System Health Check

System Health Check

Monitoring systems in a network proactively helps prevent potential issues and take preventive actions. This section illustrates how you can monitor the system health using the health check service. This service helps to analyze the system health by monitoring, tracking and analyzing metrics that are critical for functioning of the router.

The system health can be gauged with the values reported by these metrics when the configured threshold values exceed or are nearing the threshold value.

This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 1. System Health Check Metrics


Parameter Tracked

Considered Unhealthy When

Critical System Resources

CPU, free memory, file system, shared memory

The respective metric has exceeded the threshold

Infrastructure Services

Field Programmable Device (FPD), fabric health, platform, redundancy

Any component of the service is down or in an error state


Interface-counters, fabric-statistics, asic-errors

Any specific counter exhibits a consistent increase in drop/error count over the last n runs (n is configurable through CLI, default is 10)

By default, metrics for system resources are configured with preset threshold values. You can customize the metrics to be monitored by disabling or enabling metrics of interest based on your requirement.

Each metric is tracked and compared with that of the configured threshold, and the state of the resource is classified accordingly.

The system resources exhibit one of these states:

  • Normal: The resource usage is less than the threshold value.

  • Minor: The resource usage is more than the minor threshold, but less than the severe threshold value.

  • Severe: The resource usage is more than the severe threshold, but less than the critical threshold value.

  • Critical: The resource usage is more than the critical threshold value.

The infrastructure services show one of these states:

  • Normal: The resource operation is as expected.

  • Warning: The resource needs attention. For example, a warning is displayed when the FPD needs an upgrade.

The health check service is packaged as an optional RPM. This is not part of the base package and you must explicitly install this RPM.

You can configure the metrics and their values using CLI. In addition to the CLI, the service supports NETCONF client to apply configuration (Cisco-IOS-XR-healthcheck-cfg.yang) and retrieve operational data (Cisco-IOS-XR-healthcheck-oper.yang) using YANG data models. It also supports subscribing to metrics and their reports to stream telemetry data. For more information about streaming telemetry data, see Telemetry Configuration Guide for Cisco 8000 Series Routers.

Configure Health Check

To enable health check, you must configure the following:

  • netconf-yang agent ssh

  • healthcheck enable

  • From IOS XR Release 7.3.3 onwards, you must also enable Google Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) using the command grpc local-connection .

Configuration Example

Router# config
Router(config)# netconf-yang agent ssh
Router(config)# grpc local-connection
Router(config)# healthcheck enable
Router(config)# commit

To change the preset cadence, use the healthcheck cadence cadence-value command:

Router(config)#healthcheck cadence 30


  • Healthcheck use-cases will not work if grpc no-tls is configured.

Monitoring Critical System Resources

This task explains how to check the health of a system using operational data from the network. The data can be queried by both CLI and NETCONF RPC, and can also be streamed using telemetry.


Step 1

Check the status of all metrics with its associated threshold and configured parameters in the system.


Router#show healthcheck status
Healthcheck status: Enabled

Collector Cadence: 60 seconds

System Resource metrics
      Thresholds: Minor: 10%
                  Severe: 20%
                  Critical: 30%

       Tracked CPU utilization: 15 min avg utilization

        Thresholds: Minor: 10%
                    Severe: 8%
                    Critical: 5%

        Thresholds: Minor: 80%
                    Severe: 95%
                    Critical: 99%

        Thresholds: Minor: 80%
                    Severe: 95%
                    Critical: 99%

Infra Services metrics


Step 2

View the health state for each enabled metric.


Router#show healthcheck report
Healthcheck report for enabled metrics

  State: Normal

   State: Normal

   State: Normal

   State: Warning
One or more FPDs are in NEED UPGD state

   State: Normal

In the above output, the state of the FPD shows a warning message that indicates an FPD upgrade is required.

To further investigate the warning message, check the metric information. Here, for example, check the FPD state.

FPD Metric State: Warning
Last Update Time: 17 Feb 18:28:57.917193
FPD Service State: Enabled
Number of Active Nodes: 69

Node Name: 0/0/CPU0
    Card Name: 8800-LC-48H
    FPD Name: Bios
    HW Version: 0.31
    Status: NEED UPGD
    Run Version: 5.01
    Programmed Version: 5.01

-------------Truncated for brevity---------------
The Last Update Time is the timestamp when the health for that metric was computed. This timestamp gets refreshed with each collector run based on the cadence.

Step 3

Customize the health check threshold value for the following parameters:

  • Metric: To list the metrics that can be configured, use the command:

    Router(config)#healthcheck metric ?
      cpu            cpu configurations(cisco-support)
      fabric-health  fabric configurations(cisco-support)
      filesystem     Filesystem usage configurations(cisco-support)
      fpd            FPD configurations(cisco-support)
      free-mem       free memory configurations(cisco-support)
      shared-mem     shared memory configurations(cisco-support)

    For example, to change the preset value of CPU metric, use the command:

    Router(config)#healthcheck metric cpu ?
       threshold minor, severe or critical threshold
       avg_cpu_util 1min, 5min or 15min
            ios(config)#healthcheck metric cpu threshold ?
            minor       minor threshold in %
            severe      severe threshold in %
            critical    critical threshold in %
  • Disable or enable metrics to selectively filter some metrics. By default, all metrics are enabled.

    Router(config)#[no] healthcheck metric cpu disable
    Router(config)#[no] healthcheck metric free-mem disable

Monitoring Infrastructure Services

This task explains how to check the health of the infrastructure services of a system. The data can be queried by both CLI and NETCONF RPC, and can also be streamed using telemetry.


Step 1

Check the health status of the infrastructure metrics in the system. By default, the router software enables the health check for infrastructure services.


The below example shows how to obtain the health-check status for the platform metric:
Router# show healthcheck metric platform
Platform Metric State: Normal ==========> Health of the metric
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 05:17:03.508172 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Platform Service State: Enabled =====> Service state of Platform
Number of Racks: 1 ======> Total number of racks in the testbed
Rack Name: 0 
Number of Slots: 12
Slot Name: RP0 
Number of Instances: 2
Instance Name: CPU0 
Node Name 0/RP0/CPU0 
Card Type 8800-RP 
Card Redundancy State Active 
Admin State NSHUT 
Oper State IOS XR RUN


The below example shows how to obtain the health-check status for the redundancy metric:
Router# show healthcheck metric redundancy
Redundancy Metric State: Normal ==========> Health of the metric
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 05:21:14.562291 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Redundancy Service State: Enabled =====> Service state of the metric
Active: 0/RP0/CPU0
Standby: 0/RP1/CPU0
HA State: Node Ready
NSR State: Ready

Step 2

Disable health-check of any of the metrics, if required. By default, all metrics are enabled.


The below example shows how to disable the health-check status for the platform metric:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric platform disable
Router(config)# commit


The below example shows how to disable the health-check status for the redundancy metric:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric redundancy disable
Router(config)# commit

Monitoring Counters

This task explains how to check the health of the counters of a system. The counter values that can be monitored are interface-counters, asic-errors and fabric-statistics.

From IOS XR Release 7.3.5 onwards, all interfaces, including bundles, sub-interfaces, physical interfaces, can be monitored via health check. Previously, only physical interfaces could be monitored.


Step 1

Configure the size of the buffer which stores the history of the counter values as shown in the below examples.


The below example shows how to configure the buffer-size for the interface-counters to store values for the last 5 cadence snapshots:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric intf-counters counter-size 5
Router(config)# commit


The below example shows how to configure the buffer-size for the asic-errors counters to store values for the last 5 cadence snapshots:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric asic-errors counter-size 5
Router(config)# commit


The below example shows how to configure the buffer-size for the fabric-stats counters to store values for the last 5 cadence snapshots:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric fabric-stats counter-size 5
Router(config)# commit

Step 2

Configure the list of interfaces for which the interface-counters should be tracked as shown in the below examples. This is possible only for the interface-counters metric.


The below example shows how to configure the list of interfaces for which the interface-counters need to be tracked :
Router(config)# healthcheck metric intf-counters intf-list MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 HundredGigE0/0/0/0 
Router(config)# commit


The below example shows how to configure all the interfaces so that the interface-counters are tracked for them :
Router(config)# healthcheck metric intf-counters intf-list all 
Router(config)# commit

Step 3

By default, the router software enables the health-check for counters. Check the health status of the counters in the system as shown in the below examples.


The below example shows how to obtain the health-check status for the interface-counters:
Router# show healthcheck metric interface-counters summary
Interface-counters Health State: Normal ==========> Health of the metric
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 05:59:33.965851 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Interface-counters Service State: Enabled =====> Service state of the metric
Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 =====> Configured interface for healthcheck monitoring
Counter-Names Count Average Consistently-Increasing
output-buffers-failures 0 0 N
Counter-Names =====> Name of the counters
Count =====> Value of the counter collected at "Last Update Time"
Average =====> Average of all values available in buffer
Consistently-Increasing =====> Trend of the counter values, as per data available in buffer
Router# show healthcheck metric interface-counters detail all
Thu Jun 25 06:02:03.145 UTC
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 06:01:35.217089 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 =====> Configured interface for healthcheck monitoring
Following table displays data for last <x=5> values collected in periodic cadence intervals
Counter-name Last 5 values
LHS = Earliest RHS = Latest
output-buffers-failures 0 0 0 0 0 
parity-packets-received 0 0 0 0 0


The below example shows how to obtain the health-check status for the asic-errors:
Router# show healthcheck metric asic-errors summary 
Asic-errors Health State: Normal ==========> Health of the metric
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 06:20:47.65152 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Asic-errors Service State: Enabled =====> Service state of the metric
Node Name: 0/1/CPU0 =====> Node name for healthcheck monitoring

Instance: 0 =====> Instance of the Node

Counter-Names Count Average Consistently-Increasing
Link Errors 0 0 N
Counter-Names =====> Name of the counters
Count =====> Value of the counter collected at "Last Update Time"
Average =====> Average of all values available in buffer
Consistently-Increasing =====> Trend of the counter values, as per data available in buffer
Router# show healthcheck metric asic-errors detail all 
Thu Jun 25 06:25:13.778 UTC
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 06:24:49.510525 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Node Name: 0/1/CPU0 =====> Node name for healthcheck monitoring
Instance: 0 =====> Instance of the Node
Following table displays data for last <x=5> values collected in periodic cadence intervals
Counter-name Last 5 values
LHS = Earliest RHS = Latest
Link Errors            0     0     0     0     0


The below example shows how to obtain the health-check status for the fabric-stats:
Router# show healthcheck metric fabric-stats summary 
Thu Jun 25 06:51:13.154 UTC
Fabric-stats Health State: Normal ==========> Health of the metric
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 06:51:05.669753 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Fabric-stats Service State: Enabled =====> Service state of the metric
Fabric plane id 0 =====> Plane ID
Counter-Names Count Average Consistently-Increasing
mcast-lost-cells 0 0 N
Counter-Names =====> Name of the counters
Count =====> Value of the counter collected at "Last Update Time"
Average =====> Average of all values available in buffer
Consistently-Increasing =====> Trend of the counter values, as per data available in buffer
Router# show healthcheck metric fabric-stats detail all 
Thu Jun 25 06:56:20.944 UTC
Last Update Time: 25 Jun 06:56:08.818528 =====> Timestamp at which the metric data was collected
Fabric Plane id 0 =====> Fabric Plane ID

Following table displays data for last <x=5> values collected in periodic cadence intervals
Counter-name Last 5 values
LHS = Earliest RHS = Latest
mcast-lost-cells 0 0 0 0 0

Step 4

If required, disable health-check of any of the counters. By default, all counters are enabled.


The below example shows how to disable the health-check status for the interface-counters:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric intf-counters disable
Router(config)# commit


The below example shows how to disable the health-check status for the asic-errors:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric asic-errors disable
Router(config)# commit


The below example shows how to disable the health-check status for the fabric-stats:
Router(config)# healthcheck metric fabric-stats disable
Router(config)# commit

System Health Check Use-Cases

Table 2. Feature History Table

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

System Health Check Use-cases

Release 7.3.3

System Health Check use-cases are a version of the system health check where the user can monitor specific metrics of the system to determine the health and detect potential failures in the system caused by ASIC reset or packet drops.

When seen from the device health point of view, it is conceptually determining and analyzing metrics that detect anomalies in the router. When the metric degrades beyond a certain threshold, the router itself raises the alarm.

This service supports NETCONF client retrieve operational data using the following YANG data models:

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-ofa-npu-stats-oper.yang

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-syslog-oper.yang

This feature introduces two new keywords in the system health check metrics use-case:

  • asic-reset

  • packet-drop

System Health Check use-cases are an enhanced version of the system health check where you can monitor NPU traffic related counters. This service helps to monitor, track and analyze these metrics to detect failures in the system caused by:

  • ASIC resets

  • packet drops

The system health can be gauged with the values reported by these metrics when the configured threshold values exceed or are nearing the threshold value. This feature determines the Packet forwarding state inside the router, and the data is collected and plotted with respect to time to determine if there are any failures that can affect the packet forwarding state of the router. When seen from the device health point of view, it is conceptually determining and analyzing metrics that detect anomalies in the router. When the metric degrades beyond a certain threshold, the router itself raises the alarm.

Once enabled, it collects metrics from Syslogs, NPU traps, and NPU packet counters. It then analyses the raw data per metric and transforms them into actionable metrics. It then correlates the metrics based on the use case and if all conditions are met, it reports the event as a gray-failure. The user can use can then take action and troubleshoot as required.

System Health check and use-cases are not part of the base package and you must explicitly install the ‘xr-healthcheck’ optional package to use this service.


In Health check use-cases, packet drop is calculated as the total Bytes egressing the NPU subtracted by total bytes ingressing the NPU. If the traffic arriving on the npu via physical ports/interfaces is less than the Inter-fabric traffic on the Cisco 8000 Distributed platform then the trends will not be seen. This will be updated in a future.

Feature Behavior and Guidelines

  • Feature drops such as ACL and QoS are also treated as NPU drops.

  • Packet replicating features like Multicast, SPAN, LI, can lead to missed packet drop trends.

  • If the Total traffic on a given NPU is less than 10mbps, the trends will not trigger an alarm

ASIC Reset Use-case and Monitoring

A soft reset of the NPU takes place when pre-determined set of error-interrupts occur which are serviced by the NPU-driver. In this case, the recommended action is to reset specific set of blocks inside the ASIC. After reset of the ASIC , the NPU-driver will check if these interruptions occur again within a certain time window. This use-case intends to detect these scenarios and alarm the user that traffic did not recover after the ASIC reset.

This section explains how to check the health of a system ASIC reset information. In this use-case, if the NPU does not recover fully from a soft reset and traffic gets dropped, it gets detected and an alarm is triggered.

Configure ASIC Reset Monitoring

Configure the use-case asic-reset drop tolerance threshold. If the traffic input is below the configured threshold, an alarm is triggered.

Router(config)# healthcheck
Router(config-healthcheck)# use-case asic-reset drop-tolerance 10
Router(config-healthcheck)# enable


You can re-configure the drop-tolerance based on the expected drops in your network.

Retrieve ASIC Reset Trends

This example shows how to obtain the status for the asic-reset use-case:

Router# show healthcheck use-case asic-reset detail npu all location all
Mon Nov 29 05:06:51.240 UTS
Node: 0/0/CPU0             NPU Instance: 0
	Timestamp: Mon 2021-11-29 05:06:29 GMT
Alerts     :
0.	asic reset for NPU 0 location 0/0/CPU0 triggered at Dec 10 2020 10:52:34
1.	peak detected in queue drops for NPU 0 location 0/0/CPU1

Node: 0/0/CPU0             NPU Instance: 1
	Timestamp: Mon 2021-11-29 05:06:29 GMT
Alerts     :
0.	asic reset for NPU 0 location 0/0/CPU0 triggered at Dec 10 2020 10:52:34
1.	peak detected in queue drops for NPU 0 location 0/0/CPU1

Show Command Examples for Asic Reset Use-case

Detailed show outputs of this use-case listed below shows the trend of the packet-drops and the time-stamp when asic reset was triggered. If the asic reset stopped the packet drop then the packet-drop trend moves to Recovery and the status is shown as normal.

Initial show output when no asic-reset is triggered:

Router# show healthcheck use-case asic-reset summary
Mon Jun  5 11:13:51.901 IST
Use Case Name: asic_reset
Timestamp    : Mon 2023-06-05 11:13:51 IST
State        : Normal

Syslogs when asic-reset is triggered

Router:Jun  5 11:17:31.664 IST: npu_drvr[299]: %FABRIC-NPU_DRVR-3-ASIC_ERROR_ACTION : [8698] 
: npu[0]: HARD_RESET needed for hmc_cgm.cgm_int.total_buffers_underflow
Router:Jun  5 11:19:17.883 IST: NOSi[66650]: %OS-SYSLOG-6-DOCKER_APP : 2023-06-05 11:19:17,882 [WARNING ] NOSi: 2023-06-05 11:19:01 0/1/CPU0 {NPU:0} :PACKET DROP ALERT. 
Waiting for dropped packets to recover post asic reset.

Show output when asic-reset is triggered

Router# show healthcheck use-case asic-reset summary 
Mon Jun  5 11:20:28.307 IST
Use Case Name: asic_reset
Timestamp    : Mon 2023-06-05 11:20:02 IST
State        : Warning
Alert        : Usecase asic_reset has warnings and alerts
 Router# show healthcheck use-case asic-reset detail npu all location all
Mon Jun  5 11:20:35.330 IST
Node: 0/1/CPU0     NPU Instance: 0
    Timestamp : Mon 2023-06-05 11:20:02 IST
    Alerts    :
        0. packet-counters location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: PLATEAU at 2023-06-05 11:20:02
        1. syslog location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 event at 2023-06-05 11:17:31

Syslog when packet drops recovered after asic-reset:

Router:Jun  5 11:28:18.551 IST: NOSi[66650]: %OS-SYSLOG-6-DOCKER_APP : 2023-06-05 
11:28:18,550 [INFO    ] NOSi: 2023-06-05 11:28:02 0/1/CPU0 {NPU:0} :PACKET DROP ALERT CLEARED. 
Dropped packet counters within tolerance limits post asic reset

Show commands after packet drops recovered

Router# show healthcheck use-case asic-reset summary
Mon Jun  5 11:28:47.961 IST
Use Case Name: asic_reset
Timestamp    : Mon 2023-06-05 11:28:02 IST
State        : Normal
Router# show healthcheck use-case asic-reset detail npu all location all
Mon Jun  5 11:28:54.111 IST
Node: 0/1/CPU0     NPU Instance: 0
    Timestamp : Mon 2023-06-05 11:28:02 IST
    Alerts    :
        0. syslog location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 event at 2023-06-05 11:17:31
        1. packet-counters location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: RECOVERY at 2023-06-05 11:28:02

Packet Drop Use-case and Monitoring

NPU traps are signals that the NPU raises in response to certain types of packets received by the router, such as errored packets, packets that will be dropped by the router, or packets that require extra processing by the CPU.

Packet-drop use-case checks the health of the system by monitoring NPU traps to check for packets dropped per NPU for the cadence interval. You can enable the packet-drop use-case using the use-case packet-drop command,

In this use-case, you can monitor packet-drops in the NPU by configuring a global drop-tolerance value for all NPU traps for a fixed number of cadence intervals.

If the packet-drops exceed configured drop-tolerance rates and continues over the set cadence interval, the router software detects it and generates a system log message.

Apart from this, based on the tolerance limit configured the router software also shows the system health trends in the output of the show healthcheck use-case packet-drop detail npu all location all command.

Configure Packet-Drop Monitoring

You can set the drop-tolerance threshold as shown in the following code-block.

Router(config)# healthcheck
Router(config-healthcheck)# use-case packet-drop drop-tolerance 10
Router(config-healthcheck)# enable
Retrieve Packet-Drop Trends

The following example shows how to obtain the packet-drop use-case trends:

Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop detail npu all location all

Node: 0_0_CPU0     NPU Instance: 0
    Timestamp : Thu 2021-09-02 21:41:00 UTC
    Alerts    :
        0. npu-traps-sum location: node-name: 0/0/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: PEAK at 2021-09-02 21:41:00
        1. packet-counters location: node-name: 0/0/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: PEAK at 2021-09-02 21:40:51
Node: 0_1_CPU0     NPU Instance: 2
    Timestamp : Thu 2021-09-02 21:42:30 UTC
    Alerts    :

Show Command Examples for Packet Drops Use-case

Show outputs of this use-case listed below shows the trend of the packet-drops use-case.

Initial show output when no packet-drop is seen

Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop summary 
Mon Jun  5 10:38:25.885 IST
Use Case Name: packet_drop
Timestamp    : Mon 2023-06-05 10:38:25 IST
State        : Normal

Syslog when peak trend is seen:

Router:Jun  5 10:59:19.164 IST: NOSi[66650]: %OS-SYSLOG-6-DOCKER_APP : 2023-06-05 10:59:19,164 [WARNING ] NOSi: 2023-06-05
10:59:18 0/1/CPU0 {NPU:0} :PACKET DROP ALERT. 
Dropped packets shows PEAK trend due to PEAK trend observed for NPU traps 

Show command output when Peak trend is seen

Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop summary 
Mon Jun  5 10:59:30.800 IST
Use Case Name: packet_drop
Timestamp    : Mon 2023-06-05 10:59:18 IST
State        : Warning
Alert        : Usecase packet_drop has warnings and alerts
Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop detail npu all location all
Mon Jun  5 10:59:35.820 IST
Node: 0/1/CPU0     NPU Instance: 0
    Timestamp : Mon 2023-06-05 10:59:18 IST
    Alerts    :
        0. npu-traps-sum location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: PEAK at 2023-06-05 10:59:18
        1. packet-counters location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: PEAK at 2023-06-05 10:59:02

Syslog when Plateau trend is seen

Router:Jun  5 11:03:49.417 IST: NOSi[66650]: %OS-SYSLOG-6-DOCKER_APP : 2023-06-05 11:03:49,416 [WARNING ] NOSi: 2023-06-05
11:03:48 0/1/CPU0 {NPU:0} :PACKET DROP ALERT.
Dropped packets shows PLATEAU trend due to PLATEAU trend observed for NPU traps

Show command output when Plateau trend is seen

Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop summary 
Mon Jun  5 11:05:34.428 IST
Use Case Name: packet_drop
Timestamp    : Mon 2023-06-05 11:03:48 IST
State        : Warning
Alert        : Usecase packet_drop has warnings and alerts
Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop detail npu all location all
Mon Jun  5 11:05:39.720 IST
Node: 0/1/CPU0     NPU Instance: 0
    Timestamp : Mon 2023-06-05 11:03:48 IST
    Alerts    :
        0. npu-traps-sum location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: PLATEAU at 2023-06-05 11:03:48
        1. packet-counters location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: PLATEAU at 2023-06-05 11:03:42

Syslog when Recovery trend is seen

Router:Jun  5 11:11:49.866 IST: NOSi[66650]: %OS-SYSLOG-6-DOCKER_APP : 2023-06-05
 11:11:49,865 [INFO    ] NOSi: 2023-06-05 11:11:49 0/1/CPU0 {NPU:0} :PACKET DROP ALERT CLEARED.
NPU trap and dropped packet counters within tolerance limits 

Show command output when Recovery trend is seen

Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop summary 
Mon Jun  5 11:12:59.387 IST
Use Case Name: packet_drop
Timestamp    : Mon 2023-06-05 11:11:49 IST
State        : Normal

Router# show healthcheck use-case packet-drop detail npu all location all
Mon Jun  5 11:13:05.155 IST
Node: 0/1/CPU0     NPU Instance: 0
    Timestamp : Mon 2023-06-05 11:11:49 IST
    Alerts    :
        0. npu-traps-sum location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: RECOVERY at 2023-06-05 11:11:49
        1. packet-counters location: node-name: 0/1/CPU0 npu-id: 0 trend: RECOVERY at 2023-06-05 11:11:42

Retrieval of Data

For the purpose of analyzing the metrics or troubleshooting once an alarm is raised, you can retrieve the data. The data can be retrieved using CLI. You can use the following show commands to retrieve the data:

  • show healthcheck use-case asic-reset detail npu all location all

  • show healthcheck use-case packet-drop detail npu all location all

The service supports NETCONF client to retrieve operational data (Cisco-IOS-XR-ofa-npu-stats-oper.yang and Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-syslog-oper.yang) using YANG data models.

It also supports subscribing to metrics and their reports to stream telemetry data. For more information about streaming telemetry data, see Telemetry Configuration Guide for Cisco 8000 Series Routers. You can also view the data model definitions using the YANG Data Models Navigator tool.