Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the optics controller.
DAC-Rate rate
Sets the DAC (digital to analog conversion) sampling rate for this controller. The sampling rate options available are:
breakout muxponder mode
Configures the muxponder mode for this controller. Muxponder mode options available are:
The no form of this command switches the optics controller from the muxponder mode to the transponder mode.
QDD-400G-ZR-S supports only 4x100.
cd-max cd-max
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum chromatic dispersion. For QDD-400G-ZR-S optical module, the range is 0 to +2400.
For QDD-400G-ZRP-S optical module, the range is 0 to +160000 ps/nm.
cd-min cd-min
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum chromatic dispersion. For QDD-400G-ZR-S optical module, the range is -2400 to
0. For QDD-400G-ZRP-S optical module, the range is -160000 to 0 ps/nm.
cd-low-threshold cd-low
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum acceptable chromatic dispersion value. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic
dispersion goes below this value. This is an alarm threshold parameter. For QDD-400G-ZR-S optical module, the range is -2400
to 0. For QDD-400G-ZRP-S optical module, the range is -160000 to 0 ps/nm.
cd-high-threshold cd-high
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum acceptable chromatic dispersion value. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic
dispersion exceeds this value. This is an alarm threshold parameter. For QDD-400G-ZR-S optical module, the range is 0 to +2400.
For QDD-400G-ZRP-S optical module, the range is 0 to +160000 ps/nm.
dgd-high-threshold dgd-value
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the maximum acceptable Differential Group Delay (DGD) value. The DGD alarm
is raised if DGD exceeds this value. This is an alarm threshold parameter.
The range is 0 to 18000 (in the units of 0.01 ps).
dwdm-carrier channel-grid
Configures the DWDM carrier channel. Options are:
lbc-high-threshold lbc-value
Configures the high laser bias current threshold. This is an alarm threshold parameter.
The range is 0 to 100%
modulation modulation-type
Configures the modulation type. Options are:
osnr-low-threshold osnr-value
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the minimum acceptable Optical Signal-to-Noise ratio (OSNR) value. The OSNR
alarm is raised if OSNR goes below this value. This is an alarm threshold parameter.
The range is 0 to 4000 (in units of 0.01db).
description description
Description of the optics controller.
[no] transceiver disable
Enables or disables the transceiver module. The transceiver is enabled by default.
fec fec-mode
Configures Forward Error Correction (FEC) modes.
Configures the administrative state of the controller. The values are maintenance or normal.
Disables the configuration of the controller.
pm{ 30-sec |15-min |24-hour} { optics} { report | threshold}
pm-parameter value
Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30-second, 15-minute, and 24-hour intervals.
The report keyword configures threshold crossing alerts (TCA) reporting status for the PM parameters.
The threshold keyword configures threshold values for the PM parameters.
The PM parameters that can be configured are:
cd (chromatic dispersion)
dgd (differential group delay)
low-freq-off (low signal frequency offset)
opr (optical power RX)
osnr (optical signal-to-noise ratio)
pcr (polarization change rate)
pdl (polarization dependent loss)
rx-sig (receiving signal power)
snr (signal-to-noise ratio)
sopmd (second order polarization mode dispersion)
transmit-power transmit-power
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the transmit power. The range is -190 to 50 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).
perf-mon { enable | disable }
Enables or disables performance monitoring.
host fec-threshold excess-degrade raise threshold-value |
Configures the raise threshold value for FEC excessive degrade (FED) alarm on the host-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
media fec-threshold excess-degrade raise threshold-value |
Configures the raise threshold value for FED alarm on the media-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
host fec-threshold excess-degrade clear threshold-value |
Configures the clear threshold value for FED alarm on the host-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
media fec-threshold excess-degrade clear threshold-value |
Configures the clear threshold value for FED alarm on the media-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
host fec-threshold detected-degrade raise threshold-value |
Configures the raise threshold value for FEC detected-degrade (FDD) alarm on the host-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
media fec-threshold detected-degrade raise threshold-value |
Configures the raise threshold value for FDD alarm on the media-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
host fec-threshold detected-degrade clear threshold-value |
Configures the clear threshold value for FDD alarm on the host-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
media fec-threshold detected-degrade clear threshold-value |
Configures the clear threshold value for FDD alarm on the media-side of the optical module.
Range is 1 to 2046000000000000000.
media link-down prefec-degrade |
Enables link-down and prefec degrade mode when the BER counter crosses the threshold value.