- access-expression through asptime
- bridge acquire through bstun route all apip
- certificate reload through csna
- default-profile through dspu vdlc start
- enable (TN3270) through lu termination
- mac-address through vsrb remote-peer netbios-output-list
- sap-priority through servercert
- show access-expression through show extended channel udp-stack
- show fras through shutdown (TN3270)
- sna enable-host (Token Ring, Ethernet, Frame Relay, FDDI) through source-bridge max-in-hops
- source-bridge max-out-hops through x25 pvc qllc
- Appendix: Ethernet Type Codes
- access-expression
- access-list
- access-list (extended-ibm)
- access-list (standard-ibm)
- access-list (type-code-ibm)
- adapter
- allocate lu
- alps a1-map a2-map
- alps alias
- alps ascu
- alps auto-reset
- alps circuit
- alps connection-type permanent
- alps default-circuit
- alps enable-alarms ascu
- alps enable-alarms circuit
- alps enable-alarms peer
- alps enable-ascu
- alps enable-circuit
- alps error-display
- alps host-hld host-link
- alps hostlink
- alps idle-timer
- alps keepalive
- alps lifetime-timer
- alps local-hld remote-hld
- alps local-peer
- alps matip-close-delay
- alps max-msg-length
- alps mpx
- alps n1
- alps n2
- alps n3
- alps poll-pause
- alps primary-peer
- alps remote-peer
- alps retry-option
- alps service-msg data-drop
- alps service-msg format
- alps service-msg status-change
- alps service-msg-interval
- alps service-msg-list
- alps service-msg-list number
- alps servlim
- alps t1
- alps t2
- alps translate
- alps update-circuit
- asp addr-offset
- asp broadcast-addr
- asp brdcast-address-mask
- asp dcd always
- asp direct
- asp enq
- asp eof-char
- asp ignore-sequence-number
- asp retries
- asp role
- asp rx-ift
- asp send ack
- asp sof-char
- asp timer
IBM Networking Commands
To define an access expression, use the access-expression command in interface configuration mode. To remove the access expression from the given interface, use the no form of this command.
access-expression {in | out} expression
no access-expression {in | out} expression
Syntax Description
Command Default
No access expression is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command in conjunction with the access-list command in interface configuration mode.
An access expression consists of a list of terms, separated by Boolean operators, and optionally grouped in parentheses.
An access expression term specifies a type of access list, followed by its name or number. The result of the term is either true or false, depending on whether the access list specified in the term permits or denies the frame.
Table 1 describes the terms that can be used.
Access expression terms are separated by Boolean operators, as listed in Table 2.
Terms can be grouped in parenthetical expressions. Any of the terms and operators can be placed in parentheses, similar to what is done in arithmetic expressions, to affect order of evaluation.
An "access-expression" type filter cannot exist with a "source-bridge" type filter on the same interface. The two types of filters are mutually exclusive.
Note The incorrect use of parentheses can drastically affect the result of an operation because the expression is read from left to right.
Related Commands
access-list |
Configures the access list mechanism for filtering frames by protocol type or vendor code. |
To configure the access list mechanism for filtering frames by protocol type or vendor code, use the access-list command in global configuration mode. To remove the single specified entry from the access list, use the no form of this command.
access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} {type-code wild-mask | address mask}
no access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} {type-code wild-mask | address mask}
Syntax Description
Command Default
No access list is configured.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
For a list of type codes, refer to Appendix: Ethernet Type Codes.
In the following example, the access list permits only Novell frames (LSAP 0xE0E0) and filters out all other frame types. This set of access lists would be applied to an interface via the source-bridge input-lsap list or source-bridge input-lsap list command (described later in this chapter).
access-list 201 permit 0xE0E0 0x0101
access-list 201 deny 0x0000 0xFFFF
Combine the DSAP/LSAP fields into one number to do LSAP filtering; for example, 0xE0E0—not 0xE0. Note that the deny condition specified in the preceding example is not required; access lists have an implicit deny as the last statement. Adding this statement can serve as a useful reminder, however.
The following access list filters out only SNAP type codes assigned to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) (0x6000 to 0x6007) and lets all other types pass. This set of access lists would be applied to an interface using the source-bridge input-type-list or source-bridge output-type-list command (described later in this chapter).
access-list 202 deny 0x6000 0x0007
access-list 202 permit 0x0000 0xFFFF
Note Use the last item of an access list to specify a default action; for example, to permit everything else or to deny everything else. If nothing else in the access list matches, the default action is to deny access; that is, filter out all other type codes.
Type code access lists will negatively affect system performance by greater than 30 percent. Therefore, we recommend that you keep the lists as short as possible and use wildcard bit masks whenever possible.
Related Commands
access-list (extended-ibm)
To provide extended access lists that allow more detailed access lists, use the access-list command in global configuration mode. These lists allow you to specify both source and destination addresses and arbitrary bytes in the packet.
access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} source source-mask destination destination-mask offset size operator operand
Syntax Description
Command Default
No extended access lists are established.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
After an access list is initially created, any subsequent additions (possibly entered from the terminal) are placed at the end of the list. In other words, you cannot selectively add or remove access list command lines from a specific access list.
An extended access list should not be used on FDDI interfaces that provide transit bridging.
There is not a no form for this command.
Note Due to their complexity, extended access lists should only be used by those who are very familiar with the Cisco IOS software. For example, to use extended access lists, it is important to understand how different encapsulations on different media would generally require different offset values to access particular fields.
The following example shows an extended access list. The first access-list command permits packets from MAC addresses 000c.1bxx.xxxx to any MAC address if the packet contains a value less than 0x55AA in the 2 bytes that begin 0x1e bytes into the packet. The seconds access-list command permits an NOP operation:
access-list 1102 permit 000c.1b00.0000 0000.00ff.ffff 0000.0000.0000 ffff.ffff.ffff 0x1e 2 lt 0x55aa
access-list 1101 permit 0000.0000.0000 ffff.ffff.ffff 0000.0000.0000 ffff.ffff.ffff
interface ethernet 0 bridge-group 3 output-pattern 1102
The following is sample output from the show interfaces crb command for the access list configured above:
Device# show interfaces crb
Bridged protocols on Ethernet0/3:
clns decnet vines apollo
novell xns
Software MAC address filter on Ethernet0/3
Hash Len Address Matches Act Type
0x00: 0 ffff.ffff.ffff 0 RCV Physical broadcast
0x00: 1 ffff.ffff.ffff 0 RCV Appletalk zone
0x2A: 0 0900.2b01.0001 0 RCV DEC spanning tree
0x49: 0 0000.0c36.7a45 0 RCV Interface MAC address
0xc0: 0 0100.0ccc.cccc 48 RCV CDP
0xc2: 0 0180.c200.0000 0 RCV IEEE spanning tree
0xF8: 0 0900.07ff.ffff 0 RCV Appletalk broadcast
Table 3 describes significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
access-list (standard-ibm)
To establish a MAC address access list, use the access-list command in global configuration mode. To remove access list, use the no form of this command.
access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} address mask
no access-list access-list-number
Syntax Description
Command Default
No MAC address access lists are established.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Configuring bridging access lists of type 700 may cause a momentary interruption of traffic flow.
The following example assumes that you want to disallow the bridging of Ethernet packets of all Sun workstations on Ethernet interface 1. Software assumes that all such hosts have Ethernet addresses with the vendor code 0800.2000.0000. The first line of the access list denies access to all Sun workstations, and the second line permits everything else. You then assign the access list to the input side of Ethernet interface 1.
access-list 700 deny 0800.2000.0000 0000.00FF.FFFF
access-list 700 permit 0000.0000.0000 FFFF.FFFF.FFFF
interface ethernet 1
bridge-group 1 input-address-list 700
Related Commands
access-list (type-code-ibm) |
Builds type-code access lists. |
access-list (type-code-ibm)
To build type-code access lists, use the access-list command in global configuration mode. To remove the access list, use the no form of this command.
access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} type-code wild-mask
no access-list access-list-number
Syntax Description
Command Default
No type-code access lists are built.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Type-code access lists can have negatively affect system performance; therefore, keep the lists as short as possible and use wildcard bit masks whenever possible.
Access lists are evaluated according to the following algorithm:
•If the packet is Ethernet Type II or SNAP, the type-code field is used.
•If the packet is another type, then the LSAP is used.
Packets are treated according to the following algorithm:
•If the length/type field is greater than 1500, the packet is treated as an Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) packet.
•If the length/type field is less than or equal to 1500, and the DSAP and SSAP fields are AAAA, the packet is treated using type-code filtering.
•If the length/type field is less than or equal to 1500, and the DSAP and SSAP fields are not AAAA, the packet is treated using Link Service Access Point (LSAP) filtering.
If the LSAP-code filtering is used, all SNAP and Ethernet Type II packets are bridged without obstruction. If type-code filtering is used, all LSAP packets are bridged without obstruction.
If you have both Ethernet Type II and LSAP packets on your network, you should set up access lists for both.
The following example shows how to permit only local-area transport (LAT) frames (type 0x6004) and filters out all other frame types:
access-list 201 permit 0x6004 0x0000
The following example shows how to filter out only type codes assigned to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) (0x6000 to 0x600F) and lets all other types pass:
access-list 202 deny 0x6000 0x000F
access-list 202 permit 0x0000 0xFFFF
Use the last item of an access list to specify a default action; for example, permit everything else or deny everything else. If nothing else in the access list matches, the default action is normally to deny access; that is, filter out all other type codes.
Related Commands
access-list (standard-ibm) |
Establishes MAC address access lists. |
To configure internal adapters, use the adapter command in internal LAN interface configuration submode. To remove an internal adapter, use the no form of this command.
adapter adapter-number [mac-address] [hsma-partner hsma-mac-address]
no adapter adapter-number [mac-address]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Internal LAN interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command is valid only on the virtual channel interface. Internal adapters are used to provide LAN gateway MAC addresses for the following CMCC adapter features: CSNA, Cisco Multipath Channel (CMPC), and TN3270 Server.
Up to 18 internal adapters can be configured on a CMCC adapter. Internal adapters are configured on internal LANs. The only limit to the number of internal adapters that you can configure on a single internal LAN is the limit of up to 18 total internal adapters per CMCC.
When an internal adapter configuration command is removed or an existing internal adapter is modified, the mac-address parameter is not required. In internal adapter configuration mode, the device prompt appears as follows:
Device(cfg-adap-type n-m)#
In this syntax, type is the internal LAN type, n is the LAN ID, and m is the adapter number.
HSMA is designed to allow redundant CMCC internal adapter MAC addresses in an Ethernet environment. Communication between the HSMA control adapters is used to ensure that only one of the adapters is active at a time.
The following example shows how to configure internal adapters 3 and 4 (with their corresponding MAC addresses) on the internal Token Ring LAN number 20, and internal adapter 1 on the internal Token Ring LAN number 10:
interface channel 1/2
lan tokenring 20
adapter 3 4000.7500.0003
adapter 4 4000.7500.0004
lan tokenring 10
source-bridge 100 1 100
adapter 1 4000.7500.1111
The following example shows how to configure internal adapter 9 to communicate with the HSMA partner at the MAC address 4043.3333.001a:
interface Channel1/2
lan TokenRing 20
source-bridge 310 3 100
adapter 9 4043.1313.9009 hsma-partner 4043.3333.001a
lan TokenRing 20
source-bridge 319 9 100
adapter 26 4043.1111.001a
hsma enable
Related Commands
allocate lu
To assign logical unit (LU)s to a pool, use the allocate lu command in listen-point physical unit (PU) configuration submode. To remove LUs assigned to a pool, use the no form of this command.
allocate lu lu-address pool poolname clusters count
no allocate lu lu-address pool poolname clusters count
Syntax Description
Command Default
No LUs are assigned to a pool.
Command Modes
Listen-point PU configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to the allocate lu command:
•The LUs assigned to a pool constitute a cluster. When multiple pools are configured, the LU ranges for different pools on the same PU must not overlap.
•A maximum of 255 LOCADDRs can be allocated to a pool. Configurations with invalid LOCADDRs are deleted. Overlapping LU ranges between different pools are invalid.
•The LOCADDR ranges must not overlap for multiple allocation statements and with existing ranges specified for client nailing statements.
•When LUs are allocated while LUs are in use, existing clients are allowed to complete their sessions unaffected.
In the following example, the starting LOCADDR is 10. Each cluster has 10 LOCADDRs, therefore 50 LOCADDRs are allocated to the pool name LOT1.
interface channel 0/2
pool LOT1 cluster layout 4s1p
pu PU1
allocate lu 10 pool LOT1 clusters 5
As a result of this configuration, the following LOCADDRs are created in each cluster:
•Cluster 1
–LOCADDR 10—Screen
–LOCADDR 11—Screen
–LOCADDR 12—Screen
–LOCADDR 13—Screen
–LOCADDR 14—Printer
•Cluster 2
–LOCADDR 15—Screen
–LOCADDR 16—Screen
–LOCADDR 17—Screen
–LOCADDR 18—Screen
–LOCADDR 19—Printer
All of the LUs in these clusters are allocated to pool LOT1.
Related Commands
alps a1-map a2-map
To specify the A1 and A2 logical agent-set control unit (ASCU) identification information, use the alps a1-map a2-map command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) ASCU configuration submode. To remove the specification of the A1 and A2 logical ASCU identification information, use the no form of this command.
alps a1-map a1-value a2-map a2-value
no alps a1-map a1-value a2-map a2-value
Syntax Description
Command Default
No A1 and A2 logical ASCU identification information is specified.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU submode
Command History
The following example specifies the A1 identification as 0x4C and the A2 identification as 0x20:
alps a1-map 4C a2-map 20
Related Commands
encapsulation uts |
Specifies that the P1024C UTS protocol will be used on the serial interface. |
alps alias
To specify that an airline link control (ALC) agent-set control unit (ASCU) is to operate in nonpolling mode, and to specify the parent ASCU interchange address to which this ASCU is aliased, use the alps alias command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) ASCU configuration submode. To return the ASCU to polled mode, use the no form of this command.
alps alias alias-interchange-address
no alps alias alias-interchange-address
Syntax Description
alias-interchange-address |
Specifies the interchange address of the polled (alias) ASCU with which to associate this non-polled ASCU. Valid range is between 41 and 7E, except 43, 44, 50 to 53, and 60. |
Command Default
If you do not specify the alps alias command, the ASCU functions in normal polled mode. You must specify the alps alias command to enable non-polled handling.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command applies only to ALC ASCUs.
By default, an ALC ASCU cannot send data to a remote device until it is polled by that device. However, you can use this command to configure non-polled ALC ASCUs.
A non-polled ASCU must be associated with another, polled ASCU, known as the alias ASCU. When a remote device polls the alias ASCU, the device accepts data from that ASCU and from all non-polled ASCUs associated with that ASCU. The non-polled ASCUs present the same characteristics to the host as the alias ASCU, so the current ASCU configuration is maintained.
This command does not impact the ALC send path or the circuit management code.
The following example sets the ALC ASCU with interchange address 4B to operate in nonpolling mode and sets 42 as the alias interchange address:
alps ascu 4B
alps alias 42
Related Commands
alps ascu |
Specifies a physical ASCU identity. |
show alps ascu |
Displays the status of the ALPS ASCU. |
alps ascu
To specify a physical agent-set control unit (ASCU) identity, use the alps ascu command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) ASCU configuration submode. To remove the ASCU from the interface and delete any messages queued for transmission to the ASCU or the network, use the no form of this command.
alps ascu id
no alps ascu id
Syntax Description
id |
ASCU identification. Valid range is from 41 to 7E, except 43, 44, 50 to 53, and 60. The Unisys Terminal System (UTS) valid range is from 21 to 4F. |
Command Default
No physical ASCU identity is specified.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If an ASCU already exists on the interface, the alps ascu command initiates the ALPS ASCU configuration submode for that ASCU. If the ASCU does not exist, an ASCU is created and the ALPS ASCU configuration submode is initiated.
The following example specifies the interchange address as 4B:
alps ascu 4B
Related Commands
alps auto-reset
To automatically reset a nonresponsive airline link control (ALC) agent-set control unit (ASCU) in the DOWN state, use the alps auto-reset command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) ASCU configuration submode. To disable the automatic reset, use the no form of this command.
alps auto-reset
no alps auto-reset
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Automatic ASCU reset is disabled by default.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command applies only to ALC ASCUs.
The following example shows how to configure automatic reset for all nonresponsive ASCUs in the DOWN state:
alps auto-reset
Related Commands
alps ascu |
Specifies a physical ASCU identity. |
encapsulation alc |
Specifies that the P1024B ALC protocol is used on the serial interface. |
alps circuit
To specify an Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit at the remote customer premises equipment (CPE) across a TCP/IP connection, use the alps circuit command in ALPS circuit configuration submode. To remove the circuit definition from the configuration, send a close message on the ALPS circuit, and delete any queued messages for the circuit, use the no form of this command.
alps circuit name
no alps circuit name
Syntax Description
name |
Name given to identify an ALPS circuit. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Entering this command causes a circuit control block to be created. The command also initiates the ALPS circuit configuration submode. If the circuit already exists, the only action is the initiation of the ALPS circuit configuration submode.
Note that this command is used to statically create an ALPS circuit at the remote CPE. ALPS X.25 circuits (at the central CPE) are always dynamically created and are never created using this command.
The following example specifies the name of the ALPS circuit at the remote CPE as CKT1:
alps circuit CKT1
Related Commands
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps connection-type permanent
To specify that this circuit should be established when the circuit is enabled, use the alps connection-type permanent command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit configuration submode. To remove the permanent activation behavior and return the behavior to the default dynamic activation, use the no form of this command.
alps connection-type permanent [retry-timer]
no alps connection-type permanent [retry-timer]
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default is 30 seconds.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
The following example specifies that the circuit is established when enabled and that the customer premises equipment (CPE) will retry the connection every 30 seconds in the event of a failure:
alps connection-type permanent 30
Related Commands
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps default-circuit
To specify the Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit that this agent-set control unit (ASCU) uses, use the alps default-circuit command in ALPS ASCU submode. To remove the default circuit specification, use the no form of this command.
alps default-circuit name
no alps default-circuit name
Syntax Description
name |
Name given to identify an ALPS circuit on the remote customer premises equipment (CPE). |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU submode
Command History
The following example shows how to specify that ALPS circuit to be used is CKT1:
alps default-circuit CKT1
Related Commands
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps enable-alarms ascu
To enable alarms for the Airline Product Set (ALPS) agent-set control unit (ASCU)s, use the alps enable-alarms ascu command in global configuration mode at the remote customer premises equipment (CPE). To disable alarms for the ALPS ASCUs, use the no form of this command.
alps enable-alarms ascu [interface id]
no alps enable-alarms ascu
Syntax Description
interface id |
(Optional) ASCU identifier. Enable alarms for the specified ASCU. |
Command Default
If no interface and interchange address combination is specified, then alarms (Syslog messages and SNMP traps) are enabled for all ALPS ASCUs.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If an interface and interchange address combination is specified, then the alarms are enabled only for the ASCU matching that combination. Up to eight alps enable-alarms ascu commands can be entered to allow a set of ALPS ASCUs to be monitored. ALPS ASCU alarms are generated only at the remote CPE.
The following example enables alarms for ALPS ASCU 42 on serial interface 1:
alps enable-alarms ascu Serial1 42
Related Commands
encapsulation uts |
Specifies that the P1024C UTS protocol will be used on the serial interface. |
alps enable-alarms circuit
To enable alarms for the Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuits, use the alps enable-alarms circuit command in global configuration mode. To remove the circuit definition from the configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps enable-alarms circuit [name]
no alps enable-alarms circuit [name]
Syntax Description
name |
(Optional) Name given to identify an ALPS circuit on the remote customer premises equipment (CPE). |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If a valid circuit name is specified, then the alarms are enabled only for the circuit matching the name. Up to eight alps enable-alarms circuit commands can be entered to allow a subset of ALPS circuits to be monitored. ALPS circuit alarms are generated at both the remote airline link control (ALC) CPE and the central (X.25) CPE.
The following example enables alarms for the ALPS circuit named CKT1:
alps enable alarms circuit CKT1
Related Commands
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps enable-alarms peer
To enable alarms for the Airline Product Set (ALPS) peers, use the alps enable-alarms peer command in global configuration mode. To remove the circuit definition from the configuration, send a close message on the ALPS circuit, and delete any queued messages for the circuit, use the no form of this command.
alps enable-alarms peer [ip-address]
no alps enable-alarms peer [ip-address]
Syntax Description
ip-address |
(Optional) IP address of the remote peer for which alarms are enabled. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If an IP address is specified, then the alarms are enabled only for the remote peer matching the IP address. Up to eight alps enable-alarms peer commands can be entered to allow a set of ALPS peers to be monitored. ALPS peer alarms are generated at both the remote and the central customer premises equipment (CPE).
The following example enables alarms for the ALPS peer at IP address
alps enable alarms peer
Related Commands
show alps peers |
Displays the status of the ALPS partner peers. |
alps enable-ascu
To move the previously defined agent-set control unit (ASCU) from the inactive poll list to the active poll list, use the alps enable-ascu command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) ASCU configuration submode. This move results in the protocol handler polling the ASCU and rendering it ready for handling terminal traffic. To remove the ASCU from the active poll list to the inactive poll list, use the no form of this command. This action prevents the ASCU from being polled, rendering it not ready for handling terminal traffic.
alps enable-ascu
no alps enable-ascu
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU submode
Command History
The following example moves the ASCU to the active poll list:
alps enable-ascu
Related Commands
encapsulation uts |
Specifies that the P1024C UTS protocol will be used on the serial interface. |
alps enable-circuit
To enable the circuit to be activated when data is received from an agent-set control unit (ASCU), use the alps enable-circuit command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit configuration submode. To disable the circuit, use the no form of this command.
alps enable-circuit
no alps enable-circuit
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
The circuit is disabled by default.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
The following example specifies the circuit to be activated when data is received from an ASCU:
alps enable-circuit
Related Commands
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps error-display
To specify where error messages about service availability or network problems are displayed, use the alps error-display command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) agent-set control unit (ASCU) configuration submode. To return to the default values, use the no form of this command.
alps error-display number1 number2
no alps error-display number1 number2
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default terminal address for P1024B ALC is 0x72.
The default screen line for P1024B ALC is 0x20.
The default line number for P1024C UTS is 0x37.
The default column number for P1024C UTS is 0x20.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU submode
Command History
The following example specifies that error messages are displayed at terminal address 6d, on screen line number 78:
alps error-display 6d 78
Related Commands
encapsulation uts |
Specifies that the P1024C UTS protocol will be used on the serial interface. |
alps host-hld host-link
To enable Airline Product Set (ALPS) on the X.25 interface, use the alps host-hld host-link command in interface configuration mode. To disable ALPS on the X.25 interface, use the no form of this command.
alps host-hld hld host-link number {ax25 [damp-tmr value] | emtox x.121 [pseudo-conv]} [life-tmr value] [reply-tmr value]
no alps host-hld hld host-link number {{ax25 [damp-tmr value]} | {emtox x.121 [pseudo-conv]}} [life-tmr value] [reply-tmr value]
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default damping timer value is 10 seconds.
The default no-reply timer value is 60 seconds.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following example shows how to enable ALPS on the X.25 interface:
alps host-hld 1 host-link 1 emtox
alps hostlink
To specify information required to establish an X.25 virtual circuit at the central customer premises equipment (CPE), use the alps hostlink command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit configuration submode. To remove the circuit definition from the configuration, send a close message on the ALPS circuit, and delete any queued messages for the circuit, use the no form of this command.
alps hostlink number {ax25 lcn | emtox x121-address} [winout val1] [winin val2] [ops val3] [ips val4]
no alps hostlink number {ax25 lcn | emtox x121-address} [winout val1] [winin val2] [ops val3] [ips val4]
Syntax Description
Command Default
If no values are specified, the default values at the X.25-attached central CPE are used.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
The following example establishes an X.25 virtual circuit at the central CPE. The configuration specifies airline X.25 implementation. The host CPE interface is 3, the local channel number for airline X.25 connections is 120, and the X.25 send window is 3.
alps hostlink 3 ax25 120 winout 3 winin 3
Related Commands
alps auto-reset |
Automatically resets a nonresponsive ALC ASCU in the DOWN state. |
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps idle-timer
To specify (for dynamic circuits) the length of time that can elapse before an idle circuit is disabled, use the alps idle-timer command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit configuration submode. To return to the default idle-timer value, use the no form of this command.
alps idle-timer timer
no alps idle-timer timer
Syntax Description
timer |
Length of time that can elapse before an idle circuit is brought down. The range is from 10 to 600 seconds. The default is 60 seconds. |
Command Default
The default length of time that can elapse before an idle circuit is brought down is 60 seconds.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
The following example specifies that an idle circuit is maintained for 90 seconds before it is disabled:
alps idle-timer 90
Related Commands
alps auto-reset |
Automatically resets a nonresponsive ALC ASCU in the DOWN state. |
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps keepalive
To enable TCP keepalives for Airline Product Set (ALPS) TCP peer connections, use the alps keepalive command in global configuration mode. A TCP keepalive request will be sent to the remote peer if the TCP connection to the remote peer is silent for a time period larger than the interval specified. The TCP connection to the ALPS host will be closed when a count equal to the retry count specified is missed consecutively. To disable keepalives for ALPS, use the no form of this command.
alps keepalive [interval time] [retry count]
no alps keepalive [interval time] [retry count]
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default keepalive interval is 30 seconds.
The default retry count is 3.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
The following example specifies that a TCP keepalive request will be sent to the remote peer if the TCP peer connection is idle for 60 seconds. The connection will be closed after three consecutive keepalive requests are sent.
alps keepalive interval 60 retry 8
Related Commands
alps local-peer |
Specifies the IP address of the local peer. |
alps lifetime-timer
To specify how long messages can be queued in the Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit queue awaiting transmission to the central customer premises equipment (CPE), use the alps lifetime-timer command in ALPS circuit configuration submode. To return to the default lifetime-timer value, use the no form of this command.
alps lifetime-timer timer
no alps lifetime-timer timer
Syntax Description
timer |
Length of time, in seconds, that a message can be queued. The range is from 1 to 20 seconds. The default is 4 seconds. |
Command Default
The default length of time that a message can be queued in the ALPS circuit queue is 4 seconds.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Messages that exceed the timer limit are discarded.
The following example specifies that a message remains in the ALPS circuit queue for no longer than 3 seconds:
alps lifetime-timer 3
Related Commands
alps auto-reset |
Automatically resets a nonresponsive ALC ASCU in the DOWN state. |
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps local-hld remote-hld
To specify the local and remote high-level designator (HLD)s to use for this Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit, use the alps local-hld remote-hld command in ALPS circuit configuration submode. To remove the definition from the configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps local-hld loc-hld remote-hld rem-hld
no alps local-hld loc-hld remote-hld rem-hld
Syntax Description
loc-hld |
Local HLD to use for ALPS circuit. Hexadecimal number in the range from 1 to FFFF. |
rem-hld |
Remote HLD to use for ALPS circuit. Hexadecimal number in the range from 1 to FFFF. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The remote-hld keyword is not applicable for ALPS with MATIP.
The following example specifies the local HLD as 4B10:
alps local-hld 4B10
Related Commands
alps auto-reset |
Automatically resets a nonresponsive airline link control (ALC) ASCU in the DOWN state. |
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps local-peer
To specify the IP address of the local peer, use the alps local-peer command in global configuration mode. To remove all subsequent Airline Product Set (ALPS) configuration commands from the device, use the no form of this command.
alps local-peer ip-address [promiscuous]
no alps local-peer ip-address [promiscuous]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
The following example specifies the local peer IP address as and specifies that the CPE accepts incoming TCP connections from any CPE:
alps local-peer promiscuous
Related Commands
show alps peers |
Displays the status of the ALPS partner peers. |
alps matip-close-delay
To specify the interval between the closing and reopening of mapping of airline traffic over IP (MATIP) circuit connections, use the alps matip-close-delay command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit configuration submode circuit submode command. To restore the definition to the default value, use the no form of this command.
alps matip-close-delay time
no alps matip-close-delay time
Syntax Description
time |
Minimum number of seconds between the closing and reopening of an ALPS MATIP circuit. The range is from 1 to 90 seconds. The default is 10 seconds. |
Command Default
The default value is 10 seconds.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
The following example specifies a close delay time of 20 seconds:
alps matip-close-delay 20
Related Commands
show alps circuits |
Displays the status of the ALPS circuits. |
alps max-msg-length
To specify maximum input message length, use the alps max-msg-length command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) agent-set control unit (ASCU) configuration submode. To return to the default maximum input message length, use the no form of this command.
alps max-msg-length value
no alps max-msg-length value
Syntax Description
value |
Maximum input message length. The range is from 1 to 3840. The default is 962 characters. |
Command Default
The default maximum input message length is 962 characters.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU submode
Command History
The following example specifies that the maximum length of a message is 1000 characters:
alps max-msg-length 1000
alps mpx
To specify the multiplexing and the agent-set control unit (ASCU) identification header for this circuit, use the alps mpx command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) ASCU configuration submode. To remove the definition from the configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps mpx {group | single} hdr {a1a2 | none}
no alps mpx {group | single} hdr {a1a2 | none}
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default for multiplexing is group.
The default header is a1a2.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the alps mpx group command is specified, multiple ASCUs will be multiplexed on this ALPS circuit and the none option is not applicable. If the alps mpx single command is specified, then only one ASCU uses this ALPS circuit. If alps mpx single hdr none command is specified, the A1 and A2 ASCU identification information is not added to the front of data frames sent across this circuit, and it is assumed that it does not exist in frames received on this circuit. The exclusion of ASCU identification should be specified only when the EMTOX protocol is used.
The following example shows how to specify the multiplexing and the ASCU identification header:
alps mpx group hdr a1a2
alps n1
To specify the threshold of consecutive errors logged before an agent-set control unit (ASCU) is declared down, use the alps n1 command in interface configuration mode. To reassert the default number of consecutive errors before declaring an ASCU down, use the no form of this command.
alps n1 errors
no alps n1 errors
Syntax Description
errors |
Error count limit. The valid range is from 1 to 30 errors. The default for airline link control (ALC) is 30 errors. The default for Unisys Terminal System (UTS) is 10 errors. |
Command Default
The default ALC error count is 30 errors.
The default UTS error count is 10 errors.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The error count limit is a threshold value. If the ASCU state is UP and the error count threshold is exceeded, the ASCU state changes to DOWN and it is moved to the inactive poll. If alarms are enabled for the ASCU, a Syslog message is displayed and an Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notification is sent to the SNMP network management station.
The following example specifies that an ASCU is declared down when the error count exceeds one:
alps n1 1
Related Commands
alps ascu |
Specifies a physical ASCU identity. |
encapsulation uts |
Specifies that the P1024C UTS protocol will be used on the serial interface. |
alps n2
To specify the number of polls that must be correctly replied to before an agent-set control unit (ASCU) is declared up, use the alps n2 command in interface configuration mode. To reassert the default number of polls that must be correctly replied to before an ASCU is declared up, use the no form of this command.
alps n2 polls
no alps n2 polls
Syntax Description
polls |
Number of polls that must be correctly replied to. The valid range is from 1 to 30 polls. The default is 1 poll. |
Command Default
The default number of polls that must be correctly replied to is one.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the ASCU state is DOWN and the reply threshold is exceeded, the ASCU state changes to UP and the ASCU is moved to the active poll list. If alarms are enabled for the ASCU, a Syslog message is displayed and an Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notification is sent to the SNMP management station.
The following example specifies that two polls must be correctly replied to before the ASCU is declared up:
alps n2 2
Related Commands
alps ascu |
Specifies a physical ASCU identity. |
encapsulation uts |
Specifies that the P1024C Universal Terminal Support (UTS) protocol will be used on the serial interface. |
alps n3
To specify the maximum number of retransmissions of an unacknowledged output data message to an agent-set control unit (ASCU), use the alps n3 command in interface configuration mode. To reassert the default, use the no form of this command.
alps n3 value
no alps n3 value
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default number of resends is three.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command is valid only on 1026C interfaces.
The following example specifies that 6 is the maximum number of resends of an unacknowledged output data message to an ASCU:
alps n3 6
Related Commands
alps ascu |
Specifies a physical ASCU identity. |
show alps ascu |
Displays the status of the ALPS ASCU. |
alps poll-pause
To set the minimum interval, in milliseconds, between two polls to the same agent-set control unit (ASCU), use the alps poll-pause command in interface configuration mode. To the default interval, use the no form of this command to revert.
alps poll-pause milliseconds
no alps poll-pause
Syntax Description
milliseconds |
Minimum interval between polls, in milliseconds (ms). The valid range is from 10 to 1000 ms. The default interval is 50 ms. |
Command Default
The default minimum interval is 50 ms.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following example sets a 200-ms minimum interval between polls:
alps poll-pause 200
Related Commands
alps ascu |
Specifies a physical ASCU identity. |
alps primary-peer
To specify the primary TCP peer and, optionally, a backup TCP peer for an Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit, use the alps primary-peer command in ALPS circuit configuration submode. To remove the definition from the configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps primary-peer ip-address [backup-peer ip-address]
no alps primary-peer ip-address [backup-peer ip-address]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
The following example specifies a primary peer at IP address and a backup peer at IP address
alps primary-peer backup-peer
Related Commands
alps auto-reset |
Automatically resets a nonresponsive airline link control (ALC) ASCU in the DOWN state. |
show alps peers |
Displays the status of the ALPS partner peers. |
alps remote-peer
To specify the partner IP address for an Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit, use the alps remote-peer command in global configuration mode. To remove the definition from the configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps remote-peer ip-address [protocol {atp | matip-a}] [status-interval interval] [status-retry retries] [dynamic [inact-timer] [no-circuit no-circ-timer]] [tcp-qlen [number]]
no alps remote-peer ip-address [protocol {atp | matip-a}] [status-interval interval] [status-retry retries] [dynamic [inact-timer] [no-circuit no-circ-timer]] [tcp-qlen [number]]
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default for the status-interval argument is 0 (off).
The default for the status-retry argument is 2.
The default for the dynamic argument is 30 seconds.
The default for the no-circuit argument is 90 seconds.
The default for the tcp-qlen argument is 50 packets.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When the protocol option is configured for MATIP, the peer connection is dynamic.
When the protocol option is configured for ALPS Tunneling Protocol (ATP), the peer connection is permanent.
The no-circuit option within the dynamic keyword does not apply to permanent airline link control (ALC)/Universal Terminal Support (UTS) connections.
The status-interval and status-retry options apply only to the MATIP protocol.
Issuing the no alps remote-peer command does the following:
•Closes TCP connection.
•Notifies the partner TCP peer that this connection is closed.
Notifies the ALPS circuits using this TCP peer that the connection is closed.
The following example specifies a MATIP peer connection at IP address Status messages will be sent every 9 seconds and will be resent twice before the connection is closed. The maximum TCP length is 30:
alps remote-peer protocol matip-a status-interval 9 status-retry 2 tcp-qlen 30
Related Commands
alps local-peer |
Specifies the IP address of the local peer. |
show alps peers |
Displays the status of the ALPS partner peers. |
alps retry-option
To configure the customer premises equipment (CPE) to signal the agent-set control unit (ASCU) whenever an error is detected, use the alps retry-option command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) ASCU configuration submode. To reassert the default action of no retry, use the no form of this command.
alps retry-option {resend | reenter}
no alps retry-option
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default retry option is no retry.
Command Modes
ALPS ASCU submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable only for P1024B automatic level control (ALC) interfaces; it is invalid on P1024C Unisys Terminal System (UTS) interfaces.
The following example specifies that an indicator LED signals the ASCU to resend data:
alps retry-option resend
Related Commands
alps ascu |
Specifies a physical ASCU identity. |
encapsulation uts |
Specifies that the P1024C UTS protocol will be used on the serial interface. |
alps service-msg data-drop
To specify where to retrieve the terminal address to be used when a service message is sent to an agent-set control unit (ASCU) as the result of a dropped data message, use the alps service-msg data-drop command in interface configuration mode. To remove the terminal address specification, use the no form of this command.
alps service-msg data-drop {msg-term | config-term}
no alps service-msg data-drop {msg-term | config-term}
Syntax Description
Command Default
The config-term option is the default.
If this command is not configured and a data message is dropped from a terminal, the resulting service message is sent to the terminal specified in the alps error-display command.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to serial interfaces configured with airline link control (ALC) encapsulation only.
The following example specifies that service messages resulting from dropped data messages are sent to the terminal address of the dropped message:
alps service-msg data-drop msg-term
Related Commands
alps service-msg format
To specify the protocol format of service messages sent from the device to an agent-set control unit (ASCU), use the alps service-msg format command in interface configuration mode. To remove the protocol format specification, use the no form of this command.
alps service-msg format {sita | apollo}
no alps service-msg format {sita | apollo}
Syntax Description
sita |
Specifies the sita protocol format. |
apollo |
Specifies the apollo protocol format. |
Command Default
The default protocol format is sita.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to serial interfaces configured with automatic level control (ALC) encapsulation only.
The following example specifies the apollo protocol format:
alps service-msg format apollo
Related Commands
encapsulation alc |
Specifies that the P1024B airline link control (ALC) protocol is used on the serial interface. |
alps service-msg status-change
To specify that service messages for Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit status changes be sent to agent-set control unit (ASCU)s on the serial interface, use the alps service-msg status-change command in interface configuration mode. To send service messages for ALPS circuit status changes only when airline link control (ALC) data messages are dropped, use the no form of this command.
alps service-msg status-change
no alps service-msg status-change
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
The default is on. Unless the no form of this command is configured, unsolicited service messages are sent to all ASCUs multiplexed on the mapping of airline traffic over IP (MATIP) session when the following ALPS circuit events occur:
•MATIP session status change
•ASCU status change
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to serial interfaces configured with ALC encapsulation only.
If the no form of this command is configured, service messages for ALPS circuit status changes are sent only when airline link control (ALC) data messages are dropped.
The following example specifies that unsolicited service messages resulting from ALPS circuit status changes be sent to ASCUs on the serial interface:
alps service-msg status-change
Related Commands
encapsulation alc |
Specifies that the P1024B ALC protocol is used on the serial interface. |
alps service-msg-interval
To specify the interval between consecutive transmissions of service messages from the remote customer premises equipment (CPE) to the agent-set control unit (ASCU), use the alps service-msg-interval command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit configuration submode. To remove the definition from the configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps service-msg-interval seconds
no alps service-msg-interval seconds
Syntax Description
seconds |
Interval, in seconds, between consecutive sendings of service messages from the remote CPE to the ASCU. The range is from 1 to 20 seconds. The default interval is 4 seconds. |
Command Default
The default interval between consecutive sendings of service messages from the remote CPE to the ASCU is 4 seconds.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The "PLEASE RETRY" message is sent only to ASCUs that use circuits with a dynamic connection type.
The following example specifies an interval of 3 seconds between sending service messages from the CPE to the ASCU:
alps service-msg-interval 3
Related Commands
alps auto-reset |
Automatically resets a nonresponsive ALC ASCU in the DOWN state. |
alps service-msg-list |
Defines the service message list to be used for this circuit. |
alps service-msg-list
To define the service message list to be used for this circuit, use the alps service-msg-list command in Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuit configuration submode. To remove the list from the circuit configuration, thus issuing no service messages until another list is configured, use the no form of this command.
alps service-msg-list list
no alps service-msg-list list
Syntax Description
list |
The service message list to be used for this circuit. The valid numbers are from 1 to 8. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
ALPS circuit submode
Command History
The following example specifies that message list 1 is used for this circuit:
alps service-msg-list 1
Related Commands
alps service-msg-list number
To define the service message identity and its contents for a service message list, use the alps service-msg-list number command in global configuration mode. To remove a service message number from the service message list configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps service-msg-list list number number message
no alps service-msg-list list number number message
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default service message is used if no service message list number is specified.
Table 9 shows the default service message text strings.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To disable a particular service message, configure the message argument with a value of $OFF$.
The following example specifies the text of message list 1, message number 2:
alps service-msg-list 1 number 2 "Turn off the terminal NOW."
The following example disables service message 3 from list 1:
alps service-msg-list 1 number 3 $OFF$
Related Commands
alps service-msg list |
Defines the service message list to be used for this circuit. |
alps servlim
To specify the number of polls of the agent-set control unit (ASCU) UP list allowed between two successive polls of the ASCU DOWN list, use the alps servlim command in interface configuration mode. To reassert the default number of cycles through the normal (active) poll list allowed before the slow poll list is processed, use the no form of this command.
alps servlim polls
no alps servlim polls
Syntax Description
polls |
Number of polls of the ASCU UP list. The valid range is from 1 to 512 polls. The default is 30 polls. |
Command Default
The default number of polls of the ASCU UP list allowed between two successive polls of the ASCU DOWN list is 30 polls.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following example specifies that five polls of the ASCU UP list are allowed between two successive polls of the ASCU DOWN list.
alps servlim 5
Related Commands
alps t1
To specify the timeout delay between polling and response, use the alps t1 command in interface configuration mode. To reassert the default poll timeout value of 0.5 seconds, use the no form of this command.
alps t1 delay
no alps t1 delay
Syntax Description
delay |
Timeout delay, in seconds, between polling and response. The valid range is from 1 to 20-tenths of a second (0.1 to 2 seconds). The default is 5-tenths of a second (0.5 second). |
Command Default
The default timeout delay between polling and response is 5-tenths of a second (0.5 second).
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following example specifies a 0.5-second timeout delay between polling and response:
alps t1 5
Related Commands
alps t2
To specify the timeout delay between receipt of the first character of an I/P sequence solicited by a poll and receipt of a Go Ahead (GA) sequence, use the alps t2 command in interface configuration mode. To reassert the default timeout value of 6 seconds, use the no form of this command.
alps t2 delay
no alps t2 delay
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default timeout delay between receipt of first character of an I/P sequence solicited by a poll and receipt of GA sequence is 6 seconds.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following example specifies a timeout delay of 8 seconds between receipt of the first character of an I/P sequence solicited by a poll and receipt of a GA sequence:
alps t2 8
Related Commands
alps translate
To map an X.121 address to an IP address of a remote peer, use the alps translate command in interface configuration mode. To remove mapping from the configuration, use the no form of this command.
alps translate x.121-address ip-address
no alps translate x.121-address ip-address
Syntax Description
x.121-address |
X.121 address to be mapped to an IP address of a remote peer. |
ip-address |
IP address of the remote peer. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The X.121 address is compared to the Called Address on inbound X.25 call packets to determine if the call should be accepted. The X.121 address may have an asterisk (*) at the end to indicate "all X.121 addresses prefixed with the address before the *."
The following example maps all X.121 addresses prefixed with the address 88845 to the remote peer IP address
alps translate 88845*
Related Commands
encapsulation x25 |
Specifies operation of a serial interface as an X.25 device. |
alps update-circuit
To update one or more Airline Product Set (ALPS) circuits, use the alps update-circuit command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. If a circuit name is specified, then only that circuit will be updated; otherwise, all circuits will be updated.
alps update-circuit [name]
Syntax Description
name |
(Optional) Specifies name of the circuit to update. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the alps update-circuit command is issued for a circuit that is using the ALPS Tunneling Protocol (ATP) protocol, the circuit will be closed and reopened.
If the alps update-circuit command is issued for a circuit that is using the mapping of airline traffic over IP (MATIP) protocol, a configuration update will be sent in the form of a MATIP Session Open command.
The alps update-circuit command is effective only for ALPS circuits that are enabled and active (opening or opened state).
There is not a no form for this command.
The following example specifies that circuit 1 has been updated:
Device# alps update-circuit CKT-1
Related Commands
asp addr-offset
To configure an asynchronous port to send and receive polled asynchronous traffic through a block serial tunnel (BSTUN), use the asp addr-offset command in interface configuration mode. To disable the traffic flow through a BSTUN, use the no form of this command.
asp addr-offset address-offset
no asp addr-offset
Syntax Description
address-offset |
Location of the address byte within the polled asynchronous frame being received. The range is from 0 to 255. The default value is 0. |
Command Default
No polled asynhronous protocol group is defined within the frame of the address byte.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the asp addr-offset address-offset command to specify the offset from the start of the frame where the address byte is located. This command is applicable only when the asynchronous-generic protocol is specified on an interface using a combination of the bstun protocol-group command in global configuration mode and the bstun group command in interface configuration mode.
Interfaces configured to run the asynchronous-generic protocol have the following configuration:
•baud rate set to 9600 bps
•8 data bits
•no parity
•1 start bit
•1 stop bit
If different line configurations are required, use the rxspeed command, txspeed command, databits command, stopbits command, and parity line command in the global configuration mode to change the line attributes. The addresses of the alarm panels must be used in the address field of the bstun route address command in the interface configuration mode
The following example shows that the fifth byte in the polled asynchronous frame contains the device address:
Device(config)# interface Serial 3/0
Device(config-if)# physical-layer async
Device(config-if)# encapsulation bstun
Device(config-if)# asp addr-offset 5
Device(config-if)# end
Related Commands
asp broadcast-addr
To specify the address byte that asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) use to broadcast packets from their remote stations, use the asp broadcast-addr command in interface configuration mode. To disable asynchronous broadcast, use the no form of this command.
asp broadcast-addr address
no asp broadcast-addr
Syntax Description
address |
Broadcast address in hexadecimal format. The range is from 0 to 0xff. |
Command Default
No broadcast address is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the asp broadcast-addr command to specify the address byte that Asynchronous Serial Protocols (ASP) use to broadcast packets. All packets that are to be broadcast are copied and sent to all peers defined on the serial interface. The broadcast addresses identify the packets transmitted to all remote devices in the same Block Serial Tunnel (BSTUN) group.
For example, the address values configured using the bstun route command can be 01, 02, 03, and so on. If the address value is configured using the asp broadcast-addr ff command, the packets received are considered as a broadcast. These packets are transmitted to all remote devices in that BSTUN group.
Note A broadcast-mask value of ff identifies all packets as broadcasts. Therefore, all address bytes in the range 0x00 to 0xff are classified as broadcasts.
The following example shows how to configure an asynchronous broadcast address using the address ff:
Device(config)# interface Serial 3/0
Device(config-if)# asp broadcast-addr ff
Device(config-if)# end
Related Commands
asp brdcast-address-mask
To specify the bit or bits in the address byte that the asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) use to broadcast packets from their remote stations, use the asp brdcast-address-mask command in interface configuration mode. To disable the bit or bits in the address byte that the ASP uses to broadcast packets, use the no form of this command.
asp brdcast-address-mask address
no asp brdcast-address-mask
Syntax Description
address |
Broadcast address in hexadecimal format. The range is from 0 to 0xff. |
Command Default
No address masks are configured.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
15.0(1)M |
This command was introduced. |
15.2(3)T |
This command was modified. Support was extended to enable the ASP broadcast mask to transmit packets as broadcasts. |
Usage Guidelines
This command will force the ASP to take an ASP asynchronous character and mask it to check if it is a valid broadcast address mask. The broadcast address mask is predetermined; for example, you can set up your network such that any address above 0x7f is a broadcast address mask. Broadcast addresses identify packets that are transmitted to all remote devices in the same block serial tunnel (BSTUN) group.
For example, use the asp brdcast-address-mask 80 command to set up the network such that any address beyond 0x7f is a broadcast address. The broadcast address is logically anded with the address byte. If the resulting value is not zero, the address is considered as a broadcast.
Note A broadcast-mask value of 0xff identifies all packets as broadcasts. Therefore, all address bytes in the range 0x00 to 0xff are classified as broadcasts.
The following example shows the configuration of ASP address broadcast mask 30 on the Serial interface:
Device(config)# interface Serial 0/0
Device(config-if)# asp brdcast-address-mask 30
Device(config-if)# end
Related Commands
asp dcd always
To specify that both data set ready (DSR) and data carrier detect (DCD) are to be asserted when the serial interface starts, use the asp dcd always command in interface configuration mode. To specify that DSR and DCD are to be asserted when the HAYES AT connect message is sent to the point of sale (POS) device, use the no form of this command.
asp dcd always
no asp dcd always
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
The asp dcd always command is disabled.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
For APOS, the device always functions as the DCE. If the asp dcd always command is enabled, then both DSR and DCD will be asserted when the serial interface is started.
If the asp dcd always command is disabled, then DSR and DCD are asserted when the HAYES AT connect message is sent to the POS device. When the connection to the POS device is terminated, DSR and DCD are de-asserted.
Some POS devices require that the DSR and DCD work independently, and that DSR be asserted when the serial interface starts and DCD be asserted when the connect message is sent. This requires a modified cable to disconnect the DTR and DSR connection in both directions, and on the DB25 side of the connector tying the DTE's output DTR to the DTE's input DSR.
If the asp dcd always command is disabled, then DSR and DCD are asserted when the HAYES AT connect message is sent to the POS device. When the connection to the POS device is terminated, DSR and DCD are de-asserted. For devices using modified cables that require that DCD be asserted only where there is a connection to the host, the asp dcd always command should be disabled.
The following example configures the asp dcd always command:
asp dcd always
Related Commands
asp direct
To disable dial mode and automatically activate the peer connection, use the asp direct command in interface configuration mode. To enable dial mode, use the no form of this command.
asp direct
no asp direct
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
The asp direct command is disabled.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When the asp direct command is enabled, the connect timer is used to reactivate the connection if the peer connection goes down.
The following example configures the asp direct command:
asp direct
Related Commands
asp enq
To configure how the device sends ENQ(0x05) messages to the terminal, use the asp enq command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default method of sending of ENQ messages to the terminal to initiate sessions, use the no form of this command.
asp enq {disable | delay milliseconds}
no asp enq {disable | delay}
Syntax Description
Command Default
By default, ENQ messages are sent to the terminal.
milliseconds: 10 milliseconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The asp enq disable command should be enabled only if the terminal the device is connecting to does not require ENQ messages as part of the session flow.
The delay keyword can be used to slow responses in dialed networks.
The following example specifies that ENQ messages be sent 500 milliseconds after the connect message is sent:
asp enq delay 500
Related Commands
asp eof-char
To specify an end-of-frame (EOF) character for asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) to use to end ASP transmissions, use the asp eof-char command in interface configuration mode. To remove a previously configured EOF character, use the no form of this command.
asp eof-char eof-character
no asp eof-char
Syntax Description
eof-character |
EOF character in hexadecimal format. The range is from 0 to ff. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When the asp eof-char command is enabled, asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) stops receiving characters when it receives the specified EOF character. When the asp eof-char command is disabled, ASP continues to receive characters until the RX-IFT timer expires.
The following example sets 3e as the EOF character:
asp eof-char 3e
Related Commands
asp ignore-sequence-number
To instruct a device to ignore the asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) sequence numbers that are used to synchronize ASP traffic between head-end and tail-end devices, use the asp ignore-sequence-number command in interface configuration mode. To instruct a device to use the ASP sequence numbers to validate ASP traffic, use the no form of this command.
asp ignore-sequence-number
no asp ignore-sequence-number
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Disabled. The ASP sequence numbers are used to validate ASP traffic.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The asp ignore-sequence-number command should be enabled when there is not a one-to-one correspondence between commands from the head-end device and commands from the tail-end device.
When the asp ignore-sequence-number command is disabled, ASP validates the sequence numbers.
The following example instructs the device to ignore ASP sequence numbers:
asp ignore-sequence-number
Related Commands
asp retries
To specify the number of times a packet will be resent before the connection with the terminal is disconnected, use the asp retries command in interface configuration mode. To reset the number of asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) retries to its default value, use the no form of this command.
asp retries number
no asp retries
Syntax Description
number |
Number of times a packet will be resent before the connection with the terminal is disconnected. Allowed values are from 1 to 10. |
Command Default
number: 4
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following example configures ten ASP retries:
Device(config-if)# asp retries 10
Related Commands
asp role
To specify that the device is the primary end or the secondary end of the polled asynchronous link that is connected to a serial interface and that the attached remote device is a security alarm control station, use the asp role command in interface configuration mode. To remove the specification, use the no form of this command.
asp role {primary | secondary}
no asp role
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command configures the interface as primary or secondary to the device on which asynchronous serial protocol (ASP) is configured. Configure the interface connected to the alarm console as the secondary device and the interface connected to the alarm panel as the primary device. The addresses of the alarm panels must be used in the address field of the bstun route address command in the interface configuration mode.
The following example shows how to specify the device as the primary end of the link:
Device(config)# interface Serial 3/0
Device(config-if)# asp role primary
Device(config-if)# end
Related Commands
asp brdcast-address-mask |
Allows the configuration of multiple address masks. |
bstun route |
Defines how frames will be forwarded from a BSTUN interface to a remote BSTUN peer. |
asp rx-ift
To specify a time period that, by expiring, signals the end of one frame being received and the start of the next, use the asp rx-ift command in interface configuration mode. To cancel the specification, use the no form of this command.
asp rx-ift interframe-timeout
no asp rx-ift
Syntax Description
interframe-timeout |
Number of milliseconds between the end of one frame being received and the start of the next frame. The default timeout value is 40 milliseconds. |
Command Default
The default timeout value is 40 ms.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The interframe timeout is useful when different baud rates are used between the device and the alarm console or alarm panel. For example, you might set an interframe timeout of 6 ms if the polled asynchronous protocol is running at 9600 bps, but set the value to 40 ms if the protocol is running at 300 bps.
This command applies only when the asynchronous-generic protocol has been specified on an interface using a combination of the bstun protocol-group global configuration command and the bstun group interface configuration command.
Interfaces configured to run the asynchronous-generic protocol have their baud rate set to 9600 bps, use 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit, and 1 stop bit. If different line configurations are required, use the rxspeed, txspeed, databits, stopbits, and parity line configuration commands to change the line attributes.
The addresses of the alarm panels should be used in the address field of the bstun route address interface configuration command.
The following example sets the interframe timeout value to 6 ms because the polled asynchronous protocol is running at 9600 bps:
asp rx-ift 6
Related Commands
asp send ack
To enable the sending of ACK(0x06) messages to the terminal to acknowledge terminal requests, use the asp send ack command in interface configuration mode. To disable the sending of ACK messages, use the no form of this command.
asp send ack
no asp send ack
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
The asp send ack command is disabled.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the asp send ack command is enabled, an acknowledgement is immediately sent when the device receives a packet. If the asp send ack command is disabled, an acknowledgement is not sent until the device receives a response from the host.
The following example configures the asp send ack command:
asp send ack
Related Commands
asp sof-char
To specify a start-of-frame (SOF) character, use the asp sof-char command in interface configuration mode. To remove a previously configured SOF character, use the no form of this command.
asp sof-char address
no asp sof-char
Syntax Description
address |
SOF character in hexadecimal format. The range is from 0 to ff. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When the asp sof-char command is enabled, asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) ignores any characters received prior to the specified SOF character. When the asp sof-char command is disabled, ASP receives all characters.
The following example sets d9 as the SOF character:
asp sof-char d9
Related Commands
asp timer
To customize the asynchronous serial protocols (ASP) timers, use the asp timer command in interface configuration mode. To reset the ASP timers to their default values, use the no form of this command.
asp timer {rsp rsp-time | rx rx-time | host host-time | connect connect-time}
no asp timer {rsp | rx | host | connect}
Syntax Description
Command Default
rsp-time: 7 seconds
rx-time: 15 seconds
host-time: 60 seconds
connect-time: 8 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following example configures the RSP timer to 30 seconds, the RX timer to 60 seconds, the host timer to 120 seconds and the connect timer to 30 seconds:
asp timer rsp 30
asp timer rx 60
asp timer host 120
asp timer connect 30