IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery

IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery for Cisco software is one of several features that comprise first-hop security functionality in IPv6.

IPv6 nodes use the Neighbor Discovery (ND) protocol to discover other nodes on the link, to determine their link-layer addresses to find devices, and to maintain reachability information about the paths to active neighbors. If not secured, the Neighbor Discovery protocol is vulnerable to various attacks.

Secure neighbor discovery (SeND) is designed to counter possible threats of the Neighbor Discovery protocol. SeND defines a set of neighbor discovery options and two neighbor discovery messages. SeND also defines a new autoconfiguration mechanism to establish address ownership.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/​go/​cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.

Prerequisites for IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery

The SeND feature is available on crypto images because it involves using cryptographic libraries.

Configure the following before you implement SeND on a host:

  • An Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) key pair used to generate cryptographically generated addresses (CGAs) addresses on the interface.

  • A SeND modifier that is computed using the RSA key pair.

  • A key on the SeND interface.

  • CGAs on the SeND interface.

  • A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) trustpoint with minimum content, such as the URL of the certificate server. A trust anchor certificate must be provisioned on the host.

Complete the following tasks before you configure SeND on a host or device:

  • Configure the host with one or more trust anchors.

  • Configure the host with an RSA key pair or configure the host with the capability to generate an RSA key pair locally. For hosts that do not establish their own authority using a trust anchor, these keys are not certified by any certificate authority (CA).

  • Configure devices with RSA keys and corresponding certificate chains, or the capability to obtain certificate chains that match the host trust anchor at some level of the chain.

Information About IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Trust Models and Threats

There are three IPv6 neighbor discovery trust models:

  • All authenticated nodes trust each other to behave correctly at the IP layer and not to send any neighbor discovery or router discovery (RD) messages that contain false information. This model represents a situation in which the nodes are under a single administration and form a closed or semiclosed group. A corporate intranet is an example of this model.

  • A device is trusted by the other nodes in the network to be a legitimate device that routes packets between the local network and any connected external networks. This device is trusted to behave correctly at the IP layer and not to send any neighbor discovery or RD messages that contain false information. This model represents a public network run by an operator. The clients pay the operator, have the operator’s credentials, and trust the operator to provide the IP forwarding service. The clients do not trust each other to behave correctly; any other client node must be considered able to send falsified neighbor discovery and RD messages.

  • Nodes do not trust each other at the IP layer. This model is considered suitable when a trusted network operator is not available.

Nodes on the same link use neighbor discovery to detect each other’s presence and link-layer addresses, to find devices, and to maintain reachability information about paths to active neighbors. Neighbor discovery is used by both hosts and devices.

SeND Protocol

The SeND protocol counters ND threats. It defines a set of ND options, and two ND messages, Certification Path Solicitation (CPS) and Certification Path Answer (CPA). It also defines an autoconfiguration mechanism to be used in conjunction with these ND options to establish address ownership.

SeND defines the mechanisms defined in the following sections for securing ND:

Cryptographically Generated Addresses in SeND

CGAs are IPv6 addresses generated from the cryptographic hash of a public key and auxiliary parameters. CGAs securely associate a cryptographic public key with an IPv6 address in the SeND protocol.

The node generating a CGA address must first obtain an RSA key pair (SeND uses an RSA public/private key pair). The node then computes the interface identifier of the IPv6 address and appends the result to the prefix to form the CGA address.

CGA address generation is a one-time event. A valid CGA cannot be spoofed, and the message must be signed with the private key that matches the public key used for CGA generation. A user cannot replay the complete SeND message (including the CGA address, CGA parameters, and CGA signature) because the signature has only a limited lifetime.

Authorization Delegation Discovery

Authorization delegation discovery is used to certify the authority of devices by using a trust anchor. A trust anchor is a third party that the host trusts and to which the device has a certification path. At a basic level, the device is certified by the trust anchor. In a more complex environment, the device is certified by a user that is certified by the trust anchor. In addition to certifying the device identity (or the right for a node to act as a device), the certification path contains information about prefixes that a device is allowed to advertise in RAs. Authorization delegation discovery enables a node to adopt a device as its default device.

SeND Deployment Models

Host-to-Host Deployment Without a Trust Anchor

Deployment for SeND between hosts is straightforward. The hosts can generate a pair of RSA keys locally, autoconfigure their CGA addresses, and use them to validate their sender authority, rather than using a trust anchor to establish sender authority. The figure below illustrates this model.

Figure 1. Host-to-Host Deployment Model

Neighbor Solicitation Flow

In a neighbor solicitation scenario, hosts and devices in host mode exchange neighbor solicitations and neighbor advertisements. These neighbor solicitations and neighbor advertisements are secured with CGA addresses and CGA options, and have nonce, time stamp, and RSA neighbor discovery options. The figure below illustrates this scenario.

Figure 2. Neighbor Solicitation Flow

Host-Device Deployment Model

In many cases, hosts will not have access to the infrastructure that enables them to obtain and announce their certificates. In these situations, hosts secure their relationships using CGA, and secure their relationships with devices using trusted anchors. When using RAs, devices must be authenticated through a trust anchor. The figure below illustrates this scenario.

Figure 3. Host-Device Deployment Model

RAs and Certificate Path Flows

The figure below shows the certificate exchange performed using certification path solicitation CPS/CPA SeND messages. In the illustration, Router 1 is certified (using an X.509 certificate) by its own certification authority (CA). The CA itself (CA2) is certified by its own CA (certificates C2), and so on, up to a CA (CA0) that the hosts trusts. The certificate CR contains IP extensions per RFC 3779, which describes which prefix ranges the Router 1 is allowed to announce (in RAs). This prefix range, certified by CA2, is a subset of CA2’s own range, certified by CA1, and so on. Part of the validation process when a certification chain is received consists of validating the certification chain and the consistency of nested prefix ranges.

Figure 4. RAs and Certificate Path Flows

Single CA Deployment Model

The deployment model shown in previously can be simplified in an environment where both hosts and devices trust a single CA such as the Cisco certification server (CS). The figure below illustrates this model.

Figure 5. Single CA Deployment Model

How to Configure IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery

Certificate servers are used to grant certificates after validating or certifying key pairs. A tool for granting certificates is mandatory in any SeND deployment. However, few certificate servers support granting certificates that contain IP extensions. Cisco certificate servers support every kind of certificate, including certificates containing IP extensions.

SeND is available in host mode. The set of available functions on a host are a subset of SeND functionality. CGA is fully available, and the prefix authorization delegation is supported on the host side (the sending CPS and receiving CPA).

SeND is also available in device mode. Use the ipv6 unicast-routing command to configure a node to a device. To implement SeND, configure devices with the same elements as that of the host. The devices will need to retrieve certificates of their own from a certificate server. The RSA key and subject name of the trustpoint are used to retrieve certificates from a certificate server. Once the certificate has been obtained and uploaded, the device generates a certificate request to the certificate server and installs the certificate.

Hosts and devices must either retrieve or generate their CGAs when they are booted. Typically, devices autoconfigure their CGAs once and save them (along with the key pair used in the CGA operation) in their permanent storage. At a minimum, link-local addresses on a SeND interface should be CGAs. Additionally, global addresses can be CGAs.

Configuring Certificate Servers to Enable SeND

Hosts and devices must be configured with RSA key pairs and corresponding certificate chains before the SeND parameters are configured. Perform the following task to configure the certificate server to grant certificates. Once the certificate server is configured, other parameters for the certificate server can be configured.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    ip http server

    4.    crypto pki trustpoint name

    5.    ip-extension [multicast | unicast] {inherit [ipv4 | ipv6] | prefix ipaddress | range min-ipaddress max-ipaddress}

    6.    revocation-check {crl | none | ocsp}

    7.    exit

    8.    crypto pki server name

    9.    grant auto

    10.    cdp-url url-name

    11.    no shutdown

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 ip http server

    Device(config)# ip http server

    Configures the HTTP server.

    Step 4 crypto pki trustpoint name

    Device(config)# crypto pki trustpoint name1

    (Optional) Declares the trustpoint that your certificate server should use, and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

    • If you plan to use X.509 IP extensions, use this command. To automatically generate a CS trustpoint, go to Step 8.

    Step 5 ip-extension [multicast | unicast] {inherit [ipv4 | ipv6] | prefix ipaddress | range min-ipaddress max-ipaddress}

    Device(ca-trustpoint)# ip-extension prefix 2001:100::/32

    (Optional) Specifies that the IP extensions are included in a certificate request either for enrollment or generation of a CA for the Cisco CA.

    Step 6 revocation-check {crl | none | ocsp}

    Device(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check crl

    (Optional) Sets a method for revocation checking.

    Step 7 exit

    Device(ca-trustpoint)# exit

    Returns to global configuration mode.

    Step 8 crypto pki server name

    Device(config)# crypto pki server server1

    Configures the PKI server, and places the device in server configuration mode.

    Step 9 grant auto

    Device(config-server)# grant auto

    (Optional) Grants all certificate requests automatically.

    Step 10 cdp-url url-name

    Device(config-server)# cdp-url

    (Optional) Sets the URL name if the host is using a certificate revocation list (CRL).

    Step 11 no shutdown

    Device(config-server)# no shutdown

    Enables the certificate server.


    Configuring a Host to Enable SeND


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

      4.    ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

      5.    crypto pki trustpoint name

      6.    enrollment [mode] [retry period minutes] [retry count number] url url [pem]

      7.    revocation-check {crl | none | ocsp}

      8.    exit

      9.    crypto pki authenticate name

      10.    ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum value

      11.    interface type number

      12.    ipv6 cga rsakeypair key-label

      13.    ipv6 address ipv6-address / prefix-length link-local cga

      14.    ipv6 nd secured trustanchor trustanchor-name

      15.    ipv6 nd secured timestamp {delta value | fuzz value}

      16.    exit

      17.    ipv6 nd secured full-secure

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

      Device(config)# crypto key generate rsa label SEND modulus 1024

      Configures the RSA key.

      Step 4 ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

      Device(config)# ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair SEND sec-level 1

      Enables the RSA key to be used by SeND (generates the modifier).

      Step 5 crypto pki trustpoint name

      Device(config)# crypto pki trustpoint SEND

      Specifies the node trustpoint and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

      Step 6 enrollment [mode] [retry period minutes] [retry count number] url url [pem]

      Device(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url

      Specifies the enrollment parameters of a CA.

      Step 7 revocation-check {crl | none | ocsp}

      Device(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none

      Sets a method of revocation.

      Step 8 exit

      Device(ca-trustpoint)# exit

      Returns to global configuration mode.

      Step 9 crypto pki authenticate name

      Device(config)# crypto pki authenticate SEND

      Authenticates the certification authority by getting the certificate of the CA.

      Step 10 ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum value

      Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum 1

      (Optional) Configures CGA.

      Step 11 interface type number

      Device(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0

      Specifies an interface type and number, and places the device in interface configuration mode.

      Step 12 ipv6 cga rsakeypair key-label

      Device(config-if)# ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND

      (Optional) Configures CGA on interfaces.

      Step 13 ipv6 address ipv6-address / prefix-length link-local cga

      Device(config-if)# ipv6 address FE80::260:3EFF:FE11:6770/23 link-local cga 

      Configures an IPv6 link-local address for the interface, and enables IPv6 processing on the interface.

      Step 14 ipv6 nd secured trustanchor trustanchor-name

      Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured trustanchor SEND

      (Optional) Configures trusted anchors to be preferred for certificate validation.

      Step 15 ipv6 nd secured timestamp {delta value | fuzz value}

      Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured timestamp delta 300

      (Optional) Configures the timing parameters.

      Step 16 exit

      Device(config-if)# exit

      Returns to global configuration mode.

      Step 17 ipv6 nd secured full-secure

      Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured full-secure

      (Optional) Configures general SeND parameters.


      Configuring a Device to Enable SeND


        1.    enable

        2.    configure terminal

        3.    crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

        4.    ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

        5.    crypto pki trustpoint name

        6.    subject-name [attr tag] [eq | ne | co | nc] string

        7.    rsakeypair key-label

        8.    revocation-check {crl | none | ocsp}

        9.    exit

        10.    crypto pki authenticate name

        11.    crypto pki enroll name

        12.    ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum value

        13.    interface type number

        14.    ipv6 cga rsakeypair key-label

        15.    ipv6 address ipv6-address link-local cga

        16.    ipv6 nd secured trustanchor trustpoint-name

        17.    ipv6 nd secured timestamp {delta value | fuzz value}

        18.    exit

        19.    ipv6 nd secured full-secure

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Device> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2 configure terminal

        Device# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 3 crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

        Device(config)# crypto key generate rsa label SEND modulus 1024

        Configures the RSA key.

        Step 4 ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

        Device(config)# ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair SEND sec-level 1

        Enables the RSA key to be used by SeND (generates the modifier).

        Step 5 crypto pki trustpoint name

        Device(config)# crypto pki trustpoint SEND

        Configures PKI for a single or multiple-tier CA, specifies the device trustpoint, and places the device in ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

        Step 6 subject-name [attr tag] [eq | ne | co | nc] string

        Device(ca-trustpoint)# subject-name C=FR, ST=PACA, L=Example, O=Cisco, OU=NSSTG, CN=device

        Creates a rule entry.

        Step 7 rsakeypair key-label

        Device(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair SEND

        Binds the RSA key pair for SeND.

        Step 8 revocation-check {crl | none | ocsp}

        Device(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none

        Sets one or more methods of revocation.

        Step 9 exit

        Device(ca-trustpoint)# exit

        Returns to global configuration mode.

        Step 10 crypto pki authenticate name

        Device(config)# crypto pki authenticate SEND

        Authenticates the certification authority by getting the certificate of the CA.

        Step 11 crypto pki enroll name

        Device(config)# crypto pki enroll SEND

        Obtains the certificates for the device from the CA.

        Step 12 ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum value

        Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum 1

        (Optional) Configures CGA and provides additional parameters such as security level and key size.

        Step 13 interface type number

        Device(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0

        Specifies an interface type and number, and places the device in interface configuration mode.

        Step 14 ipv6 cga rsakeypair key-label

        Device(config-if)# ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND

        (Optional) Configures CGA on interfaces.

        Step 15 ipv6 address ipv6-address link-local cga

        Device(config-if)# ipv6 address fe80::link-local cga 

        Configures an IPv6 link-local address for the interface and enables IPv6 processing on the interface.

        Step 16 ipv6 nd secured trustanchor trustpoint-name

        Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured trustanchor SEND

        (Optional) Configures trusted anchors to be preferred for certificate validation.

        Step 17 ipv6 nd secured timestamp {delta value | fuzz value}

        Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured timestamp delta 300

        (Optional) Configures the timing parameters.

        Step 18 exit

        Device(config-if)# exit

        Returns to global configuration mode.

        Step 19 ipv6 nd secured full-secure

        Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured full-secure

        (Optional) Configures general SeND parameters, such as secure mode and authorization method.


        Generating the RSA Key Pair and CGA Modifier for the Key Pair


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

          4.    ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2 configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3 crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

          Device(config)# crypto key generate rsa label SEND

          Generates RSA key pairs.

          Step 4 ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

          Device(config)# ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair SEND sec-level 1

          Generates the CGA modifier for a specified RSA key, which enables the key to be used by SeND.


          Configuring Certificate Enrollment for a PKI

          Certificate enrollment, which is the process of obtaining a certificate from a CA, occurs between the end host that requests the certificate and the CA. Each peer that participates in the PKI must enroll with a CA. In IPv6, you can autoenroll or manually enroll the device certificate.


            1.    enable

            2.    configure terminal

            3.    crypto pki trustpoint name

            4.    subject-name x.500-name

            5.    enrollment [mode] [retry period minutes] [retry count number] url url [pem]

            6.    serial-number [none]

            7.    auto-enroll [percent] [regenerate]

            8.    password string

            9.    rsakeypair key-label [key-size [encryption-key-size]]

            10.    fingerprint ca-fingerprint

            11.    ip-extension [multicast | unicast] {inherit [ipv4 | ipv6] | prefix ipaddress | range min-ipaddress max-ipaddress}

            12.    exit

            13.    crypto pki authenticate name

            14.    exit

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Device> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.

            Step 2 configure terminal

            Device# configure terminal

            Enters global configuration mode.

            Step 3 crypto pki trustpoint name

            Device(config)# crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint1

            Declares the trustpoint that your device should use and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

            Step 4 subject-name x.500-name

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# subject-name name1

            Specifies the subject name in the certificate request.

            Step 5 enrollment [mode] [retry period minutes] [retry count number] url url [pem]

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url http://name1.example.com 

            Specifies the URL of the CA on which your device should send certificate requests.

            Step 6 serial-number [none]

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# serial-number

            (Optional) Specifies the device serial number in the certificate request.

            Step 7 auto-enroll [percent] [regenerate]

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# auto-enroll

            (Optional) Enables autoenrollment, allowing you to automatically request a device certificate from the CA.

            Step 8 password string

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# password password1

            (Optional) Specifies the revocation password for the certificate.

            Step 9 rsakeypair key-label [key-size [encryption-key-size]]

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair SEND 

            Specifies which key pair to associate with the certificate.

            Step 10 fingerprint ca-fingerprint

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# fingerprint 12EF53FA 355CD23E 12EF53FA 355CD23E 

            (Optional) Specifies a fingerprint that can be matched against the fingerprint of a CA certificate during authentication.

            Step 11 ip-extension [multicast | unicast] {inherit [ipv4 | ipv6] | prefix ipaddress | range min-ipaddress max-ipaddress}

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# ip-extension unicast prefix 2001:100:1://48

            Adds IP extensions (IPv6 prefixes or range) to verifythe prefix list the device is allowed to advertise.

            Step 12 exit

            Device(ca-trustpoint)# exit

            Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode, and returns to global configuration mode.

            Step 13 crypto pki authenticate name

            Device(config)# crypto pki authenticate name1

            Retrieves and authenticates the CA certificate.

            • This command is optional if the CA certificate is already loaded into the configuration.

            Step 14 exit

            Device(config)# exit

            Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


            Configuring a Cryptographically Generated Address

            Configuring General CGA Parameters

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    configure terminal

              3.    ipv6 nd secured sec-level [minimum value]

              4.    ipv6 nd secured key-length [[minimum | maximum] value]

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 enable

              Device> enable

              Enables privileged EXEC mode.

              • Enter your password if prompted.

              Step 2 configure terminal

              Device# configure terminal

              Enters global configuration mode.

              Step 3 ipv6 nd secured sec-level [minimum value]

              Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum 1

              Configures the SeND security level.

              Step 4 ipv6 nd secured key-length [[minimum | maximum] value]

              Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured key-length minimum 512

              Configures SeND key-length options.


              Configuring CGA Address Generation on an Interface

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    enable

                2.    configure terminal

                3.    interface type number

                4.    ipv6 cga rsakeypair key-label

                5.    ipv6 address {ipv6-address/prefix-length [cga] | prefix-name sub-bits/prefix-length [cga]}

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 enable

                Device> enable

                Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                • Enter your password if prompted.

                Step 2 configure terminal

                Device# configure terminal

                Enters global configuration mode.

                Step 3 interface type number

                Device(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0

                Specifies an interface type and number, and places the device in interface configuration mode.

                Step 4 ipv6 cga rsakeypair key-label

                Device(config-if)# ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND

                Specifies which RSA key pair should be used on a specified interface.

                Step 5 ipv6 address {ipv6-address/prefix-length [cga] | prefix-name sub-bits/prefix-length [cga]}

                Device(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:0DB8:1:1::/64 cga

                Configures an IPv6 address based on an IPv6 general prefix and enables IPv6 processing on an interface.

                • The cga keyword generates a CGA address.


                The CGA link-local addresses must be configured by using the ipv6 address link-local command.


                Configuring SeND Parameters

                Configuring the SeND Trustpoint

                The key pair used to generate the CGA addresses on an interface must be certified by the CA and the certificate sent on demand over the SeND protocol. One RSA key pair and associated certificate is enough for SeND to operate; however, users may use several keys, identified by different labels. SeND and CGA refer to a key directly by label or indirectly by trustpoint.

                Multiple steps are required to bind SeND to a trustpoint. First, a key pair is generated. Then the device refers to it in a trustpoint, and next the SeND interface configuration points to the trustpoint. There are two reasons for the multiple steps:

                • The same key pair can be used on several SeND interfaces.

                • The trustpoint contains additional information, such as the certificate, required for SeND to perform authorization delegation.

                A CA certificate must be uploaded for the referred trustpoint, which is a trusted anchor.

                Several trustpoints, pointing to the same RSA keys, can be configured on a given interface. This function is useful if different hosts have different trusted anchors (that is, CAs that they trust). The device can then provide each host with the certificate signed by the CA it trusts.

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    enable

                  2.    configure terminal

                  3.    crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

                  4.    ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

                  5.    crypto pki trustpoint name

                  6.    subject-name [x.500-name]

                  7.    rsakeypair key-label [ key-size [encryption-key-size]]

                  8.    enrollment terminal [pem]

                  9.    ip-extension [multicast | unicast] {inherit [ipv4 | ipv6] | prefix ipaddress | range min-ipaddress max-ipaddress}

                  10.    exit

                  11.    crypto pki authenticate name

                  12.    crypto pki enroll name

                  13.    crypto pki import name certificate

                  14.    interface type number

                  15.    ipv6 nd secured trustpoint trustpoint-name

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1 enable

                  Device> enable

                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                  • Enter your password if prompted.

                  Step 2 configure terminal

                  Device# configure terminal

                  Enters global configuration mode.

                  Step 3 crypto key generate rsa [general-keys | usage-keys | signature | encryption] [label key-label] [exportable] [modulus modulus-size] [storage devicename:] [on devicename:]

                  Device(config)# crypto key generate rsa label SEND

                  Generates RSA key pairs.

                  Step 4 ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair key-label sec-level {0 | 1}

                  Device(config)# ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair SEND sec-level 1

                  Generates the CGA modifier for a specified RSA key, which enables the key to be used by SeND.

                  Step 5 crypto pki trustpoint name

                  Device(config)# crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint1

                  Defines the trustpoint that the device should use, and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

                  Step 6 subject-name [x.500-name]

                  Device(ca-trustpoint)# subject-name name1

                  Specifies the subject name in the certificate request.

                  Step 7 rsakeypair key-label [ key-size [encryption-key-size]]

                  Device(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair SEND 

                  Specifies which key pair to associate with the certificate.

                  Step 8 enrollment terminal [pem]

                  Device(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal

                  Specifies manual cut-and-paste certificate enrollment.

                  Step 9 ip-extension [multicast | unicast] {inherit [ipv4 | ipv6] | prefix ipaddress | range min-ipaddress max-ipaddress}

                  Device(ca-trustpoint)# ip-extension unicast prefix 2001:100:1://48

                  Adds IP extensions to the device certificate request.

                  Step 10 exit

                  Device(ca-trustpoint)# exit

                  Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode, and returns to global configuration mode.

                  Step 11 crypto pki authenticate name

                  Device(config)# crypto pki authenticate trustpoint1 

                  Authenticates the certification authority by getting the certificate of the CA.

                  Step 12 crypto pki enroll name

                  Device(config)# crypto pki enroll trustpoint1

                  Obtains the certificates for your device from the CA.

                  Step 13 crypto pki import name certificate

                  Device(config)# crypto pki import trustpoint1 certificate

                  Imports a certificate manually using TFTP or the cut-and-paste method at the terminal.

                  Step 14 interface type number

                  Device(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0

                  Specifies an interface type and number, and places the device in interface configuration mode.

                  Step 15 ipv6 nd secured trustpoint trustpoint-name

                  Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured trustpoint trustpoint1

                  Enables SeND on an interface, and specifies which trustpoint should be used.


                  Configuring SeND Trust Anchors on the Interface

                  As soon as SeND is bound to a trustpoint on an interface, this trustpoint is also a trust anchor. A trust anchor configuration consists of the following items:

                  • A public key signature algorithm and associated public key, which may include parameters

                  • A name

                  • An optional public key identifier

                  • An optional list of address ranges for which the trust anchor is authorized

                  The trust anchor configuration is accomplished by binding SeND to one or several PKI trustpoints. PKI is used to upload the corresponding certificates, which contain the required parameters, such as name and key.

                  This optional task allows you to select trust anchors listed in the CPS when requesting for a certificate.

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    enable

                    2.    configure terminal

                    3.    crypto pki trustpoint name

                    4.    enrollment terminal [pem]

                    5.    exit

                    6.    crypto pki authenticate name

                    7.    interface type number

                    8.    ipv6 nd secured trustanchor trustanchor-name

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 enable

                    Device> enable

                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                    • Enter your password if prompted.

                    Step 2 configure terminal

                    Device# configure terminal

                    Enters global configuration mode.

                    Step 3 crypto pki trustpoint name

                    Device(config)# crypto pki trustpoint anchor1

                    Defines the trustpoint for the device to use, and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

                    Step 4 enrollment terminal [pem]

                    Device(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal

                    Specifies manual cut-and-paste certificate enrollment.

                    Step 5 exit

                    Device(ca-trustpoint)# exit

                    Returns to global configuration.

                    Step 6 crypto pki authenticate name

                    Device(config)# crypto pki authenticate anchor1 

                    Authenticates the certification authority by getting the certificate of the CA.

                    Step 7 interface type number

                    Device(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0

                    Specifies an interface type and number, and places the device in interface configuration mode.

                    Step 8 ipv6 nd secured trustanchor trustanchor-name

                    Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured trustanchor anchor1

                    Configures a trusted anchor on an interface, and binds SeND to a trustpoint.


                    Configuring Secured and Nonsecured Neighbor Discovery Message Coexistence Mode

                    During the transition to SeND secured interfaces, network operators may want to run a particular interface with a mixture of nodes accepting secured and unsecured neighbor discovery messages. Perform this task to configure the coexistence mode for secure and nonsecure ND messages on the same interface.

                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    enable

                      2.    configure terminal

                      3.    interface type number

                      4.    ipv6 nd secured trustpoint trustpoint-name

                      5.    no ipv6 nd secured full-secure

                    DETAILED STEPS
                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1 enable

                      Device> enable

                      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                      • Enter your password if prompted.

                      Step 2 configure terminal

                      Device# configure terminal

                      Enters global configuration mode.

                      Step 3 interface type number

                      Device(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0

                      Specifies an interface type and number, and places the device in interface configuration mode.

                      Step 4 ipv6 nd secured trustpoint trustpoint-name

                      Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured trustpoint trustpoint1

                      Enables SeND on an interface and specifies which trustpoint should be used.

                      Step 5 no ipv6 nd secured full-secure

                      Device(config-if)# no ipv6 nd secured full-secure

                      Provides the coexistence mode for secure and nonsecure ND messages on the same interface.


                      Customizing SeND Parameters

                      SUMMARY STEPS

                        1.    enable

                        2.    configure terminal

                        3.    ipv6 nd secured key-length [[minimum | maximum] value]

                        4.    ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum value

                      DETAILED STEPS
                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1 enable

                        Device> enable

                        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                        • Enter your password if prompted.

                        Step 2 configure terminal

                        Device# configure terminal

                        Enters global configuration mode.

                        Step 3 ipv6 nd secured key-length [[minimum | maximum] value]

                        Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured key-length minimum 512

                        Configures the SeND key-length options.

                        Step 4 ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum value

                        Device(config)# ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum 2

                        Configures the minimum security level value that can be accepted from peers.


                        Configuring the SeND Time Stamp

                        SUMMARY STEPS

                          1.    enable

                          2.    configure terminal

                          3.    interface type number

                          4.    ipv6 nd secured timestamp {delta value | fuzz value}

                        DETAILED STEPS
                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1 enable

                          Device> enable

                          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                          • Enter your password if prompted.

                          Step 2 configure terminal

                          Device# configure terminal

                          Enters global configuration mode.

                          Step 3 interface type number

                          Device(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0

                          Specifies an interface type and number, and places the device in interface configuration mode.

                          Step 4 ipv6 nd secured timestamp {delta value | fuzz value}

                          Device(config-if)# ipv6 nd secured timestamp delta 600

                          Configures the SeND time stamp.


                          Configuration Examples for IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery

                          Example: Configuring Certificate Servers

                          crypto pki server CA
                           issuer-name C=FR, ST=fr, L=example, O=cisco, OU=nsstg, CN=CA0  lifetime ca-certificate 700 !
                          crypto pki trustpoint CA
                           ip-extension prefix 2001::/16
                           revocation-check crl
                           rsakeypair CA
                          no shutdown

                          To display the certificate servers with IP extensions, use the show crypto pki certificates verbose command:

                          Device# show crypto pki certificates verbose
                          CA Certificate
                            Status: Available
                            Version: 3
                            Certificate Serial Number (hex): 01
                            Certificate Usage: Signature
                            Validity Date:
                              start date: 09:50:52 GMT Feb 5 2009
                              end   date: 09:50:52 GMT Jan 6 2011
                            Subject Key Info:
                              Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                              RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
                            Signature Algorithm: MD5 with RSA Encryption
                            Fingerprint MD5: 87DB764F 29367A65 D05CEE3D C12E0AC3
                            Fingerprint SHA1: 04A06602 86AA72E9 43F2DB33 4A7D40A2 E2ED3325
                            X509v3 extensions:
                              X509v3 Key Usage: 86000000
                                Digital Signature
                                Key Cert Sign
                                CRL Signature
                              X509v3 Subject Key ID: 75B477C6 B2CA7BBE C7866657 57C84A32 90CEFB5A
                              X509v3 Basic Constraints:
                                  CA: TRUE
                              X509v3 Authority Key ID: 75B477C6 B2CA7BBE C7866657 57C84A32 90CEFB5A
                              Authority Info Access:
                              X509v3 IP Extension:
                            Associated Trustpoints: CA

                          Example: Configuring a Host to Enable SeND

                           crypto key generate rsa label SEND modulus 1024
                          The name for the keys will be: SEND
                          % The key modulus size is 1024 bits
                          % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]
                           ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair SEND sec-level 1
                           crypto pki trustpoint SEND
                            enrollment url
                            revocation-check none
                           crypto pki authenticate SEND
                          Certificate has the following attributes:
                          	Fingerprint MD5: FC99580D 0A280EB4 2EB9E72B 941E9BDA
                          	Fingerprint SHA1: 22B10EF0 9A519177 145EA4F6 73667837 3A154C53
                          % Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes 
                          Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
                           ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum 1
                           interface fastethernet 0/0
                            ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND
                            ipv6 address FE80::260:3EFF:FE11:6770 link-local cga
                            ipv6 nd secured trustanchor SEND
                            ipv6 nd secured timestamp delta 300
                           ipv6 nd secured full-secure

                          Use the show running-config command to verify the configuration:

                          Device# show running-config
                          Building configuration...
                          crypto pki trustpoint SEND
                           enrollment url
                           revocation-check none
                          interface Ethernet1/0
                           ip address
                           duplex half
                           ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND
                           ipv6 address 2001:100::/64 cga

                          Example: Configuring a Device to Enable SeND

                          crypto key generate rsa label SEND modulus 1024
                           ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair SEND sec-level 1
                           crypto pki trustpoint SEND
                            subject-name C=FR, ST=PACA, L=Example, O=Cisco, OU=NSSTG, CN=device
                            rsakeypair SEND
                            revocation-check none
                           crypto pki authenticate key1
                          Certificate has the following attributes:
                          	Fingerprint MD5: FC99580D 0A280EB4 2EB9E72B 941E9BDA
                          	Fingerprint SHA1: 22B10EF0 9A519177 145EA4F6 73667837 3A154C53
                          % Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes 
                          Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
                           crypto pki enroll SEND
                          % Start certificate enrollment ..
                          % Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide this
                             password to the CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate.
                             For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration.
                             Please make a note of it.
                          Re-enter password:
                          % The subject name in the certificate will include: C=FR, ST=fr, L=example, O=cisco, OU=nsstg, CN=device % 
                          The subject name in the certificate will include: Device % Include the device serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: no % Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]:
                          Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: yes % Certificate request sent to Certificate 
                          Authority % The 'show crypto pki certificate SEND verbose' commandwill show the fingerprint.
                          *Feb  5 09:40:37.171: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 
                          A6892F9F 23561949 4CE96BB8 CBC85 E64
                          *Feb  5 09:40:37.175: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 
                          30832A66 E6EB37DF E578911D 383F 96A0 B30152E7
                          *Feb  5 09:40:39.843: %PKI-6-CERTRET: Certificate received from Certificate Authority
                           interface fastethernet 0/0
                            ipv6 nd secured sec-level minimum 1
                            ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND
                            ipv6 address fe80:: link-local cga
                            ipv6 nd secured trustanchor SEND
                            ipv6 nd secured timestamp delta 300
                           ipv6 nd secured full-secure

                          To verify that the certificates are generated, use the show crypto pki certificates command:

                          Device# show crypto pki certificates
                            Status: Available
                            Certificate Serial Number: 0x15
                            Certificate Usage: General Purpose
                              Name: Device
                            Validity Date:
                              start date: 09:40:38 UTC Feb 5 2009
                              end   date: 09:40:38 UTC Feb 5 2010
                            Associated Trustpoints: SEND
                          CA Certificate
                            Status: Available
                            Certificate Serial Number: 0x1
                            Certificate Usage: Signature
                            Validity Date:
                              start date: 10:54:53 UTC Jun 20 2008
                              end   date: 10:54:53 UTC Jun 20 2011
                            Associated Trustpoints: SEND

                          To verify the configuration, use the show running-config command:

                          Device# show running-config
                          Building configuration...
                          crypto pki trustpoint SEND
                           enrollment url
                           subject-name C=FR, ST=fr, L=example, O=cisco, OU=nsstg, CN=device  
                           revocation-check none  rsakeypair SEND !
                          interface Ethernet1/0
                           ip address
                           duplex half
                           ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND
                           ipv6 address FE80:: link-local cga
                           ipv6 address 2001:100::/64 cga 

                          Example: Configuring a SeND Trustpoint

                          crypto key generate rsa label SEND 
                            Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your
                           General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
                            a few minutes.
                          How many bits in the modulus [512]: 778
                          % Generating 778 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]
                           ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair SEND sec-level 1
                           crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint1
                            subject-name C=FR, ST=fr, L=example, O=cisco, OU=nsstg, CN=sa14-72b
                            rsakeypair SEND
                            enrollment terminal
                            ip-extension unicast prefix 2001:100:1://48
                           crypto pki authenticate trustpoint1
                           crypto pki enroll trustpoint1
                           crypto pki import trustpoint1 certificate
                           interface Ethernet 0/0
                            ipv6 nd secured trustpoint trustpoint1

                          Example: Configuring SeND Trust Anchors

                          ! Configure the location of the CS we trust !
                           crypto pki trustpoint B1
                            enrollment terminal
                            crypto pki authenticate anchor1
                          ! Only Query a certificate signed by the CS at B2 on this interface !
                           interface Ethernet 0/0
                            ip address
                            ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND
                            ipv6 address 2001:100::/64 cga
                            ipv6 nd secured trustanchor anchor1

                          Example: Configuring CGA Address Generation on an Interface

                           configure terminal
                           interface fastEthernet 0/0
                            ipv6 cga rsakeypair SEND
                            ipv6 address 2001:100::/64 cga

                          Additional References

                          Related Documents

                          Related Topic

                          Document Title

                          IPv6 addressing and connectivity

                          IPv6 Configuration Guide

                          Cisco IOS commands

                          Cisco IOS Master Commands List, All Releases

                          IPv6 commands

                          Cisco IOS IPv6 Command Reference

                          Cisco IOS IPv6 features

                          Cisco IOS IPv6 Feature Mapping

                          Standards and RFCs



                          RFCs for IPv6

                          IPv6 RFCs



                          MIBs Link

                          To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


                          Technical Assistance



                          The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a Cisco.com user ID and password.


                          Feature Information for IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery

                          The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

                          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/​go/​cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
                          Table 1 Feature Information for IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery

                          Feature Name


                          Feature Information

                          IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery


                          The SeND protocol is designed to counter the threats of the ND protocol. SeND defines a set of neighbor discovery options and two neighbor discovery messages. SeND also defines a new autoconfiguration mechanism to establish address ownership.

                          The following commands were introduced or modified: auto-enroll, crypto key generate rsa, crypto pki authenticate, crypto pki enroll, crypto pki import, enrollment terminal (ca-trustpoint), enrollment url (ca-trustpoint), fingerprint, ip-extension, ip http server, ipv6 address, ipv6 address link-local, ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair, ipv6 cga modifier rsakeypair (interface), ipv6 nd secured certificate-db, ipv6 nd secured full-secure, ipv6 nd secured full-secure (interface), ipv6 nd secured key-length, ipv6 nd secured sec-level, ipv6 nd secured timestamp, ipv6 nd secured timestamp-db, ipv6 nd secured trustanchor, ipv6 nd secured trustpoint, password (ca-trustpoint), revocation-check, rsakeypair, serial-number (ca-trustpoint), show ipv6 cga address-db, show ipv6 cga modifier-db, show ipv6 nd secured certificates, show ipv6 nd secured counters interface, show ipv6 nd secured nonce-db, show ipv6 nd secured timestamp-db, subject-name.


                          • CA—certification authority.

                          • CGA—cryptographically generated address.

                          • CPA—certificate path answer.

                          • CPR—certificate path response.

                          • CPS—certification path solicitation. The solicitation message used in the addressing process.

                          • CRL—certificate revocation list.

                          • CS—certification server.

                          • CSR—certificate signing request.

                          • DAD—duplicate address detection. A mechanism that ensures two IPv6 nodes on the same link are not using the same address.

                          • DER—distinguished encoding rules. An encoding scheme for data values.

                          • nonce—An unpredictable random or pseudorandom number generated by a node and used once. In SeND, nonces are used to ensure that a particular advertisement is linked to the solicitation that triggered it.

                          • non-SeND node—An IPv6 node that does not implement SeND but uses only the Neighbor Discovery Protocol without security.

                          • NUD—neighbor unreachability detection. A mechanism used for tracking neighbor reachability.

                          • PACL—port-based access list.

                          • PKI—public key infrastructure.

                          • RA—router advertisement.

                          • RD—Router discovery allows the hosts to discover what devices exist on the link and what subnet prefixes are available. Router discovery is a part of the Neighbor Discovery Protocol.

                          • Router Authorization Certificate—A public key certificate.

                          • SeND node—An IPv6 node that implements SeND.

                          • trust anchor—An entity that the host trusts to authorize devices to act as devices. Hosts are configured with a set of trust anchors to protect device discovery.