
Maintaining System Memory

Maintaining system memory enables you to configure, use and monitor the different types of memory on your router.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Maintaining System Memory

  • You should have at least a basic familiarity with the Cisco IOS environment and the command-line interface.

  • You should have at least a minimal configuration running on your system with Cisco IOS Release 12.2 or later up and running.

Restrictions for Maintaining System Memory

  • Many of the Cisco IOS commands described in this document are available and function only in certain configuration modes on the router.

  • Some of the Cisco IOS configuration commands are only available on certain router platforms, and the command syntax may vary on different platforms.

Information About Maintaining System Memory

Memory Types

Your router has many different locations where it can store images, configuration files, and microcode. Refer to your hardware documentation for details on which types of memory your routing device contains, where files can be stored (saved), and where images and boot images are located by default. This section provides information on the following memory types:


Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) contains two types of memory:

  • Primary, main, or processor memory, which is reserved for the CPU to execute Cisco IOS software and to hold the running configuration and routing tables.

  • Shared, packet, or I/O memory, which buffers data transmitted or received by the router’s network interfaces.

On the Cisco 3600 series routers, you can use the memory-sizeiomem command to configure the proportion of DRAM devoted to main memory and to shared memory.

DRAM often comes on dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs).


Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) is often referred to simply as ROM. On Cisco devices, the EPROM often contains the following:

  • ROM Monitor software, which provides a user interface for troubleshooting the ROM.

  • The boot loader/helper software, which helps the router boot when it cannot find a valid Cisco IOS image in Flash memory.


Non-volatile random-access-memory (NVRAM) stores the following information:

  • Startup configuration file for every platform except Class A Flash file system platforms (for Class A Flash file system platforms, the location of the startup configuration depends on the CONFIG_FILE Environment Variable).

  • The software configuration register, which is used to determine which image to use when booting the router.

Flash Memory

Flash memory stores the Cisco IOS software image. On most platforms, it can store boot-images and/or configuration files.

Depending on the hardware platform, Flash memory might be available as EPROM, single in-line memory modules (SIMMs), dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs), or Flash memory cards. Check the appropriate hardware installation and maintenance guide for information about types of Flash memory available on a specific platform.

Depending on the platform, Flash memory is available in the following forms:

  • Internal Flash memory
    • Internal Flash memory often contains the system image.
    • Some platforms have two or more banks of Flash memory on one in-line memory module (in other words, on one SIMM). If the SIMM has two banks, it is sometimes referred to as dual-bank Flash memory . The banks can be partitioned into separate logical devices. See the “Partitioning Flash Memory ” section for information about how to partition Flash memory.
  • Bootflash
    • Bootflash often contains the boot image.
    • Bootflash sometimes contains the ROM Monitor.
  • Flash memory PC cards or PCMCIA cards

A Flash memory card that is inserted in to a Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) slot. This card is used to store system images, boot images, and configuration files.


Because some platforms, such as the Cisco 3600 series and Cisco the 7000 family, can boot images and load configuration files from several locations, these systems use special ROM monitor environment variables to specify the location and filename of images and configuration files that the router is to use for various functions.

Ma ny Cisco routers load the system image from flash storage into RAM in order to run the Cisco IOS. However, some platforms, such as the Cisco 1600 Series and Cisco 2500 Series, execute the Cisco IOS operation system directly from Flash memory. These platforms are run-from-Flash memory systems.

If you want to partition Flash memory, you must use a relocatable image. Relocatable images can be run from any location in Flash and can download images to any location. If you are upgrading from a nonrelocatable image to a relocatable image, you must erase Flash memory during the download so that the image is downloaded as the first file in Flash memory. All images for run-from-Flash platforms from Cisco IOS Release 11.0 and later are relocatable. See the “ Image Naming Conventions ” section in the “Loading and Maintaining System Images” chapter to determine if your images are run-from-Flash images or are relocatable.

Flash memory provides write protection against accidental erasing or reprogramming. Some platforms have a write-protect jumper which can be removed to prevent reprogramming of Flash memory. You must install the jumper when programming is required. Some platforms have write protect switched on Flash memory cards that you can use to protect data. You must set the switch to unprotected to write data to the Flash memory card. Refer to your hardware documentation for information on security jumpers and write protect switches.


The internal Flash and Flash memory cards of a system cannot be used as a contiguous bank of Flash memory.

Partition of Flash Memory

On most Class B Flash file systems, you can partition banks of Flash memory into separate, logical devices so that the router can hold and maintain two or more different software images. This partitioning allows you to write software into Flash memory while running software in another bank of Flash memory.

Systems that Support Partitioning

To partition Flash memory, you must have at least two banks of Flash memory; a bank is a set of 4 chips. This requirement includes systems that support a single SIMM that has two banks of Flash memory. The minimum partition size is the size of a bank.


The CiscoFlash MIB variables support partitioned Flash.

Benefits of Partitioning Flash Memory

Partitioning Flash memory provides the following benefits:

  • For any system, partitioning--rather than having one logical Flash memory device--provides a cleaner way of managing different files in Flash memory, especially if the Flash memory size is large.

  • For systems that execute code out of Flash memory, partitioning allows you to download a new image into the file system in one Flash memory bank while an image is being executed from the file system in the other bank. The download is simple and causes no network disruption or downtime. After the download is complete, you can switch over to the new image at a convenient time.

  • One system can hold two different images, one image acting as a backup for the other. Therefore, if a downloaded image fails to boot for some reason, the earlier running, good image is still available. Each bank is treated as a separate device.

Flash Load Helper Versus Dual Flash Bank

Flash load helper is a software option that enables you to upgrade system s oftware on run-from-Flash systems that have a single bank of Flash memory. It is a lower-cost software upgrade solution than dual-bank Flash, which requires two banks of Flash memory on one SIMM. Flash load helper is only available on run-from-Flash platforms, such as the Cisco 2500 series, Cisco 3000, and Cisco 5200.

You might use Flash load helper rather than partitioning Flash into two banks for one of the following reasons:

  • If you want to download a new file into the same bank from which the current system image is executing.

  • If you want to download a file that is larger than the size of a bank, and hence want to switch to a single-bank mode.

  • If you have only one single-bank Flash SIMM installed. In this case, Flash load helper is the best option for upgrading your software.

See the “Downloading Files Using the Flash Load Helper ” section for information about using Flash load helper.

Use of the Flash Load Helper to Upgrade Software on Run-from-Flash Systems

Flash load helper is a software option that enables you to upgrade system s oftware on run-from-Flash systems that have a single bank of Flash memory. It is a lower-cost software upgrade solution than dual-bank Flash, which requires two banks of Flash memory on one SIMM.

The Flash load helper software upgrade process is simple and does not require additional hardware; however, it does require some brief network downtime. A system image running from Flash can use Flash load helper only if the boot ROMs support Flash load helper. Otherwise, you must perform the Flash upgrade manually.

Flash load helper is an automated procedure that reloads the ROM-based image, downloads the software to Flash memory, and reboots to the system image in Flash memory. Flash load helper performs checks and validations to maximize the success of a Flash upgrade and minimize the chance of leaving Flash memory either in an erased state or with a file that cannot boot.

In run-from-Flash systems, the software image is stored in and executed from the Flash EPROM rather than from RAM. This method reduces memory cost. A run-from-Flash system requires enough Flash EPROM to hold the image and enough main system RAM to hold the routing tables and data structures. The system does not need the same amount of main system RAM as a run-from-RAM system because the full image does not reside in RAM. Run-from-Flash systems include the Cisco 2500 series and some Cisco 3000 series.

Flash Load Helper Features

Flash load helper performs the following functions:

  • Confirms access to the specified source file on the specified server before erasing Flash memory and reloading to the ROM image for the actual upgrade.

  • Warns you if the image being downloaded is not appropriate for the system.

  • Prevents reloads to the ROM image for a Flash upgrade if the system is not set up for automatic booting and the user is not on the console terminal. In the event of a catastrophic failure during the upgrade, Flash load helper can bring up the boot ROM image as a last resort rather than forcing the system to wait at the ROM monitor prompt for input from the console terminal.

  • Retries Flash downloads automatically up to six times. The retry sequence is as follows:
    • First try
    • Immediate retry
    • Retry after 30 seconds
    • Reload ROM image and retry
    • Immediate retry
    • Retry after 30 seconds
  • Allows you to save any configuration changes made before you exit out of the system image.

  • Notifies users logged in to the system of the impending switch to the boot ROM image so that they do not lose their connections unexpectedly.

  • Logs console output during the Flash load helper operation into a buffer that is preserved through system reloads. You can retrieve the buffer contents from a running image. The output is useful when console access is unavailable or a failure occurs in the download operation.

Flash load helper can also be used on systems with multiple banks of Flash memory that support Flash memory partitioning. Flash load helper enables you to download a new file into the same partition from which the system is executing an image.

For information about how to partition multiple banks of Flash memory so your system can hold two different images, see the “Partitioning Flash Memory ” section.

Allocation of DRAM Memory for the Cisco 3600 Series

DRAM memory in Cisco 3600 series routers is organized as one contiguous address space divided between processor memory and I/O memory. Depending on the type and number of network interfaces you have configured in the router, you may need to reallocate the DRAM memory partitioned to processor memory and I/O memory.

Cisco manufacturing configures most Cisco 3600 series routers to have 25 percent of the address space allocated to I/O memory and 75 percent allocated to processor memory. But for customer orders that require two or more ISDN PRI interfaces, DRAM memory is configured to provide 40 percent of the address space for I/O memory and 60 percent for processor memory. (See the figure below.) Cisco Systems performs these DRAM memory adjustments before it ships each router.

Figure 1. Components and Uses of DRAM Memory for Cisco 3600 Series Routers


Routers running two or more ISDN PRI interfaces or 12 or more ISDN BRI interfaces require a DRAM memory configuration of 40 percent I/O memory and 60 percent processor memory.

However, there are cases where you may have to manually reallocate the DRAM memory split between processor memory and I/O memory after you have received a router from Cisco Systems.

For example, suppose you receive a Cisco 3640 router with the following running configuration:

  • 2 Ethernet and 2 WAN interface card

  • 8-port ISDN BRI with an NT1 network module

  • IP feature set

  • 16 MB of DRAM memory (by default, processor memory = 75%, I/O memory = 25%)

  • 4 MB of Flash memory

Later, however, you add a 4-port ISDN BRI network module to the router. You now have 12 ISDN BRI interfaces running on the router. At this point, you must use the memory-sizeiomem command to configure 40 percent of the address space for I/O memory and 60 percent for processor memory.

Memory Scan on the Cisco 7500 Series

On Cisco 7500 series routers (including 7000 series with the RSP7000 card upgrade), a memory scanning feature is available. This feature adds a low-priority background process that searches all installed dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) for possible parity errors. If errors are found in memory areas that are not in use, this feature attempts to scrub (remove) the errors. The time to complete one memory scan and scrub cycle can range from 10 minutes to several hours, depending on the amount of installed memory. The impact of the Memory Scan feature on the central processing unit (CPU) is minimal. The feature can be controlled and monitored with the new memoryscan and showmemoryscan command-line interface (CLI) commands.

The Memory Scan feature does not discriminate against different information types in DRAM; that is, it perceives text, data, and heap information in the same way. The feature continues to work when a memory cell is busy, although it might respond differently to errors found in different areas. The feature responds to errors in one or more of the following ways:

  • A message is logged for all errors found. Each message contains an explanation of the error and suggests corrective action if applicable.

  • For errors in heap storage control blocks, attempts are made to scrub errors in the free blocks. If an error is scrubbed, no further action occurs, but there is an entry in the error log. If it is not scrubbed, the block that contains the error is linked to a bad-memory list which will not be allocated to users. If the memory block is large, the block is split and only a small portion containing the error is linked to a bad-memory list.

  • For errors in a busy block, or in other areas such as text or data, an error message is produced but no further action is taken, preventing damage to living data.

How to Configure System Memory Parameters

Displaying System Memory Information

To display information about system memory, complete the tasks in this section


    1.    enable

    2.    show flash-filesystem : [all | chips |filesys]

    3.    show flash-filesystem : [partitionnumber ][all | chips | detailed | err | summary]

    4.    show flash-filesystem :

    5.    show file systems

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Router> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 show flash-filesystem : [all | chips |filesys]

    Router# show flash: chips

    Lists information about Flash memory for Class A file systems.

    Step 3 show flash-filesystem : [partitionnumber ][all | chips | detailed | err | summary]

    Router# show slot0: detailed

    Lists information about Flash memory for Class B file systems.

    Step 4 show flash-filesystem :

    Router# show slot1:

    Lists information about Flash memory for Class C file systems.

    Step 5 show file systems

    Router# show file system

    Lists the names of the file systems currently supported on the router.


    Partitioning Flash Memory

    To partition Flash memory, complete the tasks in this section.


    This task will succeed only if the system has at least two banks of Flash and the partitioning does not cause an existing file in Flash memory to be split across the partitions.

    For all platforms except the Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 series, Flash memory can only be partitioned into two partitions.

    For the Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 series, the number of partitions that you can create in a Flash memory device equals the number of banks in the device. Enter the showflash-filesystem:all command to view the number of banks on the Flash memory device. The number of partition size entries you set must be equal to the number of specified partitions. For example, the partitionslot0:288 command configures two partitions to be 8 MB in size each. The first 8 corresponds to the first partition; the second 8 corresponds to the second partition.


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    partition flash partitions [size1 size2 ]

      4.    partition flash-filesystem : [number-of-partitions ] [partition-size ]

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Router> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Router# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 partition flash partitions [size1 size2 ]

      Router(config)# partition flash 2 4 4 

      Partitions Flash memory.


      To remove the partition, use thenopartition command.

      Step 4 partition flash-filesystem : [number-of-partitions ] [partition-size ]

      Router(config)# Router(config)# partition slot0: 2 8 8 

      Partitions Flash memory on the Cisco 1600 and 3600 series.


      Downloading Files Using the Flash Load Helper

      To download a new file to Flash memory using Flash load helper, check to make sure that your boot ROMs support Flash load helper and then complete the tasks in this section:


        1.    enable

        2.    Do one of the following:

        • copy tftp: flash:
        • copy rcp: flash:
        • copy ftp: flash:

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Router> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2Do one of the following:
        • copy tftp: flash:
        • copy rcp: flash:
        • copy ftp: flash:

        Router# copy tftp flash:

        Loads the specified file to Flash memory.



        The following error message displays if you are in a Telnet session and the system is set for manual booting (the boot bits in the configuration register are zero):

        ERR: Config register boot bits set for manual booting

        In case of any catastrophic failure in the Flash memory upgrade, this error message helps to minimize the chance of the system going down to ROM monitor mode and being taken out of the remote Telnet user’s control.

        The system tries to bring up at least the boot ROM image if it cannot boot an image from Flash memory. Before reinitiating the copy:command, you must set the configuration register boot field to a nonzero value, using the config-register global configuration command.


        The copy command initiates a series of prompts to which you must provide responses. The dialog is similar to the following:

         copy tftp: flash:
        *************************** NOTICE *******************************
        Flash load helper v1.0
        This process will accept the TFTP copy options and then terminate
        the current system image to use the ROM based image for the copy. 
        Router functionality will not be available during that time. If 
        you are logged in via telnet, this connection will terminate. Users 
        with console access can see the results of the copy operation.
        There are active users logged into the system. 
        Proceed? [confirm] y
        System flash directory:
        File Length  Name/status
        1    2251320 abc/igs-kf.914
        [2251384 bytes used, 1942920 available, 4194304 total]
        Address or name of remote host []?
        Source file name? 
        Destination file name [default = source name]?
        Accessing file ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ on
        Loading from
        Erase flash device before writing? [confirm] n
        File ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ already exists; it will be invalidated!
        Invalidate existing copy of ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ in flash memory? [confirm] y
        Copy ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ from TFTP server
        as ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ into Flash WITHOUT erase? y
        %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
        FLH: rxboot/igs-kf.914r from to flash...

        The Flash Load Helper operation verifies the request from the running image by trying to copy a single block from the remote server. Then the Flash load helper is executed, causing the system to reload to the ROM-based system image. If the file does not seem to be a valid image for the system, a warning is displayed and a separate confirmation is sought from you.

        If the configuration has been modified but not yet saved, you are prompted to save the configuration:

        System configuration has been modified. Save? [confirm]

        Users with open Telnet connections are notified of the system reload, as follows:

        **System going down for Flash upgrade**

        Troubleshooting Tips

        If the copy process fails, the copy operation is retried up to three times. If the failure happens in the middle of a copy operation so that only part of the file has been written to Flash memory, the retry does not erase Flash memory unless you specified an erase operation. The partly written file is marked as deleted, and a new file is opened with the same name. If Flash memory runs out of free space in this process, the copy operation is terminated.

        After Flash load helper finishes copying (whether the copy operation is successful or not), it automatically attempts an automatic or a manual boot, depending on the value of bit zero of the configuration register boot field according to the following:

        • If bit zero equals 0, the system attempts a default boot from Flash memory to load up the first bootable file in Flash memory. This default boot is equivalent to a manual bootflash command at the ROM monitor prompt.

        • If bit zero equals 1, the system attempts to boot based on the boot configuration commands. If no boot configuration commands exist, the system attempts a default boot from Flash memory; that is, it attempts to load the first bootable file in Flash memory.

        To view the system console output generated during the Flash load helper operation, use the image that has been booted up after the Flash memory upgrade. Enter the moreflh:logfilecommand in privileged EXEC mode.

        If you are a remote Telnet user performing the Flash upgrade without a console connection, this task allows you to retrieve console output when your Telnet connection has terminated due to the switch to the ROM image. The output indicates what happened during the download, and is particularly useful if the download fails.

        Formatting Flash Memory


        On Class A and Class C Flash file systems, you can format Flash memory. Formatting erases all information in Flash memory.

        On the Cisco 7000 family, you must format a new Flash memory card before using it in a PCMCIA slot.

        Flash memory cards have sectors that can fail. You can reserve certain Flash memory sectors as “spares” for use when other sectors fail. Use the format command to specify between 0 and 16 sectors as spares. If you reserve a small number of spare sectors for emergencies, you do not waste space because you can use most of the Flash memory card. If you specify zero spare sectors and some sectors fail, you must reformat the Flash memory card and thereby erase all existing data.

        The format operation requires at least Cisco IOS Release 11.0 system software.

        Flash Memory Formatting Process


        The following formatting procedure erases all information in Flash memory. To prevent the loss of important data, proceed carefully.

        Use the following procedure to format Flash memory. If you are formatting internal Flash memory, such as bootflash, you can skip the first step. If you are formatting a Flash memory card, complete both steps:

          1.    Insert the new Flash memory card into a PCMCIA slot. Refer to instructions on maintaining the router and replacing PCMCIA cards in your router’s hardware documentation for instructions on performing this step.

          2.    Enter the format [spare spare-number ] device1: [[device2:][monlib-filename ]]command to format Flash memory.

          Step 1   Insert the new Flash memory card into a PCMCIA slot. Refer to instructions on maintaining the router and replacing PCMCIA cards in your router’s hardware documentation for instructions on performing this step.
          Step 2   Enter the format [spare spare-number ] device1: [[device2:][monlib-filename ]]command to format Flash memory.


          The following example shows the format command that formats a Flash memory card inserted in slot 0.

          Router# format slot0:
          Running config file on this device, proceed? [confirm]y
          All sectors will be erased, proceed? [confirm]y
          Enter volume id (up to 31 characters): <Return>
          Formatting sector 1 (erasing)
          Format device slot0 completed

          Recovering from Locked Blocks


          To recover from locked blocks, reformat the Flash memory card. A locked block of Flash memory occurs when power is lost or a Flash memory card is unplugged during a write or erase operation. When a block of Flash memory is locked, it cannot be written to or erased, and the operation will consistently fail at a particular block location. The only way to recover from locked blocks is by reformatting the Flash memory card with the format command.


          Formatting a Flash memory card to recover from locked blocks will cause existing data to be lost.

          To view your current mix of processor and I/O memory and reassign memory distribution accordingly, complete the tasks in this section:


            1.    enable

            2.    show version

            3.    show memory

            4.    configure terminal

            5.    memory-size iomem I/O-memory-percentage

            6.    exit

            7.    copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

            8.    reload

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 enable

            Router> enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            • Enter your password if prompted.

            Step 2 show version

            Router# show version

            Displays the total amount of memory loaded on the router.

            Step 3 show memory

            Router# show memory

            Displays the amount of free memory.


            The Free(b) column in the show memory command’s output shows how much I/O memory is available.

            Step 4 configure terminal

            Router# configure terminal

            Enters global configuration mode.

            Step 5 memory-size iomem I/O-memory-percentage

            Router(config)# memory-size iomem 50

            Allocates processor memory and I/O memory.


            The default is 40 percent for I/O memory and 60 percent for processor memory

            Step 6 exit

            Router(config)# exit

            Exits global configuration mode.

            Step 7 copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

            Router# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

            Saves the configuration to NVRAM.

            Step 8 reload

            Router# reload

            Reloads the router to run the new image.

            Troubleshooting Tips

            Valid I/O memory percentage values are 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 (the default), and 50. I/O memory size is the specified percentage of total memory size, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 1 MB. A minimum of 4 MB of memory is required for I/O memory. The remaining memory is processor memory.

            The memory-sizeiomem command does not take effect until you save it to NVRAM using the copysystem:running-confignvram:startup-config EXEC command and reload the router. However, when you enter the command, the software checks whether the new memory distribution leaves enough processor memory for the currently running Cisco IOS image. If not, the following message appears:

            Warning: Attempting a memory partition that does not provid
            e enough Processor memory for the current image.If you write memory now, this version of so
            ftware may not be able to run.

            When you enter the reload command to run a new image, the software calculates the new processor and I/O memory split. If there is not enough processor memory, it automatically reduces I/O memory to an alternative setting to load the image. If there is still not enough processor memory for the image to run, then you do not have enough DRAM.


            The following example allocates 40 percent of DRAM to I/O memory and the remaining 60 percent to processor memory. The example views the current allocation of memory, changes the allocation, saves the allocation, and reloads the router so the changes can take effect. In the showmemorycommand output, the Free(b) column shows how much I/O memory is available:

            Router# show memory
                           Head   Total(b)    Used(b)    Free(b)  Lowest(b) Largest(b)
            Processor  60913730    3066064     970420    2095644    2090736    2090892
                  I/O    C00000    4194304    1382712    2811592    2811592    2805492
            Router# configure terminal
            Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
            Router(config)# memory-size iomem 40
            Router(config)# exit
            Router# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
            Building configuration...
            Router# reload
            rommon > boot
            program load complete, entry point: 0x80008000, size: 0x32ea24
            Self decompressing the image : ###################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### [OK]

            Configuring and Verifying Memory Scan on the Cisco 7500 Series

            To configure and verify memory scan on the Cisco 7500 series router, complete the tasks in this section:

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    Use the memoryscan command in global configuration mode to enable the feature.

              2.    Use the moresystem:running-configuration command in privileged EXEC mode to verify that memory scan appears in the running configuration.

              3.    Use the showmemoryscancommand to monitor the number and type of parity errors on your system.

            DETAILED STEPS
              Step 1   Use the memoryscan command in global configuration mode to enable the feature.
              Step 2   Use the moresystem:running-configuration command in privileged EXEC mode to verify that memory scan appears in the running configuration.
              Step 3   Use the showmemoryscancommand to monitor the number and type of parity errors on your system.


              Use the showmemoryscan command in privileged EXEC mode. In the following example, the feature is enabled and no parity errors are found:

              Router# show memory scan
              Memory scan is on.
              No parity error has been detected.

              If the Memory Scan feature has not been configured, or has been turned off, the showmemoryscan command generates a report. In the following example, Memory Scan is turned off:

              Router# show memory scan
              Memory scan is off
              No parity error has been detected.

              If errors are detected in the system, the showmemoryscan command generates an error report. In the following example, Memory Scan detected a parity error:

              Router# show memory scan
              Memory scan is on.
              Total Parity Errors 1.
              Address BlockPtr BlckSize Disposit   Region Timestamp
              6115ABCD 60D5D090   9517A4  Scrubed    Local 16:57:09 UTC Thu Mar 18
              Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)

              Maintaining System Memory


              Maintaining System Memory

              Maintaining system memory enables you to configure, use and monitor the different types of memory on your router.

              Finding Feature Information

              Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

              Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

              Prerequisites for Maintaining System Memory

              • You should have at least a basic familiarity with the Cisco IOS environment and the command-line interface.

              • You should have at least a minimal configuration running on your system with Cisco IOS Release 12.2 or later up and running.

              Restrictions for Maintaining System Memory

              • Many of the Cisco IOS commands described in this document are available and function only in certain configuration modes on the router.

              • Some of the Cisco IOS configuration commands are only available on certain router platforms, and the command syntax may vary on different platforms.

              Information About Maintaining System Memory

              Memory Types

              Your router has many different locations where it can store images, configuration files, and microcode. Refer to your hardware documentation for details on which types of memory your routing device contains, where files can be stored (saved), and where images and boot images are located by default. This section provides information on the following memory types:


              Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) contains two types of memory:

              • Primary, main, or processor memory, which is reserved for the CPU to execute Cisco IOS software and to hold the running configuration and routing tables.

              • Shared, packet, or I/O memory, which buffers data transmitted or received by the router’s network interfaces.

              On the Cisco 3600 series routers, you can use the memory-sizeiomem command to configure the proportion of DRAM devoted to main memory and to shared memory.

              DRAM often comes on dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs).


              Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) is often referred to simply as ROM. On Cisco devices, the EPROM often contains the following:

              • ROM Monitor software, which provides a user interface for troubleshooting the ROM.

              • The boot loader/helper software, which helps the router boot when it cannot find a valid Cisco IOS image in Flash memory.


              Non-volatile random-access-memory (NVRAM) stores the following information:

              • Startup configuration file for every platform except Class A Flash file system platforms (for Class A Flash file system platforms, the location of the startup configuration depends on the CONFIG_FILE Environment Variable).

              • The software configuration register, which is used to determine which image to use when booting the router.

              Flash Memory

              Flash memory stores the Cisco IOS software image. On most platforms, it can store boot-images and/or configuration files.

              Depending on the hardware platform, Flash memory might be available as EPROM, single in-line memory modules (SIMMs), dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs), or Flash memory cards. Check the appropriate hardware installation and maintenance guide for information about types of Flash memory available on a specific platform.

              Depending on the platform, Flash memory is available in the following forms:

              • Internal Flash memory
                • Internal Flash memory often contains the system image.
                • Some platforms have two or more banks of Flash memory on one in-line memory module (in other words, on one SIMM). If the SIMM has two banks, it is sometimes referred to as dual-bank Flash memory . The banks can be partitioned into separate logical devices. See the “Partitioning Flash Memory ” section for information about how to partition Flash memory.
              • Bootflash
                • Bootflash often contains the boot image.
                • Bootflash sometimes contains the ROM Monitor.
              • Flash memory PC cards or PCMCIA cards

              A Flash memory card that is inserted in to a Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) slot. This card is used to store system images, boot images, and configuration files.


              Because some platforms, such as the Cisco 3600 series and Cisco the 7000 family, can boot images and load configuration files from several locations, these systems use special ROM monitor environment variables to specify the location and filename of images and configuration files that the router is to use for various functions.

              Ma ny Cisco routers load the system image from flash storage into RAM in order to run the Cisco IOS. However, some platforms, such as the Cisco 1600 Series and Cisco 2500 Series, execute the Cisco IOS operation system directly from Flash memory. These platforms are run-from-Flash memory systems.

              If you want to partition Flash memory, you must use a relocatable image. Relocatable images can be run from any location in Flash and can download images to any location. If you are upgrading from a nonrelocatable image to a relocatable image, you must erase Flash memory during the download so that the image is downloaded as the first file in Flash memory. All images for run-from-Flash platforms from Cisco IOS Release 11.0 and later are relocatable. See the “ Image Naming Conventions ” section in the “Loading and Maintaining System Images” chapter to determine if your images are run-from-Flash images or are relocatable.

              Flash memory provides write protection against accidental erasing or reprogramming. Some platforms have a write-protect jumper which can be removed to prevent reprogramming of Flash memory. You must install the jumper when programming is required. Some platforms have write protect switched on Flash memory cards that you can use to protect data. You must set the switch to unprotected to write data to the Flash memory card. Refer to your hardware documentation for information on security jumpers and write protect switches.


              The internal Flash and Flash memory cards of a system cannot be used as a contiguous bank of Flash memory.

              Partition of Flash Memory

              On most Class B Flash file systems, you can partition banks of Flash memory into separate, logical devices so that the router can hold and maintain two or more different software images. This partitioning allows you to write software into Flash memory while running software in another bank of Flash memory.

              Systems that Support Partitioning

              To partition Flash memory, you must have at least two banks of Flash memory; a bank is a set of 4 chips. This requirement includes systems that support a single SIMM that has two banks of Flash memory. The minimum partition size is the size of a bank.


              The CiscoFlash MIB variables support partitioned Flash.

              Benefits of Partitioning Flash Memory

              Partitioning Flash memory provides the following benefits:

              • For any system, partitioning--rather than having one logical Flash memory device--provides a cleaner way of managing different files in Flash memory, especially if the Flash memory size is large.

              • For systems that execute code out of Flash memory, partitioning allows you to download a new image into the file system in one Flash memory bank while an image is being executed from the file system in the other bank. The download is simple and causes no network disruption or downtime. After the download is complete, you can switch over to the new image at a convenient time.

              • One system can hold two different images, one image acting as a backup for the other. Therefore, if a downloaded image fails to boot for some reason, the earlier running, good image is still available. Each bank is treated as a separate device.

              Flash Load Helper Versus Dual Flash Bank

              Flash load helper is a software option that enables you to upgrade system s oftware on run-from-Flash systems that have a single bank of Flash memory. It is a lower-cost software upgrade solution than dual-bank Flash, which requires two banks of Flash memory on one SIMM. Flash load helper is only available on run-from-Flash platforms, such as the Cisco 2500 series, Cisco 3000, and Cisco 5200.

              You might use Flash load helper rather than partitioning Flash into two banks for one of the following reasons:

              • If you want to download a new file into the same bank from which the current system image is executing.

              • If you want to download a file that is larger than the size of a bank, and hence want to switch to a single-bank mode.

              • If you have only one single-bank Flash SIMM installed. In this case, Flash load helper is the best option for upgrading your software.

              See the “Downloading Files Using the Flash Load Helper ” section for information about using Flash load helper.

              Use of the Flash Load Helper to Upgrade Software on Run-from-Flash Systems

              Flash load helper is a software option that enables you to upgrade system s oftware on run-from-Flash systems that have a single bank of Flash memory. It is a lower-cost software upgrade solution than dual-bank Flash, which requires two banks of Flash memory on one SIMM.

              The Flash load helper software upgrade process is simple and does not require additional hardware; however, it does require some brief network downtime. A system image running from Flash can use Flash load helper only if the boot ROMs support Flash load helper. Otherwise, you must perform the Flash upgrade manually.

              Flash load helper is an automated procedure that reloads the ROM-based image, downloads the software to Flash memory, and reboots to the system image in Flash memory. Flash load helper performs checks and validations to maximize the success of a Flash upgrade and minimize the chance of leaving Flash memory either in an erased state or with a file that cannot boot.

              In run-from-Flash systems, the software image is stored in and executed from the Flash EPROM rather than from RAM. This method reduces memory cost. A run-from-Flash system requires enough Flash EPROM to hold the image and enough main system RAM to hold the routing tables and data structures. The system does not need the same amount of main system RAM as a run-from-RAM system because the full image does not reside in RAM. Run-from-Flash systems include the Cisco 2500 series and some Cisco 3000 series.

              Flash Load Helper Features

              Flash load helper performs the following functions:

              • Confirms access to the specified source file on the specified server before erasing Flash memory and reloading to the ROM image for the actual upgrade.

              • Warns you if the image being downloaded is not appropriate for the system.

              • Prevents reloads to the ROM image for a Flash upgrade if the system is not set up for automatic booting and the user is not on the console terminal. In the event of a catastrophic failure during the upgrade, Flash load helper can bring up the boot ROM image as a last resort rather than forcing the system to wait at the ROM monitor prompt for input from the console terminal.

              • Retries Flash downloads automatically up to six times. The retry sequence is as follows:
                • First try
                • Immediate retry
                • Retry after 30 seconds
                • Reload ROM image and retry
                • Immediate retry
                • Retry after 30 seconds
              • Allows you to save any configuration changes made before you exit out of the system image.

              • Notifies users logged in to the system of the impending switch to the boot ROM image so that they do not lose their connections unexpectedly.

              • Logs console output during the Flash load helper operation into a buffer that is preserved through system reloads. You can retrieve the buffer contents from a running image. The output is useful when console access is unavailable or a failure occurs in the download operation.

              Flash load helper can also be used on systems with multiple banks of Flash memory that support Flash memory partitioning. Flash load helper enables you to download a new file into the same partition from which the system is executing an image.

              For information about how to partition multiple banks of Flash memory so your system can hold two different images, see the “Partitioning Flash Memory ” section.

              Allocation of DRAM Memory for the Cisco 3600 Series

              DRAM memory in Cisco 3600 series routers is organized as one contiguous address space divided between processor memory and I/O memory. Depending on the type and number of network interfaces you have configured in the router, you may need to reallocate the DRAM memory partitioned to processor memory and I/O memory.

              Cisco manufacturing configures most Cisco 3600 series routers to have 25 percent of the address space allocated to I/O memory and 75 percent allocated to processor memory. But for customer orders that require two or more ISDN PRI interfaces, DRAM memory is configured to provide 40 percent of the address space for I/O memory and 60 percent for processor memory. (See the figure below.) Cisco Systems performs these DRAM memory adjustments before it ships each router.

              Figure 1. Components and Uses of DRAM Memory for Cisco 3600 Series Routers


              Routers running two or more ISDN PRI interfaces or 12 or more ISDN BRI interfaces require a DRAM memory configuration of 40 percent I/O memory and 60 percent processor memory.

              However, there are cases where you may have to manually reallocate the DRAM memory split between processor memory and I/O memory after you have received a router from Cisco Systems.

              For example, suppose you receive a Cisco 3640 router with the following running configuration:

              • 2 Ethernet and 2 WAN interface card

              • 8-port ISDN BRI with an NT1 network module

              • IP feature set

              • 16 MB of DRAM memory (by default, processor memory = 75%, I/O memory = 25%)

              • 4 MB of Flash memory

              Later, however, you add a 4-port ISDN BRI network module to the router. You now have 12 ISDN BRI interfaces running on the router. At this point, you must use the memory-sizeiomem command to configure 40 percent of the address space for I/O memory and 60 percent for processor memory.

              Memory Scan on the Cisco 7500 Series

              On Cisco 7500 series routers (including 7000 series with the RSP7000 card upgrade), a memory scanning feature is available. This feature adds a low-priority background process that searches all installed dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) for possible parity errors. If errors are found in memory areas that are not in use, this feature attempts to scrub (remove) the errors. The time to complete one memory scan and scrub cycle can range from 10 minutes to several hours, depending on the amount of installed memory. The impact of the Memory Scan feature on the central processing unit (CPU) is minimal. The feature can be controlled and monitored with the new memoryscan and showmemoryscan command-line interface (CLI) commands.

              The Memory Scan feature does not discriminate against different information types in DRAM; that is, it perceives text, data, and heap information in the same way. The feature continues to work when a memory cell is busy, although it might respond differently to errors found in different areas. The feature responds to errors in one or more of the following ways:

              • A message is logged for all errors found. Each message contains an explanation of the error and suggests corrective action if applicable.

              • For errors in heap storage control blocks, attempts are made to scrub errors in the free blocks. If an error is scrubbed, no further action occurs, but there is an entry in the error log. If it is not scrubbed, the block that contains the error is linked to a bad-memory list which will not be allocated to users. If the memory block is large, the block is split and only a small portion containing the error is linked to a bad-memory list.

              • For errors in a busy block, or in other areas such as text or data, an error message is produced but no further action is taken, preventing damage to living data.

              How to Configure System Memory Parameters

              Displaying System Memory Information

              To display information about system memory, complete the tasks in this section

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    enable

                2.    show flash-filesystem : [all | chips |filesys]

                3.    show flash-filesystem : [partitionnumber ][all | chips | detailed | err | summary]

                4.    show flash-filesystem :

                5.    show file systems

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 enable

                Router> enable

                Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                • Enter your password if prompted.

                Step 2 show flash-filesystem : [all | chips |filesys]

                Router# show flash: chips

                Lists information about Flash memory for Class A file systems.

                Step 3 show flash-filesystem : [partitionnumber ][all | chips | detailed | err | summary]

                Router# show slot0: detailed

                Lists information about Flash memory for Class B file systems.

                Step 4 show flash-filesystem :

                Router# show slot1:

                Lists information about Flash memory for Class C file systems.

                Step 5 show file systems

                Router# show file system

                Lists the names of the file systems currently supported on the router.


                Partitioning Flash Memory

                To partition Flash memory, complete the tasks in this section.


                This task will succeed only if the system has at least two banks of Flash and the partitioning does not cause an existing file in Flash memory to be split across the partitions.

                For all platforms except the Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 series, Flash memory can only be partitioned into two partitions.

                For the Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 series, the number of partitions that you can create in a Flash memory device equals the number of banks in the device. Enter the showflash-filesystem:all command to view the number of banks on the Flash memory device. The number of partition size entries you set must be equal to the number of specified partitions. For example, the partitionslot0:288 command configures two partitions to be 8 MB in size each. The first 8 corresponds to the first partition; the second 8 corresponds to the second partition.

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    enable

                  2.    configure terminal

                  3.    partition flash partitions [size1 size2 ]

                  4.    partition flash-filesystem : [number-of-partitions ] [partition-size ]

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1 enable

                  Router> enable

                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                  • Enter your password if prompted.

                  Step 2 configure terminal

                  Router# configure terminal

                  Enters global configuration mode.

                  Step 3 partition flash partitions [size1 size2 ]

                  Router(config)# partition flash 2 4 4 

                  Partitions Flash memory.


                  To remove the partition, use thenopartition command.

                  Step 4 partition flash-filesystem : [number-of-partitions ] [partition-size ]

                  Router(config)# Router(config)# partition slot0: 2 8 8 

                  Partitions Flash memory on the Cisco 1600 and 3600 series.


                  Downloading Files Using the Flash Load Helper

                  To download a new file to Flash memory using Flash load helper, check to make sure that your boot ROMs support Flash load helper and then complete the tasks in this section:

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    enable

                    2.    Do one of the following:

                    • copy tftp: flash:
                    • copy rcp: flash:
                    • copy ftp: flash:

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 enable

                    Router> enable

                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                    • Enter your password if prompted.

                    Step 2Do one of the following:
                    • copy tftp: flash:
                    • copy rcp: flash:
                    • copy ftp: flash:

                    Router# copy tftp flash:

                    Loads the specified file to Flash memory.



                    The following error message displays if you are in a Telnet session and the system is set for manual booting (the boot bits in the configuration register are zero):

                    ERR: Config register boot bits set for manual booting

                    In case of any catastrophic failure in the Flash memory upgrade, this error message helps to minimize the chance of the system going down to ROM monitor mode and being taken out of the remote Telnet user’s control.

                    The system tries to bring up at least the boot ROM image if it cannot boot an image from Flash memory. Before reinitiating the copy:command, you must set the configuration register boot field to a nonzero value, using the config-register global configuration command.


                    The copy command initiates a series of prompts to which you must provide responses. The dialog is similar to the following:

                     copy tftp: flash:
                    *************************** NOTICE *******************************
                    Flash load helper v1.0
                    This process will accept the TFTP copy options and then terminate
                    the current system image to use the ROM based image for the copy. 
                    Router functionality will not be available during that time. If 
                    you are logged in via telnet, this connection will terminate. Users 
                    with console access can see the results of the copy operation.
                    There are active users logged into the system. 
                    Proceed? [confirm] y
                    System flash directory:
                    File Length  Name/status
                    1    2251320 abc/igs-kf.914
                    [2251384 bytes used, 1942920 available, 4194304 total]
                    Address or name of remote host []? 
                    Source file name? 
                    Destination file name [default = source name]?
                    Accessing file ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ on
                    Loading from
                    Erase flash device before writing? [confirm] n
                    File ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ already exists; it will be invalidated!
                    Invalidate existing copy of ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ in flash memory? [confirm] y
                    Copy ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ from TFTP server
                    as ‘abc/igs-kf.914’ into Flash WITHOUT erase? y
                    %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
                    FLH: rxboot/igs-kf.914r from to flash...

                    The Flash Load Helper operation verifies the request from the running image by trying to copy a single block from the remote server. Then the Flash load helper is executed, causing the system to reload to the ROM-based system image. If the file does not seem to be a valid image for the system, a warning is displayed and a separate confirmation is sought from you.

                    If the configuration has been modified but not yet saved, you are prompted to save the configuration:

                    System configuration has been modified. Save? [confirm]

                    Users with open Telnet connections are notified of the system reload, as follows:

                    **System going down for Flash upgrade**

                    Troubleshooting Tips

                    If the copy process fails, the copy operation is retried up to three times. If the failure happens in the middle of a copy operation so that only part of the file has been written to Flash memory, the retry does not erase Flash memory unless you specified an erase operation. The partly written file is marked as deleted, and a new file is opened with the same name. If Flash memory runs out of free space in this process, the copy operation is terminated.

                    After Flash load helper finishes copying (whether the copy operation is successful or not), it automatically attempts an automatic or a manual boot, depending on the value of bit zero of the configuration register boot field according to the following:

                    • If bit zero equals 0, the system attempts a default boot from Flash memory to load up the first bootable file in Flash memory. This default boot is equivalent to a manual bootflash command at the ROM monitor prompt.

                    • If bit zero equals 1, the system attempts to boot based on the boot configuration commands. If no boot configuration commands exist, the system attempts a default boot from Flash memory; that is, it attempts to load the first bootable file in Flash memory.

                    To view the system console output generated during the Flash load helper operation, use the image that has been booted up after the Flash memory upgrade. Enter the moreflh:logfilecommand in privileged EXEC mode.

                    If you are a remote Telnet user performing the Flash upgrade without a console connection, this task allows you to retrieve console output when your Telnet connection has terminated due to the switch to the ROM image. The output indicates what happened during the download, and is particularly useful if the download fails.

                    Formatting Flash Memory


                    On Class A and Class C Flash file systems, you can format Flash memory. Formatting erases all information in Flash memory.

                    On the Cisco 7000 family, you must format a new Flash memory card before using it in a PCMCIA slot.

                    Flash memory cards have sectors that can fail. You can reserve certain Flash memory sectors as “spares” for use when other sectors fail. Use the format command to specify between 0 and 16 sectors as spares. If you reserve a small number of spare sectors for emergencies, you do not waste space because you can use most of the Flash memory card. If you specify zero spare sectors and some sectors fail, you must reformat the Flash memory card and thereby erase all existing data.

                    The format operation requires at least Cisco IOS Release 11.0 system software.

                    Flash Memory Formatting Process


                    The following formatting procedure erases all information in Flash memory. To prevent the loss of important data, proceed carefully.

                    Use the following procedure to format Flash memory. If you are formatting internal Flash memory, such as bootflash, you can skip the first step. If you are formatting a Flash memory card, complete both steps:
                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    Insert the new Flash memory card into a PCMCIA slot. Refer to instructions on maintaining the router and replacing PCMCIA cards in your router’s hardware documentation for instructions on performing this step.

                      2.    Enter the format [spare spare-number ] device1: [[device2:][monlib-filename ]]command to format Flash memory.

                    DETAILED STEPS
                      Step 1   Insert the new Flash memory card into a PCMCIA slot. Refer to instructions on maintaining the router and replacing PCMCIA cards in your router’s hardware documentation for instructions on performing this step.
                      Step 2   Enter the format [spare spare-number ] device1: [[device2:][monlib-filename ]]command to format Flash memory.


                      The following example shows the format command that formats a Flash memory card inserted in slot 0.

                      Router# format slot0:
                      Running config file on this device, proceed? [confirm]y
                      All sectors will be erased, proceed? [confirm]y
                      Enter volume id (up to 31 characters): <Return>
                      Formatting sector 1 (erasing)
                      Format device slot0 completed

                      Recovering from Locked Blocks


                      To recover from locked blocks, reformat the Flash memory card. A locked block of Flash memory occurs when power is lost or a Flash memory card is unplugged during a write or erase operation. When a block of Flash memory is locked, it cannot be written to or erased, and the operation will consistently fail at a particular block location. The only way to recover from locked blocks is by reformatting the Flash memory card with the format command.


                      Formatting a Flash memory card to recover from locked blocks will cause existing data to be lost.

                      To view your current mix of processor and I/O memory and reassign memory distribution accordingly, complete the tasks in this section:

                      SUMMARY STEPS

                        1.    enable

                        2.    show version

                        3.    show memory

                        4.    configure terminal

                        5.    memory-size iomem I/O-memory-percentage

                        6.    exit

                        7.    copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

                        8.    reload

                      DETAILED STEPS
                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1 enable

                        Router> enable

                        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                        • Enter your password if prompted.

                        Step 2 show version

                        Router# show version

                        Displays the total amount of memory loaded on the router.

                        Step 3 show memory

                        Router# show memory

                        Displays the amount of free memory.


                        The Free(b) column in the show memory command’s output shows how much I/O memory is available.

                        Step 4 configure terminal

                        Router# configure terminal

                        Enters global configuration mode.

                        Step 5 memory-size iomem I/O-memory-percentage

                        Router(config)# memory-size iomem 50

                        Allocates processor memory and I/O memory.


                        The default is 40 percent for I/O memory and 60 percent for processor memory

                        Step 6 exit

                        Router(config)# exit

                        Exits global configuration mode.

                        Step 7 copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

                        Router# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

                        Saves the configuration to NVRAM.

                        Step 8 reload

                        Router# reload

                        Reloads the router to run the new image.

                        Troubleshooting Tips

                        Valid I/O memory percentage values are 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 (the default), and 50. I/O memory size is the specified percentage of total memory size, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 1 MB. A minimum of 4 MB of memory is required for I/O memory. The remaining memory is processor memory.

                        The memory-sizeiomem command does not take effect until you save it to NVRAM using the copysystem:running-confignvram:startup-config EXEC command and reload the router. However, when you enter the command, the software checks whether the new memory distribution leaves enough processor memory for the currently running Cisco IOS image. If not, the following message appears:

                        Warning: Attempting a memory partition that does not provid
                        e enough Processor memory for the current image.If you write memory now, this version of so
                        ftware may not be able to run.

                        When you enter the reload command to run a new image, the software calculates the new processor and I/O memory split. If there is not enough processor memory, it automatically reduces I/O memory to an alternative setting to load the image. If there is still not enough processor memory for the image to run, then you do not have enough DRAM.


                        The following example allocates 40 percent of DRAM to I/O memory and the remaining 60 percent to processor memory. The example views the current allocation of memory, changes the allocation, saves the allocation, and reloads the router so the changes can take effect. In the showmemorycommand output, the Free(b) column shows how much I/O memory is available:

                        Router# show memory
                                       Head   Total(b)    Used(b)    Free(b)  Lowest(b) Largest(b)
                        Processor  60913730    3066064     970420    2095644    2090736    2090892
                              I/O    C00000    4194304    1382712    2811592    2811592    2805492
                        Router# configure terminal
                        Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
                        Router(config)# memory-size iomem 40
                        Router(config)# exit
                        Router# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
                        Building configuration...
                        Router# reload
                        rommon > boot
                        program load complete, entry point: 0x80008000, size: 0x32ea24
                        Self decompressing the image : ###################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### [OK]

                        Configuring and Verifying Memory Scan on the Cisco 7500 Series

                        To configure and verify memory scan on the Cisco 7500 series router, complete the tasks in this section:

                        SUMMARY STEPS

                          1.    Use the memoryscan command in global configuration mode to enable the feature.

                          2.    Use the moresystem:running-configuration command in privileged EXEC mode to verify that memory scan appears in the running configuration.

                          3.    Use the showmemoryscancommand to monitor the number and type of parity errors on your system.

                        DETAILED STEPS
                          Step 1   Use the memoryscan command in global configuration mode to enable the feature.
                          Step 2   Use the moresystem:running-configuration command in privileged EXEC mode to verify that memory scan appears in the running configuration.
                          Step 3   Use the showmemoryscancommand to monitor the number and type of parity errors on your system.


                          Use the showmemoryscan command in privileged EXEC mode. In the following example, the feature is enabled and no parity errors are found:

                          Router# show memory scan
                          Memory scan is on.
                          No parity error has been detected.

                          If the Memory Scan feature has not been configured, or has been turned off, the showmemoryscan command generates a report. In the following example, Memory Scan is turned off:

                          Router# show memory scan
                          Memory scan is off
                          No parity error has been detected.

                          If errors are detected in the system, the showmemoryscan command generates an error report. In the following example, Memory Scan detected a parity error:

                          Router# show memory scan
                          Memory scan is on.
                          Total Parity Errors 1.
                          Address BlockPtr BlckSize Disposit   Region Timestamp
                          6115ABCD 60D5D090   9517A4  Scrubed    Local 16:57:09 UTC Thu Mar 18
                          Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)