MAC Authentication Bypass
Feature Name |
Release Information |
Feature Description |
MAC Authentication Bypass |
Release 7.3.4 Release 7.5.2 |
Based on the MAC address of the end device or the client connected to the router port, this feature enables port control functionality for your router. This functionality provides controlled access to network services for end devices that do not support other authentication methods such as IEEE 802.1X port-based authentication. The MAB support is only for the single-host mode. This feature introduces these commands and options:
With MAC authentication bypass (MAB) functionality, the router (authenticator) uses the MAC address of the end device or the client (also called as supplicant) as an authenticating parameter for providing network access. With MAB enabled, when the router receives an incoming data packet from the client that is connected to the router port, it learns the source MAC address and sends it to the external RADIUS server (authentication server) for authentication. The RADIUS authentication server maintains a database of MAC addresses for devices that require access to the network. Based on the authentication result, the router allows or drops the data packets from that client. If the RADIUS server returns a success (Access-Accept ) message, it indicates that the MAC address is authenticated and the client is authorized to send traffic through that port. The router then programs that MAC address on the port to which the client is connected. The router allows the traffic from the client to be forwarded to the network. Similarly, if the RADIUS server returns a failure (Access-Reject ) message, it indicates that the MAC address is unauthenticated. And hence the router drops further data packets from that client. Thus, the MAB feature brings in port control functionality for Cisco 8000 Series Routers and provides end devices a controlled access to network services.
Starting with Cisco IOS-XR Release 24.4.1, MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) can now have multiple hosts by allowing MAC addresses on a single port, each authenticated separately. The router achieves this functionality by increasing the maximum limit on MAC learning capability from 1 to 2 clients. With this new ability, when multi-auth mode is configured under MAB, the router continues MAC -learning on a port after authenticating a client using MAB, until the second client authentication is begun. With this you can use MAB for multi-domain authentication by allowing two endpoints to be authenticated and managed separately on the same port.
Authentication Failure Scenarios with MAB
This table lists various authentication failure scenarios and the expected feature behavior with MAB:
Authentication Failure Scenarios |
Expected MAB Feature Behavior |
RADIUS server rejects the authentication request |
RADIUS server is not reachable during authentication process |
With server dead action auth-retry command configured:
Similarly, for an unauthenticated client, if the authentication does not happen after the retries, the router deletes the client context and puts the port back in MAC learning mode. Without server dead action auth-retry command configuration:
Restrictions for MAB
The restrictions apply to the MAB feature:
With MAB, user authentication can only be done using a remote AAA server; not using the local AAA server on the router.
MAB feature works only as a standalone feature; not as a fallback mechanism for any other type of authentication failures.
MAB supports only a single end device on each port. Hence, you must configure the authenticator (the router) to be in single-host mode. Starting with Cisco IOS-XR Release 24.4.1, you can configure the authenticator (the router) to be in single-host or multi-auth mode.
Configure MAC Authentication Bypass
Configure the remote RADIUS server (using the radius-server command), and authentication method with the RADIUS server (using the aaa authentication dot1x command) in
Configure the 802.1X profile (using the dot1x profile command in XR Config mode)
Configure the authenticator (using the authenticator command in dot1x profile configuration sub mode) with respective parameters such as:
Re-authentication time—reauth-time
Host mode—as single-host
Retry action for server-unreachable scenarios—auth-retry or auth-fail
See the MACSec Using EAP-TLS Authentication chapter for these configuration details.
See Running Configuration section for examples.
To configure MAB, use the mab command in dot1x profile configuration sub mode.
Configuration Example for MAB
Enable MAB:
Router(config)#dot1x profile test_mab
Configure the authenticator retry time for MAB clients:
Router(config)#dot1x profile test_mab
Router(dot1xx-test_mab-auth)#timer mab-retry-time 60
Attach the dot1x profile to the corresponding interface or port on the router.
Router(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0
Router(config-intf)#dot1x profile test_mab
Running Configuration
Router# show running-configuration
radius-server host <ip-address> auth-port <auth-port-num> acct-port <acct-port-num>
key 7 <key>
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0
dot1x profile test_mab
dot1x profile test_mab
timer reauth-time 60
timer mab-retry-time 60
host-mode single-host
server dead action auth-retry
Verify MAB Configuration
You can use these show commands to verify your MAB configuration:
To check the MAB summary:
Router#show mab summary Fri Apr 1 16:37:32.340 IST NODE: node0_0_CPU0 ===================================================================== Interface-Name Client Status ===================================================================== Gi0/0/0/0 1122.3344.5566 Authorized Router#
To verify the detailed MAB status:
Router#show mab detail Fri Apr 1 16:37:37.140 IST NODE: node0_0_CPU0 MAB info for GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 --------------------------------------------------------------- InterfaceName : Gi0/0/0/0 InterfaceHandle : 0x00000060 HostMode : single-host PortControl : Enabled PuntState : Stop Success PuntSummary : Punt disabled Client: MAC Address : 1122.3344.5566 Status : Authorized SM State : Terminate ReauthTimeout : 60s, Remaining 0 day(s), 00:00:46 RetryTimeout : 60s, timer not started yet AuthMethod : PAP (remote) LastAuthTime : 2022 Apr 01 16:37:23.634 ProgrammingStatus : Add Success Router#
To verify the MAB interface summary:
Router#show mab interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0 Fri Apr 1 16:38:27.715 IST ===================================================================== Interface-Name Client Status ===================================================================== Gi0/0/0/0 1122.3344.5566 Authorized
To verify the MAB interface details:
Router#show mab interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0 detail Fri Apr 1 16:38:31.543 IST MAB info for GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 --------------------------------------------------------------- InterfaceName : Gi0/0/0/0 InterfaceHandle : 0x00000060 HostMode : single-host PortControl : Enabled PuntState : Stop Success PuntSummary : Punt disabled Client: MAC Address : 1122.3344.5566 Status : Authorized SM State : Terminate ReauthTimeout : 60s, Remaining 0 day(s), 00:00:51 RetryTimeout : 60s, timer not started yet AuthMethod : PAP (remote) LastAuthTime : 2022 Apr 01 16:38:23.640 ProgrammingStatus : Add Success Router#
To verify the MAB interface statistics:
Router#show mab statistics interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0 Fri Apr 1 16:41:23.011 IST InterfaceName : GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 --------------------------------------------------------------- MAC Learning: RxTotal : 0 RxNoSrcMac : 0 RxNoIdb : 0 Port Control: EnableSuccess : 1 EnableFail : 0 UpdateSuccess : 0 UpdateFail : 0 PuntStartSuccess : 0 PuntStartFail : 0 PuntStopSuccess : 1 PuntStopFail : 0 AddClientSuccess : 1 AddClientFail : 0 RemoveClientSuccess : 0 RemoveClientFail : 0 Client : MAC Address : 1122.3344.5566 Authentication: Success : 1406 Fail : 0 Timeout : 0 AAA Unreachable : 0 Router#
System Logs for MAB
The router displays the following system logs on the console in various MAB scenarios:
When the dot1x profile is applied on the port, with MAB feature enabled:
Success case:
%L2-DOT1X-5-PORT_CONTROL_ENABLE_SUCCESS : Hu0/0/1/0 : Port Control Enabled with Single-Host mode
Failure case:
%L2-DOT1X-5-PORT_CONTROL_ENABLE_FAILURE : Hu0/0/1/0 : Failed to enable port-control
When the dot1x profile is removed from the interface:
Success case:
%L2-DOT1X-5-PORT_CONTROL_DISABLE_SUCCESS : Hu0/0/1/0 : Port Control Disabled
Failure case:
%L2-DOT1X-5-PORT_CONTROL_DISABLE_FAILURE : Hu0/0/1/0 : Failed to disable port-control
As part of MAB client authentication process:
Success case:
%L2-DOT1X-5-MAB_AUTH_SUCCESS : Hu0/0/1/0 : Authentication successful for client <mac-address> %L2-DOT1X-5-PORT_CONTROL_ADD_CLIENT_SUCCESS : Hu0/0/1/0 : Port Access Enabled For Client <mac-address>
Failure case:
%L2-DOT1X-5-MAB_AUTH_FAIL : Hu0/0/1/0 : Authentication failed for client <mac-address> %L2-DOT1X-5-PORT_CONTROL_REMOVE_CLIENT_SUCCESS : Hu0/0/1/0 : Port Access Disabled For Client <mac-address>
When the authentication server is unreachable:
%L2-DOT1X-5-MAB_AAA_UNREACHABLE : Hu0/0/1/0 : AAA server unreachable for client 027E.15F2.CAE7, Retrying Authentication