- 1, a through b
- ca trust-point through clock mode
- clock rate through cwmp wan default
- dampening through debug smrp group
- debug smrp mcache through e
- f through h
- icmp idle-timeout through ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix
- ipv6 nd cache expire through l
- m
- n through q
- r
- sa ipsec through show dxi pvc interface
- show eap registrations through show mvr source ports
- show mvrp interface through snmp-server enable traps ospf rate-limit
- snmp-server enable traps ospf retransmit through u
- v through z
- Index
debug smrp mcache through e
Finding IOS Command Information
First Published: February 2008
Last Updated: January 2014
This document contains a list of the commands supported in many different software releases and on many different platforms. Some of the commands may not be supported in your Cisco IOS software release. To search for a command, use the alphabet key at the top part of this document and then scroll down until you find the command of interest, or use the Find function in your web browser. To access the documentation for a particular command, click the link to the command reference designator to the right of the command name. This list is intended to be used online only.
Alternatively, you may search for commands using the Command Lookup Tool (https://tools.cisco.com/Support/CLILookup), where you will be prompted to provide your Cisco.com username and password.
ANCP | Cisco IOS Access Node Control Protocol Command Reference |
ATK | Cisco IOS AppleTalk Command Reference |
AN | Cisco IOS Autonomic Networking Command Reference |
ATM | Cisco IOS Asynchronous Transfer Mode Command Reference |
BBA | Cisco IOS Broadband Access Aggregation and DSL Command Reference |
BGP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference |
BR | Cisco IOS Bridging Command Reference |
CE | Cisco IOS Carrier Ethernet Command Reference |
CF | Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference |
CSA | Cisco IOS Software Activation Command Reference |
DB | Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference |
DEC | Cisco IOS DECnet Command Reference |
DIA | Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference |
EIGRP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: EIGRP Command Reference |
EM | Cisco IOS Embedded Menu Manager Command Reference |
FHP | Cisco IOS First Hop Redundancy Protocols Command Reference |
FNF | Cisco IOS Flexible NetFlow Command Reference |
HA | Cisco IOS High Availability Command Reference |
IAD | Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference |
IAP | Cisco IOS IP Application Services Command Reference |
IBM | Cisco IOS IBM Networking Command Reference |
IMC | Cisco IOS IP Multicast Command Reference |
IMO | Cisco IOS IP Mobility Command Reference |
IPV6 | Cisco IOS IPv6 Command Reference |
IPX | Cisco IOS Novell IPX Command Reference |
IR | Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference |
IRI | Cisco IOS IP Routing: Protocol-Independent Command Reference |
IRS | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ISIS Command Reference |
ISG | Cisco IOS Intelligent Services Gateway Command Reference |
ISO | Cisco IOS ISO CLNS Command Reference |
ISW | Cisco IOS IP Switching Command Reference |
LISP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: LISP Command Reference |
LSW | Cisco IOS LAN Switching Command Reference |
MM | Cisco IOS Media Monitoring Command Reference |
MP | Cisco IOS Multiprotocol Label Switching Command Reference |
MSP | Cisco IOS Media Services Proxy Command Reference |
MTR | Cisco IOS Multi-Topology Routing Command Reference |
MWG | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Gateway GPRS Support Node Command Reference |
MWH | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Home Agent Command Reference |
MWP | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
MWR | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
NF | Cisco IOS NetFlow Command Reference |
NM | Cisco IOS Network Management Command Reference |
ODR | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ODR Command Reference |
OER | Cisco IOS Optimized Edge Routing Command Reference |
OSPF | Cisco IOS IP Routing: OSPF Command Reference |
PFR | Cisco IOS Performance Routing Command Reference |
QOS | Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference |
RIP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: RIP Command Reference |
SAF | Cisco IOS Service Advertisement Framework Command Reference |
SBCD | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Distributed Model |
SBCU | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Unified Model |
SEC | Cisco IOS Security Command Reference |
SLA | Cisco IOS IP SLAs Command Reference |
SLB | Cisco IOS Server Load Balancing Command Reference |
SM | Cisco IOS Software Modularity Command Reference |
SSG | Cisco IOS Service Selection Gateway Command Reference |
TSV | Cisco IOS Terminal Services Command Reference |
VPD | Cisco IOS VPDN Command Reference |
VR | Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference |
VS | Cisco IOS Virtual Switch Command Reference |
WAN | Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference |
WL | Cisco IOS Wireless LAN Command Reference |
debug smrp mcache through e
debug smrp mcache DB
debug smrp neighbor DB
debug smrp port DB
debug smrp route DB
debug smrp transaction DB
debug snasw dlc DB
debug snasw ips DB
debug snmp bulkstat DB
debug snmp detail DB
debug snmp mib nhrp DB
debug snmp overhead DB
debug snmp packet DB
debug snmp requests DB
debug snmp sync DB
debug sntp adjust DB
debug sntp adjust through debug tag-switching xtagatm vc DB
debug sntp packets DB
debug sntp select DB
debug software authenticity DB
debug source bridge DB
debug source error DB
debug source event DB
debug span DB
debug spanning-tree DB
debug ss7 mtp1 DB
debug ss7 mtp2 DB
debug ss7 sm DB
debug sse DB
debug ssg ctrl-errors DB
debug ssg ctrl-events DB
debug ssg ctrl-packets DB
debug ssg data DB
debug ssg data-nat DB
debug ssg dhcp DB
debug ssg errors DB
debug ssg events DB
debug ssg packets DB
debug ssg port-map DB
debug ssg tcp-redirect DB
debug ssg transparent login DB
debug ssl DB
debug ssl openssl DB
debug sss aaa authorization event DB
debug sss aaa authorization fsm DB
debug sss error DB
debug sss event DB
debug sss fsm DB
debug standby DB
debug standby errors DB
debug standby events DB
debug standby events icmp DB
debug standby events neighbor DB
debug standby packets DB
debug stun packet DB
debug subscriber aaa authorization DB, ISG
debug subscriber classifier ISG
debug subscriber error DB, ISG
debug subscriber event DB, ISG
debug subscriber feature DB, ISG
debug subscriber lite-session errors ISG
debug subscriber lite-session events ISG
debug subscriber packet DB, ISG
debug subscriber policy DB, ISG
debug subscriber policy dpm timestamps ISG
debug subscriber service DB, ISG
debug subscriber testing DB, ISG
debug sw56 DB
debug syscon perfdata DB
debug syscon sdp DB
debug syslog-server DB
debug tacacs events DB
debug tag-switching atm-cos DB
debug tag-switching atm-tdp api DB
debug tag-switching atm-tdp routes DB
debug tag-switching atm-tdp states DB
debug tag-switching tdp advertisements DB
debug tag-switching tdp bindings DB
debug tag-switching tdp directed-neighbors DB
debug tag-switching tdp peer state-machine DB
debug tag-switching tdp pies received DB
debug tag-switching tdp pies sent DB
debug tag-switching tdp session io DB
debug tag-switching tdp session state-machine DB
debug tag-switching tdp transport connections DB
debug tag-switching tdp transport events DB
debug tag-switching tdp transport timers DB
debug tag-switching xtagatm cross-connect DB
debug tag-switching xtagatm errors DB
debug tag-switching xtagatm events DB
debug tag-switching xtagatm vc DB
debug tag-template event DB
debug tag-template event through debug voip application vxml DB
debug tarp events DB
debug tarp packets DB
debug tbridge virtual-port DB
debug tcam_mgr DB
debug tccs signaling DB
debug tdm DB
debug telco-return msg DB
debug telnet DB
debug text-to-fax DB
debug tftp DB
debug tgrep error DB
debug tgrep events DB
debug tgrep fsm DB
debug tgrep io DB
debug tgrep messages DB
debug tgrep msgdump DB
debug tgrep timer-event DB
debug tgrep timers DB
debug tgrep tripr DB
debug tgrm DB
debug tiff reader DB
debug tiff writer DB
debug time-range ipc DB
debug token ring DB
debug track DB
debug trifecta DB
debug tsp DB
debug tunnel rbscp DB
debug tunnel route-via DB
debug txconn all DB
debug txconn appc DB
debug txconn config DB
debug txconn data DB
debug txconn event DB
debug txconn tcp DB
debug txconn timer DB
debug udld LSW
debug udptn DB
debug usb CBL
debug usb driver DB
debug user-group DB
debug v120 event DB
debug v120 packet DB
debug vfi checkpoint DB
debug vg-anylan DB
debug video vicm DB
debug vlan packet DB
debug voice aaa asnl DB
debug voice all DB
debug voice cp DB
debug voice dsp crash-dump DB
debug voice eecm DB
debug voice enum DB
debug voice fastpath DB
debug voice h221 DB
debug voice h324 DB
debug voice mlpp DB
debug voice protocol DB
debug voice register errors DB
debug voice register events DB
debug voice signaling DB
debug voice source-group DB
debug voice statistics DB
debug voice tdsm DB
debug voice translation DB
debug voice uri DB
debug voice vofr DB
debug voip aaa DB
debug voip ais DB
debug voip application DB
debug voip application lpcor DB
debug voip application stcapp all DB
debug voip application stcapp buffer-history DB
debug voip application stcapp error DB
debug voip application stcapp events DB
debug voip application stcapp functions DB
debug voip application stcapp port DB
debug voip application vxml DB
debug voip avlist DB
debug voip avlist through debug vpm signaling DB
debug voip ccapi DB
debug voip ccapi error DB
debug voip ccapi inout DB
debug voip confmsp DB
debug voip dcapi DB
debug voip dialpeer DB
debug voip dsm DB
debug voip dsmp DB
debug voip dspapi DB
debug voip dump-file-acct DB
debug voip eddri DB
debug voip enum DB
debug voip event-log DB
debug voip fastpath DB
debug voip fileacct DB
debug voip fpi call-rate DB
debug voip h221 DB
debug voip h324 DB
debug voip hpi DB
debug voip ipipgw DB
debug voip ivr DB
debug voip ivr all DB
debug voip ivr applib DB
debug voip ivr callsetup DB
debug voip ivr digitcollect DB
debug voip ivr dynamic DB
debug voip ivr error DB
debug voip ivr redirect DB
debug voip ivr script DB
debug voip ivr settlement DB
debug voip ivr states DB
debug voip ivr supplementary-service DB
debug voip ivr tclcommands DB
debug voip lpcor DB
debug voip profile fax DB
debug voip profile help DB
debug voip profile modem DB
debug voip profile voice DB
debug voip rawmsg DB
debug voip rtcp DB
debug voip rtp DB
debug voip settlement all DB
debug voip settlement enter DB
debug voip settlement error DB
debug voip settlement exit DB
debug voip settlement misc DB
debug voip settlement network DB
debug voip settlement security DB
debug voip settlement ssl DB
debug voip settlement transaction DB
debug voip tsp DB
debug voip vtsp DB
debug voip xcodemsp DB
debug vpdn pppoe-data DB
debug vpdn pppoe-error DB
debug vpdn pppoe-events DB
debug vpdn pppoe-packet DB
debug vpdn redundancy DB
debug vpm all DB
debug vpm dsp DB
debug vpm error DB
debug vpm port DB
debug vpm signal DB
debug vpm signaling DB
debug vpm spi DB
debug vpm spi through voice call debug DB
debug vpm trunk_sc DB
debug vpm voaal2 all DB
debug vpm voaal2 type1 DB
debug vpm voaal2 type3 DB
debug vrrp all DB
debug vrrp authentication DB
debug vrrp error DB
debug vrrp events DB
debug vrrp ha DB
debug vrrp packets DB
debug vrrp state DB
debug vrrp vrrs DB
debug vrrs accounting DB
debug vrrs all DB
debug vrrs database DB
debug vrrs infra DB
debug vrrs log DB
debug vrrs pathway DB
debug vrrs plugin DB
debug vsi api DB
debug vsi errors DB
debug vsi events DB
debug vsi packets DB
debug vsi param-groups DB
debug vtemplate DB
debug vtemplate subinterface DB
debug vtsp DB
debug vtsp all DB
debug vtsp dsp DB
debug vtsp error DB
debug vtsp event DB
debug vtsp port DB
debug vtsp rtp DB
debug vtsp send-nse DB
debug vtsp session DB
debug vtsp stats DB
debug vtsp tone DB
debug vtsp vofr subframe DB
debug vwic-mft firmware controller DB
debug vxml DB
debug waas accelerator cifs-express DB
debug waas accelerator http-express DB
debug waas accelerator ssl-express DB
debug warm-reboot DB
debug wccp DB
debug webvpn DB
debug webvpn dtls DB
debug webvpn license DB
debug wlccp ap DB
debug wlccp ap rm enhanced-neighbor-list DB
debug wlccp packet DB
debug wlccp rmlib DB
debug wlccp wds DB
debug wsapi DB
debug wsma agent DB
debug wsma profile DB
debug x25 DB
debug x25 annexg DB
debug x25 aodi DB
debug x25 interface DB
debug x25 vc DB
debug x25 xot DB
debug x28 DB
debug xcctsp all DB
debug xcctsp error DB
debug xcctsp session DB
debug xconnect DB
debug xcsp DB
debug xdsl application DB
debug xdsl driver DB
debug xdsl eoc DB
debug xdsl error DB
debug zone DB
decnet access-group DEC
decnet accounting DEC
decnet accounting list DEC
decnet accounting threshold DEC
decnet accounting transits DEC
decnet advertise DEC
decnet area-max-cost DEC
decnet area-max-hops DEC
decnet cluster-alias update DEC
decnet cluster-holdtime DEC
decnet congestion-threshold DEC
decnet conversion DEC
decnet cost DEC
decnet encapsulation DEC
decnet hello-timer DEC
decnet host DEC
decnet in-routing-filter DEC
decnet map DEC
decnet max-address DEC
decnet max-area DEC
decnet max-cost DEC
decnet max-hops DEC
decnet max-paths DEC
decnet max-visits DEC
decnet multicast-map DEC
decnet node-type DEC
decnet out-routing-filter DEC
decnet path-split-mode DEC
decnet propagate static DEC
decnet route (interface static route) DEC
decnet route (specific static route) DEC
decnet route default (interface default route) DEC
decnet route default (specific default route) DEC
decnet route-cache DEC
decnet router-priority DEC
decnet routing DEC
decnet routing-timer DEC
decnet split-horizon DEC
def-domain SEC
default (bmp) BGP
default (CEM) IR
default (Flexible NetFlow) FNF
default (IPv6 OSPF) IPV6
default (MGCP profile) VR
default (OSPFv3) IPV6
default (SAF) SAF
default (SIP) VR
default (VPDN) VPD
default (auto-config application) VR
default (auto-config application) through direct-inward-dial VR
default (ca-trustpoint) SEC
default (ca-trustpool) SEC
default (cs-server) SEC
default (tracking) IAP
default external-client SAF
default interface IR
default ip nbar protocol-pack QOS
default profile IMO
default-file vfc VR
default-group-policy SEC
default-information EIGRP
default-information originate (BGP) BGP
default-information originate (IPv6 IS-IS) IPV6
default-information originate (IPv6 OSPF) IPV6
default-information originate (IS-IS) IRS
default-information originate (OSPF) OSPF
default-information originate (OSPFv3) IPV6
default-information originate (RIP) RIP
default-mapping-rule IAD
default-metric (BGP) BGP
default-metric (EIGRP) EIGRP, IPV6
default-metric (OSPF) OSPF
default-metric (OSPFv3) IPV6
default-metric (RIP) RIP
default-name ATM
default-port-limit SBCD
default-profile IBM
default-router IAD
default-state IAP
default-value data-character-bits CF
default-value exec-character-bits CF
default-value modem-interval CF
default-value special-character-bits CF
define VR
dejitter-buffer IR
delay (OER) OER
delay (PfR) PFR
delay (firewall farm TCP protocol) SLB
delay (interface) IR
delay (tracking) IAP
delay (virtual server) SLB
delegate LISP
delegate-profile SBCD
delegate-registration SBCD
delete CF
delete vfc VR
delete-scan-factor SLA
delta (test threshold) SNMP
delta interval SNMP
deny SEC
deny (Catalyst 6500 series switches) SEC
deny (IP) SEC
deny (MAC ACL) SEC
deny (NLSP) IPX
deny (SAP filtering) IPX
deny (WebVPN) SEC
deny (extended) IPX
deny (standard) IPX
deny global-autoconf IPV6
depi cin-failover CBL
depi eqam-stats CBL
depi-class CBL
depi-tunnel CBL
description (bmp) BGP
description (DSP farm profile) VR
description (EEM) EEM
description (Ethernet ring) CE
description (Flexible NetFlow) FNF
description (IKEv2 keyring) SEC
description (IP SLA) SLA
description (L2VPN) MP
description (LISP site) LISP
description (Performance Monitor) MM
description (SCCP Cisco CallManager) VR
description (VO profile) SLA
description (VPDN group) VPD
description (VRF definition) EVN
description (bonding-group) CBL
description (cable fiber-node) CBL
description (class-map) QOS
description (controller) IR
description (dial peer) VR
description (dot1x credentials) SEC
description (dspfarm) VR
description (event) SNMP
description (expression) SNMP
description (identify zone) SEC
description (identity policy) SEC
description (identity profile) SEC
description (interface) IR, DIA
description (isakmp peer) SEC
description (l2 vfi) MP
description (mac-tunnel) CE
description (mobile networks) IMO
description (route server context) BGP, SBCD
description (ruleset) TSV
description (service group) QOS
description (session border controller) SBCD
description (sip-opt) SBCD
description (trigger) SNMP
description (trunk group) VR
description (voice source group) VR
dest-ip CBL
dest-ip (flow) MM
destination (IP multiplexing) IMO
destination (am-group) SLA
destination (call home) HA
destination access-list SSG
destination e164-pattern-map VR
destination range SSG
destination uri VR
destination-glean IPV6
destination-pattern (interface) VR
destination-realm MWG
detect v54 channel-group VR
dev CBL
device (identity profile) SEC
device-accept AN
device-id VR
device-role (DHCPv6 Guard) IAD
device-sensor accounting SEC
device-sensor filter-list cdp SEC
device-sensor filter-list dhcp SEC
device-sensor filter-list lldp SEC
device-sensor filter-spec SEC
device-sensor notify SEC
df QOS
dfs band block WL
dhcp (IKEv2) SEC
dhcp (IP SLA) SLA
dhcp interface VR
dhcp server (isakmp) SEC
dhcp timeout SEC
dhcp-gateway-address MWG
dhcp-server MWG
diag CF
diagnostic bootup level CF
diagnostic cns CF
diagnostic event-log size CF
diagnostic load CBL
diagnostic monitor CF
diagnostic ondemand CF
diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure CBL
diagnostic ondemand iterations CBL
diagnostic schedule module CF
diagnostic start CF
diagnostic stop CF
diagnostic unload CBL
diagnostic-signature HA
dial-control-mib VR
dial-peer data VR
dial-peer hunt VR
dial-peer inbound selection sip-trunk VR
dial-peer no-match disconnect-cause VR
dial-peer outbound status-check pots VR
dial-peer search type VR
dial-peer terminator VR
dial-peer video VR
dial-plan-suffix SBCD
dial-shelf split backplane-ds0 DIA
dial-shelf split slots DIA
dial-shelf split slots none DIA
dial-shelf split slots remove DIA
dial-type VR
dialer DIA
dialer aaa SEC
dialer callback-secure DIA
dialer callback-server DIA
dialer called DIA
dialer caller DIA
dialer clid group DIA
dialer congestion-threshold DIA
dialer dnis group DIA
dialer dns DIA
dialer dtr DIA
dialer enable-timeout DIA
dialer extsig VR
dialer fast-idle (interface) DIA
dialer fast-idle (map-class) DIA
dialer hold-queue DIA
dialer idle-timeout (interface) DIA
dialer idle-timeout (template) DIA
dialer in-band DIA
dialer isdn DIA
dialer isdn short-hold DIA
dialer load-threshold DIA
dialer map DIA
dialer map snapshot DIA
dialer max-call DIA
dialer order DIA
dialer outgoing DIA
dialer persistent DIA
dialer pool DIA
dialer pool-member DIA
dialer pre-classify DIA
dialer preemption level VR
dialer priority DIA
dialer redial DIA
dialer remote-name DIA
dialer reserved-links DIA
dialer rotary-group DIA
dialer rotor DIA
dialer string DIA
dialer string (dialer profiles) DIA
dialer string (legacy DDR) DIA
dialer string trunkgroup DIA
dialer trunkgroup VR
dialer voice-call DIA
dialer wait-for-carrier-time (interface) DIA
dialer wait-for-carrier-time (map-class) DIA
dialer wait-for-line-protocol DIA
dialer watch-disable DIA
dialer watch-group DIA
dialer watch-list DIA
dialer watch-list delay DIA
dialer-group (template) DIA
dialer-list protocol BBA, IPV6
dialer-list protocol (Dial) DIA
diameter SBCD
diameter origin realm SEC, MWG
diameter vendor support MWG
diameter vendor supported SEC
digest WAN
digit VR
digit-strip VR
digital-filter VR
direct-inward-dial VR
dis CBL
disable CF
disable (CFM-AIS-link) CE
disable (TN3270) IBM
disable open-media-channel SEC
disable-early-media 180 VR
disable-early-media through dualtone VR
disc_pi_off VR
discard-route OSPF
discard-route (IPv6) IPV6
disconnect DIA
disconnect qdm QOS
disconnect ssh SEC
disconnect-ack VR
disconnect-character CF
discontinuity object (expression) SNMP
discover (cns) CNS
discover (epl) SLA
discover-mn-detach IMO
dispatch-character CF
dispatch-machine CF
dispatch-timeout CF
distance WL
distance (IP) IRI
distance (IPv6 EIGRP) IPV6, EIGRP
distance (IPv6 Mobile) IPV6
distance (IPv6) IPV6
distance (ISO CLNS) ISO
distance (OSPF) OSPF
distance (OSPFv3) IPV6
distance bgp BGP
distance bgp (IPv6) IPV6
distance eigrp EIGRP
distance ospf OSPF
distribute-list in IPX
distribute-list in (BGP) BGP
distribute-list in (IP) IRI
distribute-list out IPX
distribute-list out (BGP) BGP
distribute-list out (IP) IRI
distribute-list prefix-list (IPv6 EIGRP) IPV6, EIGRP
distribute-list prefix-list (IPv6 OSPF) IPV6
distribute-list prefix-list (IPv6 RIP) IPV6
distribute-list prefix-list (OSPFv3) IPV6
distribute-sap-list in IPX
distribute-sap-list out IPX
distribution SLA
distributions-of-statistics-kept SLA
div-address SBCD
div-address (header) SBCD
dlsw allroute-netbios IBM
dlsw allroute-sna IBM
dlsw bgroup-list IBM
dlsw bridge-group IBM
dlsw cache-ignore-netbios-datagram IBM
dlsw disable IBM
dlsw duplicate-path-bias IBM
dlsw explorerq-depth IBM
dlsw group-cache disable IBM
dlsw group-cache max-entries IBM
dlsw history-log IBM
dlsw icannotreach saps IBM
dlsw icanreach IBM
dlsw llc2 nornr IBM
dlsw load-balance IBM
dlsw local-peer IBM
dlsw mac-addr IBM
dlsw max-multiple-rifs IBM
dlsw multicast IBM
dlsw netbios-cache-length IBM
dlsw netbios-keepalive-filter IBM
dlsw netbios-name IBM
dlsw peer-ipaddr SLA
dlsw peer-log-changes IBM
dlsw peer-on-demand-defaults IBM
dlsw port-list IBM
dlsw prom-peer-defaults IBM
dlsw redundant-rings IBM
dlsw remote-peer frame-relay IBM
dlsw remote-peer fst IBM
dlsw remote-peer interface IBM
dlsw remote-peer tcp IBM
dlsw ring-list IBM
dlsw rsvp IBM
dlsw timer IBM
dlsw timer connect-timeout IBM
dlsw timer local-connect-timeout IBM
dlsw tos disable IBM
dlsw tos map IBM
dlsw transparent map IBM
dlsw transparent redundancy-enable IBM
dlsw transparent switch-support IBM
dlsw transparent timers IBM
dlsw udp-disable IBM
dlur IBM
dlus-backup IBM
dn SEC
dn (IKEv2) SEC
dnis (AAA preauthentication) SEC
dnis (DNIS group) VR
dnis (VPDN) VPD
dnis bypass (AAA preauthentication configuration) SEC
dnis group DIA
dnis-map VR
dnis-prefix all service SSG
dns SEC
dns (IP SLA) SLA
dns forwarder IAD
dns forwarding IAD
dns forwarding source-interface IAD
dns primary MWG
dns-server IAD
dns-server (config-dhcp-global-options) IAD
dns-timeout SEC
dnsix-dmdp retries SEC
dnsix-dmdp retries through dynamic SEC
dnsix-nat authorized-redirection SEC
dnsix-nat primary SEC
dnsix-nat secondary SEC
dnsix-nat source SEC
dnsix-nat transmit-count SEC
do CF
docsis cvc mfg CBL
docsis cvc mso CBL
docsis cvc test CBL
docsis-policy CBL
docsis-version CBL
domain (AAA) SEC
domain (isakmp-group) SEC
domain list IAD
domain lookup IAD
domain multicast IAD
domain name IAD
domain name-server IAD
domain name-server interface IAD
domain resolver source-interface IAD
domain retry IAD
domain round-robin IAD
domain timeout IAD
domain-id (OSPF) OSPF
domain-id (OSPFv3) OSPF
domain-name SBCD
domain-name (DHCP) IAD
domain-name (annex G) VR
domain-password IRS
domain-stripping SEC
domain-tag OSPF
dot11 aaa authentication mac-authen filter-cache WL
dot11 aaa csid WL
dot11 aaa dot1x compliance WL
dot11 activity-timeout WL
dot11 extension aironet WL
dot11 holdoff-time WL
dot11 igmp snooping-helper WL
dot11 location isocc WL
dot11 mbssid WL
dot11 phone WL
dot11 priority-map avvid WL
dot11 qos class WL
dot11 qos mode wmm WL
dot11 ssid WL
dot11 syslog WL
dot11 vlan-name WL
dot1q tunneling ethertype IR, LSW
dot1x client-timeout WL
dot1x control-direction SEC
dot1x credentials SEC
dot1x critical (global configuration) SEC
dot1x critical (interface configuration) SEC
dot1x default SEC
dot1x guest-vlan SEC
dot1x guest-vlan supplicant SEC
dot1x host-mode SEC
dot1x initialize SEC
dot1x mac-auth-bypass SEC
dot1x max-reauth-req SEC
dot1x max-req SEC
dot1x max-start SEC
dot1x multi-hosts SEC
dot1x multiple-hosts SEC
dot1x pae SEC
dot1x port-control SEC
dot1x re-authenticate (EtherSwitch) SEC
dot1x re-authenticate (privileged EXEC) SEC
dot1x re-authentication (EtherSwitch) SEC
dot1x reauth-period WL
dot1x reauthentication SEC
dot1x supplicant interface SEC
dot1x system-auth-control SEC
dot1x timeout SEC
dot1x timeout (EtherSwitch) SEC
down-when-looped IR
downgrade bgp OER
downgrade bgp (PfR) PFR
download CBL
download exclude-profile (SSG PTA-MD) SSG
download exclude-profile (SSG dial-out) SSG
download exclude-profile (SSG-auto-domain) SSG
downstream CBL
downstream cable CBL
downstream integrated-cable rf-channel (interface) CBL
downstream local upstream CBL
downstream modular-cable rf-channel CBL
downstream modular-cable rf-channel (interface) CBL
downward-compatible-config CF
dpd SEC
dre upload WAN
dre-hints enable WAN
drop QOS
drop (ISG) ISG
drop (type access-control) SEC
drop (zone-based policy) SEC
drop-last-conferee VR
ds0 busyout (channel) DIA
ds0 busyout (voice) VR
ds0 busyout-threshold DIA
ds0-group (E1) VR
ds0-group (J1 controller) IR
ds0-group (T1) VR
ds0-group (controller e1) DIA
ds0-num VR
dscp (Flexible NetFlow) FNF, MM
dscp (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) WAN
dscp (IP SLA video) SLA
dscp (IP SLA) SLA
dscp media VR
dscp-profile VR
dsl enable-training-log BBA
dsl equipment-type BBA
dsl gain-setting rx-offset BBA
dsl gain-setting tx-offset BBA
dsl linerate BBA
dsl lom BBA
dsl max-tone-bits BBA
dsl noise-margin BBA
dsl operating-mode BBA
dsl operating-mode (ADSL over ISDN) BBA
dsl operating-mode gshdsl BBA
dsl power-cutback BBA
dsl-group IR
dsl-line-info-forwarding VPD
dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex IR, BBA
dsn VR
dsp allocation signaling dspid VR
dsp services dspfarm VR
dspfarm (DSP farm) VR
dspfarm (voice-card) VR
dspfarm confbridge maximum VR
dspfarm connection interval VR
dspfarm rtp timeout VR
dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions VR
dspint dspfarm VR
dspu activation-window IBM
dspu default-pu IBM
dspu enable-host (QLLC) IBM
dspu enable-host (SDLC) IBM
dspu enable-host (Token Ring Ethernet
dspu enable-pu (Ethernet Frame Relay
dspu enable-pu (QLLC) IBM
dspu enable-pu (SDLC) IBM
dspu host (Frame Relay) IBM
dspu host (QLLC) IBM
dspu host (SDLC) IBM
dspu host (Token Ring Ethernet
dspu lu IBM
dspu ncia IBM
dspu ncia enable-pu IBM
dspu notification-level IBM
dspu pool IBM
dspu pu (Frame Relay) IBM
dspu pu (QLLC) IBM
dspu pu (SDLC) IBM
dspu pu (Token Ring Ethernet
dspu rsrb IBM
dspu rsrb enable-host IBM
dspu rsrb enable-pu IBM
dspu rsrb start IBM
dspu start IBM
dspu vdlc IBM
dspu vdlc enable-host IBM
dspu vdlc enable-pu IBM
dspu vdlc start IBM
dst-address SBCD
dst-address (editor) SBCD
dst-adjacency SBCD
dsu bandwidth IR
dsu mode IR
dte-invert-txc IR
dtls port SEC
dtmf disable sip SBCD
dtmf sip SBCD
dtmf timer inter-digit VR
dtmf-duration SBCD
dtmf-duration (session border controller) SBCD
dtmf-interworking VR
dtmf-relay (Voice over Frame Relay) VR
dtmf-relay (Voice over IP) VR
dualtone VR
duplex IR
duration (IP SLA video) SLA
duration time SLA
dxi interface-dfa IR
dxi map ATM
dxi pvc ATM
dxs3mode IR
dynamic SEC
dynamic mag learning IMO
dynamic-eid LISP
e164 VR
e2-clockrate IR
e911 VR
eap SEC
eap (IKEv2 profile) SEC
eap-user ignore-open-session ISG
early-media-deny SBCD
early-media-timeout SBCD
early-media-type SBCD
early-offer VR
early-token-release IR
echo-cancel comfort-noise VR
echo-cancel compensation VR
echo-cancel coverage VR
echo-cancel enable VR
echo-cancel enable (controller) VR
echo-cancel erl worst-case VR
echo-cancel loopback VR
echo-cancel mode VR
echo-cancel suppressor VR
echo-interval MWG
eckeypair SEC
edit SBCD
edit-cic SBCD
edit-src SBCD
editing CF
editor SBCD
editor-list SBCD
editor-type SBCD
efci-bit WAN
efm-grp IR
eid-notify authentication-key LISP
eid-notify key LISP
eid-prefix (LISP site) LISP
eid-table LISP
eigrp upgrade-cli EIGRP
eigrp default-route-tag EIGRP
eigrp delay MTR
eigrp event-log-size EIGRP, IPV6
eigrp interface EIGRP, IR, IMO
eigrp log-neighbor-changes EIGRP, IPV6, SAF
eigrp log-neighbor-warnings EIGRP, IPV6, SAF
eigrp next-hop-self MTR
eigrp router-id EIGRP, IPV6, SAF
eigrp shutdown MTR
eigrp split-horizon MTR
eigrp stub (service-family) SAF
eigrp summary-address MTR
element VR
email (IKEv2 profile) SEC
emm EMM
emm clear EMM
empty-ssl-fragment-insertion WAN
emptycapability VR
emulate cisco h323 bandwidth VR
emulation-mode IR
enable (TN3270) IBM
enable (bulk statistics) SNMP
enable (event) SNMP
enable (expression) SNMP
enable aaa accounting IMO
enable last-resort CF
enable password SEC
enable secret SEC
enable sessionmgr IMO
enabled (IPS) SEC
enabled (aggregation cache) NF
enabled (enforce-rule) CBL
encap WSMA
encap (proxy mobile IPv6) IMO
encap clear-channel standard VR
encap-sequence DIA
encapsulation (ATM) ATM
encapsulation (Any Transport over MPLS) MP, WAN
encapsulation (Frame Relay VC-bundle) WAN
encapsulation (L2TP) WAN
encapsulation (Layer 2 local switching) ATM, MP, WAN
encapsulation (pseudowire) MP
encapsulation alc IBM
encapsulation atm-ces VR
encapsulation atm-dxi ATM
encapsulation bstun IBM
encapsulation cpp DIA
encapsulation default WAN
encapsulation dot1ah isid CE
encapsulation dot1q (service instance) WAN
encapsulation dot1q second-dot1q WAN
encapsulation frame-relay WAN
encapsulation frame-relay mfr WAN, IPV6
encapsulation gtp MWG
encapsulation isl LSW
encapsulation l2tpv3 WAN
encapsulation lapb WAN
encapsulation priority-tagged ATM
encapsulation sde LSW
encapsulation sdlc IBM
encapsulation sdlc-primary IBM
encapsulation sdlc-secondary IBM
encapsulation smds WAN
encapsulation stun IBM
encapsulation untagged WAN
encapsulation untagged dot1q second-dot1q ATM
encapsulation uts IBM
encapsulation x25 WAN
encoding h450 call-identity VR
encoding h450 call-identity itu VR
encryption VR
encryption (IKE policy) SEC, IPV6
encryption (IKEv2 proposal) SEC
encryption key WL
encryption mode ciphers WL
encryption mode wep WL
encryption mppe VPD
encryptorder IBM
end CF
end (satellite initial configuration) IR
endpoint SLA
endpoint alt-ep collect VR
endpoint alt-ep h323id VR
endpoint circuit-id h323id VR
endpoint max-calls h323id VR
endpoint naming VR
endpoint resource-threshold VR
endpoint ttl VR
enforce-checksum SEC
enforced qos-profile CBL
enforcement IPV6
engine (IPS) SEC
enhanced-history SLA
enrollment SEC
enrollment command SEC
enrollment credential SEC
enrollment http-proxy SEC
enrollment mode ra SEC
enrollment profile SEC
enrollment retry count SEC
enrollment retry period SEC
enrollment selfsigned SEC
enrollment terminal (ca-profile-enroll) SEC
enrollment terminal (ca-trustpoint) SEC, IPV6
enrollment url (ca-profile-enroll) SEC
enrollment url (ca-identity) SEC
enrollment url (ca-profile-enroll) SEC
enrollment url (ca-trustpoint) SEC, IPV6
entry SBCD
entry (enum) SBCD
enum SBCD
environment (diagnostic signature) HA
environment temperature-controlled CF
environment-monitor shutdown temperature CF
eou allow SEC
eou clientless SEC
eou default SEC
eou initialize SEC
eou logging SEC
eou max-retry SEC
eou port SEC
eou rate-limit SEC
eou revalidate SEC
eou timeout SEC
equipment loopback IR
erase CF
erase bootflash CF
erase vfc VR
errdisable detect cause CF, IR
errdisable recovery cause mac-security CE
errdisable recovery cause mlacp-minlink CE
error throttling IR
error-category VR
error-code-override VR
error-correction VR
error-msg SEC
error-profile SBCD
error-url SEC
escape-character CF
esmc mode ql-disabled IR
esmc process IR
estimate bandwidth QOS
ethernet cfm ais CE
ethernet cfm ais link-status CE
ethernet cfm ais link-status global CE
ethernet cfm alarm CE
ethernet cfm cc CE
ethernet cfm cc enable level evc CE
ethernet cfm cc enable level vlan CE
ethernet cfm distribution enable CE
ethernet cfm domain level CE
ethernet cfm enable CE
ethernet cfm enable (interface) CE
ethernet cfm global CE
ethernet cfm ieee CE
ethernet cfm interface CE
ethernet cfm logging CE
ethernet cfm mep crosscheck CE
ethernet cfm mep crosscheck start-delay CE
ethernet cfm mep crosscheck through location prefer CE
ethernet cfm mep domain mpid CE
ethernet cfm mep level mpid vlan CE
ethernet cfm mip CE
ethernet cfm mip level CE
ethernet cfm slm max CE
ethernet cfm slm timeout CE
ethernet cfm traceroute cache CE
ethernet cfm traceroute cache hold-time CE
ethernet cfm traceroute cache size CE
ethernet echo mpid SLA
ethernet event microwave CE
ethernet jitter mpid SLA
ethernet lmi CE
ethernet lmi ce-vlan map CE
ethernet lmi global CE
ethernet lmi interface CE
ethernet loopback local interface CE
ethernet loopback permit CE
ethernet mac limit action flooding disable CE
ethernet mac limit maximum addresses CE
ethernet mac-flush notification mirp CE
ethernet mac-tunnel virtual CE
ethernet oam CE
ethernet oam link-monitor frame CE
ethernet oam link-monitor frame-period CE
ethernet oam link-monitor frame-seconds CE
ethernet oam link-monitor high-threshold action CE
ethernet oam link-monitor on CE
ethernet oam link-monitor receive-crc CE
ethernet oam link-monitor supported CE
ethernet oam link-monitor symbol-period CE
ethernet oam link-monitor transmit-crc CE
ethernet oam mib log size CE
ethernet oam remote-loopback CE
ethernet oam remote-loopback (interface) CE
ethernet ring g8032 CE
ethernet ring g8032 profile CE
ethernet subscriber CE
ethernet subscriber session CE
ethernet subscriber static CE
ethernet tcn-propagation CE
ethernet uni CE
ethernet y1731 delay SLA
ethernet y1731 delay receive SLA
ethernet y1737 loss SLA
ethernet-transit-oui IBM
eui-interface IPV6
evaluate SEC
event application EEM
event cli EEM
event counter EEM
event ethernet microwave clear-sd CE
event ethernet microwave sd CE
event gold EEM
event identity EEM
event interface EEM
event ioswdsysmon EEM
event ipsla EEM
event manager applet EEM
event manager detector routing EEM
event manager detector rpc EEM
event manager directory user EEM
event manager directory user repository EEM
event manager environment EEM
event manager history size EEM
event manager policy EEM
event manager run EEM
event manager scheduler EEM
event manager scheduler clear EEM
event manager scheduler hold EEM
event manager scheduler modify EEM
event manager scheduler release EEM
event manager scheduler script EEM
event manager scheduler suspend EEM
event manager session cli username EEM
event manager update user policy EEM
event mat EEM
event neighbor-discovery EEM
event nf EEM
event none EEM
event oir EEM
event owner SNMP
event process EEM
event resource EEM
event rf EEM
event routing EEM
event rpc EEM
event snmp EEM
event snmp-notification EEM
event snmp-object EEM
event syslog EEM
event timer EEM
event track EEM
event wdsysmon EEM
event-action SEC
event-log (OSPFv3) IPV6
event-log (Privileged EXEC) VR
event-log dump ftp VR
event-log error-only VR
event-log max-buffer-size VR
exception access-group SEC
exception core-file BSM
exception crashinfo buffersize BSM
exception crashinfo dump BSM
exception crashinfo file BSM
exception crashinfo maximum files BSM
exception data-corruption BSM
exception delay-dump BSM
exception dump BSM
exception linecard BSM
exception memory BSM
exception memory ignore overflow BSM
exception protocol BSM
exception pxf CBL
exception region-size BSM
exception slot IBM
exception spurious-interrupt BSM
exclude SSG
exclude (SSG PTA-MD) SSG
exclude dnis-prefix SSG
exclude-address MP
exclusion-list CE
exclusive-domain SEC
exec CF
exec-banner CF
exec-character-bits CF
exec-timeout CF
execute (Flexible NetFlow) FNF
execute-on CF
exit (EXEC) CF
exit (LSP Attributes) MP
exit (global) CF
exit (satellite initial configuration) IR
exit-af-interface EIGRP
exit-af-topology EIGRP
exit-bmp-server-mode (bmp) BGP
exit-global-af MTR
exit-if-topology MTR
exit-peer-policy BGP
exit-peer-session BGP
exit-route-server-context BGP, SBCD
exit-service-family SAF
exit-sf-interface SAF
exit-sf-topology SAF
exit-topo MTR
exp (IP SLA) SLA
expect SLB
expect-factor VR
expire after OER
expire after (PfR) PFR
expires-header SBCD
explicit-prefix IPV6
exponential-weighting-constant QOS
export destination NF
export destination sctp (NetFlow aggregation cache) NF
export map (VRF table to global table) BGP
export template NF
export version NF
exporter (PfR) PFR
expression SNMP
extended-port MP
external-client SAF
extsig mgcp VR