consistency-check

Displays Cisco Express Forwarding consistency checker table values.

show ip cef inconsistency

Displays Cisco Express Forwarding IP prefix inconsistencies.

debug ip ddns update

To enable debugging for Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) updates, use the debug ip ddns updatecommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip ddns update

no debug ip ddns update

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Use the debug ip ddns update command to verify that your configurations are working properly. The following sample configurations are shown for demonstration of possible debug output that could display for each configuration.


The following scenario has a client configured for IETF DDNS updating of address (A) Resource Records (RRs) during which a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server is expected to update the pointer (PTR) RR. The DHCP client discovers the domain name system (DNS) server to update using an Start of Authority (SOA) RR lookup since the IP address to the server to update is not specified. The DHCP client is configured to include an fully qualified domain name (FQDN) DHCP option and notifies the DHCP server that it will be updating the A RRs.

!DHCP Client Configuration
ip ddns update method testing
interface Ethernet1
 ip dhcp client update dns
 ip ddns update testing
 ip address dhcp
!DHCP Server Configuration
ip dhcp pool test
 update dns
!Debug Output Enabled
Router# debug ip ddns update
00:14:39: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Ethernet1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname canada_reserved
00:14:39: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for canada_reserved.hacks <=>
00:14:39: DYNDNSUPD: Sleeping for 3 seconds waiting for interface Ethernet1 configuration to settle
00:14:42: DHCPC: Server performed PTR update
00:14:42: DDNS: Enqueuing new DDNS update 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=>
00:14:42: DDNS: Zone name for 'canada_reserved.hacks' is 'hacks'
00:14:42: DDNS: Dynamic Update 1: (sending to server
00:14:42: DDNS:   Zone = hacks
00:14:42: DDNS:   Prerequisite: canada_reserved.hacks not in use
00:14:42: DDNS:   Update: add canada_reserved.hacks IN A
00:14:42: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 1 (A) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 0 (NOERROR)
00:14:42: DDNS: Update of 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=> finished
00:14:42: DYNDNSUPD: Another update completed (total outstanding=0)


The following scenario has the client configured for IETF DDNS updating of both A and DNS RRs and requesting that the DHCP server update neither. The DHCP client discovers the DNS server to update using an SOA RR lookup since the IP address to the server to update is not specified. The DHCP client is configured to include an FQDN DHCP option that instructs the DHCP server to not update either A or PTR RRs.

!DHCP Client Configuration
ip dhcp-client update dns server none
ip ddns update method testing
 ddns both
interface Ethernet1
 ip ddns update testing
 ip address dhcp
!DHCP Server Configuration
ip dhcp pool test
 update dns
!Debug Output Enabled
Router# debug ip ddns update
00:15:33: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Ethernet1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname canada_reserved
00:15:33: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for canada_reserved.hacks <=>
00:15:33: DYNDNSUPD: Sleeping for 3 seconds waiting for interface Ethernet1 configuration to settle
00:15:36: DDNS: Enqueuing new DDNS update 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=>
00:15:36: DDNS: Zone name for '' is ''
00:15:36: DDNS: Dynamic Update 1: (sending to server
00:15:36: DDNS:   Zone =
00:15:36: DDNS:   Prerequisite: not in use
00:15:36: DDNS:   Update: add IN PTR canada_reserved.hacks
00:15:36: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 1 (PTR) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 0 (NOERROR)
00:15:36: DDNS: Zone name for 'canada_reserved.hacks' is 'hacks'
00:15:36: DDNS: Dynamic Update 1: (sending to server
00:15:36: DDNS:   Zone = hacks
00:15:36: DDNS:   Prerequisite: canada_reserved.hacks not in use
00:15:36: DDNS:   Update: add canada_reserved.hacks IN A
00:15:36: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 1 (A) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 0 (NOERROR)
00:15:36: DDNS: Update of 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=> finished
00:15:36: DYNDNSUPD: Another update completed (total outstanding=0)


The following scenario has the client configured for IETF DDNS updating of both A and DNS RRs and requesting that the DHCP server update neither. The DHCP client explicitly specifies the server to update. The DHCP client is configured to include an FQDN DHCP option that instructs the DHCP server not to update either A or PTR RRs. The configuration is performed using the ip dhcp client update dns command. The DHCP server is configured to override the client request and update both A and PTR RR anyway.

!DHCP Client Configuration
ip dhcp client update dns server none
ip ddns update method testing
 ddns both
interface Ethernet1
 ip dhcp client update dns server none
 ip ddns update testing
 ip address dhcp
!DHCP Server Configuration
ip dhcp pool test
 update dns both override
!Debug Output Enabled on DHCP Client
Router# debug ip ddns update
00:16:30: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Ethernet1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname canada_reserved
00:16:30: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for canada_reserved.hacks <=>
00:16:30: DYNDNSUPD: Sleeping for 3 seconds waiting for interface Ethernet1 configuration to settle
00:16:33: DHCPC: Server performed both updates


The following scenario has the client configured for IETF DDNS updating of both A and DNS RRs and requesting the DHCP server to update neither. The DHCP client is configured to include an FQDN DHCP option which instructs the DHCP server not to update either A or PTR RRs. The DHCP server is configured to allow the client to update whatever RR it chooses.

!DHCP Client Configuration
ip dhcp client update dns server non
ip ddns update method testing
 ddns both
interface Ethernet1
 ip dhcp client update dns server none
 ip ddns update testing host
 ip address dhcp
!DHCP Server Configuration
ip dhcp pool test
 update dns
!Debug Output Enabled on DHCP Client
Router# debug ip ddns update
00:17:52: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Ethernet1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname canada_reserved
00:17:52: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for canada_reserved.hacks <=>
00:17:52: DYNDNSUPD: Sleeping for 3 seconds waiting for interface Ethernet1 configuration to settle
00:17:55: DDNS: Enqueuing new DDNS update 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=>
00:17:55: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for canada_reserved.hacks <=> server
00:17:55: DDNS: Enqueuing new DDNS update 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=> server
00:17:55: DDNS: Zone name for '' is ''
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic Update 1: (sending to server
00:17:55: DDNS:   Zone =
00:17:55: DDNS:   Prerequisite: not in use
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: add IN PTR canada_reserved.hacks
00:17:55: DDNS: Zone name for '' is ''
00:17:55: DDNS: Using server
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic Update 1: (sending to server
00:17:55: DDNS:   Zone =
00:17:55: DDNS:   Prerequisite: not in use
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: add IN PTR canada_reserved.hacks
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 1 (PTR) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 0 (NOERROR)
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 1 (PTR) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 6 (YXDOMAIN)
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic Update 2: (sending to server
00:17:55: DDNS:   Zone =
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: delete all PTR RRs
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: add IN PTR canada_reserved.hacks
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 2 (PTR) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 0 (NOERROR)
00:17:55: DDNS: Zone name for 'canada_reserved.hacks' is 'hacks'
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic Update 1: (sending to server
00:17:55: DDNS:   Zone = hacks
00:17:55: DDNS:   Prerequisite: canada_reserved.hacks not in use
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: add canada_reserved.hacks IN A
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 1 (A) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 0 (NOERROR)
00:17:55: DDNS: Update of 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=> finished
00:17:55: DYNDNSUPD: Another update completed (total outstanding=1)
00:17:55: DDNS: Zone name for 'canada_reserved.hacks' is 'hacks'
00:17:55: DDNS: Using server
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic Update 1: (sending to server
00:17:55: DDNS:   Zone = hacks
00:17:55: DDNS:   Prerequisite: canada_reserved.hacks not in use
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: add canada_reserved.hacks IN A
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 1 (A) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 6 (YXDOMAIN)
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic Update 2: (sending to server
00:17:55: DDNS:   Zone = hacks
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: delete canada_reserved.hacks all A RRs
00:17:55: DDNS:   Update: add canada_reserved.hacks IN A
00:17:55: DDNS: Dynamic DNS Update 2 (A) for host canada_reserved.hacks returned 0 (NOERROR)
00:17:55: DDNS: Update of 'canada_reserved.hacks' <=> finished
00:17:55: DYNDNSUPD: Another update completed (total outstanding=0)


In the following scenario, the debug output displays the internal host table updates when the default domain name is hacks. The update method named test specifies that the internal Cisco IOS software host table should be updated. Configuring the update method as “test” should be used when the address on the Ethernet interface 0/0 changes. The hostname is configured for the update on this interface.

!Cisco IOS Software Configuration
ip domain name hacks
ip ddns update method test
interface ethernet0/0
 ip ddns update test hostname test2
 ip addr dhcp
!Debug Output Enabled
Router# debug ip ddns update
*Jun 4 03:11:10.591: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Ethernet0/0 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname test2
*Jun 4 03:11:10.591: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for test2.hacks <=>
*Jun 4 03:11:10.591: DYNDNSUPD: Adding internal mapping test2.hacks <=>

Using the show hosts command displays the newly added host table entry.

Router# show hosts
Default domain is hacks
Name/address lookup uses domain service
Name servers are
Codes: UN - unknown, EX - expired, OK - OK, ?? - revalidate
       temp - temporary, perm - permanent
       NA - Not Applicable None - Not defined
Host                      Port Flags      Age Type   Address(es)
test2.hacks               None (perm, OK) 0   IP

Shutting down the interface removes the host table entry.

interface ethernet0/0
*Jun 4 03:14:02.107: DYNDNSUPD: Removing DNS mapping for test2.hacks <=>
*Jun 4 03:14:02.107: DYNDNSUPD: Removing mapping test2.hacks <=>

Using the show hosts command confirms that the entry has been removed.

Router# show hosts
Default domain is hacks
Name/address lookup uses domain service
Name servers are
Codes: UN - unknown, EX - expired, OK - OK, ?? - revalidate
       temp - temporary, perm - permanent
       NA - Not Applicable None - Not defined
Host                      Port Flags      Age Type   Address(es)


In the following scenario, the debug output shows the HTTP-style DDNS updates. The sample configuration defines a new IP DDNS update method named dyndns that configures a URL to use when adding or changing an address. No URL has been defined for use when removing an address since does not use such a URL for free accounts. A maximum update interval of 28 days has been configured, which specifies that updates should be sent at least every 28 days. Configuring the new “dyndns” update method should be used for Ethernet interface 1.

!DHCP Client Configuration
ip ddns update method dyndns
    add http://test:test@<s>/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=<h>&myip=<a>
    interval max 28 0 0 0
interface ethernet1
 ip ddns update hostname
 ip ddns update dyndns host
 ip addr dhcp
!Debugging Enabled
Router# debug ip ddns update
00:04:35: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Ethernet1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname
00:04:35: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for <=> server
00:04:35: DYNDNSUPD: Sleeping for 3 seconds waiting for interface Ethernet1 configuration to settle
00:04:38: HTTPDNS: Update add called for <=>
00:04:38: HTTPDNS: Update called for <=>
00:04:38: HTTPDNS: init
00:04:38: HTTPDNSUPD: Session ID = 0x7
00:04:38: HTTPDNSUPD: URL = 'http://test:test@'
00:04:38: HTTPDNSUPD: Sending request
00:04:40: HTTPDNSUPD: Response for update <=>
00:04:40: HTTPDNSUPD: DATA END, Status is Response data received, successfully
00:04:40: HTTPDNSUPD: Call returned SUCCESS for update <=>
00:04:40: HTTPDNSUPD: Freeing response
00:04:40: DYNDNSUPD: Another update completed (outstanding=0, total=0)
00:04:40: HTTPDNSUPD: Clearing all session 7 info
!28 days later, the automatic update happens.
00:05:39: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for <=> server
00:05:39: HTTPDNS: Update add called for <=>
00:05:39: HTTPDNS: Update called for <=>
00:05:39: HTTPDNS: init
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: Session ID = 0x8
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: URL = 'http://test:test@'
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: Sending request
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: Response for update <=>
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: DATA END, Status is Response data received, successfully
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: Call returned SUCCESS for update <=>
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: Freeing response
00:05:39: DYNDNSUPD: Another update completed (outstanding=0, total=0)
00:05:39: HTTPDNSUPD: Clearing all session 8 info

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the output.

Table 16 debug ip ddns update Field Descriptions




Reflects the method of update. In this case, the update method is HTTP.


URL that is used to update the DNS.

Related Commands



debug dhcp

Displays debugging information about the DHCP client and monitors the status of DHCP packets.

debug ip dhcp server

Enables DHCP server debugging.

host (host-list)

Specifies a list of hosts that will receive DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs.

ip ddns update hostname

Enables a host to be used for DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs.

ip ddns update method

Specifies a method of DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs and the maximum interval between the updates.

ip dhcp client update dns

Enables DDNS updates of A RRs using the same hostname passed in the hostname and FQDN options by a client.

ip dhcp-client update dns

Enables DDNS updates of A RRs using the same hostname passed in the hostname and FQDN options by a client.

ip dhcp update dns

Enables DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs for most address pools.

ip host-list

Specifies a list of hosts that will receive DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs.

show ip ddns update

Displays information about the DDNS updates.

show ip ddns update method

Displays information about the DDNS update method.

show ip dhcp server pool

Displays DHCP server pool statistics.

show ip host-list

Displays the assigned hosts in a list.

update dns

Dynamically updates a DNS with A and PTR RRs for some address pools.

debug ip dfp agent

To display debugging messages for the Dynamic Feedback Protocol (DFP) agent subsystem, use the debug ip dfpcommand in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. To stop debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dfp agent

no debug ip dfp agent

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

User EXEC or privileged EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXD.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays debugging messages for the DFP agent subsystem.

See the following caution before using debug commands:


Because debugging output is assigned a high priority in the CPU process, it can render the system unusable. For this reason, use debug commands only to troubleshoot specific problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff. Moreover, it is best to use debug commands during periods of lower network flows and fewer users. Debugging during these periods reduces the effect these commands have on other users on the system.


The following example configures a DFP agent debugging session:

Router# debug ip dfp agent
DFP debugging is on

The following example stops all debugging:

Router# no debug all
All possible debugging has been turned off

debug ip dhcp server

To enable Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server debugging, use the debug ip dhcp server command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable DHCP server debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dhcp server { events | packets | linkage | class }

no debug ip dhcp server { events | packets | linkage | class }

Syntax Description


Reports server events, such as address assignments and database updates.


Decodes DHCP receptions and transmissions.


Displays database linkage information, such as parent-child relationships in a radix tree.


Displays DHCP class-based information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The class keyword was added.


The class keyword was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The output was enhanced to show the static mappings.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following example shows a combination of DHCP server events and decoded receptions and transmissions:

Router# debug ip dhcp server events
Router# debug ip dhcp server packets
DHCPD:DHCPDISCOVER received from client 0b07.1134.a029 through relay
DHCPD:assigned IP address to client 0b07.1134.a029.
DHCPD:Sending DHCPOFFER to client 0b07.1134.a029 (
DHCPD:unicasting BOOTREPLY for client 0b07.1134.a029 to relay
DHCPD:DHCPREQUEST received from client 0b07.1134.a029.
DHCPD:Sending DHCPACK to client 0b07.1134.a029 (
DHCPD:unicasting BOOTREPLY for client 0b07.1134.a029 to relay
DHCPD:checking for expired leases.

The following example shows database linkage information:

Router# debug ip dhcp server linkage
DHCPD:child pool: / (subnet10.1)
DHCPD:parent pool: / (net10)
DHCPD:child pool: / (net10)
DHCPD:pool (net10) has no parent.
DHCPD:child pool: / (subnet10.1)
DHCPD:parent pool: / (net10)
DHCPD:child pool: / (net10)
DHCPD:pool (net10) has no parent.

The following example shows when a DHCP class is removed:

Router# debug ip dhcp server class
DHCPD:deleting class CLASS1

The following example shows the debug output when the configured pattern does not match:

Router# debug ip dhcp server class
DHCPD:Searching for a match to 'relay-information
0106000 400020202020800060009e80b8800' in class CLASS1
DHCPD:Searching for a match to 'relay-information 0106000400020202020800060009e80b8800' in class CLASS1
DHCPD:Searching for a match to 'relay-information 0106000

The following example shows the debug output when you unconfigure a DHCP pattern in a DHCP class and then configure the pattern in the DHCP class:

Router# debug ip dhcp server class
DHCPD:pattern 'relay-information 123456' removed from class CLASS1
DHCPD:Added pattern 'relay-information 010600040002020202 0800060009e80b8800' for class CLASS1

The following example shows the debug output when the configured pattern does match:

Router# debug ip dhcp server class
DHCPD:Searching for a match to 'relay-information
0106000 400020202020800060009e80b8800' in class CLASS1
DHCPD:input pattern 'relay-information 010600040002020202 0800060009e80b8800' matches class CLASS1
DHCPD:input matches class CLASS1

The following example shows the debug output when static mappings are configured:

Router# debug ip dhcp server
Loading abc/static_pool from (via Ethernet0): !
[OK - 333 bytes]
*May 26 23:14:21.259: DHCPD: contacting agent tftp:// (attempt 0)
*May 26 23:14:21.467: DHCPD: agent tftp:// is responding.
*May 26 23:14:21.467: DHCPD: IFS is ready.
*May 26 23:14:21.467: DHCPD: reading bindings from                              tftp://
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: read 333 / 1024 bytes.
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: parsing text line “*time* Apr 22 2002 11:31 AM”
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: parsing text line “”
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: parsing text line
!IP address Type Hardware address Lease expiration.
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: parsing text line
“ id 0063.6973.636f.2d30.3036.302e.3437”
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: creating binding for
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: Adding binding to radix tree (
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: Adding binding to hash tree
*May 26 23:14:21.707: DHCPD: parsing text line
“ id 0063.7363.2d30.3036.302e.3762.2e39.3634.632d”
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: creating binding for
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: Adding binding to radix tree (
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: Adding binding to hash tree
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: parsing text line “Infinite”
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: parsing text line “”
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: parsing text line
!IP address Interface-index Lease expiration VRF.
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: parsing text line “*end*”
*May 26 23:14:21.711: DHCPD: read static bindings from tftp://

Related Commands



debug dhcp

Displays debugging information about the DHCP client and monitors the status of DHCP packets.

debug ip ddns update

Enables debugging for DDNS updates.

host (host-list)

Specifies a list of hosts that will receive DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs.

ip ddns update hostname

Enables a host to be used for DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs.

ip ddns update method

Specifies a method of DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs and the maximum interval between the updates.

ip dhcp client update dns

Enables DDNS updates of A RRs using the same hostname passed in the hostname and FQDN options by a client on an interface.

ip dhcp-client update dns

Enables DDNS updates of A RRs using the same hostname passed in the hostname and FQDN options by a client.

ip dhcp update dns

Enables DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs for most address pools.

ip host-list

Specifies a list of hosts that will receive DDNS updates of A and PTR RRs.

show ip ddns update

Displays information about the DDNS updates.

show ip ddns update method

Displays information about the DDNS update method.

show ip dhcp server pool

Displays DHCP server pool statistics.

show ip host-list

Displays the assigned hosts in a list.

update dns

Dynamically updates a DNS with A and PTR RRs for some address pools.

debug ip dhcp server redundancy

To display debugging information about DHCP server and relay agent redundancy events, use the debug ip dhcp server redundancycommand in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dhcp server redundancy

no debug ip dhcp server redundancy

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging output is disabled for DHCP server and relay agent redundancy events.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with caution. Many bindings being synchronized between the active and standby Route Processor (RP) can trigger a large amount of debugging output.


The following example displays debug messages regarding DHCP server and relay agent redundancy events. The last line (and only that line) is output when the debug ip dhcp server redundancy command is enabled. The line indicates that a binding update message has been sent to the standby for the IP address in the pool named “test.”

Router# debug ip dhcp server redundancy
*Mar 22 10:32:21: DHCPD: assigned IP address to client 0063.6973.636f.2d30.3030.342e.3465.6130.2e30.3831.632d.4661.312f.302e.31.
*Mar 22 10:32:21:  DHCPD: lease time = 3600
*Mar 22 10:32:21: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: host =
*Mar 22 10:32:21: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: index = 0
*Mar 22 10:32:21: DHCPD: dhcpd_create_and_hash_route: host =
*Mar 22 10:32:21: DHCPD: dhcpd_create_and_hash_route index = 0
*Mar 22 10:32:21: DHCPD: dhcpd_add_route: lease = 3600 
*Mar 22 10:32:21: DHCPD: dynamic sync completed for in pool test

Related Commands



debug dhcp redundancy

Displays debugging information about DHCP proxy client redundancy events.

debug ip dhcp server snmp

To enable DHCP server Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) debugging, use the debug ip dhcp server snmp command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable DHCP server SNMP debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dhcp server snmp

no debug ip dhcp server snmp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable debugging and display DHCP server SNMP debugging events:

Router# debug ip dhcp server snmp
00:18:01: DHCPD SNMP: pool 'pool1' 'high' utilization trap is ignored
00:18:18: DHCPD SNMP: pool 'pool1' 'low' utilization trap is ignored 
00:20:46: DHCPD SNMP: subnet 'high' utilization trap is ignored
00:21:03: DHCPD SNMP: subnet 'low' utilization trap is ignored 
00:18:01: DHCPD SNMP: subnet trap is not enabled
00:37:32: DHCPD SNMP: pool trap is not enabled
00:37:57: DHCPD SNMP: interface trap is not enabled
00:27:27: DHCPD SNMP: duplicate trap is not enabled

debug ip dns name-list

To enable debugging output for Domain Name System (DNS) name list events, use the debug ip dns name-list command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output for DNS name list events, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dns name-list

no debug ip dns name-list

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging output is disabled for DNS name lists.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the writing of DNS name list event messages to system message logging (syslog) output. A DNS name list event can be either of the following:

  • The addition or removal of a DNS name list entry (a hostname pattern and action to perform on an incoming DNS query for a hostname that matches the pattern). To add or remove a DNS name list entry, use the ip dns name-list command.

  • The removal of a DNS name list.


The addition of a DNS name list is reported as an addition of a name list entry.

To display which debugging options are enabled (DNS name list, DNS view, or DNS view list), use the show debugging command. To display the syslog history statistics and buffer contents, use the show logging command. To display a particular DNS name list or all configured name lists, use the show ip dns name-list command.


The following sample output from the debug ip dns name-list command shows the hostname pattern being added to DNS name list 1 as a permit clause. Next, the hostname patterns and are added to DNS name list 2 as deny clauses and permit clauses, respectively. Finally, the hostname pattern is removed from DNS name list 2.

Router# debug ip dns name-list
DNS Name-list debugging is on
Router# show debugging
DNS Name-list debugging is on
Router# show logging
*May 16 14:54:44.326: DNS_NAMELIST: adding permit 'WWW.EXAMPLE' to name-list 1
*May 16 14:54:44.910: DNS_NAMELIST: adding deny 'WWW.EXAMPLE1.COM' to name-list 2
*May 16 14:54:45.202: DNS_NAMELIST: adding permit 'WWW.EXAMPLE2.COM' to name-list 2
*May 16 19:32:20.881: DNS_NAMELIST: removing 'WWW.EXAMPLE1.COM' from name-list 2

Related Commands



ip dns name-list

Defines a list of pattern-matching rules in which each rule permits or denies the use of a DNS view list member to handle a DNS query based on whether the query hostname matches the specified regular expression.

show debugging

Displays the state of each debugging option.

show ip dns name-list

Displays a particular DNS name list or all configured name lists.

show logging

Displays the contents of logging buffers.

debug ip dns view

To enable debugging output for Domain Name System (DNS) view events, use the debug ip dns view command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output for a DNS view, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dns view

no debug ip dns view

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging output is disabled for DNS views.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the writing of DNS view event messages to system message logging (syslog) output. A DNS view event can be any of the following:

  • The addition or removal of a DNS view definition.

  • The addition or removal of a DNS forwarding name server setting for a DNS view.

  • The addition or removal of a DNS resolver setting for a DNS view.

  • The enabling or disabling of logging of a syslog message each time a DNS view is used.

To display which debugging options are enabled (DNS name list, DNS view, or DNS view list), use the show debugging command. To show the syslog history statistics and buffer contents, use the show logging command.


The following sample output from the debug ip dns view command shows the default DNS view being configured:

Router# debug ip dns view
DNS View debugging is on
Router# show debugging
DNS View debugging is on
Router# show logging
DNS_VIEW: creating view view1
DNS_VIEW: Clearing logging in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain lookup in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain name to in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  domain list in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  domain list in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  domain list in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain multicast to in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain lookup in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain timeout to 7 in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain retry to 7 in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  domain name-server in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  domain name-server in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain name-server interface FastEthernet0/1 in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting domain round-robin to 4 in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting dns forwarding in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  dns forwarder in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  dns forwarder in view default
DNS_VIEW: Setting  dns forwarder in view default

Related Commands



ip dns view

Enters DNS view configuration mode for the specified DNS view so that the logging setting, forwarding parameters, and resolving parameters can be configured for the view.

show debugging

Displays the state of each debugging option.

show logging

Displays the contents of logging buffers.

debug ip dns view-list

To enable debugging output for Domain Name System (DNS) view list events, use the debug ip dns view-list command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output for a DNS view list, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dns view-list

no debug ip dns view-list

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging output is disabled for DNS view lists.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the writing of DNS view list event messages to system message logging (syslog) output. A DNS view list event can be any of the following:

  • The addition or removal of a DNS view list definition. To add or remove a DNS view list definition, use the ip dns view-list command.

  • The addition or removal of a DNS view list member (a DNS view and the relative order in which it is to be checked in the view list) to or from a DNS view list. To add or remove a DNS view list member, use the view command.

  • The setting or clearing of a DNS view list assignment as the default view list (using the ip dns server view-group command) or to an interface (using the ip dns view-group command).

To show which debugging options are enabled (DNS name list, DNS view, or DNS view list), use the show debugging command. To show the syslog history statistics and buffer contents, use the show logging command.


The following sample output from the debug ip dns vies-list command shows the addition of the DNS view list definition named userlist5. Next, five DNS views are added as members of the DNS view list.

Router# debug ip dns view-list
DNS View-list debugging is on
Router# show debugging
DNS View-list debugging is on
Router# show logging
*May 16 23:31:17.491: DNS_VIEWLIST: creating view-list userlist5
*May 16 23:31:17.711: DNS_VIEWLIST: adding member user1 vrf vpn101 order 10 to view-list userlist5
*May 16 23:31:18.583: DNS_VIEWLIST: adding member user2 vrf vpn102 order 20 to view-list userlist5
*May 16 23:31:19.851: DNS_VIEWLIST: adding member user3 vrf vpn103 order 30 to view-list userlist5
*May 16 23:31:21.007: DNS_VIEWLIST: adding member user4 vrf vpn204 order 45 to view-list userlist5
*May 16 23:31:22.199: DNS_VIEWLIST: adding member default order 60 to view-list userlist5

Related Commands



ip dns server view-group

Specifies the DNS view list to use to determine which DNS view to use handle incoming queries that arrive on an interface not configured with a DNS view list.

ip dns view-group

Specifies the DNS view list to use to determine which DNS view to use to handle incoming DNS queries that arrive on a specific interface.

ip dns view-list

Enters DNS view list configuration mode so that DNS views can be added to or removed from the ordered list of DNS views.

show debugging

Displays the state of each debugging option.

show logging

Displays the contents of logging buffers.


Enters DNS view list member configuration mode so that usage restrictions can be configured for the view list member.

debug ip domain

To enable Domain Name System (DNS) debugging and view DNS debugging information, use the debug ip domain command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable DNS debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip domain

no debug ip domain

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Use the debug ip domain command form to enable DNS debugging and view basic DNS debugging information. To view more DNS debugging options such as DNS server response debugging and so on, use the question mark (?) online help function.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.4(3)S.


The following is sample output from the debug ip domain command:

Device> enable
Device# debug ip domain

Domain Name System debugging is on
*Jul 18 09:16:19.546: DNS: Incoming UDP query (id#8168)
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: DNS: Type 1 DNS query (id#8168) for host '' from
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: DNS: Servicing request using view default
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index:
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index: found for
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index:
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index: found for
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index:
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index: com
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index:
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: search_nametype_index: found for
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: DNS: Reply to client query A
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: DNS: Finished processing query (id#8168) in 0.001 secs
*Jul 18 09:16:19.547: DNS: Sending response to, len 48


Related Commands



debug ip domain replies

Enables DNS server response debugging and displays debugging information for DNS server responses to clients.

ip dns server

Enables the DNS server on a device.

ip dns server view-group

Specifies the default DNS server view list for a device.

debug ip domain replies

To enable debugging for Domain Name System (DNS) server responses to clients and view debugging information for DNS server responses to clients, use the debug ip domain replies command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable DNS server response debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip domain replies [ detail]

no debug ip domain replies [ detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed debugging information for DNS server responses to clients.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.4(3)S.


The following is sample output from the debug ip domain replies command:

Device> enable
Device# debug ip domain replies 

Domain Name System Reply debugging is on

*Jul 18 09:17:22.868: DNS: Finished processing query (id#34422) in 0.000 secs
*Jul 18 09:17:23.663: DNS: Finished processing query (id#51171) in 0.000 secs
*Jul 18 09:17:23.665: DNS: Finished processing query (id#46198) in 0.000 secs



Sample Output for Detailed DNS Response Debugging
Device> enable
Device# debug ip domain replies detail

Domain Name System Reply debugging is on (detailed)

*Jul 18 09:17:58.635: DNS: Send reply from internal information:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635: DOM: id=47025, response, opcode=0, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635:      rcode=0, qdcount=1, ancount=1, nscount=0, arcount=0
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635:      query name is, qtype=1, class=1
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635: Answer section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635:    Name=''
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635:    RR type=1, class=1, ttl=10, data length=4
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635:      IP=
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635: Authority section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635: Additional record section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.635: DNS: Finished processing query (id#47025) in 0.001 secs

*Jul 18 09:17:58.637: DNS: Send reply from internal information:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637: DOM: id=25881, response, opcode=0, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637:      rcode=0, qdcount=1, ancount=1, nscount=0, arcount=0
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637:      query name is, qtype=1, class=1
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637: Answer section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637:    Name=''
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637:    RR type=1, class=1, ttl=10, data length=4
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637:      IP=
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637: Authority section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637: Additional record section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.637: DNS: Finished processing query (id#25881) in 0.001 secs

*Jul 18 09:17:58.638: DNS: Send reply from internal information:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638: DOM: id=41387, response, opcode=0, aa=0, tc=0, rd=1, ra=1
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638:      rcode=0, qdcount=1, ancount=1, nscount=0, arcount=0
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638:      query name is, qtype=1, class=1
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638: Answer section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638:    Name=''
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638:    RR type=1, class=1, ttl=10, data length=4
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638:      IP=
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638: Authority section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638: Additional record section:
*Jul 18 09:17:58.638: DNS: Finished processing query (id#41387) in 0.000 secs


Related Commands



debug ip domain

Enables DNS debugging and displays DNS debugging information.

ip dns server

Enables the DNS server on a device.

ip dns server view-group

Specifies the default DNS server view list for a device.

debug ip drp

To display Director Response P rotocol (DRP) information, use the debug ip drp command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip drp

no debug ip drp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

The debug ip drp command is used to debug the director response agent used by the Distributed Director product. The Distributed Director can be used to dynamically respond to Domain Name System (DNS) queries with the IP address of the “best” host based on various criteria.


The following is sample output from the debug ip drpcommand. This example shows the packet origination, the IP address that information is routed to, and the route metrics that were returned.

Router# debug ip drp
DRP: received v1 packet from, via Ethernet0
DRP: RTQUERY for returned internal=0, external=0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 17 debug ip drp Field Descriptions



DRP: received v1 packet from, via Ethernet0

Router received a version 1 DRP packet from the IP address shown, via the interface shown.


DRP packet contained two Route Query requests. The first request was for the distance to the IP address


If nonzero, the metric for the internal distance of the route that the router uses to send packets in the direction of the client. The internal distance is the distance within the autonomous system of the router.


If nonzero, the metric for the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) or external distance used to send packets to the client. The external distance is the distance outside the autonomous system of the router.

debug ip dvmrp


The debug ip dvmrpcommand is not available in 12.2(33)SRB, 15.0(1)M, and later 12.2SR, 15.0M, and T releases.

To display information on Distance Vector Multiprotocol Routing Protocol ( DVMRP) packets received and sent, use the debug ip dvmrp command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip dvmrp [ detail [access-list] [ in | out ] ]

no debug ip dvmrp [ detail [access-list] [ in | out ] ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables a more detailed level of output and displays packet contents.


(Optional) Causes the debug ip dvmrp command to restrict output to one access list.


(Optional) Causes the debug ip dvmrp command to output packets received in DVMRP reports.


(Optional) Causes the debug ip dvmrp command to output packets sent in DVMRP reports.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Use the debug ip dvmrp detail command with care. This command generates a substantial amount of output and can interrupt other activity on the router when it is invoked.


The following is sample output from the debug ip dvmrp command:

Router# debug ip dvmrp
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Building Report for Ethernet0
DVMRP: Send Report on Ethernet0 to
DVMRP: Sending IGMP Reports for known groups on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Building Report for Tunnel0
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Radix tree walk suspension
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to

The following lines show that the router received DVMRP routing information and placed it in the mroute table:

DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from

The following lines show that the router is creating a report to send to another DVMRP router:

DVMRP: Building Report for Ethernet0
DVMRP: Send Report on Ethernet0 to

The table below provides a list of internet multicast addresses supported for host IP implementations.

Table 18 Internet Multicast Addresses




Base address (reserved)

RFC 1112

All systems on this subnet

RFC 1112

All routers on this subnet


DVMRP routers

RFC 1075

OSPFIGP all routers

RFC 1583

The following lines show that a protocol update report has been sent to all known multicast groups. Hosts use Internet Group Management Protocol ( IGMP) reports to communicate with routers and to request to join a multicast group. In this case, the router is sending an IGMP report for every known group to the host, which is running mrouted. The host then responds as though the router were a host on the LAN segment that wants to receive multicast packets for the group.

DVMRP: Sending IGMP Reports for known groups on Ethernet0

The following is sample output from the debug ip dvmrp detail command:

Router# debug ip dvmrp detail
DVMRP: Sending IGMP Reports for known groups on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 8, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 8, distance 0

The following lines show that this group is available to the DVMRP router. The mrouted process on the host will forward the source and multicast information for this group through the DVMRP cloud to other members.

DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0

The following lines show the DVMRP route information:

DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0

The metric is the number of hops the route has covered, and the distance is the administrative distance.

debug ip eigrp

To display information on Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) protocol packets, use the debug ip eigrp command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip eigrp [ vrf vrf-name ]

no debug ip eigrp [ vrf vrf-name ]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Restricts output to a specific VRF.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command helps you analyze the packets that are sent and received on an interface. Because the debug ip eigrp command generates a substantial amount of output, only use it when traffic on the network is light.


The following is sample output from the debug ip eigrp command:

Router# debug ip eigrp
IP-EIGRP: Processing incoming UPDATE packet
IP-EIGRP: Ext M 386560 - 256000 130560 SM 360960 - 256000 104960
IP-EIGRP: Ext M 386560 - 256000 130560 SM 360960 - 256000 104960
IP-EIGRP: Ext M 386560 - 256000 130560 SM 360960 - 256000 104960
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 371200 - 256000 115200
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 46310656 - 45714176 596480
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 2272256 - 1657856 614400
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 40622080 - 40000000 622080
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 19 debug ip eigrp Field Descriptions




Indicates that this is an IP EIGRP message.


Indicates that the following address is an external destination rather than an internal destination, which would be labeled as Int.


Displays the computed metric, which includes the value in the SM field and the cost between this router and the neighbor. The first number is the composite metric. The next two numbers are the inverse bandwidth and the delay, respectively.


Displays the metric as reported by the neighbor.

The following example shows how to turn on debugging output for a specific VRF in an EIGRP instance:

Router# debug ip eigrp vrf red
EIGRP-IPv4 Route Event debugging is on

Related Commands



vrf definition

Defines a virtual routing and forwarding instance.

debug ip eigrp notifications

To display Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) events and notifications in the console of the router, use the debug ip eigrp notifications command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip eigrp notifications

no debug ip eigrp notifications

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

The output of the debug ip eigrp notifications command displays EIGRP events and notifications.


The following example output shows that the NSF-aware router has received the restart notification. The NSF-aware router will now wait for end of transmission (EOT) to be sent from the restarting neighbor (NSF-capable).

Router# debug ip eigrp notifications
*Oct  4 11:39:18.092:EIGRP:NSF:AS2. Rec RS update from,
00:00:00. Wait for EOT.
*Oct  4 11:39:18.092:%DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE:IP-EIGRP(0) 2:Neighbor (POS3/0) is up:peer NSF restarted

debug ip error

To display IP errors, use the debug ip error command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging errors, use the no form of this command.

debug ip error access-list-number [detail] [dump]

no debug ip error

Syntax Description


(Optional) The IP access list number that you can specify. If the datagram is not permitted by that access list, the related debugging output (or IP error) is suppressed. Standard, extended, and expanded access lists are supported. The range of standard and extended access lists is from 1 to 199. The range of expanded access lists is from 1300 to 2699.


(Optional) Displays detailed IP error debugging information.


(Hidden) Displays IP error debugging information along with raw packet data in hexadecimal and ASCII forms. This keyword can be enabled with individual access lists and also with the detail keyword.


The dump keyword is not fully supported and should be used only in collaboration with Cisco Technical Support. See the caution notes below, in the usage guidelines, for more specific information.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is used for IP error debugging. The output displays IP errors which are locally detected by this router.


Enabling this command will generate output only if IP errors occur. However, if the router starts to receive many packets that contain errors, substantial output may be generated and severely affect system performance. This command should be used with caution in production networks. It should only be enabled when traffic on the IP network is low, so other activity on the system is not adversely affected. Enabling the detail and dump keywords use the highest level of system resources of the available configuration options for this command, so a high level of caution should be applied when enabling either of these keywords.


The dump keyword is not fully supported and should be used only in collaboration with Cisco Technical Support. Because of the risk of using significant CPU utilization, the dump keyword is hidden from the user and cannot be seen using the “?” prompt. The length of the displayed packet information may exceed the actual packet length and include additional padding bytes that do not belong to the IP packet. Also note that the beginning of a packet may start at different locations in the dump output depending on the specific router, interface type, and packet header processing that may have occurred before the output is displayed.


The following is sample output from the debug ip errorcommand:

Router# debug ip error
IP packet errors debugging is on
04:04:45:IP:s= (Ethernet0/1), d=, len 28, dispose ip.hopcount

The IP error in the above output was caused when the router attempted to forward a packet with a time-to-live (TTL) value of 0. The “ip.hopcount” traffic counter is incremented when a packet is dropped because of an error. This error is also displayed in the output of the show ip traffic command by the “bad hop count” traffic counter.

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 20 debug ip error Field Descriptions



IP:s= (Ethernet0/1)

The packet source IP address and interface.

d=, len 28

The packet destination IP address and prefix length.

dispose ip.hopcount

This traffic counter increments when an IP packet is dropped because of an error.

The following is sample output from the debug ip errorcommand enabled with the detail keyword:

Router# debug ip error detail

IP packet errors debugging is on (detailed)

1d08h:IP:s= (Ethernet0/1), d=, len 28, dispose udp.noport

1d08h: UDP src=41921, dst=33434

1d08h:IP:s= (Ethernet0/1), d=, len 28, dispose ip.hopcount

1d08h:    UDP src=33691, dst=33434

The detailed output includes layer 4 information in addition to the standard output. The IP error in the above output was caused when the router received a UDP packet when no application was listening to the UDP port. The “udp.noport” traffic counter is incremented when the router drops a UDP packet because of this error. This error is also displayed in the output of the show ip traffic command by the “no port” traffic counter under “UDP statistics.”

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 21 debug ip error detail Field Descriptions



IP:s= (Ethernet0/1)

The IP packet source IP address and interface.

d=, len 28

The IP packet destination and prefix length.

dispose udp.noport

The traffic counter that is incremented when a UDP packet is dropped because of this error.

The following is sample output from the debug ip errorcommand enabled with the detail and dump keywords:

Router# debug ip error detail dump
IP packet errors debugging is on (detailed) (dump)
1d08h:IP:s= (Ethernet0/1), d=, len 28, dispose udp.noport
1d08h:    UDP src=37936, dst=33434
03D72360:                      0001 42AD4242            ..B-BB
03D72370:0002FCA5 DC390800 4500001C 30130000  ..|%\9..E...0...
03D72380:01116159 0A001364 0A010101 9430829A  ..aY...d.....0..
03D72390:0008C0AD                             ..@-            
1d08h:IP:s= (Ethernet0/1), d=, len 28, dispose ip.hopcount
1d08h:    UDP src=41352, dst=33434
03C01600:                      0001 42AD4242            ..B-BB
03C01610:0002FCA5 DC390800 4500001C 302A0000  ..|%\9..E...0*..
03C01620:01116040 0A001364 0A020202 A188829A  ..`@...d....!...
03C01630:0008B253                             ..2S            


The dump keyword is not fully supported and should be used only in collaboration with Cisco Technical Support. See the caution in the usage guidelines section of this command reference page for more specific information.

The output from the debug ip error command, when the dump keyword is enabled, provides raw packet data in hexadecimal and ASCII forms. This addtional output is displayed in addition to the standard output. The dump keyword can be used with all of the available configuration options of this command.

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 22 debug ip error detail dump Field Descriptions



IP:s= (Ethernet0/1)

The IP packet source IP address and interface.

d=, len 28

The IP packet destination and prefix length.

dispose udp.noport

The traffic counter that is incremented when a UDP packet is dropped because of this error.

Related Commands



show ip traffic

Displays statistics about IP traffic.

debug ip flow cache

To enable debugging output for NetFlow cache, use the debug ip flow cache command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip flow cache

no debug ip flow cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging output for NetFlow data export is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


Debugging output for NetFlow v9 data export was added.


Debugging output for NetFlow for IPv6 was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(30)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


The following is sample output from the debug ip flow export command:

Router# debug ip flow cache 
IP Flow cache allocation debugging is on
Router# show ipv6 flow 
IP packet size distribution (0 total packets):
   1-32   64   96  128  160  192  224  256  288  320  352  384  416  448  480
   .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
    512  544  576 1024 1536 2048 2560 3072 3584 4096 4608
   .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
IP Flow Switching Cache, 0 bytes
  0 active, 0 inactive, 0 added
  0 ager polls, 0 flow alloc failures
  Active flows timeout in 30 minutes
  Inactive flows timeout in 15 seconds
SrcAddress                                  InpIf    DstAddress
                OutIf    Prot SrcPrt DstPrt Packets
000037: 01:56:26: IPFLOW: Allocating Sub-Flow cache, without hash flags.
000038: 01:56:26: IPFLOW: Sub-Flow table enabled.
000039: 01:56:26: IPFLOW: Sub-Flow numbers are:
    24 sub-flows per chunk, 0 hashflag len,
    1 chunks allocated, 12 max chunks,
    24 allocated records, 24 free records, 960 bytes allocated
000040: 01:56:26: IPFLOW: Sub-Flow cache removed

Related Commands



export destination

Enables the exporting of information from NetFlow aggregation caches.

ip flow-aggregation cache

Enables NetFlow aggregation cache schemes.

ip flow-export

Enables the exporting of information in NetFlow cache entries.

ipv6 flow-aggregation cache

Enables NetFlow aggregation cache schemes for IPv6 configurations.

ipv6 flow export

Enables the exporting of information in NetFlow cache entries for IPv6 NetFlow configurations.

show ip cache flow aggregation

Displays the NetFlow aggregation cache configuration.

show ip flow export

Display the statistics for NetFlow data export.

debug ip flow export

To enable debugging output for NetFlow data export, use the debug ip flow export command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output for NetFlow data export, use the no form of this command.

debug ip flow export

no debug ip flow export

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

Debugging output for NetFlow data export is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


Debugging output for NetFlow v9 data export was added.


This command was modified so that NetFlow v9 data is collected for both IPv4 and IPv6.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(30)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXF.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip flow export command:

Router# debug ip flow export
IP Flow export mechanism debugging is on
*Mar 6 22:56:21.627:IPFLOW:Sending export pak to 2001::FFFE/64 port 9999
*Mar 6 22:56:21.627:IPFLOW:Error sending export packet:Adjacency failure

Related Commands



export destination

Enables the exporting of information from NetFlow aggregation caches.

ipv6 flow-aggregation cache

Enables NetFlow aggregation cache schemes for IPv6.

ipv6 flow-export

Enables the exporting of information in NetFlow cache entries.

show ip cache flow aggregation

Displays the NetFlow accounting aggregation cache statistics.

show ip flow export

Displays the statistics for NetFlow data export.

show ipv6 flow export

Displays the statistics for NetFlow data export for IPv6.

debug ip ftp

To activate the debugging option to track the transactions submitted during an FTP session, use the debug ip ftp command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip ftp

no debug ip ftp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

The debug ip ftp command is useful for debugging problems associated with FTP.

While configuring the ftp password, only encryption types 0 and 7 are allowed. Other encryption types will invoke an "Invalid encryption type" error.

If encryption type 7 has been chosen, the cli will check if the supplied password is encrypted (encrypted by Cisco proprietary algorithm). If the supplied password is found to be Cisco-encrypted, it will be configured. Otherwise the error "Invalid encrypted password" will be shown. The option 7 expects a Cisco-encrypted password to be supplied in the cli.

While configuring the ftp password, if encryption type 0 has been chosen, the cli will encrypt the password as long as the "service password-encryption" is enabled.


The following is an example of the debug ip ftpcommand:

Router# debug ip ftp
FTP transactions debugging is on

The following is sample output from the debug ip ftp command:

FTP: 220 ProFTPD 1.2.0pre8 Server (DFW Nostrum FTP Server) []
Dec 27 22:12:09.133: FTP: ---> USER router
Dec 27 22:12:09.133: FTP: 331 Password required for router.
Dec 27 22:12:09.137: FTP: ---> PASS WQHK5JY2
Dec 27 22:12:09.153: FTP: 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
Dec 27 22:12:09.153: FTP: ---> TYPE I
Dec 27 22:12:09.157: FTP: 200 Type set to I.
Dec 27 22:12:09.157: FTP: ---> PASV
Dec 27 22:12:09.173: FTP: ---> QUIT
Dec 27 22:12:09.181: FTP: 221 Goodbye.