Establish a Model-Driven Telemetry Session from a Router to a Collector

Streaming telemetry is a new paradigm in monitoring the health of a network. It provides a mechanism to efficiently stream configuration and operational data of interest from Cisco IOS XR routers. This streamed data is transmitted in a structured format to remote management stations for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes.

With telemetry data, you create a data lake. Analyzing this data, you proactively monitor your network, monitor utilization of CPU and memory, identify patterns, troubleshoot your network in a predictive manner, and devise strategies to create a resilient network using automation.

Telemetry works on a subscription model where you subscribe to the data of interest in the form of sensor paths. The sensor paths describes OpenConfig data models or native Cisco data models. You can access the OpenConfig and Native data models for telemetry from Github, a software development platform that provides hosting services for version control. You choose who initiates the subscription by establishing a telemetry session between the router and the receiver. The session is established using either a dial-out mode or a dial-in mode, described in the Scale-Up Your Network Monitoring Strategy Using Telemetry article.


Watch this video to discover the power of real-time network management using model-driven telemetry.

This article describes the dial-out mode where the router dials out to the receiver to establish a telemetry session. In this mode, destinations and sensor-paths are configured and bound together into one or more subscriptions. The router continually attempts to establish a session with each destination in the subscription, and streams data to the receiver. The dial-out mode of subscriptions is persistent. Even when a session terminates, the router continually attempts to re-establish a new session with the receiver at regular intervals.

The following image shows a high-level overview of the dial-out mode:

Figure 1. Dial-Out Mode

This article describes, with a use case that illustrates the monitoring of CPU utilization, how streaming telemetry data helps you gain better visibility of your network, and make informed decisions to stabilize your network.


You can programmatically configure a dial-out telemetry session using openconfig-telemetry.yang OpenConfig data model. To get started with using data models, see the Programmability Configuration Guide.

Monitor CPU Utilization Using Telemetry Data to Plan Network Infrastructure

The use case illustrates how, with the dial-out mode, you can use telemetry data to proactively monitor CPU utilization. Monitoring CPU utilization ensures efficient storage capabilities in your network. This use case describes the tools used in the open-sourced collection stack to store and analyse telemetry data.


Watch this video to see how you configure model-driven telemetry to take advantage of data models, open source collectors, encodings and integrate into monitoring tools.

Telemetry involves the following workflow:

  • Define: You define a subscription to stream data from the router to the receiver. To define a subscription, you create a destination-group and a sensor-group.

  • Deploy: The router establishes a subscription-based telemetry session and streams data to the receiver. You verify subscription deployment on the router.

  • Operate: You consume and analyse telemetry data using open-source tools, and take necessary actions based on the analysis.

Before you begin

Make sure you have L3 connectivity between the router and the receiver.

Define a Subscription to Stream Data from Router to Receiver

Create a subscription to define the data of interest to be streamed from the router to the destination.


Step 1

Create one or more destinations to collect telemetry data from a router. Define a destination-group to contain the details about the destinations. Include the destination address (IPv4 or ipv6), or FQDN, port, transport, and encoding format in the destination-group.


Create a destination-group using data model

This example uses the native data model Cisco-IOS-XR-um-telemetry-model-driven-cfg.yang.

<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <telemetry-model-driven xmlns="">

Create a destination group using CLI

##Configuration with tls-hostname##
Router(config)#telemetry model-driven
Router(config-model-driven)#destination-group CPU-Health
Router(config-model-driven-dest)#address family ipv4 port 57500
Router(config-model-driven-dest-addr)#encoding self-describing-gpb
Router(config-model-driven-dest-addr)#protocol tcp
  • CPU-Health is the name of the destination-group

  • is the IP address of the destination where data is to be streamed



    To avoid hard-coding IP address, the router can chose any of the configured IPv4 or ipv6 address using domain name service. If an established connections fails, the router connects to another resolved IP address, and streams data to that IP address.

  • 57500 is the port number of the destination

  • self-describing-gpb is the format in which data is encoded and streamed to the destination

  • tcp is the protocol through which data is transported to the destination.

The destination for dial-out configuration supports IP address (Ipv4 or IPv6), and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) using domain name services (DNS). To use FQDN, you must assign IP address to the domain name.The domain name is limited to 128 characters. If DNS lookup fails for the provided domain name, the internal timer is activated for 30 sec. With this, the connectivity is continually tried every 30 sec until the domain named is looked-up successfully. DNS provides an address list depending on the address-family being requested. For example, on the router, the IP address for domain name is set using the following commands for IPv4 and ipv6 respectively:
domain ipv4 host abcd 172.x.x.1 172.x.x.2
domain ipv6 host abcd fd00:xx:xx:xx:1::1 fd00:xx:xx:xx:1::3

Step 2

Specify the subset of the data that you want to stream from the router using sensor paths. The sensor path represents the path in the hierarchy of a YANG data model. Create a sensor-group to contain the sensor paths.


Create a sensor-group for CPU utilization using data model
<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <telemetry-model-driven xmlns="">
Create a sensor-group for CPU utilization using CLI

Router(config)#telemetry model-driven
Router(config-model-driven)#sensor-group Monitor-CPU
Router(config-model-driven-snsr-grp)# sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-wdsysmon-fd-oper:system-monitoring/cpu-utilization
Router(config-model-driven-snsr-grp)# commit
  • Monitor-CPU is the name of the sensor-group

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-wdsysmon-fd-oper:system-monitoring/cpu-utilization is the sensor path from where data is streamed.

Step 3

Subscribe to telemetry data that is streamed from a router. A subscription binds the destination-group with the sensor-group and sets the streaming method. The streaming method can be cadence-driven or event-driven telemetry.




The configuration for event-driven telemetry is similar to cadence-driven telemetry, with only the sample interval as the differentiator. Configuring the sample interval value to 0, zero, sets the subscription for event-driven telemetry, while configuring the interval to any non-zero value sets the subscription for cadence-driven telemetry.

Create a subscription using data model

<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <telemetry-model-driven xmlns="">

Create a subscription using CLI

Router(config)#telemetry model-driven  
Router(config-model-driven)#subscription CPU-Utilization  
Router(config-model-driven-subs)#sensor-group-id Monitor-CPU sample-interval 30000 
Router(config-model-driven-subs)#destination-id CPU-Health 
Router(config-model-driven-subs)#source-interface Interface1

where -

  • CPU-Utilization is the name of the subscription

  • Monitor-CPU is the name of the sensor-group

  • CPU-Health is the name of the destination-group

  • Interface1 is the source interface that is used for establishing the telemetry session. If both the VRF and source interface are configured, the source interface must be in the same VRF as the one specified in the destination group.

  • 30000 is the sample interval in milliseconds. The sample interval is the time interval between two streams of data. In this example, the sample interval is 30000 milliseconds or 30 seconds.

Define a Subscription to Stream Data from Router to Third Party Application (TPA)

Create a subscription to define the data of interest to be streamed from the router to the Third Party Application (TPA).

Step 1

Create one or more destinations (TPAs) to collect telemetry data from a router. Define a destination-group to contain the details about the destinations. Include the destination address (IPv4 or ipv6), or FQDN, port, transport, and encoding format in the destination-group.


Create a destination-group using data model

This example uses the native data model Cisco-IOS-XR-um-telemetry-model-driven-cfg.yang.

<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <telemetry-model-driven xmlns="">

Create a destination group using CLI

#Configuration with tls-hostname#
Router# config
Router(config)#telemetry model-driven
Router(config-model-driven)#destination-group dest1
Router(config-model-driven-dest)#vrf green
/*if the destination is in a VRF, telemetry needs to be in a VRF*/
Router(config-model-driven-dest)# address-family ipv4 port 57500
Router(config-model-driven-dest-addr)# encoding self-describing-gpb
Router(config-model-driven-dest-addr)# protocol grpc tls-hostname host1
Router(config-model-driven-dest-addr)# commit
  • dest1 is the name of the destination-group

  • is the IP address of the destination where data is to be streamed.



    To avoid hard-coding IP address, the router can chose any of the configured IPv4 or ipv6 address using domain name service. If an established connections fails, the router connects to another resolved IP address, and streams data to that IP address.

  • green specifies the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) if the destination is within a VRF context, ensuring the data is routed correctly.

  • 57500 is the port number of the destination

  • self-describing-gpb is the Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) format in which data is encoded and streamed to the destination.

  • host1 is the hostname that a client uses to verify the identity of a server during the TLS handshake process. It is given for the TLS encryption using the command tls-hostname , where hostname is the domain name. Use the no-tls command to use gRPC protocol without TLS encryption.

The destination for dial-out configuration supports IP address (Ipv4 or IPv6), and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) using domain name services (DNS). To use FQDN, you must assign IP address to the domain name.The domain name is limited to 128 characters. If DNS lookup fails for the provided domain name, the internal timer is activated for 30 sec. With this, the connectivity is continually tried every 30 sec until the domain named is looked-up successfully. DNS provides an address list depending on the address-family being requested. For example, on the router, the IP address for the domain name is set using the following commands for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively:
domain ipv4 host abcd 172.x.x.1 172.x.x.2
domain ipv6 host abcd fd00:xx:xx:xx:1::1 fd00:xx:xx:xx:1::3

Step 2

Specify the subset of the data that you want to stream from the router using sensor paths. The sensor path represents the path in the hierarchy of a YANG data model. Create a sensor-group to contain the sensor paths.

Create a sensor-group for CPU utilization using data model
<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <telemetry-model-driven xmlns="">
Create a sensor-group using CLI

Router(config)#telemetry model-driven
Router(config-model-driven)# sensor-group group1
Router(config-model-driven-snsr-grp)# sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-syslog-oper:syslog/messages/message
Router(config-model-driven-snsr-grp)# commit
  • group1 is the name of the sensor-group.

  • openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface, Cisco-IOS-XR-pfi-im-cmd-oper:interfaces/interface-summary, and Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper:mpls-forwarding/nodes/node/label-fib is the sensor path from where data is streamed.

Step 3

Subscribe to telemetry data that is streamed from a router. A subscription binds the destination-group with the sensor-group and sets the streaming method. The streaming method can be cadence-driven or event-driven telemetry.




The configuration for event-driven telemetry is similar to cadence-driven telemetry, with only the sample interval as the differentiator. Configuring the sample interval value to 0, zero, sets the subscription for event-driven telemetry, while configuring the interval to any non-zero value sets the subscription for cadence-driven telemetry.

Create a subscription using data model

<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <telemetry-model-driven xmlns="">

Create a subscription using CLI

Router(config)# telemetry model-driven  
Router(config-model-driven)# subscription sub1  
Router(config-model-driven-subs)# sensor-group-id group1 sample-interval 10000 
Router(config-model-driven-subs)# destination-id dest1 
Router(config-model-driven-subs)# source-interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 
Router(config-model-driven-subs)# exit
Router(config-model-driven)# exit
Router(config)# vrf green
Router(config)# tpa
Router(config-tpa)#vrf green
Router(config-tpa-vrf)# address-family ipv4
Router(config-tpa-vrf-afi)# update-source dataports MgmtEth0/RP0
Router(config-tpa-vrf-afi)# exit
Router(config-tpa-vrf)# exit
Router(config-tpa)# exit
Router(config)# line default
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0
Router(config-line)# exit
Router(config)# call-home
Router(config-call-home)# service active
Router(config-call-home)# contact smart-licensing
Router(config-call-home)# profile CiscoTAC-1
Router(config-call-home-profile)#  active
Router(config-call-home-profile)#  destination transport-method http
Router(config-call-home-profile)# exit
Router(config-call-home)# exit

For more details on the configuration of update-source dataports, see the Traffic Protection Commands.

Step 4

Create an Interface and associate it with the appropriate VRF. Configure static routes for the telemetry data to reach its destination.


Create an interface using CLI

Router(config)# interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
Router(config-if)# vrf green
Router(config-if)# ipv4 address dhcp
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# router static
Router(config-static)# vrf green
Router(config-static-vrf)#  address-family ipv4 unicast
Router(config-static-vrf-afi)# exit
Router(config-static-vrf)# exit
Router(config-static)# exit
Router(config)# telnet vrf default ipv4 server max-servers 10
Router(config)# commit

Verify Deployment of the Subscription

The router dials out to the receiver to establish a session with each destination in the subscription. After the session is established, the router streams data to the receiver to create a data lake.

You can verify the deployment of the subscription on the router.


Step 1

View the model-driven telemetry configuration on the router.


Router#show running-config telemetry model-driven
telemetry model-driven
destination-group CPU-Health
address-family ipv4 port 57500
encoding self-describing-gpb
protocol tcp
sensor-group Monitor-CPU
subscription CPU-Utilization
sensor-group-id Monitor-CPU sample-interval 30000
destination-id CPU-Health
source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0


View the model-driven telemetry configuration on the router for a TPA.

Router# show running-config telemetry model-driven
Thu Dec  5 05:28:26.938 UTC
!! Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration
!! Last configuration change at Thu Dec  5 05:25:27 2024 by cisco

telemetry model-driven
 destination-group dest1
  vrf green
  address-family ipv4 port 8801
   encoding self-describing-gpb
   protocol grpc no-tls
 sensor-group group1
  sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-syslog-oper:syslog/messages/message
 subscription sub1
  sensor-group-id group1 sample-interval 10000
  destination-id dest1
  source-interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
vrf green 
 vrf green
  address-family ipv4
   update-source dataports MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
line default
 exec-timeout 0 0
 service active
 contact smart-licensing
 profile CiscoTAC-1
  destination transport-method email disable
  destination transport-method http
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
 vrf green
 ipv4 address dhcp

interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/24
router static
 vrf green
  address-family ipv4 unicast
telnet vrf default ipv4 server max-servers 10   

Step 2

Verify the state of the subscription. An Active state indicates that the router is ready to stream data to the receiver based on the subscription.


Router# show telemetry model-driven subscription CPU-Utilization

Subscription:  CPU-Utilization
  State:       NA		
  Source Interface:       GigabitEthernet0_0_0_0( 0x0)
  Sensor groups:
  Id: Monitor-CPU
    Sample Interval:      30000 ms
    Sensor Path:          Cisco-IOS-XR-wdsysmon-fd-oper:system-monitoring/cpu-utilization
    Sensor Path State:    Resolved

  Destination Groups:
  Group Id: CPU-Health
    Destination IP:
    Destination Port:     57500
    Encoding:             self-describing-gpb
    Transport:            tcp
    State:                NA
    No TLS                

  Collection Groups:
  No active collection groups


Verify the state of the subscription for a TPA.

Router# show telemetry model-driven subscription sub1
Thu Dec  5 05:27:30.018 UTC
Subscription:  sub1
Subscription ID:  1
  State:       NA
  Source Interface:       MgmtEth0_RP0_CPU0_0( 0x0)
  Sensor groups:
  Id: group1
    Sample Interval:      10000 ms
    Heartbeat Interval:   NA
    Sensor Path:          Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-syslog-oper:syslog/messages/message
    Sensor Path State:    Resolved

  Destination Groups:
  Group Id: dest1
    Destination IP:
    Destination Port:     8801
    Destination Vrf:      green(0x60000001)
    Encoding:             self-describing-gpb
    Transport:            grpc
    State:                NA
    TLS :                 False

  Collection Groups:
  No active collection groups

The router streams data to the receiver using the subscription-based telemetry session and creates a data lake in the receiver.

Step 3

Check for the error.


Router#show tech-support telemetry model-driven
Thu Nov 28 12:47:53.164 UTC
++ Show tech start time: 2024-Nov-28.124753.UTC ++
Thu Nov 28 12:47:54 UTC 2024 Waiting for gathering to complete
Thu Nov 28 12:48:00 UTC 2024 Compressing show tech output
Show tech output available at 0/RP0/CPU0 : /harddisk:/showtech/showtech-telemetry_model_driven-2024-Nov-28.124753.UTC.tgz
++ Show tech end time: 2024-Nov-28.124800.UTC ++

Operate on Telemetry Data for In-depth Analysis of the Network

You can start consuming and analyzing telemetry data from the data lake using an open-sourced collection stack. This use case uses the following tools from the collection stack:
  • Pipeline is a lightweight tool used to collect data. You can download Network Telemetry Pipeline from GitHub. You define how you want the collector to interact with routers and where you want to send the processed data using pipeline.conf file.

  • Telegraph (plugin-driven server agent) and InfluxDB (a time series database (TSDB)) stores telemetry data, which is retrieved by visualization tools. You can download InfluxDB from GitHub. You define what data that you want to include into your TSDB using the metrics.json file.

  • Grafana is a visualization tool that displays graphs and counters for data streamed from the router.

In summary, Pipeline accepts TCP and gRPC telemetry streams, converts data and pushes data to the InfluxDB database. Grafana uses the data from InfluxDB database to build dashboards and graphs. Pipeline and InfluxDB may run on the same server or on different servers.

Consider that the router is streaming data of approximately 350 counters every 5 seconds, and Telegraf requests information from the Pipeline at 1-second intervals. The CPU usage is analyzed in three stages using:

  • a single router to get initial values

  • two routers to find the difference in values and understand the pattern.

  • five routers to arrive at a proof-based conclusion.

This helps you make informed business decisions about deploying the infrastructure; in this case, the CPU.


Step 1

Start Pipeline, and enter your router credentials.



The IP address and port that you specify in the destination-group must match the IP address and port on which Pipeline is listening.


$ bin/pipeline -config pipeline.conf 

Startup pipeline 
Load config from [pipeline.conf], logging in [pipeline.log] 

CRYPT Client [grpc_in_mymdtrouter], []
 Enter username: <username>
 Enter password: <password>
Wait for ^C to shutdown

Step 2

In the Telegraph configuration file, add the following values to read the metrics about CPU usage.


  ## Whether to report per-cpu stats or not
  percpu = true
  ## Whether to report total system cpu stats or not
  totalcpu = true
  ## If true, collect raw CPU time metrics.
  collect_cpu_time = false
  ## If true, compute and report the sum of all non-idle CPU states.
  report_active = false

Step 3

Use Grafana to create a dashboard and visualize data about CPU usage.

One router

The router pushes the counters every five seconds.

All CPU cores are loaded equally, and there are spikes up to approximately 10 or 11 percent.

Figure 2. CPU Usage Graph with a Single Router

Two routers

The second router is added at 14:00 in the timeline, and shows an increase in the spikes to around 25 percent with the midpoint value at 15 percent.

Figure 3. CPU Usage Graph with Two Routers

Five routers

With five routers, the spikes peak up to approximately 40 percent with the midpoint in the range of 22 to 25 percent.

Figure 4. CPU Usage Graph with Five Routers
In conclusion, telemetry data shows that the processes are balanced almost equally across the CPU cores. There is no linear increase on a subset of cores. This analysis helps in planning the CPU utilization based on the number of counters that you stream.