Smart Licensing Commands

This chapter describes the commands that can be used to configure smart licensing.

For more information about Smart licensing, see Smart licensing chapter in the System Management Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5500 Series RoutersSystem Management Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 540 Series RoutersSystem Management Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 560 Series Routers.

license smart flexible-consumption enable

To enable or disable Flexible Consumption model licensing for your hardware or software, use license smart flexible-consumption enable command in the global configuration mode.

Use the no form of this command to disable Flexible Consumption model licensing.

license smart flexible-consumption enable

Command Default

By default, Flexible Consumption model licensing is disabled for a system. You have to explicitly enable it before you can start using the Flexible Consumption model licenses.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Once the command is enabled, the router captures consumption information periodically after each reporting interval. The daily license usage is reported to the Smart Licensing Manager at For more information about the various licenses of the Flexible consumption model, see Supported Flexible Consumption Model Licenses in chapter Configuring Smart Licensing of Interface and Hardware Component Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5500 Series Routers.

Table 1. Task ID

Task ID



read, write


The following example shows how to configure the license smart flexible-consumption command:

Router# configure
Router(config)# license smart flexible-consumption enable
Router# commit

license smart enable

To enable Smart Licensing for your product, use the license smart enable command in the admin configuration mode or system admin configuration mode.

Use the no form of this command to disable Smart Licensing and return to the default traditional mode of licensing.

license smart enable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

By default, smart licensing mode is on.

Command Modes

Admin configuration mode

System Admin config mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing components are packaged into the ncs5500 mini image. By default, smart licensing mode is on.

Task ID

Task ID Operation


Read, Write, Execute


This example shows how to run the command to enable Smart Licensing, and the configuration with Smart Licensing enabled.

Router(admin)# configure
Router(admin-config)# license smart enable
Router(admin-config)# show config

show license status

To display the status of Smart Licensing, use the show license status command in the Admin EXEC mode or System admin EXEC mode.

show license status

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Admin EXEC

System Admin EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation



This example displays the current status of your license using the show license status command:

Router(admin)#show license status
Smart Licensing is ENABLED

  Smart Account: <Smart Account name>
  Virtual Account: Physics
  Export-Controlled Functionality: Not Allowed
  Initial Registration: SUCCEEDED on Feb 24 23:30:12 2014 PST
  Last Renewal Attempt: SUCCEEDED on Feb 24 23:30:12 2014 PST
  Next Renewal Attempt: Aug 24 23:30:12 2014 PST
  Registration Expires: Feb 24 23:30:12 2015 PST

License Authorization: 
  Status: AUTHORIZED on Feb 24 23:30:12 2014 2014 PST
  Last Communication Attempt: SUCCEEDED on Feb 24 23:30:12 2014 PST
  Next Communication Attempt: Mar 24 23:30:12 2014 PST
  Communication Deadline: May 24 23:30:12 2015 PST

In the above example the smart license is enabled and:

  • status is registered,

  • authorization is successful and the status is Authorized,

  • the information is exchanged to keep the databases in synchronization.

show license summary

To display the detailed information about the Smart License entitlements, use the show license summary command in the Admin EXEC or System Admin EXEC mode.

show license summary

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Admin EXEC

System Admin EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation



This example displays the current status of your license using the show license summary command:

Router(admin)#show license status
Smart Licensing is ENABLED

  Smart Account: Smart Account Name
  Virtual Account: Physics
  Export-Controlled Functionality: Not Allowed
  Last Renewal Attempt: None
  Next Renewal Attempt: Aug 24 23:30:12 2014 PST

License Authorization: 
  Last Communication Attempt: FAILED 
  Next Communication Attempt: Mar 25 23:30:12 2014 PST

License Usage:
  License                     Entitlement Tag          Count       Status
  A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC       (adv_optic)                1         AUTH EXPIRED
  A9K-iVRF-LIC             (ivrf_lic)                   1         AUTH EXPIRED

In the above example the smart license is enabled and:

  • status is registered,

  • authorization period is expired,

  • the information about license usage of each entitlements.

show license udi

To display the Smart Licensing UDI (unique device identifier) information, use the show license udi command in the Admin EXEC mode or System Admin EXEC mode.

show license udi

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Admin EXEC

System Admin EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation



This example displays the current status of your license using the show license summary command:

Router(admin)#show license udi

show license usage

To display the Smart Licensing usage information, use the show license usage command in the Admin EXEC mode or System Admin EXEC mode.

show license usage

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Admin EXEC mode

System Admin EXEC mode

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation



This example displays the current usage information of your license:

Router(admin)#show license usage

show license all

To display the Smart Licensing status, usage, and UDI (unique device identifier) information, use the show license all command in the Admin EXEC mode or System Admin EXEC mode..

show license all

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Admin EXEC

System Admin EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Release 7.0.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No specific guidelines impact the use of this command.

Task ID

Task ID Operation



This example displays the detailed information about your license:

Router(admin)#show license all