To configure the port mode speed, use the following commands:
Configuring Port Speed on 25G ports
The 25G ports are divided into four quads (0-3). Each quad houses the following ports:
Quad 0 - Ports 24-27
Quad 1 - Ports 28-31
Quad 2 - Ports 32-35
Quad 3 - Ports 36-39
Generic Limitations and Guidelines
25G is the default mode set on the quad.
1G and 10G cannot co-exist on the same quad as 25G.
10G mode supports both 1G and 10G.
To modify the default 25G quad ports into 10G ports, perform the below configuration:
Before Release 7.5.1:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# hw-module quad X location 0/0/CPU0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-quad-0x0)# mode 10g
From Release 7.5.1:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# hw-module quad X location 0/0/CPU0 instance Y mode 10g
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-quad-0x0)# mode 10g
Here, X is the number of quads (0,1,2,3...n) supported. Each quad has a default speed of 25G.
To revert to the default 25G mode, use the no form of the hw-module quad command.
Y denotes MPA card instance. It can range from 0-5. For Cisco NCS 540 Series Routers, it is always 0. Whereas, for Cisco NCS
5500 Series Routers, the instance can be between 0-5, adding 1 for every MPA instance. The default value is 0.
A quad number always starts from 0 to the maximum supported number. The number of quads supported varies from platform to
platform and the CLI validates it. For example, the NCS 540 Series Router supports two quads (0 and 1). If you enter X=3,
the CLI returns an error.
After you configure the port-mode speed, you can configure the following interfaces:
100G – Each optics controller configuration creates a single 100GE port:
• 200G – Each optics controller configuration creates two 100GE ports:
150G (coupled) – Coupled optics controller configuration creates three 100GE port:
interface HundredGigE r/s/i/p/0, r/s/i/p/1, r/s/i/p+1/0 (wherep = CTP2 port: 0, 2, 4 [port p and p +1 are coupled])
0/3/0/0/0, 0/3/0/0/1, 0/3/0/1/0
0/3/0/2/0, 0/3/0/2/1, 0/3/0/3/0
0/3/0/4/0, 0/3/0/4/1, 0/3/0/5/0
For more information, see the Configuring Ethernet Interfaces chapter.