Understanding Access Lists
Access lists perform packet filtering to control which packets move through the network and where. Such controls help to limit network traffic and restrict the access of users and devices to the network. Access lists have many uses, and therefore many commands accept a reference to an access list in their command syntax. Access lists can be used to do the following:
An access control list (ACL) consists of one or more access control entries (ACE) that collectively define the network traffic profile. This profile can then be referenced by Cisco IOS XR software features such as traffic filtering, route filtering, QoS classification, and access control. There are 2 types of ACLs:
Standard ACLs- Verifies only the source IP address of the packets. Traffic is controlled by the comparison of the address or prefix configured in the ACL, with the source address found in the packet.
Extended ACLs- Verifies more than just the source address of the packets. Attributes such as destination address, specific IP protocols, UDP or TCP port numbers, DSCP, and so on are validated. Traffic is controlled by a comparison of the attributes stated in the ACL with those in the incoming or outgoing packets.
Cisco IOS XR does not differentiate between standard and extended access lists. Standard access list support is provided for backward compatibility.
Purpose of IP Access Lists
Filter incoming or outgoing packets on an interface.
Filter packets for mirroring.
Redirect traffic as required.
Restrict the contents of routing updates.
Limit debug output based on an address or protocol.
Control vty access.
Identify or classify traffic for advanced features, such as congestion avoidance, congestion management, and priority and custom queueing.
How an IP Access List Works
An access list is a sequential list consisting of permit and deny statements that apply to IP addresses and possibly upper-layer IP protocols. The access list has a name by which it is referenced. Many software commands accept an access list as part of their syntax.
An access list can be configured and named, but it is not in effect until the access list is referenced by a command that accepts an access list. Multiple commands can reference the same access list. An access list can control traffic arriving at the router or leaving the router, but not traffic originating at the router.
Source address and destination addresses are two of the most typical fields in an IP packet on which to base an access list. Specify source addresses to control packets from certain networking devices or hosts. Specify destination addresses to control packets being sent to certain networking devices or hosts.
You can also filter packets on the basis of transport layer information, such as whether the packet is a TCP, UDP, ICMP, or IGMP packet.
ACL Workflow
The following image illustrates the workflow of an ACL.
IP Access List Process and Rules
Use the following process and rules when configuring an IP access list:-
The software tests the source or destination address or the protocol of each packet being filtered against the conditions in the access list, one condition (permit or deny statement) at a time.
If a packet does not match an access list statement, the packet is then tested against the next statement in the list.
If a packet and an access list statement match, the remaining statements in the list are skipped and the packet is permitted or denied as specified in the matched statement. The first entry that the packet matches determines whether the software permits or denies the packet. That is, after the first match, no subsequent entries are considered.
If the access list denies the address or protocol, the software discards the packet and returns an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Host Unreachable message. ICMP is configurable in the Cisco IOS XR software.
If no conditions match, the software drops the packet because each access list ends with an unwritten or implicit deny statement. That is, if the packet has not been permitted or denied by the time it was tested against each statement, it is denied.
The access list should contain at least one permit statement or else all packets are denied.
Because the software stops testing conditions after the first match, the order of the conditions is critical. The same permit or deny statements specified in a different order could result in a packet being passed under one circumstance and denied in another circumstance.
Only one access list per interface, per protocol, per direction is allowed.
Inbound access lists process packets arriving at the router. Incoming packets are processed before being routed to an outbound interface. An inbound access list is efficient because it saves the overhead of routing lookups if the packet is to be discarded because it is denied by the filtering tests. If the packet is permitted by the tests, it is then processed for routing. For inbound lists, permit means continue to process the packet after receiving it on an inbound interface; deny means discard the packet.
Outbound access lists process packets before they leave the router. Incoming packets are routed to the outbound interface and then processed through the outbound access list. For outbound lists, permit means send it to the output buffer; deny means discard the packet.
An access list can not be removed if that access list is being applied by an access group in use. To remove an access list, remove the access group that is referencing the access list and then remove the access list.
Before removing an interface, which is configured with an ACL that denies certain traffic, you must remove the ACL and commit your configuration. If this is not done, then some packets are leaked through the interface as soon as the no interface <interface-name> command is configured and committed.
An access list must exist before you can use the ipv4 | ipv6 access group command.
ACL Filtering by Wildcard Mask and Implicit Wildcard Mask
Address filtering uses wildcard masking to indicate whether the software checks or ignores corresponding IP address bits when comparing the address bits in an access-list entry to a packet being submitted to the access list. By carefully setting wildcard masks, an administrator can select a single or several IP addresses for permit or deny tests.
Wildcard masking for IP address bits uses the number 1 and the number 0 to specify how the software treats the corresponding IP address bits. A wildcard mask is sometimes referred to as an inverted mask, because a 1 and 0 mean the opposite of what they mean in a subnet (network) mask.
A wildcard mask bit 0 means check the corresponding bit value.
A wildcard mask bit 1 means ignore that corresponding bit value.
You do not have to supply a wildcard mask with a source or destination address in an access list statement. If you use the host keyword, the software assumes a wildcard mask of
Unlike subnet masks, which require contiguous bits indicating network and subnet to be ones, wildcard masks allow noncontiguous bits in the mask.
You can also use CIDR format (/x) in place of wildcard bits. For example, the IPv4 address corresponds to and for IPv6 address 2001:db8:abcd:0012:0000:0000:0000:0000 corresponds to 2001:db8:abcd:0012::0/64.
Restrictions for Configuring Access Lists
You must be aware of the following restrictions for configuring access lists.
Including Comments in Access Lists
You can include comments (remarks) about entries in any named IP access list using the remark access list configuration command. The remarks make the access list easier for the network administrator to understand and scan. Each remark line is limited to 255 characters.
The remark can go before or after a permit or deny statement. You should be consistent about where you put the remark so it is clear which remark describes which permit or deny statement. For example, it would be confusing to have some remarks before the associated permit or deny statements and some remarks after the associated statements. Remarks can be sequenced.
Remember to apply the access list to an interface or terminal line after the access list is created.
Implementing Access Lists
Implementing ACLs involve:
Creating Standard or Extended ACLs-
Create an ACL that includes an action element (permit or deny) and a filter element based on criteria such as source address, destination address, protocol, and protocol-specific parameters.
Applying the ACL to specific interfaces-
After configuring an access list, you must reference the access list to make it work. Access lists can be applied on inbound interfaces. After receiving a packet, Cisco IOS XR software checks the source address of the packet against the access list. If the access list permits the address, the software continues to process the packet. If the access list rejects the address, the software discards the packet and returns an ICMP host unreachable message. The ICMP message is configurable.
When you apply an access list that has not yet been defined to an interface, the software acts as if the access list has not been applied to the interface and accepts all packets. Note this behavior if you use undefined access lists as a means of security in your network.
Copying Access Lists—
Users can create a copy of an existing access list using the copy access-list ipv4 command.
Adding or Deleting Access-List Entries
Note |
If there is no match to either permit or deny the packets, then the default action is to drop the packet. |
Configuring Extended Access Lists
Configuration Example
Creates an IPv4 named access list "acl_1". This access list permits ICMP protocol packets with any source and destination IPv4 address and denies TCP protocol packets with any source and destination IPv4 address and port greater than 5000.
Router(config)#ipv4 access-list acl_1
/* Use the ipv6 access-list command to create an IPv6 access list */
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#20 permit icmp any any
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#30 deny tcp any any gt 5000
Running Configuration
Router# show running-config ipv4 access-list acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
20 permit icmp any any
30 deny tcp any any gt 5000
Verify that the permit and deny settings are according to the set configuration.
Router# show access-lists acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
20 permit icmp any any
30 deny tcp any any gt 5000
Associated Commands
What to Do Next
After creating an access list, you must apply it to a line or an interface. ACL commit fails while adding and removing unique Access List Entries (ACE). This happens due to the absence of an assigned manager process. The user has to exit the ACL configuration mode and re-enter it before adding the first ACE.
Configuring Standard Access Lists
Configuration Example
Creates an IPv4 named access list "acl_1" with a remark "Do not allow user1 to telnet out". This access list permits packets from the source address of "" with a wild-card mask of ""
Router# configure
Router(config)# ipv4 access-list acl_1
/* Use the ipv6 access-list command to create an IPv6 access list */
Router(config-ipv4-acl)# 10 remark Do not allow user1 to telnet out
Router(config-ipv4-acl)# 20 permit
/* Repeat the above step as necessary, adding statements by sequence number where you planned.
Use the no sequence-number command to delete an entry */
Router(config-ipv4-acl)# commit
Running Configuration
Router# show running-config ipv4 access-list acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
10 remark Do not allow user1 to telnet out
20 permit ipv4 any
Verify that the permit and remark settings are according to the set configuration.
Router# show access-lists ipv4 acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
10 remark Do not allow user1 to telnet out
20 permit ipv4 any
Associated Commands
What to Do Next
After creating an access list, you must apply it to a line or an interface. ACL commit fails while adding and removing unique Access List Entries (ACE). This happens due to the absence of an assigned manager process. The user has to exit the config-ipv4-acl or config-ipv6-acl mode to configuration mode and re-enter the same mode before adding the first ACE.
Applying Access Lists
Configuration Example
Applies the access lists on the interface, which acts as filters on packets inbound from TenGigE interface 0/0/0/2.
Router# configure
Router(config)# interface TenGigE 0/0/0/2
Router(config-if)# ipv4 access-group acl_1 ingress
/* Use the ipv6 access-group command to create an IPv6 access group */
Router(config-ipv4-acl)# commit
Verify that the ACL applied (acl_1) on the interface is listed:
Router #show access-lists interface TenGigE 0/0/0/2
Input ACL
(common): N/A (interface): acl_1
Output ACL: N/A
Associated Commands
Sequencing Access List Entries and Revising the Access List
Configuration Example
Assigns sequence numbers to entries in an access list and explains how to add or delete an entry to or from an access list. In this configuration, it is assumed that a user wants to revise an access list.
Resequences entries in the access list “acl_1”. The starting value in the resequenced access list is 20, and increment value is 15.
Note |
When an ACL is configured under an interface and its resequenced and rolled back, the interface experiences traffic loss for a short period of time. |
Router(config)#ipv4 access-list acl_1
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#10 permit
*/Repeat the above step as necessary adding statements by sequence number where you planned*/
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#20 permit
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#no 25
*/Use the no sequence-number command to delete an entry with that specific sequence number*/
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#30 permit tcp host any eq telnet
Router#resequence access-list ipv4 acl_1 20 15
Running Configuration
Before resequencing:
Router#show running-config ipv4 access-list acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
10 remark Do not allow user1 to telnet out
20 permit ipv4 any
*/After resequencing using the resequence access-list ipv4 acl_1 20 15 command*/:
Router# show running-config ipv4 access-list acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
20 permit ipv4 host any
35 permit ipv4 any
50 permit ipv4 any
65 permit tcp host any eq telnet
Verify that the access list (acl_1) contains all permit and deny options (after resequencing) that were configured:
Router#show access-lists ipv4 acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
20 permit ipv4 host any
35 permit ipv4 any
50 permit ipv4 any
65 permit tcp host any eq telnet
Associated Commands
Use case
This use case explains how to create, resequence, add new entries, delete an entry and verify the ACL:
*/ Create an Access List*/
Router(config)#ipv4 access-list acl_1
/* Use the ipv6 access-list command to create an IPv6 access list */
/* Add entries (ACEs) to the ACL */
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#10 permit ip host host
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#20 permit icmp any any
Router(config-ipv4-acl)#30 permit tcp any host
/* Verify the entries of the ACL */
Router#show access-lists ipv4 acl_1
ipv4 access-list acl_1
10 permit ip host host
20 permit icmp any any
30 permit tcp any host
/* Resequence the ACL */
Router(config)#resequence ipv4 access-list acl_1 10 20
/* 10 indicates the starting value in the resequenced ACL and the subsequent entries in the original ACL are incremented by 20 */
/* Verify the entries of the ACL */
Router#show access-lists ipv4 acl_1
10 permit ip host host
30 permit icmp any any
50 permit tcp any host
/* Add new entries, one with a sequence number "15" and another without a sequence number to the ACL. Delete an entry with the sequence number "30" */
Router(config)#ipv4 access-list acl_1
Router(config-ipv4-acl)# 15 permit
Router(config-ipv4-acl)# no 30
Router(config-ipv4-acl)# permit 10 .4.4.4
/* When an entry is added without a sequence number, it is automatically given a sequence number
that puts it at the end of the access list. Because the default increment is 10, the entry will have a sequence
number 10 higher than the last entry in the existing access list */
/* Verify the entries of the ACL */
Router(config)#show access-lists ipv4 acl_1
10 permit ip host host
15 permit* newly added ACE (with the sequence number) */
50 permit tcp any host
60 permit 10 .4.4.4* newly added ACE (without the sequence number) */
/* The entry with the sequence number 30, that is, "30 permit icmp any any" is deleted from the ACL */
Understanding Prefix Lists
BGP Filtering Using Prefix Lists
Significant performance improvement in loading and route lookup of large lists.
Incremental updates are supported.
More user friendly CLI. The CLI for using access lists to filter BGP updates is difficult to understand and use because it uses the packet filtering format.
Greater flexibility.
Before using a prefix list in a command, you must set up a prefix list, and you may want to assign sequence numbers to the entries in the prefix list.
How the System Filters Traffic by Prefix List
An empty prefix list permits all prefixes.
An implicit deny is assumed if a given prefix does not match any entries of a prefix list.
When multiple entries of a prefix list match a given prefix, the longest, most specific match is chosen.
Sequence numbers are generated automatically unless you disable this automatic generation. If you disable the automatic generation of sequence numbers, you must specify the sequence number for each entry using the sequence-number argument of the permit and deny commands in IPv4 or IPv6 prefix list configuration command. Use the no form of the permit or deny command with the sequence-number argument to remove a prefix-list entry.
The show commands include the sequence numbers in their output.
Configuring Prefix Lists
Configuration Example
Creates a prefix-list "pfx_2" with a remark "Deny all routes with a prefix of 10/8". This prefix-list denies all prefixes matching /24 in
Router(config)#ipv4 prefix-list pfx_2
/* Use the ipv6 access-list command to create an IPv6 access list */
Router(config-ipv4_pfx)#10 remark Deny all routes with a prefix of 10/8
Router(config-ipv4_pfx)#20 deny eq 24
/* Repeat the above step as necessary. Use the no sequence-number command to delete an entry. */
Running Configuration
Router#show running-config ipv4 prefix-list pfx_2
ipv4 prefix-list pfx_2
10 remark Deny all routes with a prefix of 10/8
20 deny eq 24
Verify that the permit and remark settings are according to the set configuration.
Router# show prefix-list pfx_2
ipv4 prefix-list pfx_2
10 remark Deny all routes with a prefix of 10/8
20 deny eq 24
Associated Commands
Sequencing Prefix List Entries and Revising the Prefix List
Configuration Example
Assigns sequence numbers to entries in a named prefix list and how to add or delete an entry to or from a prefix list. It is assumed a user wants to revise a prefix list. Resequencing a prefix list is optional.
Router(config)#ipv4 prefix-list cl_1
/* Use the ipv6 prefix-list command to create an IPv6 prefix-list */
Router(config)#10 permit
/* Repeat the above step as necessary adding statements by sequence number where you planned; use the no sequence-number command to delete an entry */
Router#resequence prefix-list ipv4 cl_1 20 15
/* Use the resequence prefix-list ipv6 to resequence IPv6 prefix list */
Running Configuration
/*Before resequencing/*
Router#show running-config ipv4 prefix-list cl_1
ipv4 prefix-list cl_1
10 permit
/* After resequencing using the resequence prefix-list ipv4 cl_1 20 15 command: */
Router#show running-config ipv4 prefix-list cl_1
ipv4 prefix-list cl_1
35 permit
Verify that the prefix list has been resequenced:
Router#show prefix-list cl_1
ipv4 prefix-list cl_1
35 permit