gNMI Protocol

This feature describes the model-driven configuration and retrieval of operational data using the gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) Capabilities, Get, Set and Subscribe remote procedure calls (RPCs). gNMI version 0.4.0 is supported.

Restrictions for the gNMI Protocol

The following restrictions apply to the feature:

  • JSON, BYTES, PROTO, and ASCI encoding options are not supported.

    JSON IETF keys must contain a YANG-prefix where the namespace of the following elements differs from the parent. This means that the routed-vlan derived from augmentation in openconfig-vlan.yang must be entered as oc-vlan:routed-vlan because it is different from the namespace of the parent nodes (parent nodes have the prefix, oc-if)

  • GetRequest:

    • Operational data filtering is not supported.

    • Use models are not supported. These are a set of model data messages indicating the schema definition modules that define the data elements that must be returned in response to a Get RPC call.

  • GetResponse:

    • Alias is not supported. It is a string that provides an alias for a prefix specified within the notification message.

    • Delete is not supported. It is a set of paths that are to be removed from a data tree.

Information About the gNMI Protocol

About GNMI

gNMI is gRPC Network Management Interface developed by Google. gNMI provides the mechanism to install, manipulate, and delete the configuration of network devices, and also to view operational data. The content provided through gNMI can be modeled using YANG.

gRPC is a remote procedure call developed by Google for low-latency, scalable distributions with mobile clients communicating to a cloud server. gRPC carries gNMI, and provides the means to formulate and transmit data and operation requests.

When a gNMI service failure occurs, the gNMI broker (GNMIB) will indicate an operational change of state from up to down, and all RPCs will return a service unavailable message until the database is up and running. Upon recovery, the GNMIB will indicate a change of operation state from down to up, and resume normal handling of RPCs.

gNMI supports <subscribe> RPC services. For more information, see the Model-Driven Telemetry chapter.

JSON IETF Encoding for YANG Data Trees

RFC 7951 defines JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) encoding for YANG data trees and their subtrees. gNMI uses JSON for encoding data in its content layer.

The JSON type indicates that the value is encoded as a JSON string. JSON_IETF-encoded data must conform to the rules for JSON serialisation described in RFC 7951. Both the client and target must support JSON encoding.

Instances of YANG data nodes (leafs, containers, leaf-lists, lists, anydata nodes, and anyxml nodes) are encoded as members of a JSON object or name/value pairs. Encoding rules are identical for all types of data trees, such as configuration data, state data, parameters of RPC operations, actions, and notifications.

Every data node instance is encoded as a name/value pair where the name is formed from the data node identifier. The value depends on the category of the data node.

The leaf Data Node

A leaf node has a value, but no children, in a data tree. A leaf instance is encoded as a name/value pair. This value can be a string, number, literal true or false, or the special array [null], depending on the type of the leaf. In the case that the data item at the specified path is a leaf node (which means it has no children, and an associated value) the value of that leaf is encoded directly. (A bare JSON value is included; it does not require a JSON object.)

The following example shows a leaf node definition:
leaf foo {
 type uint8;
The following is a valid JSON-encoded instance:
"foo": 123

gNMI GET Request

The gNMI Get RPC specifies how to retrieve one or more of the configuration attributes, state attributes, derived state attributes, or all attributes associated with a supported mode from a date tree. A GetRequest is sent from a client to the target to retrieve values from the data tree. A GetResponse is sent in response to a GetRequest.

GetRequest JSON Structure

The following is a sample GetRequest JSON structure. Both the GetRequest and GetResponse are displayed.

The following is a path for the 
openconfig-interfaces model
++++++++ Sending get request: ++++++++
path {
  elem {
    name: "interfaces"
  elem {
    name: "interface"
    key {
      key: "name"
      value: "Loopback111"
encoding: JSON_IETF
++++++++ Received get response: ++++++++
notification {
  timestamp: 1521699434792345469
  update {
    path {
      elem {
        name: "interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
        key {
          key: "name"
          value: "\"Loopback111\""

    val {
      json_ietf_val: "{\n\t\"openconfig-interfaces:name\":\t\




GetRequest on a Leaf Value

The following is a sample GetRequest on a Leaf value. Both the GetRequest and the corresponding GetResponse is displayed.


++++++++ Sending get request: ++++++++
path {
  elem {
    name: "interfaces"
  elem {
    name: "interface"
    key {
      key: "name"
      value: "Loopback111"
  elem {
    name: "state"
  elem {
    name: "oper-status"

encoding: JSON_IETF
++++++++ Received get response: ++++++++
notification {
  timestamp: 1521699326012374332
  update {
    path {
      elem {
        name: "interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
        key {
          key: "name"
          value: "\"Loopback111\""
      elem {
        name: "state"
      elem {
        name: "oper-status"
    val {
      json_ietf_val: "\"UP\""

gNMI SetRequest

The Set RPC specifies how to set one or more configurable attributes associated with a supported model. A SetRequest is sent from a client to a target to update the values in the data tree.

SetRequests also support JSON keys, and must contain a YANG-prefix, in which the namespace of the element differs from parent.

For example, the routed-vlan element derived from augmentation in openconfig-vlan.yang must be entered as oc-vlan:routed-vlan, because it is different from the namespace of the parent node (The parent node prefix is oc-if.).

The total set of deletes, replace, and updates contained in any one SetRequest is treated as a single transaction. If any subordinate element of the transaction fails; the entire transaction is disallowed and rolled back. A SetResponse is sent back for a SetRequest.

Table 1. Example of a SetRequest JSON Structure



++++++++ Sending set request: ++++++++
update {
  path {
    elem {
      name: "interfaces"
    elem {
      name: "interface"
      key {
        key: "name"
        value: "Loopback111"
    elem {
      name: "config"
  val {
    json_ietf_val: "{\"openconfig-interfaces:enabled\":\"false\"}"
++++++++ Received set response: ++++++++
response {
  path {
    elem {
      name: "interfaces"
    elem {
      name: "interface"
      key {
        key: "name"
        value: "Loopback111"
    elem {
      name: "config"
  op: UPDATE
timestamp: 1521699342123890045
Table 2. Example of a SetRequest on Leaf Value



++++++++ Sending set request: ++++++++
update {
  path {
    elem {
      name: "interfaces"
    elem {
      name: "interface"
      key {
        key: "name"
        value: "Loopback111"
    elem {
      name: "config"
    elem {
      name: "description"
  val {
    json_ietf_val: "\"UPDATE DESCRIPTION\""
++++++++ Received set response: ++++++++
response {
  path {
    elem {
      name: "interfaces"
    elem {
      name: "interface"
      key {
        key: "name"
        value: "Loopback111"
    elem {
      name: "config"
    elem {
      name: "description"
  op: UPDATE
timestamp: 1521699342123890045

gNMI Namespace

A namespace specifies the path prefixing to be used in the origin field of a message.

This section describes the namespaces used in Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1 and later releases:

  • RFC 7951-specified namespaces: Path prefixes use the YANG module name as defined in RFC 7951.

    The RFC 7951-specified value prefixing uses the YANG module name.

    Value prefixing is not affected by the selected path prefix namespace. The following example shows an RFC 7951-specified value prefix:
    val {
    	    "openconfig-interfaces:config": {
    An RFC 7951-specified namespace prefixing also uses the YANG module name. For example, the openconfig path to a loopback interface will be
    The following example shows a gNMI path with RFC7951 namespacing:
    path {
      origin: “rfc7951"
      elem {
        name: "openconfig-interface:interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
        key {
          key: "name"
          value: "Loopback111"
  • Openconfig: No path prefixes are used. These can only be used with a path to an openconfig model.

    The behavior of the Openconfig namespace prefixing is the same when no origin or namespace is provided. For example, the openconfig path to a loopback interface will be

    The following example shows a gNMI path with an Openconfig namespacing:
    path {
      origin: “openconfig"
      elem {
        name: "interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
        key {
          key: "name"
          value: "Loopback111"
  • Blank: Same as the openconfig prefix. This is the default.

    The following example shows a gNMI path with a blank Openconfig namespacing:
    path {
    elem {
        name: "interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
        key {
          key: "name"
          value: "Loopback111"

This section describes the path prefixing used in releases prior to Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1.

Here, path prefixing uses the YANG module prefix as defined in the YANG module definition. For example, the openconfig path to a loopback interface will be

The following example shows a gNMI Path with with legacy namespacing:
path {
  origin: “legacy"
  elem {
    name: "oc-if:interfaces"
  elem {
    name: "interface"
    key {
      key: "name"
      value: "Loopback111"

gNMI Wildcards

The gNMI protocol supports wildcards for Get paths. This is the ability to use a wildcards in a path to match multiple elements. These wildcards indicate all elements in a given subtree in the schema.

An elem is an element, and it is a value between / characters in an xPath. An elem is also available in a gNMI path. For example, the position of a wildcard relative to elem names implies that the wildcard stands for an interface, and is interpreted as all interfaces.

There are two types of wildcards; implicit and explicit, and both are supported. Get paths support all types and combinations of path wildcards.

  • Implicit wildcards: These expand a list of elements in an element tree. Implicit wildcard occurs when a key value is not provided for elements of a list.

    The following is a sample path implicit wildcard. This wildcard will return the descriptions of all interfaces on a device:

    path {
      elem {
        name: "interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
      elem {
        name: "config"
      elem {
        name: "description"
  • Explicit wildcards: Provides the same functionality by

    • Specifying an asterisk (*) for either the path element name or key name.

      The following sample shows a path asterisk wildcard as the key name. This wildcard returns the description for all interfaces on a device.
      path {
        elem {
          name: "interfaces"
        elem {
          name: "interface"
          key {
           key: "name"
            value: "*"
        elem {
          name: “config"
        elem {
          name: "description"

      The following sample shows a path asterisk wildcard as the path name. This wildcard will return the description for all elements that are available in the Loopback111 interface.

      path {
        elem {
          name: "interfaces"
        elem {
          name: "interface"
          key {
            key: "name"
            value: "Loopback111"
         elem {
          name: "*"
        elem {
          name: "description"
    • Specifying an ellipsis (...) or a blank entry as element names. These wildcards can expand to multiple elements in a path.

      The following sample shows a path ellipsis wildcard. This wildcard returns all description fields available under /interfaces.

      path {
        elem {
          name: "interfaces"
        elem {
          name: "..."
        elem {
          name: "description"

The following is a sample GetRequest with an implicit wildcard. This GetRequest will return the oper-status of all interfaces on a device.

path {
  elem {
    name: "interfaces"
  elem {
    name: "interface"
  elem {
    name: "state"
  elem {
    name: "oper-status"
type: 0,
encoding: 4

The following is a sample GetResponse with an implicit wildcard:

notification {
  timestamp: 1520627877608777450
  update {
    path {
      elem {
        name: "interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
        key {
          key: "name"
          value: "\"FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1\""
      elem {
        name: "state"
      elem {
        name: "oper-status"
    val {
      json_ietf_val: "\"LOWER_LAYER_DOWN\""


update {
    path {
      elem {
        name: "interfaces"
      elem {
        name: "interface"
        key {
          key: "name"
          value: "\"Vlan1\""
      elem {
        name: "state"
      elem {
        name: "oper-status"
    val {
      json_ietf_val: "\"DOWN\""

gNMI Username and Password Authentication

User credentials, the username and password provide authorization as metadata in each gNMI RPC. The following is a sample gNMI Capabilities RPC that use the username and password:

metadata = [('username','admin'), ('password','lab')]  
cap_request = gnmi_pb2.CapabilityRequest() 
# pass metadata to the gnmi_pb2_grpc.gNMIStub object  
secure_stub.Capabilities(cap_request, metadata=metadata)

gNMI Error Messages

When errors occur, gNMI returns descriptive error messages. The following section displays some gNMI error messages.

The following sample error message is displayed when the path is invalid:

gNMI Error Response:
  <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with (StatusCode.TERMINATED, 
   An error occurred while parsing provided xpath: unknown tag: 
   “someinvalidxpath" Additional information: badly formatted or nonexistent path)>

The following sample error message is displayed for an unimplemented error:

gNMI Error Response:
  <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with (StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED, 
    Requested encoding "ASCII" not supported)>

The following sample error message is displayed when the data element is empty:

gNMI Error Response:
  <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with (StatusCode.NOT_FOUND, 
   Empty set returned for path "/oc-if:interfaces/noinfohere")>

How to Enable the gNMI Protocol

Perform the following steps to enable the gNMI protocol:

  1. Create a set of certs for the gNMI client and device signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).

    1. Create Certs with OpenSSL on Linux.

    2. Install Certs on a device.

    3. Configure gNMI on the device.

    4. Verify whether gNMI is enabled and running.

  2. Connect the gNMI client using client and root certificates configured in previous steps.

Creating Certs with OpenSSL on Linux

Certs and trustpoint are only required for secure gNMI servers.

The following example shows how to create Certs with OpenSSL on a Linux machine:
# Setting up a CA
openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048
openssl req -subj /C=/ST=/L=/O=/CN=rootCA -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -out rootCA.pem
# Setting up device cert and key
openssl genrsa -out device.key 2048
openssl req -subj /C=/ST=/L=/O=/CN=<hostnameFQDN> -new -key device.key -out device.csr
openssl x509 -req -in device.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out device.crt -sha256
# Encrpyt device key - needed for input to IOS
openssl rsa -des3 -in device.key -out device.des3.key -passout pass:<password - remember this for later>
# Setting up client cert and key
openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048
openssl req -subj /C=/ST=/L=/O=/CN=gnmi_client -new -key client.key -out client.csr
openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt -sha256

Installing Certs on a Device

The following example show how to install certs on a device:

# Send:
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# crypto pki import trustpoint1 pem terminal password password1 
# Receive:
% Enter PEM-formatted CA certificate.
% End with a blank line or "quit" on a line by itself.
# Send:
# Contents of rootCA.pem, followed by newline + 'quit' + newline:
# Receive:
% Enter PEM-formatted encrypted private General Purpose key.
% End with "quit" on a line by itself.
# Send:
# Contents of device.des3.key, followed by newline + 'quit' + newline:
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
# Receive:
% Enter PEM-formatted General Purpose certificate.
% End with a blank line or "quit" on a line by itself.
# Send:
# Contents of device.crt, followed by newline + 'quit' + newline:
# Receive:
% PEM files import succeeded.
# Send:
Device(config)# crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint1
Device(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Device(ca-trustpoint)# end

Enabling gNMI in Insecure Mode


This task is applicable in Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 through Amsterdam 17.2.x.

In a Day Zero setup, first enable the device in insecure mode, then disable it, and enable the secure mode. To stop gNMI in insecure mode, use the no gnmi-yang server command.


gNMI insecure and secure servers can run simultaneously.


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. gnmi-yang
  4. gnmi-yang server
  5. gnmi-yang port port-number
  6. end
  7. show gnmi-yang state


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3



Device(config)# gnmi-yang

Starts the gNMI process.

Step 4

gnmi-yang server


Device(config)# gnmi-yang server

Enables the gNMI server in insecure mode.

Step 5

gnmi-yang port port-number


(Optional) Device(config)# gnmi-yang port 50000

Sets the gNMI port to listen to.

  • The default insecure gNMI port is 9339.

Step 6



Device(config)# end

Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 7

show gnmi-yang state


Device# show gnmi-yang state

Displays the status of gNMI servers.


The following is sample output from the show gnmi-yang state command:

Device# show gnmi-yang state

State Status
Enabled Up

Enabling gNMI in Secure Mode


This task is applicable in Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 through Amsterdam 17.2.x.

To stop gNMI in secure mode, use the no gnmi-yang secure-server command.


gNMI insecure and secure servers can run simultaneously.


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. gnmi-yang
  4. gnmi-yang secure-server
  5. gnmi-yang secure-trustpoint trustpoint-name
  6. gnmi-yang secure-client-auth
  7. gnmi-yang secure-port
  8. end
  9. show gnmi-yang state


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3



Device(config)# gnmi-yang

Starts the gNMI process.

Step 4

gnmi-yang secure-server


Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-server

Enables the gNMI server in secure mode.

Step 5

gnmi-yang secure-trustpoint trustpoint-name


Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-trustpoint trustpoint1

Specifies the trustpoint and cert set that gNMI uses for authentication.

Step 6

gnmi-yang secure-client-auth


Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-client-auth

(Optional) The gNMI process authenticates the client certificate against the root certificate.

Step 7

gnmi-yang secure-port


Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-port 

(Optional) Sets the gNMI port to listen to.

  • The default insecure gNMI port is 9339.

Step 8



Device(config)# end

Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 9

show gnmi-yang state


Device# show gnmi-yang state

Displays the status of gNMI servers.


The following is sample output from the show gnmi-yang state command:

Device# show gnmi-yang state

State Status
Enabled Up

Connecting the gNMI Client

The gNMI client is connected by using the client and root certificates that are previously configured.

The following example shows how to connect the gNMI client using Python:

# gRPC Must be compiled in local dir under path below:
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.insert(0, "reference/rpc/gnmi/")
>>> import grpc
>>> import gnmi_pb2
>>> import gnmi_pb2_grpc
>>> gnmi_dir = '/path/to/where/openssl/creds/were/generated/'
# Certs must be read in as bytes
>>> with open(gnmi_dir + 'rootCA.pem', 'rb') as f:
>>>     ca_cert =
>>> with open(gnmi_dir + 'client.crt', 'rb') as f:
>>>     client_cert =
>>> with open(gnmi_dir + 'client.key', 'rb') as f:
>>>     client_key =
# Create credentials object
>>> credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=ca_cert, private_key=client_key, certificate_chain=client_cert)
# Create a secure channel:
# Default port is 50051, can be changed on ios device with 'gnmi-yang secure-port ####'
>>> port = 50051
>>> host = <HOSTNAME FQDN>
>>> secure_channel = grpc.secure_channel("%s:%d" % (host, port), credentials)
# Create secure stub:
>>> secure_stub = gnmi_pb2_grpc.gNMIStub(secure_channel)
# Done! Let's test to make sure it works:
>>> secure_stub.Capabilities(gnmi_pb2.CapabilityRequest())
supported_models {
supported_encodings: <snip>
gNMI_version: "0.4.0"

Configuration Examples for the gNMI Protocol

Example: Enabling the gNMI Protocol


This example is applicable in Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 through Amsterdam 17.2.x.

Example: Enabling gNMI in Insecure Mode

The following example shows how to enable the gNMI server in insecure mode:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# gnmi-yang
Device(config)# gnmi-yang server
Device(config)# gnmi-yang port 50000 <The default port is 9339.>
Device(config)# end

Example: Enabling gNMI in Secure Mode

The following example shows how to enable the gNMI server in secure mode:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# gnmi-yang server
Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-server
Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-trustpoint trustpoint1
Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-client-auth
Device(config)# gnmi-yang secure-port 50001 <The default port is 9339.>
Device(config)# end

Additional References for the gNMI Protocol

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title



gNMI path encoding

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title

RFC 7951

JSON Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG

Technical Assistance

Description Link

The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.

To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.

Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for the gNMI Protocol

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 3. Feature Information for the gNMI Protocol

Feature Name


Feature Information

gNMI Protocol

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1a

This feature describes the model-driven configuration and retrieval of operational data using the gNMI capabilities, GET and SET RPCs.

This feature was implemented on the following platforms:

  • Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches

  • Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches

  • Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switches

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

In Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1, this feature was implemented on Cisco Catalyst 9500-High Performance Series Switches.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1

In Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1, this feature was implemented on Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Switches.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1

In Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1, this feature was implemented on the following platforms:

  • Cisco Catalyst 9200 and 9200L Series Switches

  • Cisco Catalyst 9300L SKUs

  • Cisco cBR-8 Converged Broadband Router

gNMI Username and Password Authentication

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1

The Username and Password Authentication feature was added to the gNMI protocol. This feature is supported on all IOS XE platforms that support gNMI.