- IPsec Anti-Replay Window Expanding and Disabling
- Pre-Fragmentation for IPsec VPNs
- Invalid Security Parameter Index Recovery
- IPsec Dead Peer Detection Periodic Message Option
- IPsec NAT Transparency
- DF Bit Override Functionality with IPsec Tunnels
- Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- IPsec Security Association Idle Timers
- Low Latency Queueing for IPsec Encryption Engines
- IPsec IPv6 Phase 2 Support
- Index
- Finding Feature Information
- Prerequisites for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- Restrictions for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- Information About Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- How to Configure Crypto Map Access ACLs
- Configuration Examples for Crypto Access Checkon Clear-Text Packets
- Additional References
- Feature Information for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
The Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets feature removes the checking of clear-text packets that go through the IP Security (IPSec) tunnel just prior to encryption or just after decryption. The clear-text packets were checked against the outside physical interface access control lists (ACLs). This checking was often referred to as a double ACL check. This feature enables easier configuration of ACLs and eliminates the security risks that are associated with a double check when using dynamic crypto maps.
Note | Security threats, as well as the cryptographic technologies to help protect against them, are constantly changing. For more information about the latest Cisco cryptographic recommendations, see the Next Generation Encryption (NGE) white paper. |
- Finding Feature Information
- Prerequisites for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- Restrictions for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- Information About Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- How to Configure Crypto Map Access ACLs
- Configuration Examples for Crypto Access Checkon Clear-Text Packets
- Additional References
- Feature Information for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Prerequisites for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
You should be familiar with configuring IPSec.
You should be familiar with ACLs.
Restrictions for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
This feature does not apply to IPSec configurations on the Virtual Private Network (VPN) service module (card) on Cisco Catalyst 6500 series switches and Cisco 7600 series router platforms.
This feature supports only extended ACLs.
Information About Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
- Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets Overview
- Configuration Changes That Are Required for This Feature
- ACL Checking Behavior After Upgrading to This Feature
- Backward Compatibility
Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets Overview
The Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets feature provides four changes for the interaction between IPSec and interface access lists. The changes are as follows:
Removes the checking of inbound, just-decrypted clear-text packets against the outside interface inbound ACL.
Removes the checking of outbound clear-text packets just prior to encryption against the outside interface outbound ACL.
Adds the checking of outbound encrypted packets against the outside interface outbound ACL.
Adds the capability to configure ACLs under the crypto map to check inbound clear-text packets after decryption or outbound clear-text packets prior to encryption.
This feature enables the easier and more consistent configuration of ACLs that control packet movement in and out of the outside interface as well as in and out of the IPSec encryption tunnel. This feature also eliminates security risks that are associated with the current double check when using dynamic crypto maps.
Configuration Changes That Are Required for This Feature
This feature requires the following configuration changes to be performed. Some are required and some are optional.
Prior to Upgrading
Prior to upgrading to this feature, you should do the following. This change is required.
Check all outside interfaces for outbound ACLs. If any outbound ACLs exist, check to ensure that they include access-list entries (ACEs) that permit outbound Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) IP protocol 50 packets or Authentication Header (AH) IP protocol 51 packets. The ACL entries will be needed after the upgrade because the outbound encrypted packets will be checked against the outside interface outbound ACL. If the ESP or AH packets are not allowed by the outside interface outbound ACL, the IPSec VPN tunnels will not forward traffic.
After Upgrading
After upgrading to this feature, you should do the following. The first two procedures are required if you are using dynamic crypto maps. However, these procedures are recommended even if you are not using dynamic crypto maps. The third and fourth procedures are optional.
Check all outside interfaces for inbound ACLs that contain ACEs that permit inbound, just-decrypted clear-text packets. These ACEs need to be removed if dynamic crypto maps are being used because when the IPSec tunnel is not “up,” the ACEs will allow the clear-text packets into the network. If dynamic crypto maps are not being used, the ACEs can still be removed to simplify the outside interface ACLs.
Check all outside interfaces for outbound ACLs that contain ACEs that permit outbound clear-text packets that would be encrypted. These ACEs need to be removed if dynamic crypto maps are being used because when the IPSec tunnel is not up, these ACEs will allow the clear-text packets out of the network. If dynamic crypto maps are not being used, these ACEs can still be removed to simplify the outside interface ACLs.
Add an outbound crypto map access ACL under the crypto map to deny to-be-encrypted, outbound clear-text packets that should be dropped. Be sure that you also permit all other packets in this ACL.
Add an inbound crypto map access ACL under the crypto map to deny just-decrypted, inbound clear-text packets that should be dropped. Be sure to also permit all other packets in this ACL.
The last two configuration changes are needed only in the rare cases in which the crypto map ACL (that selects packets to be encrypted) is more general than the packet flows that you want to encrypt. Adding outbound or inbound crypto map ACLs is usually done to keep the crypto map ACL small and simple, which saves CPU utilization and memory. The set ip access-group command, which is used to cause the checking of clear-text packets after decryption and before encryption, can be used under the crypto map to accomplish this task independent of the outside interface ACLs.
ACL Checking Behavior After Upgrading to This Feature
The diagam below illustrates the ACL checking behavior on the inbound path using the Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets feature.
Arriving IP packet is checked against the interface inbound ACL. If it is denied, it is dropped.
If IP packet is a permitted not-encrypted packet, it is forwarded and checked against the reverse crypto map ACL. If the result of the reverse crypto map ACL is permit, then the packet is dropped.
If IP packet is encrypted, it is then decrypted.
Just-decrypted IP packet is forwarded.
Just-decrypted IP packet is checked against the inbound access crypto map ACL (optional). If the packet is denied, it is dropped.
The diagram below illustrates the ACL checking behavior on the outbound path using the Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets feature.
All departing IP packets are checked against the crypto map ACL. If the packets are permitted, they are marked for encryption.
IP packets not marked for encryption are checked against the outbound interface ACL. If the packets are denied, they are dropped.
IP packets marked for encryption are checked against the outbound access crypto map ACL (optional). If the packets are denied, they are dropped.
Permitted IP packets are encrypted.
Encrypted IP packets are checked against the outbound interface ACL. If the packets are denied, they are dropped.
Permitted IP packets are Layer 2 encapsulated.
Backward Compatibility
If the Cisco IOS software is subsequently downgraded to a release that does not have the Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets feature, the just-decrypted and to-be-encrypted clear-text packets will again be blocked by the outside interface ACLs. Therefore, if you have removed lines from the interface ACLs, you should undo the changes that were made to the ACLs if you are downgrading to an earlier version.
How to Configure Crypto Map Access ACLs
Adding or Removing ACLs
To add or remove crypto map access ACLs, perform the following steps.
{access-list-number |access-list-name}{in | out}
Verifying the Configured ACLs
The show ip access-list command can be used to verify the crypto input or output access-check ACLs that have been configured. Also, the packets that have been dropped in the context of the crypto input access-check ACL in the inbound path will be logged as receive (recv) errors, and packets dropped on the outbound path will be logged as send errors.
The show crypto map command can be used to verify crypto map configuration information.
2. show ip access-list [access-list-number | access-list-name | dynamic]
[interface interface | tag map-name]
Configuration Examples for Crypto Access Checkon Clear-Text Packets
This section contains the output for the following stages of crypto access configuration:
The network diagram used for the following examples is shown below.
The configuration examples assume these policy rules:
- Previous IPSec ACL Configuration Example
- New IPSec ACL Configuration Without Crypto Access ACLs Example
- New IPSec ACL Configuration with Crypto Access ACLs Example
- Authentication Proxy IPSec and CBAC Configuration Example
Previous IPSec ACL Configuration Example
The following is a sample configuration using an earlier version of Cisco IOS software (before Release 12.3(8)T). The configuration shows outside interface ACLs with a double check on the inbound packets.
crypto map vpnmap 10 ipsec-isakmp set peer set transform-set trans1 match address 101 interface Ethernet0/0 ip address interface Serial1/0 ip address ip access-group 150 in ip access-group 160 out crypto map vpnmap access-list 101 permit ip access-list 150 permit udp host eq 500 host eq 500 access-list 150 permit esp host host access-list 150 permit ip access-list 160 permit udp host eq 500 host eq 500 access-list 160 permit ip
New IPSec ACL Configuration Without Crypto Access ACLs Example
The following is a sample configuration using the current version of Cisco IOS software (Release 12.3(8)T). Before the crypto map access ACL is added, clear-text packets through the IPSec tunnel are not checked against an ACL (other packets are checked against the outside interface ACLs). Note the permitting of ESP packets in the outside interface outbound ACL.
crypto map vpnmap 10 ipsec-isakmp set peer set transform-set trans1 match address 101 interface Ethernet0/0 ip address interface Serial1/0 ip address ip access-group 150 in ip access-group 160 out crypto map vpnmap access-list 101 permit ip access-list 150 permit udp host eq 500 host eq 500 access-list 150 permit esp host host access-list 160 permit udp host eq 500 host eq 500 access-list 160 permit esp host host
New IPSec ACL Configuration with Crypto Access ACLs Example
The following is a sample configuration using the current version of Cisco IOS software (Release 12.3(8)T). Before a crypto map access ACL is added, clear-text packets through the IPSec tunnel are checked against the crypto map access ACLs (other packets are checked against the outside interface ACLs).
Note | In the following example, all IP packets between the subnets and are to be encrypted, but the crypto map access ACLs allow only Telnet traffic through the IPSec tunnel. |
crypto map vpnmap 10 ipsec-isakmp set peer set transform-set trans1 set ip access-group 151 in set ip access-group 161 out match address 101 interface Ethernet0/0 ip address interface Serial1/0 ip address ip access-group 150 in ip access-group 160 out crypto map vpnmap access-list 101 permit ip access-list 150 permit udp host eq 500 host eq 500 access-list 150 permit esp host host access-list 151 permit tcp eq telnet access-list 151 permit tcp eq telnet access-list 160 permit udp host eq 500 host eq 500 access-list 160 permit esp host host access-list 161 permit ip eq telnet access-list 161 permit ip eq telnet
Authentication Proxy IPSec and CBAC Configuration Example
The following example shows a router configuration using the authentication proxy, IPSec, and CBAC features. The figure below illustrates the configuration.
Note | This configuration is effective for Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T software and later. |
In this example, Host A initiates a HTTP connection with the web server (WWW). The HTTP traffic between Router 1 and Router 2 is encrypted using IPSec. The authentication proxy, IPSec, and CBAC are configured at interface Serial0/1 on Router 2, which is acting as the firewall. ACL 105 allows only IPSec traffic at interface Serial0/1. ACL 106 is crypto access check, which blocks all traffic. ACL 102 is applied at interface FastEthernet0/1 on Router 2 to block all traffic on that interface except traffic from the AAA server.
When Host A initiates a HTTP connection with the web server, the authentication proxy prompts the user at Host A for a username and password. These credentials are verified with the AAA server for authentication and authorization. If authentication is successful, the per-user ACLs are downloaded to the firewall to permit services.
The following examples provide both the Router 1 and Router 2 configurations for completeness:
Router 1 Configuration Example
version 12.3 service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime ! hostname Router1 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! ip subnet-zero ip cef ! ! no ip dhcp use vrf connected ! ! no ip ips deny-action ips-interface ! no ftp-server write-enable ! ! crypto isakmp policy 1 encryption aes authentication pre-share group 14 crypto isakmp key cisco1234 address ! ! crypto ipsec transform-set rule_1 esp-gcm ! crypto map testtag 10 ipsec-isakmp set peer set transform-set rule_1 match address 155 ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address speed auto ! interface Serial1/1 ip address encapsulation ppp clockrate 2000000 crypto map testtag ! ip classless ip route ! no ip http server no ip http secure-server ! access-list 155 permit ip ! control-plane ! ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 ! end
Router 2 Configuration Example
version 12.3 service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime ! hostname Router2 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! ! resource policy ! aaa new-model ! ! aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ aaa authentication login console none aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ ! aaa session-id common clock timezone MST -8 clock summer-time MDT recurring no network-clock-participate slot 1 no network-clock-participate wic 0 ip subnet-zero ! ! no ip dhcp use vrf connected ! ! ip cef ip inspect name rule22 tcp ip inspect name rule22 ftp ip inspect name rule22 smtp ip auth-proxy name pxy http inactivity-time 60 no ip ips deny-action ips-interface ! no ftp-server write-enable ! ! crypto isakmp policy 1 encryption aes authentication pre-share group 14 crypto isakmp key cisco1234 address ! ! crypto ipsec transform-set rule_1 ah-sha-hmac esp-gcm ! crypto map testtag 10 ipsec-isakmp set peer ! Define crypto access check to filter traffic after IPSec decryption ! Authentication-proxy downloaded ACEs will be added to this ACL, ! not interface ACL. set ip access-group 106 in set transform-set rule_1 match address 155 ! ! interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address ip access-group 102 in duplex auto speed auto ! interface Serial0/1 ip address ip access-group 105 in ip inspect rule22 in ip auth-proxy pxy encapsulation ppp crypto map testtag ! no ip classless ip route ! ! ip http server ip http access-class 15 ip http authentication aaa no ip http secure-server ! access-list 15 deny any access-list 102 permit tcp host 117 eq tacacs host ! ACL 155 is interface ACL which allows only IPSec traffic access-list 105 permit ahp any any access-list 105 permit esp any any access-list 105 permit udp any any eq isakmp ! ACL 106 is crypto access check ACL access-list 106 deny ip any any access-list 155 permit ip ! ! tacacs-server host tacacs-server directed-request tacacs-server key cisco ! control-plane ! ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 login authentication console line aux 0 transport input all speed 38400 flowcontrol hardware line vty 0 4 login authentication console ! End
TACAC+ User Profile Example
user = http_1 { default service = permit login = cleartext mypassword service = auth-proxy { priv-lvl=15 proxyacl#1="permit tcp any any eq 23" proxyacl#2="permit tcp any any eq 21" proxyacl#3="permit tcp any any eq 25" proxyacl#4="permit tcp any any eq 80" proxyacl#5="permit udp any any eq 53"
ACL 106, Before Auth-Proxy Authentication
Router2# show access-list 106 Extended IP access list 106 10 deny ip any any (4 matches)
ACL 106, After Auth-Proxy Authentication
Router2# show access-list 106 Extended IP access list 106 permit tcp host any eq telnet permit tcp host any eq ftp permit tcp host any eq smtp permit tcp host any eq www (6 matches) permit udp host any eq domain 10 deny ip any any (4 matches)
Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic |
Document Title |
Configuring IPSec |
“Configuring Internet Key Exchange for IPsec VPNs ” section of the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Secure Connectivity |
Configuring ACLs |
“ Creating an IP Access List and Applying It to an Interface ” section of the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing the Data Plane Configuration Guide |
IPSec Commands |
Cisco IOS Security Command Reference |
Recommended cryptographic algorithms |
MIBs |
MIBs Link |
None. |
To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL: |
Technical Assistance
Description |
Link |
The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a Cisco.com user ID and password. |
Feature Information for Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Feature Name |
Releases |
Feature Information |
Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets |
12.3(8)T |
The Crypto Access Check on Clear-Text Packets feature removes the checking of clear-text packets that go through the IP Security (IPSec) tunnel just prior to encryption or just after decryption. The clear-text packets were checked against the outside physical interface access control lists (ACLs). This checking was often referred to as a double ACL check. This feature enables easier configuration of ACLs and eliminates the security risks that are associated with a double check when using dynamic crypto maps. This feature was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T. The following commands were introduced or modified: set ip access-group , show crypto map (IPsec) . |