New and Changed Feature Information

This table summarizes the new and changed feature information for the L3VPN Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5000 Series Routers, and tells you where they are documented.

New and Changed L3VPN Features

Table 1. L3VPN Features Added or Modified in IOS XR Release 6.2.x



Changed in Release

Where Documented

EVPN Service VRF Route Leaking

The EVPN Service VRF Route Leaking feature enables connectivity to the services in the Service VRF to customers in EVPN Data Center VRF.

Release 6.2.2

EVPN Service VRF Route Leaking

EVPN Default VRF Route Leaking

The EVPN Default VRF Route Leaking feature leak routes between EVPN address-family and IPv4/IPv6 unicast address-family (Default-VRF), enabling the data center hosts to access the Internet.

Release 6.2.1

EVPN Default VRF Route Leaking