IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution
IPv6 route redistribution supports redistributing routes into an IPv6 IS-IS routing process and redistributing IPv6 IS-IS routes between IS-IS levels.
Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the Feature Information Table at the end of this document.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Information About IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution
IS-IS Enhancements for IPv6
IS-IS in IPv6 functions the same and offers many of the same benefits as IS-IS in IPv4. IPv6 enhancements to IS-IS allow IS-IS to advertise IPv6 prefixes in addition to IPv4 and OSI routes. Extensions to the IS-IS command-line interface (CLI) allow configuration of IPv6-specific parameters. IPv6 IS-IS extends the address families supported by IS-IS to include IPv6, in addition to OSI and IPv4.
IS-IS in IPv6 supports either single-topology mode or multiple topology mode.
IPv6 IS-IS Route Redistribution
IS-IS for IPv6 supports redistributing routes into an IPv6 IS-IS routing process and redistributing IPv6 IS-IS routes between IS-IS levels.
How to Configure IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution
- Redistributing Routes into an IPv6 IS-IS Routing Process
- Redistributing IPv6 IS-IS Routes Between IS-IS Levels
- Verifying IPv6 IS-IS Configuration and Operation
Redistributing Routes into an IPv6 IS-IS Routing Process
Redistributing IPv6 IS-IS Routes Between IS-IS Levels
Perform this task to redistribute IPv6 routes learned at one IS-IS level into a different level.
Verifying IPv6 IS-IS Configuration and Operation
Command or Action | Purpose | |
Example: Router> enable |
Enables privileged EXEC mode. |
Example: Router# show ipv6 protocols |
Displays the parameters and current state of the active IPv6 routing processes. |
Example: Router# show isis topology |
Displays a list of all connected routers running IS-IS in all areas. |
Example: Router# show clns neighbors detail |
Displays end system (ES), intermediate system (IS), and multitopology IS-IS (M-ISIS) neighbors. |
Example: Router# show clns is-neighbors detail |
Displays IS-IS adjacency information for IS-IS neighbors. |
Example: Router# show isis database detail |
Displays the IS-IS link-state database. |
Example: Router# show isis ipv6 rib |
Displays the IPv6 local RIB. |
Configuration Examples for IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution
- Example: Redistributing Routes into an IPv6 IS-IS Routing Process
- Example: Redistributing IPv6 IS-IS Routes Between IS-IS Levels
- Example: Configuring IS-IS for IPv6
Example: Redistributing Routes into an IPv6 IS-IS Routing Process
The following example redistributes IPv6 BGP routes into the IPv6 IS-IS Level 2 routing process:
router isis address-family ipv6 redistribute bgp 64500 metric 100 route-map isismap exit
Example: Redistributing IPv6 IS-IS Routes Between IS-IS Levels
The following example redistributes IPv6 IS-IS Level 1 routes into the IPv6 IS-IS Level 2 routing process:
router isis address-family ipv6 redistribute isis level-1 into level-2
Example: Configuring IS-IS for IPv6
In the following example, output information about the parameters and current state of that active IPv6 routing processes is displayed using the show ipv6 protocolscommand:
Router# show ipv6 protocols
IPv6 Routing Protocol is "connected"
IPv6 Routing Protocol is "static"
IPv6 Routing Protocol is "isis"
Loopback1 (Passive)
Loopback2 (Passive)
Loopback3 (Passive)
Loopback4 (Passive)
Loopback5 (Passive)
Redistributing protocol static at level 1
Address Summarization:
L2: 2001:DB8:33::/16 advertised with metric 0
L2: 2001:DB8:44::/16 advertised with metric 20
L2: 2001:DB8:66::/16 advertised with metric 10
L2: 2001:DB8:77::/16 advertised with metric 10
In the following example, output information about all connected routers running IS-IS in all areas is displayed using the show isis topologycommand:
Router# show isis topology
IS-IS paths to level-1 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
0000.0000.000D 20 0000.0000.00AA Se1/0/1 *HDLC*
0000.0000.000F 10 0000.0000.000F GE0/0/1 0050.e2e5.d01d
0000.0000.00AA 10 0000.0000.00AA Se1/0/1 *HDLC*
IS-IS paths to level-2 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
0000.0000.000A 10 0000.0000.000A GE0/0/3 0010.f68d.f063
0000.0000.000B 20 0000.0000.000A GE0/0/3 0010.f68d.f063
0000.0000.000C --
0000.0000.000D 30 0000.0000.000A GE0/0/3 0010.f68d.f063
0000.0000.000E 30 0000.0000.000A GE0/0/3 0010.f68d.f063
In the following example, output information to confirm that the local router has formed all the necessary IS-IS adjacencies with other IS-IS neighbors is displayed using the show clns is-neighborscommand. To display the IPv6 link-local addresses of the neighbors, specify the detail keyword.
Router# show clns is-neighbors detail
System Id Interface State Type Priority Circuit Id Format
0000.0000.00AA Se1/0/1 Up L1 0 00 Phase V
Area Address(es): 49.0001
IPv6 Address(es): FE80::YYYY:D37C:C854:5
Uptime: 17:21:38
0000.0000.000F Et0/0/1 Up L1 64 0000.0000.000C.02 Phase V
Area Address(es): 49.0001
IPv6 Address(es): FE80::XXXX:E2FF:FEE5:D01D
Uptime: 17:21:41
0000.0000.000A Et0/0/3 Up L2 64 0000.0000.000C.01 Phase V
Area Address(es): 49.000b
IPv6 Address(es): FE80::ZZZZ:F6FF:FE8D:F063
Uptime: 17:22:06
In the following example, detailed output information that displays both end system (ES) and intermediate system (IS) neighbors is displayed using the show clns neighbors command with the detail keyword.
Router# show clns neighbors detail
System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol
0000.0000.0007 GE3/3 aa00.0400.6408 UP 26 L1 IS-IS
Area Address(es): 20
IP Address(es):*
Uptime: 00:21:49
0000.0C00.0C35 GE3/2 0000.0c00.0c36 Up 91 L1 IS-IS
Area Address(es): 20
IP Address(es):*
Uptime: 00:21:52
0800.2B16.24EA GE3/3 aa00.0400.2d05 Up 27 L1 M-ISIS
Area Address(es): 20
IP Address(es):*
IPv6 Address(es): FE80::2B0:8EFF:FE31:EC57
Uptime: 00:00:27
0800.2B14.060E GE3/2 aa00.0400.9205 Up 8 L1 IS-IS
Area Address(es): 20
IP Address(es):*
Uptime: 00:21:52
In the following example, detailed output information about LSPs received from other routers and the IPv6 prefixes they are advertising is displayed using the show isis databasecommand with the detail keyword specified:
Router# show isis database detail
IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
0000.0C00.0C35.00-00 0x0000000C 0x5696 325 0/0/0
Area Address: 47.0004.004D.0001
Area Address: 39.0001
Metric: 10 IS 0000.0C00.62E6.03
Metric: 0 ES 0000.0C00.0C35
0000.0C00.40AF.00-00* 0x00000009 0x8452 608 1/0/0
Area Address: 47.0004.004D.0001
Topology: IPv4 (0x0) IPv6 (0x2)
NLPID: 0xCC 0x8E
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IS 0800.2B16.24EA.01
Metric: 10 IS 0000.0C00.62E6.03
Metric: 0 ES 0000.0C00.40AF
IPv6 Address: 2001:DB8::/32
Metric: 10 IPv6 (MT-IPv6) 2001:DB8::/64
Metric: 5 IS-Extended cisco.03
Metric: 10 IS-Extended cisco1.03
Metric: 10 IS (MT-IPv6) cisco.03
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
0000.0000.000A.00-00 0x00000059 0x378A 949 0/0/0
Area Address: 49.000b
IPv6 Address: 2001:DB8:1:1:1:1:1:1
Metric: 10 IPv6 2001:DB8:2:YYYY::/64
Metric: 10 IPv6 2001:DB8:3:YYYY::/64
Metric: 10 IPv6 2001:DB8:2:YYYY::/64
Metric: 10 IS-Extended 0000.0000.000A.01
Metric: 10 IS-Extended 0000.0000.000B.00
Metric: 10 IS-Extended 0000.0000.000C.01
Metric: 0 IPv6 11:1:YYYY:1:1:1:1:1/128
Metric: 0 IPv6 11:2:YYYY:1:1:1:1:1/128
Metric: 0 IPv6 11:3:YYYY:1:1:1:1:1/128
Metric: 0 IPv6 11:4:YYYY:1:1:1:1:1/128
Metric: 0 IPv6 11:5:YYYY:1:1:1:1:1/128
0000.0000.000A.01-00 0x00000050 0xB0AF 491 0/0/0
Metric: 0 IS-Extended 0000.0000.000A.00
Metric: 0 IS-Extended 0000.0000.000B.00
The following example shows output from the show isis ipv6 rib command. An asterisk (*) indicates prefixes that have been installed in the master IPv6 RIB as IS-IS routes. Following each prefix is a list of all paths in order of preference, with optimal paths listed first and suboptimal paths listed after optimal paths.
Router# show isis ipv6 rib
IS-IS IPv6 process "", local RIB
via FE80::210:7BFF:FEC2:ACC9/GigabitEthernet2/0/0, type L2 metric 20 LSP [3/7]
via FE80::210:7BFF:FEC2:ACCC/GigabitEthernet2/1/0, type L2 metric 20 LSP [3/7]
* 2001:DB8:1357:1::/64
via FE80::202:7DFF:FE1A:9471/GigabitEthernet2/1/0, type L2 metric 10 LSP [4/9]
* 2001:DB8:45A::/64
via FE80::210:7BFF:FEC2:ACC9/GigabitEthernet2/0/0, type L1 metric 20 LSP [C/6]
via FE80::210:7BFF:FEC2:ACCC/GigabitEthernet2/1/0, type L1 metric 20 LSP [C/6]
via FE80::210:7BFF:FEC2:ACC9/GigabitEthernet2/0/0, type L2 metric 20 LSP [3/7]
via FE80::210:7BFF:FEC2:ACCC/GigabitEthernet2/1/0, type L2 metric 20 LSP [3/7]
Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic | Document Title |
IPv6 addressing and connectivity |
IPv6 Configuration Guide |
Cisco IOS commands |
IPv6 commands |
Cisco IOS IPv6 features |
Cisco IOS IPv6 Feature Mapping |
IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution |
" Integrated IS-IS Routing Protocol Overview" module |
Standards and RFCs
Standard/RFC | Title |
RFCs for IPv6 |
IPv6 RFCs |
MIBs Link |
To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL: |
Technical Assistance
Description | Link |
The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a Cisco.com user ID and password. |
Feature Information for IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 1 | Feature Information for IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution |
Feature Name | Releases | Feature Information |
IPv6 Routing: Route Redistribution |
12.2(2)T 12.3 12.2(25)SEA 12.2(25)SG 3.2.0SG 15.0(2)SG 12.2(33)SRA 12.2(18)SXE |
IS-IS for IPv6 supports redistributing routes into an IPv6 IS-IS routing process and redistributing IPv6 IS-IS routes between IS-IS levels. The following commands were introduced or modified: address-family ipv6, redistribute isis (IPv6). |
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network topology diagrams, and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.