Multicast Routing Forwarding Commands

accounting per-prefix

To enable accounting for multicast routing, use the accounting per-prefix command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.

accounting per-prefix

no accounting per-prefix

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

This feature is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast routing address family IPv4 configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The accounting per-prefix command is used to enable per-prefix counters only in hardware. Cisco IOS XR Software counters are always present. When enabled, (S,G) routes are assigned a single forwarding counter. (*,G) routes will not be assigned a counter.

There are a limited number of counters on all nodes. When a command is enabled, counters are assigned to routes only if they are available.

To display packet statistics, use the show mfib route statistics command. These commands display N/A for counters when there are no hardware statistics available or when the accounting per-prefix command is disabled.

Multicast route statistics is not supported.

If there are limited number of counters available and you want to enable counters on particular prefixes for troubleshooting purposes, you can configure hw-module route-stats to enable accounting for multicast routing for a limited number of routes.

For more information, see the hw-module route-stats command to configure a filter to choose which (S.G) routes will have statistics enabled.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable accounting for multicast routing:

Router(config)# multicast-routing
Router(config-mcast)# accounting per-prefix

address-family (multicast)

To display available IP prefixes to enable multicast routing and forwarding on all router interfaces, use the address-family command in multicast-routing configuration mode or multicast VRF configuration submode. To disable use of an IP address prefix for routing, use the no form of this command.

address-family [vrf vrf-name] {ipv4 | ipv6}

no address-family [vrf vrf-name] {ipv4 | ipv6}

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the address-family command either from multicast routing configuration mode or from multicast VRF configuration sub to enter either the multicast IPv4 or IPv6 address family configuration submode, depending on which keyword was chosen. Use the address-family command with the multicast-routingcommand to start the following multicast processes:

  • Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB)

  • Multicast Forwarding Engine (MFWD)

  • Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse mode (PIM-SM)

  • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

  • Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol (MLD)

Basic multicast services start automatically when the multicast PIE is installed, without any explicit configuration required. The following multicast services are started automatically:

  • Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB)
  • Multicast Forwarding Engine (MFWD)
  • Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse mode (PIM-SM)
  • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

Other multicast services require explicit configuration before they start. For example, to start the Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) process, you must enter the router msdp command and explicitly configure it.

To enable multicast routing and protocols on interfaces, you must explicitly enable the interfaces using the interface command in multicast routing configuration mode. This action can be performed on individual interfaces or by configuring a wildcard interface using the alias command.

To enable multicast routing on all interfaces, use the interface all enable command in multicast routing configuration mode. For any interface to be fully enabled for multicast routing, it must be enabled specifically (or configured through the interface all enable command for all interfaces) in multicast routing configuration mode, and it must not be disabled in the PIM and IGMP configuration modes.


The enable and disable keywords available under the IGMP and PIM interface configuration modes have no effect unless the interface is enabled in multicast routing configuration mode—either by default or by explicit interface configuration.

To allow multicast forwarding functionality, while turning multicast routing functionality off, interface-inheritance disablecommand on a per interface or interface all enable basis in PIM or IGMP configuration mode.

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read, write


This example shows how to enter IPv4 and IPv6 multicast routing configuration mode:

Router(config)# multicast-routing 
Router(config-mcast)# address-family ipv4

Router(config-mcast)# address-family ipv6

This example shows how to enter IPv4 and IPv6 VRF multicast routing configuration submode:

Router(config)# multicast-routing 
Router(config-mcast)# vrf vrf-name address-family ipv4

Router(config-mcast)# vrf vrf-name address-family ipv6

clear mfib counter

To clear Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) route software counters, use the clear mfib counter command in the appropriate mode.

clear mfib [vrf vrf-name] ipv4 counter [group-address | source-address] [location {node-id | all}]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) IP address of the multicast group.


(Optional) IP address of the source of the multicast route.

location node-id

(Optional) Clears route packet counters from the designated node.


The all keyword clears route packet counters on all nodes

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


This command only clears MFIB route packet software counters.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to clear MFIB software counters on all nodes:

Router# clear mfib counter location all 

clear mfib database

To clear the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) database, use the clear mfib database command in the appropriate mode.

clear mfib [ipv4 | ipv6] database [location {node-id | all}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.

location node-id

(Optional) Clears global resource counters from the designated node.


The all keyword clears all global resource counters.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write, execute


The following example shows how to clear the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) database on all nodes:

RP/0/# clear mfib database location all 

clear mfib platform

To clear Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) route hardware packet counters, use the clear mfib platform command in the appropriate mode.

clear mfib [ vrf vrf-name ] [ ipv4 | | ipv6 ] platform route statsistics [ group-address | source-address ] [ location { node-id | all } ]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.


(Optional) IP address of the multicast group.


(Optional) IP address of the source of the multicast route.

location node-id

(Optional) Clears route packet counters from the designated node.


The all keyword clears route packet counters on all nodes

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


To clear ingress statistics of a route, you can get the stats-ole location for a specified route using the show mrib route detail command.

A stats-ole is a counter that is programmed on one of the line cards in the system for a particular route. This counter helps report ingress statistics for the route.

If you do not know the stats-ole location, you can use the option location all instead, which helps to find the specific stats-ole location and clear the ingress counters.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to clear the ingress statistics for a route if stats-ole location is known:

Router# clear mfib platform route statistics location 0/11/CPU0

disable (multicast)

To disable multicast routing and forwarding on an interface, use the disable command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.


no disable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

Multicast routing and forwarding settings are inherited from the global interface enable all command. Otherwise, multicast routing and forwarding is disabled.

Command Modes

Multicast routing interface configuration

Multicast routing VRF interface configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The disable command modifies the behavior of a specific interface to disabled. This command is useful if you want to disable multicast routing on specific interfaces, but leave it enabled on all remaining interfaces.

The following guidelines apply when the enable and disable commands (and the no forms) are used in conjunction with the interface all enable command:

  • If the interface all enable command is configured:

    • The enable and no forms of the command have no additional effect on a specific interface.

    • The disable command disables multicast routing on a specific interface.

    • The no disable command enables a previously disabled interface.

  • If the interface all enable command is not configured:
    • The enable command enables multicast routing on a specific interface.

    • The no enable command enables the previously disabled interface.

    • The disable and no forms of the command have no additional effect on a specific interface.

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Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable multicast routing on all interfaces and disable the feature only on GigabitEthernet interface 0/1/0/0:

Router(config)# multicast-routing
Router(config-mcast)# interface all enable
Router(config-mcast-default-ipv4)# interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/24
Router(config-mcast-default-ipv4-if)# disable

enable (multicast)

To enable multicast routing and forwarding on an interface, use the enable command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.


no enable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

Multicast routing and forwarding settings are inherited from the global interface enable all command. Otherwise, multicast routing and forwarding is disabled.

Command Modes

Multicast routing interface configuration

Multicast routing VRF interface configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The enable command modifies the behavior of a specific interface to enabled. This command is useful if you want to enable multicast routing on specific interfaces, but leave it disabled on all remaining interfaces.

The following guidelines apply when the enable and disable commands (and the no forms) are used in conjunction with the interface all enable command:

  • If the interface all enable command is configured:

    • The enable and no forms of the command have no additional effect on a specific interface.

    • The disable command disables multicast routing on a specific interface.

    • The no disable command enables a previously disabled interface.

  • If the interface all enable command is not configured:
    • The enable command enables multicast routing on a specific interface.

    • The no enable command enables a previously enabled interface.

    • The disable and no forms of the command have no additional effect on a specific interface.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable multicast routing on a specific interface only:

Router(config)# multicast-routing
Router(config-mcast)# interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/24
Router(config-mcast-default-ipv4-if)# enable


To delay traffic being forwarded on a route, use the forwarding-latency command. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.

forwarding-latency [delay milliseconds]

no forwarding-latency

Syntax Description

delay milliseconds

(Optional) Specifies the delay time in miliseconds. Range is 5 - 500.

Command Default

The default delay time is 30 milliseconds.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

IPv4 and IPv6 multicast routing configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the forwarding-latency command when you expect a receiver to leave and rejoin the same multicast group within a very short period such as 20 or 30 milliseconds. The delay may be required to provide the router sufficient time to update its Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table.

When the forwarding-latency command is enabled, each interface is allocated a separate table lookup unit (TLU) block in the output interface list (olist), thereby increasing TLU hardware resource usage, and, for this reason, it should be used with caution when many multicast routes are present.

When the forwarding-latency command is disabled, up to three interfaces may share a single TLU block in the olist.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to delay traffic from being forwarded for 120 milliseconds:

RP/0/# configure
RP/0/(config)# multicast-routing 
RP/0/# forwarding-latency delay 120

hw-module route-stats

To configure multicast per-route statistics, use the hw-module route-stats command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.

hw-module route-stats l3mcast [vrf vrf-name] {ipv4 | ipv6} access-list

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.

ipv4 access-list

(Optional) Specifies IPv4 access-list.

ipv6 access-list

(Optional) Specifies IPv6 access-list.

Command Default

This feature is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You need to configure accounting-per-prefix under multicast-routing mode to enable accounting for the routes. If the number of multicast routes exceeds the available statistics, for troubleshooting purposes, you can use the hw-module route-stats command to apply a filter on which specific (S,G) routes will have allocated statistics counters.

(S,G) routes that match the access-list used in the configuration will have statistics enabled, and other routes will not. There is no need to reload the router or reload the line card for the filter to take effect.

To reassign statistics to different (S,G) you need to remove the accounting-per-prefix and hw-module route-stats configurations, modify the access-list and reapply the configuration again.


The hw-module route-stats command should only be used in conjunction with the accounting-per-prefix configuration.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable accounting for multicast routing:

Router(config)# ipv4 access-list mcast-counter
Router(config-acl)# 10 permit ipv4 host host
Router(config-acl)# 30 permit ipv4
Router(config-acl)# 50 permit ipv4
Router(config)# hw-module route-stats l3mcast vrf default ipv4 mcast-counter

hw-module multicast route-scale

To enable the 120k scale for IPv4 Source Specific Multicast (SSM), use the hw-module multicast route-scale command in the . To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

hw-module multicast route-scale

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Release 7.3.15

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is applicable only for IPv4 SSM. IPv6 supports 64K routes.

This command is supported only on modular systems and not on fixed/centralized systems.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable the 120K scale for IPv4 SSM:

Router# configure
Router(config)# hw-module multicast route-scale

interface-inheritance disable

To separate PIM and IGMP routing from multicast forwarding on all interfaces, use the interface-inheritance disable command under multicast routing address-family IPv4 submode. To restore the default functionality, use the no form of the command.

interface-inheritance disable

no interface-inheritance disable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

This feature is not enabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Address- family IPv4 configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use of the interface-inheritance disable command together with the interface type interface-path-id or interface all enable command under multicast routing address-family IPv4 submode separates PIM and IGMP routing functionality from multicast forwarding on specified interfaces. You can nonetheless enable multicast routing functionality explicitly under PIM or IGMP routing configuration mode for individual interfaces.


Although you can explicitly configure multicast routing functionality on individual interfaces, you cannot explicitly disable the functionality. You can only disable the functionality on all interfaces.

Used from the address-family ipv4 configuration submode, it prevents IGMP and PIM from inheriting the multicast-routing interface configuration.

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Task ID



read, write


The following configuration disables PIM and IGMP routing functionality on all the interfaces using the interface-inheritance disable command, but multicast forwarding is still enabled on all the interfaces in the example, based on use of the keywords interface all enable .

PIM is enabled on Loopback 0 based on its explicit configuration ( interface Loopback0 enable ) under router pim configuration mode.

IGMP protocol is enabled on GigabitEthernet0/6/0/3, because it too has been configured explicitly under router igmp configuration mode ( interface GigabitEthernet0/6/0/3 router enable ):

RP/0/(config)# multicast-routing 
RP/0/(config-mcast)# address-family ipv4 
RP/0/(config-mcast-default-ipv4)# interface-inheritance disable 
RP/0/(config-mcast-default-ipv4)# interface loopback 1 enable 

RP/0/(config-mcast-default-ipv4)# show run router pim 

With the interface-inheritance disable command in use, IGMP and PIM configuration are enabled in the protocol configuration as follows:

router igmp
  interface loopback 0
    router enable

router pim
   interface loopback 0

router pim vrf default address-family ipv4
 interface Loopback0

RP/0/(config-mcast-default-ipv4)# show run router igmp 

router igmp
 vrf default
  interface GigabitEthernet0/6/0/3
   router enable

interface all enable

To enable multicast routing and forwarding on all new and existing interfaces, use the interface all enable command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.

interface all enable

no interface all enable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

Multicast routing and forwarding is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command modifies the default behavior for all new and existing interfaces to enabled unless overridden by the enable or disable keywords available in interface configuration mode.

The following guidelines apply when the enable and disable commands (and the no forms) are used in conjunction with the interface all enable command:

  • If the interface all enable command is configured:

    • The enable and no forms of the command have no additional effect on a specific interface.

    • The disable command disables multicast routing on a specific interface.

    • The no disable command enables a previously disabled interface.

  • If the interface all enable command is not configured:

    • The enable command enables multicast routing on a specific interface.

    • The no enable command enables a previously enabled interface.

    • The disable and no forms of the command have no additional effect on a specific interface.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable multicast routing on all interfaces and disable the feature only on GigabitEthernet interface 0/1/0/0:

Router(config)# multicast-routing
Router(config-mcast)# interface all enable
Router(config-mcast)# interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/24
Router(config-mcast-default-ipv4-if)# disable

interface (multicast)

To configure multicast interface properties, use the interface command in the appropriate configuration mode. To disable multicast routing for interfaces, use the no form of this command.

interface type interface-path-id

no interface type interface-path-id

Syntax Description


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Physical interface or virtual interface.



Use the show interfaces command in EXEC mode to see a list of all interfaces currently configured on the router.

For more information about the syntax for the router, use the question mark ( ? ) online help function.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

IPv4 or multicast routing configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the interface command to configure multicast routing properties for specific interfaces.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable multicast routing on all interfaces and disable the feature only on GigabitEthernet interface 0/1/0/0:

Router(config)# multicast-routing
Router(config-mcast)# interface all enable
Router(config-mcast-default-ipv4-if)# interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/24
Router(config-mcast-default-ipv4-if)# disable


To enable logging of trap events, use the log-traps command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove this functionality, use the no form of this command.


no log-traps

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast routing address family IPv4 configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable logging of trap events:

RP/0/# multicast-routing 
RP/0/(config-mcast)# log-traps 

maximum disable

To disable maximum state limits, use the maximum disable command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove this functionality, use the no form of this command.

maximum disable

no maximum disable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

Maximum state limits are enabled.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast routing address family IPv4 configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the maximum disable command to override the default software limit on the number of multicast routes.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to disable maximum state limits:

RP/0/# multicast-routing 
RP/0/(config-mcast)# maximum disable 

mdt data ingress replication

To configure ingress replication (IR) data for Multicast Distribution Trees (MDT), use the mdt data ingress replication command in the appropriate mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of the command.

mdt data ingress replication [ acl-name | | immediate switch | | number | value | | route-policy | | threshold | value ]

Syntax Description

immediate switch

Enables switching to data MDT immediately.


ACL for vrf groups that are enabled for data MDT


Maximum number of data MDTs to be triggered. Range is 1 to 262143.

route policy

Data MDT route policy.


Traffic rate threshold (in kbps) to trigger data MDT. Range is 1 to 4294967.

Command Default


Command Modes

Multicast routing VRF address-family configuration

Command History



Release 24.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to configure ingress replication by using the mdt data ingress replication command:

Router# multicast-routing 
Router(config-mcast) # mdt data ingress-replication

mdt default ingress replication

To configure ingress replication (IR) default for Multicast Distribution Trees (MDT), use the mdt default ingress replication command in the appropriate mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of the command.

mdt default ingress replication

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Multicast routing VRF address-family configuration

Command History



Release 24.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to configure the MDT default group address from multicast routing configuration mode:

Router# multicast-routing 
Router(config-mcast) # mdt default ingress-replication

mdt partitioned ingress replication

To configure ingress replication (IR) partitioned for Multicast Distribution Trees (MDT), use the mdt partitioned ingress replication command in the appropriate mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of the command.

mdt partitioned ingress replication

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Multicast routing VRF address-family configuration

Command History



Release 24.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to configure the MDT partitioned group address from multicast routing configuration mode:

Router# multicast-routing 
Router(config-mcast) # mdt partitioned ingress-replication

migration route-policy

To support PIM And BGP c-multicast joins over the same or different MDTs, use the migration route-policy command in the appropriate mode. To disable the migration, use the no form of the command.

migration route-policy policy-name

nomigration route-policy policy-name

Syntax Description


Name of the policy.

Command Default


Command Modes

C-multicast routing configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The policy name is used to match the upstream PEs (nexthop) and send joins through BGP or PIM.

Task ID

Task ID Operation

read, write


This example shows how to use the migration route-policy command:

RP/0/ (config-pim-v1-ipv4-mdt-cmcast) # migration route-policy p1


To enter multicast routing configuration mode, use the multicast-routing command in


configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.


no multicast-routing

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enter multicast routing configuration mode:

RP/0/(config)# multicast-routing 


To enable Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) to divide the multicast load among several equal cost paths, use the multipath command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.

[address-family ipv4] multipath [hash {source | source next-hop}]

no multipath

Syntax Description


Enables source-based multipath hashing.


(Optional) Enables source with next-hop hashing.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast routing address-family ipv4

Multicast VRF configuration


Effective with IOS XR release 6.1.2 and later versions, multipath command is available only under the PIM configuration mode and not supported under the multicast routing configuration mode.

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default, equal-cost multipath (ECMP) paths are not load balanced. A single path from each unicast route is used for all multicast routes (which is the equivalent of the no form of the multipath command).

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable multipath functionality for IOS XR release versions prior to 6.1.2.

RP/0/(config)# multicast-routing 
RP/0/(config-mcast)# multipath hash 


Effective with IOS XR release 6.1.2 and later versions, the multipath command is available only under the PIM configuration mode and not supported under the multicast routing configuration mode.

This example shows how to enable multipath functionality for IOS XR release 6.1.2 and later versions.

RP/0/(config)# router pim 
RP/0/(config-pim)# multipath hash 

nsf (multicast)

To turn on the nonstop forwarding (NSF) capability for the multicast routing system, use the nsf command in multicast routing configuration mode. To turn off this function, use the no form of this command.

nsf [lifetime seconds]

no nsf [lifetime]

Syntax Description

lifetime seconds

(Optional) Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) for NSF mode. Range is 30 to 3600.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast routing address family ipv4 configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The nsf command does not enable or disable the multicast routing system, but just the NSF capability for all the relevant components. When the no form of this command is used, the NSF configuration is returned to its default disabled state.

Enable multicast NSF when you require enhanced availability of multicast forwarding. When enabled, failures of the control-plane multicast routing components Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) or Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) will not cause multicast forwarding to stop. When these components fail or communication with the control plane is otherwise disrupted, existing Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) entries continue to forward packets until either the control plane recovers or the MFIB NSF timeout expires.

Enable multicast NSF when you upgrade control-plane Cisco IOS XR Software packages so that the live upgrade process does not interrupt forwarding.

When the MFIB partner processes enter NSF mode, forwarding on stale (nonupdated) MFIB entries continues as the control-plane components attempt to recover gracefully. Successful NSF recovery is signaled to the Multicast Forwarding Engine (MFWD) partner processes by MRIB. MRIB remains in NSF mode until Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) has recovered state from the network and host stack and until PIM has recovered state from the network and IGMP. When both PIM and IGMP have recovered and fully updated the MRIB, MRIB signals the MFIBs that NSF is ending, and begins updating the stale MFIB entries. When all updates have been sent, the MFWD partner processes delete all remaining stale MFIB entries and returns to normal operation, ending the NSF mode. MFIB NSF timeout prior to the signal from MRIB may cause NSF to end, and thus forwarding to stop.

When forwarding is in NSF mode, multicast flows may continue longer than necessary when network conditions change due to multicast routing protocols, unicast routing protocol reachability information, or local sender and receiver changes. The MFWD partner processes halt forwarding on stale MFIB entries when the potential for a multicast loop is detected by receipt of incoming data on a forwarding interface for the matching MFIB entry.


For NSF to operate successfully in your multicast network, you must also enable NSF for the unicast protocols (such as Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System [IS-IS], Open Shortest Path First [OSPF] and Border Gateway Protocol [BGP]) that PIM relies on for Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) information. See the appropriate configuration modules to learn how to configure NSF for unicast protocols.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable NSF for the multicast routing system:

RP/0/(config)# multicast-routing 
RP/0/(config-mcast)# nsf 


To enable the out-of-memory (OOM) functionality on multicast routing software components, use the oom-handling command in multicast routing configuration mode. To remove this functionality, use the no form of this command.


no oom-handling

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast routing address family ipv4 configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When the oom-handling command is enabled, and the router memory is low or in a warning state, the following states are not created:

  • Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) route states in response to PIM join and prune messages, and register messages
  • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) group states
  • External Source-Active (SA) states in Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)

Multicast routing show commands such as the show pim topology command indicate when the router is running low on memory and that new state creation has stopped.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable the out-of-memory functionality:

RP/0/# multicast-routing 
RP/0/(config-mcast)# oom-handling 


To enable individual (source, group [S, G]) rate calculations, use the rate-per-route command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove this functionality, use the no form of this command.


no rate-per-route

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Multicast routing address family ipv4 configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to enable individual route calculations:

RP/0/# multicast-routing vrf vpn12 address-family ipv4 
RP/0/(config-mcast)# rate-per-route 


To apply route policy to a neighbor, either to inbound routes or outbound routes, use the route-policy command in the BGP neighbor address-family configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

route-policy policy_name[ in| out]

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the route policy.


Applies route policy to inbound routes.


Applies route policy to outbound routes.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

BGP Neighbor Address-family Configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation


read, write


RP/0/(config-bgp-nbr)# address-family vpnv4 unicast
RP/0/(config-bgp-nbr-af)# route-policy pass-all in
RP/0/(config-bgp-nbr-af)# route-policy pass-all out

shared-tree-prune delay

To set or change the prune installation time, use the shared-tree-prune-delay command in the appropriate mode. To disable the set time, use the no form of the command.

shared-tree-prune-delay time

noshared-tree-prune-delay time

Syntax Description


Delay in seconds. Range is 0 to 1800.

Command Default

60 seconds (for upstream prune)

Command Modes

C-multicast-routing configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to change the prune installation time(C-S, C-G, RPT). This is required on PEs connected to the C-RP (under certain conditions), when a Type-5 route is received. This is applicable only to BGP C-multicast Routing.

Task ID

Task ID Operation

read, write


This example shows how to use the shared-tree-prune-delay command:

RP/0/ (config-pim-v1-ipv4-mdt-cmcast) # shared-tree-prune-delay 100

show mfib connections

To display the status of Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) connections to servers, use the show mfib connections command in the appropriate mode.

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies MFIB connections associated with an interface of the designated node.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show mfib connections command to display a list of servers connected to the MFIB and the status of the connections.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mfib connections command:

RP/0/# show mfib connections 

Netio            : connected
IM               : connected
Pakman           : connected
MRIB             : connected
IFH              : connected
SysDB-Global     : connected
SysDB-Local      : connected
SysDB-NSF        : connected
SYSDB-EDM        : connected
SYSDB-Action     : connected
AIB              : connected
MLIB             : connected
IDB              : connected
IIR              : connected
IPARM            : connected
GSP              : connected

show mfib counter

To display Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) counter statistics for packets that have dropped, use the show mfib counter command in mode.

show mfib [vrf vrf-name] ipv4 counter [location node-id]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies MFIB counter statistics associated with an interface of the designated node.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show mfib counter command displays packet drop statistics for packets that cannot be accounted for under route counters.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mfib counter command:

RP/0/# show mfib counter location 0/1/CPU0 

MFIB global counters are : 
* Packets [no input idb]                   : 0
* Packets [failed route lookup]            : 0
* Packets [Failed idb lookup]              : 0
* Packets [Mcast disabled on input I/F]    : 0
* Packets [encap drops due to ratelimit]   : 0
* Packets [MC disabled on input I/F (iarm nfn)]      : 0

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 1. show mfib counter Field Descriptions



Packets [no input idb]

Packets dropped because no input interface information was found in the packet.

Packets [failed route lookup]

Packets dropped because of failure to match any multicast route.

Packets [Failed idb lookup]

Packets dropped because the descriptor block was not found for an interface (incoming or outgoing).

Packets [Mcast disabled on input I/F]

Packets dropped because arriving on an interface that was not enabled for the multicast routing feature.

Packets [encap drops due to ratelimit]

Packets dropped because of rate limit.

show mfib encap-info

To display the status of encapsulation information for Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB), use the show mfib encap-info command in the appropriate mode.

show mfib [vrf vrf-name] [ipv4 | ipv6] encap-info [location node-id]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies MFIB connections associated with an interface of the designated node.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mfib encap-info command:

RP/0/# show mfib vrf vrf_a encap-info  

Encaps String                       Dependent  Encaps      MDT Name/
                                    Routes #   Table ID    Handle

(,            5          0xe0000000  mdtA1 (0x100a480)

show mfib interface

To display interface-related information used during software multicast switching in the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) process, use the show mfib interface command in EXEC mode.

show mfib [vrf vrf-name] ipv4 interface [type interface-path-id] [detail | route] [location node-id]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Physical interface or virtual interface.



Use the show interfaces command in EXEC mode to see a list of all interfaces currently configured on the router.

For more information about the syntax for the router, use the question mark ( ? ) online help function.


(Optional) Specifies detailed information for packet statistics on interfaces.


(Optional) Specifies a list of routes associated with the interface. This option is available if an interface type and instance are specified.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies packet statistics associated with an interface of the designated node.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show mfib interface command displays counters for the number of packets and bytes that are handled by software switching.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mfib interface command for the multicast route on node 0/2/CPU0 that is associated with the Gigabit Ethernet interface 0/2/0/2:

Router# show mfib interface HundredGigE 0/0/0/24 location 0/2/CPU0 

Interface : HundredGigE0/0/0/24 (Enabled)
Mcast pkts in : 5839, Mcast pkts out : 0 TTL Threshold : 0 Ref Count : 18

The following is sample output from the show mfib interface command with the detail and location keywords specified:

Router# show mfib interface detail location 0/2/CPU0 

Interface : FINT0/2/CPU0 [0x3000000] (Disabled) PHYSICAL Create Unknown Mcast pkts in: 0, Mcast pkts out: 0 TTL Threshold : 0, VRF ID: 0x60000000, Multicast Adjacency Ref Count: 2, Route Count: 0, Handle: 0x3000000 Primary address : Secondary address : 

Interface : HundredGigE0/0/0/24 [0x3000900] (Enabled) PHYSICAL Create Rcvd Mcast pkts in: 5844, Mcast pkts out: 0 TTL Threshold : 0, VRF ID: 0x60000000, Multicast Adjacency Ref Count: 18, Route Count: 15, Handle: 0x3000900 Primary address : Secondary address : 

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 2. show mfib interface Field Descriptions




Interface name. Enabled if the interface is configured for multicast routing. The word “PHYSICAL” is displayed if the interface is a nonvirtual interface.

Mcast pkts in

Number of incoming multicast packets entering the interface during software switching.

Mcast pkts out

Number of outgoing multicast packets exiting the interface during software switching.

TTL Threshold

Number of multicast packets that reach the configured multicast time-to-live threshold.


VPN Routing and Forwarding instance ID.

Ref Count

Number of references to this interface structure in the MFIB process.

Primary address

Primary IP address of the interface.

Secondary address

Secondary IP address of the interface.

show mfib nsf

To display the state of a nonstop forwarding (NSF) operation for the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) line cards, use the show mfib nsf command in EXEC mode.

show mfib [ipv4] nsf [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies the MFIB NSF designated node.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show mfib nsf command displays the current multicast NSF state for the MFIB process contained on all line cards and route processors (RPs) in the router.

For multicast NSF, the state may be one of the following:

  • Normal—Normal operation: The MFIBs in the card contain only up-to-date MFIB entries.
  • Boot Card Booting—Card is initializing and has not yet determined its NSF state.
  • Not Forwarding—Multicast Forwarding Disabled: Multicast routing failed to recover from a failure-induced NSF state prior to the MFIB NSF timeout.
  • Non-stop Forwarding Activated—Multicast NSF active: The router is operating in NSF mode while attempting to recover from a control-plane failure. In this mode, data is forwarded based on MFIB entries that are either updated by the recovered Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB), or MFIB entries that were marked stale when NSF mode began. The times remaining until multicast NSF and multicast-unicast NSF expiration are displayed.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mfib nsf command:

RP/0/# show mfib nsf 

IP MFWD Non-Stop Forwarding Status:
  NSF Lifetime: 00:15:00

On node 0/1/CPU0 :
Multicast routing state: Non-Stop Forwarding is activated
NSF Time Remaining: 00:14:54

On node 0/3/CPU0 :
Multicast routing state: Non-Stop Forwarding is activated
NSF Time Remaining: 00:14:54

On node 0/4/CPU0 :
Multicast routing state: Non-Stop Forwarding is activated
NSF Time Remaining: 00:14:53

On node 0/6/CPU0 :
Multicast routing state: Non-Stop Forwarding is activated
NSF Time Remaining: 00:14:53

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 3. show mfib nsf Field Descriptions



IP MFWD Non-Stop Forwarding Status

MFIB NSF status of each node in the system: booting, normal, not forwarding, or activated.

NSF Time Remaining

If MSB NSF is activated, the time remaining until NSF fails and all routes are deleted displays. Before timeout, MRIB signals that NSF (in the control plane) is finished and new, updated routes are populated in the MFIB (which makes the transition to Normal status).

show mfib platform route

To display route entries in the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) specific to Cisco 8000 series routers, use the show mfib platform route command in EXEC mode.

show mfib [ vrf vrf-name ] ipv4 platform route [ statistics | * | source-IP-address | group-IP-address / prefix-length | detail | summary | location node-id ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Display shared tree entries.


(Optional) IP address or hostname of the multicast route source. Format is:



(Optional) IP address or hostname of the multicast group. Format is:



(Optional) Group IP prefix length of the multicast group. A decimal value that indicates how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address compose the prefix (the network portion of the address). Format is: A.B.C.D/length

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies detailed route information.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies an MFIB-designated node.


(Optional) Display both software and hardware forwarding statistics.


(Optional) Displays a brief list of the routing database.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 24.1.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

All entries in the MFIB table are derived from the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB). The flags have the same connotation as in the MRIB. The flags determine the forwarding and signaling behavior according to a set of forwarding rules for multicast packets. In addition to the list of interfaces and flags, each route entry shows various counters. Byte count is the number of total bytes forwarded. Packet count is the number of packets received for this entry.

The show mfib counter command displays global counters independent of the routes.

This command displays counters for the number of packets and bytes that are handled by hardware switching.

The show mfib route rate command is not supported on interfaces such as bundle virtual interfaces and Bridge Group virtual interfaces (BVIs).

The command displays the rate per route for one line card in Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table when the statistics keyword is used.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mfib platform route command with the location keyword specified (the output fields are described in the header). The hardware and software specific information for the given multicast route is displayed in the output:

Router# show mfib platform route detail loc 0/0/CPU0 

Route Information
    MC GID:    Multicast Index     NPI:     NP Independent       
Outgoing Interface Information
    UL_Intf: Underlying Interface  UL_IFH:  Underlying Interface Handle
    L:       Local Interface       B:       Bundle Interface     
    O:       In NPI Layer          OT:      OLE TYPE             
    MRID:    Multicast Group Index 
    SE:      Last sync error reported in OFA 
    AE:      Last async error reported in OFA 
VRF_ID: 0x0          Source:         Group:     Mask: 64  
    SW Route Information 
    RPF Intf: FH0/0/0/7/0                  RPF Intf_Handle:0x3e8
    Global MC GID:[Current:136  Old:0] Scale mode: Not-Set
    NPU MASK[Current:0x0  Old:0x0]         Total OLE_CNT:1
    Route Created in OFA: T                MC GID Created in OFA: T
    IC_Lo: F,  Signal: F                   NS_A_intf: F,  Encaps_Punt: F, 
    Decaps_Punt: F                         RPF_fail: T
    RPFID: 1                               PD RPFID: 0     (Annot RPFID 23552)
    Encap ID: 0                            Encap MC GID:[Current:0  Old:0],
    Core Type: DECAP                       Overlay VRF ID:0
    Recycle NP: 0
    Protection MoFRR: Not-Set              
    HW Route NPI Information 
    RPF Interface Information 
    RPF Intf:None                          RPF Intf_Handle:0x0
    L3If RefKey:0x0
    DPA Route Context Information 
    MC GID:136               NPU BITMAP:0x0               VRF ID:0x0           
    Punt Action:0x4          OFA_sync_route_rc:0x0        OFA_sync_mc_gid_rc:0x0    
    OFA_async_route_rc:0x0   OFA_async_mc_gid_rc:0x0    
    DPA_adapt_rc:0x0         DPA_map_rc:0x0               DPA_exec_rc:0x0    
    Statistics [Enabled: Y]
 VRF_ID: 0x0          Source:         Group:     Mask: 64  
    SW Route Information 
    RPF Intf: Lo0                          RPF Intf_Handle:0xf00001c
    Global MC GID:[Current:134  Old:0] Scale mode: Not-Set
    NPU MASK[Current:0x0  Old:0x0]         Total OLE_CNT:2
    Route Created in OFA: T                MC GID Created in OFA: T
    IC_Lo: F,  Signal: F                   NS_A_intf: F,  Encaps_Punt: F, 
    Decaps_Punt: F                         RPF_fail: T
    RPFID: 1                               PD RPFID: 0     (Annot RPFID 23552)
    Encap ID: 0                            Encap MC GID:[Current:0  Old:0],
    Core Type: ENCAP                       Overlay VRF ID:0
    Recycle NP: 0
    Protection MoFRR: Not-Set              
    HW Route NPI Information 
    RPF Interface Information 
    RPF Intf:None                          RPF Intf_Handle:0x0
    L3If RefKey:0x0
    DPA Route Context Information 
    MC GID:134               NPU BITMAP:0x0               VRF ID:0x0           
    Punt Action:0x4          OFA_sync_route_rc:0x0        OFA_sync_mc_gid_rc:0x0    
    OFA_async_route_rc:0x0   OFA_async_mc_gid_rc:0x0    
    DPA_adapt_rc:0x0         DPA_map_rc:0x0               DPA_exec_rc:0x0    
    Statistics [Enabled: Y]
 VRF_ID: 0x0          Source:         Group:     Mask: 64  
    SW Route Information 
    RPF Intf: FH0/0/0/3/0                  RPF Intf_Handle:0x3a8
    Global MC GID:[Current:135  Old:0] Scale mode: Not-Set
    NPU MASK[Current:0x0  Old:0x0]         Total OLE_CNT:1
    Route Created in OFA: T                MC GID Created in OFA: T
    IC_Lo: F,  Signal: F                   NS_A_intf: F,  Encaps_Punt: F, 
    Decaps_Punt: F                         RPF_fail: T
    RPFID: 1                               PD RPFID: 0     (Annot RPFID 23552)
    Encap ID: 0                            Encap MC GID:[Current:0  Old:0],
    Core Type: DECAP                       Overlay VRF ID:0
    Recycle NP: 0
    Protection MoFRR: Not-Set              
    HW Route NPI Information 
    RPF Interface Information 
    RPF Intf:None                          RPF Intf_Handle:0x0
    L3If RefKey:0x0
    DPA Route Context Information 
    MC GID:135               NPU BITMAP:0x0               VRF ID:0x0           
    Punt Action:0x4          OFA_sync_route_rc:0x0        OFA_sync_mc_gid_rc:0x0    
    OFA_async_route_rc:0x0   OFA_async_mc_gid_rc:0x0    
    DPA_adapt_rc:0x0         DPA_map_rc:0x0               DPA_exec_rc:0x0    
    Statistics [Enabled: Y]

show mfib route

To display route entries in the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB), use the show mfib route command in EXEC mode.

show mfib [ vrf vrf-name ] ipv4 route statistics [ rate | * | source-IP-address | group-IP-address / prefix-length | detail | summary | location node-id ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Display shared tree entries.


(Optional) IP address or hostname of the multicast route source. Format is:



(Optional) IP address or hostname of the multicast group. Format is:



(Optional) Group IP prefix length of the multicast group. A decimal value that indicates how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address compose the prefix (the network portion of the address). Format is: A.B.C.D/length

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies detailed route information.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies an MFIB-designated node.


(Optional) Displays individual (S, G) rates.


(Optional) Restricts display of any shared-tree entries.


(Optional) Display both software and hardware forwarding statistics.


(Optional) Displays a brief list of the routing database.


(Optional) Displays technical support information.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

All entries in the MFIB table are derived from the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB). The flags have the same connotation as in the MRIB. The flags determine the forwarding and signaling behavior according to a set of forwarding rules for multicast packets. In addition to the list of interfaces and flags, each route entry shows various counters. Byte count is the number of total bytes forwarded. Packet count is the number of packets received for this entry.

The show mfib counter command displays global counters independent of the routes.

This command displays counters for the number of packets and bytes that are handled by software switching. .

The command displays the cumulative rates per route for all line cards in the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table when the rate keyword is used with the source and group IP addresses.

The show mfib route rate command is not supported on interfaces such as bundle virtual interfaces and Bridge Group virtual interfaces (BVIs).

The command displays the rate per route for one line card in Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table when the statistics keyword is used.

Task ID

Task ID




show mfib table-info

To display Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table information, use the show mfib table-info command in EXEC mode.

show mfib [ipv4 | ipv6] table-info {table-id | vrf-name} [local | remote] [location node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.


Specifies the table identifier. Range is 0 to 4294967295.


Specifies the VRF name.


Specifies local tables only.


Specifies remote tables only.

location node-id

(Optional) Specifies MFIB connections associated with an interface of the designated node.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mfib table-info command:

RP/0/# show mfib table-info table-id location 0/0/CPU0

Table Name           : default
VRid/TID/VID         : 0x0 / 0xe0000000 / 0x60000000
Table type           : TBL_TYPE_TID
Active/Linked        : Y / Y
Prev Table ID        : 0x0
Location             : Local
Local ifcount        : 16
Default MDT Encap    : (*, */32)
MDT Master LC        : N
Loopback (Encap Src) : 0x0 (Ha0x0)
Local EG intf cnt    : 6
Data MDT             : Acl - (-), All vrf routes N, 0 Kbps

RP/0/#show mfib table-info vrf 101 

Table Name           : vrf15
VRid/TID/VID         : 0x0 / 0xe000000f / 0x6000000f
Table type           : TBL_TYPE_NAME_VID
Active/Linked        : Y / Y
Prev Table ID        : 0x0
Location             : Local
Local ifcount        : 2
Child routes         :	(,
Default MDT Handle   : 0x0 (Ha0x0)

MDT Master LC        : Y
Loopback (Encap Src) : 0x9000180 (Loopback0)
Local EG intf cnt    : 508
Data MDT             : Acl - (-), All vrf routes N, 0 Kbps

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 4. show mfib table-info Field Descriptions



Table Name

Name of the MFIB table.


Table identifiers.

Table type

Type of MFIB table.


Table is active and linked.


Location of the MFIB table.

Local ifcount

Local interface count.

Child routes

Child routes shows the number of extranet routes in receiver VRFs that reference this source VRF.

Default MDT Encap

Default MDT encapsulation.

Default MDT Handle

Default MDT interface handle for this VRF.

MDT Master LC

Field contains "Y" if this line card is a master line card for this VRF.

Loopback (Encap Src)

Loopback (encapsulation source).

Local EG intf cnt

Shows the number of local egress interfaces for this VRF and location.

Data MDT

Routes for which multicast data for a multicast distribution tree (MDT) was triggered.

show mrib client

To display the state of the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) client connections, use the show mrib client command in the appropriate mode.

show mrib [vrf vrf-name] ipv4 client [filter] [client-name]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.


(Optional) Displays route and interface level flag changes that various MRIB clients have registered and shows what flags are owned by the MRIB clients.


(Optional) Name of a multicast routing protocol that acts as a client of MRIB, such as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) or Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mrib client command using the filter option:

RP/0/# show mrib client filter 

IP MRIB client-connections 
igmp:417957 (connection id 0) 
 ownership filter: 
  interface attributes: II ID LI LD 
   include All
pim:417959 (connection id 1)
 interest filter:
  entry attributes: E
  interface attributes: SP II ID LI LD
   include All
 ownership filter:
  entry attributes: L S C IA IF D
  interface attributes: F A IC NS DP DI EI
   include All
bcdl_agent:1 (connection id 2)
 interest filter:
  entry attributes: S C IA IF D
  interface attributes: F A IC NS DP SP EI
   include All
 ownership filter:
   include All

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 5. show mrib client Field Descriptions




Name of the client.


Personal identifier (PID) or a unique ID assigned by MRIB.

(connection id 0)

Unique client connection identifier.

ownership filter:

Specifies all the route entry and interface-level flags that are owned by the client. As the owner of the flag, only the client can add or remove the flag. For example, only the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) client can add the II flag on an interface. MRIB does not allow a non-owner to register or modify the same flag.

groups: include include All

Groups and interfaces registered by the clients consisting of two lists. One is an include list (items for which the client requests to be notified.) The use of “All” implies all interfaces and to indicate all groups. Not shown in this example is the exclude list. This list contains items for which the client requests not to be notified when modifications occur.

interface attributes:


Interface-level flags set on the interface belong to a route.

interest filter:

Specifies all the flags, groups, and interfaces from which the client requests information. When a flag of interest for a client is modified, the client is notified.

entry attributes:


Entry-level flags that are set on the route.

show mrib mpls forwarding

To display the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) MPLS forwarding table information of all tunnels, use the show mrib mpls forwarding command in

EXEC mode


show mrib mpls forwarding [detail | labels | s2l | source | summary | tunnels]

Syntax Description


Provides the detail information of each tunnel.


Filters based on label.


Filters based on s2l.


Filters based on source PE address.


Displays the summary output of entries.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is a sample output from the show mrib mpls forwarding command:

RP/0/# show mrib mpls forwarding

LSP information (RSVP-TE) :
  Name: tunnel-mte26 Role: Head State: binding
    TUNNEL-ID: 26  P2MP-ID: 26  LSP-ID: 10012
    Source Address:  Extended-ID:

      Incoming Label       : (16008)
      Transported Protocol : IPv4
      Explicit Null        : IPv6 Explicit Null
      IP lookup            : enabled

      Outsegment Info #1 [Head/Push]:
        Outgoing Label: 16008  Outgoing IF: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5(P) Outgoing Node ID: 0x1  Nexthop:

LSP information (RSVP-TE) :
  Name: tunnel-mte27 Role: Head State: binding
    TUNNEL-ID: 27  P2MP-ID: 27  LSP-ID: 10012
    Source Address:  Extended-ID:

      Incoming Label       : (16007)
      Transported Protocol : IPv4
      Explicit Null        : IPv6 Explicit Null
      IP lookup            : enabled
      Platform information : FGID: 51075, 51076 frr_slotmask: 0x1

      Outsegment Info #1 [Head/Push]:
        Outgoing Label: 16007  Outgoing IF: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5(P) Outgoing Node ID: 0x1  Nexthop:

The following is a sample output from the show mrib mpls forwarding command with the detail keyword:

RP/0/# show mrib mpls forwarding tunnel 27 detail 
LSP information (RSVP-TE) :
  Name: ------ Role: Bud
    TUNNEL-ID: 27  P2MP-ID: 27  LSP-ID: 10002
    Source Address:  Extended-ID:

      Incoming Label       : 16001
      Transported Protocol : IPv4
      Explicit Null        : IPv6 Explicit Null
      IP lookup            : enabled
      Platform information : FGID: 44045, 44046 frr_slotmask: 0x24

      Outsegment Info #1 [Tail/Pop]:
        No info.
      Outsegment Info #2 [Mid/Swap]:
        Outgoing Label: 16001  Outgoing IF: GigabitEthernet0/5/0/6(P) Outgoing Node ID: 0x51  Nexthop:
      Outsegment Info #3 [Mid/Swap]:
        Outgoing Label: 16001  Outgoing IF: GigabitEthernet0/2/0/4(P) Outgoing Node ID: 0x21  Nexthop:

RP/0/# show mrib mpls forwarding tunnel 26 detail 
LSP information (RSVP-TE) :
  Name: ------ Role: Tail
    TUNNEL-ID: 26  P2MP-ID: 26  LSP-ID: 10012
    Source Address:  Extended-ID:

      Incoming Label       : 16008
      Transported Protocol : IPv4
      Explicit Null        : IPv6 Explicit Null
      IP lookup            : enabled
      Platform information : FGID: 51082, 51083 frr_slotmask: 0x0
Outsegment Info #1 [Tail/Pop]:
        No info.

show mrib mpls route

To display the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) multicast groups to tunnels mappings, use the show mrib mpls route command in EXEC mode.

show mrib mpls route [interface | summary]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specify the type of interface.


(Optional) Displays the summary information.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





This is a sample output from the show mrib mpls route command:

RP/0/# show mrib mpls route

Tunnel Interface: tunnel-mte28
    (, (, (,
Tunnel Interface: tunnel-mte27
    (, (, (,
Tunnel Interface: tunnel-mte26
    (, (, (,

show mrib nsf

To display the state of nonstop forwarding (NSF) operation in the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB), use the show mrib nsf command in the appropriate mode.

show mrib ipv4 nsf

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show mrib nsf command displays the current multicast NSF state for the MRIB. The state may be normal or activated for NSF. The activated state indicates that recovery is in progress due to a failure in MRIB or Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). The total NSF timeout and time remaining are displayed until NSF expiration.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mrib nsf command:

RP/0/# show mrib nsf
IP MRIB Non-Stop Forwarding Status: 
Multicast routing state: Non-Stop Forwarding Activated 
NSF Lifetime: 00:03:00 
NSF Time Remaining: 00:01:40 

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 6. show mrib nsf Field Descriptions



Multicast routing state

Multicast NSF status of the MRIB (Normal or NSF Activated).

NSF Lifetime

Timeout for MRIB NSF, computed as the maximum of the PIM and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) NSF lifetimes, plus 60 seconds.

NSF Time Remaining

If MRIB NSF state is activated, the time remaining until MRIB reverts to Normal mode displays. Before this timeout, MRIB receives notifications from IGMP and PIM, triggering a successful end of NSF and cause the transition to normal state. If notifications are not received, the timer triggers a transition back to normal mode, causing new routes to download to MFIB and old routes to be deleted.

show mrib nsr end

To display nonstop routing (NSR) operation in the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB), use the show mrib nsr end command in the appropriate mode.

show mrib ipv4| ipv6 nsr end

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv6 address prefixes.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command after an NSR event (for example, RPFO or a process restart) to determine when each of the MRIB or MRIB6's NSR clients finished re-downloading the information to the MRIB and if any previously downloaded information was purged in the process.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mrib nsr end command:

RP/0/# show mrib nsr end
Time               Client       Idx    Change
Oct 17 18:43:36    Membership   1      N
Oct 17 18:43:40    Routing      2      Y       		

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 7. show mrib nsr end Field Descriptions




The time at which the client finished downloading information back to MRIB or MRIB6 after the NSR event.


Client type (Membership - IGMP/MLD, Routing - PIM/PIM6)


Was there an route or interface attribute purge Y - yes, N - no

show mrib route-collapse

To display the contents of the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) route-collapse database, use the show mrib route-collapse command in the appropriate mode.

show mrib [vrf vrf-name] ipv4 route-collapse [core-tree]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) IPv4 Multicast Distribution Tree (MDT) group address.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mrib route-collapse command:

RP/0/# show mrib route-collapse  TID: 0xe0000038   TLC TID: 0xe0000038
  Customer route database count: 5
  Core route database count: 4
  Core egress node database count: 1
    nodeid        slot            refcount
    0x20          0/2/CPU0        1  TID: 0xe0000039   TLC TID: 0xe0000039
  Customer route database count: 1
  Core route database count: 3
  Core egress node database count: 1
    nodeid        slot            refcount
    0x20          0/2/CPU0        1  TID: 0xe000003a   TLC TID: 0xe000003a
  Customer route database count: 2
  Core route database count: 3
  Core egress node database count: 1
    nodeid        slot            refcount
    0x20          0/2/CPU0        1

show mrib route

To display all entries in the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB), use the show mrib route command in mode.

show mrib [vrf vrf-name] [ipv4 | ipv6] [old-output] route [summary | outgoing-interface | [* | source-address] [group-address [/ prefix-length]]] [detail]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.


(Optional) Displays shared tree entries.


(Optional) Source IP address or hostname of the MRIB route. Format is:

A.B.C.D or X:X::X.


(Optional) Group IP address or hostname of the MRIB route. Format is:

A.B.C.D or X:X::X.


(Optional) Prefix length of the MRIB group address. A decimal value that indicates how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address compose the prefix (the network portion of the address). A slash must precede the decimal value. Format is:

A.B.C.D or X:X::X.


(Optional) Displays the outgoing-interface information.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the routing database.


(Optional) Displays the routing database with the platform data.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes

Command History

Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Each line card has an individual Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table. The MFIB table maintains a subset of entries and flags updated from MRIB. The flags determine the forwarding and signaling behavior according to a set of forwarding rules for multicast packets. In addition to the list of interfaces and flags, each route entry shows various counters. Byte count is the number of total bytes forwarded. Packet count is the number of packets received for this entry.

The show mfib counter command displays global counters independent of the routes.

Task ID

Task ID





The following example shows output for the show mrib route detail command without using the stats-ole location:

Router # show mrib vrf vpn101 route detail
IP Multicast Routing Information Base
Entry flags: 
- L - Domain-Local Source
- E - External Source to the Domain
- C - Directly-Connected Check
- S - Signal
- IA - Inherit Accept
- IF - Inherit From
- D - Drop
- ME - MDT Encap
- EID - Encap ID
- MD - MDT Decap
- MT - MDT Threshold Crossed
- MH - MDT interface handle
- CD - Conditional Decap
- MPLS - MPLS Decap
- EX - Extranet
- MoFE - MoFRR Enabled
- MoFS - MoFRR State
- MoFP - MoFRR Primary
- MoFB - MoFRR Backup
Interface flags:
- F - Forward
- A - Accept
- IC - Internal Copy
- NS - Negate Signal
- DP - Do not Preserve
- SP - Signal Present
- II - Internal Interest
- ID - Internal Disinterest
- LI - Local Interest
- LD - Local Disinterest
- DI - Decapsulation Interface
- EI - Encapsulation Interface
- MI - MDT Interface
- LVIF - MPLS Encap
- EX - Extranet
- A2 - Secondary Accept
- MT - MDT Threshold Crossed
- MA - Data MDT Assigned
- LMI - mLDP MDT Interface
- TMI - P2MP-TE MDT Interface
- IRMI - IR MDT Interface
- TRMI - TREE SID MDT Interface
- MH - Multihome Interface
(*, Ver: 0x6119 RPF nbr: Flags: L C RPF P, MRID: 9, MCGID: 40, FLAGS: 0x0, Stats(F)
  Up: 00:03:12
  Outgoing Interface List
    Decapstunnel0 Flags: NS DI, Up: 00:03:07
(*, Ver: 0xc1d8 Flags: D P, MRID: 7, MCGID: 38, FLAGS: 0x0, Stats(F)
  Up: 00:03:12
(*, Ver: 0x653 Flags: S P, MRID: 5, MCGID: 36, FLAGS: 0x0, Stats(F)
  Up: 00:03:12
(*, Ver: 0xde67 Flags: S P, MRID: 6, MCGID: 37, FLAGS: 0x0, Stats(F)
  Up: 00:03:12
  Outgoing Interface List
    HundredGigE0/0/0/14 Flags: II LI, Up: 00:03:12
(*, Ver: 0x665b Flags: D P, MRID: 8, MCGID: 39, FLAGS: 0x0, Stats(F)
  Up: 00:03:12
(, Ver: 0x710e RPF nbr: Flags: RPF RPFID, MRID: 10, MCGID: 136, FLAGS: 0x1, Stats(T): INVALID
  Up: 00:03:05
  RPF-ID: 1, Encap-ID: 0
  Incoming Interface List
    Lmdtvpn101 Flags: A LMI, Up: 00:02:43
  Outgoing Interface List
    HundredGigE0/0/0/14 Flags: F NS LI, Up: 00:03:05

show mrib route outgoing-interface

To display the outgoing-interface information on the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB), use the show mrib route outgoing-interface command in the appropriate mode.

show mrib route outgoing-interface [* | source-address] [group-address [/ prefix-length]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays shared tree entries.


(Optional) Source IP address or hostname of the MRIB route. Format is:



(Optional) Group IP address or hostname of the MRIB route and the prefix length.


(Optional) Prefix length of the MRIB group address. A decimal value that indicates how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address compose the prefix (the network portion of the address). A slash must precede the decimal value. Format is:


Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mrib route outgoing-interface command:

RP/0/# show mrib route outgoing-interface

IP Multicast Routing Information Base
Entry flags: L - Domain-Local Source, E - External Source to the Domain,
    C - Directly-Connected Check, S - Signal, IA - Inherit Accept,
    IF - Inherit From, D - Drop, MA - MDT Address, ME - MDT Encap,
    MD - MDT Decap, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed, MH - MDT interface handle
    CD - Conditional Decap, MPLS - MPLS Decap, MF - MPLS Encap, EX - Extranet
    MoFE - MoFRR Enabled, MoFS - MoFRR State

(*,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:0, flags: C
(*,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:0, flags: D
(*,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:3, flags: S
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:00:04:17, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d06h, OIF count:11, flags:
(*,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:2, flags: S
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d06h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:00:02:38, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:00:02:38, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:00:02:38, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:11, flags:
(*,, Up:6d06h, OIF count:0, flags: C
(*,, Up:6d06h, OIF count:0, flags: C
(*,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:0, flags: D
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:3, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:2, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:2, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:2, flags:
(,, Up:6d10h, OIF count:2, flags:
(,, Up:6d06h, OIF count:3, flags:

show mrib table-info

To display Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) table information, use the show mrib table-info command in the appropriate mode.

show mrib [vrf vrf-name] ipv4 table-info

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mrib table-info command:

RP/0/# show mrib vrf vrf101 table-info
VRF: default [tid 0xe0000000]
Registered Client:
  igmp [ccbid: 0 cltid: 4485366]
  pim [ccbid: 1 cltid: 4485368]
  bcdl_agent [ccbid: 2 cltid: 1]
  msdp [ccbid: 3 cltid: 8827135]
Table 8. show mrib table-info Field Descriptions




Default VRF or a VRF configured for the purpose of an override in MVPN.


Client ID.


A process like igmp and pim, which is used to download routes to line card.

MDT handle

MDT interface handle for this VRF.

MDT group

Default MDT group associated with this VRF.

MDT source

Per-VRF MDT source information.

show mrib tlc

To display the contents of the Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) table-line card (TLC) database, use the show mrib tlc command in the appropriate mode .

show mrib [vrf vrf-name] ipv4 tlc

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 address prefixes.

Command Default

IPv4 addressing is the default.

Command Modes


Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





The following is sample output from the show mrib tlc command:

RP/0/# show mrib tlc

VRF: default [tid 0xe0000000]
Master LC slot: Not selected
Associated MDT group: 0
Forwarding LC node: 0

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 9. show msdp peer Field Descriptions



Associated MDT group

IP address of the MSDP peer.

Master LC slot

Indicates whether the master LC slot has been selected.

Forwarding LC node

Autonomous system to which the peer belongs.

Associated MDT group

Indicates the number of associated MDT groups.

show mrib vrf vrf_name route

To display the detail routing DB with platform data information for multicast routing information base, use the show mrib vrf vrf_name route command in the EXEC mode.

show mrib vrf vrf_name route ip_address detail

Syntax Description


Displays routing DB with platform data.


Specifies the group IP address.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation




RP/0/# show mrib vrf vrf1 route detail
(, Ver: 0x32b9 RPF nbr: Flags: EID, 
 PD: Slotmask: 0x0
     MGID: 17754
  Up: 12:35:50, Route node: 0x504f8df8
  RPF-ID: 0, Encap-ID: 4, EPtr: 0x505463c4, Hd: 0x502df6f8, Cts: 1, 0, 0, 0
  Acc: 1 (MDT: 0), Fwd: 1 (0), SRD: (0,0), Encap-next: 0x0
  Incoming Interface List
    GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1.1 Flags: A, Up: 05:30:09, Ptrs: 0x502df438, 0x0
  Outgoing Interface List
    tunnel-mte1 Flags: F NS LI LVIF, Up: 12:35:50, Ptrs: 0x502df6f8, 0x0
       LI add redist count: 2


To set the delay-time for the (S,G) prune of the ingress-PE (provider edge), use the source-tree-prune-delay command in the appropriate mode. To remove the set delay, use the no form of the command.

source-tree-prune-delay time

nosource-tree-prune-delay time

Syntax Description


Delay in seconds. Range is 0 to 300.

Command Default

60 seconds

Command Modes

C-multicast-routing configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to delay (S,G) Prune on the Ingress-PE, when the last Type-7 route is withdrawn.

Task ID

Task ID Operation

read, write


This example shows how to use the source-tree-prune-delay command:

RP/0/ (config-pim-v1-ipv4-mdt-cmcast) # source-tree-prune-delay 100


To configure a static Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) rule for a specified prefix mask, use the static-rpf command in an appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.

static-rpf prefix-address prefix-mask type path-id next-hop-address

no static-rpf

Syntax Description


IP address of a prefix for an address range.


Prefix mask for an address range. Range is 0 to 32 for IPv4 .


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Physical interface or virtual interface.



Use the show interfaces command in EXEC mode to see a list of all interfaces currently configured on the router.

For more information about the syntax for the router, use the question mark ( ? ) online help function.


IP address for an RPF neighbor.

Command Default

A static RPF rule for a specified prefix mask is not configured.

Command Modes

Multicast routing address family ipv4 and ipv6 configuration

Multicast VRF configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The static-rpf command is used to configure incompatible topologies for unicast and multicast traffic.

Use the static-rpf command to configure a static route to be used for RPF checking in Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) instead of using the unicast routing table.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example configures the static RPF rule for IP address

Router(config)# multicast-routing
Router(config-mcast)# vrf green
Router(config-mcast)# static-rpf 32 HundredGigE


To suppress PIM data signaling, use the suppress-pim-data-signaling command in the appropriate mode. To remove the suppressed condition, use the no form of the command.



Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

PIM C-multicast routing configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command supports c-anycast RP and can be used only under the PIM c-multicast routing mode.

Task ID

Task ID Operation

read, write


This example shows how to use the suppress-pim-data-signaling command:

RP/0/ (config-pim-v1-ipv4-mdt-cmcast) # suppress-pim-data-signaling


To suppress shared tree joins and support the SPT-only mode, use the suppress-shared-tree-join command in the appropriate mode.

To remove the suppress condition, use the no form of the command.



Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

C-multicast-routing configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the SPT-only (Shortest Path Tree) mode.

Task ID

Task ID Operation

read, write


This command shows how to use the suppress-shared-tree-join command:

RP/0/(config-pim-v1-ipv4-mdt-cmcast) # suppress-shared-tree-join


To disable VPN-IP attributes, use the unicast-reachability command in the appropriate mode. To restore the attributes, use the no form of the command.

unicast-reachability [ connector-disable | source-as-disable | vrf-route-import-disable ]

nounicast-reachability [ connector-disable | source-as-disable | vrf-route-import-disable ]

Syntax Description


Disables connector addition.


Disables source AS extended community addition.


Disables VRF route import extended community addition.

Command Default


Command Modes

C-multicast routing configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command controls addition of extended communities to unicast VPN-IP routes. These attributes have specific purposes in PIM and BGP C-multicast Routing.

Task ID

Task ID Operation

read, write


This example shows how to use the unicast-reachability command:

RP/0/ (config-pim-v1-ipv4-mdt-cmcast) # unicast-reachability connector-disable 

vrf (multicast)

To configure a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance for a VPN table, use the vrf command in multicast routing configuration mode. To remove the VRF instance from the configuration file and restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of this command.

vrf vrf-name ipv4

no vrf vrf-name ipv4

Syntax Description


Name of the VRF instance. The following names cannot be used: all, default, and global.


(Optional) Configures IPv4 address prefixes.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Multicast routing configuration

Command History



Release 7.0.12

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A VRF instance is a collection of VPN routing and forwarding tables maintained at the provider edge (PE) router.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to configure a VRF instance and enter VRF configuration mode:

RP/0/(config)# multicast-routing
RP/0/(config-mcast)# vrf vrf_1
RP/0/(config-mcast-vrf_1-ipv4)# mdt ?
data     Data MDT group configuration
default  MDT default group address
mtu      MDT mtu configuration
source   Interface used to set MDT source address