Configuring Embedded Resource Manager-MIB

The Embedded Resource Manager (ERM)-MIB feature introduces MIB support for the ERM feature. The ERM feature tracks resource usage information for every registered resource owner and resource user. The ERM-MIB feature allows you to monitor the usage of resources by gathering resource usage information using MIB objects. The network manager can use the information collected by the ERM-MIB objects to ensure the optimal use of the resources.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for ERM-MIB

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) must be enabled on the router before notifications (traps) can be configured or before SNMP GET operations can be performed.

Information About ERM-MIB

The ERM-MIB feature introduces network management support for ERM through the use of ERM-MIB table entries, MIB objects, and MIB trap notification objects that are defined in

To use the ERM-MIB feature, you should understand the following concepts:

ERM Show MIB Objects

The ERM Show MIB objects are read-only objects. You can use these MIB objects to obtain information about resource owners, resource user type, resource users or groups, resource owner and resource user relationships, and resource monitors in the system.

The table below describes the ERM Show MIB objects.

Table 1. ERM Show MIB objects

ERM Show MIB Objects



Obtains the details of all resource owners in the system.


Obtains the details of the resource owner sub-types in the system.


Obtains the details of the threshold value defined for each resource owner sub-type in the system.


Obtains the details of the resource user types in the system.


Obtains the details of each resource user in the system.


Obtains the details of each resource group in the system.


Obtains the details of resource users available in a specific resource group.


Obtains the details of all the resource owners, resource users, and group relationships defined in the system.


Obtains the details of the threshold value defined for each resource owner sub-type, resource user or resource group relationship in the system.


Obtains the details of resource owners present in a specific resource user type.


Obtains the details of resource monitors in the system.


Obtains the details of resource owners, resource users, and resource owner and resource user relationships that are monitored by a resource monitor.


Obtains the details of resource policies that are monitored by a resource monitor.

Obtaining Information About Resource Owners

You can use cermResOwnerTable to obtain information about all resource owners in the system. The index entries for cermResOwnerTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResOwnerSubEntityId, and cermResOwnerId.

The cermResOwnerTable defines the following MIB objects:

  • cermResOwnerSubEntityId

  • cermResOwnerId

  • cermResOwnerName

  • cermResOwnerMeasurementUnit

  • cermResOwnerThresholdIsConfigurable

  • cermResOwnerResUserCount

  • cermResOwnerResGroupCount

Obtaining Sub-type Specific Information

You can use cermResOwnerSubTypeTable to obtain sub-type specific information. The cermResOwnerSubTypeTable is an extension of the cermResOwnerTable. The index entries for cermResOwnerSubTypeTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResOwnerSubEntityId, cermResOwnerId, and cermResOwnerSubTypeId.

Each resource owner will have one or more entries in this table. For example, the CPU resource owner has three sub-types: process, interrupt, and total.

Some resource owners may not have any sub-types, such as the IPC resource owner. In such cases this table will contain a single entry with cermResOwnerSubTypeId as 0 and cermResOwnerSubTypeName as an empty string.

You can obtain all sub-type related information specified in this table by querying the corresponding resource owner.

The cermResOwnerSubTypeTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeId

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeName

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeUsagePct

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeUsage

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeMaxUsage

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeGlobNotifSeverity

Obtaining Applied System Global Threshold Details

You can use cermResOwnerSubTypeThresholdTable to obtain applied threshold details for each resource owner sub-type. This object is an extension of the cermResOwnerSubTypeTable.

The index entries for cermResOwnerSubTypeThresholdTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResOwnerSubEntityId, cermResOwnerId, cermResOwnerSubTypeId, and cermResOwnerSubTypeThreshSeverity. You can obtain all threshold details corresponding to a resource owner sub-type by querying the corresponding resource owner.

The cermResOwnerSubTypeThresholdTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeThreshSeverity

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeRisingThresh

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeRisingInterval

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeFallingThresh

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeFallingInterval

Obtaining Information About a Resource User Type

You can use cermResUserTypeTable to obtain information about a resource user type. Each resource user type in the system has an entry in cermResUserTypeTable. The index entries for this object are entPhysicalIndex, cermResUserTypeSubEntityId, and cermResUserTypeId.

The cermResUserTypeTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResUserTypeSubEntityId

  • cermResUserTypeId

  • cermResUserTypeName

  • cermResUserTypeResOwnerCount

  • cermResUserTypeResUserCount

  • cermResUserTypeResGroupCount

Obtaining Resource User-Specific Information

You can use cermResUserTable to obtain information about each resource user in the system. This object is an extension of cermResUserTypeTable. The index entries for cermResUserTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResUserTypeSubEntityId, cermResUserTypeId, and ermResUserId.

The cermResUserTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResUserId

  • cermResUserName

  • cermResUserPriority

  • cermResUserResGroupId

Obtaining Information About Resource Groups

You can use cermResGroupTable to obtain information about every resource group available in the system. This object is an extension of cermResUserTypeTable. The index entries for cermResGroupTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResUserTypeSubEntityId, cermResUserTypeId, and cermResGroupId.

The cermResGroupTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResGroupId

  • cermResGroupName

  • cermResGroupUserInstanceCount

Obtaining Information About Resource Users in a Particular Resource Group

You can use cermResGroupResUserTable to obtain the list of resource users available in a particular resource group. This object is an extension of cermResGroupTable. The index entries for cermResGroupResUserTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResUserTypeSubEntityId, cermResUserTypeId, cermResGroupId, and cermResGroupResUserId.

The cermResGroupResUserTable defines the following object:

  • cermResGroupResUserId

Obtaining Information About Resource Owner and User Relationships

You can use cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupTable to obtain information about each resource owner- user relationship or resource owner-group relationship in the system. This object is an extension of cermResOwnerSubTypeTable.

The index entries for cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResOwnerSubEntityId, cermResOwnerId, cermResOwnerSubTypeId, cermResOwnerResUserTypeId, and cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupId.

This table can be used for the following tasks:

  • To obtain the list of resource users registered for a specific resource owner.

  • To obtain usage, max-usage, user local and per user global current notification levels for a given resource owner sub-type and resource user relation.

The cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResOwnerResUserTypeId

  • cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupId

  • cermResUserOrGroupFlag

  • cermResUserOrGroupUsagePct

  • cermResUserOrGroupUsage

  • cermResUserOrGroupMaxUsage

  • cermResUserOrGroupNotifSeverity

  • cermResUserOrGroupGlobNotifSeverity

Obtaining Threshold Information About Each Resource Owner Sub-type and Resource User Relationship

You can use cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupThresholdTable to obtain threshold information about each resource owner sub-type and resource user relationship. This object is an extension of the cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupTable.

The index entries for cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupThresholdTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResOwnerSubEntityId, cermResOwnerId, cermResOwnerSubTypeId, cermResOwnerResUserTypeId, cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupId, cermResUserOrGroupThreshIsUserGlob, and cermResUserOrGroupThreshSeverity.

The cermResOwnerResUserOrGroupThresholdTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResUserOrGroupThreshIsUserGlob

  • cermResUserOrGroupThreshSeverity

  • cermResUserOrGroupThreshFlag

  • cermResUserOrGroupRisingThresh

  • cermResUserOrGroupRisingInterval

  • cermResUserOrGroupFallingThresh

  • cermResUserOrGroupFallingInterval

Obtaining Information About Resource Owners Present in a Resource User Type

You can use cermResUserTypeResOwnerTable to obtain the list of resource owners present in a resource user type. This object is an extension of the cermResUserTypeTable.

The index entries for cermResUserTypeResOwnerTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResUserTypeSubEntityId, cermResUserTypeId, and cermResUserTypeResOwnerId.

The cermResUserTypeResOwnerTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResUserTypeResOwnerId

Obtaining Information About Resource Monitors

You can use cermResMonitorTable to obtain the list of resource monitors in the system. The index entries for this object are entPhysicalIndex, cermResMonitorSubEntityId, and cermResMonitorId.

The cermResMonitorTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResMonitorSubEntityId

  • cermResMonitorId

  • cermResMonitorName

Obtaining Resource Information About Resource Owner and User Relationships that are Monitored

You can use cermResMonitorResOwnerResUserTable to obtain resource-related information that is tracked by a resource monitor. This object is an extension of cermResMonitorTable.

The index entries for cermResMonitorResOwnerResUserTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResMonitorSubEntityId, cermResMonitorId, cermResMonitorResOwnerId, cermResMonitorResUserTypeId, and cermResMonitorResUserId.

The cermResMonitorResOwnerResUserTable defines the following objects:

  • cermResMonitorResOwnerId

  • cermResMonitorResUserTypeId

  • cermResMonitorResUserId

  • cermResMonitorResPolicyName

Obtaining Information About Resource Policies that are Monitored by a Resource Monitor

You can use cermResMonitorPolicyTable to obtain the list of resource policies that are tracked by a resource monitor. This object is an extension of the cermResMonitorTable. The index entries for cermResMonitorPolicyTable are entPhysicalIndex, cermResMonitorSubEntityId, cermResMonitorId, and cermResMonitorPolicyName.

The cermResMonitorPolicyTable defines the following object:

  • cermResMonitorPolicyName

ERM Configuration MIB Objects

You can use the ERM Configuration MIB objects to perform the following tasks:

The table below describes the ERM Configuration MIB objects.

Table 2. ERM Configuration MIB Objects

ERM Configuration MIB Objects


cermScalarsGlobalPolicyName (scalar object)

Identifies and indicates the global resource policy applied in the system.


Creates, modifies, or deletes a resource policy.


Configures threshold values and intervals for resource owner sub-types.


Creates or deletes a resource group.


Creates or deletes a user instance in a resource group.


Applies an existing resource policy to a resource user or group.

Verifying Whether a Global Resource Policy Is Applied in the System

You can use the scalar object cermScalarsGlobalPolicyName to identify and indicate if a global resource policy is applied in the system. If no global resource policy is applied in the system, this object will contain an empty string. This object has read-write access permission. Setting this scalar object to an existing global resource policy name will result in applying the global resource policy to the system.

Creating Modifying or Deleting a Resource Policy

You can use cermConfigPolicyTable to create, modify, or delete a resource policy. The index entry for this object is cermPolicyName.

The cermConfigPolicyTable defines the following objects:

  • cermPolicyName

  • cermPolicyIsGlobal

  • cermPolicyUserTypeName

  • cermPolicyLoggingEnabled

  • cermPolicySnmpNotifEnabled

  • cermPolicyStorageType

  • cermPolicyRowStatus

Configuring Threshold Values and Intervals for Resource Owner Sub-types in a Resource Policy

You can use cermConfigPolicyResOwnerThreshTable to configure rising or falling threshold values and rising or falling intervals for resource owner sub-types in a resource policy. This object is an extension of the cermConfigPolicyTable.

The index entries for cermConfigPolicyResOwnerThreshTable are cermPolicyName, cermPolicyPhysicalIndex, cermConfigPolicyResOwnerSubEntityId, cermConfigPolicyResOwnerId, cermConfigPolicyResOwnerSubTypeId, ermConfigPolicyIsUserGlobal, and cermConfigPolicyThresholdLevel.

The cermConfigPolicyResOwnerThreshTable defines the following objects:

  • cermPolicyPhysicalIndex

  • cermConfigPolicyResOwnerSubEntityId

  • cermPolicyResOwnerId

  • cermPolicyResOwnerSubTypeId

  • cermPolicyIsUserGlobal

  • cermPolicyThresholdLevel

  • cermPolicyRisingThreshold

  • cermPolicyRisingInterval

  • cermPolicyFallingThreshold

  • cermPolicyFallingInterval

  • cermPolicyResOwnerThreshStorageType

  • cermPolicyResOwnerRowStatus

Creating or Deleting a Resource Group

You can use cermConfigResGroupTable to create or delete a resource group in the system. The index entry for this object is cermConfigResGroupName.

The cermConfigResGroupTable defines the following objects:

  • cermConfigResGroupName

  • cermConfigResGroupUserTypeName

  • cermConfigResGroupStorageType

  • cermConfigResGroupRowStatus

Creating or Deleting a User Instance in a Resource Group

You can use cermConfigResGroupUserTable to create or delete a user instance in a given resource group. This object is an extension of the cermConfigResGroupTable.

The index entries for cermConfigResGroupUserTable are cermConfigResGroupName and cermConfigResGroupUserName.

The cermConfigResGroupUserTable defines the following objects:

  • cermConfigResGroupUserName

  • cermConfigResGroupUserStorageType

  • cermConfigResGroupUserRowStatus

Applying an Existing Resource Policy to a Resource User or Group

You can use cermConfigPolicyApplyTable to apply an existing resource policy to a resource user or resource group. The index entries for this object are cermPolicyApplyUserOrGroupName and cermPolicyApplyUserOrGroupFlag.

The cermConfigPolicyApplyTable defines the following objects:

  • cermPolicyApplyUserOrGroupName

  • cermPolicyApplyUserOrGroupFlag

  • cermPolicyApplyPolicyName

  • cermPolicyApplyStorageType

  • cermPolicyApplyRowStatus

ERM Notification MIB Objects

You can configure ERM Notification MIB objects to receive global or user-specific notification on policy violation. There are three types of ERM Notification MIB objects.

The table below describes the ERM Notification MIB objects.

Table 3. ERM Notification MIB Objects

ERM Notification MIB Objects



Enables ERM notifications.


Specifies the type of notification received on global policy violation.


Specifies the type of user-specific notification received on local policy violation.

Controlling the Generation of Traps for ERM Policy Violation Notifications

You can use cermNotifsEnabled to determine if the generation of traps for ERM policy violation notifications is allowed.

When this object is set to true, it allows generation of traps for the ERM policy violation related notifications ciscoErmGlobalPolicyViolation and ciscoErmLocalPolicyViolation.

Receiving a Global Notification on Policy Violation

You can use ciscoErmGlobPolicyViolation to receive global notification on policy violation.

The notification object ciscoErmGlobPolicyViolation defines the following objects:

  • cermResOwnerName

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeName

  • cermNotifsThresholdSeverity

  • cermNotifsThresholdValue

  • cermNotifsDirection

  • cermNotifsPolicyName

Receiving a User-Specific Notification on Policy Violation

You can use ciscoErmUserPolicyViolation to receive a user-specific notification on policy violation.

The notification object ciscoErmUserPolicyViolation contains the following objects:

  • cermResOwnerName

  • cermResOwnerSubTypeName

  • cermResUserTypeName

  • cermResUserName

  • cermResUserOrGroupThreshFlag

  • cermNotifsThresholdIsUserGlob

  • cermNotifsThresholdSeverity

  • cermNotifsThresholdValue

  • cermNotifsDirection

  • cermNotifsPolicyName

How to Configure ERM-MIB

Enabling ERM-MIB Notification Traps

You can enable ERM-MIB notification traps, which are generated when resource usage exceeds the threshold value. The ERM-MIB notification traps will be sent to the host that is configured to receive traps.


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. snmp-server enable traps resource-policy
  4. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

snmp-server enable traps resource-policy


Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps resource-policy

Enables CISCO-ERM-MIB notifications.

Step 4



Router(config)# end

Returns the router to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring the Router to Send SNMP Notification Traps for ERM to a Host

Perform this task to enable the router to send SNMP notifications traps defined in ERM-MIB to a host.

Before you begin

  • SNMP must be enabled on your network.

  • Create an SNMP server community to receive information on MIB objects and traps using the snmp-server community command.


  1. enable
  2. show running-config [options ]
  3. configure terminal
  4. snmp-server host {hostname | ip-address } [vrf vrf-name ] [traps | informs ] [version {1 | 2c | 3 [auth | noauth | priv ]}] community-string [udp-port port ] [notification-type ]
  5. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

show running-config [options ]


Router# show running-config

Displays the running configuration to determine if an SNMP agent is already running.

  • If no SNMP information is displayed, continue with the next step. If any SNMP information is displayed, you can modify the information or change it as needed.

Step 3

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 4

snmp-server host {hostname | ip-address } [vrf vrf-name ] [traps | informs ] [version {1 | 2c | 3 [auth | noauth | priv ]}] community-string [udp-port port ] [notification-type ]


Router(config)# snmp-server host traps version 2c priv mycommunitystring isis

Specifies the recipient (target host) for ERM SNMP notification operations.

Step 5



Router(config)# end

Returns the router to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuration Examples for ERM-MIB

Configuring the Router to Send SNMP Notifications for ERM to a Host Example

The following example shows how to configure the router to send SNMP notifications for ERM to a host:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# snmp-server community public rw
Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps resource-policy
Router(config)# snmp-server host version 2c public
Router(config)# end

Additional References

The following sections provide references related to the ERM-MIB feature.

Related Documents

Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

Embedded Resource Manager

Embedded Resource Manager

Network Management commands: complete command syntax, command mode, command history, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples

Cisco IOS Network Management Command Reference








MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:




RFC 1902

Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

Technical Assistance



The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.

To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.

Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for ERM-MIB

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 4. Feature Information for ERM-MIB

Feature Name


Feature Information

Embedded Resource Manager (ERM)-MIB

12.2(33)SB 12.2(33)SRB 12.4(15)T

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S

The ERM-MIB feature introduces MIB support for the Embedded Resource Manager (ERM) feature. The ERM-MIB feature allows you to monitor the usage of resources by gathering resource usage information using MIB objects. The network manager can use the information collected by the ERM-MIB objects to ensure the optimal use of the resources.

The following commands were introduced or modified by this feature: snmp-server enable traps resource-policy