What Is Smart Licensing
Smart Licensing is a cloud-based, software license management solution that enables you to automate time-consuming, manual licensing tasks. The solution allows you to easily track the status of your license and software usage trends.
Smart Licensing helps simplify three core functions:
Purchasing—The software that you have installed in your network can automatically selfregister themselves.
Management—You can automatically track activations against your license entitlements. Also, there is no need to install the license file on every node. You can create license pools (logical grouping of licenses) to reflect your organization structure. Smart Licensing offers you Cisco Smart Software Manager, a centralized portal that enables you to manage all your Cisco software licenses from one centralized website. Cisco Smart Software Managerprovides details.
Reporting—Through the portal, Smart Licensing offers an integrated view of the licenses you have purchased and what has been deployed in your network. You can use this data to make better purchase decisions, based on your consumption.
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For more information on Smart Licensing and related documentation, see https://www.cisco.com/c/en_in/products/software/smart-accounts/software-licensing.html.