Chapter A through E

active-probe (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) active probe for a target prefix, use the active-probe command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To disable the active probe, use the no form of this command.

active-probe probe-type ip-address target-port number [codec codec-name]

no active-probe probe-type ip-address

Syntax Description


Type of probe. Must be one of the following:

  • echo —Uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo (ping) messages.

  • jitter —Uses jitter messages.

  • tcp-conn —Uses TCP connection messages.

  • udp-echo —Uses UDP echo messages.


Target IP address of a prefix to be monitored using the specified type of probe.


(Not specified for echo probes.) Specifies the destination port number for the active probe.


Port number in the range from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) Only used with the jitter probe type. Specifies the codec value used for Mean Opinion Score (MOS) calculation.


(Optional) Codec value, must be one of the following:

  • g711alaw —G.711 A Law 64000 bps.

  • g711ulaw —G.711 U Law 64000 bps.

  • g729a —G.729 8000 bps.

Command Default

No active probes are configured.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The active-probe command is entered on a PfR master controller.

This command is used to optionally configure a master controller to command a border router to transmit active probes to a target IP address or prefix. The active probe is used to measure the delay (round-trip response time) of the target prefix to determine the performance of the current exit and to detect if the prefix is out-of-policy. The border router collects these performance statistics from the active probe and transmits this information to the master controller, which uses this information to optimize the prefix and to select the best available exit based on default and user-defined policies. The performance information is applied to the most specific optimized prefix, which includes the active probe host address. If the prefix is optimized and is currently using the best in-policy exit link, the master controller does not take any action.

Active probing requires you to configure a specific host or target address. The target address can also be learned by PfR through the NetFlow or Top Talker and Delay learning functionality. Active probes must be sent out of a PfR-managed external interface, which may or may not be the preferred route for an Optimized Prefix. PfR can be configured to use the following four types of active probes:

  • ICMP Echo--A ping is sent to the target address. Configuring an ICMP echo probe does not require knowledgeable cooperation from the target device. However, repeated probing could trigger an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) alarm in the target network. If an IDS is configured in a target network that is not under your administrative control, we recommend that you notify the target network administration entity.

  • Jitter--A jitter probe is sent to the target address. A target port number must be specified. A remote responder must be enabled on the target device, regardless of the configured port number. An optional codec value can be configured. The codec value is required for Mean Opinion Score (MOS) calculations.


    When you configure a jitter probe the default codec value, g729a , is not nvgened in the running configuration.

  • TCP Connection--A TCP connection probe is sent to the target address. A target port number must be specified. A remote responder must be enabled if TCP messages are configured to use a port number other than TCP well-known port number 23.

  • UDP Echo--A UDP echo probe is sent to the target address. A target port number must be specified. A remote responder must be enabled on the target device, regardless of the configured port number.

PfR uses Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs), a standard feature in Cisco IOS software, to command a border router to transmit an active probe to the target address. No explicit IP SLA configuration is required on the master controller or the border router. Support for IP SLAs is enabled by default when the PfR process is created. However, a remote responder must be enabled on the target device when configuring an active probe using jitter, UDP echo messages, or when configuring an active probe using TCP connection messages that are configured to use a port other than the TCP well-known port number 23. The remote responder is enabled by configuring the ip sla monitor responder global configuration command on the target device.


For external BGP (eBGP) peering sessions, the IP address of the eBGP peer must be reachable from the border router via a connected route in order for active probes to be generated.


The following example shows the commands used to configure an active probe using an ICMP reply (ping) message. The address is the target. No explicit configuration is required on the target device.

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# active-probe echo

The following example shows the commands used to configure an active probe using jitter messages. The address is the target. The target port number must be specified when configuring this type of probe, and a remote responder must also be enabled on the target device. An optional codec value of g711alaw is specified to be used for MOS calculations.

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# active-probe jitter target-port 1001 codec g711alaw

The following example shows the commands used to configure an active probe using a TCP connection message. The address is the target. The target port number must be specified when configuring this type of probe.

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# active-probe tcp-conn target-port 23

The following example shows the commands used to configure an active probe using UDP messages. The address is the target. The target port number must be specified when configuring this type of probe, and a remote responder must also be enabled on the target device.

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# active-probe udp-echo target-port 1001

active-probe address source (PfR)

To configure an interface on a Performance Routing (PfR) border router as the source of the active probe, use the active-probe address source command in PfR border router configuration mode. To configure active probing to use a default exit interface, use the no form of this command.

active-probe address source interface type number

no active-probe address source interface

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface type and number.


Interface type.


Interface or subinterface number.

Command Default

The source IP address is taken from the default PfR external interface that transmits the active probe.

Command Modes

PfR border router configuration (config-pfr-br)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The active-probe address source command is entered on a border router and allows you to specify the source interface from which active probes are transmitted. When this command is configured, the primary IP address of the specified interface is used as the active probe source. The IP address of the active probe source interface must be unique to ensure that the probe reply is routed back to the specified source interface. If the interface is not configured with an IP address, the active probe will not be generated. If the IP address is changed after the interface has been configured as an active probe source, active probing is stopped and then restarted with the new IP address. If the IP address is removed after the interface has been configured as an active probe source, active probing is stopped and is not restarted until a valid primary IP address is reconfigured.


For external Border Gateway Protocol (eBGP) peering sessions, the IP address of the eBGP peer must be reachable from the border router via a connected route in order for active probes to be generated.


The following example configures Fast Ethernet interface 0/0 as the active probe source:

Router(config)# pfr border 
Router(config-pfr-br)# active-probe address source interface FastEthernet 0/0

The following example configures Gigabit Ethernet interface 0/0/0 as the active probe source:

Router(config)# pfr border 

Router(config-pfr-br)# active-probe address source interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0


To enter advanced configuration mode and configure parameters for hub master controller configuration, use the advanced command in master controller configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Default pre-defined parameters are used for hub master controller configuration.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration mode (config-domain-vrf-mc)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

All configurable parameters under advanced configuration mode for hub master controller is pre-defined by default. You can choose to edit the parameters by entering into the advanced configuration mode. This is optional for hub master controller configuration.


The following example shows how to enter advanced configuration mode:

Device(config-domain-vrf-mc)# advanced

aggregation-type (PfR)

To configure a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller to aggregate learned prefixes based on the type of traffic flow, use the aggregation-type command in PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration mode. To set learned prefix aggregation to the default type, use the no form of this command.

aggregation-type {bgp | non-bgp | prefix-length prefix-mask}

no aggregation-type

Syntax Description


Configures the aggregation of learned prefixes based on the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table.


Configures the aggregation of learned prefixes based on any other protocol. Prefixes specified with this keyword can be learned only if they are not in the BGP routing table.


Configures aggregation based on the specified prefix length.


Prefix mask in the range from 1 to 32. Default is 24.

Command Default

If this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered, the default prefix mask for aggregating learned prefixes is 24.

Command Modes

PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The aggregation-type command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to configure PfR to aggregate learned prefixes based on the traffic flow type. BGP prefixes or non-BGP prefixes can be aggregated, and traffic flows can be aggregated based on prefix length.

Entering the bgp keyword configures the aggregation of learned prefixes based on prefix entries in the BGP routing table. This keyword is used if internal BGP (iBGP) peering is enabled in the PfR managed network.

Entering the non-bgp keyword configures the aggregation of learned prefixes based on any other routing protocol. Prefix entries that are present in the BGP routing table are ignored when this keyword is entered.


The following example shows the commands used to configure the aggregation of learned BGP prefixes:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# aggregation-type bgp

api provider (PfR)


Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the api-provider command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To register an application programming interface (API) provider with a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller and to enter PfR master controller application interface provider configuration mode, use the api provider command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To unregister the application interface provider, use the no form of this command.

api provider provider-id [priority value]

no api provider provider-id

Syntax Description


A number in the range from 1 to 65535 that represents the ID assigned to the provider. API provider IDs in the range of 1 to 100 are reserved for internal Cisco applications.


(Optional) Sets the priority of the provider.


(Optional) A number in the range from 1 to 65535. The lower the number, the higher the priority. The default priority is 65535. API provider priority values in the range of 1 to 100 are reserved for internal Cisco applications.

Command Default

An API provider is not registered with a PfR master controller.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. This command was removed.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Usage Guidelines

The PfR application interface defines the mode of communication and messaging between applications and the network for the purpose of optimizing the traffic associated with the applications. A provider is defined as an entity outside the network in which the router configured as a PfR master controller exists, for example, an ISP or a branch office of the same company. The provider has one or more host devices running one or more applications that use the PfR application interface to communicate with a PfR master controller. A provider must be registered with a PfR master controller before an application on a host device can interface with PfR. Use the api provider (PfR) command to register the provider, and use the host-address (PfR) command to configure a host device. After registration, a host device in the provider network can initiate a session with a PfR master controller. The PfR application interface provides an automated method for networks to be aware of applications and provides application-aware performance routing.

Use the optional priority keyword to specify a priority value for the provider when multiple providers are registered with PfR. The number 1 assigns the highest priority to any requests through the application interface. If you assign a priority, each provider must be assigned a different priority number. If you try to assign the same priority number to two different providers, an error message is displayed on the console.


API provider IDs and API priority values in the range of 1 to 100 are reserved for internal Cisco applications.

Use the show pfr api provider command to display information about the currently registered providers. Use the show pfr master policy command with the dynamic keyword to display information about policies created dynamically by an application using the PfR application interface.


The following example shows the commands used to register a provider on a master controller. In this example, more than one provider is configured, so the priority is set for each provider. For the single host device configured for provider 101, no priority is set and the default priority value of 65535 is assigned, giving this host device a lower priority than each of the host devices configured for provider 102.

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# api provider 101
Router(config-pfr-mc-api-provider)# host-address key-chain PFR_HOST
Router(config-pfr-mc-api-provider)# exit
Router(config-pfr-mc)# api provider 102 priority 4000
Router(config-pfr-mc-api-provider)# host-address key-chain PFR_HOST
priority 3000
Router(config-pfr-mc-api-provider)# host-address key-chain PFR_HOST
priority 4000

Router(config-pfr-mc-api-provider)# end

application define (PfR)

To configure a user-defined custom application to be monitored by Performance Routing (PfR), use the application define command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To remove the definition of a user-defined custom application to be monitored by PfR, use the no form of this command.

application define application-name {access-list access-list-name | nbar}

no application define application-name

Syntax Description


Name of the user-defined custom application.


Defines an application using an access list.


Name of an access list.


Defines a user-defined custom application to be identified using Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR).

Command Default

No custom-defined applications are configured for use with PfR.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The application define command allows a user-defined custom application to be configured on the master controller as an application that can be used in PfR configuration to create a traffic class that can be measured and controlled using PfR techniques. An access list can be used to define the traffic flows to create a custom application.

PfR supports the ability to define a custom application to be identified using NBAR. NBAR includes many defined applications, but a Packet Description Language Module (PDLM) can be used to add a new protocol to the list of supported NBAR applications. A PDLM uses a mapping of static TCP and UDP port numbers to create a custom application. The application defined by a PDLM file must be recognized on a PfR border router and configured on the master controller using the application define command. The PfR master controller makes a request to the border router to determine if the application is supported. Use the show pfr master nbar application command to check if the application is supported on each border router.

To display defined applications, use the show pfr master defined or the show pfr border defined commands.


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows how to define a custom application named ACCESS_DEFINE using an access list. The access list is configured to identify all TCP traffic from any destination or source and from a destination port number of 500.

Router(config)# ip access-list ACCESS_DEFINE
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any 500
Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# application define APP_ACCESS access-list ACCESS_DEFINE
Router(config-pfr-mc)# end

The following example, starting in global configuration mode, shows how to define a custom application named APP_NBAR1 to be identified using NBAR and used in PfR configuration to create a traffic class that can be measured and controlled using PfR techniques.

Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# application define APP_NBAR1 nbar 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# end

backoff (PfR)

To set the backoff timer to adjust the time period for prefix policy decisions, use the backoff command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To set the backoff timer to the default values, use the no form of this command.

backoff min-timer max-timer [step-timer]

no backoff

Syntax Description


Sets the minimum value for the backoff timer, in seconds. The values are from 90 to 7200. With CSCtr26978, the default timer value changed from 300 to 90.


Sets the maximum value for the backoff timer, in seconds. The values are from 90 to 7200. With CSCtr26978, the default timer value changed from 3000 to 900.


(Optional) Sets the value of the time period for the step timer, in seconds. The step timer is used to add time to the out-of-policy waiting period each time the backoff timer expires and Performance Routing (PfR) is unable to find an in-policy exit. The values are from 90 to 7200. With CSCtr26978, the default time period changed from 300 to 90.

Command Default

PfR uses the following default values if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered:

  • min-timer : 300

  • max-timer : 3000

  • step-timer : 300

With CSCtr26978:

  • min-timer : 90

  • max-timer : 900

  • step-timer : 90

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.


This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default values changed for all the timers.


This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default values changed for all the timers.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6

This command was modified. With CSCtr26978, the default values changed for all the timers.

Usage Guidelines

The backoff command is entered on a PfR master controller. This command is used to adjust the transition period during which the master controller holds an out-of-policy prefix. The master controller waits for the transition period before making an attempt to find an in-policy exit. This command is configured with a minimum and maximum timer value and can be configured with an optional step timer.

  • Minimum timer—The min-timer argument is used to set the minimum transition period in seconds. If the current prefix is in-policy when this timer expires, no change is made and the minimum timer is reset to the default or configured value. If the current prefix is out-of-policy, PfR will move the prefix to an in-policy exit and reset the minimum timer to the default or configured value.

  • Maximum timer—The max-timer argument is used to set the maximum length of time for which PfR holds an out-of-policy prefix when there are no PfR-controlled in-policy prefixes. If all PfR-controlled prefixes are in an out-of-policy state and the value from the max-timer argument expires, PfR will select the best available exit and reset the minimum timer to the default or configured value.

  • Step timer—The step-timer argument allows you to optionally configure PfR to add time each time the minimum timer expires until the maximum time limit has been reached. If the maximum timer expires and all PfR-managed exits are out-of-policy, PfR will install the best available exit and reset the minimum timer.

Configuring a new timer value will immediately replace the existing value if the new value is less than the time remaining. If the new value is greater than the time remaining, the new timer value will be used when the existing timer value expires.


The following example shows the commands used to set the minimum timer to 100 seconds, the maximum timer to 1000 seconds, and the step timer to 100 seconds:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# backoff 100 1000 100


To globally enable PfR bandwidth resolution to dynamically discover changes in receive or transmit bandwidths at remote sites, use the bandwidth-resolution command in master controller configuration mode. To disable PfR bandwidth resolution, use the no form of this command.


no bandwidth-resolution

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

PfR bandwidth resolution is not enabled.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History



Cisco IOS Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(1)T.

Use the bandwidth-resolution command entered in PfR master controller configuration mode to dynamically discover changes in receive or transmit bandwidths at remote sites.


PfR does not support spoke-to-spoke tunneling. Disable spoke-to-spoke dynamic tunnels by configuring the ip nhrp server-only command under interface configuration mode as part of the Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) configuration.


PfR bandwidth resolution is not supported with PfR active mode because there is no throughput data for traffic-classes.


The following example shows the commands used to globally enable bandwidth-resolution:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# bandwidth-resolution

border (PfR)

To enter PfR managed border router configuration mode to establish communication with a Performance Routing (PfR) border router, use the border command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To disable communication with the specified border router, use the no form of this command.

border ip-address [key-chain key-name]

no border ip-address

Syntax Description


IP address of the border router.


(Optional) Specifies the key used to authenticate communication between the border router and the master controller. The authentication key must be specified during the initial configuration to establish communication, but is not required to enter PfR managed border router configuration mode.


(Optional) String that represents a key.

Command Default

No communication is established between a PfR border router and a master controller.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The border command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to establish communication between a master controller and a border router. Border key-chain configuration is required during initial configuration. Once configured, the key-chain keyword is optional. Communication is established between the master controller and the border router processes to allow the master controller to monitor and control prefixes and exit links. Communication must also be established on the border router using the master command. Passive monitoring in PfR observe mode is enabled by default when communication is established between a PfR border router and a master controller.

At least one border router must be configured to enable PfR. A maximum of ten border routers can be configured to communicate with a single master controller. The IP address that is used to specify the border router must be assigned to an interface that is physically located on the border router and the IP address must be reachable by the master controller.

Communication between the master controller and the border router is protected by key-chain authentication. The authentication key must be configured on both the master controller and the border router before communication can be established. The key-chain configuration is defined in global configuration mode on both the master controller and the border router before key-chain authentication is enabled for master controller to border router communication. For more information about key management in Cisco IOS software, see the “Managing Authentication Keys” section in the “Configuring IP Protocol-Independent Features” chapter of the Cisco IOS IP Routing: Protocol-Independent Configuration Guide .

When the border command is entered, the router enters PfR managed border router configuration mode. Local interfaces must be defined as internal or external using the interface (PfR) command. A single PfR master controller can support up to 20 interfaces.

Enabling a Border Router and Master Controller Process on the Same Router

A Cisco router can be configured to perform in dual operation and run a master controller process and a border router process on the same router. However, this router will use more memory than a router that is configured to run only a border router process. This factor should be considered when selecting a router for dual operation.


The following example shows the commands used to define a key chain named MASTER in global configuration mode and then configure a master controller to communicate with the border router. The master controller authenticates the border router using the defined key CISCO.

Router(config)# key chain MASTER
Router(config-keychain)# key 1
Router(config-keychain-key)# key-string CISCO
Router(config-keychain-key)# exit
Router(config-keychain)# exit
Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# logging
Router(config-pfr-mc)# border key-chain MASTER
Router(config-pfr-mc-br)# interface FastEthernet0/0 external
Router(config-pfr-mc-br)# interface FastEthernet0/1 internal

border (VRF configuration)

To configure border devices for Performance Routing v3 configuration, use the border command in vrf configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.


no border

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Border is not configured for PfRv3 configuration.

Command Modes

VRF configuration mode (config-domain-vrf)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only on hub and regional hub master types.


The following example shows how to enter border configuration mode:

Device (config-domain-vrf)# border

class (master controller configuration)

To enter policy class configuration mode and configure domain class, use the class command in master controller configuration mode. To remove the domain class configuration, use the no form of this command.

class domain-name sequence number

no class domain-name sequence number

Syntax Description


Specifies the domain class name.


Specifies the sequence for the class.


Specifies the sequence number for the class. The range is from 1 to 65535.

Command Default

Domain class is not configured.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration mode (config-domain-vrf-mc)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command for hub master controller configuration.


The following example shows how to configure class:

Device(config-domain-vrf-mc)# class policy sequence 100

clear pfr border

To reset a connection between a Performance Routing (PfR) border router and the PfR master controller, use the clear pfr border command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear pfr border *

Syntax Description


Clears a connection between a border router and the master controller.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The clear pfr border command is entered on a border router. The border router and master controller will automatically reestablish communication after this command is entered.


The following example resets a connection between a border router and a master controller:

Router# clear pfr border *

clear pfr master

To reset a connection between a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller process and all active border router connections, use the clear pfr master command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear pfr master *

Syntax Description


Clears the master controller process and all active border router connections.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The clear pfr master command is entered on a master controller. The master controller will restart all configured and default processes and reestablish communication with active border routers after this command is entered.


The following example resets the master controller process and all active border router connections:

Router# clear pfr master *

clear pfr master border

To reset an active Performance Routing (PfR) border router connection or all connections with a PfR master controller, use the clear pfr master border command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear pfr master border {* | ip-address}

Syntax Description


Specifies all active border router connections.


Specifies a single border router connection.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The clear pfr master border command is entered on a master controller.


The following example resets all border router connections to the master controller:

Router# clear pfr master border *

The following example resets a single border router connection to the master controller:

Router# clear pfr master border

clear pfr master export statistics

To clear the display of Performance Routing (PfR) statistics for data that is exported from a master controller, use the clear pfr master export statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear pfr master export statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

PfR NetFlow v9 data export must be enabled before you can use this command.

The clear pfr master export statistics command displays statistics for data exported from a master controller when the netflow-v9 keyword is enabled for the export-protocol command.


The following example shows how to clear the the display of PfR statistics for data that is exported from a master controller.

Router# clear pfr master export statistics

clear pfr master prefix

To clear Performance Routing (PfR) controlled prefixes from the master controller database, use the clear pfr master prefix command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear pfr master prefix {* | prefix | inside * | learned [inside]}

Syntax Description


Clears all prefixes.


Clears a single prefix or prefix range. The prefix address and mask are entered with this argument.


Clears inside prefixes.


Clears learned prefixes.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The clear pfr master prefix command is entered on a master controller.


The following example clears learned prefixes:

Router# clear pfr master prefix learned

The following example clears all inside prefixes:

Router# clear pfr master prefix inside *

clear pfr master traffic-class

To clear Performance Routing (PfR) controlled traffic classes from the master controller database, use the clear pfr master traffic-class command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear pfr master traffic-class [access-list access-list-name | application application-name [prefix] | inside | learned [delay | inside | list list-name | throughput] | prefix prefix | prefix-list prefix-list-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Clears information about traffic classes defined by an access list.


(Optional) Name of an access list.


(Optional) Clears information about traffic classes defined by an application.


(Optional) Name of a predefined static application using fixed ports. See the Usage Guidelines section for a table of the application names.


(Optional) An IP address and bit length mask representing a prefix to be cleared.


(Optional) Clears information about inside traffic classes.


(Optional) Clears information about learned traffic classes.


(Optional) Clears information about learned traffic classes defined using delay.


(Optional) Clears information about learned traffic classes defined in a PfR learn list.


(Optional) Name of a PfR learn list.


(Optional) Clears information about learned traffic classes defined using throughput.


(Optional) Clears information about traffic classes defined by a prefix.


(Optional) Clears information about traffic classes defined by a prefix list.


(Optional) Name of prefix list.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The clear pfr master traffic-class command is entered on a master controller. To clear PfR-controlled traffic classes defined by an application identified using Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) from the master controller database, use the clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar command.

The table below displays the keywords that represent the application that can be configured with the clear pfr master traffic-class command. Replace the application-name argument with the appropriate keyword from the table.

Table 1. Static Application List Keywords






7648 7649 7648 7649 24032

dhcp (Client)



dhcp (Server)











20 21












143 220






88 749
























22 5632 65301 5631









585 993 (Preferred)























The following example shows how to clear traffic classes defined by the Secure Shell (SSH) application and the prefix:

Router# clear pfr master traffic-class application ssh

The following example shows how to clear traffic classes that were learned:

Router# clear pfr master traffic-class learned

clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar

To clear Performance Routing (PfR) controlled traffic classes defined by an application identified using network-based application recognition (NBAR), from the master controller database, use the clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar [nbar-app-name [prefix] ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Keyword representing the name of an application identified using NBAR. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more details.


(Optional) An IP address and bit length mask representing a prefix to be cleared.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S.

Usage Guidelines

The clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar command is entered on a master controller. To clear all other types of PfR-controlled traffic classes from the master controller database, use the clear pfr master traffic-class command.

NBAR can identify applications based on the following three types of protocols:

  • Non-UDP and non-TCP IP protocols—For example, generic routing encapsulation (GRE) and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that use statically assigned port numbers—For example, CU-SeeMe desktop video conference (CU-SeeMe-Server) and Post Office Protocol over Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server (SPOP3-Server).

  • TCP and UDP protocols that dynamically assign port numbers and require stateful inspection—For example, Real-Time Transport Protocol audio streaming (RTP-audio) and BitTorrent file transfer traffic (BitTorrent).

Use the clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar ? command to determine if an application can be identified using NBAR, and replace the nbar-app-name argument with the appropriate keyword from the screen display.

The list of applications identified using NBAR and available for profiling PfR traffic classes is constantly evolving. For lists of many of the NBAR applications defined using static or dynamically assigned ports, see the “Performance Routing with NBAR/CCE Application and Recognition” module.

For more details about NBAR, see the “Classifying Network Traffic Using NBAR” section of the QoS: NBAR Configuration Guide.

If the prefix argument is specified, only the PfR-controlled traffic class that matches the application specified by the nbar-app-name argument and the destination prefix specified by the prefix argument are cleared. If the prefix argument is not specified, all PfR-controlled traffic classes that match the application specified by the nbar-app-name argument, regardless of the destination prefix, are cleared.


The following example shows how to determine the keyword that represents an application identified using NBAR in order to clear the PfR traffic classes defined by the application:

Router# clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar ?

The following example shows how to clear PfR traffic classes defined by the RTP-audio application that is identified using NBAR and the prefix:

Router# clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar rtp-audio

The following example shows how to clear all PfR traffic classes defined by applications identified using NBAR:

Router# clear pfr master traffic-class application nbar


To configure IP address of the Network Management System (NMS) or external v9 collector, use the collector command in master controller configuration mode. To remove the NMS/externalv9 collector, use the no form of this command.

collector ip-address

no collector ip-address

Syntax Description


Specifies the IP address of NMS/v9 collector.

Command Default

NMS/ external v9 collector is not configured.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration mode  (config-domain-vrf-mc)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.13S

This command was introduced.


The below example shows how to configure collector IP address:

Device(config-domain-vrf-mc)# collector

cost-minimization (PfR)

To configure Performance Routing (PfR) cost-based optimization policies on a master controller, use the cost-minimization command in PfR border exit interface configuration mode. To disable a cost-based optimization policy, use the no form of this command.

cost-minimization {calc {combined | separate | sum} | discard [daily] {absolute number | percent percentage} | end day-of-month day [offset [-] hh:mm] | fixed fee [cost] | nickname name | sampling period minutes [rollup minutes] | summer-time start end [offset] | tier percentage fee fee}

no cost-minimization {calc | discard | end day-of-month day [offset [-] hh:mm] | fixed fee [cost] | nickname | sampling | summer-time | tier percentage}

Syntax Description


Specifies how the fee is calculated.


Specifies billing based on combined egress and ingress rollup samples.


Specifies billing based on separate egress and ingress rollup samples.


Specifies billing based on egress and ingress rollup samples that are added and then combined.


Specifies how often rollup samples are discarded.


(Optional) Specifies a daily rather than monthly rollup period.

absolute number

Specifies an absolute number of rollup samples to be discarded. The value that can be entered for the number argument ranges from 1 to 1440.

percent percentage

Specifies a percentage of rollup samples to be discarded. The value that can be entered for the percentage argument ranges from 1 to 99.

end day-of-month day

Specifies the end billing date.

offset [- ] hh : mm

(Optional) Specifies an offset in hours and minutes, allowing you to compensate for time zone differences. The optional “- ” keyword is used to allow for negative hours and minutes to be specified when the time zone is ahead of UTC.

fixed fee

Specifies a nonusage-based fixed fee.


(Optional) Cost for the fixed fee.

nickname name

Specifies a nickname for the cost structure.

sampling period minutes

Specifies the sampling period in minutes. The value that can be entered for the minutes argument ranges from 1 to 1440.

rollup minutes

(Optional) Specifies that samples are rolled up at the interval specified for the minutes argument. The value that can be entered for the minutes argument ranges from 1 to 1440. The minimum number that can be entered must be equal to or greater than the number that is entered for the sampling period.


Specifies the start and end of summer time.


The start period is entered in following format: the week number or the words first or last, the day represented by the first three letters of the day, the month represented by the first three letters of the month, and hh:mm. For example, 1 Sun Apr 00:00.


The end period is entered in following format: the week number or the words first or last, the day represented by the first three letters of the day, the month represented by the first three letters of the month, and hh:mm. For example, 4 Sun Oct 23:59.


(Optional) The offset argument allows for an offset in minutes from 1 to 120 to allow for up to two additional hours to be added in the spring and subtracted in the fall.


Specifies a cost tier.


A percentage of capacity for a cost tier.

fee fee

Specifies the fee associated with a cost tier.

Command Default

No cost-based optimization policies are configured.

Command Modes

PfR border exit interface configuration (config-pfr-mc-br-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The cost-minimization command is configured on a master controller. Cost-based optimization allows you to configure link policies based on the Internet service provider (ISP) financial cost of each exit link in your network. The cost-minimization command allows you to configure the master controller to send traffic over exit links that provide the most cost-effective bandwidth utilization, while still maintaining the desired performance characteristics.


The following example, starting in global configuration mode, configures cost-based optimization on a master controller. Cost optimization configuration is applied under the external interface configuration. A policy for a tiered billing cycle is configured. Calculation is configured separately for egress and ingress samples. The time interval between sampling is set to 10 minutes. These samples are configured to be rolled up every 60 minutes. In this example, summer time is configured to start the second week in March on a Sunday at 2 in the morning plus one hour, and to end on Sunday in the first week in November at 2 in the morning minus one hour. The last day of the billing cycle is on the 30th day of the month with an offset of 5 hours added to UTC to adjust for the time zone.

Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# border key-chain key
Router(config-pfr-mc-br)# interface Ethernet 0/0 external 
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization nickname ISP1 
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization summer-time 2 Sun Mar 02:00
1 Sun Nov 02:00 60
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization end day-of-month 30 offset 23:59
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization calc separate 
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization sampling period 10 rollup 60
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization tier 100 fee 1000
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization tier 90 fee 900 
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# cost-minimization tier 80 fee 800
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# end

count (PfR)

To set the number of traffic classes to be learned by a learn list during a Performance Routing (PfR) learn session, use the count command in learn list configuration mode. To reset the number of traffic classes to be learned by a learn list to the default values, use the no form of this command.

count number max max-number

no count number max max-number

Syntax Description


Number representing the number of traffic classes to be learned by a learn list during a PfR learn session. The range of numbers is from 1 to 100000. The default is 1000.



In Cisco IOS Releases before 15.3(1)T and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S, the range is from 1 to 1000.


Specifies the maximum number of traffic classes to be learned by a PfR learn list (over all PfR learning sessions).


Number representing the maximum number of traffic classes to be learned for a PfR learn list. The range of numbers is from 1 to 100000. The default is 100000.



In Cisco IOS Releases before 15.3(1)T and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S, the range is from 1 to 1000 and the default is 1000.

Command Default

If this command is not configured, the number of traffic classes to be learned by a learn list during a PfR learn session is set to the default values:number : 1000 max-number : 100000

Command Modes

Learn list configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn-list)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.


This command was modified. The number and max-number arguments were changed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was modified. The number and max-number arguments were changed to be in a range from 1 to 100000. The default for the max-number argument changed to 100000.


This command was modified. The number and max-number arguments were changed to be in a range from 1 to 100000. The default for the max-number argument changed to 100000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the number of traffic classes that a border router sends to the master controller for a learn list during a PfR learn session. An overall maximum number of traffic classes for a learn list can also be configured.

To reflect the growth in network size, the number of prefixes/traffic classes to be learned in one learn list session was increased from 100 to 1000 with CSCto24563. The maximum number of traffic classes to be learned over all session of the learn list was also increased to 1000. The defaults for both arguments is 1000. In releases prior to CSCto24563, the number was 50 and the max-number argument was 100.

With CSCuc14600, the number of prefixes/traffic classes to be learned in one learn list session was increased from 1000 to 100000. The maximum number of traffic classes to be learned over all session of the learn list was also increased to 100000 and the default of the max-number argument was increased to 100000.


In the following example, the number of traffic classes to be learned in the first learn list (remote login traffic class) session is set to 5000, and the maximum number of traffic classes to be learned for all sessions of the first learn list is set to 9000. The second traffic class for file transfer traffic is configured with a maximum number of traffic classes set to 8000, with 4000 traffic classes set to be learned in a single session. Starting in global configuration mode, application traffic classes are defined using two PfR learn lists, LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC and LEARN_FILE_TRANSFER_TC. The remote login traffic class is configured using keywords representing Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH) traffic, and the resulting prefixes are aggregated to a prefix length of 24. The file transfer traffic class is configured using a keyword that represents FTP and is also aggregated to a prefix length of 24. A prefix-list is applied to the file transfer traffic class to permit traffic from the prefix. The master controller is configured to learn the top prefixes based on the highest outbound throughput for the filtered traffic, and the resulting traffic classes are added to the PfR application database.

Router(config)# ip prefix-list INCLUDE_10_NET
Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 10 refname LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# count 5000 max 9000
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application telnet ssh
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# exit
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 20 refname LEARN_FILE_TRANSFER_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# count 4000 max 8000
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application ftp filter INCLUDE_10_NET
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# throughput
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# end

debug pfr api


Effective with Cisco IOS Releases 15.2(1)S, 15.2(3)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S, the debug pfr api command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To display Performance Routing (PfR) application interface debugging information, use the debug pfr api command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR application interface debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr api [detail]

no debug pfr api

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed application interface debugging information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. This command was removed.


This command was modified. This command was removed.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr api command is used to display messages about any configured PfR application interface providers or host devices. The PfR application interface defines the mode of communication and messaging between applications and the network for the purpose of optimizing the traffic associated with the applications. A provider is defined as an entity outside the network in which the router configured as a PfR master controller exists, for example, an ISP or a branch office of the same company. The provider has one or more host devices running one or more applications that use the PfR application interface to communicate with a PfR master controller. A provider must be registered with a PfR master controller before an application on a host device can interface with PfR. Use the api provider (PfR) command to register the provider, and use the host-address (PfR) command to configure a host device. After registration, a host device in the provider network can initiate a session with a PfR master controller. The application interface provides an automated method for networks to be aware of applications and provides application-aware performance routing.


When the detail keyword is entered, the amount of detailed output to be displayed can utilize a considerable amount of system resources. Use the detail keyword with caution in a production network.


The following example shows the commands used to display PfR application interface debugging messages, and the output shows that a PfR policy failed due to a prefix that is not found:

Router# debug pfr api

OER api debugging is on
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API: Data set id received 5, data set len 9, host ip,
session id 1, requies2
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API: Received get current policy, session id 1 request id 22
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API: Recvd Appl with Prot 256 DSCP 0 SrcPrefix 
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API:  DstPrefix DstMask Sport_min 0
Sport_max 0 Dport_mi0
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API: get prefix policy failed - prefix not found
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API: Get curr policy cmd received. rc 0
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API: Received send status response, status 0, session id 1,
request id 22, sequence0
*May 26 01:04:07.278: OER API: rc for data set 0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Table 2. debug pfr api Field Descriptions



OER api debugging is on

Shows that application interface debugging is enabled.


Displays a PfR application interface message.

debug pfr border

To display general Performance Routing (PfR) border router debugging information, use the debug pfr border command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr border

no debug pfr border

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr border command is entered on a border router. This command is used to display debugging information about the PfR border process, controlled routes, and monitored prefixes.


The following example enables the display of general PfR debugging information:

Router# debug pfr border 

*May  4 22:32:33.695: OER BR: Process Message, msg 4, ptr 33272128, value  140
*May  4 22:32:34.455: OER BR: Timer event, 0
Table 3. debug pfr border Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for PfR border process.

debug pfr border active-probe

To display debugging information for active probes configured on the local border router, use the debug pfr border active-probe command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of debug event information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr border active-probe [detail]

no debug pfr border active-probe [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr border active-probe command is entered on a border router. This command is used to display the status and results of active probes that are configured on the local border router.


The following example enables the display of active-probe debug information on a border router:

Router# debug pfr border active-probe

*May  4 23:47:45.633: OER BR ACTIVE PROBE: Attempting to retrieve Probe 
      probeType = echo, probeTarget =, probeTargetPort = 0
      probeSource = Default, probeSourcePort = 0, probeNextHop = Default
      probeIfIndex = 13
*May  4 23:47:45.633: OER BR ACTIVE PROBE: Completed retrieving Probe 
      probeType = echo, probeTarget =, probeTargetPort = 0
      probeSource = Default, probeSourcePort = 0, probeNextHop =
      probeIfIndex = 13, SAA index = 15
*May  4 23:47:45.633: OER BR ACTIVE PROBE: Completions 11, Sum of rtt 172, 
Max rtt 36, Min rtt 12
*May  4 23:47:45.693: OER BR ACTIVE PROBE: Attempting to retrieve Probe 
      probeType = echo, probeTarget =, probeTargetPort = 0
      probeSource = Default, probeSourcePort = 0, probeNextHop = Default
      probeIfIndex = 13
*May  4 23:47:45.693: OER BR ACTIVE PROBE: Completed retrieving Probe 
      probeType = echo, probeTarget =, probeTargetPort = 0
      probeSource = Default, probeSourcePort = 0, probeNextHop =
      probeIfIndex = 13, SAA index = 14
Table 4. debug pfr border active-probe Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) active probes on a border router.


The heading for PfR active probe statistics.


The active probe type. The active probe types that can be displayed are ICMP, TCP, and UDP.


The target IP address of the active probe.


The target port of the active probe.


The source IP address of the active probe. Default is displayed for a locally generated active probe.


The source port of the active probe.


The next hop for the active probe.


The active probe source interface index.

SAA index

The IP SLAs collection index number.

debug pfr border bandwidth-resolution

To display Performance Routing (PfR) bandwidth-resolution debugging information on a local border router, use the debug pfr border bandwidth-resolution command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR bandwidth-resolution debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr border bandwidth-resolution

no debug pfr border bandwidth-resolution

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr border bandwidth-resolution command is used to display debugging messages that may help troubleshoot PfR bandwidth-resolution issues on a local border router. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.


The following example shows how to enable the display of PfR bandwidth-resolution debugging messages on a local border router.

Router# debug pfr border bandwidth-resolution

PfR Border Bandwidth Resolution debugging is on 
Table 5. debug pfr border bandwidth-resolution Field Descriptions



PfR Border Bandwidth-Resolution debugging is on

Shows that PfR target-discovery debugging is enabled.

debug pfr border learn

To display debugging information about learned prefixes on the local border router, use the debug pfr border learn command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of debug event information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr border learn [top number]

no debug pfr border learn [top number]

Syntax Description

top number

(Optional) Displays debugging information about the top delay or top throughput prefixes. The number of top delay or throughput prefixes can be specified. The range of prefixes that can be specified is a number from 1 to 65535.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr border learn command is entered on a border router. This command is used to display debugging information about prefixes learned on the local border router.


The following example enables the display of active-probe debug information on a border router:

Router# debug pfr border learn

*May  4 22:51:31.971: OER BR LEARN: Reporting prefix 1:, throughput 201
*May  4 22:51:31.971: OER BR LEARN: Reporting 1 throughput learned prefixes
*May  4 22:51:31.971: OER BR LEARN: State change, new STOPPED, old STARTED, reason Stop Learn
Table 6. debug pfr border learn Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for the Performance Routing (PfR) border router learning process.

debug pfr border routes

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) controlled or monitored routes on the local border router, use the debug pfr border routes command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of debug event information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr border routes {bgp | eigrp [detail] | piro [detail] | static}

no debug pfr border routes {bgp | eigrp | piro | static}

Syntax Description


Displays debugging information for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes.


Displays debugging information for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) routes.


(Optional) Displays detailed debugging information. This keyword applies only to EIGRP or Protocol Independent Route Optimization (PIRO) routes.


Displays debugging information for PIRO routes.


Displays debugging information for static routes.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr border routes command is entered on a border router. This command is used to display the debugging information about PfR-controlled or monitored routes on the local border router.

PIRO provides the ability for PfR to search for a parent route, defined as an exact matching route or a less specific route, in any IP Routing Information Base (RIB). If a parent route for the traffic class exists in the RIB, policy-based routing is used to control the prefix.

EIGRP route control provides the ability for PfR to search for a parent route--an exact matching route, or a less specific route--in the EIGRP routing table. If a parent route for the traffic class exists in the EIGRP routing table, temporary EIGRP routes are injected and identified by adding a configurable extended community tag value.


The following example shows how to display active-probe debug information on a border router:

Router# debug pfr border routes bgp

*May  4 22:35:53.239: OER BGP: Control exact prefix
*May  4 22:35:53.239: OER BGP: Walking the BGP table for
*May  4 22:35:53.239: OER BGP: Path for is now under OER control
*May  4 22:35:53.239: OER BGP: Setting prefix as OER net#
Table 7. debug pfr border routes bgp Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for PfR-controlled BGP routes.


Indicates debugging information for PfR-controlled Static routes. (Not displayed in the example output.)

The following example shows how to display detailed debugging information for PIRO routes and shows that the parent route for the prefix is found in the RIB and a route map is created to control the application. Note that detailed border PBR debugging is also active.

Router# debug pfr border routes piro detail

Feb 21 00:20:44.431: PIRO: Now calling ip_get_route
Feb 21 00:20:44.431: PFR PIRO: Parent lookup found parent, mask,
nexthop for network
Feb 21 00:22:46.771: PFR PIRO: Parent lookup found parent, mask,
nexthop for network
Feb 21 00:22:46.771: PFR PIRO: Control Route,, NH, IF Ethernet4/2
Feb 21 00:22:46.771: PIRO: Now calling ip_get_route
Feb 21 00:22:46.771: PIRO: Now calling ip_get_route
Feb 21 00:22:46.771: PFR PIRO: Parent lookup found parent, mask,
nexthop for network
Feb 21 00:22:46.771: OER BR PBR(det): control app:, nh, if
Ethernet4/2,ip prot 256, dst opr 0, src opr 0, 0 0 0 0, src net, dscp 0/0
Feb 21 00:22:46.771: OER BR PBR(det): Create rmap 6468E488
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) T EVENT Track
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) N Adding track
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) N QP Schedule
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) T EVENT Query
found route
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) N Adding route
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) R  d=0 p=0 ->
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) R  d=110 p=1 ->
Et4/2 40 Notifying
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: Adding to client notification queue
Feb 21 00:22:46.775: PfR-RIB RIB_RWATCH: (default:ipv4:base) W c=0x15 Client
notified reachable
Feb 21 00:22:46.779: PFR PIRO: Route update rwinfo 680C8E14, network, mask_len 24
event Route Up
Feb 21 00:22:46.779: OER BR PBR(det): PIRO Path change notify for prefix:,
masklen:24, reason:1
Table 8. debug pfr border routes piro detail Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for Performance Routing-controlled PIRO activities.


Indicates debugging information about policy-based routing activities on the border router.


Indicates debugging information about RIB activities.

debug pfr border rsvp

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) Resouce Reservation Protocol (RSVP) events on a PfR border controller, use the debug pfr border rsvp command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop PfR RSVP event debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr border rsvp [detail]

no debug pfr border rsvp

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed debugging information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr border rsvp command is entered on a border controller. The output displays information related to RSVP events or updates.


Depending on the number of RSVP flows, the debug output can utilize a considerable amount of system resources. The detail keyword should be enabled with caution in a production network.


The following example shows some example debugging output for RSVP flow events on a PfR border router. The actual output depends on the commands that are entered after the debugging is turned on.

Router# debug pfr border rsvp

Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:RESOLVE called for src: dst: 
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1; tspec 1
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:hash index = 618
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:Searching flow: src: dst:
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:Add flow: src: dst: 
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:hash index = 618
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:Searching flow: src: dst:
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:hash index = 618
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:successfully added the flow to the db
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:flow: src: dst: 
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1 lookup; topoid: 0
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP(det):ret nh:, idb: 35
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:Adding new context
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP(det):Num contexts: 0
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP(det):Num contexts: 1
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:flow src: dst: 
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1 now pending notify
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:Resolve on flow: src: dst:
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1
Jan 23 21:18:19.434 PST: PfR RSVP:Filtering flow: src: dst:
 proto: 17 sport: 1 dport: 1

debug pfr border traceroute reporting

To display debugging information for traceroute probes on the local border router, use the debug pfr border traceroute reporting command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of debug event information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr border traceroute reporting [detail]

no debug pfr border traceroute reporting [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed traceroute debug information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr border traceroute reporting command is entered on a border router. This command is used to display the debugging information about traceroute probes sourced on the local border router.


The following example enables the display of active-probe debug information on a border router:

Router# debug pfr border traceroute reporting

May 19 03:46:23.807: OER BR TRACE(det): Received start message: msg1 458776,
msg2 1677787648, if index 19, host addr, flags 1, max ttl 30,
protocol 17, probe delay 0
May 19 03:46:26.811: OER BR TRACE(det): Result msg1 458776,
msg2 1677787648 num hops 30 sent May 19 03:47:20.919: OER BR TRACE(det): 
Received start message: msg1 524312, msg2 1677787648, if index 2,
host addr, flags 1, max ttl 30, protocol 17, probe delay 0
May 19 03:47:23.923: OER BR TRACE(det): Result msg1 524312,
msg2 1677787648 num hops 3 sent
Table 9. debug pfr border traceroute reporting Field Descriptions




Indicates border router debugging information for traceroute probes.

debug pfr border tunnel


Effective with CSCty36217 and CSCua59073, the debug pfr border tunnel command is removed because the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.

debug pfr cc

To display Performance Routing (PfR) communication control debugging information for master controller and border router communication, use the debug pfr cc command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr cc [detail]

no debug pfr cc [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr cc command can be entered on a master controller or on a border router. This command is used to display messages exchanged between the master controller and the border router. These messages include control commands, configuration commands, and monitoring information. Enabling this command will cause very detailed output to be displayed and can utilize a considerable amount of system resources. This command should be enabled with caution in a production network.


The following example shows how to enable the display of PfR communication control debugging messages:

Router# debug pfr cc

*May  4 23:03:22.527: OER CC: ipflow prefix reset received:
Table 10. debug pfr cc Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for PfR communication messages.

debug pfr master bandwidth-resolution

To display Performance Routing (PfR) bandwidth-resolution debugging information on a PfR master controller, use the debug pfr master bandwidth-resolution command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR bandwidth-resolution debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master bandwidth-resolution [mc-peer-ip-address]

no debug pfr master bandwidth-resolution

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master bandwidth-resolution command is used to display debugging messages that may help troubleshoot PfR bandwidth-resolution issues. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.


The following example shows the command used to enable the display of PfR bandwidth-resolution debugging messages. After the debugging is enabled, this example shows debugging messages that may be displayed after bandwidth resolution is disabled using the no bandwidth-resolution command. The example shows that PfR bandwidth resolution is torn down.

Router# debug pfr master bandwidth-resolution

PfR Master Bandwidth-Resolution debugging is on
Device# configure terminal
*Oct  5 23:06:30.548: PFR_MC_BW: prereq: wait, origin: handle:2 (pid:193)
Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# no bandwidth-resolution
*Oct  5 23:07:04.592: PFR_MC_BW: BW Res teardown start, mode:5
*Oct  5 23:07:04.592: PFR_MC_BW: prereqs process killed (pid:193) by teardown
*Oct  5 23:07:04.592: PFR_MC_BW: SvcUnreg: handle:2
*Oct  5 23:07:04.600: PFR_MC_BW: bwres db destroyed
*Oct  5 23:07:04.600: PFR_MC_BW: BW Res teardown fin, mode:5

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 11. debug pfr master bandwidth-resolution Field Descriptions



PfR Master Bandwidth-Resolution debugging is on

Shows that PfR bandwidth-resolution debugging is enabled.


Prefix to show that the subsequent debugging message is related to PfR bandwidth-resolution activity on a master controller.

debug pfr master border

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) border router events on a PfR master controller, use the debug pfr master border command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop border router event debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master border [ip-address]

no debug pfr master border

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the IP address of a border router.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master border command is entered on a master controller. The output displays information related to the events or updates from one or more border routers.


The following example shows how to display the status of two border routers. Both routers are up and operating normally.

Router# debug pfr master border 

OER Master Border Router debugging is on
1d05h: OER MC BR BR I/F update, status UP, line 1 index 1, tx bw 10000
0, rx bw 100000, time, tx ld 0, rx ld 0, rx rate 0 rx bytes 3496553, tx rate 0,
tx bytes 5016033
1d05h: OER MC BR BR I/F update, status UP, line 1 index 2, tx bw 10000
0, rx bw 100000, time, tx ld 0, rx ld 0, rx rate 0 rx bytes 710149, tx rate 0, t
x bytes 1028907
1d05h: OER MC BR BR I/F update, status UP, line 1 index 2, tx bw 10000
0, rx bw 100000, time, tx ld 0, rx ld 0, rx rate 0 rx bytes 743298, tx rate 0, t
x bytes 1027912
1d05h: OER MC BR BR I/F update, status UP, line 1 index 1, tx bw 10000
0, rx bw 100000, time, tx ld 0, rx ld 0, rx rate 0 rx bytes 3491383, tx rate 0,
tx bytes 5013993
Table 12. debug pfr master border Field Descriptions



OER MC BR ip-address:

Indicates debugging information for a border router process. The ip-address identifies the border router.

debug pfr master collector

To display data collection debugging information for PfR monitored prefixes, use the debug pfr master collector command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master collector {active-probes [detail [trace]] | netflow}

no debug pfr master collector {active-probes [detail [trace]] | netflow}

Syntax Description


Displays aggregate active probe results for a given prefix on all border routers that are executing the active probe.


(Optional) Displays the active probe results from each target for a given prefix on all border routers that are executing the active probe.


(Optional) Displays aggregate active probe results and historical statistics for a given prefix on all border routers that are executing the active probe.


Displays information about the passive (NetFlow) measurements received by the master controller for prefixes monitored from the border router.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master collector command is entered on a master controller. The output displays data collection information for monitored prefixes.


The following example shows how to display aggregate active probe results for the prefix on all border routers that are configured to execute this active probe:

Router# debug pfr master collector active-probes 

*May  4 22:34:58.221: OER MC APC: Probe Statistics Gathered for prefix on all exits,
notifying the PDP
*May  4 22:34:58.221: OER MC APC: Summary Exit Data (pfx, bdr, if 13, 
nxtHop Default):savg delay 13, lavg delay 14, sinits 25, scompletes 25
*May  4 22:34:58.221: OER MC APC: Summary Prefix Data: (pfx sloss 0, lloss 0, sunreach 25,
 lunreach 25, savg raw delay 15, lavg raw delay 15, sinits 6561, scompletes 6536, linits 6561, lcompletes 6536 
*May  4 22:34:58.221: OER MC APC: Active OOP check done
Table 13. debug pfr master collector active-probes Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for active probes from the PfR master collector.

The following example shows how to display aggregate active probe results from each target for the prefix on all border routers that are configured to execute this active probe:

Router# debug pfr master collector active-probes detail
*May  4 22:36:21.945: OER MC APC: Rtrv Probe Stats: BR, Type echo, 
Tgt,TgtPt 0, Src Default, SrcPt 0, NxtHp Default, Ndx 13 
*May  4 22:36:22.001: OER MC APC: Remote stats received: BR, Type 
echo, Tgt 10.15.1, TgtPt 0, Src Default, SrcPt 0, NxtHp Default, Ndx 13 
*May  4 22:36:22.313: OER MC APC: Perf data point (pfx, bdr, if 13, xtHop Default):  avg delay 20, loss 0, unreach 0, 
initiations 2, completions 2, delay sum40, ldelay max 20, ldelay min 12 
*May  4 22:36:22.313: OER MC APC: Perf data point (pfx, bdr, if 13, xtHop Default):  avg delay 20, loss 0, unreach 0, 
initiations 2, completions 2, delay sum40, ldelay max 20, ldelay min 12 
*May  4 22:36:22.313: OER MC APC: Probe Statistics Gathered for prefix on al exits, notifying the PDP
*May  4 22:36:22.313: OER MC APC: Active OOP check done
Table 14. debug pfr master collector active-probes detail Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for active probes from the PfR master collector.

The following example shows how to display aggregate active probe results and historical statistics from each target for the prefix on all border routers that are configured to execute this active probe:

Router# debug pfr master collector active-probes detail trace

*May  4 22:40:33.845: OER MC APC: Rtrv Probe Stats: BR, Type echo, 
Tgt, TgtPt 0, Src Default, SrcPt 0, NxtHp Default, Ndx 13 
*May  4 22:40:33.885: OER MC APC: Remote stats received: BR, Type 
echo, Tgt, TgtPt 0, Src Default, SrcPt 0, NxtHp Default, Ndx 13 
*May  4 22:40:34.197: OER MC APC: Remote stats received: BR, Type 
echo, Tgt, TgtPt 0, Src Default, SrcPt 0, NxtHp Default, Ndx 13 
*May  4 22:40:34.197: OER MC APC: Updating Probe (Type echo Tgt 
TgtPt 0) Total Completes 1306, Total Attempts 1318
*May  4 22:40:34.197: OER MC APC: All stats gathered for pfx 
Accumulating Stats
*May  4 22:40:34.197: OER MC APC: Updating Curr Exit Ref (pfx, 
bdr, if 13, nxtHop Default) savg delay 17, lavg delay 14, savg loss 
0, lavg loss 0, savg unreach 0, lavg unreach 0
*May  4 22:40:34.197: OER MC APC: Probe Statistics Gathered for prefix on all exits, notifying the PDP
*May  4 22:40:34.197: OER MC APC: Active OOP check done
Table 15. debug pfr master collector active-probes detail trace Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for active probes from the PfR master collector.

The following example shows how to display passive monitoring results for the prefix:

Router# debug pfr master collector netflow 

*May  4 22:31:45.739: OER MC NFC: Rcvd  egress update from BR       
  prefix  Interval 75688  delay_sum 0  samples 0  bytes 20362  pkts 505  flows 359  
pktloss 1 unreach 0
*May  4 22:31:45.739: OER MC NFC: Updating exit_ref; BR i/f Et1/0, s_avg_delay 655, 
l_avg_delay 655, s_avg_pkt_loss 328, l_avg_pkt_loss 328, s_avg_flow_unreach 513, l_avg_flow_unreach 513
*May  4 22:32:07.007: OER MC NFC: Rcvd ingress update from BR       
  prefix  Interval 75172  delay_sum 42328  samples 77  bytes 22040  pkts 551  flows 310  
pktloss 0 unreach 0
Table 16. debug pfr master collector netflow Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for the PfR master collector from passive monitoring (NetFlow).

debug pfr master cost-minimization

To display debugging information for cost-based optimization policies, use the debug pfr master cost-minimization command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master cost-minimization [detail]

no debug pfr master cost-minimization [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master cost-minimization command is entered on a master controller. The output displays debugging information for cost-minimization policies.


The following example shows how to display detailed cost-based optimization policy debug information:

Router# debug pfr master cost-minimization detail

OER Master cost-minimization Detail debugging is on
*May 14 00:38:48.839: OER MC COST: Momentary target utilization for exit i/f
Ethernet1/0 nickname ISP1 is 7500 kbps, time_left 52889 secs, cumulative 16 kb, rollup
period 84000 secs, rollup target 6000 kbps, bw_capacity 10000 kbps
*May 14 00:38:48.839: OER MC COST: Cost OOP check for border, current util: 0
target util: 7500 kbps
*May 14 00:39:00.199: OER MC COST: ISP1 calc separate rollup ended at 55 ingress Kbps
*May 14 00:39:00.199: OER MC COST: ISP1 calc separate rollup ended at 55 egress bytes
*May 14 00:39:00.199: OER MC COST: Target utilization for nickname ISP1 set to 6000,
rollups elapsed 4, rollups left 24
*May 14 00:39:00.271: OER MC COST: Momentary target utilization for exit i/f
Ethernet1/0 nickname ISP1 is 7500 kbps, time_left 52878 secs, cumulative 0 kb, rollup
period 84000 secs, rollup target 6000 kbps, bw_capacity 10000 kbps
*May 14 00:39:00.271: OER MC COST: Cost OOP check for border, current util: 0
target util: 7500 kbps
Table 17. debug pfr master cost-minimization detail Field Descriptions




Indicates debugging information for cost-based optimization on the master controller.

debug pfr master exit

To display debug event information for Performance Routing (PfR) managed exits, use the debug pfr master exit command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of debug event information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master exit [detail]

no debug pfr master exit [detail]

Syntax Description


Displays detailed PfR managed exit information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master exit command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to display debugging information for master controller exit selection processes.


The following example shows output from the debug pfr master exit command, entered with the detail keyword:

Router# debug pfr master exit detail
*May  4 11:26:51.539: OER MC EXIT:, intf Fa4/0 INPOLICY 
*May  4 11:26:52.195: OER MC EXIT:, intf Se2/0 INPOLICY 
*May  4 11:26:55.515: OER MC EXIT:, intf Se5/0 INPOLICY 
*May  4 11:29:14.987: OER MC EXIT: 7 kbps should be moved from, intf Fa4/0 
*May  4 11:29:35.467: OER MC EXIT:, intf Fa4/0 in holddown state so skip OOP check 
*May  4 11:29:35.831: OER MC EXIT:, intf Se2/0 in holddown state so skip OOP check 
*May  4 11:29:39.455: OER MC EXIT:, intf Se5/0 in holddown state so skip OOP check
Table 18. debug pfr master exit detail Field Descriptions




Indicates PfR master controller exit event.

debug pfr master export

To display debugging information about Performance Routing (PfR) performance data that is exported in NetFlow v9 format from a master controller, use the debug pfr master export command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export

no debug pfr master export

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following example shows how to enable the display of debugging messages of PfR performance data that is exported in NetFlow v9 format from a master controller. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export 

debug pfr master export active

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) master collector active export monitoring, use the debug pfr master export active command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export active [update | performance] [traffic-class-id]

no debug pfr master export active

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays active update monitoring information.


(Optional) Displays active performance monitoring information.


(Optional) Traffic-class-specific ID. A valid entry is a number from 1 to 65535.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following example shows how to enable the display of PfR master collector active export monitoring debugging messages. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export active 1

00:29:25: debug: debug(tc_id=1)

Table 19. debug pfr master export active Field Descriptions




Indicates that debugging information for traffic class 1 is displayed.

debug pfr master export border

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) border router events that are exported from a PfR master controller, use the debug pfr master export border command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export border

no debug pfr master export border

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following example shows how to enable the display of debugging information for PfR border router events that are exported from a PfR master controller. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export border 

debug pfr master export config

To display debugging information about the configuration that is used for exporting Performance Routing (PfR) performance data from a master controller, use the debug pfr master export config command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export config

no debug pfr master export config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following example shows how to enable the display of debugging information about the configuration that is used for exporting PfR performance data from a master controller. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export config 

debug pfr master export cost-minimization

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) cost-based optimization policies that are exported from a master controller, use the debug pfr master export cost-minimization command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export cost-minimization

no debug pfr master export cost-minimization

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master export cost-minimization command is entered on a master controller. The output displays debugging information for cost-minimization policies that are exported from a master controller.


The following example shows how to enable the display of debugging information for PfR cost-based optimization policies that are exported from a master controller. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export cost-minimization 

debug pfr master export link

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) master collector export links, use the debug pfr master export link command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export link [external-link | internal-link]

no debug pfr master export link

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays debugging information for the external link.


(Optional) Displays debugging information for the internal link.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following example shows how to enable the display PfR master collector export links debugging messages. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export link external-link

00:29:25: debug: debug(tc_id=1)

Table 20. debug pfr master export link Field Descriptions




Indicates that debugging information for traffic class 1 is displayed.

debug pfr master export option

To display debugging information about the export type that is used when Performance Routing (PfR) performance data is exported from a master controller, use the debug pfr master export option command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export option [tc-config | policy-config | external-config | internal-config | reason-config]

no debug pfr master export option [tc-config | policy-config | external-config | internal-config | reason-config]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Debugging information for the export type tc-config is displayed.


(Optional) Debugging information for the export type policy-config is displayed.


(Optional) Debugging information for the export type external-config is displayed.


(Optional) Debugging information for the export type internal-config is displayed.


(Optional) Debugging information for the export type reason-config is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

PfR NetFlow v9 export must be enabled before you use this command.


The following example shows how to enable the display of debugging information about the export type that is used when PfR performance data is exported from a master controller. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export option 

debug pfr master export passive

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) master collector active export monitoring, use the debug pfr master export passive command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export passive [update | performance] [traffic-class-id]

no debug pfr master export passive

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays passive update monitoring information.


(Optional) Displays passive performance monitoring information.


(Optional) Traffic-class-specific ID number. A valid entry is a number from 1 to 65535.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following example shows how to enable the display of PfR master collector active export monitoring debugging messages. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export passive 1

00:29:25: debug: debug(tc_id=1)

Table 21. debug pfr master export passive Field Descriptions



debug (tc_id=1):

Indicates debugging information for traffic class 1 is displayed.

debug pfr master export process

To display debugging information about the Performance Routing (PfR) data export process when data is exported from a master controller, use the debug pfr master export process command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export process

no debug pfr master export process

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.


The following example shows how to enable the display of debugging information about the PfR data export process when data is exported from a master controller. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export process


debug pfr master export traffic-class

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) performance data exported from one or all master collector export traffic classes, use the debug pfr master export traffic-class command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of this debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master export traffic-class [traffic-class-id]

no debug pfr master export traffic-class

Syntax Description


(Optional) Traffic-class-specific ID number. A valid entry is a number from 1 to 65535.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

If a specific PfR master collector export traffic class is not entered, debugging information for all master collector traffic classes is displayed.


The following example shows how to enable the display of debugging information about PfR performance data exported from one or all master collector export traffic classes. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr master export traffic-class 2

00:29:25: debug: debug(tc_id=1)

Table 22. debug pfr master export traffic-class Field Descriptions




Debugging information for traffic class 1 is displayed.

debug pfr master learn

To display debug information for PfR master controller learning events, use the debug pfr master learn command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of debug information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master learn [detail]

no debug pfr master learn [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master learn command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to display debugging information for master controller learning events.


The following example shows output from the debug pfr master learn command. The output shows PfR Top Talker debug events. The master controller is enabling prefix learning for new border router process:

Router# debug pfr master learn 

06:13:43: OER MC LEARN: Enable type 3, state 0
06:13:43: OER MC LEARN: OER TTC: State change, new RETRY, old DISABLED, reason TT start 
06:13:43: OER MC LEARN: OER TTC: State change, new RETRY, old DISABLED, reason TT start request
06:13:43: OER MC LEARN: OER TTC: State change, new RETRY, old DISABLED, reason T
T start request
06:14:13: OER MC LEARN: TTC Retry timer expired
06:14:13: OER MC LEARN: OER TTC: State change, new STARTED, old RETRY, reason At
 least one BR started
06:14:13: %OER_MC-5-NOTICE: Prefix Learning STARTED
06:14:13: OER MC LEARN: MC received BR TT status as enabled
06:14:13: OER MC LEARN: MC received BR TT status as enabled
06:19:14: OER MC LEARN: OER TTC: State change, new WRITING DATA, old STARTED, reason
Updating DB
06:19:14: OER MC LEARN: OER TTC: State change, new SLEEP, old WRITING DATA, reason
Sleep state
Table 23. debug pfr master learn Field Descriptions




Indicates PfR master controller learning events.

debug pfr master prefix

To display debug events related to prefix processing on a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the debug pfr master prefix command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of debug information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master prefix [prefix | appl] [detail]

no debug pfr master prefix [prefix | appl] [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies a single prefix or prefix range. The prefix address and mask are entered with this argument.


(Optional) Displays information about prefixes used by applications monitored and controlled by a PfR master controller.


(Optional) Displays detailed PfR prefix processing information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master prefix command is entered on a master controller. This command displays debugging information related to prefix monitoring and processing.


The following example shows the master controller searching for the target of an active probe after the target has become unreachable.

Router# debug pfr master prefix

OER Master Prefix debugging is on
06:01:28: OER MC PFX APC last target deleted for prefix, no targets
 left assigned and running
06:01:38: OER MC PFX APC Attempting to probe all exits
06:02:59: OER MC PFX APC last target deleted for prefix, no targets
 left assigned and running
06:03:08: OER MC PFX APC Attempting to probe all exits
06:04:29: OER MC PFX APC last target deleted for prefix, no targets
 left assigned and running
06:04:39: OER MC PFX APC Attempting to probe all exits
06:05:59: OER MC PFX APC last target deleted for prefix, no targets
 left assigned and running
06:06:09: OER MC PFX APC Attempting to probe all exits
Table 24. debug pfr master prefix Field Descriptions



OER MC PFX ip-address:

Indicates debugging information for PfR monitored prefixes. The ip-address identifies the prefix.

debug pfr master prefix-list

To display debug events related to prefix-list processing on a Performance Routing (PfR) master controller, use the debug pfr master prefix-list command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the display of debug information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master prefix-list list-name [detail]

no debug pfr master prefix-list list-name

Syntax Description


Specifies a single prefix or prefix range. The prefix address and mask are entered with this argument.


(Optional) Displays detailed PfR prefix-list processing information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master prefix-list command is entered on a master controller. This command displays debugging information related to prefix-list processing.


The following example shows output from the debug pfr master prefix-list command.

Router# debug pfr master prefix-list
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Check PASS REL loss: loss 0, policy 10%, notify TRUE
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Passive REL loss in-policy
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Check PASS REL delay: delay 124, policy 50%, notify
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Passive REL delay in policy
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Prefix not OOP
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Check PASS REL unreachable: unreachable 0, policy
50%, notify TRUE
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Passive REL unreachable in-policy
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Check PASS REL loss: loss 0, policy 10%, notify TRUE
23:02:16.283: OER MC PFX Passive REL loss in policy
Table 25. debug pfr master prefix-list Field Descriptions



OER MC PFX ip-address:

Indicates debugging information for PfR monitored prefixes. The ip-address identifies the prefix.

debug pfr master process

To display debug information about the PfR master controller process, use the debug pfr master process command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop displaying debug information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master process [detail]

no debug pfr master process [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master process command is entered on a master controller.


The following is sample debug output for a master controller process:

Router# debug pfr master process

01:12:00: OER MC PROCESS: Main msg type 15, ptr 0, value 0
Table 26. debug pfr master process Field Descriptions




Indicates a master controller process debugging message.

debug pfr master rsvp

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) Resouce Reservation Protocol (RSVP) events on a PfR master controller, use the debug pfr master rsvp command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop PfR RSVP event debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master rsvp [detail]

no debug pfr master rsvp

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed debugging information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master rsvp command is entered on a master controller. The output displays information related to RSVP events or updates.


Depending on the number of RSVP flows, the debug output can utilize a considerable amount of system resources. The detail keyword should be enabled with caution in a production network.


The following example shows some example debugging output for RSVP flow events on a PfR master controller. The actual output depends on the commands that are entered after the debugging is turned on.

Router# debug pfr master rsvp

Jan 23 21:18:19.439 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: recvd a RSVP flow
Jan 23 21:18:19.439 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: Processing 1 rsvp flows
Jan 23 21:18:19.439 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: Resolve: src: dst: pr
oto: 17 sport min: 1 sport max: 1 dport min: 1 dport max: 1 from BR
Jan 23 21:18:19.439 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: Marking:, FastEthernet1/0
Jan 23 21:18:19.439 PST: %OER_MC-5-NOTICE: Uncontrol Prefix, Probe frequency changed
Jan 23 21:18:19.439 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: Marked:, FastEthernet1/0 as current
Jan 23 21:18:19.467 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: recv new pool size
Jan 23 21:18:19.467 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: Update from, Fa1/0: pool 8999
Jan 23 21:18:20.943 PST: %OER_MC-5-NOTICE: Prefix Learning WRITING DATA
Jan 23 21:18:21.003 PST: %OER_MC-5-NOTICE: Prefix Learning STARTED
Jan 23 21:18:22.475 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: RSVP resolver invoked
Jan 23 21:18:22.475 PST: PFR RSVP MC: Appl 17 [1, 1][1, 1] 0:
        BR, Exit Fa1/0, is current exit
Jan 23 21:18:22.475 PST: PFR RSVP MC: Appl 17 [1, 1][1, 1] 0:
        BR, Exit Fa1/0, is current exit
Jan 23 21:18:22.475 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: BR: Exit:Fa1/0pool size : 8999
est : 8999 tc->tspec: 1, fit: 8999
Jan 23 21:18:22.475 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: BR: Exit:Tu24pool size : 9000   
est : 9000 tc->tspec: 1, fit: 8999
Jan 23 21:18:22.475 PST: PFR_MC_RSVP: BR: Exit:Fa1/1pool size : 9000
est : 9000 tc->tspec: 1, fit: 8999

debug pfr master target-discovery

To display Performance Routing (PfR) target-discovery debugging information, use the debug pfr master target-discovery command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR target-discovery debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master target-discovery

no debug pfr master target-discovery

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master target-discovery command is used to display debugging messages about PfR target-discovery configuration that may help troubleshoot issues. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.


The following example shows how to enable the display of PfR target-discovery debugging messages. After the debugging is enabled, this example shows debugging messages that may be displayed after the PfR master controller peering command, mc-peer , has been issued, changing the MC peering designation and causing PfR target-discovery to be shut down and restarted.

Router# debug pfr master target-discovery

PfR Master Target-Discovery debugging is on

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# mc-peer description branch office

*Oct 26 20:00:34.084: PFR_MC_TD: mc-peer cli chg, op:0/1 idb:0/115967296 ip: 
*Oct 26 20:00:34.084: PFR_MC_TD: mc-peer cli transition, shutting down TD
*Oct 26 20:00:34.084: PFR_MC_TD: TD teardown start, mode:4
*Oct 26 20:00:34.084: PFR_MC_TD: SvcUnreg: handle:5
*Oct 26 20:00:34.084: PFR_MC_TD: TD teardown fin, mode:4
*Oct 26 20:00:35.089: PFR_MC_TD: mc-peer cli enabled, starting TD, domain:59501
*Oct 26 20:00:35.089: PFR_MC_TD: TD startup, origin: handle:0 dyn_pid:4294967295
*Oct 26 20:00:35.089: PFR_MC_TD: Static mode start <-------
*Oct 26 20:00:35.090: PFR_MC_TD: Static Target list:,
*Oct 26 20:00:35.090: PFR_MC_TD: Static Prefix list:,
*Oct 26 20:00:35.090: PFR_MC_TD: SvcReg: handle:7
*Oct 26 20:00:35.093: PFR_MC_TD: SvcSub: success  102:1:FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF
*Oct 26 20:00:35.093: PFR_MC_TD: SvcSub: handle:7 subscription handle:6
*Oct 26 20:00:35.093: PFR_MC_TD: local data encode, pre-publish
*Oct 26 20:00:35.094: PFR_MC_TD: SvcPub: success  102:1:0.0.0.C0A80301
*Oct 26 20:00:35.094: PFR_MC_TD: SvcPub: handle:7 size:336 seq:3 reach via
*Oct 26 20:00:35.094: PFR_MC_TD: prereqs met, origin: handle:7 sub:6 pub(s:1/r:0)

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 27. debug pfr master target-discovery info Field Descriptions



PfR Master Target-Discovery debugging is on

Shows that PfR target-discovery debugging is enabled.


Prefix to show that the subsequent debugging message is related to PfR target-discovery activity.

debug pfr master traceroute reporting

To display debug information about traceroute probes, use the debug pfr master traceroute reporting command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop displaying debug information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr master traceroute reporting [detail]

no debug pfr master traceroute reporting [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Default

No debugging messages are enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr master traceroute reporting command is entered on a master controller. This command is used to display traceroute events on a master controller.


The following is sample debug output for a master controller process:

Router# debug pfr master traceroute reporting detail 

*May 12 18:55:14.239: OER MC TRACE: sent start message msg1 327704, msg2 167838976, if index 2, 
host add, flags 1, max ttl 30, protocol 17
*May 12 18:55:16.003: OER MC TRACE: sent start message msg1 393240, msg2 167838976, if index 2, 
host add, flags 1, max ttl 30, protocol 17
*May 12 18:55:17.303: OER MC TRACE: Received result: msg_id1 327704, prefix, hops 4, flags 1
*May 12 18:55:19.059: OER MC TRACE: Received result: msg_id1 393240, prefix, hops 4, flags 1
Table 28. debug pfr master traceroute reporting detail Field Descriptions




Indicates master controller debugging information for traceroute probes.

debug pfr master tunnel


Effective with CSCty36217 and CSCua59073, the mode auto-tunnels command is removed because the PfR BR Auto Neighbors feature was removed from all platforms.

debug pfr mib error

To display debugging information about Performance Routing (PfR) SNMP MIBs, use the debug pfr mib error command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR SNMP MIB error debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr mib error

no debug pfr mib error

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr mib error command is used to display CISCO-PfR-MIB error debugging messages.


The following example shows how to enable the display of PfR SNMP MIB error debugging messages. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr mib error

PfR MIB ERROR debugging is on

debug pfr mib info

To display debugging information for Performance Routing (PfR) SNMP MIBs, use the debug pfr mib info command in privileged EXEC mode. To stop the display of PfR SNMP MIB debugging information, use the no form of this command.

debug pfr mib info

no debug pfr mib info

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S.

Usage Guidelines

The debug pfr mib info command is used to display CISCO-PfR-MIB information debugging messages.


The following example shows how to enable the display of PfR SNMP MIB debugging messages. The content of the debugging messages depends on the commands that are subsequently entered at the router prompt.

Router# debug pfr mib info

PfR MIB INFO debugging is on

delay (PfR)

To configure PfR traffic class learning based on highest delay times or to set a delay threshold for a Performance Routing (PfR) policy, use the delay command in master controller, Top Talker and Top Delay learning, or learn list configuration mode. To reset the delay values to their default, use the no form of this command.

Master Controller Configuration Mode

delay {relative percentage | threshold maximum}

no delay

Top Talker and Top Delay Learning and Learn List Configuration Modes


no delay

Syntax Description

relative percentage

Sets a relative delay policy based on a comparison of short-term and long-term delay percentages. The range of values that can be configured for this argument is a number from 1 to 1000. Each increment represents one tenth of a percent. The default is 500 (50 percent).

threshold maximum

Sets the absolute maximum delay time, in milliseconds. The range of values that can be configured for this argument is from 1 to 10000. The default is 5000.

Master Controller Configuration Mode

PfR uses the default values if this command is not configured or if the no form of this command is entered. Default values:

percentage : 500 (50 percent)maximum : 5000


Command Modes

Master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc) Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn) Learn list configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn-list)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Configuring in Master Controller Configuration Mode

Use the delay command entered in PfR master controller configuration mode to set the delay threshold for a traffic class within a PfR policy as a relative percentage or as an absolute value. If the configured delay threshold is exceeded, the traffic class is out-of-policy.

The relative keyword is used to configure a relative delay percentage. The relative delay percentage is based on a comparison of short-term and long-term measurements. The short-term measurement reflects the delay percentage within a 5-minute period. The long-term measurement reflects the delay percentage within a 60-minute period. The following formula is used to calculate this value:

Relative delay measurement = ((short-term measurement - long-term measurement) / long-term measurement) * 100

The master controller measures the difference between these two values as a percentage. If the percentage exceeds the user-defined or default value, the delay percentage is determined to be out-of-policy. For example, if the long-term delay measurement is 100 milliseconds and the short-term delay measurement is 120 milliseconds, the relative delay percentage is 20 percent.

The threshold keyword is used to configure the absolute maximum delay period in milliseconds.

Configuring in Top Talker and Top Delay Learning and Learn List Configuration Modes

Use the delay command under the Top Talker and Top Delay learning or learn list configuration mode to enable traffic class learning based on the highest delay time. PfR measures the delay for optimized prefixes when this command is enabled, and the master controller creates a list of traffic classes based on the highest delay time.


The following example shows how to set a 20 percent relative delay threshold:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# delay relative 200 

The following example shows how to configure a master controller to learn traffic classes based on the highest delay times:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# delay

The following example shows how to configure a master controller to learn traffic classes based on the highest delay times for a learn list named LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC for Telnet and Secure Shell (ssh) application traffic classes:

Router(config)# pfr master 
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# list seq 10 refname LEARN_REMOTE_LOGIN_TC
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# traffic-class application telnet ssh
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# aggregation-type prefix-length 24 
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn-list)# delay

domain (global configuration)

To configure a top level domain for Performance Routing version 3 (PfRv3) configuration, use the domain command in global configuration mode. To remove the domain configuration, use the no form of this command.

domain {domain-name | default}

no domain {domain-name | default}

Syntax Description


Name of the domain for PfRv3 configuration.


Default domain for PfRv3 configuration.

Command Default

Domain is not configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The domain command is entered on a master controller or border router on both hub and branch to configure the domain. You can then configure Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) on a domain for PfRv3 configuration.

You can either configure a default domain or define a specific domain for Master Controller (MC) configuration. If you are defining the specific domain, for example “domain-cisco”, you must configure the same domain for all devices for PfRv3 configuration.


The following example shows how to configure domain:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# domain default
Device(config)# domain domain-cisco

downgrade bgp (PfR)

To specify route downgrade options for a Performance Routing (PfR) managed interface using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) advertisements, use the downgrade bgp command in PfR border exit interface configuration mode. To remove the route downgrade options, use the no form of this command.

downgrade bgp community community-number

no downgrade bgp community

Syntax Description


Specifies a BGP community number that will be added to the BGP advertisement.


BGP community number entered in AA:NN format. The community format consists of a 4-byte value. The first two bytes represent the autonomous system number, and the trailing two bytes represent a user-defined network number. A number in the range from 1 to 65535 can be entered for each 2-byte value.

Command Default

No route downgrade options are specified.

Command Modes

PfR border exit interface configuration (config-pfr-mc-br-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

Use the downgrade bgp command to attach a BGP prepend community number to an inside prefix BGP advertisement from the network to another autonomous system such as an Internet service provider (ISP). The BGP prepend community will increase the number of autonomous system hops in the advertisement of the inside prefix from the ISP to its peers. Autonomous system prepend BGP community is the preferred method to be used for PfR BGP inbound optimization because there is no risk of the local ISP filtering the extra autonomous system hops.


The following example shows how to enforce an entrance link selection for learned inside prefixes using the BGP autonomous system number community prepend technique. The downgrade bgp command is configured under PfR border exit interface configuration mode to add the BGP community number 3:1 to BGP advertisements to packets that travel through this entrance link on the border router.

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# max range receive percent 35
Router(config-pfr-mc)# border key-chain PFR_KEY
Router(config-pfr-mc-br)# interface ethernet1/0 external
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# maximum utilization receive absolute 2500
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# downgrade bgp community 3:1
Router(config-pfr-mc-br-if)# exit
Router(config-pfr-mc-br)# exit
Router(config-pfr-mc)# exit
Router(config)# pfr-map INSIDE_LEARN 10
Router(config-pfr-map)# match pfr learn inside
Router(config-pfr-map)# set delay threshold 400
Router(config-pfr-map)# set resolve delay priority 1
Router(config-pfr-map)# set mode route control
Router(config-pfr-map)# end


To configure an enterprise prefix-list with static site targets, use the enterprise-prefix command in master controller configuration mode. To remove the enterprise-prefix, use the no form of this command.

enterprise-prefix prefix-list site-list

no enterprise-prefix prefix-list site-list

Syntax Description


Specifies prefix-list with static site targets.


Specifies prefix-list with list of site targets.

Command Default

Prefix-list is not configured for hub master controller configuration.

Command Modes

Master controller configuration mode (config-domain-vrf-mc)#

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.13S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with the ip prefix-list command. Match conditions specified in the ip prefix-list command are only supported.


The following example shows how to configure enterprise prefix-list:

Device(config-domain-vrf-mc)# enterprise-prefix prefix-list site_prefixes

expire after (PfR)

To set the length of time for which Performance Routing (PfR) learned prefixes are kept in the central policy database, use the expire after command in PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration mode. To disable the expiration timer and restore default behavior, use the no form of this command.

expire after {session number | time minutes}

no expire after

Syntax Description


Configures a session-based expiration timer.


A number from 1 to 65535 can be entered. Each increment represents one monitoring period.


Configures a time-based expiration timer.


A number from 1 to 65535 can be entered. This argument is entered in minutes.

Command Default

New prefixes are not learned if router memory utilization is greater than 90 percent. Inactive prefixes are removed (oldest first) from the central policy database as memory is needed.

Command Modes

PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration (config-pfr-mc-learn)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Usage Guidelines

The expire after command is entered on a PfR master controller in PfR Top Talker and Top Delay learning configuration mode. This command is used to configure a session- or time-based expiration period for learned prefixes. Each session is equal to one monitoring period plus a periodic interval time that separates monitoring periods. The time-based expiration timer is configured in minutes.


The following example configures learned prefixes to be removed from the central policy database after 100 monitoring periods:

Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# learn
Router(config-pfr-mc-learn)# expire after session 100

exporter (PfR)

To configure a flow exporter for Performance Routing (PfR), use the exporter command in PfR master controller configuration mode. To remove a flow exporter, use the no form of this command.

exporter exporter-name

no exporter

Syntax Description


Name of a flow exporter.

Command Default

A flow exporter is not configured.

Command Modes

PfR master controller configuration (config-pfr-mc)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a flow exporter to generate NetFlow export data. To enter PfR master controller configuration mode, use the pfr master command.


Router(config)# pfr master
Router(config-pfr-mc)# exporter pfr_exp