Use the debug radius command to monitor whether Framed-Route (attribute 22) information is being sent in RADIUS Accounting-Request packets.
In the following example, the debug radius command is used to verify that Framed-Route (attribute 22) information is being sent in the Accounting-Request packets (see
the line 00:06:23: RADIUS: Framed-Route [22] 26 " 100").
![]( Note |
With CSCtz66183, the Service-Type AV pair (Attribute 6) is not displayed in the Accounting-Request records.
Device# debug radius
00:06:23: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 0, Access-Request, len 126
00:06:23: RADIUS: authenticator 40 28 A8 BC 76 D4 AA 88 - 5A E9 C5 55 0E 50 84 37
00:06:23: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol [7] 6 PPP [1]
00:06:23: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 14 "nari@trw1001"
00:06:23: RADIUS: CHAP-Password [3] 19 *
00:06:23: RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 1
00:06:23: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33
00:06:23: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 27 "interface=Virtual-Access1"
00:06:23: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Virtual [5]
00:06:23: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Framed [2]
00:06:23: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6
00:06:23: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000002"
00:06:23: RADIUS: Received from id 0, Access-Accept, len 103
00:06:23: RADIUS: authenticator 5D 2D 9F 25 11 15 45 B2 - 54 BB 7F EB CE 79 20 3B
00:06:23: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33
00:06:23: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 27 "interface=Virtual-Access1"
00:06:23: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Framed [2]
00:06:23: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol [7] 6 PPP [1]
00:06:23: RADIUS: Framed-IP-Netmask [9] 6
00:06:23: RADIUS: Framed-IP-Address [8] 6
00:06:23: RADIUS: Framed-Route [22] 26 " 100" <=======
00:06:23: RADIUS: Received from id 2
00:06:24: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up
00:06:25: AAA/AUTHOR: Processing PerUser AV route
00:06:25: Vi1 AAA/PERUSER/ROUTE: route string: IP route 100
00:06:25: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000002): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone
00:06:25: RADIUS(00000002): sending
00:06:25: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 1, Accounting-Request, len 278
00:06:25: RADIUS: authenticator E0 CC 99 EB 49 18 B9 78 - 4A 09 60 0F 4E 92 24 C6
00:06:25: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000002"
00:06:25: RADIUS: Tunnel-Server-Endpoi[67] 12 00:""
00:06:25: RADIUS: Tunnel-Client-Endpoi[66] 12 00:""
00:06:25: RADIUS: Tunnel-Assignment-Id[82] 15 00:"from_isdn101"
00:06:25: RADIUS: Tunnel-Type [64] 6 00:L2TP [3]
00:06:25: RADIUS: Acct-Tunnel-Connecti[68] 12 "2056100083"
00:06:25: RADIUS: Tunnel-Client-Auth-I[90] 10 00:"isdn101"
00:06:25: RADIUS: Tunnel-Server-Auth-I[91] 6 00:"lns"
00:06:25: RADIUS: Framed-Protocol [7] 6 PPP [1]
00:06:25: RADIUS: Framed-Route [22] 39 " 100" <========
00:06:25: RADIUS: Framed-IP-Address [8] 6
00:06:25: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35
00:06:25: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "connect-progress=LAN Ses Up"
00:06:25: RADIUS: Authentic [45] 6 RADIUS [1]
00:06:25: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 14 ""
00:06:25: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1]
00:06:25: RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 1
00:06:25: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33
00:06:25: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 27 "interface=Virtual-Access1"
00:06:25: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Virtual [5]
00:06:25: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Framed [2]
00:06:25: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6
00:06:25: RADIUS: Acct-Delay-Time [41] 6 0