Dynamic Domain Name Server Updates

This chapter discusses DNS update methods and Server Address assignment, and provides configuration details of those features.

This chapter contains the following sections:

IP Reachability

Configuring IP Reachability

DNS Server Address Assignment

Support DNS Remapping on Home Agent

DNS Redirection with Monitoring


IP Reachability

TIA/EIA/IS-835-D describes dynamic DNS update method by the home AAA server and the Home Agent. DNS update by AAA is applicable to both Simple IP and Mobile IP service, while DNS update by the Home Agent is only applicable to Mobile IP service. The following describes the IP Reachability feature on Home Agent.

When the HA receives an initial Registration Request it sends a RADIUS Access-Request to the Home RADIUS server. If the RADIUS server is configured to request Home Agent-based DNS updates, the Home RADIUS server will include the DNS-Update-Required attribute in the RADIUS Access-Accept message returned to the HA. If the initial Mobile IP registration is successful, the HA sends a DNS Update message to the DNS server to add an A Resource Record for the MS. The HA sends a DNS Update message to the primary and secondary DNS server, if present.

When the HA receives a Mobile IP RRQ with lifetime timer set to zero, or the Mobile IP lifetime expires, or administrative operations invalidate the mobility binding for the MS, the Home Agent will send a DNS Update message to DNS server to delete the associated Resource Record. The following commands will enable the IP Reachability feature on Home Agent for the specified realm.

Note DNS updates are not sent for each Re-registration.

Note This feature is supported for Proxy Mobile IP flows as well.

The following call flow describes the IP Reachability on Home Agent - mobile registration scenario:

1. Home Agent receives a registration request from the PDSN/FA.

2. Home Agent sends an access request to RADIUS Server. The HA includes DNS Server Update Capability VSA.

3. The RADIUS server sends access accept with DNS Update Required VSA.

4. The HA sends Registration response to the PDSN/FA. If the HA is configured for redundancy, the active Home Agent will sync the binding creation to the standby Home Agent.

5. The HA creates a binding, and sends DNS Update request message to DNS Server

6. The DNS Server creates a DNS entry for the NAI, and sends DNS Update response message to the HA.

The following call flow describes the IP Reachability on Home Agent - Mobile deregistration scenario:

1. Home Agent receives a registration request with lifetime zero from PDSN/FA.

2. Home Agent sends an access request to RADIUS Server, if SA is not stored locally (optional).

3. RADIUS Server sends access accept (optional).

4. Home Agent deletes the binding. Home Agent sends Registration response to PDSN/FA. If Home Agent is configured for redundancy, the active Home Agent will sync the binding deletion to standby Home Agent.

5. Home Agent sends DNS Update request message to DNS Server, to delete the DNS entry.

6. DNS Server deletes the DNS entry for the NAI. DNS Server sends DNS Update response message to Home Agent.

Configuring IP Reachability

To enable this feature for the specified realm, issue the following commands:


Step 1 

Router(config)# ip name-server x.x.x.x

Specifies the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution.

Step 2 

Router(config)# ip mobile realm @ispxyz1.com dns dynamic-update method word

Enables the DNS Update procedure for the specified realm. word is the dynamic DNS update method name.

Step 3 

Router(config)# ip mobile realm realm dns server primary dns server address secondary dns server address

Enables you to locally configure the DNS Server address.

To verify that this feature is enabled for a binding, use the following command:


Step 1 

Router# show ip mobile binding

Displays the mobility binding table.

The following example illustrates the realm configuration for IP reachability:

ip ddns update method sit-ha2-ddns2
 DDNS both
ip mobile realm @ispxyz2.com dns dynamic-update method sit-ha2-ddns2

DNS Server Address Assignment

IS835D defines a method to push the home DNS server address to a mobile as an NVSE in a mobileip registration response. This procedure allows the Mobile Station to learn the primary and secondary DNS server address of its home domain.

The RADIUS server will include DNS Server VSA in an access response to the HA during mobile authentication. The HA forms a DNS server NVSE from the DNS Server VSA and adds it to mobileip registration response. If the DNS Server VSA is not received at the time of authentication, and DNS server address is configured locally on the Home Agent will form a DNS server NVSE from the local configuration and add it to mobileip registration response.

The DNS Server VSA and DNS Server NVSE carry primary and secondary DNS IP addresses.

DNS Server VSA will be synced to the standby if the HA is deployed in redundant mode.

To enable this feature for the specified realm, issue the following commands:

ip mobile realm realm dns server assign

ip name-server x.x.x.x

To locally configure the DNS Server address, issue the following command:

ip mobile realm realm dns server primary dns server address secondary dns server address

To verify that this feature is enabled for a binding, use the show ip mobile binding command.

Note If the DNS server address is configured both locally and downloaded from AAA, then preference will be given to the local configuration on the HA.

Support DNS Remapping on Home Agent

In Cisco Mobile Wireless Home Agent Release 5.0, the Home Agent supports Stateful NAT capability with scaling to the number of subscribers supported by the Home Agent. This involves matching to a specific protocol and port so that DNS requests from a user can be recognized. Once recognized, the destination IP address is modified so that the DNS request is sent to the IP address defined by the operator. Similarly, the response has a source IP address of the DNS server that responded to the request. This is then mapped back to the original address used by the subscriber.

MN is initially configured with a DNS server IP address of the visited network during session setup. Later, MN tries to resolve hostname by sending DNS message to this IP address which cannot reach the destination via the home network (i.e. reverse tunneled to the HA). In order to address this issue, in HA 5.0, "DNS remapping" feature is added.

DNS Redirection with Monitoring

One problem with DNS remapping is when the primary DNS server fails, the DNS query is not redirected on the secondary DNS server configured on the HA. Additionally, the HA does not use a NAT configuration for remapping the destination address of the DNS query to the configured DNS address on the HA.

The DNS Redirection feature, on the top of the existing DNS Remapping functionality, enables the Home Agent to support Stateful NAT capability with scaling to the number of subscribers supported by the Home Agent.

As part of this feature support, the HA now takes care of remapping the destination address as well as DNS servers monitoring for their availability. The HA rewrites the destination IP address of the DNS messages from the MN to a configured IP address of the primary or secondary DNS server, depending on which one is available. If both primary and secondary DNS are available, the primary will play the role of active DNS. If the primary DNS server is unavailable, the HA starts remapping the destination IP address to the secondary DNS server configured on the HA.

This solution solves the potential problem of when a primary DNS server fails; the DNS query needs to be redirected on the secondary DNS server configured on the HA.

The HA uses the functionality of IP SLA to detect the availability of the primary and secondary DNS server from the Home Agent. Since the IP SLA only informs the CP about the connectivity of the monitored node, the CP informs all of the TPs (through IPC) about the connectivity which the CP has received from IP SLA.

If the HA finds the primary DNS server is available, the primary DNS server is used as an active DNS server and used for remapping the DNS queries coming from the FA on the tunnel. If primary DNS server is down, the secondary DNS server is used as an active DNS server for remapping DNS queries. In case when both primary and secondary DNS servers are reachable from the Home Agent, the primary server is used for DNS remapping. Additionally, if the secondary DNS server is the active DNS server, and the primary DNS server comes up or connectivity resumes with the Home Agent, the primary DNS server takes over the role of active DNS server again.

Here are some important considerations about this feature:

When switchover occurs, all pending DNS queries that are awaiting responses at the HA from the DNS server are lost on the new, active HA. Mobile nodes need to resend DNS query in this scenario.

If the destination address of the DNS query matches with the addresses of the DNS servers configured on the HA, DNS redirection does not come into picture, and the HA treats this packet as a normal data packet.

There is no need to use a NAT configuration for DNS redirection.

To enable realm-based DNS Redirection perform the following tasks;


Step 1 

Router(config)# ip mobile realm word dns server primary DNS ip secondary DNS ip

Configures the primary and secondary DNS server for a realm.

Step 2 

Router(config)# ip mobile realm word dns server redirect {all}

Enables the DNS redirection feature for this realm.

Behavior of Above Two Commands:

If ip mobile realm word dns server redirect {all}is configured before ip mobile realm word dns server primary DNS ip secondary DNS ip, the HA will display the following error message.

Error Message    Error: Primary and Secondary DNS not configured for realm

Since DNS redirection feature is realm based therefore only "@" or "@domain" will be valid realm. E.g xyz@domain, xyz or xyz@ will not be a valid realm option. In case of an error, the HA will display the following error message:

Error Message    DNS Redirection is allowed for realm only (e.g. @word)

If no command to unconfigure the primary DNS server and secondary DNS server is run for a particular realm, this will automatically disable DNS redirection for that realm.

When unconfiguring the DNS redirection feature using the no version of the ip mobile realm word dns server redirect command, it will not remove the existing binding for that realm from the HA. Only the DNS redirection feature will be disabled

To enable DNS servers monitoring for their availability, configure the following IP SLA CLIs. This set of IP SLA configuration commands are required for all the DNS server nodes which need to be monitored by the HA. These IP SLA commands are existing commands that are available in all 7600 series routers.


Step 1 

Router(config)# ip sla ipsla-number

icmp-echo ip-addr

frequency freq

Assigns a IPSLA number, and configures and IP address that needs to be monitored.

Step 2 

Router(config)# ip sla reaction-configuration ipsla-number react timeout threshold-type immediate action-type trapAndTrigger

Configures the IP sla to notify if the above configured DNS server is not available.

Step 3 

router(config)#ip sla reaction-configuration ipsla-number react connectionLoss threshold-type immediate action-type trapAndTrigger

Configures ip sla to notify if the above configured DNS server is available.

Step 4 

router(config)#ip sla enable reaction-alerts

Configures the ip sla to generate notification for availability and unavailability of DNS servers configured above.

Step 5 

router(config)#ip sla sch ipsla-number start-time now life forever

Configures the ip sla to start monitoring configure DNS server configured above.


ipsla-number—IP SLA number that has been assigned for checking the DNS server.

ip-addr—The IP address of the DNS server.

freq—The frequency of the probe in seconds (default 60).

DNS Query Matching PDNS or SDNS

This section explains the redirection behavior when the DNS query matches either the configured PDNS or SDNS.

Requests matching PDNS:

If the DNS request matches the PDNS and if it is alive, then that request is skipped. But if PDNS is down, then the request is redirected to SDNS, if it is active. Otherwise the request is ignored (treated as a normal data packet).

Requests matching SDNS:

The behavior pertaining to requests matching SDNS is controlled through the configuration CLI. The following is the CLI used to configure DNS redirect:

ip mobile realm @realm dns server redirect {all}

When redirect alone is configured, the requests that are sent to SDNS are not redirected, if it is up. They are sent to SDNS server only. Other DNS requests are redirected to PDNS.

When redirect all is configured, all the DNS requests (including the requests that are matching the configured SDNS IP) are redirected to PDNS.

Monitor DNS servers Through IP SLA

Whenever IP SLA detects a connection loss or a connection up event with any of the configured primary and secondary DNS servers, it invokes the registry API on the CP. When the CP gets the notification, it notifies all of the TPs through IPC about this event. When the TPs get this notification from the CP, it sets the active DNS between the primary DNS and secondary DNS.

DNS Redirection supports redundancy. After a switchover, when HA becomes active, it starts monitoring the configured DNS servers for their availability. When any DNS query comes it is remapped to the configured DNS server on the HA.

The only limitation is when a switchover occurs, all pending DNS queries that are awaiting DNS responses at the HA will be lost on the new, active HA. The mobile nodes need to resend a DNS query in this scenario.


The following example illustrates how to configure a User profile for DNS:

[ //localhost/Radius/Profiles/mwts-mip-r20sit-haslb1-prof/Attributes ]
    CDMA-DNS-Server-IP-Address = 01:06:0A:4D:9B:0A:02:06:0A:4D:9B:09:03:03:01:04:03:01
    CDMA-DNS-Update-Required = "HA does need to send DNS Update"
    CDMA-HA-IP-Addr =
    CDMA-MN-HA-Shared-Key = ciscociscociscoc
    CDMA-MN-HA-SPI = 00:00:10:01
    CDMA-Reverse-Tunnel-Spec = "Reverse tunneling is required"
    class = "Entering the World of Mobile IP-3"
    Service-Type = Framed

Here is a sample configuration of the DNS server address assignment realm:

ip mobile realm @ispxyz2.com dns server
ip mobile realm @ispxyz2.com dns server assign

The following example illustrates how to configure the same in AR user profile:

set  CDMA-DNS-Server-IP-Address 01:06:0A:4D:9B:0A:02:06:0A:4D:9B:09:03:03:01:04:03:01 

The ones marked in bold text are primary and secondary DNS server address.

Here is a sample configuration of both IP Reachability and DNS Server Address Assignment:

ha2#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 10649 bytes
! Last configuration change at 22:45:21 UTC Fri Nov 11 2005
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
service internal
service udp-small-servers
hostname tb1-6513-ha2
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius MOT
 server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
aaa authentication ppp default local group MOT
aaa authorization config-commands
aaa authorization ipmobile default group MOT 
aaa authorization network default group MOT 
aaa authorization configuration default group MOT 
aaa accounting session-duration ntp-adjusted
aaa accounting update newinfo periodic 3
aaa accounting network ha start-stop group MOT
aaa accounting system default start-stop group MOT
aaa server radius dynamic-author
 server-key cisco
aaa session-id common
resource policy
ip subnet-zero
no ip gratuitous-arps
ip cef    
ip dfp agent ipmobile
 port 400
 interval 15
ip ftp source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10
ip ftp username root
ip ftp password pdsnmwg
no ip domain lookup
ip name-server
ip name-server
ip name-server
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
no ip dhcp conflict logging
ip dhcp ping packets 0
ip dhcp pool Subnet-Pool1
   utilization mark high 75
   utilization mark low 25
   origin dhcp subnet size initial /30 autogrow /30
ip vrf forwarding
ip vrf ispxyz
ip vrf ispxyz-vrf1
 rd 100:1
ip vrf ispxyz-vrf2
 rd 100:2
ip ddns update method sit-ha2-ddns1
 DDNS both
ip ddns update method sit-ha2-ddns2
 DDNS both
vpdn enable
vpdn ip udp ignore checksum
vpdn-group testsip1-l2tp
! Default L2TP VPDN group
! Default PPTP VPDN group
  protocol any
  virtual-template 1
 l2tp tunnel hello 0
username user-ha2 password 0 cisco
interface Tunnel10
 no ip address
 ip access-group 150 in
interface Loopback0
 ip address
interface Loopback1
 description address of the LNS server
 ip address
interface Loopback2
 ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache cef
 no ip route-cache
 no keepalive
 no cdp enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10
 description TFTP vlan
 encapsulation dot1Q 10
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 no snmp trap link-status
 no cdp enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.172
 description HAAA interface
 encapsulation dot1Q 172
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 no snmp trap link-status
 no cdp enable
 standby delay minimum 15 reload 15
 standby version 2
 standby 2 ip
 standby 2 follow sit-ha2
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.202
 description PI interface 
 encapsulation dot1Q 202
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 no snmp trap link-status
 no cdp enable
 standby delay minimum 15 reload 15
 standby version 2
 standby 2 ip
 standby 2 ip secondary
 standby 2 ip secondary
 standby 2 ip secondary
 standby 2 ip secondary
 standby 2 ip secondary
 standby 2 timers msec 750 msec 2250
 standby 2 priority 130
 standby 2 preempt delay minimum 180
 standby 2 name sit-ha2
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.205
 description REF interface 
 encapsulation dot1Q 205
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 no snmp trap link-status
 no cdp enable
 standby delay minimum 15 reload 15
 standby version 2
 standby 2 ip
 standby 2 follow sit-ha2
interface Virtual-Template1 
 description To be used by VPDN for PPP tunnel
 ip unnumbered Loopback1
 peer default ip address pool LNS-pool
 no keepalive
 ppp accm 0
 ppp authentication chap pap optional
 ppp accounting none
router mobile
ip local pool LNS-pool
ip local pool ispxyz-vrf1-pool
ip local pool mobilenodes
ip default-gateway
ip classless
ip route GigabitEthernet0/0.202
ip route
ip route
no ip http server
ip mobile debug include username
ip mobile home-agent template Tunnel10 address
ip mobile home-agent revocation timeout 5 retransmit 4
ip mobile home-agent dynamic-address
ip mobile home-agent accounting ha broadcast lifetime 3600 replay 8 suppress-unreachable 
unknown-ha deny
ip mobile home-agent redundancy sit-ha2 virtual-network address 
ip mobile radius disconnect
ip mobile virtual-network
ip mobile virtual-network
ip mobile host nai mwts-pmp-r20sit-base-user1@ispxyz1.com virtual-network aaa load-sa lifetime 600
ip mobile host nai @ispxyz2.com address pool local mobilenodes virtual-network aaa lifetime 180
ip mobile realm mwts-pmp-r20sit-base-user1@ispxyz1.com dns server
ip mobile realm mwts-pmp-r20sit-base-user1@ispxyz1.com dns server assign
ip mobile realm mwts-pmp-r20sit-base-user1@ispxyz1.com dns dynamic-update method 
ip mobile realm @ispxyz2.com vrf ispxyz-vrf2 ha-addr
ip mobile realm @ispxyz2.com dns server
ip mobile realm @ispxyz2.com dns server assign
ip mobile realm @ispxyz2.com dns dynamic-update method sit-ha2-ddns2
ip mobile secure foreign-agent spi 100 key ascii cisco replay 
timestamp within 7 algorithm md5 mode prefix-suffix
ip mobile secure foreign-agent spi 100 key ascii cisco replay 
timestamp within 5 algorithm md5 mode prefix-suffix
ip mobile secure home-agent spi 100 key ascii cisco replay 
timestamp within 7 algorithm md5 mode prefix-suffix
ip radius source-interface Loopback2 
no logging trap
logging source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.201
access-list 150 permit ip host host log
access-list 150 permit ip host host log
access-list 150 deny   ip any any log
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server community private RW
snmp-server trap-source Loopback0
snmp-server host version 2c private 
snmp-server host public 
no cdp run
radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req
radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req 
radius-server attribute 55 access-request include
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key 7 121A0C041104
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key cisco
radius-server retransmit 4
radius-server timeout 2
radius-server deadtime 5
radius-server key cisco
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius-server vsa send authentication
radius-server vsa send accounting 3gpp2
radius-server vsa send authentication 3gpp2
alias exec shc sh cdma pdsn 
alias exec ua undebug all
alias exec ui undebug ip packet
line con 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
line vty 0 4
 exec-timeout 0 0
line vty 5 15
 exec-timeout 0 0
