Monitoring Fabric Links Commands

This module describes the Cisco IOS XR software commands related to monitoring fabric links.

For detailed information about monitoring fabric links concepts, configuration tasks, and examples, see the Traffic Monitoring chapter in the System Monitoring Configuration Guide for Cisco 8000 Series Routers.

hw-module fabric-tsmon-port-reset disable

To disable the maximum port-reset threshold value of five, use the hw-module fabric-tsmon-port-reset disable command in XR EXEC mode.

hw-module fabric-tsmon-port-reset disable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

By default, keepalive monitoring is enabled on routers.

Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 24.2.11

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


We recommend that you troubleshoot and resolve the reason for the fabric port shutdown instead of using the hw-module fabric-tsmon-port-reset disable command to prevent the fabric port shutdown.

Use the hw-module fabric-tsmon-port-reset disable command to disable the maximum port-reset threshold value of five.

Task ID

Task ID



read, write


read, write

The following example shows how to disable the maximum port-reset threshold value of five:

Router# configuration terminal
Router(config)# hw-module fabric-tsmon-port-reset disable
Router(config)# commit

show controller fabric health

To display the general fabric health information, use the show controller fabric health command in the XR EXEC mode.

show controller fabric health [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file | include line | utility line } ]

Syntax Description


Displays the general health information.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





read, write



The show controller fabric health command displays general fabric health information.

Router# show controller fabric health 

Fabric System Health
Flags: T - Total,      U - Up,         A - Admin Down
       L - LCC,        M - Mcast Down, Y - Yes
       F - FCC,        D - Down,       N - No or Not Ok
       V - Valid,

Collaborator Process State:
    FSDB Aggregator: OK
    |Rack id    | 0|
    |FSDB status|Ok|
    |SFE status |Ok|

Router Health:

    Rack    Planes         SFE Asics      Fia Asics
    T/L/F   U/M/D/A        T/U/D          T/U/D
    1/1/0   2/0/6/0        6/6/0          2/2/0

    Plane Admin Plane    Racks    Data
    id    state state    in issue drop/error
    0     UP    UP       0        No
    1     UP    UP       0        No
    2     UP    DN       1        No
    3     UP    DN       1        No
    4     UP    DN       1        No
    5     UP    DN       1        No
    6     UP    DN       1        No
    7     UP    DN       1        No

Rack Health:

    Rack:  0, Type: LCC

    SFE Asics  FIA Asics   Planes   Valid
    T/U/D      T/U/D       U/M/D    fab ids
    6/6/0      2/2/0       2/0/6    2
PLA Health:

   planes       : p0-p7
   plane mask   : Asic #0-3
   Asic value  1: destination reachable via asic
               .: destination unreachable via asic
               x: asic not connected to LC (for S3)
               -: plane not configured (for S2) or asic missing
Destination   p0     p1     p2     p3     p4     p5     p6     p7     Reach-mask                                                                               Oper Up
Address       mask   mask   mask   mask   mask   mask   mask   mask   links/asic                                                                               links/asic
Fapid(R/S/A)  0123   0123   0123   0123   0123   0123   0123   0123   Mn/Mx Tota                                                                             l Mn/Mx  Total
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                             --------------
0(0/0/0)      111    111    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---     2/4    22                                                                                8/8      48
1(0/0/1)      111    111    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---     2/4    22                                                                                8/8      48

show controller fabric plane

To display plane state information on fabric plane, use the show controller fabric plane command in the XR EXEC mode.

show controller fabric plane { plane id Information on selected fabric plane | all Information on selected fabric plane } [ output-modifiers { begin line | exclude line | file configuration | include line | utility utilities } ]

Syntax Description

plane plane-id

Information on selected fabric plane.

plane all

Information on all fabric plane.

Command Default


Command Modes

XR EXEC mode

Command History



Release 7.3.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID





read, write



The show controller fabric plane all command displays plane state information on fabric planes.

Router# show controller fabric plane all 

Plane Admin Plane    up->dn  up->mcast
Id    State State    counter   counter
0     UP    UP             0         0
1     UP    UP             0         0
2     UP    DN             0         0
3     UP    DN             0         0
4     UP    DN             0         0
5     UP    DN             0         0
6     UP    DN             0         0
7     UP    DN             0         0