
Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

The Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM) is a management diagnostic tool that provides network fault detection and isolation in a large multicast routing infrastructure. It is designed to notify a network administrator of multicast routing problems in a test environment.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Restrictions for Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

You must make sure the underlying multicast forwarding network being tested has no access lists or boundaries that deny the MRM data and control traffic. Specifically, consider the following factors:

  • MRM test data are User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets addressed to the configured multicast group address.

  • MRM control traffic between the Test Sender, Test Receiver, and Manager is addressed to the multicast group, which all three components join. The group is an IANA-registered group.

  • Take into account the unicast IP addresses of sources and receivers when considering what could prevent control traffic flowing.

Information About the Multicast Routing Monitor

Multicast Routing Monitor Operation

MRM has three components that play different roles: the Manager, the Test Sender, and the Test Receiver. To test a multicast environment using test packets, perhaps before an upcoming multicast event, you need all three components.

You create a test based on various test parameters, name the test, and start the test. The test runs in the background and the command prompt returns.

If the Test Receiver detects an error (such as packet loss or duplicate packets), it sends an error report to the device configured as the Manager. The Manager immediately displays the error report. (The show ip mrm status-reportcommand also displays error reports, if any.) You then troubleshoot your multicast environment as normal, perhaps using the mtrace command from the source to the Test Receiver. If the show ip mrm status-reportcommand displays no error reports, the Test Receiver is receiving test packets without loss or duplicates from the Test Sender.

The Cisco implementation of MRM supports Internet Draft of Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), March 1999. The IETF originally conceived MRM to use both test packets and real data. The Cisco implementation does not use real data due to technical issues and the fact that the IETF draft did not progress.

Benefits of Multicast Routing Monitor

The benefits of the MRM are as follows:

  • MRM allows network personnel to generate test flows without having to use host devices.

  • MRM can verify a multicast environment prior to an event. You need not wait for real multicast traffic to fail in order to find out that a problem exists. You can test the multicast routing environment before a planned event.

  • MRM provides easy diagnostics. The error information is easy for the user to understand.

  • MRM is scalable. This diagnostic tool works well for many users.

How to Use the Multicast Routing Monitor

Configuring a Test Receiver

Perform this task to configure a Test Receiver on a device or host.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    interface type number

    4.    ip mrm test-receiver

    5.    exit

    6.    ip mrm accept-manager access-list

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 interface type number

    Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

    Specifies an interface, and enters interface configuration mode.

    Step 4 ip mrm test-receiver

    Device(config-if)# ip mrm test-receiver

    Configures the interface to operate as a Test Receiver.

    Step 5 exit

    Device(config-if)# exit

    Returns to the next higher configuration mode.

    Step 6 ip mrm accept-manager access-list

    Device(config)# ip mrm accept-manager supervisor 

    (Optional) Specifies that the Test Receiver can accept status report requests only from Managers specified by the access list.

    • The access list is required and can be named or numbered.

    • This example uses an access list named “supervisor.” The access list is presumed to be already configured.


    Configuring a Test Sender

    Perform this task to configure a Test Sender on a different device or host from where you configured the Test Receiver.


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    interface type number

      4.    ip mrm test-sender

      5.    exit

      6.    ip mrm accept-manager [access-list]

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 interface type number

      Device(config)# interface gigiabitethernet 0/0/0

      Specifies an interface, and enters interface configuration mode.

      Step 4 ip mrm test-sender

      Device(config-if)# ip mrm test-sender

      Configures the interface to operate as a Test Sender.

      Step 5 exit

      Device(config-if)# exit

      Returns to the next higher configuration mode.

      Step 6 ip mrm accept-manager [access-list]

      Device(config)# ip mrm accept-manager supervisor 

      (Optional) Specifies that the Test Sender can accept status report requests only from Managers specified by the access list.

      • This example uses an access list named “supervisor.” The access list is presumed to be already configured.


      Monitoring Multiple Groups

      If you have more than one multicast group to monitor, you can configure an interface that is a Test Sender for one group and a Test Receiver for another group.

      The figure illustrates an environment where the router on the left is the Test Sender for Group A and the Test Receiver for Group B.

      Figure 1. Test Sender and Test Receiver for Different Groups on One Router


        1.    enable

        2.    configure terminal

        3.    interface type number

        4.    ip mrm test-sender-receiver

        5.    exit

        6.    ip mrm accept-manager access-list [test-sender | test-receiver]

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Router> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2 configure terminal

        Router# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 3 interface type number

        Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

        Specifies an interface, and enters interface configuration mode.

        Step 4 ip mrm test-sender-receiver

        Router(config-if)# ip mrm test-sender-receiver

        Configures the interface to operate as a Test Sender for one group and Test Receiver for another group.

        Step 5 exit

        Router(config-if)# exit

        Returns to the next higher configuration mode.

        Step 6 ip mrm accept-manager access-list [test-sender | test-receiver]

        Router(config)# ip mrm accept-manager supervisor test-sender

        (Optional) Specifies that the Test Sender or Test Receiver can accept status report requests only from Managers specified by the access list.

        • By default, the command applies to both the Test Sender and Test Receiver. Because this device is both, you might need to specify that the restriction applies to only the Test Sender or only the Test Receiver using the test-sender keyword or test-receiver keyword, respectively.


        Configuring a Manager

        Perform this task to configure a device as a Manager in order for MRM to function.


        A host cannot be a Manager.


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    ip mrm manager test-name

          4.    manager type number group ip-address

          5.    beacon [interval seconds] [holdtime seconds][ttl ttl-value]

          6.    udp-port test-packet port-number ] status-report port-number ]

          7.    senders access-list [packet-delay milliseconds] [rtp| udp] [target-only| all-multicasts| all-test-senders]

          8.    receivers access-list sender-list access-list [packet-delay]

          9.    receivers access-list [window seconds] [report-delay seconds] [loss percentage] [no-join] [monitor | poll]

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2 configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3 ip mrm manager test-name

          Device(config)# ip mrm manager test1

          Specifies the name of an MRM test to be created or modified, and enters MRM manager configuration mode.

          • The test name is used to start, stop, and monitor a test.

          • From MRM manager configuration mode, you specify the parameters of the test.

          Step 4 manager type number group ip-address

          Device(config-mrm-manager)# manager gigabitethernet 0/0/0 group

          Specifies which interface on the device is the Manager, and specifies the multicast group address the Test Receiver will listen to.

          Step 5 beacon [interval seconds] [holdtime seconds][ttl ttl-value]

          Device(config-mrm-manager)# beacon interval 60

          (Optional) Changes the frequency, duration, or scope of beacon messages that the Manager sends to the Test Sender and Test Receiver.

          • By default, beacon messages are sent at an interval of 60 seconds.

          • By default, the duration of a test period is 86400 seconds (1 day).

          • By default, the TTL is 32 hops.

          Step 6 udp-port test-packet port-number ] status-report port-number ]

          Device(config-mrm-manager)# udp-port test-packet 20202

          (Optional) Changes the UDP port numbers to which the Test Sender sends test packets or the Test Receiver sends status reports.

          • Use the optional test-packet keyword and port-number argument to change the UDP port to which the Test Sender sends test packets. The port number must be even if the packets are Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)-encapsulated. The range is from 16384 to 65535.

          • By default, the Test Sender uses UDP port number 16834 to send test packets.

          • Use the optional status-report keyword and port-number argument to change the UDP port to which the Test Receiver sends status reports. The port number must be odd if the packets are RTP Control Protocol (RTCP)-encapsulated. The range is from 16834 to 65535.

          • By default, the Test Receiver uses UDP port number 65535 to send status reports.

          Step 7 senders access-list [packet-delay milliseconds] [rtp| udp] [target-only| all-multicasts| all-test-senders]

          Device(config-mrm-manager)# senders 1 packet-delay 400 udp all-test-senders

          Establishes Test Senders for MRM tests.

          • Use the optional packet-delay keyword and milliseconds argument to specify the delay between test packets (in milliseconds). The range is from 50 to 10000. The default is 200 milliseconds, which results in 5 packets per second.

          • Use the optional rtp keyword or udp keyword to specify the encapsulation of test packets, either Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) encapsulated or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) encapsulated. By default, test packets are RTP-encapsulated.

          • Use the optional target-only keyword to specify that test packets are sent out on the targeted interface only (that is, the interface with the IP address that is specified in the Test Sender request target field). By default, test packets are sent out on all interfaces that are enabled with IP multicast.

          • Use the optional all-multicasts keyword to specify that the test packets are sent out on all interfaces that are enabled with IP multicast. This is the default method for sending test packets.

          • Use the optional all-test-senders keyword to specify that test packets are sent out on all interfaces that have test-sender mode enabled. By default, test packets are sent out on all interfaces that are enabled with IP multicast.

          Step 8 receivers access-list sender-list access-list [packet-delay]

          Device(config-mrm-manager)# receivers 1 sender-list 3

          Establishes Test Receivers for MRM.


          Although the Cisco IOS CLI parser accepts the command entered without the sender-list access-list keyword-argument pair, this keyword-argument pair is not optional. For an MRM test to work, you must specify the sources that the Test Receiver should monitor using the sender-list keyword and access-list argument.

          • Use the sender-list keyword and access-list to specify the sources that the Test Receiver should monitor. If the named or numbered access list matches any access list specified in the senders command, the associated packet-delay milliseconds keyword and argument of that senders command are used in the MRM test. Otherwise, the receivers command requires that a delay be specified for the packet-delay argument.

          • Use the optional packet-delay argument to specify the delay between test packets (in milliseconds). The range is from 50 to 10000. If the sender-list access list matches any access list specified in a senders command, the associated packet-delay milliseconds keyword and argument of that senders command are used in this command. Otherwise, the receiverscommand requires that a delay be specified for the packet-delay argument.

          Step 9 receivers access-list [window seconds] [report-delay seconds] [loss percentage] [no-join] [monitor | poll]

          Device(config-mrm-manager)# receivers 1 window 7 report-delay 30

          (Optional) Modifies the parameters of Test Receivers.

          • Use the optional window keyword and seconds argument to specify the duration (in seconds) of a test period. This is a sliding window of time in which the packet count is collected, so that the loss percentage can be calculated. The range is from 1 to 10. The default is 5 seconds.

          • Use the optional report-delay keyword and seconds argument to specify the delay (in seconds) between status reports. The delay prevents multiple Test Receivers from sending status reports to the Manager at the same time for the same failure. This value is relevant only if there are multiple Test Receivers. The range is from 1 to 60. The default is 1 second.

          • Use the optional loss keyword and percentage argument to specify the threshold percentage of packet loss required before a status report is triggered. The range is from 0 to 100. The default is 0 percent, which means that a status report is sent for any packet loss.

          • Use the optional no-join keyword to specify that the Test Receiver does not join the monitored group. The default is that the Test Receiver joins the monitored group.

          • Use either the optional monitor or poll keyword to specify whether the Test Receiver monitors the test group or polls for receiver statistics. The monitor keyword means the Test Receiver reports only if the test criteria are met. The poll keyword means the Test Receiver sends status reports regularly, whether test criteria are met or not. The default is the behavior set with the monitor keyword.


          Conducting an MRM Test and Viewing Results

          From the device playing the Manager role, you can start and stop the MRM test. To start and subsequently stop your MRM test, perform this task.

          When the test begins, the Manager sends a unicast control packet to the Test Sender and Test Receiver, and then the Manager starts sending beacons. The Test Sender and Test Receiver send acknowledgments to the Manager and begin sending or receiving test packets. If an error occurs, the Test Receiver sends an error report to the Manager, which immediately displays the report.


            1.    enable

            2.    clear ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

            3.    show ip mrm interface [type number]

            4.    show ip mrm manager [test-name]

            5.    mrm test-name start

            6.    mrm test-name stop

            7.    show ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Device> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.

            Step 2 clear ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

            Device# clear ip mrm status-report

            (Optional) Clears the MRM status report cache.

            Step 3 show ip mrm interface [type number]

            Device# show ip mrm interface Ethernet 1

            (Optional) Displays MRM information related to interfaces.

            • Use this command before starting an MRM test to verify the interfaces are participating in MRM, in which roles, and whether the interfaces are up or down.

            Step 4 show ip mrm manager [test-name]

            Device# show ip mrm manager test1 

            (Optional) Displays information about MRM tests.

            • Use this command before starting an MRM test to verify MRM status information and the parameters configured for an MRM test.

            Step 5 mrm test-name start

            Device# mrm test1 start

            Starts the MRM test.

            Step 6 mrm test-name stop

            Device# mrm test1 stop

            Stops the MRM test.

            Step 7 show ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

            Device# show ip mrm status-report 

            (Optional) Displays the status reports in the MRM status report cache.


            Configuration Examples for MRM

            Configuring MRM Example

            The figure illustrates a Test Sender, a Test Receiver, and a Manager in an MRM environment. The partial configurations for the three devices follow the figure.

            Figure 2. MRM Example Topology

            Test Sender Configuration

            interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 
             ip mrm test-sender 

            Test Receiver Configuration

            interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 
             ip mrm test-receiver 

            Manager Configuration

            ip mrm manager test1 
            manager GigabitEthernet 1/0/0 group 
            senders 1
            receivers 2 sender-list 1 
            access-list 1 permit 
            access-list 2 permit 

            Additional References

            Related Documents

            Related Topic

            Document Title

            Cisco IOS commands

            Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

            IP multicast commands

            Cisco IOS IP Multicast Command Reference

            Standards and RFCs




            Justification and Use of the Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM) Protocol



            MIBs Link

            To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS XE software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


            Technical Assistance



            The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


            Feature Information for Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

            The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

            Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

            Table 1 Feature Information for Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

            Feature Name


            Feature Information

            Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM)



            The Multicast Routing Monitor is a network fault detection and isolation mechanism for administering a multicast routing infrastructure.

            Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

            Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

            The Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM) is a management diagnostic tool that provides network fault detection and isolation in a large multicast routing infrastructure. It is designed to notify a network administrator of multicast routing problems in a test environment.

            Finding Feature Information

            Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

            Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

            Restrictions for Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

            You must make sure the underlying multicast forwarding network being tested has no access lists or boundaries that deny the MRM data and control traffic. Specifically, consider the following factors:

            • MRM test data are User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets addressed to the configured multicast group address.

            • MRM control traffic between the Test Sender, Test Receiver, and Manager is addressed to the multicast group, which all three components join. The group is an IANA-registered group.

            • Take into account the unicast IP addresses of sources and receivers when considering what could prevent control traffic flowing.

            Information About the Multicast Routing Monitor

            Multicast Routing Monitor Operation

            MRM has three components that play different roles: the Manager, the Test Sender, and the Test Receiver. To test a multicast environment using test packets, perhaps before an upcoming multicast event, you need all three components.

            You create a test based on various test parameters, name the test, and start the test. The test runs in the background and the command prompt returns.

            If the Test Receiver detects an error (such as packet loss or duplicate packets), it sends an error report to the device configured as the Manager. The Manager immediately displays the error report. (The show ip mrm status-reportcommand also displays error reports, if any.) You then troubleshoot your multicast environment as normal, perhaps using the mtrace command from the source to the Test Receiver. If the show ip mrm status-reportcommand displays no error reports, the Test Receiver is receiving test packets without loss or duplicates from the Test Sender.

            The Cisco implementation of MRM supports Internet Draft of Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), March 1999. The IETF originally conceived MRM to use both test packets and real data. The Cisco implementation does not use real data due to technical issues and the fact that the IETF draft did not progress.

            Benefits of Multicast Routing Monitor

            The benefits of the MRM are as follows:

            • MRM allows network personnel to generate test flows without having to use host devices.

            • MRM can verify a multicast environment prior to an event. You need not wait for real multicast traffic to fail in order to find out that a problem exists. You can test the multicast routing environment before a planned event.

            • MRM provides easy diagnostics. The error information is easy for the user to understand.

            • MRM is scalable. This diagnostic tool works well for many users.

            How to Use the Multicast Routing Monitor

            Configuring a Test Receiver

            Perform this task to configure a Test Receiver on a device or host.

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    configure terminal

              3.    interface type number

              4.    ip mrm test-receiver

              5.    exit

              6.    ip mrm accept-manager access-list

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 enable

              Device> enable

              Enables privileged EXEC mode.

              • Enter your password if prompted.

              Step 2 configure terminal

              Device# configure terminal

              Enters global configuration mode.

              Step 3 interface type number

              Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

              Specifies an interface, and enters interface configuration mode.

              Step 4 ip mrm test-receiver

              Device(config-if)# ip mrm test-receiver

              Configures the interface to operate as a Test Receiver.

              Step 5 exit

              Device(config-if)# exit

              Returns to the next higher configuration mode.

              Step 6 ip mrm accept-manager access-list

              Device(config)# ip mrm accept-manager supervisor 

              (Optional) Specifies that the Test Receiver can accept status report requests only from Managers specified by the access list.

              • The access list is required and can be named or numbered.

              • This example uses an access list named “supervisor.” The access list is presumed to be already configured.


              Configuring a Test Sender

              Perform this task to configure a Test Sender on a different device or host from where you configured the Test Receiver.

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    enable

                2.    configure terminal

                3.    interface type number

                4.    ip mrm test-sender

                5.    exit

                6.    ip mrm accept-manager [access-list]

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 enable

                Device> enable

                Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                • Enter your password if prompted.

                Step 2 configure terminal

                Device# configure terminal

                Enters global configuration mode.

                Step 3 interface type number

                Device(config)# interface gigiabitethernet 0/0/0

                Specifies an interface, and enters interface configuration mode.

                Step 4 ip mrm test-sender

                Device(config-if)# ip mrm test-sender

                Configures the interface to operate as a Test Sender.

                Step 5 exit

                Device(config-if)# exit

                Returns to the next higher configuration mode.

                Step 6 ip mrm accept-manager [access-list]

                Device(config)# ip mrm accept-manager supervisor 

                (Optional) Specifies that the Test Sender can accept status report requests only from Managers specified by the access list.

                • This example uses an access list named “supervisor.” The access list is presumed to be already configured.


                Monitoring Multiple Groups

                If you have more than one multicast group to monitor, you can configure an interface that is a Test Sender for one group and a Test Receiver for another group.

                The figure illustrates an environment where the router on the left is the Test Sender for Group A and the Test Receiver for Group B.

                Figure 1. Test Sender and Test Receiver for Different Groups on One Router

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    enable

                  2.    configure terminal

                  3.    interface type number

                  4.    ip mrm test-sender-receiver

                  5.    exit

                  6.    ip mrm accept-manager access-list [test-sender | test-receiver]

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1 enable

                  Router> enable

                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                  • Enter your password if prompted.

                  Step 2 configure terminal

                  Router# configure terminal

                  Enters global configuration mode.

                  Step 3 interface type number

                  Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

                  Specifies an interface, and enters interface configuration mode.

                  Step 4 ip mrm test-sender-receiver

                  Router(config-if)# ip mrm test-sender-receiver

                  Configures the interface to operate as a Test Sender for one group and Test Receiver for another group.

                  Step 5 exit

                  Router(config-if)# exit

                  Returns to the next higher configuration mode.

                  Step 6 ip mrm accept-manager access-list [test-sender | test-receiver]

                  Router(config)# ip mrm accept-manager supervisor test-sender

                  (Optional) Specifies that the Test Sender or Test Receiver can accept status report requests only from Managers specified by the access list.

                  • By default, the command applies to both the Test Sender and Test Receiver. Because this device is both, you might need to specify that the restriction applies to only the Test Sender or only the Test Receiver using the test-sender keyword or test-receiver keyword, respectively.


                  Configuring a Manager

                  Perform this task to configure a device as a Manager in order for MRM to function.


                  A host cannot be a Manager.

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    enable

                    2.    configure terminal

                    3.    ip mrm manager test-name

                    4.    manager type number group ip-address

                    5.    beacon [interval seconds] [holdtime seconds][ttl ttl-value]

                    6.    udp-port test-packet port-number ] status-report port-number ]

                    7.    senders access-list [packet-delay milliseconds] [rtp| udp] [target-only| all-multicasts| all-test-senders]

                    8.    receivers access-list sender-list access-list [packet-delay]

                    9.    receivers access-list [window seconds] [report-delay seconds] [loss percentage] [no-join] [monitor | poll]

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 enable

                    Device> enable

                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                    • Enter your password if prompted.

                    Step 2 configure terminal

                    Device# configure terminal

                    Enters global configuration mode.

                    Step 3 ip mrm manager test-name

                    Device(config)# ip mrm manager test1

                    Specifies the name of an MRM test to be created or modified, and enters MRM manager configuration mode.

                    • The test name is used to start, stop, and monitor a test.

                    • From MRM manager configuration mode, you specify the parameters of the test.

                    Step 4 manager type number group ip-address

                    Device(config-mrm-manager)# manager gigabitethernet 0/0/0 group

                    Specifies which interface on the device is the Manager, and specifies the multicast group address the Test Receiver will listen to.

                    Step 5 beacon [interval seconds] [holdtime seconds][ttl ttl-value]

                    Device(config-mrm-manager)# beacon interval 60

                    (Optional) Changes the frequency, duration, or scope of beacon messages that the Manager sends to the Test Sender and Test Receiver.

                    • By default, beacon messages are sent at an interval of 60 seconds.

                    • By default, the duration of a test period is 86400 seconds (1 day).

                    • By default, the TTL is 32 hops.

                    Step 6 udp-port test-packet port-number ] status-report port-number ]

                    Device(config-mrm-manager)# udp-port test-packet 20202

                    (Optional) Changes the UDP port numbers to which the Test Sender sends test packets or the Test Receiver sends status reports.

                    • Use the optional test-packet keyword and port-number argument to change the UDP port to which the Test Sender sends test packets. The port number must be even if the packets are Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)-encapsulated. The range is from 16384 to 65535.

                    • By default, the Test Sender uses UDP port number 16834 to send test packets.

                    • Use the optional status-report keyword and port-number argument to change the UDP port to which the Test Receiver sends status reports. The port number must be odd if the packets are RTP Control Protocol (RTCP)-encapsulated. The range is from 16834 to 65535.

                    • By default, the Test Receiver uses UDP port number 65535 to send status reports.

                    Step 7 senders access-list [packet-delay milliseconds] [rtp| udp] [target-only| all-multicasts| all-test-senders]

                    Device(config-mrm-manager)# senders 1 packet-delay 400 udp all-test-senders

                    Establishes Test Senders for MRM tests.

                    • Use the optional packet-delay keyword and milliseconds argument to specify the delay between test packets (in milliseconds). The range is from 50 to 10000. The default is 200 milliseconds, which results in 5 packets per second.

                    • Use the optional rtp keyword or udp keyword to specify the encapsulation of test packets, either Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) encapsulated or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) encapsulated. By default, test packets are RTP-encapsulated.

                    • Use the optional target-only keyword to specify that test packets are sent out on the targeted interface only (that is, the interface with the IP address that is specified in the Test Sender request target field). By default, test packets are sent out on all interfaces that are enabled with IP multicast.

                    • Use the optional all-multicasts keyword to specify that the test packets are sent out on all interfaces that are enabled with IP multicast. This is the default method for sending test packets.

                    • Use the optional all-test-senders keyword to specify that test packets are sent out on all interfaces that have test-sender mode enabled. By default, test packets are sent out on all interfaces that are enabled with IP multicast.

                    Step 8 receivers access-list sender-list access-list [packet-delay]

                    Device(config-mrm-manager)# receivers 1 sender-list 3

                    Establishes Test Receivers for MRM.


                    Although the Cisco IOS CLI parser accepts the command entered without the sender-list access-list keyword-argument pair, this keyword-argument pair is not optional. For an MRM test to work, you must specify the sources that the Test Receiver should monitor using the sender-list keyword and access-list argument.

                    • Use the sender-list keyword and access-list to specify the sources that the Test Receiver should monitor. If the named or numbered access list matches any access list specified in the senders command, the associated packet-delay milliseconds keyword and argument of that senders command are used in the MRM test. Otherwise, the receivers command requires that a delay be specified for the packet-delay argument.

                    • Use the optional packet-delay argument to specify the delay between test packets (in milliseconds). The range is from 50 to 10000. If the sender-list access list matches any access list specified in a senders command, the associated packet-delay milliseconds keyword and argument of that senders command are used in this command. Otherwise, the receiverscommand requires that a delay be specified for the packet-delay argument.

                    Step 9 receivers access-list [window seconds] [report-delay seconds] [loss percentage] [no-join] [monitor | poll]

                    Device(config-mrm-manager)# receivers 1 window 7 report-delay 30

                    (Optional) Modifies the parameters of Test Receivers.

                    • Use the optional window keyword and seconds argument to specify the duration (in seconds) of a test period. This is a sliding window of time in which the packet count is collected, so that the loss percentage can be calculated. The range is from 1 to 10. The default is 5 seconds.

                    • Use the optional report-delay keyword and seconds argument to specify the delay (in seconds) between status reports. The delay prevents multiple Test Receivers from sending status reports to the Manager at the same time for the same failure. This value is relevant only if there are multiple Test Receivers. The range is from 1 to 60. The default is 1 second.

                    • Use the optional loss keyword and percentage argument to specify the threshold percentage of packet loss required before a status report is triggered. The range is from 0 to 100. The default is 0 percent, which means that a status report is sent for any packet loss.

                    • Use the optional no-join keyword to specify that the Test Receiver does not join the monitored group. The default is that the Test Receiver joins the monitored group.

                    • Use either the optional monitor or poll keyword to specify whether the Test Receiver monitors the test group or polls for receiver statistics. The monitor keyword means the Test Receiver reports only if the test criteria are met. The poll keyword means the Test Receiver sends status reports regularly, whether test criteria are met or not. The default is the behavior set with the monitor keyword.


                    Conducting an MRM Test and Viewing Results

                    From the device playing the Manager role, you can start and stop the MRM test. To start and subsequently stop your MRM test, perform this task.

                    When the test begins, the Manager sends a unicast control packet to the Test Sender and Test Receiver, and then the Manager starts sending beacons. The Test Sender and Test Receiver send acknowledgments to the Manager and begin sending or receiving test packets. If an error occurs, the Test Receiver sends an error report to the Manager, which immediately displays the report.

                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    enable

                      2.    clear ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

                      3.    show ip mrm interface [type number]

                      4.    show ip mrm manager [test-name]

                      5.    mrm test-name start

                      6.    mrm test-name stop

                      7.    show ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

                    DETAILED STEPS
                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1 enable

                      Device> enable

                      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                      • Enter your password if prompted.

                      Step 2 clear ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

                      Device# clear ip mrm status-report

                      (Optional) Clears the MRM status report cache.

                      Step 3 show ip mrm interface [type number]

                      Device# show ip mrm interface Ethernet 1

                      (Optional) Displays MRM information related to interfaces.

                      • Use this command before starting an MRM test to verify the interfaces are participating in MRM, in which roles, and whether the interfaces are up or down.

                      Step 4 show ip mrm manager [test-name]

                      Device# show ip mrm manager test1 

                      (Optional) Displays information about MRM tests.

                      • Use this command before starting an MRM test to verify MRM status information and the parameters configured for an MRM test.

                      Step 5 mrm test-name start

                      Device# mrm test1 start

                      Starts the MRM test.

                      Step 6 mrm test-name stop

                      Device# mrm test1 stop

                      Stops the MRM test.

                      Step 7 show ip mrm status-report [ip-address]

                      Device# show ip mrm status-report 

                      (Optional) Displays the status reports in the MRM status report cache.


                      Configuration Examples for MRM

                      Configuring MRM Example

                      The figure illustrates a Test Sender, a Test Receiver, and a Manager in an MRM environment. The partial configurations for the three devices follow the figure.

                      Figure 2. MRM Example Topology

                      Test Sender Configuration

                      interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 
                       ip mrm test-sender 

                      Test Receiver Configuration

                      interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 
                       ip mrm test-receiver 

                      Manager Configuration

                      ip mrm manager test1 
                      manager GigabitEthernet 1/0/0 group 
                      senders 1
                      receivers 2 sender-list 1 
                      access-list 1 permit 
                      access-list 2 permit 

                      Additional References

                      Related Documents

                      Related Topic

                      Document Title

                      Cisco IOS commands

                      Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

                      IP multicast commands

                      Cisco IOS IP Multicast Command Reference

                      Standards and RFCs




                      Justification and Use of the Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM) Protocol



                      MIBs Link

                      To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS XE software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


                      Technical Assistance



                      The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


                      Feature Information for Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

                      The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

                      Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

                      Table 1 Feature Information for Using the Multicast Routing Monitor

                      Feature Name


                      Feature Information

                      Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM)



                      The Multicast Routing Monitor is a network fault detection and isolation mechanism for administering a multicast routing infrastructure.