In-band OAM for IPv6

The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature supports "in-band" operation, administration, and maintenance (OAM) for IPv6 which enables you to define advanced options for recording OAM information in an IPv6 packet during its traversal through a particular network domain.

Benefits of In-band OAM for IPv6

Benefits over Active OAM (out-of-band)

In-band OAM for IPv6 enables you to use "In-band" mechanisms which do not require extra packets to be sent and hence don't change the packet traffic mix within the network. Traceroute and ping for example use ICMP messages: New packets are injected to get tracing information. Those add to the number of messages in a network, which already might be highly loaded or suffering performance issues for a particular path or traffic type.

Packet scheduling algorithms, especially for balancing traffic across equal cost paths or links, often leverage information contained within the packet, such as protocol number, IP-address or MAC-address. Probe packets would thus either need to be sent from the exact same endpoints with the exact same parameters, or probe packets would need to be artificially constructed as "fake" packets and inserted along the path. Both approaches are often not feasible from an operational perspective, be it that access to the end-system is not feasible, or that the diversity of parameters and associated probe packets to be created is too large. An in-band mechanism is an alternative in those cases.

In-band mechanisms also don't suffer from implementations, where probe traffic is handled differently (and potentially forwarded differently) by a router than regular data traffic. Traditional ping and traceroute tools return the OAM results to the sender of the probe. It would be advantageous to separate the sending of an OAM probe from the receiving of the telemetry data. In this context, it is desired to not assume there is a bidirectional working path.

Overlay and Underlay Statistics

Different network deployments use tunneling mechanisms to create overlay or service-layer networks such as VXLAN-GPE, GRE, or LISP. Overlay networks do not offer the user of the overlay any insight into the underlay network. The path that a particular tunneled packet takes, or other operational details such as the per-hop delay/jitter in the underlay are not visible to the user of the overlay network, giving rise to diagnosis and debugging challenges in case of connectivity or performance issues. OAM tools like ping or traceroute can be used either at the overlay or at the underlay which means that the user of the overlay has typically no access to OAM in the underlay, unless specific operational procedures are put in place. With In-band OAM the operator of the underlay can offer details of the connectivity in the underlay to the user of the overlay. The operator of the egress tunnel router can choose to share the recorded information about the path with the user of the overlay.

Using coupled with mechanisms such as Segment Routing, overlay network and underlay network can be more tightly coupled. In these scenarios, the user of the overlay has detailed diagnostic information available in case of failure conditions. The user of the overlay can also use the path recording information as input to traffic steering or traffic engineering mechanisms, for example achieve path symmetry for the traffic between two endpoints.

SLA Verification

In-band OAM can help overlay-service users to verify if the negotiated SLAs for the real traffic are met by the underlay network provider. In-band OAM is different from solutions which rely on active probes to test an SLA and helps you to avoid wrong interpretations and cheating, which can happen if the probe traffic that is used to perform SLA-check is prioritized by the network provider of the underlay.

Analytics and Diagnostics

If you are a network planner or an operator, you can benefit from knowledge of the actual traffic distribution in your network. When deriving an overall network connectivity traffic matrix you typically need to correlate data gathered from each individual devices in the network. If the path of a packet is recorded while the packet is forwarded, the entire path that a packet took through the network is available to the egress system. This demands retrieving individual traffic statistics from every device in the network and correlate those statistics. You must also employ other mechanisms such as leveraging traffic engineering with null-bandwidth tunnels just to retrieve the appropriate statistics to generate the traffic matrix.

Using the individual path tracing options supported by In-band OAM for IPv6 feature, information is available at packet level granularity, rather than only at aggregate level, which is usually the case with IPFIX-style methods which employ flow-filters at the network elements. Data-center networks which use equal-cost multipath (ECMP) forwarding is an example where detailed statistics on flow distribution in the network are of high demand. If a network supports ECMP, one can create detailed statistics for the different paths packets take through the network at the egress system, without a need to correlate/aggregate statistics from every router in the system. When you use In-band OAM, transit devices are also off-loaded from the task of gathering packet statistics.

Proof of Transit

In-band OAM for IPv6 feature enables you to validate proof of transit. Several deployments use traffic engineering, policy routing, segment routing or Service Function Chaining (SFC) to steer packets through a specific set of nodes. In certain cases regulatory obligations or a compliance policy require to prove that all packets that are supposed to follow a specific path are indeed being forwarded across the exact set of nodes specified. If a packet flow is supposed to go through a series of service functions or network nodes, it has to be proven that all packets of the flow actually went through the service chain or collection of nodes specified by the policy. In case the packets of a flow weren't appropriately processed, a verification device would be required to identify the policy violation and take corresponding actions (e.g., drop or redirect the packet, send an alert etc.) corresponding to the policy. In today's deployments, the proof that a packet traversed a particular service chain is typically delivered in an indirect way.

Information About In-band OAM for IPv6

There are different mechanisms which add tracing information to the regular data traffic, also referred to as "in-band" or "passive OAM". In-band mechanisms can complement active, probe-based mechanisms such as ping or traceroute, which are considered as "out-of-band", because the messages are transported independently from regular data traffic. The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature enables you to add tracing information to your regular data traffic which can be used in getting different telemetry data about your network with minimal impact on network performance.

In-band OAM for IPv6 feature supports the following telemetry options:


The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature supports multiple tracing options which can be enabled to provide different statistic of your network. You can use the tracing options to indicate the following:
  • Node ID in the node data.

  • Ingress interface ID in the node data.

  • Egress interface ID in the node data.

  • Timestamp in the node data.

  • Application data in the node data.

Proof of Transit

You can use In-band OAM data which is added to every packet for achieving or verifying Proof Of Transit. The OAM data is updated at every hop or every required node and is used to verify whether a packet traversed all required nodes. When the verifier receives each packet, it can validate whether the packet traversed the service chain correctly. The OAM data is used to verify whether a packet traversed the nodes it is supposed to traverse.

Sequence Numbering

The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature supports traffic sequence numbering and analysis. You can select the traffic which should be analyzed using sequence numbering. A sequence number is inserted into the packet at the ingress edge of the domain and based on the sequence of numbers received at the egress edge of the domain, traffic loss/reorder/duplicate analysis is done. The ACL entries need to be specific to the flow if the analysis needs to be done on a per flow basis. The sequence number is inserted at the ingress edge router's option in the IPv6 HbyH extension header that matches each of the ACL line entry using the 'insert' option. The analysis is enabled using the 'analyze' option which retrieves the sequence numbers from the packets and analyses the traffic flow for lost/reordered/duplicate packets.

In-band OAM in a Network

The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature can be applied for the getting the following statistic and diagnostic information about an IPv6 network in different scenarios:
  • Traffic Matrix: Derive the network traffic matrix which is the traffic for a given time interval between any two edge nodes of a given domain. Can be performed for all traffic or per QoS-class.

  • Flow Debugging: Discover which path(s) a particular set of traffic (identified by an n-tuple) takes in the network. Especially useful in case where the traffic is balanced across multiple paths, for example, link aggregation (LACP) and equal cost multi-pathing (ECMP).

  • Loss statistics per path: Retrieve loss statistics per flow and path in the network.

  • Path Heat Maps: Discover highly utilized links in the network.

  • Trend analysis on traffic patterns: Analyze the forwarding path for a specific set of traffic changes over time.

  • Network delay distribution: Show delay distribution across network by node or links. If enabled per application or a specific flow then the path taken with delay at each node is displayed.

  • Low-Power networks: Supports application level OAM information (e.g. battery charge level) into data traffic to avoid sending extra OAM traffic which results in an extra cost on the devices. Using the battery charge level as example, avoiding sending extra OAM packets just to communicate battery health can save battery on sensors.

  • Path Verification or Service Function Path Verification: Proof and verification of packets traversing check points in the network, where check points can be nodes in the network or service functions.

  • Geo-location Policy: Network policy implemented based on which path packets took. Example: Only if packets originated and stayed within the trading-floor department, access to specific applications or servers is granted.

Netflow Collector

The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature provides support for Flexible Net Flow (FNF). You can use In-band OAM for IPv6 feature to enable the FNF exporter on the router and can export In-band OAM data records to netflow collector.

After de-capsulating the incoming IPv6 In-band OAM packets, the egress edge device extracts required fields from packet and exports to netflow collector. A device can export two types of packets to a netflow collector:
  • Netflow data

  • Netflow template

A netflow template is a set of metadata that describes the data exported. This metadata helps the collector to derive the semantics of all fields received from exporter in data packet.

In-band OAM sends different sets of semantically grouped data and its relevant templates to netflow collector. Frequency of template export can be configured on the device. It is mandatory for the collector to receive the template along with data packet to understand the data field in data packets.

Netflow Collector Templates

This section provides information about different Netflow Collector Templates that can be used with In-band OAM for IPv6 feature:

Template: Node-Id - Node Name Mapping

The Node-Id - Node Name Mappings template is used to map node id to node name for visualization application integrated with the netflow collector.

  • Exporter Format: NetFlow Version 9

  • Template ID: 256

  • Source ID: 0

  • Record Size: 36

Following is the layout for Node-Id - Node Name Mapping template:
| Field                        | Type  | Offset | Size|
| iOAM my node-id              | 38001 | 0      | 4   |
| iOAM my node name            | 38002 | 4      | 32  |
  • Field: data to be exported

  • Type: ID of field used by collector to understand the meaning of field.

  • Offset: Position in netflow data packet

  • Size: Size of the field

Template: Sequence Numbering statistics

The Sequence Numbering statistics template is used to export statistics such as duplicate packets, reordered packets, lost packets as observed by an egress edge node in the In-band OAM domain.

  • Exporter Format: NetFlow Version 9

  • Template ID : 259

  • Source ID : 0

  • Record Size : 72

Following is the layout for Sequence Numbering statistics template:
| Field |                                  Type     | Offset | Size |
| ipv6 source address                      | 27     | 0      | 16   |
| ipv6 destination address                 | 28     | 16     | 16   |
| ipv6 source mask                         | 170    | 32     | 1    |
| ipv6 destination mask                    | 169    | 33     | 1    |
| iOAM my node-id                          | 38001  | 34     | 4    |
| IOAM packet counter                      | 38005  | 38     | 4    |
| IOAM lost packet counter                 | 38023  | 42     | 4    |
| IOAM duplicate packet counter            | 38024  | 46     | 4    |
| IOAM reordered packet counter            | 38025  | 50     | 4    |
| IOAM highest PPC sequence number         | 38026  | 54     | 4    |
| IPv6 Protocol Field                      | 38028  | 58     | 2    |
| start timestamp                          | 38003  | 62     | 4    |
| end timestamp                            | 38004  | 66     | 4    |
| transport source-port                    | 7      | 70     | 2    |
| transport destination-port               | 11     | 72     | 2    |

Template: Aggregated Flow Statistics/Path-record

The Aggregated Flow Statistics/Path-record (tracing) template is used by In-band OAM to export path details taken by packets between source and destination. Path Map keeps the identification of node-id, ingress and egress interface.

  • Exporter Format: NetFlow Version 9

  • Template ID : 260

  • Source ID : 0

  • Record Size : 224

Following is the layout for Aggregated Flow Statistics/Path-record (Tracing) template:
| Field                                            | Type    | Offset    | Size |
| ipv6 source address                              | 27      | 0         | 16   |
| ipv6 destination address                         | 28      | 16        | 16   |
| iOAM my node-id                                  | 38001   | 32        | 4    |
| iOAM node1 id                                    | 38032   | 36        | 4    |
| iOAM node2 id                                    | 38035   | 40        | 4    |
| iOAM node3 id                                    | 38038   | 44        | 4    |
| iOAM node4 id                                    | 38041   | 48        | 4    |
| iOAM packet counter                              | 38005   | 52        | 4    |
| iOAM byte count                                  | 38006   | 56        | 4    |
| start timestamp                                  | 38003   | 60        | 4    |
| end timestamp                                    | 38004   | 64        | 4    | 
| transport source-port                            | 7       | 68        | 2    |
| transport destination-port                       | 11      | 70        | 2    |
| ipv6 protocol filed                              | 38028   | 72        | 2    |
| iOAM number of nodes                             | 38031   | 74        | 2    |
| iOAM Path Map                                    | 38030   | 92        | 132  |
| iOAM node1 in if id                              | 38033   | 76        | 2    |
| iOAM node1 eif id                                | 38034   | 78        | 2    |
| iOAM node2 in if id                              | 38036   | 80        | 2    |
| iOAM node2 eif id                                | 38037   | 82        | 2    |
| iOAM node3 in if id                              | 38039   | 84        | 2    |
| iOAM node3 eif id                                | 38040   | 86        | 2    |
| iOAM node4 in if id                              | 38042   | 88        | 2    |
| iOAM node4 eif id                                | 38043   | 90        | 2    |

Template: Service Chain Details

The Service Chain Details template provides proof of transit information.

  • Exporter Format: NetFlow Version 9

  • Template ID : 263

  • Source ID : 0

  • Record Size : 24

Following is the layout for Service Chain Details template:
| Field                                            | Type    | Offset | Size |
| iOAM my node-id                                  | 38001   | 0      | 4    |
| start timestamp                                  | 38003   | 4      | 4    |
| end timestamp                                    | 38004   | 8      | 4    |
| service chain id                                 | 38045   | 12     | 4    |
| success packet counter                           | 38046   | 16     | 4    |
| failure packet counter                           | 38047   | 20     | 4    |

Restrictions for In-band OAM for IPv6

  • The In-band OAM for IPv6 profile configurations (ipv6 ioam profile) and service profile configurations (ipv6 ioam service-profile) are applied on per-interface basis. Multiple In-band OAM for IPv6 profiles or service profiles on the same interface is not supported.

  • The In-band OAM for IPv6 profiles and service profiles are linked with the ACL on a one-to-one basis. There is a one-to-one match between In-band OAM for IPv6 profile and its related service profile which is necessary for the In-band OAM for IPv6 configuration to work.

  • All generic ACL options are not supported, the supported ones are Source/Destination IP match and TCP/UDP Port match.

  • ECMP algorithm for the same destination, the path taken is different at any given time.

  • Flow export option with line rate traffic produces memory limitation.

  • The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature supports only IOS Proof of Transit with 32bit math calculation.

  • Reload with In-band OAM requires a reconfiguration of interface specific configurations.

Configuring In-band OAM for IPv6

Configuring In-band OAM for IPv6 Tracing (Single Path Verification)

Configuring Encap Node


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    ipv6 access-list access-list-name

    4.    permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

    5.    exit

    6.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

    7.    path-record match-flow acl-name encap/decap

    8.    trace-type {N_IF_TS_APP | N_IFS | N_TS | N_APP | N_TS_APP}

    9.    trace-elts number

    10.    trace-tsp {0‐sec | 1‐milisec | 2‐microsec | 3‐nanosec}

    11.    exit

    12.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

    13.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

    14.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

    15.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

    16.    exit

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3ipv6 access-list access-list-name

    Device(config)# ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3

    Defines an IPv6 access list.

    Step 4permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

    Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17

    Defines the source and destination IPv6 network to set permit conditions.

    Step 5exit

    Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit

    Exits IPv6 acl configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

    Step 6ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

    Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

    Step 7path-record match-flow acl-name encap/decap

    Device(config-ioam-profile)# path-record match-flow acl_h1_h3 encap

    Enables path record option on encap node.

    Step 8trace-type {N_IF_TS_APP | N_IFS | N_TS | N_APP | N_TS_APP}

    Device(config-ioam-profile)# trace-type N_IF_TS_APP

    Defines the trace type meta data option for the encap node.

    • N_IF_TS_APP ‐ Add node‐id, interfaces, timestamp and ,app data information.

      N_IFS ‐ Add node‐id and interfaces information.

      N_TS ‐ Add node‐id and timestamp information.

      N_APP ‐ Add node‐id and app data information.

      N_TS_APP ‐ Add node‐id, timestamp and app data information.


    This option is only available on encap node.

    Step 9trace-elts number

    Device(config-ioam-profile)# trace-elts 3

    Defines the total number of nodes in the In-band OAM for IPv6 domain. The values must be an integer.


    This option is only available on encap node.

    Step 10trace-tsp {0‐sec | 1‐milisec | 2‐microsec | 3‐nanosec}

    Device(config-ioam-profile)# trace-tsp 2

    Trace tsp defines the value in which the time stamp is recorded in the packet.


    This option is only available on encap node.

    Step 11exit

    Device(config-ioam-profile)# exit

    Exits In-band OAM profile configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

    Step 12ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 1

    Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


    In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

    Step 13ipv6 ioam path‐record

    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

    Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


    Path-record must be configured on all nodes in domain.

    Step 14interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

    Device(config)# int g0/2

    Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

    Step 15ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

    Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

    Step 16exit

    Device(config)# exit

    Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


    Configuring Intermediate Node


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

      4.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

      Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 2

      Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


      In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

      Step 4ipv6 ioam path‐record

      Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

      Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


      Path-record must be configured on all nodes in domain.


      Configuring Decap Node


        1.    enable

        2.    configure terminal

        3.    ipv6 access-list access-list-name

        4.    permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

        5.    exit

        6.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

        7.    path-record match-flow acl-nameencap/decap

        8.    exit

        9.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

        10.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

        11.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

        12.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

        13.    exit

        14.    show ipv6 ioam trace-profile profile-name

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Device> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2configure terminal

        Device# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 3ipv6 access-list access-list-name

        Device(config)# ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3

        Defines an IPv6 access list.

        Step 4permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

        Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17

        Defines the source and destination IPv6 network to set permit conditions.

        Step 5exit

        Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit

        Exits IPv6 acl configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

        Step 6ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

        Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

        Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

        Step 7path-record match-flow acl-nameencap/decap

        Device(config-ioam-profile)# path-record match-flow acl_h1_h3 decap

        Enables path record option on decap node.

        Step 8exit

        Device(config-ioam-profile)# exit

        Exits In-band OAM profile configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

        Step 9ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

        Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 3

        Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


        In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

        Step 10ipv6 ioam path‐record

        Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

        Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


        Path-record must be configured on all nodes in domain.

        Step 11interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

        Device(config)# int g0/3

        Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

        Step 12ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

        Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

        Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

        Step 13exit

        Device(config)# exit

        Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

        Step 14show ipv6 ioam trace-profile profile-name

        Device(config)# show ipv6 ioam trace-profile sc1
        Trace Record Information:
         Node 1:
           node id : 1, ingress if : 3, egress if : 4
         Node 2:
           node id : 2, ingress if : 3, egress if : 4
         Node 3:
           node id : 3, ingress if : 3, egress if : 5

        This info can be viewed only in decap node.


        Configuring In-band OAM for IPv6 Proof of Transit in a Small Network (Single Service Chain)

        Configuring Encap Node


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    ipv6 access-list access-list-name

          4.    permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

          5.    exit

          6.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

          7.    service‐chaining match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

          8.    exit

          9.    ipv6 ioam service-chaining service-profile-name

          10.    service-chain {insert | analyze}

          11.    prime-number number

          12.    secret-key hexadecimal-value

          13.    lpc hexadecimal-value

          14.    polynomial2 hexadecimal-value

          15.    bits-in-random integer-value

          16.    exit

          17.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

          18.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

          19.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

          20.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

          21.    ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

          22.    exit

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2 configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3ipv6 access-list access-list-name

          Device(config)# ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3

          Defines an IPv6 access list.

          Step 4permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

          Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17

          Defines the source and destination IPv6 network to set permit conditions.

          Step 5exit

          Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit

          Exits IPv6 acl configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

          Step 6ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

          Device(config-ioam-profile)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

          Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

          Step 7service‐chaining match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

          Device(config-ioam-profile)# service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h3 insert

          selects the acl and traffic for service chain validation.


          The insert option is enabled at the ingress edge router which inserts service chain relevant details in E2E header that matches each of the acl line entry.

          Step 8exit

          Device(config-ioam-profile)# exit

          Exits In-band OAM profile configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

          Step 9ipv6 ioam service-chaining service-profile-name

          Device(config)# ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1

          Speicifies the IPv6 In-band OAM service chaining profile name.

          Step 10service-chain {insert | analyze}

          Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# service-chain insert

          Specifies whether the given node is encap or decap node.


          The service-chain insert command will accept either of insert or analyze based on the node.

          Step 11prime-number number

          Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# prime-number 61819

          Specifies the prime number required to calculate the share key.

          The range is 1-2147483647.


          Prime number must be unique across In-band OAM domain for a particular chain.

          Step 12secret-key hexadecimal-value

          Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# secret-key 2878

          Specifies the secret key that is shared among service chain nodes.

          The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

          Step 13lpc hexadecimal-value

          Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# lpc 6ddfd460

          Specifies the value for lag range basis polynomial factor for constant.

          The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

          Step 14polynomial2 hexadecimal-value

          Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# polynomial2 43259140

          Specifies the value for polynomial pre computed split share.

          The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

          Step 15bits-in-random integer-value

          Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# bits-in-random 31

          Specifies random number size.

          The range is 1-31.

          Step 16exit

          Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# exit

          Exits In-band OAM service chaining configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

          Step 17ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

          Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 1

          Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


          In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

          Step 18ipv6 ioam path‐record

          Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

          Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


          Path-record must be configured on all nodes in domain.

          Step 19interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

          Device(config)# int g0/2

          Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

          Step 20ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

          Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

          Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

          Step 21ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

          Device(config-ioam-profile)# ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1

          Defines IPv6 In-band OAM service profile name.

          Step 22exit

          Device(config)# exit

          Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.


          Configuring Intermediate Node


            1.    enable

            2.    configure terminal

            3.    ipv6 ioam service-chaining service-profile-name

            4.    lpc hexadecimal-value

            5.    prime-number number

            6.    secret-key hexadecimal-value

            7.    polynomial2 hexadecimal-value

            8.    bits-in-random integer-value

            9.    exit

            10.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

            11.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

            12.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

            13.    ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

            14.    exit

            15.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

            16.    ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

            17.    exit

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Device> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.

            Step 2configure terminal

            Device# configure terminal

            Enters global configuration mode.

            Step 3ipv6 ioam service-chaining service-profile-name

            Device(config)# ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1

            Speicifies the IPv6 In-band OAM service chaining profile name.

            Step 4lpc hexadecimal-value

            Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# lpc 1

            Specifies the value for lag range basis polynomial factor for constant.

            The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

            Step 5 prime-number number

            Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# prime-number 61819

            Specifies the prime number required to calculate the share key.

            The range is 1-2147483647.


            Prime number must be unique across In-band OAM domain for a particular chain.

            Step 6secret-key hexadecimal-value

            Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# secret-key 8435

            Specifies the secret key that is shared among service chain nodes.

            The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

            Step 7polynomial2 hexadecimal-value

            Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# polynomial2 64b857ac

            Specifies the value for polynomial pre computed split share.

            The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

            Step 8bits-in-random integer-value

            Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# bits-in-random 31

            Specifies random number size.

            The range is 1-31.

            Step 9exit

            Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# exit

            Exits In-band OAM service chaining configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

            Step 10ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

            Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 2

            Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


            In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

            Step 11ipv6 ioam path‐record

            Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

            Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


            Path-record must be configured on all nodes in the domain.

            Step 12interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

            Device(config)# int g0/1

            Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

            Step 13ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

            Device(config-if)# ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1

            Defines IPv6 In-band OAM service profile name.

            Step 14exit

            Device(config)# exit

            Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

            Step 15interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

            Device(config)# int g0/2

            Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

            Step 16ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

            Device(config-if)# ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1

            Defines IPv6 In-band OAM service profile name.

            Step 17exit

            Device(config)# exit

            Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.


            Configuring Decap Node

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    configure terminal

              3.    ipv6 access-list access-list-name

              4.    permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

              5.    exit

              6.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

              7.    service‐chaining match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

              8.    exit

              9.    ipv6 ioam service-chaining service-profile-name

              10.    service-chain {insert | analyze}

              11.    lpc hexadecimal-value

              12.    verifier-key key-value

              13.    polynomial2 hexadecimal-value

              14.    prime-number number

              15.    secret-key hexadecimal-value

              16.    bits-in-random integer-value

              17.    exit

              18.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

              19.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

              20.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

              21.    ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

              22.    exit

              23.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

              24.    ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

              25.    exit

              26.    show ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 enable

              Device> enable

              Enables privileged EXEC mode.

              • Enter your password if prompted.

              Step 2 configure terminal

              Device# configure terminal

              Enters global configuration mode.

              Step 3ipv6 access-list access-list-name

              Device(config)# ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3

              Defines an IPv6 access list.

              Step 4permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

              Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17

              Defines the source and destination IPv6 network to set permit conditions.

              Step 5exit

              Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit

              Exits IPv6 acl configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

              Step 6ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

              Device(config-ioam-profile)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

              Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

              Step 7service‐chaining match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

              Device(config-ioam-profile)# service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h3 analyze

              Selects the ACL and traffic for service chain validation.

              Step 8exit

              Device(config-ioam-profile)# exit

              Exits In-band OAM profile configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

              Step 9ipv6 ioam service-chaining service-profile-name

              Device(config)# ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1

              Specifies the IPv6 In-band OAM service chaining profile name.

              Step 10service-chain {insert | analyze}

              Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# service-chain insert

              Specifies whether the given node is encap or decap node.


              The service-chain insert command will accept either of insert or analyze based on the node.

              Step 11lpc hexadecimal-value

              Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# lpc 3

              Specifies the value for lag range basis polynomial factor for constant.

              The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

              Step 12verifier-key key-value

              Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# verifier-key 42520

              Specifies a key for service chain verifier.

              Step 13polynomial2 hexadecimal-value

              Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# polynomial2 2192c95c

              Specifies the value for polynomial pre computed split share.

              The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

              Step 14 prime-number number

              Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# prime-number 61819

              Specifies the prime number required to calculate the share key.

              The range is 1-2147483647.


              Prime number must be unique across In-band OAM domain for a particular chain.

              Step 15secret-key hexadecimal-value

              Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# secret-key BE29

              Specifies the secret key that is shared among service chain nodes.

              The range is 0-FFFFFFFF.

              Step 16bits-in-random integer-value

              Device(config-ioam-service-chaining)# bits-in-random 31

              Specifies random number size.

              The range is 1-31.

              Step 17exit

              Device(config)# exit

              Exits configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

              Step 18ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

              Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 3

              Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


              In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

              Step 19ipv6 ioam path‐record

              Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

              Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


              Path-record must be configured on all nodes in the domain.

              Step 20interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

              Device(config)# int g0/1

              Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

              Step 21ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

              Device(config-if)# ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1

              Assigns the IPv6 In-band OAM service profile to the interface.

              Step 22exit

              Device(config)# exit

              Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

              Step 23interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

              Device(config)# int g0/2

              Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

              Step 24ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

              Device(config-if)# ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1

              Assigns the IPv6 In-band OAM service profile to the interface.

              Step 25exit

              Device(config)# exit

              Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

              Step 26show ipv6 ioam service-profile service-profile-name

              Device(config)# show ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
               Service Function Chaining Statistics:
                  SFC Validation Success count : 5
                  SFC Validation Failure count : 0

              Configuring In-band OAM for IPv6 Sequence Numbering

              Configuring Encap Node

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    enable

                2.    configure terminal

                3.    ipv6 access-list access-list-name

                4.    permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

                5.    exit

                6.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                7.    ppc match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

                8.    exit

                9.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

                10.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

                11.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

                12.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                13.    exit

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 enable

                Device> enable

                Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                • Enter your password if prompted.

                Step 2 configure terminal

                Device# configure terminal

                Enters global configuration mode.

                Step 3ipv6 access-list access-list-name

                Device(config)# ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3

                Defines an IPv6 access list.

                Step 4permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

                Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17

                Defines the source and destination IPv6 network to set permit conditions.

                Step 5exit

                Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit

                Exits IPv6 ACL configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

                Step 6ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

                Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

                Step 7ppc match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

                Device(config-ioam-profile)# ppc match-flow acl_h1_h3 insert

                Inserts path packet counter relevant details in E2E header that matches each of the ACL line entry.


                The insert option is enabled at the ingress edge router.

                Step 8exit

                Device(config-ioam-profile)# exit

                Exits IPv6 ACL configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

                Step 9ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

                Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 3

                Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


                In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

                Step 10ipv6 ioam path‐record

                Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

                Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


                Path-record must be configured on all nodes in the domain.

                Step 11interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

                Device(config)# int g0/2

                Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

                Step 12ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

                Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

                Step 13exit

                Device(config)# exit

                Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


                Configuring Decap Node

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    enable

                  2.    configure terminal

                  3.    ipv6 access-list access-list-name

                  4.    permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

                  5.    exit

                  6.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                  7.    ppc match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

                  8.    collect ppc

                  9.    exit

                  10.    ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

                  11.    ipv6 ioam path‐record

                  12.    interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

                  13.    ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                  14.    exit

                  15.    show ipv6 ioam path-packet-counter

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1 enable

                  Device> enable

                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                  • Enter your password if prompted.

                  Step 2configure terminal

                  Device# configure terminal

                  Enters global configuration mode.

                  Step 3ipv6 access-list access-list-name

                  Device(config)# ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3

                  Defines an IPv6 access list.

                  Step 4permit host source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length host destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

                  Device(config-ipv6-acl)# permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17

                  Defines the source and destination IPv6 network to set permit conditions.

                  Step 5exit

                  Device(config-ipv6-acl)# exit

                  Exits IPv6 ACL configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

                  Step 6ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                  Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

                  Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

                  Step 7ppc match‐flow access-list-name {insert | analyze}

                  Device(config-ioam-profile)# ppc match-flow acl_h1_h3 analyze

                  Retrieves path packet counter keys and performs validation.

                  Step 8collect ppc

                  Device(config-ioam-profile)# collect ppc

                  Collects path packet counter information for configured access-list in In-band OAM profile.

                  Step 9exit

                  Device(config-ioam-profile)# exit

                  Exits IPv6 ACL configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

                  Step 10ipv6 ioam node-id node-id

                  Device(config)# ipv6 ioam node-id 3

                  Defines the node-id which will be sent in the In-band OAM data in the new E2E header.


                  In-band OAM node-id identifies the network node in the given network domain. You must ensure that all the nodes in the domain have unique node-id configured using this command.

                  Step 11ipv6 ioam path‐record

                  Device(config)# ipv6 ioam path-record

                  Enables the In-band OAM process in a network node to start adding the node-data in the IPv6 traffic passing through the network node.


                  Path-record must be configured on all nodes in the domain.

                  Step 12interface gigabitethernet card/spaslot/port.subinterface-number

                  Device(config)# int g0/3

                  Configures an interface and enters interface configuration mode.

                  Step 13ipv6 ioam profile profile-name

                  Device(config)# ipv6 ioam profile sc1

                  Defines IPv6 In-band OAM profile name.

                  Step 14exit

                  Device(config)# exit

                  Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

                  Step 15show ipv6 ioam path-packet-counter

                  Device(config)#  Profile sc1: Path Packet Counter Enabled:
                   PPC analyze ACL : acl_h1_h1, refcount 1
                   1 permit ipv6 ::a:1:1:0:17/128  ::a:1:1:0:1f/128 
                          Rx statistics:
                          Total Rx Packets     5  lost packets      0
                          Reordered packets    0          duplicate packets 0
                          Highest Seq Recvd    5

                  Enabling Netflow Collection/Export

                  For using the flexible netflow (FNF) module on the router, you should configure the destination address/protocol/port of the netflow collector where we would like to send/export the collected In-band OAM data.

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    enable

                    2.    configure terminal

                    3.    flow exporter flow-exporter-name

                    4.    destination {destination IPv4 address / hostname | destination IPv6 address / hostname}

                    5.    transport udp port-value

                    6.    exit

                    7.    ipv6 ioam fnf-exporter flow-exporter-name

                    8.    ipv6 ioam collect traffic-statistics

                    9.    ipv6 ioam collect service-chaining match-flow IPv6 access-list-name

                    10.    ipv6 ioam collect flow-debug-summary match-flow IPv6 access-list-name

                    11.    ipv6 ioam collect ppc

                    12.    exit

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 enable

                    Device> enable

                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                    • Enter your password if prompted.

                    Step 2configure terminal

                    Device# configure terminal

                    Enters global configuration mode.

                    Step 3flow exporter flow-exporter-name

                    Device(config)# flow exporter ioam-exp

                    Specifies flow exporter name.

                    Step 4destination {destination IPv4 address / hostname | destination IPv6 address / hostname}

                    Device(config-flow-exporter)# destination

                    Specifies the source and destination IPv6 network to set permit conditions.

                    Step 5transport udp port-value

                    Device(config-flow-exporter)# transport udp 2100

                    Specifies the transport protocol value.

                    The range is 1-65535.

                    Step 6exit

                    Device(config-flow-exporter)# exit

                    Exits flow exporter configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

                    Step 7ipv6 ioam fnf-exporter flow-exporter-name

                    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam fnf-exporter ioam-exp

                    Enable In-band OAM for IPv6 process to use the configured fnf exporter for sending all the collected data to netflow exporter.

                    Step 8ipv6 ioam collect traffic-statistics

                    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam collect traffic-statistics

                    Enables the In-band OAM process to start collecting the traffic statistics and periodically export/sent the same using FNF.

                    Step 9ipv6 ioam collect service-chaining match-flow IPv6 access-list-name

                    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam collect service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h3

                    Specifies IPv6 access list name for match flow.

                    Step 10ipv6 ioam collect flow-debug-summary match-flow IPv6 access-list-name

                    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam collect flow-debug-summary match-flow acl_h1_h3

                    Enables the collection of path-record between source and destination based on the configured access-list. The collected path-records can be exported to netflow collector.

                    Step 11ipv6 ioam collect ppc

                    Device(config)# ipv6 ioam collect ppc

                    Collects path packet counter information for configured access-list in the In-band OAM profile.

                    Step 12exit

                    Device(config)# exit

                    Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC configuration mode.


                    Troubleshooting Tips

                    Use the following debug commands if you have any configuration issues:
                    • debug ipv6 ioam api- Enables the API level debugging for CLI related changes.

                    • debug ipv6 ioam error- Enables the error debugs for troubleshooting any unexpected behavior.

                    • debug ipv6 ioam event- Enables In-band OAM event debugging which can be used for enabling netflow update events debugging.

                    • debug ipv6 ioam packet- Enables packet level debugging.


                      Enabling packet level debugging will dump part of every packet. It is recommended that this debug be used when the traffic load is less.

                    • debug ipv6 ioam ppc- Enables debugs related to sequence numbering.

                    Use Cases for In-band OAM for IPv6

                    In-band OAM for IPv6 - Single Service Chain/Single Path Verification

                    You can use In-band OAM for IPv6 for service chain networks with multiple hosts and encap and decap nodes.

                    The figure below illustrates an In-band OAM for IPv6 Single Service Chain/Single Path Verification topology with two In-band OAM for IPv6 hosts, an encap node, a decap node and an intermediate node.

                    Figure 1. In-band OAM for IPv6 Single Service Chain/Single Path Verification

                    The following In-band OAM for IPv6 Single Service Chain/Single Path Verification configuration consists of three hosts, an encap node, a decap node, and an intermediate node:

                    To configure encap node:
                     configure terminal
                      ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3 
                      permit host ::A:1:1:0:6host ::A:1:1:0:17
                     ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                      service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h3 insert 
                      path-record match-flow acl_h1_h3 encap
                      ppc match-flow acl_h1_h3 insert 
                      trace-type N_IF_TS_APP 
                      trace-elts 3
                      trace-tsp 2
                     ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1
                      service-chain insert 
                      prime-number 61819
                      secret-key 2878
                      lpc 6ddfd460
                      polynomial2 43259140  
                      bits-in-random 31
                       ipv6 ioam node-id 1
                       ipv6 ioam path-record
                       int g0/2
                       ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                       ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                    To configure intermediate node:
                     configure terminal
                      ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1
                      lpc 1
                      prime-number 6ddfd463 
                      secret-key f258fe6
                      polynomial2 64b857ac  
                      bits-in-random 31  
                     ipv6 ioam node-id 2
                      ipv6 ioam path-record
                      int g0/1
                      ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                     int g0/2
                     ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                    To configure decap node:
                     configure terminal
                      ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3
                      permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17
                     ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                      service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h3 analyze 
                       path-record match-flow acl_h1_h3 decap
                       ppc match-flow acl_h1_h3 analyze
                       collect ppc
                      ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1
                       service-chain analyze
                       lpc 3   
                       verifier-key de0598
                       polynomial2 2192c95c 
                       prime-number 6ddfd463
                       secret-key 4371091d
                       bits-in-random 31
                      ipv6 ioam node-id 3
                       ipv6 ioam path-record
                       int g0/1
                        ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                       int g0/3
                        ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                        ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1

                    In-band OAM for IPv6 - Multiple Service Chain/Multiple Path Verification

                    You can use In-band OAM for IPv6 for Multiple Service Chain/Multiple Path Verification with multiple In-band OAM for IPv6 domains and different intermediate nodes.

                    The figure below illustrates In-band OAM for IPv6 Multiple Service Chain/Multiple Path Verification deployment having two In-band OAM for IPv6 domains.

                    Figure 2. In-band OAM for IPv6 Multi Chaining/Multiple Path Verification

                    The following In-band OAM for IPv6 Multiple Service Chain/Multiple Path Verification configuration consists of three hosts, an encap node, a decap node, and two intermediate nodes forming the upper node (domain 1) and lower node (domain 2):

                    To configure encap node:
                     configure terminal
                      ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3
                      permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17
                     ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                      service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h3 insert
                      path-record match-flow acl_h1_h3 encap
                      ppc match-flow acl_h1_h3 insert
                      trace-type N_IF_TS_APP
                      trace-elts 3
                      trace-tsp 2
                     ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1
                      service-chain insert
                      prime-number 6ddfd463
                      secret-key 23939b16
                      lpc 6ddfd460
                      polynomial2 43259140  
                      bits-in-random 31
                     ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h6
                      permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:1F
                     ipv6 ioam profile sc2
                      service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h6 insert
                      path-record match-flow acl_h1_h6 encap
                      ppc match-flow acl_h1_h6 insert
                      trace-type N_IF_TS_APP
                      trace-elts 3
                      trace-tsp 2
                     ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf2
                      service-chain insert
                      secret-key 28bacfd2
                      lpc 3
                      polynomial2 21a17f97  
                      bits-in-random 31
                     ipv6 ioam node-id 1
                     ipv6 ioam path-record
                     int g0/2
                      ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                      ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                     int g0/3
                     ipv6 ioam profile sc2
                     ipv6 ioam service-profile sf2
                    To configure the Intermediate node 1 in In-band OAM for IPv6 Domain 1:
                    conf t
                     ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1
                     lpc 1
                     prime-number 6ddfd463
                     secret-key f258fe6
                     polynomial2 64b857ac  
                     bits-in-random 31
                    ipv6 ioam node-id 2
                    ipv6 ioam path-record
                    int g0/1
                     ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                    int g0/2
                    ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                    To configure decap node:
                    conf t
                     ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h3
                     permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:17
                    ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                     service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h3 analyze
                     path-record match-flow acl_h1_h3 decap
                     ppc match-flow acl_h1_h3 analyze
                     collect ppc
                    ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf1
                     service-chain analyze
                     lpc 3
                     verifier-key de0598
                     polynomial2 2192c95c 
                     prime-number 6ddfd463
                     secret-key 4371091d
                     bits-in-random 31
                    ipv6 access-list acl_h1_h6
                     permit host ::A:1:1:0:6 host ::A:1:1:0:1F
                    ipv6 ioam profile sc2
                     service-chaining match-flow acl_h1_h6 analyze
                     path-record match-flow acl_h1_h6 decap
                     ppc match-flow acl_h1_h6 analyze
                     collect ppc
                    ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf2
                     service-chain analyze
                     lpc 7f13d66a
                     verifier-key 1c53f3e5
                     polynomial2 3af0f2c0 
                     prime-number 7f13d66d
                     secret-key 4def63a1
                     bits-in-random 31
                    ipv6 ioam node-id 3
                    ipv6 ioam path-record
                    int g0/1
                     ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                     int g0/2
                      ipv6 ioam service-profile sf2
                     int g0/3
                      ipv6 ioam profile sc1
                      ipv6 ioam service-profile sf1
                     int g0/4
                      ipv6 ioam profile sc2
                      ipv6 ioam service-profile sf2
                    To configure the Intermediate node 2 in In-band OAM for IPv6 Domain 2:
                    conf t
                     ipv6 ioam service-chaining sf2
                      lpc 1
                      prime-number 7f13d66d
                      secret-key ddd8e5
                      polynomial2 4bee597b  
                      bits-in-random 31
                     ipv6 ioam node-id 4
                     ipv6 ioam path-record
                     int g0/1
                      ipv6 ioam service-profile sf2
                     int g0/2
                      ipv6 ioam service-profile sf2

                    Additional References for In-band OAM for IPv6

                    Related Documents

                    Related Topic

                    Document Title

                    Cisco IOS commands

                    Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

                    Standards and RFCs



                    Requirements for In-band OAM


                    Proof of Transit


                    Data Formats for In-band OAM


                    Encapsulations for In-band OAM Data


                    Technical Assistance



                    The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


                    Feature Information for In-band OAM for IPv6

                    The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

                    Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.
                    Table 1 Feature Information for In-band OAM for IPv6

                    Feature Name


                    Feature Configuration Information

                    In-band OAM for IPv6


                    The In-band OAM for IPv6 feature supports "in-band" operation, administration, and maintenance (iOAM) for IPv6 which provides advanced options for recording OAM information in an IPv6 packet during its traversal through a particular network domain.

                    The following commands were introduced: ipv6 ioam profile,service-chaining match-flow.